13th Gen Intel Z790 Hackintosh / Opencore Install Guide

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foreign [Music] this is Tech Noli and we're back with another video it's about time yeah we're doing motherboards again and uh this time we're doing 13 gen which is very exciting because uh they're not listed on open core so you have to get pretty creative with it so what we've got is an Asus Prime this is the Z Z 790m Plus and this uses ddr4 this motherboard is about 190 bucks and I have to say I really like it um it's got room for two of your uh nvmes and uh you've got USBC for the front of your case USB 3 which is always nice and uh look here guys while I'm right here this is a Wi-Fi card that we're using with this that all we need is a text and it's only 20 bucks so a lot cheaper because this motherboard doesn't come with built-in Wi-Fi okay just doesn't come with it and all the new ones now are Wi-Fi six so uh I decided to just put that card in there and give it a try and I really like it and it works very well and so there it is and uh we are back at it guys and we're going to be bringing you a lot more of these motherboard 13 gen and I'm all excited about it and I'm excited about our new website all right let's get started on this one well hello everybody and uh welcome back um we've got a pretty cool video going here we're back in San Diego so uh if you guys need your computers worked on you need uh anything done I'm back in San Diego and we can get you going got our new website is some of you may see maybe haven't seen yet and a pretty simple to navigate and I just want to let you see it here that yes we're going to be selling efis again now a lot of people hate when anybody sells efis and I get it so this is for the guy that doesn't want to spend six hours building his own EFI and he just wants to get one and get his Hackintosh up and running so for all the haters out there I get it but it's just for those people and this is how I make a little extra money because let me tell you YouTube doesn't pay near enough and then also we've got some uh custom builds here where you can you can have me build you a Hackintosh if you want and then send in your motherboard is this service and you can have me install Mac OS for you so um we got our contact page back so everybody that wants to uh send me a email or whatever there you go and so enough of that um this is pretty exciting that uh we've got a 13 gen this Asus this z790m Plus um up and running great it works wonderful and I want to show you guys how to make an EFI for it so I'm going to show you a complete guide it's going to be a little bit lengthy but I hope uh you can understand how it all works and you can build your own efis maybe this will work for another 13 gen motherboard I don't know I'll be testing many many many motherboards hopefully here in the coming weeks and uh be doing you know pretty much the newer stuff uh if you guys have any requests for videos uh just leave it down here in the comments section that hey I'd like a video on this or that and I'll see what I can do to uh get those done for you so what we need to do is we need download OC auxiliary tools okay so if you just Google that you'll it'll pop up you need to download that put it on your desktop and that'll be fine that'll work and then also we're going to go over to the open core website and I need you to download click right here on creating USB and just go here to the open core package and just get the latest version and we want the release version so click on that download and put that over here on the desktop all right and then we're going to need many many uh and ssdts for this motherboard the Asus so uh just go ahead and go back over here and go to Gathering files and I'm going to show you the files that you need for this we want to go down here and click on KB lake or coffee Lake and go down here to acpi and these are the ones that you need okay so if you click on these and then you go over to here right here you'll see that we have the coffee Lake and here are those particular SSD teas and we just want the pre-built okay so you can just download it right there each one of them so there'll be four of those and then if you go over here let's go back to Gathering files right here we're going to need several texts and these are lilu virtual SMC if you want you can get SMC processor kit that's for monitoring or text monitoring your CPU temperature if you're going to run those type of programs we're also going to need what uh whatever green Apple ALC and for this particular motherboard the ethernet connector is mousy so once you have all those downloaded then we can get started so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over here and I'm going to go to x64 and pull out the EFI and put it on my desktop and then I'm going to need a sample copy of a p list and so we're going to grab that and put it into the OC folder of the EFI file and while we're right here we're going to rename it to config all right okay now we're going to need to put in these acpis and text so you've already downloaded them the ones that we just talked about and I have them right here so I'll just uh grab them so we'll just take these copy these put them in here and we're going to need these two ssdts copy those and put them here and we'll go back you go to text and these are the ones we're going to need but before you get too carried away here we just want to put in these right here okay copy those put them over here and you can go ahead and put these this processor and this one and we're going to need virtual SMC and whatever green all right you don't want to add the USB port mapping yet because we haven't done it and that will mess up the boot and give you an error so all we want is what you see right here put in here okay so that's it now let's go back under drivers they've got all of these drivers stuck in here but one they don't have that we're going to need is this HFS plus so go ahead and download that click there and then put it in your drivers folder all right okay go to the config.p list and open it with our auxiliary tools OC auxiliary tools and it'll pop up right here and we can see that nothing is showing so just delete all of this stuff just click on the minus sign over here and then we can click the Plus and just grab all of these guys and put them into here and then kernel let's get rid of all these all right so there we go and I always click save after I do anything just because I don't want to lose any of my info or forget to click on save or whatever okay now to make this really easy I am going to open up my config.plist for this and we're just going to compare it so what we need to do is click here and click file open a new window so we can have two of these windows up for OC auxiliary tools and then file open and I'm going to go to my folder here and grab the con fake.p list and you guys will just be going along and you'll have your new one you're building here and comparing it to mine right here okay so we'll start here everything looks correct we can click on these right here patch we don't need to worry about we do need to go to quirks and just verify that this is set correctly and it is so let's go over to Booter and we don't need to in fact if you want we can just get rid of these so it just looks like mine patch patch if we can get rid of this one and quirks we do need to check this out so let's go ahead and make it look just like mine over here so we'll go ahead and click enable and here here right there so everything looks the same yep and I'm doing this with you right now this is live so we can make sure it's gonna work so I'm going to click save and then we'll go down to DP here display properties and I don't really need this right now so I'm going to mark it as that means it's turned off okay so we'll just turn that off this is for other ethernet controllers that you know we could get into with different motherboards but for us just go ahead don't worry about copying this over to here okay all right let's go to Kernel and kernel now this is a finished EFI so if you go to my website and purchase it you're going to get all of this of course but for right now just installing we have to make sure that this is all we have in here okay we don't want to add anything else all right so let's go over to block block if you want to get rid of that we can we'll get rid of it force force we don't need this patch patch not going to worry about changing anything emulate emulate this is extremely important this what we're doing here uh CPU ID data we're spoofing Mac OS that this is like a 10th gen CPU Okay so we have to put these numbers in here to make Mac OS think that you know this is a 10th Gen processor or whatever because Mac OS the Mac OS is not supported in 13 gen 12 and 13 gen stuff so we're going to go ahead and save here so just make sure it's the same all right quirks quirks we want it to look like this one so we'll make sure we have check marks on everything and everything looks good but when we're starting our computer out when we're booting for the first time we need to make sure this is checked or you'll get stuck on a black screen when you first start the boot so there we go make sure you check this and then scheme we don't need to worry about well let's go ahead let's go ahead and go over here and let's change this to x64 and everything else looks the same all right now let's go down here to miscellaneous and we want to make sure everything looks the same here um I'm using the built-in um looter picker for right now we can make the graphical one later but everything looks good debug we'll go over here and we'll just put a check mark here and everything else looks good security put a check mark there change this to 15. we'll change this to zero and we have to make sure of course this is set to optional all right save it these other ones you don't need to worry about okay all right let's go down here to nvram nvram click the third item third item and I'm going to just show you over here this is what we need to have in here this minus V is so you can see the text when you're doing the install to see if your computer stops if you don't all you're going to see is an Apple logo so we want to make sure this verbose mode is turned on so we put a minus V in here and then a space if you see right here this is all that you're gonna that's gonna come with the default one so you want to make sure you have that minus V in there and then you want to add these items I'm just going to copy them since I'm right here foreign but you need to have everything like this this ALC equals 23 that is the audio layout for this particular motherboard and of course we have this right here for five thousand and six thousand AMD graphics cards I'm using a Radeon 5500 right now so we have to have let's pick her up in here all right now also here guys uh after we've done the boot args we want to make sure that we have our language set to English right now this is set to Russian so let's go ahead and change this to a string and then double click on this and type in E N Dash u s colon zero there we go and now will be in English go to delete and these things are not important okay so don't worry about it nothing important here all right let's go to our platform info which is right here make this small again and make this small and here guys we just need to make sure that we select Mac Pro 7 comma 1. all right so that's going to be toward the top here Mac Pro 7 comma one and click generate this will generate your serial numbers and everything so you can log into apple and be able to you know use apple Services okay we want to make sure everything down here is the same I'll stretch this over here just a little so you can see it okay we're good data hub don't worry about memory don't worry about you don't need to worry about any of this stuff guys all right let's go down to UEFI mode down here to UAV ufi mode and everything here is pretty much standard as you see it even the quirks you want to go ahead and check check that right there and then click save and everything should be ready to go so I'm going to go into the BIOS next show you the bio settings on this very important the BIOS setting on this motherboard because if you don't get one particular security setting right you'll never get Mac OS installed okay so uh let's go ahead and restart but first before we do that put your thumb drive in there that you've already built and I'm assuming you already know how to build a vanilla Bootloader for Mac OS I have tons of videos that show you how to do that but uh so I'm not going to go through it right now all right I'm going to go ahead and use OC auxiliary tools to mount my thumb drive right here and I'll just in fact I don't need to do anything but just mount it okay put in your password okay here's my EFI folder partition excuse me and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to rename this one because this is one I've used before all right now I'm going to drag my new one into here and we will then be able to boot from our USB stick all right so let's go into the BIOS now Okay and like all motherboards when you're booting you want to start tapping the delete key to get into the BIOS okay here we are now to go to the advanced part of the BIOS we want to click on F7 okay now on these motherboards we've got favorites main tweaker and we can go here to dram frequency and we can change it what I have in mind is uh 3200 so we can do that now Advanced I'm going to go through each window and Asus has a lot of windows but uh I want you to see each one of them so you know to make sure your bio settings are exactly the same all right so here we go nothing in here I don't believe that we had to change CPU configuration everything here is find the way it is system agent go ahead and disable VT Dash D memory configuration nope I think that was it yes PCH nothing to change here storage nothing to change here nothing to change on PCH FW right now we're not using a thunderbolt card so I've got that disabled trusted computing right here if you don't have security device support disabled you will get a red screen and you won't be able to get around it when you trying to boot all right make sure that's disabled right here we want this to be just like you see it USB just like you see it here it's fine and the others you don't need to worry about now let's go over to boot CSM disable it secure boot other OS and just put it on standard for secure boot mode boot configuration go ahead and turn weight for F1 if air just disable that or you'll get a nagging screen these motherboards just assume that we're always going to install Windows so that's why we have all these features on these boards okay so we save changes and reset and there we go so um I've got my USB stick in there ready to go so I'm going to press the f8 key to get to a boot menu because I have to boot from the USB stick I'm not booting from any hard drive or anything okay f8 just tapping away all right so we'll click on the USB all right we'll come up to the Picker window and we want to install Mac OS now guys before we just let this install I want to make sure you know how to do the Disk Utility function okay so let's click on here and click continue and then a lot of guys forget this right here where it says view click this down arrow and show all devices because right now we don't see the name of the SSD I'm going to use to install so we show all devices and boom there's my Kingston so now we'll click erase you can name this whatever you want I'm going to name it that and we do want apfs and uh guid partition map click erase and then click done just hit the Old Red Dot here and then click install Mac OS Ventura continue agree click on the drive that we just named and click continue now this will take a little bit of time but it'll do everything by itself automatically until we finally get completely installed so we'll be back after that okay guys here we are all installed continue not now I do have an Ethernet card I've got a fenvy the f v Dash t919 which is natively supported with Mac OS I have plugged into here so I'll just go ahead and use it put in my password don't want to do this so not now and uh I don't need to do this I'll set up later foreign skip and agree and agree you guys know all this and then just name it something give it a password all right continue yeah turn on location services I don't want to share Analytics set up later nope don't want that and light mode dark mode or Auto whatever you like and then set up your keyboard we're done guys now this message memory modules misconfigured that is what we're going to one of the issues that we're going to be solving in the follow-up video to this and what we're going to be doing is showing you how to get rid of this we're going to show you how to map the USBs extremely important although this particular computer the USBs worked fine but still we want to map our our USB ports and we're going to show you the new little Wi-Fi card that I picked up off Amazon for like I think it's 18 dollars as opposed to the fenby that's about 50 60 bucks so in its uh it's supported with some text and that'll be it guys um we got a good running computer and again if you have if you happen to make it to the end of the video I thank you so much I really appreciate you guys watching the video I appreciate you supporting me and I appreciate you understanding that I need to make a little bit of money from this and that's why I'm selling things on my website um to pay for motherboards and you know parts so I can do these tests for you guys so appreciate it very much and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: TechNolli
Views: 16,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technolli
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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