Why Build a Hackintosh in 2023

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hi everybody this is technol and today we've got kind of an exciting video planned for you this is a $425 new build not including the monitor of course and uh we're going to compare it pricewise and speed-wise to a Mac Mini at $600 and we're going to talk about why would you still build a Hackintosh when you can get a Mac Mini for 600 bucks so we'll talk about that we'll look at specs we'll look at how they both perform and we'll talk about upgradeability so let's get into this and we'll look at performance we'll look at cost and of course there will be an EFI for this if you want to build one yourself on my website and also this PC will be for sale at my cost ready to go all right let's get into this [Music] video okay guys like I said here we go on this Hackintosh and why in the world would you buy a Hackintosh or build a Hackintosh when you can get a Mac Mini for cheap money so let's talk about that um this is the motherboard that is being used on this computer now as you can see right here we have two spots for nvme drives so upgradeability is there this motherboard will handle up to 128 gigs of RAM it's using the latest 1314 gen CPU we're using the I3 um 13100 CPU in this one and uh we've got plenty of USBS we've got four on the back we've got two on the two on the front Okay so this is a real nice motherboard gigabyte we also have the wifi included and working and we have ethernet right here so here's a shot of the back of the board all right now internal Graphics do not work anymore because of the Intel CPUs with the built-in graphics are not supported by Mac OS so you have to use a graphics card all right so let's move on so this is the motherboard we chose and I've got a running total here of each component okay now let's go over here to 8 gigabytes of RAM this is ddr4 because if we go over here to Apple we go here to a Mac a Mac Mini we're going to buy this is we're g to we're going to look at the base model okay all right so here we are 599 so let's select that and let's look what it comes with it comes with 8 gigs of RAM it comes with the 256 gigabyte SSD all right and then if we want to upgrade we can do it right here I'm sure you guys have all seen this so we'll just compare our Hackintosh to the Mac Mini for now okay so we're going to put eight gigabytes of RAM in this thing so we're looking at like $15 here's a Samsung Samsung stick okay and then we'll put in a 256 gigabyte nvme and here we're going to be at for a decent brand Samsung here for 18 bucks all right now let's we need a graphics card for this now here's a little trick if we go over here to eBay this is the card that I am using and there are tons of these available just type in radon this is natively supported by Mac OS 560 this is the card I'm using right now and here they are power color is a good brand um 36 bucks 28 bucks oh DVI only you don't want that uh this is 4 gabes so let's figure on $30 for a graphics card okay all right and then we need a case and the case that I am using is a very attractive case okay and well here it is in Black so figure $60 for a case then we need a power supply so we'll go over here and grab a 500 watt and you say well I don't really need a 500 watt if you ever upgrade to a higher end graphics card you'll have it I really like this brand thermal take I use this is what I'm using in this one right now $40 okay so let's add all that up and you see where we come out now I put in this computer 16 gigs of RAM because my cost difference is like $10 and I put in a 512 which my cost difference is about $10 so now we're up to $9.99 with the same exact specs that I have in this one with a total cost of just a little under $400 $50 so yeah I think Hackintosh is still a great value now let's talk about upgradeability you cannot upgrade this yourself they are not upgradeable by the consumer you have to buy them the way you want them so if you want to have more storage down the road you're going to have to have an external drive okay because if you get into things like oh I want well 24 gig I mean we can put a lot more RAM in ours but if we just get one terabyte of storage and 24 gigabytes we're at $1,400 so Hackintosh is here to stay for quite a while and from all of the people that I talk to in the industry and behind the scenes they are working on Mac OS to work on Intel based and AMD based systems for well into the future um so I don't think Hackintosh is going away um and it's still a viable option for people that want to upgrade their system down the road so I still believe in it I still love it it works great great sleep on this computer works fantastic and uh you're at $450 for a computer that would cost you $1,000 so it's half the money um but it has that upgrade ability and if you wanted to put in a different CPU in this system you just swap it out you can't do that once you commit you're done so I think that's why PC hackintoshes are still so popular now I want to get into benchmarks on this so we can compare it to a Mac Mini because as you all know this is an apple M2 uh CPU so these have gotten accolades of being you know extremely good and um I believe they are so let me download geekbench and let's look at some numbers okay guys I'm going to go ahead and run this and it's going to give us some numbers on how well this computer performs and I'll be right back all right guys here we are with our scores so we have a single score this is a single core of the CPU 1744 and a multi this is your multi core processor score okay so let's compare that to some mac sub real Mac computers all right I'll put this over here you take a look at both all right so let's go down here on the single score 17 all right so we're between an M1 MacBook Pro from 2020 and an Intel I9 10900 okay so we're right in the middle there excellent scores for this type of computer now if you go up here the Mac Studio which is $2,000 we're at 2383 which is not much higher not much higher of a score all right all right and uh even if you go up here to the M2 2572 so this is just an I3 processor Intel so uh if you put in a a faster CPU in this thing you're going to get much higher performance all right multi score 67 all right so we're a MacBook Pro from 2019 that's you know that was about a $8,000 computer uh but it's four years old and a again a MacBook Pro 16inch so really good scores when you compare it to being $450 okay um if we come up here to get a higher score MacBook Pro with a z neon a MacBook Pro with 24 cores you're going to get higher scores and of course if we put in an I9 processor or an i7 processor we're going to get these kind of numbers so I'm really happy with that all right let's run some other tests okay guys all right let's try Blackmagic speed dis speed okay so we'll hit this get the right and the re read speeds all right so very good speeds this is no high-end uh nvme drive this is a Western Digital uh decent drive and uh we are good to use anything up to about 8K we are good for read wres for all of these resolutions PR res uh black magic raws and h265 so uh good good speed test on this very nice now let's move on to logic okay guys let's go ahead and launch logic pro complete mode download later resume later okay so we'll just go ahead and get into here now what I'm going to load is this project okay and you guys if you've watched my channel before you know this test this is basically all of these tracks have all of these plugins on every channel okay so realistically in real recording and that goes clear crossed okay you're not going to have that many plugins on every channel you're going to have you know guitar tracks piano tracks string tracks that are just audio tracks these are all plugins these take a lot of resources to run so we're putting a lot of pressure on this system and uh we want to see just how many of these tracks can rerun now I've already done this test and it's 76 okay and if I go ahead and click on here and wait let's customize it all right you can see we're at 100% we're not overloading but we're at 100% on this uh I3 processor so 76 tracks of five plugins on every channel using a VST instrument uh that's a heavy heavy heavy load and on this little PC we can do 76 tracks if I just turn off a bunch of these you'll see the performance meter goes way down okay so now I'm running what 44 tracks and uh so yeah you can do a lot of a lot of magical things with 76 tracks um like I said before you're not going to have this many plugins on every channel 76 channels so this is going to increase your performance and you'll be able to use more and more tracks all right so here we are I think we've got a real good example of what this computer will do and we've talked about the numbers we've talked about is it worth it uh to use a Hackintosh and I think what we've basically said is yes it's cheaper and it's upgradeable is there a hassle with Hackintosh when they come out with new versions of Mac OS sometimes sometimes not if you don't want to update to the latest and greatest Mac OS you don't have to you can just keep using your computer the way it sits so there you go uh like I said before in the beginning the video this computer is for sale for $450 but you do need to pay shipping wherever you're located if you want to get it complete ready to go just turn it on all right guys thanks so much and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: TechNolli
Views: 22,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technolli, opencore hackintosh, technolli hackintosh, hackintosh 2023, hackintosh build, why build a hackintosh, cheap hackintosh, hackintosh, hackintosh tutorial, how to build a hackintosh, how to install hackintosh on pc, hackintosh beginners guide, snazzy labs, custom hackintosh, install macos sonoma
Id: c2AboAzCw0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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