13 Super-Successful Affiliate Marketing Websites Revealed!

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hey miles here miles Bechtler calm in this video you're gonna get to see 13 successful affiliate marketing website examples you're gonna get to follow along on my computer when I jump in and I go through each of these 13 websites that are in 13 different niches and I review them for you to point out why this website is so successful I've also over the last week pulled a lot of data about each one of these websites so you're gonna get some insights about how well they're working plus we'll get to look at them to understand why that's working now this is all coming on the heels of my free affiliate marketing training that I just published here on YouTube last week and that free training went step-by-step through everything you need to do to create a successful affiliate marketing website at home on the side in your spare time but this video is gonna show you what that looks like in action because we need to have a target that we're aiming towards you know a couple of notes Before we jump in first you're gonna see a lot of commonalities from these websites but you're gonna see a lot of differences in these websites as well and that's because there's no one right way to build a successful affiliate marketing website that said there is one common theme that I've found in my entire week of research dozens of hours of research on these and I'm going to share that at the end exactly the one thing that they all did that you need to do to achieve true success with your affiliate marketing website and the last note before we actually jump on and get going here is that plagiarizing is not cool karma is real you are never supposed to go steal anyone's niche steal anyone's content anything like that what we're doing here is we're understanding that success leaves clues and we're gonna look at their websites and we're gonna really look at their actions and what they did to create said website and that's gonna give you the ideas you need the inspiration you need to go execute uniquely on your niche site cool let's jump in and get started so the very first one is teach you to so calm now I use and reference the selling niche quite often in my videos as a kind of a random example niche now this website is two years and eight months old it has 242 pages indexed and that means they've been publishing about seven and a half posts per month which is just under two a week okay they've got over two thousand keywords ranking and they're getting a proxxon a hundred and forty-six thousand visits per month to their website in the peak time now I'm gonna go through the estimated traffic on a lot of these estimations are pretty bad to be honest but I used the same method so even though they're not exact and specific on how much traffic they're getting it's going to be relative so the higher ones are doing better than the lower ones is what we're basing off of and here's a site so the first thing I notice is simplicity they have a really big bold promise which is kind of up top they're gonna help me learn how to get sewing this is beginner focused now I'm gonna look up top no real navigation man no real branding no imagery and they've got links to their top main areas their top main categories below that we've got some blog rules on their most popular articles and they've got a search feature and the last sewing-machine reviews they got the reviews and how-to articles accessory views simple the first thing I'm noticing here is that these are extremely simple there's no major content here there's not even an about Us page up top I wanted to show you this one first because I want you to see how easy it can be to get going because clearly they just jumped in and started creating content well what types of content are they creating well this is where it gets pretty interesting they are putting out this is obviously a review site this is a review table these are all review posts but this is a big-time review page right they've done the work of building out the proper kind of affiliate stuff now you can see chapter two they're linking this together in a silo so they're literally linking up their different sewing-machine articles one by one into big pieces of content and it's just a lot of reviews they decided they were gonna go all in on this space and they're just reviewing all of the different sewing machines now do they have tutorials on here also absolutely they do they've got different tutorials on the different gears and how to use the tools and how to get started which is why they're probably doing so well is because they're meeting people searching the how-to stuff and they're doing the review based content here so you can see they talked about the types of fabrics they talked about a lot of different components that are all related to sewing and for someone who loves sewing who loves to sew and they've been sewing all their lives this would be a fun side project that imagine a hundred and forty-six thousand people coming near webs each and every month now what I'm noticing here we have no pop-up we have no opt-in we have no free patterns in exchange for the email list they're not building an email list and the opportunity here if they are getting a hundred fifty thousand visits per month the opportunity is massive to take this thing to the next level but the key for you right now is that they just started it's not a beautiful homepage that's not a beautiful professionally designed logo this is not a beautiful professionally designed layout the imagery is different size on different ones they just put out great content and they're ranking and they're ranking for over two thousand keywords next one we're gonna go to is the architect's guide now this website here is actually getting the most traffic out of any website that we're going to review and it's definitely not the prettiest out of what we're going to review and in fact there might actually be a correlation here to not-so-pretty websites that are dominating making a ton of money so if you're building your site make sure you're focusing on the content first because that's what moves the needle not the design as you're gonna see over and over again now this website has been live and indexed by Google for four years and eight months that means an average with all of their posts which is 345 posts live they've done an average of 6 pages or posts per month ok so that's less than 2 a week that's like one and a half a week ok so to every other week one every week is essentially what they've done there 24,000 805 keywords are ranking for this website and they're bringing in approximately 3.9 million visits per month on their high month now some of these websites have seasonality so some go up and down throughout the month and I picked the highest kind of highest point in the last graph here so what I noticed thing about this one that I like and I think is going to is part of why this person is so trusted in is doing so well they introduce themselves straight away we can tell that this is not some random person hiding behind a keyboard using stock imagery outsourcing rubbish content to rubbish people he's a real guy this is what he does very simple navigation up top we've got the about page I think about pages are so key he's probably going to have a mission on that about page and really he just kind of gives you the proof of why you should pay attention to what he does straight into the product reviews which is exactly what is making the money on this website architecture career advice because that's his niche getting an architecture job that's his niche and then the disclosure and that's really it so let's jump into the blog a little bit more I want you to see the blog role you notice that was an extremely simple home page that we are on now on the blog this is an extremely simple blog role it's got a basic title a basic description you've got a sidebar it's not the most beautiful website on the list by any means but it's working better than just about any one of them and I want to comment for 345 posts to be doing that well he's doing something right and what I think he's doing right is actually the fact that he's so focused in on the architecture world I believe and I would if I was to dig into his backlink profile that he's probably getting a ton of backlinks for people linking to him in the world of how to get an architecture job because there's not a ton of great content in that world versus the best this or the best that type content so he's attracting a lot of links to the helpful content that he's publishing and then he's doing best reviews I think he's even got a review on table saws on here let me type that in real quick now I don't know if table saws are used in architecture at all but I saw that on the list and I was pretty blown away I'm and indeed the 10 best table saws and the 10 best tile saws so what I'm pointing out here is specifically that this individual took their professional experience stepped out into the light to share what they knew about their profession about getting into the profession to help in that world this helped them build their authority and then he started reviewing other things now again I don't know enough about architecture to know if table saws and tile saws are important to architecture it seems abstract to me but what that means is once you build your core you can actually start to go out to those next levels and table saws and tile saws probably are a relatively high ticket product which means they probably have a pretty good affiliate Commission associated with them again he's building trust on every single page with that image who he is about him and he goes straight into it and what is he using looks like it's Amazon associate program so straight into it pretty simple stuff he's literally decided to go in through the architecture niche as his entrance point into the world but yet he's branching out from there you can do the same thing on your website the highest trafficked website on the whole list is right here so let's jump onto the next one I'm gonna keep this efficient for you because again at the end I'm gonna tell you the number one thing that they all are doing the same which is the one thing you must be doing so the next one is the healthy handyman com now the healthy handyman com has eleven hundred and eighty posts indexed which is pretty impressive for that to be index and it's only two years and eleven months old so in under three years they've done eleven hundred posts which is crazy so that means they've done about thirty three posts per month on average that's damn-near one day it's actually over one per day on average for about three years straight that's how I grew this channel so quickly now this websites getting approximately two million visits per month on its most popular month and you see right here on the home page we've got a smiling looks like maybe a handyman person and they got their promise Home Improvement simplified for handyman and DIY enthusiasts now here's the thing I went on there about I don't think that's actually the guy this is stock imagery which means they have a huge opportunity to have someone step out as the actual face and the actual trustworthy individual of the brand because this is one hundred percent focused as a big-time Amazon review site so they're ranking right now for about seventeen thousand one hundred and thirteen different keyword phrases and again they've done this through eleven hundred posts so this is one of the more aggressive on the content side in the entire list that we're gonna be going through and I want to show you what they're looking at so right now we're getting in the gardening season this was last updated April 13th which is just a few days ago and they're talking about rototillers because a lot of people are looking about rototillers and this is just your basic standard box standard affiliate review website this is kind of what they're showing and ultimately they're this is a post that's about the difference between the two types now when we click oh that's not even going to an affiliate link let me see here real quick there we go so now here is where we find Adam Harris and you can see that Adam is a writer for them and he's got a great passion about everything he writes about but I don't know if Adam actually runs website so this site in my opinion would probably have been completely out sourced 100% outsource by other writers and this is ultimately what they're trying to get now you notice the first one I went to was not actually a review site I thought it was right away it's an information site so we can look at the top of their blog role how to winterize information front time versus real time that's information zero-turn versus riding mower that's information and then we get into the best budgets and again to build authorities similar to what we saw on the architect website there's certain pieces of content that are just value to an audience then there's other pieces of content that are designed to be reviews that are designed to get clicks and ultimately make Commission's and that's what they're doing here and they're doing this in mass I think this is an impressive website for being under three years old and getting two million visits per month that's extremely impressive and also the ability to publish almost 1,200 posts and get 1,200 posts indexed in under three years that's also very very impressive so I think this is a great example of what you can do in a short period of time if you've got a budget or if you're extremely aggressive with your activities and then you can just go through the different ones right he breaks it up into certain organizations search feature we can look at this blog right there's there's nothing fancy going on here there's nothing special going on with this blog it's not a extremely custom or beautiful look of a website at all like it's a basic WordPress website and it works because they're focusing on what matters which is the content so the next one we're gonna go to is brew cabin calm now I debated whether to include this one because I know the guy who's built this has talked about his numbers and he's really not making very much money from this website but I'm including it because I think it's a great example of a hobbyist approach to really truly building a successful niche business now the guy who runs this has multiple other websites that are more valuable and that deserve his attention so I believe the reason why this website is only making about ten grand a year is because it's a hobby for him he really is sharing his hobby and if someone was to go all in on this and to really increase the amount of true affiliate posts that are in here they could maximize big-time you build a membership site around this you could build a forum a community there's a lot of ways to monetize this type of audience so what has he done well in two years and nine months so again we're under three years old 290 posts published which in 33 months that's a total we're looking at just over 8 posts per month which is probably 2 per week really that seems to be the schedule for consistent amount of time it's ranking for 841 keywords and at its peak I saw about 80,000 visits per month and again these traffic estimates are estimates at best it could be I don't know what the actual numbers are from there so here's what I do like about this website simplicity now going for the email opt-in right up top we're kind of missing the boat there's no real promise there's not nothing like hey let get the exact thing you know for home brewers this is just kind of like the title of the website and then a subscribe button this obviously could be massively improved by using direct response marketing so then I'm gonna look in this is what I mean when this site has a lot of room for improving in the sense of a massive amount more monetization available so we've got the best fermenters so that's probably an affiliate post how to post complete list of everything on earth in that world organization tips maybe a review post beginner's guide the water chemistry that's not a monetization post definitive guide to yeast washing that's not a money post best propane burners for home Kettle that's a money post money posts are posts that are gonna have lots of affiliate links inside of them so what I'm getting at here is that for the first seven posts only two of them were money posts and then it kind of goes on right the next money post is actually down here which is another seven deep so his ratio is six free value posts to 1 money post I would literally flip that on its side as I said in the tutorial that I've got my sites we run about 8020 so on a pure affiliate site that I want to build to three grand five grand seven grand a month or more quickly I'm doing 80% review posts and I'm doing 20% how-to so that's the kind of shift that could be done here but if you notice the website the homepage there's no content here like this is all dynamic this is all just his blog so there's no there's no talking about who he is there's no static content here and when you go to the website and you look at the actual content it's simple this is a single column layout there's no sidebar there's nothing fancy there's nothing special about this layout lots of imagery lots of helpful he does have some affiliate links inside of those how-to posts which is great so that's where it's making some money but he's not hitting the best water test kit or the best process because some people probably do search that phrase as well I just want you to see how simple this is and again this thing's bringing in upwards of 80,000 visits per month now let's go to the next one which is in the photography niche and we're still bouncing around in many senses I think from professional services so you had the architect in the beginning we had the handyman those are kind of the professional worlds and then we've had the hobbyist stuff the sewing website the brewing website and here is photography okay and photography is a massive world you maybe have seen me review another website in this space that does over a million dollars per year in the photography space and yet here's another one so what that tells us right away is there is plenty of room for many many many super successful websites in each and every niche now what I really like about this website is number one is today's hot deals this is a reason for a viewer to come back regularly I want to know what the hot deals are today and camera people buy lots of gear you need new lenses you need new this you need new that new lights etc so they're always buying new gear and if they're coming back to you to look for what the deal is of the day today that means you have a really good opportunity to get lots of affiliate links clicked on by your audience now this website has over 2,000 URLs indexed by Google I'll excuse me about that so it's got two thousand and ninety indexed six years and one month old which means they've been doing approximately 28 posts per month over the course of those six years number of keywords ranking is twelve thousand eight hundred and forty two for a total of right around nine hundred and twenty thousand visits per month now when we look at this homepage this is organized very well this is organ it's very focused thoughtfully for the user themselves so inside your camera bag the first thing that they're showing which is this is brilliant by the way is they're looking at the professional photographers who probably have massive brands I would assume on Instagram and elsewhere and they're looking at these individuals of what gear do the pros use this is a brilliant concept because a lot of times people want to use what the professionals use I mean if you've ever seen somebody wearing a pair of Nike Air Jordans if that concept broken down into this unique specific niche then we go down deeper into specific gear guides so I don't know who those gurus are I just want the gear itself give me a gear guide cheapest full-frame camera guy best travel cameras discounts for photographers best lenses for best contact these are the money posts they're all grouped together right here neat and tidy then learn and improve this is the how to do the craft again we have to blend those two types of content down here more gear reviews and more reviews and so on and so forth so let's go into the reviews really quick to take a quick look and let's go into the camera reviews and you'll see this is just a super simple blog role with just an image and a title you go into the actual review and we are back to a single column website it's not even aligned correctly the column is line left and the tax of the image is aligned middle is not a beautiful website in my personal opinion it's got some issues to it but you know what it's working because they're moving forward and they're doing what it takes and you notice if you see the size of the scroll bar on the top right corner this is a very comprehensive post this is a very long post not only talking about the different pieces of the puzzle but showing what they do in action this is the type of content that ranks really well in this niche and that's it they're cranking it they're doing extremely well nearly a million super niched individuals who are super focused on what they're doing and really interested to what they're doing are coming back to this website over and over and over and they give them the how-to content along with the review content pretty powerful stuff right here they've built a major audience the next one we're going to go to is welding champs calm now this could potentially be a merger of a hobby a hobbyist artist or a professional okay somebody who's been a welder for years they've just they're just tired of smelling like smoke they're tired of being in the welding shop and they want to build something on the outside I think this is a brilliant example of someone who's taking their experience in this world of metalworking and they're helping people who want to or need to get into the world of welding whether it's someone who's tired of being a plumber and they think making they'll make more money as a welder or whether it's just some guy with a shop who wants to start welding and doing art welding they're catering to both audiences from their experience now we're looking at this super simple website right we literally have an image up top and then we have a blogroll and that's it there's nothing more than that you can see they've got their most popular post and then their buyers guide the buyers guides obviously where they're making their money and you can see they have projects up top and then they've got it broken out by welding safety gear the different gear and the different welders because these are the different types of welders and that's all probably cobbled together right here in the blog just a normal basic blog role there's nothing fancy going on here this is not this is probably a free theme if not you could absolutely replicate this with a free theme I mentioned in my free affiliate marketing course that we went through when we click here you can see it's got a sidebar with a search it's got their kind of mission statement if you will their most popular posts and we're just into yet another review post and that's it they're just doing the work so this website has 100 posts indexed it's been 2 years and eight months live which means they put up about 3 posts per month they are currently reaching something to the tune of three hundred and fifty thousand visits per month on a good month which is absolutely amazing through about twenty three hundred and ninety keyword phrases oh my gosh this is the power of the niche right this is the power of somebody who's been doing this professionally they've been doing this as a hobbyist they know their way around a TIG welder a MIG welder or a stick welder etc they know their way around a metal shop and they're sharing their knowledge with the world and there's a hungry audience of people searching every single day for this type of information and that's that's true in every world whether it's the equestrian world it's horseback-riding whatever it is crocheting etc this is how the world works today so let's go onto the next one which is modern castle now I think modern castle is a brilliant website for how they have been able to build trust effectively quickly they're probably the best on the list at this now they're super clean okay you just got white and blue modern castle reviews products for home that's what they do they're telling us what they do and then they have a search bar up top and I just hovered over the navigation you can see how much content they actually have here so modern castle has six hundred and fifty four posts indexed they've been alive for two years and five months that is an aggressive growth rate they've done an average of 22 posts per month which is something to the tune of 6 per week give or take probably bout 5 and a half per week um is what that would average out to 6158 keywords are driving traffic to this website and they get about 550,000 give-or-take visits on a good month now these visits that they're getting are super focused on products everything they do is 100% about products and you notice on their home page I didn't have to scroll down far they're really big and they're really proud of their testing process and they say what they do for research tests and we go to their learn more which is kind of this is a part of their about page that I just went to they actually show they make messes they have like a room in their house where they buy the product they bring it home they make a mess and they actually physically test the product themselves to really kind of come up with their own rating process and what this does is it puts them leaps and bounds above and beyond every other affiliate website who's just taking rubbish content and just just going after the keyword phrases without thinking about the actual user the actual reader who really truly wants to find the best vacuum cleaner or the best smart home this that the other they're also they've got their pictures right on top they talk about who they are what they do how long they've been at it the categories are in so they're building trust now what does that trust get them well let's say you're searching around for a new vacuum cleaner and you're in your mother the best dyson vacuum cleaner for example which i think they for that phrase which is absolutely remarkable and you go through their review you're like wow these folks they know what they're doing I bought it I'm good when you're ready to buy another home appliance when you're ready to buy another home something you default back to them so instead of just going to Google and starting the search over again their audiences who I'm talking about their audience is going to go to modern Castle and they're gonna search on the brand because they trust the brand why do they trust the brand they know who they are their smiling faces they have great content they know they actually buy the product and take the review this is their differentiation in process now do you have to do that obviously not you don't have to does it add value to your user absolutely does it make you more trusted absolutely does it give your user a reason to come back to you versus Google when they want to buy something else in the future absolutely and that's the value that they're tapping into and I think that's why they've grown so quickly they're supporting multiple people from home like full-time with this gig so I think modern Castle is doing things wanted to be let's look at their review real quick single column we've got a table table of contents they do videos content pretty simple right like it's it's all the same sort of structure in this world but you'll notice they've actually got a lot of content on this because they've done a lot of reviews and they've been at it for a very long time and they this is what builds the trust when people find their content is how how much depth there is to it and how much transparency there is to how they do personal opinion these types of sites are going to win in the 1 year 3 or 5 year range and the kind of rubbish made for Amazon just put up whatever you can and go and and don't really get your hands on the product and you don't know about the niche and you don't love you don't care about the niche just make money for the sake of making money those are going to die off eventually Google will figure out how to eliminate the rubbish content and promote this type of content and that's why I think building it for the long term is the best idea to get started next up on this one let's go to tools first calm now tools first calm has 235 posts they those in three years and seven months 43 months old so that means about 5.4 posts per month which is like 1.2 per week okay it's like one per week and then then once in the month they did an extra one if you will not that much content is what we're actually getting at here but they've been with it again for quite some time they've been with it for three years and seven months and just put a little note here so I can keep myself focused on where I'm at 3822 keyword phrases are bringing them traffic and they get about five hundred and thirty eight thousand visits per month so they get a very similar amount of traffic from the last one for about half of the keyword phrases so they're probably ranking higher and they've done a third of the content from the last one okay they've put less effort in and they've gotten greater results out now why well we could dig in to try to see and understand why now they say right up top that what these are two guys for DIY errs and contractors perfect people who need tools come here and they can trust it in-depth guide unbiased view completely free they're going for the trust here's what you get here's why to trust us and on to the next you can see up top Sanders saws power tools hand tools machinery they've got it all broken down this site has been extremely focused every single post has a purpose on here they have been so detailed with their approach it's wonderful to look at you know there's really not much content here on the homepage we've got the promise that we've got kind of some some credibility indicators and then we're straight into the content itself you can look at the different buyer buying guides on how to get the right power saw Sanders machinery you know this niche one of the things that people want when they when they obtain prices in this niche they want a lifetime product you don't want to go buy another miter saw later right so so people do like to get reviews and do take their time with reviews and I'm looking it's a single column it's a line left it's not even centered there's no sidebar they just hit out the sidebar really simple stuff this is not crazy this is not amazing this is just content done over time there's no real about us up top they do say who Jacob is at the bottom he's just the editor so we don't know who this is or what they're doing I think there's a huge opportunity there we got the about us hidden at the bottom let's take a quick look do they have any pictures of who they are that's a stock photo right there how we make money so this is kind of generic right so somebody who actually was a lifelong individual in the in the world of carpentry and doing this that the other who really steps out into the forefront could build trust more quickly than this in this world and we're just kind of looking basic content here it is it's the same sort of content done again pros and cons here's why I like this one here's why like that one pros and cons star reviews simple stuff they've just done it 235 times over which is only about five posts per month for about three years and seven months they've stuck with it long term they focus in on a plan they've run with it and they've been extremely efficient the next one is an interesting one especially in the world of nomads it's called pack hacker now pack hacker is 2 years and 10 months old and they have published an astonishing nineteen hundred and fifty posts astonishing I think that's the only word for that that breaks down to an average of 57 posts per month they're almost doing two per day they are absolutely the fastest growing the the fastest publishing out of the entire list and it's pretty clean now the first thing you're probably going to notice here in the top right is they have a membership program and this is the first one that's been abundantly clear there are so many ways to monetize an audience beyond affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is often helped people find what they want help people get the right thing they're looking for great quick way to build Authority to get your content out to get known and to earn income from that content but there's always ways to build on additional revenue streams once you have that audience and that's what they've built here but we're not going to go too deep into that what I want to look at is how they're structuring their content so they got packing lists guides and reviews and it's all tied up in the blog and they're happy to talk about themselves here homepage pretty simple here's the promise your guide to smarter travel that's it they're just literally making travel smarter and then you look down they have a blog role a blog roll a blog roll no real content on top pretty simple stuff again there's nothing fancy going on here we have no fancy templates this is really really simple content let's go into the blog first and let's see here okay I think I chose a random brands we could support how to work out when you can't get to the gym timely with what's going on in our world right now I believe that's probably actually a picture of one of the folks from here I believe these are real pictures from them okay they're not using stock imagery here this is all Center content it's simple theme there's nothing fancy I would increase the size of the font there's a lot of little things I would do to make this look better and to read better for users but what do I know they're crushing it they're doing more than I've been able to do for sure here in this short of a time let's go to the about pages you can understand how they do the about they're happy to share their story of what they do they want you to connect with them in other places their processes no imagery here which is interesting but they do allow you to connect with them in the different ways and let's go into the reviews real quick I want to find one of the review articles so we can see are they following the similar structure now this is really an interesting layout so they've gotten a little bit fancy here on on the layout and their reviews are focusing on specific item reviews so people who are looking for a review on like the tum bin sidekick whatever that is or a specific travel wallet but I do know that they have the best blank for blank type reviews as well which is kind of like the let's see here I'm gonna choose it organizers poachers Wow all right maybe I do somewhere else now this is this is one of the things that happens when you build 2000 Plus posts extremely quickly is you kind of run out of you kind of make it difficult for organization my organization does become a bit of a challenge in some senses and I want how to choose the best duffel bag there you go so this is this is their way of kind of getting like which one is the best and theoretically you know this is just a standard so this is kind of a fan like this is what I would call the fanciest template that we've seen and this is over the top like I would I would cringe if I saw this on mobile I don't know how this would look on mobile it's extremely image heavy but you notice I'm still scrolling how much content actually is on this page these folks are content heavy they understand the game is all about content and they're doing it again this website has done almost 2000 posts in 2 years and 10 months that's 57 posts per month they are treating this like a business they're treating this like a real content kind of a digital content business a digital media business and they're probably seeing business like results from those efforts the next one we're going into is gaming scan now gaming scan you've heard me talk about the gaming niche I think there's so much growth and opportunity this world of eSports and gaming is going to continue to grow and grow and grow we've now seen an Indy car gaming actually like I racing Indy car I racing NASCAR has hit Fox Sports one of the sub Fox Sports like not the main Fox Sports channel but um this world of gaming is gonna continue to explode and this website is only two years and six months old and in two years and six months they have done 1040 posts so they're on the throttle they're doing more than one post per day on average and that has net them fourteen thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven keywords driving traffic to about 1.1 million visits per month now this is the fastest growing one that I found for what they're doing we're on their home page and this is simply a blog roll there is not even a promise there's not even what we do it literally is just their most recent post with their most popular posts on the right and you go into more of a blog role and then they kind of repeat that process over and over and they are just full speed ahead so they're teaching you how to build your gaming PC guess what you need to do when you build a gaming PC buy all the bits and pieces guess what they have links to do affiliate links to go buy all of the pieces to build the game teach them to get the result sell them the pieces needed to get the results the buying guides for the specific things reviews and that's it you could search their site this is pretty amazing okay so what I want to go to now is let's go to the builds I want to look at high end PC build so they break up their build based on the budget so they know what the kind of the limiting factor is for their audience member but now we're and it's essentially going to teach how to build the best computer for $1,200 and if I'm able to click on these and I look at the bottom these are absolutely affiliate links so they're like here are all of the things that you're going to need to buy affiliate link affiliate link affiliate link affiliate link and then below here's how to put it all together do they have the how to put it all together or are they just selling the interesting so they're just selling the components of it they're not even showing how to put it together we just identified a way to improve upon what they are doing here in the gaming world there's there's so many directions it goes it's a Hardware intensive world it's a software intensive world and there's a lot of how-to which ones etc etc and they're clearly taking a lot of different approaches to reviewing the hardware connecting people with write software and building a trusted brand in the process let's take a glance at one of their review posts and what I'm looking for is a best-of type review they're doing a lot of reviews on individual specific posts which is super con super common let's do fast gaming just go search best gaming to see what comes up here so best gaming computers under best gaming keypads this is what I want to look at so best gaming keypads 20/20 so their main keyword phrase is best gaming keypads and let's look we got a sidebar here we've got a basic best of the best budget pic best value or right up top do you notice that there's there's not much time needed for me to say okay cool I want the best budget pic yes I want the best value pic perfect then they talk about what they are and it's again I'm very very similar layout very similar thing this is kind of the game right you're noticing a pattern here at this point in time again extremely fast growth and I think that has to do with how much they're content how much content they're publishing a thousand and forty in two years in six months and also the niche itself I think is on something that's trending up in a major way there's a lot of niches trending up right now because user behavior is changing so we got three left let me get through these and then I'm going to tie it all up with the number one thing that ties these all together so the next one is Asian efficiency calm now I really like how they have a focused call-to-action at the very top inside of their homepage now on other posts we saw like the brew cabin it was an irrelevant opt-in okay there was no relevance to the opt-in there was no headline there was no promotion there was no you do this and I'll give you that right here they're literally saying want to boost your productivity get the exact same six step morning routine used by highly successful CEOs give it to me opt-in on to the list they're able to grow they have a store they have literally built well beyond just an affiliate review site they also have a podcast so they're multi-channel syndicating their content and they're putting up essentially the different trust icons here now these are their most common pieces of content right they're most common things that people search for they've got them readily available up top and that's it it's super simple they've got premium courses they offer here but on the blog you'll notice this all was built out of content so they have 1600 posts indexed on this website and when we look at their blog it's pretty basic you got the blog role on the left and you've got the old-school style opt-in on the right with the kind of get started the main pieces of content that people like easily accessible when we go into the actual blog post itself super simple one column straight down here's the best here's the best here's the best really simple stuff so 1600 posts in nine years so they've been around for quite some time that's a hundred eight months old which means they've done an average of fourteen posts per month which is doing more that'd be like three per week on average three and a half per week is about what they do so one every other day is another way of looking at that they have 1052 keyword rankings and they're making either getting traffic about a hundred thirty thousand visits per month in traffic but the thing that they're doing really well is they're building an email list they've got their own premium courses available I don't see them down here but I'll find them from the homepage real quick they've got their own premium courses available they've got their own store their own products etc which means that they probably started in the world as an affiliate they started building the brand they started putting out content they started growing growing the content growing their domain authority and over time they have been able to build out a lot of different monetization paths which means they don't really have to stay on that best this fourth at best this for that hustle for long okay they evolved beyond it now is someone who doesn't care about productivity who isn't actually into productivity going to stick around for nine years and post sixteen hundred posts absolutely not right so they really have gone into a space and work their way into a level of expertise way better margins selling digital products like 95% plus margins on organic traffic when you're selling your own products and it opens you up to greater lifestyle freedom but it all started through the brute force content marketing the next one we're going to is in the swimming pool and hot tub niche now this website last year in 2019 earned something to the tune of four hundred thousand dollars it gets on peak somewhere around two million visits per month but it's extremely seasonal right because it's in summertime pool what do I do with my pool okay this website is 11 years and five months old it's the oldest website in our world when he was younger he actually worked at a retail pool and spa place and he kept answering the same questions people coming in hey my my pools green hey my pools cloudy and finally he's like well maybe I just write all this stuff down and build it out into a website so in eleven years and five months now currently he has three hundred and thirty nine pages indexed which means about two and a half posts per month on average long term you never know if they had more and they eliminated them but two and a post per month over the course of 11 years is pretty crazy twelve thousand keywords ranking for a total again of upwards of two million two million visits unique per month in the peak season now this is a very clear promise keep your swimming pool and hot tub crystal-clear year-round so he knows the most common challenges people have they search they get home to go home from work they look how back one day like wow my pool is murky my pool is green my pool my hot tub looks like this my hot side looks like that they go to Google they search for how to fix that problem and he is educating him on that here so you immediately allowing the visitors on the website to sort themselves are you a pool person or a hot tub person because the contents a little bit different but if we scroll down we're just in a blogroll okay this is really based on the same look as the the brew cabin it's the same owner as brew cabin and just there's a lot of opportunity to improve upon this by adding a lot of great content that would support it on the home page because generally your home page is what's going to get the most amount of backlinks coming in to you and also it gives you an opportunity to spread your domain authority around more effectively which is just not happening so right here what is the pool perfect pool temperature email address subscribe there's no actual offer here so this is completely missing a gigantic opportunity of building a relevant list and instead it's just people think they're gonna opt-in and possibly learn what the perfect pool temperature is but that's what the blog post is about so what are we opting in for that's not effectively communicated because this is just missing that direct response understanding with that said we can go down below you can see it's a very simple layout okay it's one column it's super simple it goes through and it just tells you all of the bits and pieces you need to know it's got the different links he's got his videos going so he can show you how to use the different things on videos and here are all of the things that you need direct from Amazon this is someone who has brought industry experience in a unique industry that has people searching for answers and he decided to take that knowledge and just start to apply it to the web and again over the course of 11 years has generated a business that is doing almost $400,000 per year if 11 years seems like a long time it probably is right I've been doing I've been working online for about 17 years at this point in time but at the same time I want you to ask yourself is what you were doing today if you stick with it for 11 years does it have the potential to get you to $400,000 a year if you're just doing day job stuff the answer is probably going to be an astounding no but if you're building an affiliate business that does become a possibility so let's jump into the last one here which is garage - Jim's calm now this might actually be the least aesthetically pleasing one and I love it I absolutely love it now this post has 1,100 hen post this website has eleven hundred and ten posts on it they've been building the site for six years and five months they've been doing on average 14 posts per month which is about one every other day which is something about three and a half four per week on average give or take they have nineteen hundred and sixty nine keywords ranking and they're getting somewhere to the tune of eighty-two thousand visits per month now I'm showing this one specifically there's actually some bigger affiliate sites in the garage Jim's world that I that I was looking into and some of them have membership programs and reviews and they have like forums and they have a lot of user-generated content I didn't show those because they skewed the numbers they have so many posts index but it definitely is worth noting that there is a huge opportunity to go from here's how to build out a home garage gym to building a community and a membership around it so you're no one's limited to what I would call simple affiliate websites there's always a path for growth within these but if you look this is a simple basic somewhat old-school looking website we have a basic blog role here that has the title the featured image and a little bit of text about it to continue reading we've got a sidebar let's go inside of one of these quick reviews now this is an individual product review versus like a best this for that type review and you notice it's super simple they're selling gear they've got print on demand that they're selling right here and you just go through it's just a simple here's what it is here's how to use it here's why you want this one the overall rating they have their own rating approach write their own way to rate and they essentially allow you to go grab it right from here and this is not an Amazon affiliate a lot of their products run through different networks like Rakuten or link share or whatever it is or there's commission junction or share sale whatever they are I listed them all out in the last video but this is it okay and let's go look at the about page real quick do we have an image of them on it so no image of them on it they're talking about themselves but they're not showing themselves and this is an amazing example of what's possible with work overtime so here we're looking at the different racks that are available these are a bunch of affiliate ranked link here but again we're focused okay so this is in the fitness space I had to get one in the fitness space in here because a lot of people are like well how do you do affiliate marketing in this space of that space and we've covered a lot of different options here we've covered a lot of different ways to go about this and this fitness space they chose not just people who want to workout at home people who want to workout at home and build a proper garage gym do you think people build these garage gyms in a spare bedroom of course they do do they build these kind of home gyms in their basements or is it only garage now of course they do right they just focused in on a specific niche and then that next layer of relevance was able to be built off of because whether you're building a home gym in a room a home gym in a basement a home gym outdoors etc you're gonna want about the same equipment and you're gonna want a pros opinion on what it takes and who do we think are the pros in this day we live in well when we go to Google and we search for that thing we're looking for whoever shows up on the top of Google is actually the professional that's who we trust and that's leveraged credibility that we as marketers get from utilizing Google and from being content marketers and search marketers on Google and this brings me to the one thing that each and every one of these websites has in common they all started they all had an idea they all installed WordPress at some point in time they all had a blank WordPress site that said hello there hello world and whatever that default first post is and they all just kind of figured it out as they went along they didn't know how they were gonna get to where they are today they didn't even really know where they were going to be today when they first started they knew that they were gonna jump in to the unknown and do something they've never done before maybe one of them had an understanding of what they had done before maybe one or two could be their second project but the truth is that they started with a blank slate just like I did my wife and my website that's reached 40 million people that's generated millions upon millions of dollars online that we've been running for 10 plus years it gets 800,000 visits per month on a good month we had no idea what that was gonna be like we had no idea how to do it we had no we just knew we were gonna put out cons we were gonna build something around here and staying focused on the audience creating the exact kinds of that the audience wants really following the plan that I laid out in that free affiliate marketing training and if you haven't seen that free training I'm have a pop-up here on the end screen so you can click and watch it again the link is down in the description because that gives you the path how you can build what we just saw here and these sites combined have made millions and millions of dollars my personal websites have made millions and millions of dollars and I know that you can create the business of your dreams online as long as you do what each one of these folks did they've started publishing content even though they didn't exactly know how it was all gonna work and they kept with it on the long run some last basic numbers for you here some averages k so the average of all 13 so on all 13 on average they had about 850 posts indexed that's how many things they've published on average and on average they did that in about four years and five months which on average is about 18 posts per month that's all of them now let's look at the averages really quickly the three-year and younger segments okay so there were a bunch of them that were three years old and younger and there were the ones that were older under three years old the average number of pages index is 779 in two years and eight months which means they've done 23 24 pages per month which is four per week 6 per week definitely 6 per week math on the fly the younger sites are working harder the younger sites that are succeeding and rising to the top are publishing more than the older sites now looking at the older group older than 3 years 953 pages published on each but that's in 6 years and 9 months which means they're doing about 12 pages per month which is closer to 3 per week so what does that tell us and you've heard me say this before your competitors that are out there and every niche has competitors right now you're never gonna find a niche that has no competitors every niche out there that has competitors just means they have a head start on you that's it so if you look at the data those older than 3-year websites are publishing about three times per week and those younger websites that are actively clawing at it that are hungry that are showing up every day they're posting a about twice as often and they're gaining on them and they're capturing market share and they're getting the key words there it's working for them so what's the truth the truth is you have to jump out in the unknown and you have to create massive amounts of content and the more you're able to really wedge yourself in to a unique niche right the the garage gyms the architecture the the home brewing the gaming the the welding champs right like these sub niches are growing more quickly because they're super targeted the really big broad sights take longer but they can do more and when you find your entrance point in that allows you to get into a space you can always build those next layers of relevance out from there just like we saw with the architect selling the tile saws and the table saws etc the biggest thing I want you to get so you have to start and on my site on my website at miles better calm if you go to the top you're gonna see there's a how to start a blog I'm gonna actually show to you really quickly here you can see that there is a how to start your blog post up top and it's free to show you exactly how to do it for free and I'm doing this because I want you to get into motion I want you to get into action my wife and I started our business it's right here on the top navigation start your blog my wife and I started our business with a ninety five dollar and forty cent investment in domain name and hosting I had to figure out how to install WordPress myself I'd never done it before I had no idea how to figure out how to install my first themes by myself today it's cheaper you can get started for under $40 and they'll do all of that tech stuff for you that I had to figure out but right here start your blog you can see exactly step by step how to get going you need to build out a wordpress blog to get your foundation built so you can start building on it and from there it's content content content that is the name of the game that's why all of these websites are successful they're bringing in millions of dollars because they're using content to help connect Google searchers with the answers they're searching for and oftentimes those answers require them to buy something and that's where the affiliate marketing comes in I hope this has been helpful be sure if you have not watched the training the free affiliate marketing training it's gonna pop up again on the end screen watch that leave me a comment with your questions thank you very much for your time go forth be of service to your audience you'll be amazed where you create and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 44,722
Rating: 4.8945231 out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing, affiliate market website, make money online, successful website
Id: elw0jM4Xy4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 34sec (3214 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.