Million Dollar Blogs Revealed! πŸ‘€ Spying On Success πŸ‘€

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hey miles here miles better calm in this video you are going to learn the secrets to success behind five separate million dollar blogs specifically in a minute we're gonna jump on my computer and you're gonna follow along while I analyze five separate blogs that are each making at least a million dollars per year because the truth of the matter is that their secrets to success are hiding in plain sight when you know where to look so you're not only gonna learn exactly what they're doing but you're gonna learn some free tools and some processes that you can then go apply within your niche and for the niches I've chosen some wonderfully random niches that are not in the make market money online and not in the marketing space these are real fun businesses that people love and they're enjoying growing that's the type of business I want you to grow for yourself you know if you don't know who I am I started making money online in 2003 currently I own and operate five separate blogs that are absolutely crushing it I make more money than I need at this point in my life so I'm giving away all of the how-to information for free because I need to save you from the fake gurus who are prying on your wallet book these are the guys that interrupt you with YouTube videos and Facebook ads trying to claim that they have some secret and they'll teach you that secret for two thousand dollars again the truth is that the secrets to success are in plain sight dig in each video or each website we go through here I'm gonna teach you a different tool so know that by the end of this video you're gonna learn several different ways to analyze we don't repeat the same process and on that note let's jump in so the first key is they all took action and they all got started and I need you to really self analyze are you in action yet if so great this is gonna blow your blog to the next level but if you're one of the people one of the many people who are still researching and analyzing and you're in that analyst and analysis by paralysis world you're overwhelmed by the options you have to start nothing begins to really work you don't actually learn what it takes to build a business online until you start blogging and that's gonna be the biggest key so when you're ready if you have that aha moment in here and you're like I'm ready to start today as my day good on you go to Myles Beckler calm and at the very top of the blog you'll see the start your blog this is a 100% free tutorial that's gonna walk you through the process of how to get your first blog started if you yet in motion again it's all free I do highly recommend that you go through the blog profits blueprint book if you haven't already by my friend yarrow it's brilliant it's about an hour forty-five audiobook it blew my mind when I went through this it lays out the process from another viewpoint and if you're building a real business you need to fill your brain with positivity and the right information he's the guy you can trust but enough said about that let's jump in so the first one now this is deep space Sparkle calm she is a former art teacher who sells art lessons to art teachers and I believe it's kind of like she sells to like stay-at-home parents and and I think she's expanded from there but the first thing I want you to think about is do you associate art teachers mentally with people who have lots of disposable income because that's one of the big ideas that a lot of fake gurus tell you is you got to go in the high-ticket world ain't nothing you're gonna see today here high-ticket right this lady is having a blast and she's giving away a ton of free content but ultimately what does she have what does she got going on let's look at how she's actually making her money so number one she has a sparklers Club now this is a membership program so she's creating recurring income with for her best people right the people were like I love what you do I need new art on going over and over she has a membership program then she's got her workshops now these are the one-off products that she sells for I think about ninety nine dollars each if you go look at these so under $100 she's making millions selling low ticket products and this is key for you to really understand because we are today through the World Wide Web through the internet through the connectivity that we all have we're able to reach millions if not billions of people so you don't have to go sale three thousand five thousand dollar things you can build a wonderful lifestyle business building in this manner now the first place I want to show you in order to analyze her website and in your competitors website it's a tool called it's the Wayback Machine and I'm not sure I've never taught it here on my channel so it's the Wayback Machine you just go to and what I'm doing is I'm taking her URL and I'm gonna plug it in here to the top of No why am i doing this because honestly every single website you're gonna find here today every single person on here multimillionaires right we all come from humble beginnings I run a multiple seven-figure business made millions and millions of dollars online and really truly honestly it started with very very very humble beginnings so this tool allows us to actually go back and look at those humble beginnings just like if you're getting into YouTube and you're like oh man I wanna make videos like Myles great watch my first videos and see where I was when I first started making videos so I'm clicking on 2011 and the blue bubbles do you hover over and you click on the time snapshot and what this is gonna do it's literally gonna show us what her website looked like back in 2011 and here you go ladies and gentlemen and this is the first big aha moment I'm just gonna start here that often times new bloggers and often times new creators whether it's YouTube blog podcasts etcetera you are they're comparing themselves to where their competition is at today and if you go into this space into the online art for kids world which is a huge space and there is absolutely room at the top for 7 8 10 way more people making tons of money than just this lady here you would do yourself a disservice if you were comparing what you're doing today with what she's doing today this is what you need to compare yourself because this is where she started and these are the humble beginnings I'm talking about and here you could see it's a very very simple website right she's introducing her who she is what she's talking about you could see her old story where she started at here simple header and she just started publishing content to her blog this is not a beautiful blog but she got into motion and she started publishing the cool thing about this tool is up on this top bar you can kind of click through and you can actually follow the progress of the site sometimes it loads ugly like it doesn't get all of the theme files so all the content smashed up and like look we're looking back in time right so it's it's not a perfect tool here but you're gonna see that it is just content based content based it's content marketing right it's a content based site it's a blog that has just been publishing really the same stuff since oh I don't know since 2011 and you can look at the types of content she has and what she was publishing these are tiny posts can you write a post this tiny today I recommend writing more helpful content I've got a lot of I've got a lot of videos that teach you the types of content to write but this is the main key number one is that all super successful bloggers start from very humble beginnings and we can go back so she started back in 2011 it looks like maybe 2010 so she's got ten years of experience growing to where she is today nothing will negate the necessity or the need for you to put in the work overtime which is why getting started is the number one most important thing so we're gonna move on to our second one I'm gonna keep this as efficient as I can while giving you as many valuable takeaways as possible if you like this type of video give me a thumbs up subscribe and if you want to get notified when I put out more videos definitely hit the bell that'll get you the notifications when they come out so number two is the book designer calm now this guy was a professional in the book designing realm he started a blog about book designing and the one we're looking at here right now this is his current blog so it kind of looks old-school and again form follows function most of the successful bloggers in the world are really focusing on the content and what it works so what is this guy selling well number one is he selling consulting and number two is he's got mostly books but he does and he's got speaking engagements but he does have some actual courses none of which are actually open right now but I want you to look what we're looking at here is in the red look at the prices eleven dollars fifteen dollars ten dollars seven dollars $7.22 II over and over and over my wife and I we've sold millions upon millions of dollars of products most of them were seventeen to forty seven dollars and there's this kind of false belief that you need to do these three thousand and five thousand dollar products that can work for some people but you better be damn good at selling it and you better be damn good at delivering amazing amounts of value to people what if you can add a hundred to two hundred five hundred dollars for the value for people well they'll pay twenty thirty fifty seventy ninety nine dollars for that type of value in their life so let's go kind of look back at where he was so this is the original look of his back to 2010 okay so we'll get we're looking this is a ten year journey for this individual to create his and just for the record my wife and I started her business or her brand that is still running to this day that is our biggest website we started it in 2009 were 11 years in on this process please get started if you haven't already now you can flip through and look at the at how it worked and what it worked but honestly the structure is pretty close to the same right he's got navigation up top he's got a header image it's his stuff on the right the other thing I want to mention about him which he's doing really well is I'm all of the opt-ins okay so if you notice when I go to his homepage right here above the fold which is what shows up when this page loads so my ad blocker just blocked it he there was an ad on the right here for getting his free guide and then you've got his get the free guide this dude is building an email list and this is the second big thing that really serious bloggers do that bloggers who make it to the six-figure per year the multiple six-figure per year and the seven-figure per year mark they grow email lists because the email list is actually the asset that you own and then we build relationships with people through email and that's where we present our offers so as I mentioned and he's got a direct landing page now I just built I just put up a video one of my last videos click funnels alternative how to build landing pages for free how to grow your list for free how to use 100% free tools to begin email marketing if you haven't started already but when he decides to launch his product okay which is currently closed so I'm gonna go to the product real quick which is the self-publishing roadmap and I couldn't find the price I was trying to dig in to find how much I don't know if this is a 197 course I don't actually know how much this course is it would blow my mind if it was above 400 $97 um but when he launches this which is clothes currently how is he gonna launch it he's gonna send an email to his list and guess what's gonna happen he is going to make a big time payday because it's open you got seven days to join go get access here if you want access he's been building relationship with all these people in the list all the people on his list found him through the content marketing that he did to grow that list boom this is the machine right this is the business model if it's not perfectly clear we're gonna jump on a whiteboard real quick we're gonna go and look at the exact business model that the most successful bloggers in the world use okay so first and foremost we have the blog and what do we put on blog lots and lots of blog posts hundreds if not thousands we're gonna look I'm sure you gotta find out how many blog posts and what all the blog posts are from your competitors so we use the blog then what happens is google drives traffic to the blog because you've proven that you're a consistent publisher you've put up hundreds upon hundreds of posts over the years on end which is what we've seen the blog then promotes the email list okay the email list is offered through a pop-up is offered through that kind of above the fold space where he had it wedged in you can also just have direct landing pages etc and then you send emails that build the relationship build trust and then you ultimately send people to products whether these are your own products whether it's coaching whether it's services whether it's physical products or affiliate products this is the million dollar blogging business model in action so let's jump onto our next example now that we've got that established and the next one is a friend of mine biddy Turo bridget is amazing and she is absolutely crushing it in her world of Turo okay so there's the little world of Turo to some people it's a little world it's actually a pretty big thing in in the grander scheme and the first thing i want you to see here is look at her list building tools no I already xed out of the pop-up that was already there so it did lock the screen with a pop-up offering her free thing but right up here on top you find out how this is to get on to her list down here take the quiz that's to get on her list she's got list growth everywhere and then you scroll down what does she have the three ways to get started okay she's working with beginners there's always gonna be more people in your space trying to go from step zero to step one and step one to step two then there are people trying to go from step nine to step ten an analogy or what am I trying to say with that so in the world of Facebook advertising for example there's more people trying to learn how to run their first ad their first successful ad then there are people at the ultra-high end of trying to optimize their thousand dollar a day campaigns right so a lot of these businesses we're looking at today are catering to those beginners because it's a larger audience which means you can sell lower priced products and make great money through volume so that's the next kind of big idea that we've looked at here I want to go back so I think this is the oldest website that we have a real quick so she sells courses books she does do business coaching at this point right she has built her business up to a level that is very good she has intuitive business coaches coaching so this is kind of the closest thing to the make money online world that we have but she's earned her right to do so and what do I mean by that well let's go back to the beginning so this is that same website humble beginnings y'all I'm serious so this is that same website back in July of 2001 July 24th of 2001 and if you look what was she doing she was doing one on one two row card readings now I've talked about this in different videos but there's a process first we start by helping others one-to-one we prove that we can help people then you could start doing small groups and then you could start to really broadcast your help out with the world so I helped my wife grow our first brand then people learn I had the ability to drive traffic to build email lists and I started consulting with small businesses and I helped hundreds upon hundreds of small businesses and then I started a membership program where I've got hundreds I've had over a thousand inner circle members there and I've started teaching you all here on YouTube everything I've learned from all of that that starts back in 2003 for me because that's where I made my first money online as an affiliate I'm trying to show you that this process is similar she started in 2001 and she's been working on and growing and building this website since 2001 that is 19 years y'all so this is really what it takes to reach some of the upper echelon zin business building now we're also talking about million dollar businesses which means we're talking about $100,000 month $200,000 a month some of these are making possibly even more than that do you need that much money would 10 grand a month or 20 grand a month work to really get you where you need to be if so that means you can do one tenth of the results that these folks have created and potentially absolutely crush it and change your lifestyle completely so you don't need to do this I'm using some really big examples in some hopefully seeming obscure niches to help you understand the potential power that really lies here within blogging so now I'm gonna take the URL and we're gonna go into similar web now if you're not familiar with similar web com I use this all the time it's a free tool and you simply go paste in the URL up top it's gonna tell you the website and you click on it and it gives you a lot of data now they definitely have an upgraded version I think it's really expensive I think it's like $400 a month I don't know because I've never bought it I don't think you need to buy it either but this is a wonderful way for you to understand where they're getting the traffic from how big of a site it is so we can see here her country rate this seventh out of the seven one of the 8,000 top web sites in the United States of America holy smokes ladies and gentlemen she is driving massive amounts of traffic like like out of control well she's literally one of the top 30,000 web sites in the entire world that is an astonishing feat so it just goes to show that you could be looking at her home page okay and like looks good right look looks like she knows what she's doing but this is how you know if she's actually got her stuff together or not which she does and she's a personal friend so I already knew that before I kind of cherry picked this but as you're looking at your competition in your niche this is one of the tools that can help you understand how well they're actually doing so now we can go down we've got traffic estimates which are always wrong but they're estimates then you can see where the traffic is coming from this will help you see if it's bought traffic from Bangladesh or if it's foreign traffic from India versus traffic from the United States of America oftentimes traffic from the United States of America is going to be at US UK Canada Australia New Zealand that's gonna be some of the highest value traffic compared to English as a second language now we can see 80% of her traffic's coming from search seventeen point four nine percent is coming from direct what is direct traffic its traffic from her email list so she is sending so for all of her website traffic right so let's assume that she's getting this 1.8 million visits every quarter which would be about 600,000 visits per month which I would say is probably very very close 20% of that traffic of 600,000 visits from a 20% of that which is about a hundred twenty thousand visitors comes from her emailing her list that's the power and that's why bloggers build lists because ultimately what you're building is a platform and it's a platform that you can launch products you could promote products you can launch services its your platform is the way I want you to think about it from this point on because it's not about being a blogger it's not about being affiliate marketing it's about building a business and that business needs a platform to stand on to build your skyscraper on and that platform starts with your blog and your email list again on my site I've got two free trainings that show you how to get both of them started at no cost to you so then we can go down you can see surge you can see some keyword phrases the top keyword phrases so we can see here that she's getting specific posts and what I'm able to do is so I can now go okay so this knight of swords is bringing her a lot of her traffic I can go up to her search bar and I can search knight of swords and I can see what content she's got on this and I can really start to understand okay so she does meaning so his tarot card readings okay so she's got a toro site on tarot and all of these different meanings things are what's driving the traffic and then like I said Google drives traffic to here then she builds her email list from here and she promotes this deck right here on Amazon which is probably an affiliate link and it's her deck right she's making money on both sides of that click this is how multi-million dollar businesses work and it's based on a ton of content and if you look at how much content she's published what you're gonna learn how to understand how much content people publish here on one of the future ones um you're gonna see that she absolutely let's just jump into that now you're gonna see just the the sheer volume of content so the next thing you're gonna go to is our friend Google because Google ooh Google is a plethora of information so we're gonna do site colon and then we're gonna put in her URL and I'm gonna take off the HTTPS and the colons and everything and it's just gonna be her URL okay so that's site s ite colon and then the URL with no spaces in it you click google search and what we just did is we use a search parameter that tells Google only search her website and it shows that we have seventeen hundred and thirty results on here now odds are there's some pages that aren't used and some this that the other but seventeen hundred and thirty pages this is a huge website this girl has been publishing content like a machine for about twenty years let's move on to the next one so the next one here is expert photography calm and in second you're gonna learn another free tool to understand where he's making all of his money because this site is crushing it this is a buddy of mine Josh I met him on the Nomad cruise when we sailed across from South America to Europe together I'm absolutely crushing it so the main key that I really want you to understand here is so he's using affiliate marketing and when you find someone like in the photography niche and you wonder if they're doing affiliate marketing you're able to search now I actually have my ad blocker on so let me turn off my ad blocker because the search won't work without it so I'm gonna do best camera for now affiliate marketing is huge and I've done a lot of videos I've taught a lot about oops let's go into sorry I think I've got a blocker on here so we're gonna go into the articles and we're gonna use this search bar so best camera or his search up top this isn't working so best camera for because it's expert photography and here you can see best camera for product photography 20/20 what is the best camera for food photography these are all affiliate articles right so it is possible to use and I would assume that every single one of these people were looking at and talking about today leverage affiliate marketing but none of them consider themselves affiliate marketers right that's a very limiting belief these are business owners these these people are digital publishing business owners they own digital publishing businesses that are of service to an audience and sometimes that means recommending a best product other times it means creating a course so we're gonna go into the store we're gonna look at all of their different courses they have courses they have ebooks they have presets and they have cheat sheets again you're looking at these courses are about three hundred dollars to me this is not a high ticket world especially if they're working and being of service to professional photography's who are really trying to get better at what they do now let's go back let's look at where this site was in the way back because he had humble beginnings as well I don't have that set up give me one quick second here and here it is this is where they started again humble beginnings right this is not a beautiful website this is not an impressive website I'm gonna go ahead and say it this is a pretty nice website this thing is gorgeous right it's very well-thought-out you can notice they grow their lists right on top they talk about the three things that they're working on they are so good at what they do at every level very much worth understanding what they're doing now but if you're going into the photography space you got to realize you're not competing with this yet you're competing with this and the amount of time so this flashback goes from 2011 and if you go to the about us it is Josh it's the same same dude who's running it today it looks like maybe this website had a previous life I didn't really explore back there but I know for a fact this is what he's doing and you can look at the tutorials that's what he's still doing right reviews and tutorials they're doing the same thing they've just been doing it for nine plus years straight and they've gotten really good at doing it to where now their output looks amazing but in the beginning it's here so if you are getting started this is your actual competition it's you're just trying to get content out you're trying to make it look decent and they're just teaching the basic how to stuff right you can go in oftentimes the the web archive will actually allow you to go into the different blog post so you can see exactly what they were putting up and the types of posts and how they were putting it up this is the type of research that's required to understand what are the people what are the big players doing in your in your world and what where did they start now the next free tool I want to talk about is the Facebook ad library and I did a video on this specifically and some people like oh it's not working anymore and it's kind of goofy so when you go to the Facebook ad library and you just google it right it's slash ad slash library but just Google Facebook guys library it's the one that shows up it defaults to issues elections or politics now we don't want to search issues elections or politics so you click search all right and so if you're just leaving it on the default it's not gonna show up or housing it is not gonna show what you want you wouldn't look for all areas and then we're just gonna type in expert photography so we're just looking at their brand right and what's gonna happen is Facebook's gonna take a minute and it's gonna show us a result so this is them I can recognize the brand it's in the favicon up on the top and I'm gonna click on it and now what I'm able to see is what all their ads are and guess what they're probably running ads to their profitable products I would say they'd be advertising the products that the best I would say they're advertising the sales pages that have the greatest conversion and if I'm in the space you are absolutely right I am going to geek out analyze read reread rewrite go to the landing pages I'm going to reverse engineer all of this and take a look at how many ads these dudes are running I'm telling you they are crushing it this is a big big big big business now Facebook's jumped down the oldest or at the bottom so I can go down here and see that this ad has been running since 2019 now Josh is a smart marketer the the whole team there whether he runs these or not if they haven't been making money since December I'm recording this in July right that's like seven months essentially that that thing's been running they would have turned it off so the fact that these have been running for a very long time tell you very clearly that these work long term these are evergreen ads and then you can see what comes on and what gets turned on and turned off inside of these ads so this is one of the tools that you want to come back to again and again and again right so the tool you can do the research kind of once you can really dig in understand where they were you can kind of get your head straight on okay it's a ten your path it started out looking ugly they publish publish publish and you can look at their evolution once you do that research you're kind of done but on this tool specifically you're gonna want to come back to it because they might turn on and off different ad sets at different times I do that a lot right I'll run an ad for two or three weeks till I see my frequency go up and then I'll switch out to another ad that also works really well so I'm continuously rotating through a series of successful ads so if you look at it once and you never come back you might not understand what all of the different things that they're able to promote successfully from Facebook ads and again you just click on the learn and it's gonna take you to the landing page and now you can see the exact course and what does that mean well you can see the video sales letter that they're running you can see the headlines that they're using you can see the offers that they're making the the sales pages and on and on and on and this is what's making the business okay so here we've got their 297 course on sale for $97 Wow so that you just you really we've reverse engineered their entire business model here of what they're doing what's making all of the money from them right there I'm not all of it but but there's a lot of money being made with this many different facebook ads running at this point in time the next one and last one if you guys are liking this give me a thumbs up because these take a lot of energy I've been researching all of these websites for I mean weeks right this is this is not something I just came up with overnight like I've poured my heart and soul into these not to mention I've done this research on all of my competitors for years and years this is the secret to success right and it's it's the long-term vision it's getting started and publishing now this one is a fun one so I am Sahara rose this girl is absolutely crushing it in the world of light yoga Ayurveda and some some kind of just just kind of overlaps of a few different areas okay now if you're looking at what she's doing and so she's got her email list building here beautiful website right incredibly well designed if you just look at this and then we go to the Wayback Machine we're looking at the Wayback Machine like man she just came out but miles you just told me that everybody who built a successful blog and who really built a platform that they were able to launch from it took you know 10 years on average or five you know we've even seen one that took seven years or less I don't think but here's this girl 2017 right well this is where you need to really dig in and do the research so I've done some research and I found that she had a whole nother website before and honestly this girl who is now known as Sahara rose she used to actually be known as Sarah she was a what I would call a normal person and this is the original website that she started with and I'll show you how to double check to make sure that that's actually true in a second because it is so what we're looking at here is Wayback Machine through October 20th of 2012 so this website here the beautiful one the impressive one that so many people are mistakingly comparing themselves to right someone who's in the yoga space they're like man I gotta be like this no you don't what you need to do is get real and start here because it all starts with humble beginnings now we can look at her evolution and what she did and you're gonna see that you know her blog post back then was is Facebook making us fat and insecure the mean girl syndrome okay this is where she is now and she was talking about does Facebook make us fat it's just this is the Pross and so you can move forward through these by clicking the little blue arrow on the right and it will take you to the the next refresh or you can just click two different points on the timeline and oftentimes you can find where the layout change what I like to really look into in research for people is what was their about page how is their about page changed over time because oftentimes we get better at communicating our our unique selling principle and who we are and what we do so clicking on her about page here for example which she didn't have navigation right this old school site didn't even have navigation up top it was just a blogroll she just started blogging about food really it was a food blog she just started making recipes sooo she was putting up food blog random ideas and recipes and it has evolved into this multi-million dollar invented persona right this is just made up I don't know if a PR person made this up but like they just invented a persona in 2017 and you can read their about page and all the content and you could just track so now on the top bar you can see this is these are the changes to the about page that got picked up since I'm only on the about page it's only showing me on this timeline the about page but if I go back and you can kind of almost browse here within the wayback machine inside of the archive you cannot actually like browse through it looking at how things looked over time and then I want to go up here real quick I didn't look this far in advance so I think we're getting up to 2017 what I would do if I was in this space if she actually was a competitor of mine I would try to figure out okay where was she just before she launched this this new imagine persona right you can see this is what I mean so it didn't pull the CSS some of the code doesn't doesn't work and translate inside of the archive but we can still see what she's doing she was running a quiz discover your mind body type what does she have now as her opt-in discover your dosha right and maybe that is so Vata Pitta kapha that that's ru Vedic that's kind of like your type right it's which one of these are you so she's using the same idea but she's gotten more specific at this point in time and these are the things you can learn by doing this kind of deep dive analysis now how did I know this was her well I found in her website if I go down here I can hover over the old social media icons and you can see on the Twitter icon I can see in the bottom left corner that it was 4/8 feel fresh so I went and visited their eat feel fresh and you can see Sahara Rose and in August of 2017 she moved her Twitter - I am Sahara Rose so that was when she invented and launched this completely new persona and again the problem I'm trying to help you overcome is looking at this and thinking okay I'm in the yoga space I mean the ru Veda space like I'm going like this girl's making me like she is crushing it but it started from very humble beginnings and that's really the truth of everything and you need to start and that brings us right back to where we talked about the beginning so up here miles bechler calm start your blog right I walk you through the process that's the one thing every person here has in common I show you where to go to get hosting I show you how to get which themes to get going the free theme if you need to be on a free theme the paid theme if you want to paid theme the different settings you have to setup and I link you to some free trainings that are super valuable the first free training is right here the blog profits blueprint yarrow is literally the best in the world at explaining that all of the links for these this here is going to be down in the description but this is it okay the secret to success in my opinion is that they've worked really really really hard maybe evolve what they have been doing and they just made a decision they committed to a brand name odd domain name at some point some of them have changed the domain name over time and created new brands and that worked and they evolved to that point and others used words that mean nothing together and they just stuck with it and now that brand means something because they built it to be something Pepsi before Pepsi was Pepsi meant nothing Google was an abstract math idea until a couple of guys from Stanford decided to make it the name of a search engine the brand you create the new main name you create it really gets built off of what you give to it and it's all about what are you doing what are you publishing what are you creating in this world because those who have succeeded are publishing blog posts that get picked up and I have some great videos that will teach you how to write SEO content fast links in the description to help you speed up the process of publishing content because as you saw it takes thousands of posts sometimes to really build a massive brand and then what else do they do they grow their email lists and that is so key because that is the one that allows you to launch things from your platform okay and those two pieces combined the blog with the email list that you own both of those YouTube can turn me and my channel off if for some reason YouTube don't like me I got pretty good deal going on with YouTube but let's be real okay so my blog no one could turn that thing off my email list no one can turn me off I can always export it and move it if I had to that's the platform and then what are you going to launch from there well we've seen a wide variety people sell services so Turo services so nutrition services people recommend products as affiliates people create courses people are selling books people are getting speaking engagements very high dollar speaking engagements the variety of things that you can sell is almost unlimited okay it's about gaining the audience and gaining the trust with the audience you gain your audience by growing your traffic through content marketing on a wordpress blog as I shown in that blog post of mine that I'll link to and then you build the trust by getting them to take a step towards you grow your email list send helpful videos if you're not on my email list I invite you to join it smiles Beckler com4 slash free - course we'll get you on I have a free course there for you that goes deeper into all of these bits and pieces I hope this has been helpful if you've made it to the end I want to see 1% from you in the comments below because you are one of the few that make it to the end most people don't make it to the end most people don't do the research most people never start they let their overwhelm rule them and you are the kind of person who break through you take action you build something and I look forward to helping you with my future videos I've got 610 videos on this channel all free designed to help you grow the business of your dreams you can do it I'm here to help I thank you and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video until then be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 26,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money blogging, how to blog, how to start a blog, how to start a blog that makes money, blogging for beginners, blogging for money, blogging tips, blogging 2020, blogging tutorial for beginners, blogging income, starting a blog, Miles Beckler
Id: dU9jQE9uNRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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