12:30 PM Worship Service

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happy sunday and welcome to new life online it's ribbon cutting week here at the temple i'm ashley lubo and i'm kamiyah davis we're so happy you're joining us today wherever you're watching from help us spread today's message by sharing this stream on your social media service is about to begin but first let's take a look at a few things coming up in partnership with chicago volunteer legal services legal representatives are available to offer free legal advice to those who meet certain guidelines they provide advice in the areas of tenant law family law fraud issues and criminal record expungements and more if you're in need of legal help sign up for our next session at newlifesoutheast.org or the new life app singles first class singles ministry is back and ready to see you join them online at 11am this saturday for their virtual meetup come enjoy conversations and fellowship with other singles by logging on at newlifesoutheast.org or the new life app new life we need you for production if you have a desire to serve as we gear up for fall join the production ministry we need directors camera operators production assistants and more join our team and sign up for training by emailing production nlcse.org be sure to set your alarms for this week's glory in prayer on tuesday come join us at the tabernacle or stream on facebook youtube or download the new life southeast mobile app see you there [Music] it's not too late to join a life group so text nlc groups to 916-94 or visit newlifesoutheast.org backslash life groups join today [Music] the wait is over new life coming at church southeast presents the grand opening celebration tuesday september 28th jakaylan card and pastor mike todd wednesday september 29th donald lawrence and apostle iv hilliard and thursday september 30th judith mcallister and bishop t.d jays join us online or in person at the temple at 7 pm 76 21 south greenwood avenue you don't want to miss this moment we'll see you there what's happening to everybody yep he added to the church daily and there is a seat for your family your friends that need to know the lord every sunday every service someone has gotten saved the only thing missing now is your loved one your friend that you need to invite to the 7 30 9 30 or 12 30 service our goal was that 1500 people will come to know the lord this year guess what we are less than 500 away from reaching that goal all we need you to do is each one reach one go get em [Music] thanks again for worshiping with us today if you missed anything you can find these announcements and more by downloading the official new life southeast mobile app have a fantastic week hallelujah come on stand to your feet hallelujah 12 30 how many all know that god is just good come on how many all know that god is just good come on can you begin to clap your hands and release the praise in the building as pastor jim lead us in prayer come on father as we release our sound receive it receive our worship receive our praise we magnify you and we glorify you we thank you for the glory of god that is being revealed and your presence god that is here and been with us all day let this be no different god manifest yourself in a way that only you can you receive glory you receive honor and praise in jesus name we pray amen amen hallelujah come on 12 30 can you lift up your voice come on release your voice release your sound hallelujah hallelujah so some exciting things are happening today and this week here at the temple we have vaccines and flu shots um from 8 30 to 3 o'clock all day uh they're still out there and available and listen they'll give you a special incentive 50 gift card is that something for people that sign up to get their backs i should have held out to get your fiddy listen 4 a.m prayer is this coming tuesday 4 a.m prayer set your alarm clocks get up if you're in the city meet us in prayer if you're online all over the world log in turn your tvs up wake your house up we have something to give god praise and thanks for because tuesday is the first day of our grand opening celebration come on oh my goodness what a week look at somebody say what a week what a week what a week what a week it's our grand opening celebration the temple grand opening and on tuesday we have pastor mike tai and jakaylan carr coming to chicago then on wednesday we have apostle ivy hilliar and donald lawrence and on thursday dr judith mcallister and bishop td jakes man there's a ribbon that's going to be cut at the beginning of every service the cutting of the ribbon will then be cut up and passed out to you so you could take it home and god's going to do a grand opening in your life have you got it amen have you got some faith for that come on there's an anointing on all of these builders pastor wanted to make sure that we invited builders people that built something amen and that grace that's on their life come on your life yeah you want to say something about that yeah i just want to make sure that you don't stay at home thinking well i don't want to deal with the crowd listen this is your church home and you need to be here amen don't let anything or anyone stop you from getting in the building so make it your business those of you that are online we want you to make sure that you plan to physically get in this building if you're in another state everything will be live it will be virtual as well ain't gonna be amazing listen children and teens shuttle service starts in the month of october children and teen shuttle services that mean you come here to the building check your children in we'll make sure we shuttle them over to the children's building and bring them back here where you can pick them up safe and sound not comfortable with that yet no problem you can take them over there and steal the way that you do it but we're just trying to create a convenience and make sure that you get to church on time are y'all ready for worship are y'all ready for worship come on 12 30 you're the last service and we plan this service with you in mind can you begin to lift your hands and open your mouth and begin to release your own individual sound come on begin to release your [Music] sounds we give your name hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we just want you [Music] [Music] creation [Music] [Applause] we need [Music] oh oh father we give your name the praise god we exhort you god we honor you let your glory fill this place let your glory fill this temple we call on your name of jesus we call on your spirit we call on your power and your presence god rain rule and divide hallelujah [Music] we need to move three five transformed [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] jesus even now lord jesus come on [Music] three [Applause] three [Music] [Music] breathe breathe [Music] breathe [Music] we love you today we love you lift your hands in worship we worship you elohim hell shall die we give you glory we give you glory come on cry out unto the lord cry out unto the lord we bless your holy name yes god holly hallelujah hallelujah come on lift your arms up lift your hands up to him come on come on come on give him it all give it all to him let him know your hallelujah it belongs to him come on come on take this moment take this space come on we bless you lord give him the fruit of your lips hallelujah come on everybody say my hallelujah hallelujah come on you know this come on give it to your savior my hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes lord [Applause] [Music] everything that i have belongs to you all love the glory belongs to you you desire [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] you you [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] it wasn't much [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] across [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] you are worthy [Music] hallelujah [Music] all the glory [Applause] [Applause] my hallelujah belongs to you [Music] my hallelujah belongs to [Music] you come on tell them y'all hallelujah oh come on i can't hear you come on tell them hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] can y'all just cry out come on [Music] [Music] come on lift your hands and open your mouth and release your sound listen nobody can praise god for you it is up to you to praise god for yourself and everything that he's done for you i want us to go back into that one line will it say my hallelujah belongs to you and i need everybody that is on the building and online i need you to begin to sing that to the lord and let your hallelujah represent your testimony are you ready everybody say my hallelujah [Music] [Music] everybody that knows that you're in the land of the lyrics [Music] says on we're going to say it again nobody on the stage only the audience say there you go everybody's sick [Music] come on now everybody one more time say hallelujah [Music] then clap your hands and give god the rest of his praise come on clap your hands and tell the lord my praise go strictly to you you get all the glory you get all the honor and you get all the praise come on clap your hands again and tell the lord my hallelujah belongs to you hallelujah i want you to do something on your way to your seat i need you to fist bump three people tell them the glory is coming the glory is coming come on three people tell them the glory is coming the glory is coming the glory is coming the supernatural of god is coming the weight of god is coming come on at 12 30. i need you to open your mouth and i need you to prophesy open your mouth and say the glory is coming come on here i'm not telling my pastor hand i'm not telling my flesh but i need the supernatural of god to be in this building and in the airwaves those of you all that needs got to do something for you and you know that only god can do it i need you to say that like you expecting a miracle come on y'all i'm trying to release something in the atmosphere come on here open your mouth again and shout the glory is coming [Applause] yay come on we gonna move but there's an atmosphere that must be in the building everybody that know that he is able to do anything those of you that believe that he has all power open your mouth and release this in the atmosphere come on say the glory is coming [Music] i'm expecting a miracle [Music] yay [Music] and i can go into detail while i'm excited um i'm telling you 9 30 if we didn't have this 12 30 we'll still be laid out in the floor because the weight of god was heavy in the building and i think it's because of our appetite everyone hear me because of our desire seek ye first the kingdom and all this other stuff will be added but i want god more than i want anything and i want you all to hear me clearly that as we are celebrating this we're going to have the whole ribbon cutting you know and it's good i mean you have to know our journey to really understand some of y'all are just showing up but the church is now 17 years old we started out at to god be the glory i want you to hear the story we started out at the charles hayson how are you with me at the charles hayes it was a party room a community center sometimes we got there they still had the beer cans on the floor we would have to clean up to get ready for church we stayed there for about seven to eight months and then we moved to king high school king high school was good for us it was years that we were there and went from one service to two services from two services to three services but it wasn't our building we were renting and sometimes we'd be laid out on the floor and little mickey mouse would run across the floor one time i was preaching the whole section jumped up whoa i thought i was doing something but it was only a mice so we left king high school and we bought the building around the corner known as the tabernacle we called it the tabernacle because we knew that it was not a permanent location we knew that we would only be there for a season and some of y'all are in your tabernacle season which means that you coming out of this and you will get to a place called permanent i even speak that over your name over your career over your business you have something to look forward to we ended up putting a million dollars in that building it didn't have bathrooms it didn't have a lobby we literally built that put a million dollars in there we were only able to stay there for nine months i remember it so clearly because the people began to line up every bill every seat was taken and the lord said to me listen to this are you committed to the building or are you committed to me from there the lord say pay attention and i'll tell you where your next location is about to be i need to speak that over some of you business owners i need to speak that over some of you all that have already locked down but you should be open where you are is too small for your future come on here come here open your mouth and say god's about to enlarge my territory come on when i say something you better speak this thing there's power in your words you ready so we then left there and the lord told us to go to the uic forum we ended up at the usc forum that's when we began to plan building this you have to hear me it was a plan we began to buy all the land please listen the lord i was coming to 48 emperor and the lord said to me the earth will yield what belongs to you the lord said to me i need you to begin to buy every vacant lot every vacant home on this side of the street and watch me when god tells you to do something he's going to give you the resources to make sure you're able to do it some of y'all aren't doing it because you say i don't have the resources you only have one responsibility is to start the movement listen we began to mark every vacant building every vacant lot to the point that people that had homes start knocking on the door saying do you want to buy my house without us even asking god begin to make them give up the land come on here pay attention the city had told me you cannot stay in the city because there's not enough land that can hold you you have no choice but to leave the city and go to the suburbs but i knew that i was not called to the suburbs you have to hear me clearly never let anybody talk you out of your canaan i'm talking to somebody today i'm talking to somebody that you have one responsibility and that is to stand on what he told you i told the city of chicago you just bag god into a corner and he's about to come out strong the land that you're sitting on right now there were factories on this land watch me i went to the factory i said hey how's business going they said we are good i gave them my card i said if you ever ready to sell can you please call me three months later the manager of the factory car said i'm pastor hannah i don't know what you guys are praying but hey we got a call from our headquarters and we're going to sell this building come over here come on here come on here i'm trying to speak what am i doing i'm building up some of your faith i'm building up some of your faith cause delay don't mean denial come on here come over here can you open your say the earth is about to yield what belongs to me the earth is about to yield what belongs to me so we ended up paying cash for the factory so now we own all the land we bought every home we bought every lot and then i took the plants to the city look at me and the city said this is good but you are missing parking you can't build something of this magnitude and not have parking space the fact that watch me this factory had moved across the street to their bigger factory i looked at that factory i said god this is our parking lot i'm trying to get some of y'all to prophesy to what belonged to you can you come on here i literally said this is our parking lot i went across the street i asked the manager i said so how y'all doing they said pastor hannah get out we are fine i said all right so when you're ready give me a call a few months later they called they said pastor hannah who are you who are you that we got a call from headquarters that we gonna shut all of this down and we're gonna move out of state come on here come on here i'm trying to increase your faith cause some of y'all were about to pick up and move but it ain't time yet come over here come over here they built the house and they thought it was for them but god had them to build it for you who am i talking to come on let's go further so then they told me okay past santa we're gonna sell this but this is the price that we want for i knew that what they were asking was too much but they thought that i was desperate i need you to hear me i need you never to make your enemy think that you desperate for anything because if they think you desperate they're going to try to take advantage of you so they gave me a price and i told them absolutely not please pay attention to this i told them no they said okay we'll wait i said i'll wait please listen i knew that they had to hire somebody to sit in that building because you can't leave a vacant building empty in the hood y'all ain't got to say nothing to me come on here i waited until the winter months until the heating bill came because i knew that they had to pay thousands of dollars to heat an empty building i need you to nubs your neighbor say wait on the lord wait on the lord wait on the lord because the earth is about to yield what belonged to you come on here cause the earth is about to yield what belonged to you so then i get the call they say okay reverend hannah oh i went from pastor to reverend now okay reverend hannah listen at this then tell us how much you want to pay for the building you better hear me now some of y'all say give me a minute stop right there it is imperative that you be ready to hear from the lord immediately because you can't give the enemy in the time to change his mind i immediately told them what we were going to pay for what they tried and it was hundreds of thousands of dollars less than what they asked for you better hear me to the point that we eventually got all that land then we begin to plan right now we're at the uic forum right now we got the drawings together then we started construction things start shifting things start shifting things start shifting it took us seven years everybody said seven years it took us seven years to get everything together from the original groundbreaking to be here today it was a seven year journey look at me we studied how long did it take solomon to build the temple it literally took seven years and for some of y'all you only in the fifth year some of y'all are only in the third year i need you to hear me that's why you have to live that's why the devil can't kill you cause you have to see it touch it and experience it those of you that know that god has made you a promise i need you to lift your hands and worship god for five seconds strictly for the promise come on stay there up your faith up your faith up your faith up your faith up your faith up your faith up your faith up your faith he's done too much for you to doubt him now he's done too much for you to doubt him now he's done too much for you to doubt him now he's proved himself over and over and over and over he did not bring you this far to let you down he did not bring you this father let you down he's gonna exceed your expectation he's gonna blow your mind those of you that believe that i need you to put a praise right there go go [Applause] you ready so it took us seven years to get here seven years before we got here the community called the meeting at the alderman's office and they had complaints about parking about parking and the ultimate callers called me there to meet with the community and the alderman said to the community i can't believe that you all are giving this church a hard time because this is what is known quote unquote as a dead zone nobody's fighting to get into your community nobody no businesses are fighting to come here but watch me but i know that if we come we represent christ you're gonna put me in a dead zone but he says i come that you might have life come on here some of y'all are looking for something that's already elevated but you gonna bring the elevation who am i talking to in here you are going to be the reason that the stu the price is going to go up you're going to be the reason that it is safe you're going to be the reason that it's good so then we begin to build we begin to build it took us seven years please pay attention one of the things that blow my mind i need you to really listen now before the pandemic before the pandemic they told me pastor hannah you're two million dollars short you need two more million dollars i went into my flesh into a panic mode called some pastors and some bishops i said listen they telling me that i'm two million dollars short one of them told me i got a friend if you do the paperwork they'll make sure that they get you the money we start negotiating everything and the pandemic came everything's shut down please listen you started out two million dollars short but the earth just shut down the earth just shut down everybody going crazy because of the pandemic but god is behind the scene come on come on come on i need some of y'all to give god a praise god why you sitting in here he's working behind the scene while you sit in here he's bringing some resources together for you while you sitting in here he's making people release things for you come on i gotta move quickly look at me look at me i won't tell 30 to hear me i did not go into detail like this in the earlier service i keep telling you 12 30 people it's something special about y'all that god help me to slow down and go more in detail with you all i can't explain it but some of y'all in this 12 30 service your ladder is about to be greater i can't explain this i don't know who came to 7 30 i don't know who came to 9 30. but i'm telling you this 12 30 service something big is happening in the spirit realm even while you sitting up in here that god is ready to expose you to greater grandad come on give me a minute give me a minute i need you to reach over tell somebody he's about to enlarge your territory come on i need you to touch him i say he's about to blow your mind he's about to exceed your expectation he's about to give you an ephesians 3 20 exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or even think so we were two million dollars short and the pandemic came so then when the pandemic came you're not spinning as much when the pandemic came you're not moving as much when the pandemic came people at home that normally wouldn't be at home so people are tuning in that normally wouldn't tune in so now we got a trust that people are going to give online but then you got people around the world that never heard of you that are not watching you so now god is touching the hearts of people to make them release resources in your direction that had the earth shut down they never would have sold y'all not hearing me to the point to the point to the point to the point to the point to the point to the point that everything went on sale whereas you wanted to charge me one amount for sound it's on sale now whereas you wanted to charge me one amount for this screen it's on sale now whereas you want to charge me one amount for something else it's on sale now to the point that when the purple when the people that wanted to give me two million dollars call me and say pastana we now have your two million dollars the lord had me to tell them we don't need it now because god opened up the heavens while the earth was shut down and i came to let somebody now if you praise god right now oh oh you're not gonna believe it right here the heavens are about to open over your situation but i need you to lord up okay 12 30 where y'all laid in the spirit realm we all let in the spirit realm i need you to tap it on the screen i need you to turn and tell somebody paid in full come on y'all i need you to release it over somebody i don't know what your business is going through i don't know what you're waiting on but i need i hear this word i need you to turn and tell somebody paid in full [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] on now you wait till you see let's practice your reaction on your way to your seat you go wow that's what it's going to be like when you walk in with god promise you that's what it's going to be like when you get what he promised you i need you to practice your reaction can you open your mouth and let god know that i'm a part of the wow factor he's about to blow my mind make sure you're sitting around another wild person [Music] delay does not mean denial as a matter of fact every delay is going to be to your benefit [Music] glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory god's about to seal it god's about to god's about to put his hand all over it have a seat on your way to your seat touch the neighbors tell them glory is coming glory is coming global is coming glory coming on your business glory is coming on your family glory is coming on your house gloria's coming on everything that you spit your hands to do god's about to validate it with his glory you ready you ready so it happens it happens it happens it happens against all odds he did it again he did it again oh where we at in this 12 30 service god did it again can i get yeah [Music] god did it those of you that believe he's still got time to do it come on this ain't no motivational speech this is something that's increasing your faith i'll bring your mouth and say god did it again [Music] he did it again he blew my mind again he blew my mind again have a seat have a seat i'm gonna be i'm gonna be so open honest and transparent with y'all it don't make no sense and i don't want you to think please watch me the enemy kept presenting thoughts to me like um you're not gonna finish it's not gonna happen the enemy kept presenting presenting it's a presentation of what he wants you to accept but the bible says you resist the devil and he flees the enemy kept telling me you're not gonna make it it's not gonna happen and then i begin to hear other people's journeys where it didn't happen for them and the enemy began to tell me the same thing that happened to them is going to happen to to you and and but watch me and i kept resisting the devil i don't want you to think that the enemy did not try to come and make me doubt him but i was the you know what i kept saying to god you just can't tell me that you did that that that that that and that for me for me to get this i refuse to believe that you brought me this far to let me down now how may i know he's done too much for me to i'm trying to get some of y'all to get your faith up right now i need you to tell the devil he's a liar okay calm down okay okay okay sit down god won again god won again god won again yay god won again [Music] you did more [Applause] than i ever expected you did more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on your way to your seat say only god can do it [Music] all right we got let's go [Music] you in the belly of a miracle [Music] come on i gotta move this service but those of you all that believe that your miracle is closer now than it's ever been i need you to just lift your hands and worship god in advance come on i need your faith to be up i need your faith up i need your faith up i need your faith i need your faith up i need your faith up and you will cross the finish line and when he started he's going to finish and it's going to exceed what you thought is bigger than what you thought i'm so glad he didn't show you everything because had he showed you everything you would have really spoke negative so he only gave you a piece of the prophecy have a seat have a seat let's talk let's talk so now you've built it now you've built it and it is literally blowing my mind a hundred thousand square feet it's like an eight-story building in the heart of the hood to the point that the church is now the number one investor in the community because you're the head not the tail you're the linda not the bar [Applause] so then solomon built something beautiful solomon built something beautiful but he realized one thing was missing and i need you to hear me and it was the glory of god you can build something but until you get god watch me to lock his presence on it it is ichabod that means it is without the glory of god please listen to me in my mind i didn't just see a vision but i saw a place in chicago where demonic spirits seem to have free reign but that god could lock his glory on a location that if you drive and die the holy ghost will make you pull over the holy ghost will make you walk in this building y'all not saying nothing to me i'm talking about the kind of glory that if you come here nobody even has to lay hands on you to the point that when you step in the building chains get broken come on here come on here and nobody's gonna be lifted but him come on here watch me you have to hear me watch me watch me watch me it has to be a safe space because in in inner city people come out of dysfunction and i need to be able to bring my dysfunctional family into the house of god where the glory is and he make my kids fall in line he make everything line up with him come on here chains that were in me begin to break generational curses are broken why cause i'm under the glory please y'all you've built the building but now god said not lock the glory in the building come on here everybody open your mouth please do what i ask you to do and say the glory is coming the glory is coming i need you to say it like you're gonna bring somebody up in here i need you to say it like when they walk in do you still believe that he's a god of miracles signs and wonders how do you watch me watch me watch me watch watch me let's explain glory if you don't mind let's explain glory for one minute the bible says that when david went to go get the ark of the covenant they ended up in the house of obedient for three months listen to this and the bible says and the lord bless him watch me bless obadiah watch me in his entire household his whole household was blessed because it was what does it mean bless let me say whatever you're going through it's going to be up under that blessing watch me some of y'all don't need the healing you just need your mind regulated it's under the glory some of y'all don't need your mind regulated you need your family restored it's under the glory some of y'all got a business you need it under the glory whatever you're going through whatever you've accomplished you that thing need to be put up under the glory cause when the glory get on it oh my god please y'all i need to spread this in the building i need the glory to be locked up in here i don't need i don't need a name i don't need a personality but i need the glory do me a favor if you don't mind can you do me a favor let's let's create a space in the city of chicago right over here can you just say do me a favor wave your hands and say god that's all yours come on come on sick god this is all yours please do what i tell you to do please do what i tell you to do please do what i tell you to do please create a space this is not for fame this is not for fortune this is not for man this is for your glory we need the glory of god to be revealed on this corner [Music] those of you that know you got some friends that you need to bring here those of you that know you got some family members that need to come here wave your hand and say glory [Applause] you have to create a space you literally create a space so when david had built the entire temple he created a space a space if you look at the screen i can show you the bible says this please watch this in 2nd chronicles 5 and 7 the priest then brought the ark of the lord the ark of the lord the ark of the lord's covenant to its place the ark of the lord represents the presence the glory of god it's a rectangular box made of and wood inside it is aaron's rod it is manna and the tablets it's overlaid and gold with the with the cherubim's wings and the mercy seat but it represents the presence of god and they literally brought it in and put it in place if you look at the screen i can literally show you watch me a video of how this what it looked like watch me and they walk and watch me and this is a space stop right there it is a space you hear me clearly i don't care who we bring in who do a concert i don't care if a play in here i've already got a phone call from the gentleman who's over the stella awards i've already got michael thomas who wants to bring his comments here his conference and watch me but watch me you think you coming for one thing but god gonna lock you into another thing i need you to open your mouth and let god know we are literally creating a space for his glory do me a favor every intercessor and watch me i need you to get up out of your seat and i need you to begin to turn this way like this and i need you to be safe we create a space for your glory we create a space for your glory we create a space for your glory we create a space for your glory we create a space for your glory lock your glory in this building we created it for you it is on 76 in greenwood it is in the heart of the hood but we create a space for your glory and we dedicated to you we don't dedicated demand we dedicated to you come on intercessors can i get you to pray in tongues for about 10 seconds go we create a space for you it is for you is for you it is for you it is for you it is for you it is for bodies to be healed it is for people to be revived is for people to be baptized in the holy ghost it is for you it is for you it is for you it is for you it is not about john hanna it is not about man this is the lord's house and we create [Applause] [Music] have a seat have a seat have a seat have a seat have a seat when they brought in the ark of the covenant watch me when they brought in the ark of the covenant if you look on the screen you'll see that rectangular box watch me on top of the box the cherubim wings would cover but then there was a seat that was between the wings the priests would go in and sprinkle blood on the seat and look god we provide a seat for you oh my god and some of y'all are sitting in the seat right now watch me that ain't your seat i need you to anoint that seat that if anybody ever sit in that seat that god get them y'all ain't saying unto me i need some of y'all to tell god let the oil run down this whole section i mean if a crackhead walk in i need them to be delivered in you create a seat for him you create a seat for him you create a seat for him you have to hear me you ready watch this watch this watch this i want you to see this in 2nd chronicles 5 and 8 and the cherubims spread their wings over the place of the ark and covered and covered the ark and this carrying pose watch me when they would sprinkle blood in and they expected god to sit when he spit when he said mercy would spring forth and would it blow your mind how many people walk in guilt shame and condemnation but god we need you to sit in that mercy and grace spring forth you got to hear me we are in a world in a day that people are cancelling people out they saying that you're going to be this and you're going to be there but i believe in the power of god that god if you sit in this place that we create a seat for you for those of y'all that need god that even sit in your life you should tell god tap yourself say sit right here god sit right here sit right here and let your glory be revealed and let your glory be revealed let's go further and then they brought in you see when david went to go get the ark of the covenant at first he threw it in on a card but bless me but solomon realized he needs some glory caries listen to me glory caries are those that are strong enough to carry the glory and some of y'all what you've been through has strengthened your muscles in the spirit watch me and you don't just carry glory on sundays wherever you go glory goes with you when your house you carry glory in the grocery store you carry glory you are the one that set it off in your section the spectators cannot sit together you need some glory carriers in your session watch me when they shout glory things happen y'all ain't saying unto me i need some glory carriers i need somebody i don't need a praise team i don't need a band i already got enough testimony in my life that when i open my mouth things change come on you glory caries i'ma see if you got enough glory carriers in your section i could tell if you carry glory if it is if if it sets your section on fire on the count of three you glory carries i'm talking about those of you all at home you feel the presence of god i'm talking about those of you in your car you feel the presence of god i'm talking about those of you that work you feel the presence of god you don't wait till sunday you change atmospheres you are a glory carrier on the count of three i need the glory carriers to release a praise in the building one two three where you at where are you at yeah come on get spiritual come on you glory carriers make sure you find another glory carrier look at them and touch them and say glory [Applause] come on you created an atmosphere you've given me a seat now i got the glory carriers come on y'all bring you another glory carrier something that's about to happen in this building glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming come on here tap another person itself glory [Applause] [Music] lift your hands let me hear you worship for 10 seconds i need to hear the glory carriers i need to hear the glory carries i need to hit a glory carius i need to hear the glory you've created a space you gave me a seat you got the glory carriers you've created a space you gave me a seat and you got the glory carius you created a space you gave me a seat and now you got the glory curious glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming whatever you need is in the glory whatever you need is in the glory give me five more seconds of you worshiping five most seconds of you worship me you created a space you created a space you gave me a seat you gave me a seat you gave me a seat you gave me a seat and you released the glory carriers and you released the glory carriers and you to utilize the robbers you rutalize the pams you've utilized those that could be trusted carrying the glory you created a space you gave me a seat and you utilize the glory carriers you utilize the glory caret glory coming glory coming you can't create no space you can't give god a seat you cannot activate the glory carriers and think he's not going gonna show up you cannot create god a space you cannot give god a seat you cannot activate the glory carriers and think he's not gonna show up oh my gosh let's talk let's talk let's talk let's talk glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming glory coming ah how you know it's coming because he said so cause he said so and if he said it come on it has to happen everybody pay attention please listen to this i showed you the rectangular box watch me history shows that aaron's rock was supposed to be there but it was not there it history shows that manna was supposed to be in the box but it was the only thing that's in there are the tablets which is the word of god which means that if he said it look at me it has to happen his word cannot return unto him boy some of y'all are running after witches and warlocks some of y'all trying to look up your zodiac sign you better stop looking up a witch and look for the word of god you better look for somebody who's going to speak a word over your life because whatever word they release over your life it has to come to pass what does this word say his words say you're the head not the tail what does this word say his word said that you are more than a conqueror what does this word say his word said that no weapon that is swamped against you is going to be able to prosper what does this word say his word said eyes haven't seen and ears haven't heard what he has in store okay all right let's get ready to go have a seat have a seat so you've created a space you've created a space you gave him a seat you gave him a seat you activate it you activate it the glory carries you've acknowledged his word everybody in here alexa if you just inhaled an exhale your breath is going to be part of the glory coming up in here nope nope nope nope if you don't open your mouth look at me look at me look at me there's a sound that goes with every seat there's a sound that goes with every life your your background should reflect your sound the hell you've been through should reflect what come out of your mouth if you sit there and don't open your mouth that means god ain't did nothing for you but if you sit here watch me and somebody i won't open your mouth cause you worried about what they gonna think of what they gonna say can i tell you something a real praiser could care less what you think or what you say why cause you weren't there when i didn't have a damn you weren't there when i was going through in my body but [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on let your neighbors say i'm waiting to hear your bells [Music] come on tell somebody i'm waiting to hear your bells [Music] let's talk for a minute let's talk for a minute see everybody want to put the responsibility on the praise team in the band yeah everybody want to put the responsibility on the body feel nothing when the praise team was up that band is off well i ain't heard i didn't hear you ring nothing standing next to me watch me so what would happen watch me a priest would have to go in put blood on his ears blood on the stumps and blood on his toes watch me he would have to climb up under the veil then stand up in the presence of god why you ringing because i'm an intercessor and when i ring my bell it cover my house when i ring my bail it cover my children when i ring my bell it cover my community when i ring my bell it cover my pasta when i ring my bell it cover my city those of you that are in here you better hear me not yet the veil was rent but he's still waiting to listen he still believed that it's some bail carriers those of you that have a testimony and you know that he hears you and pays attention to you lift your hands and let me hear your sound let me hear your sign let me hear your sound let me hear your sound let me hear your sound let me hear your sound [Applause] let me hear your sound hold on hold on hold on so some of y'all are not making a sound please listen to this listen whenever they didn't hear the bells ringing they had already tied a rope around their ankle around the egg if i don't hear the bells that mean you dead and there's no need for you i need you to make sure that you hear a sound if you don't hear a sound drag they behind out of your circle and find you somebody who could hold a bell everybody get on your feet in this building and i'm not going to beg you i'm not going to pump you i'm not going to prom you but i'm just going to give you an opportunity i'm gonna give you an opportunity i'm gonna give you see if i stop that mean the enemy gonna come after my wife if i stop that mean the devil gonna try to attack those that are connected to me that's why i gotta keep ringing i gotta keep releasing the sound and the sound whatever you watch me watch me has to feel the building everybody under the sound of my voice including the musicians are responsible for the sound for the sound for the sound i am so sick of us coming to church and you want to sit here and look all bougie if it weren't for god you couldn't even afford two eyelashes if it weren't for god you couldn't afford the clothes that are on your back if it weren't for god that's why you need to walk and ring because when i think there has to be a sound in the building there has to be a sound in the building there has to be a sound in the building there has to be a sound in the building there has to be a sound in the building you created a space you gave him a seat you activated the glory carriers you've acknowledged the word but i don't hear your sound but i don't hear your sound can you bring the scripture up on sound please bring the scripture upon sound he's attracted to sound he's attracted to sound he's attracted to sound he's attracted and all the levites who were musicians dressed in fine linen and plain symbol hearts and lyrics they were accompanied oh this a loud sound too because they added another 120 people can i tell you something it's more than 120 people in this building so you should be able to open your mouth and release the sound wait wait wait wait wait but we have to be in unison because if we're not in unison that means it is confusion and chaos and he does not dwell in chaos which means that we have to be on the same page watch me some of y'all you don't shout as loud as other people i'm not asking you to shout like them i'm asking you to play you i'm telling you to do you but doing nothing is not an option i need you to maintain your cool but be cool with your hallelujah come on you can be cute throw your weave and shout glory whatever you but doing nothing is not going to work up in here because we want the glory of god and he's attracted to sound watch me and we have to be in unison bring the scripture upon unison if you look at the screen please pay attention the trumpeters and the musicians join watch me in unison we have to be on the same page look at me you're not releasing a sound for me you're not releasing a sound for anybody to see you you're releasing your sound to god giving him glory watch me and you have to release you have to literally open your mouth why because he's attracted look at me to sound let's back this up with scriptures a little to me back in that watch me watch me if you go to revelation 3 the bible says he sits on the throne i taught you this on thursday and the four beasts flat back and forth crying holy holy holy lord god who was and is and this should come and then when they begin to cry holy the 24 elders stand up and they take their crowns off and they start releasing a sound and the bible says and it doesn't stop day or night which means that he sits in surround sound and you want heaven to come to earth and you ain't gonna open your mouth he only comes where there's a sound stop the two blind men did not just wait on jesus to come in their direction they opened their mouths and they began to sell jesus oh my god he's attracted to sound the ten lepers did not just stand there but they open their mouths and begin to scream hey i need you to check the ones out on your right in your left and i got some of y'all under the sound of my voice that the enemy has been attacking your sound i need you to get out of your seat and i need intercessors and prayer warriors to meet me on the altar because god is about to intensify your sound get out of your seat and meet me on the altar right now those of you that pray in the holy ghost start praying but i need everybody to begin to release a sound i need you to release a sound i need us to be in agreement we are in unison that we want the glory of god to be in this building glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory few more minutes few more minutes few more minutes a few more minutes few minutes few more minutes it's going to pay off it's going to pay off it is going to pay off it is going to pay off it is going to pay off it is going to pay off it is going to pay off he's about to give you your heart's desire he's about to flood this place he's about to lock his presence in this building we need the glory of god to rest in this building come on here you release the sound you're in unison come on here and you're releasing a praise for everybody on the sound of my voice i need you to hear me right now i need you to hear me i don't want you praying for no house i don't want you praying for a car i don't want you praising god for nothing materialistic i need you to begin to praise god pay attention for what he's already done watch me watch me watch me can i show you the praise can i show you the praise can i show you the praise the bible says look at the screen look at the screen i need you come on out come on now come on to give praise and thanks to the lord accompanied accompanied accompanied by the trumpets the symbols and the other instruments the singers raise their voices and praise to the lord watch me they're not asking for that they say he is good and his love endures forever so you mean to tell me you got a sound you mean to tell me you're in unison and you're about to release the praise what happens next you created an atmosphere you gave him a seat you activated the pole carriers come on here you acknowledge the word you're releasing a sound come over here come on you're all in unison and you praising god look at the screen then the temple of the lord was filled with a cloud to the point that john hannah could not even stand up and finish the service why for the glory of the lord filled the building i need you to hear me i need the glory of god the weight of god to be in this building don't worry about what you need is all locked up in the glory but it's not gonna happen until you release your own individual praise shia hold the music one minute [Music] so give me a minute [Applause] give me a minute give me a minute [Applause] come on come on come on come on come on come on come on i need a supernatural come on here i need the supernatural i need the miracle signs and wonders to be released in the building i need the weak to say they strong i need those that are sick to be healed i need those that are possessed my demons should be delivered i need the glory of god in this what if i told you that our glory encounter was locked up in your praise what if i told you if you don't praise god we won't get the glory like we needed i don't need you to arrest my atmosphere i need you to release the glory i needed i need it i need it i need it i need it i need it i need it [Applause] you can't do ministry without glory you can't deal with people without glory you can't raise your children in this evil world without glory you can't do business without glory the glory does not just lock in here the glory gets on you and wherever you go the weight of god goes with you or i need your praise to be released i need your praise to be released i need tone apostle matthew is not by accident if you hear that means that you're a glory carrier [Applause] it's all about you it's all about you it's all about you it's all about you god on the count of three your praise will get us to the then then the cloud filled the temple but it doesn't come until you release your praise has he not done enough for you to give him glory has he not done enough to prove to you that you are blessed and favored all he wants right now is your praise one get ready to open your mouth i mean get ready to open your mouth he loadeth you daily he put a praise in your belly on the count of three you gonna shout like you've lost your mind and the glory of god is about to fill this building two horrendous for those of you that are at home he's even on the internet he's even coming through the airways right now he's about to fill your house you in another city god's about to come through here on the count of three the praise is on you get ready man we need everybody to release the prayer one two three go [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] glory [Applause] glory [Applause] [Music] glory [Applause] go right here come on y'all push push why send you here gazing i need you to be a glory chaser push [Applause] shout like you need a miracle shout like you need god in your house shout like he's done a miracle for you over again open your mouth glory [Music] glory great [Applause] great i need you to shout like you're desperate you can't dance without the glory you can't play an instrument without the glory you can't hold the microphone without the glory you can't be in usher without the glory you can't work where you work without the glory open your mouth again i need you to push like it's your last time you're gonna shout glory one two three glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] come on i need you to test your glory i need you to test your weight i need you to walk up to somebody and put your hand on their shoulder and just sound glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on test your weight [Music] test your weight and this is a preview of what god is about to do in this building and this is a preview of what god is about to do in your life and this is a preview of how your letter is going to be greater i give the lord say test your glory test your glory go to somebody else and lay your hand on the shoulder and shout glory every chain be broken every chain be broken every demonic force be rebuked every spirit of depression get out of this building the glory takes you out the glory takes you out [Music] come on [Applause] glory [Music] come on now we gotta go [Music] i got 10 minutes to get you out of this building but you cannot leave the way you came you cannot leave the way you came you cannot leave the way you came i need bodies healed i need miracles up today i need revival to start now i need revival to start now i need revival to start now i need revival to start now i need revival to start now [Music] come on on your way to your seat test three people to say glory glory glory [Music] glory [Music] glory [Applause] glory [Applause] glory [Music] glory [Music] glory glory [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] you should bask in this everybody lift your hands and close your eyes and tell god baptize me in this me in this lock me in this lock me in this lock me in this lock me in this lock me in this lock this in my inner man put this in my belly so all of my bellies can flow the rivers of glory glory [Music] come on everybody please obey me lift your hands for 10 seconds and worship god as he saturates you saturate you you'll never be the same again you'll never be the same again your appearance is changing your words are changing the way you think is changing [Music] [Applause] lift your hands yay [Music] you've created an atmosphere you gave me a seat you release the glory carriers and you let my word come forth now there's a sound there's a sound yay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i promise you we're leaving everybody open your mouth for 10 seconds please [Music] it's all for your glory it's all for your glory it's all for your glory [Music] all for your glory it's all for your glory [Music] it's all for your glory keep opening your mouth releasing your sound hold on and you will see the results of glory and you will experience the results of glory what you look for to come from man can only come from glory open your mouths and release your [Music] chains are broken by glory habits are broken by glory generational curses are broken by glory come on here fresh opportunities are presented to you by glory and some of y'all need a fresh start open your mouse [Music] [Music] hey i'm trying to go forward but the lord told me to stand still and let you continue to release your sound he said i need your praise to outrun your negative statements so i need you to open your mouth and begin to release your sound my ladder's about to be greater my last three months are gonna be better than the first nine months of this year better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof no weapon that is formed against me is gonna be able to prosper i need you to begin to open your mouth and release what about i'm about to get a fresh start i'm about to get a new beginning [Music] i promise you i'm trying to go forward but he keep telling me give them a minute to release this sound and i have to be obedient to the holy ghost for the priests could not stand to finish doing what they were doing why because the glory filled the house if god is giving you a minute to release your sound you better take advantage of this minute please obey the holy ghost you're not obeying me obey the holy ghost and begin to just if you don't know what to say say oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you better dive in i'm about to wrap this up [Music] some of y'all can't shout at home you better take advantage of the fact that you're in a safe space some of y'all can't release this phrase where you go i need you to take advantage of you being in a safe space and he's leaning in your direction to hear your sound [Music] yay [Music] you created an atmosphere you gave me a seat [Applause] you release the glory carry us you let my word come forth [Applause] now you've given me your sound [Applause] now you're giving me a sound [Music] now you're giving me a sound now you're giving me a sound [Applause] [Music] [Applause] higher you get it go for it justin go boy justin go for it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] think of my sister if you feel like getting on your knees go forward but i need you to do you it's your breath in my lungs it's your [Applause] open your mouth [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody clap your hands [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] it's all in the sound [Music] [Music] release [Music] release [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there are five to eight of you in this building i came to get you because there's a sound in you there are five to eight of you in this building some of you don't know the lord something you're already saying but this is the house that god has called you to there are five to eight of you already in this building and there are about ten of you online if you know that i'm talking to you and you are in this building don't make me beg you to get better get out of your seat and walk towards me right now can you start walking towards me right now start walking towards me right now get out of your seat and start coming towards me there's one come on move move move move just stand right here i got you get out of your seat and come towards me right now come on come towards me right now there you go move move move [Music] come on that's eating the line [Music] see anyone else [Music] move move [Music] do me a favor go back that way can you all turn around for me and you're gonna follow that gentleman right there we have a team in the back that's gonna minister to you can you all release a sound [Music] can you clap your hands and release a sound have a seat for me you have to hear me clearly the oil is on the house you cannot create this kind of atmosphere you cannot give him a seat you cannot release the glory carriers you cannot let his word come forth and you stay the same it doesn't work and i serve a god that he changes you it makes you whole listen to me he doesn't move you up spiritually here and then leave you naturally down here when he calls you to come up higher every part of your life goes to another level every part of your life is about to shift come on here somebody else should release the praise for that your your occupation is changing your salary range is changing your address is changing [Music] how do we get it we believe in ties and offering i don't know this is the wrong time to stop paying your ties god has proven himself to be faithful for those online those in the building i want you to get a seat in your hand i want you to get your tithes ready if you say well i don't know what to give give 50 give 25 give a hundred he give a seed to the sword but i want everyone to get a seed in your hand i want everyone to get a seat in your hand if you're going to texting if you're going to text the words no cse to 77977 if you want to mail it in online you can look at the bottom of the screen you'll see our address if you're in the building and you have an envelope and you wrote a check if you need an envelope you can raise your hand if you wrote a checker you're giving cash on your way out you'll see two or three safes in the in the lobby area where you can deposit your seed but everyone get a seed in your hand everyone get a seed let the glory of god be on your life let the glory of god be on your life when moses came from up under the cloud the people couldn't even stand to look at him the bible said that he was shining too bright i serve a god that had changed your continents your enemy won't even be able to look you in your face come on here why because you're a glory carrier come on lift your seat up to the lord lift it up to the lord come on lift it up to the lord online lift your seat up and repeat after me i'ma tie the giver and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow come on say this i am living in ephesians 3 20. how long are you going to live it for the rest of my life you can give your seed listen um we have somebody who's leaving our city and he's god is literally in largest territory he's worldwide he's just not statewide he's worldwide and we want to honor the oil that is on his life and i know he's going to be out of town for the week but he made it his business to come here for the 12 30 service can you do me a favor can we celebrate and appreciate apostle matthew stevens [Applause] can you give him a microphone can you give him a mic i want to publicly say to you that i believe in you i want to publicly say to you that the devil is defeated i want to publicly say to you that i asked god to blow everybody's mind everybody's mind no hatred no jealousy no envy coming from me i pray that he blow your mind matthew i want him you think you got it in here it's bigger than that i pray that some of the warfare you got in chicago you don't encounter in new york i pray that god shut down every naysayer i pray that you stay focused stay focused stay focused and go after everything that god showed you if anything i say to you my brother is that you are a water walker you do not remain in the boat with the 11 so i need you to be comfortable walking on water while others watch so i salute you i honor you and i believe in you and i stand here camera's on everybody saying look at john hanna celebrating dr apostle prophet matthew i need you to hear me and i believe in you so much everybody stand stand stand that it was literally on our agenda that you would pray the prophetic prayer over this house i would never ask somebody to pray the prophetic prayer if i didn't believe in them and dr jemon can tell you that he had not discussed so you're not going to be here but the lord sent you now to pray the prophetic prayer over this house so we are ready to hear what god's about to put in your spirit because this ain't because when you don't know what to pray for as you ought the spirit make his intercession and i want all your holy ghosts to be stirred up i want all your holy ghosts to be stirred up and i step back and i release you to speak to this house father in the strong name of jesus i lift the priest of this house to you his mandate his assignment his authority his influence his wealth his industries his enterprise his charities his organizations his story his destiny his legacy his future to you i lived his posterity to you all that that is born out and from and because of him father i stand in this beautiful sanctuary and i lift my voice concerning the place where the intercessors cry my god i lift my voice and ask for revivals of prayer and intercession wailing and mourning and lamenting from this place let thousands of intercessors be born from this place to the world put something in the carpets my god let it be in the wall in the soil the grass as it were that the glory of god be so strong in this building that the kingdom and strongmen of addiction is decapitated instantly in the mighty name of jesus we lift up our voices now and we're asking for a fountain of youth make this place true to its name that as men and women come in here they find a new life oh yeah we give you glory that he that have begun a good work in us is faithful to perform in el ganda i ask you now to feel this room reveal yourself in ways that are unexplainable let it be so in this place that there's such an authority in the room such a power in the room such a strength in the room such grace in the room until there are unexplainable miracles god we've not asked you in a long time but will you defy science in here let it be so oh god that you stand on gravity hey and you turn laws and rules around and that you heal men in their inner man hill marriages oh yeah you covenant breaking spirit you truth breaking spirit we bind you let fresh covenants be born here fresh relationships and arrangements partnerships and alliances allegiances and connections brand new fellowships brand new mentorships brand new affiliations and allies oh god let it be so that in this place that took so much warfare to get done we declare and decree and promise our warfare is accomplished come on giant lift it up now it's a season of peace my god it's a season of peace it's a season of peace it's a season of shalom the peace of god that passes all understanding you declare it so finally finally father i ask you to send millionaires to this place [Applause] send millionaires to this place make it a refuge for those that have great resources a safe place to sow and to invest and to create we know that the building is done but the work has just begun and we know that we have work to do to the great head of the church this thing is yours we love you for it in jesus name so be it clap your hands and release the praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y'all gotta pray i'm a real person and i don't care how deep i get i'm still gonna laugh with something funny so do me a favor consider yourselves dismissed any anyone from out of town um can you give can anybody just give me an air hug can y'all release me i have to do jg5 jg at five o'clock and then tuesday don't forget tuesday wednesday and thursday don't you all stay at home don't you let visitors take over our church i see you next see you tuesday god bless you tuesday morning we got prayer i would love to see at least 300 of you all in prayer physically in the building if you can make it set your alarm clocks and be there at 4 00 a.m god bless you consider yourselves dismissed i love you all you
Channel: Jermone Glenn
Views: 492
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: UazENrcd7WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 16sec (7456 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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