Train Your Brain: You Are Signifigant

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good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning everybody good morning good morning [Music] good morning good morning good morning pop up train your brain blurry on this one how y'all doing y'all good what up everybody what everybody what's up good morning good morning good morning pop up train your brain pop up train your brain just want to talk to you real quick about something that's on my mind i hope it bless you you tag somebody share it with somebody what up i g how y'all doing mr nate how are you sir so good so good to connect with you all real quick this morning what up g how are you gabe good to see you good to see you this morning good morning speak when you come in speak when you come in and um i just want to i just want to share something with you know train your brain is quick quick 15-minute joke this morning um i was just thinking and i woke up with this impression on my heart so i thought that i would share it with you and just i don't know who this is for but i just want to say to you you know that you are significant that's what i want to say to you this morning uh you are significant you matter uh that god is intent and intentional about every aspect of your life that he loves you that he cares about you and that you are significant you matter can you just type it with me and just say i am significant i am significant in this great big old world and everything that god is doing uh in the earth and in your life uh you play an integral and important part of it you are significant and that you matter and i just want to remind you of that in case you were feeling a little uh insecure a little insignificant uh curious about where you are and what's happening and what's going on and what you're supposed to do next i want you to know that you matter that things get better when you show up and that the fact of the matter is is that you are absolutely necessary and that's why you are here here consider this thought for all my kingdom citizens uh in the book of psalms the eighth chapter the fourth verse through the sixth verse says it very simple says what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that you would visit him that's psalms 8 4-6 type it down so you can read it yourself ask the question what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that you would visit him forth thou has made him a little lower than the angels but you crown them with glory and honor somebody say i'm crowned with glory and honor somebody declare i'm crowned with glory and honor i am made just a little lower than the angels right then verse 6 says thou made him to have dominion dominion dominion radha kingdom over the work of your hands and you have put all things under his feet come on and type that all things are under my feet all things are under my feet so psalms 8 and 4 through 6 gives us a brief synopsis of the significance of man how god sees it how god wants you to see yourself and understand what it is that he wants to do and establish in your life the first thing i want you to recognize in the significance of who you are type this down that you must learn to see yourself the way god sees you right i see myself the way god sees me in this scripture alone god says that you are made just a little lower than the angels he says that he crowned you with glory and honor he said that he made you to have dominion over the works of his hands and that everything is under your feet see yourself the way that god sees you number one see yourself the way god sees you you reflect his glory you reflect his honor and and you are so significant and important that god sent his son to die for you for your sins to bring you into your rightful place of power and dominion and authority and gave you absolutely victory over everything you are so significant and you must see yourself the way god sees you you see the most important person in your life uh contrary to popular opinion is you you're the most important person in your life because out of your life comes every relationship your relationship with other people the scripture either says love your neighbor as you love yourself if you don't properly love yourself properly see yourself you won't properly love other people you won't properly see yourselves the way you should see yourself you continue to put yourself alas and i'm not talking about in terms of preference or deference that is proper but if you continue to put yourself last like emotionally physically mentally spiritually and don't take care of you then you can't be this value that you were meant to be added to so many people so you are significant and the most important person is you all right i want you to remember that and see yourself the way god sees you the second thing i want you to recognize is that you must search for your difference right search out your difference and understanding your significance you must search out your difference find your power find your strength find your gifts find your talent find your ability what are those things that make you uniquely you what is the thing that you do that no one else do it the way you do it right fine and search out your distinctive difference build up your self-worth build up your strength by reconnecting with yourself every morning i just be still before people want me before i give myself to others and i can reconnect with god and i reconnect with myself so that i am making sure that i am following his path and i'm following his plan don't apologize for your unique difference don't apologize for the way god created you or the way he made you or the way he has you to do a thing you have so many gifts so many talents nobody can do it the way you do it nobody can show up the way you show up yes other people can do what you do but they can't do it the way you do it all right so make sure that you search out your difference hold on to it protect it guard it keep it uh harnessed it develop it right because it's the thing that god made that god put in you that makes you uniquely you so you search out your difference you study it you you hone it you s you strengthen that skill and you build your life build your self-worth with adding values to other people when you show up you bring you with you and you add value to any and every environment why come on type it because you are significant y'all good this morning i feel something right number three is and this is the last one is that i want you to say it say it say it say it say it loud say it often say i am significant remind yourself rehearse yourself rehearse your mind rehearse your thinking rehearse how you feel i am love i am forgiven i am strong i am i am a child of the most high god i am victorious i am who god says i am and i am significant say it say it say it say it loud say it often right it's not just enough to think it yes you have to think it and train your brain to think it but it's not just enough to think it you have to speak it because words interrupt your thoughts and they interpret your feelings all right words interrupt your thoughts and they interpret your feelings when you speak words it interprets how you feel it interrupts any negativity that may be going on up there in your mind it shifts your perspective so say it say it loud say it when you don't feel it say it when you feel down say it when you feel lost say it when you feel hurt say it when you feel angry i am significant i matter god it's not about being puffed up it's not about being arrogant it's not about being uh putting yourself higher or thinking of yourself higher than you ought but it is about thinking of yourself the way god created you to be it is about reminding yourself of who god say that you are the enemy speaks to us too much too often too loud and we don't rebuke it we uh we we have this sense of false humility this this this sense of of oppression and suppressing who god says you are but say it loud and say it often because words interpret your thoughts and words i'm sorry interrupt your thoughts and they interpret your feelings so say it until you believe it say it to you believe it until you drown out your doubts and drown out your fears you matter get up get dressed get going get moving get your face together get your hair to get you together get your mind together get your spirit together turn on your worship music loud turn on your motivational music loud dance walk in the room like you own it or celebrate others because just as you are significant everyone in your life everyone around you is also significant so treat everyone everyone with honor treat everyone with respect treat everyone with love treat everyone like they matter why because they do everybody has a seat for those of you that follow me on sunday you saw it everyone has a seat everyone has a seat and every seat is significant so i want you to remember that as you go out this day go out today remember that speak to the people around you speak to the timeline even if they don't speak back and they don't recognize that they are significant and that they matter all right somebody's remembering something you said they're holding on to something you did you made someone smile this morning by a joke that they that you told uh they're reading a card or a letter or a note or text that you sent them why because you're significant so i want you to be strengthened today remember that god says that he made you just a little lower than the angels crowd you with glory and honor and that he gave you dominion over all the works of his hand and has put and you has put everything under your feet so i want you to remember to train your brain and declare that you are significant for those that chimed in late go back and watch it it's going to be on a replay and on youtube but i'll say it to you quickly again three things i want you to remember i don't know who this is for that number one see yourself the way that god sees you number two search out your difference your your distinctive difference and number three say it say it say it say it say it out loud say it loud and say it often you got me all right i hope you feel strengthened empowered motivated ready to take on the rest of this day and the rest of this week train your brain to see your significance all right i love you i'm praying for you pray for me if this blessed you three things i want you to do if this helped you three things i want you to do number one i want you to share it share it with somebody so that you know somebody else needs to hear this share it share it share it number two i want you to subscribe subscribe to my youtube page uh subscribe to my email list because i'm gonna be sending out some stuff that is gonna benefit you i'm only trying to get some information to you and then number three if it helps you you always know so when you grow all right anything that that that matters to you you add value to it by adding value send ten dollars five dollars give uh three dollars ten dollars twenty dollars i don't know so on your level but so where you grow because when you sell where you grow it comes back to you not the same way you sent it out but good measure press down shaking together and running over may it be multiplied back into your life for those of you on youtube and facebook all my handles on how to give is on the bottom for those of you on my ig fam it's just the dollar sign with my name jerome glenn thank you i appreciate your sewing and seed sowing and may come back to you in every way don't just take from the moment give for what blessed you all right remember you're significant and you matter god bless you share it peace i love you and just like that i showed up with a pop-up train your brain and i'm out go kill it conquer the day get it in cause you matter alright peace see you later i love you then so much fun i'm glad y'all showed up this morning because y'all showing up absolutely matters you are significant peace you
Channel: Jermone Glenn
Views: 716
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9G789O72U1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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