107 Regular Show Facts Everyone Should Know Part 2 | Channel Frederator

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there is never a boring day in the park on Regular Show this is one of Cartoon Network's longest running cartoons and it's full of action comedy and all around 80s goodness whether you're a loser in life like morai arrogant like rig or a hardcore partyer like musclean there's bound to be someone you relate to in this crazy show there's plenty to Marvel and appreciate and all the unexpected chaos so we're counting down 107 more facts about Regular Show so let's get back to work I mean let's get [Music] started fact number one Creator JG Quintel started his career at Cartoon Network as an unpaid intern he made photo copies and worked his way to the top never give up on your dreams number two Quintel was actually rejected from Cal Arts twice before eventually getting accepted he got the news the first time while playing catch in his front yard saddest game of catch ever number three Quintel doeses does admit that being an art school allows students to express themselves creatively as much as possible while working on his final senior film he already had a job at Cartoon Network and was getting a sense of how much superiors changed people's work he appreciated that but saw it as motivation to go as goofy as possible for his final student film to in the AM PM it only took 3 hours to write the film number four but it's not that easy being an art student Quintel admits that he voiced a lot of his own stuff during school because he was limited in terms of who could help him fact number five thankfully Sam Maron the voice of Pops muslem man and Benson was quintel's hero during Cal Arts Quintel and Marin were in the same grade which led to Marin helping out Quintel on a lot of his projects He even woke up at 400 a.m. at times to record lines for quantel the cheest of homies number six the catchphrase is whoo yeah yeah andm where all tags JG Quintel and his friends used in college fact number seven before working the Glamorous Life of an intern Quintel actually had a lot of crummy jobs he worked at a movie theater and did a lot of cleaning during one of his shifts an actual rat fell on his head dude gross number eight another experience that inspired the show came from quintel's time working at the movie theater his two managers at the time pranked him by calling the theater and telling him in a creepy voice that someone was watching him in the mall that ultimately was the inspiration for the episode prank callers number nine morai was around before 2 in the a.m. PM in his third year of college Quintel storyboarded an entire film starring morai as he tried to escape the zoo while being chased by zookeepers on a golf cart but this was scrapped because it was quote unquote too complicated there was no way a studio could finish it number 10 Quintel created a game that helped the writers and himself think of episode ideas the concept is that writers put a bunch of titles for an episode in a jar they pull out the random title and then work on story ideas based on the selection to win this game the winner has to be both funny and quick each writer basically has 2 minutes to write up story ideas and whichever idea gets the most laughs in the writing room ultimately gets turned into an episode number 11 Quintel adopted this idea from an exercise at Cal Arts one of his words was lollipop and that event eventually led to the short which featured pops number 12 the very first pitch for Regular Show was a drawing on an oversized Post-it the drawing was of morai Rigby and Pops running around together he asked the crew if he could create a storyboard otherwise the whole thing wasn't going to make any sense yeah no kidding number 13 JG Quintel made his original pitch for Regular Show to Craig McCracken creator of the Powerpuff Girls impostor home for imaginary friends and Rob bretti who created My Life as a Teenage Robot and director on Dexter's Laboratory number 14 quintella is a strong believer in the power of the Post-it note He suggests that it's the quickest way to see if something is working well if you can get someone to laugh with one drawing then you're obviously doing something right Obviously good show jolly good show number 15 it only took three story boards to get the pilot green lit granted quel had to tone down some of the jokes and add in new characters to make it work but it's safe to say he did it rather well number 16 all of the storyboards for each episode starts on a Post-It note one storyboard can end up being up to 400 to 500 Post-it notes number 17 the show creates storyboards for each episode far ahead of their air datee by the time the ninth episode of season 7 aired the story boards for the rest of the season plus 10 episodes of season 8 were already completed number 18 while developing the early pitch ideas for the show art director Paula Spence admits she was worried that designs might have been too simple while other shows being pitched at Cartoon Network had bold designs Quintel defended his style claiming it's called Regular Show for a reason ha he was on to something number 19 the show is meant to reflect the real world itself a lot of the designs are based off of Regular objects the kitchen is based off of Spence's actual kitchen and the chair pops wants to get rid of in the pilot is actually quintel's chair in real life number 20 a lot of the writing takes place in what is called The Marble Room as one would guess the room's windows are covered in marbles it's basically any marble lovers dream room number 21 two of the biggest Inspirations for Quintel The Simpsons in Rocco's Modern Life he's admitted that these two shows inspired him to always want to make a cartoon which led to him making flip books throughout college that slowly turned into short anim ated films number 22 in terms of the visual inspiration for the show quantel cites that the Mighty B Ren and sppy and other darker comedies are what made the show come to be number 23 the Regular Show team prefers the traditional tools of pencils and paper to Modern drawing tablets number 24 JG Quintel recruited storyboard writer Calvin wongan storyboard revisionist Helen Joe after finding their many Comics at the spark plug comic books table at San dieo ComicCon in 2009 number 25 Quintel was drawn to Indie Comics because they're usually drawn and written by the same person since Regular Show is a storyboard driven show he wanted people who were the total package number 26 Quintel says he doesn't remember the name of Calin won's comic but he does remember it had a little bird playing the guitar on it I wonder if that might have swayed his opinion in some way H it was called Ramble On in case you were curious number 27 quel found out about writer's storyboard and voice of eileene minty Lewis through a comic given to him by Calvin Wong and looking through her blog when Lewis wrote one of the early episodes for eileene her speaking voice was so perfect that she had to play the character number 28 Eileen is one of the smartest characters in the show storyboard artist Hillary florido believes she's one of the few characters who thinks with her brain While others rely on their heart plus she can start a campfire balance Pancakes on her head and knows the number to Animal Control by heart ultimate girlfriend material number 29 when recording the voice for morai JG Quintel imagines how he would react in the situation of the episode morai is his alter ego after all number 30 regular Show's attitude toward voice actors is that they wanted actors who talk like normal people instead of wacky cartoon voices number 31 the show itself doesn't actually have any sort of theme song just one note from a synthesizer quintella admits that Cartoon Network gave them a specific time frame reserved for a theme song since it was so short Quintel wanted to make something simple that just showed the credits and started the episode no theme song needed number 32 Regular Show tends to put licensed songs into their animatics and the executives try to get permission to use those specific songs for the episodes number 33 Calvin Wong who also does music for the chef had a hard time writing some of the compositions he thought the biggest challenge was that the music should suck but not suck intentionally like my online dating profile number 34 writer minty Lewis admits making something bad isn't that easy for her writing something bad but keeping it funny was the biggest challenge when writing some of the lyrics number 35 writer and storyboard artist Sean seals wanted to make the rapping in the episode wrap it up as cool as possible he thinks there have been a lot of bad raps in other cartoons and he wanted to break that Trend number 36 the episode karaoke night features Pop singing the song Foot Loose from the 1984 film of the same name while he and the other Park employees give a beat down to the karaoke bar employees number 37 one time during a recording session one of the actor's mouths accidentally made a fart noise so the sound engineer kept randomly playing that noise for the rest of the session adulting number 38 Quintel loves listening to 80s music while at work he also enjoys playing video game music on constant Loops since there's no distraction due to the lack of lyrics number 39 the writers try hard not to have the show in a specific year or have it dated but they try to keep it vaguely in the 80s and '90s number 40 to keep the show grounded the staff makes sure that each episode follows the three act structure perfectly number 41 despite that sounding a bit uptight the episode structures are quite loose the concept for the story is that each episode starts with some kind of relatable event and it turns into something magical which leads to some of the craziest things happening in that episode number 42 Quintel happily admits that the show has taken a more emotional turn while still keeping its wacky Roots as the world has progressed in the show he notes that himself and the writers have focused on fleshing out all of the characters and giving them their chance in the spotlight number 43 two of the most emotional episodes are laundry woes and Dodge this according to writer Michelle Cavin she believes that these were the most emotional episodes for morai where he has either learned to move on or fix his own mistakes number 44 in its earlier Roots the show was more male Centric in an interview in 2011 Quintel admits to that but promises more female characters in the show as the show has progressed so has its number of female personalities girl power number 45 Margaret was first written as someone morai just wanted a perfect person however as the show develops storyboard artist cat Morris is proud of the fact that Margaret has grown as a character with flaws and isn't someone who's just perfect number 46 Quintel also says that he sees the park being a representation of the normal world the show may be filled with crazy characters but he wants people to feel like any character might be their buddy which incl includes going on crazy trips to the moon or wherever else number 47 the park itself is constantly evolving and growing just as the show does Quintel admits that the cool thing about animation is that you can cheat a bit there are always new things being added to the park to give it more character in a sense of age number 48 storyboard artist cat Morris admits this to cheating on the house as well she's confessed that the house is a little free floating and it never hurts to add an extra room here and there if if needed number 49 a lot of the rooms don't have a real sense of design aside from Benson's office he has a rug a couch a water cooler and some filing cabinets Spence will change his bulletin board constantly and sometimes it'll even be a window no rules number 50 the first drawing for the pilot was the house Spence admits that the painting of the house is still very loose number 51 Regular Show the movie came about when the network asked JG Quintel if he wanted to do a 40 and it special but Quintel turned down the offer and asked for a movie instead just like the show Regular Show the movie was storyboard driven however if he wanted to do another one JG Quintel would want it scripted out because that would save a lot of headache number 52 when doing the art for the movie The design for the house had to be changed so that it was as close to the original version as possible number 53 Regular Show has modern technology like flat screen TVs and viral internet videos but also has older gadgets like laser discs and tape recorders these were mixed together to represent how Quintel grew up as these Technologies existed and repl with the newer ones but mostly he just thinks it's funny number 54 some of the characters in the show have a specific pie chart which Maps out their facial structures morai is 25% confused 30% Crest 15% Sideburn and 30% chin number 55 Ricky has the most simple pie chart out of all of the car he's just 100% RI yeah yeah number 56 RI is a raccoon because Quintel sees raccoons as jerks but he also really likes raccoons jerkiness and all number 57 William sallers voice of RI found out that some people in Australia think RI is a squirrel because they don't actually have raccoons over there number 58 Marin can relate a lot to Benson as a character during his time at Cal Arts he would get really mad at his animations in his cubicle and would get a explosively angry cubicles are evil number 59 Infantino thinks that Benson is one of the most complex characters in the show he believes that Benson's relationship with morai and rig has grown from hating them to being a disappointed Father Figure slightly better number 60 Benson is beloved among a lot of the writers and artists writer Melle Cavin loves Benson because she believes his emotions are so extreme number 61 sometimes Mark Hamill the voice of Skips will start talking about Star Wars and everyone will drop what they're doing to listen to him number 62 muscleman is a hit among the executives at Cartoon Network executive Conrad mcgomery gives creative notes on every episode and always roots for muscleman his favorite musle man trait that's sweet sweet shirt twirling number 63 starlo was meant to be a one-off character however the writers loved her so much and it gave musle man a sense of emotion since like you know he cried in the shower over her they ended up loving her and keeping her as a regular character ghost ARA number 64 CJ is played by Linda Cardellini who you might recognize as Wendy from Disney's Gravity Falls number 65 whether or not High Five Ghost is tangible depends on what the moment calls for to be funny number 66 JG Quintel said himself that he doesn't know who High Five Ghost was before he died number 67 when asked to explain High Five Ghost Quintel said he's just a dude a cool dude number 68 A lot of people have died on Regular Show like a lot there's at least 80 confirmed characters who are deceased in the show number 69 Thomas the intern turned out to be a secret Russian agent named Nicolai sent to spy on American Parks number 70 he was originally supposed to be just an intern but the writers decided to add the backstory after the fans reacted to how Thomas was just around and not doing anything the writers came up with the secret agent story and found that it fit perfectly when they look back at previous episodes number 71 the Regular Show Halloween specials tear tales of the park are anthology horror episodes similar to The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes Quintel has said that the Treehouse of Horror episodes were a huge inspiration for him number 72 terrot tales of the park 2 had a much darker original ending in this version it turned out that the gang actually died in the car accident at the beginning of the episode and their tow truck driver was taking them to Hell number 73 in tear tales of the park 5 Benson is justess as shlock Holmes riby is justess as M bison from Street Fighter morai is Bruce Lee from Game of Death skips is Rambo pops is the fourth doctor from Doctor Who musclean is snake from Escape from New York and High Five Ghost is willow from Willow number 74 speaking of Willow JG Quintel got to take a picture together with Warwick Davis the actor who plays Willow good number 75 Quintel says that he likes writing the tarot tales of the Park episodes because the team can really go all out and if they write themselves into a corner they can just kill the characters number 76 Regular Show is littered with nerdy references one of them being the form of video games in the episode Rage Against the TV it's shown that rig and morai are playing a game that pays special homage to the classic double dragon the main characters even have red and blue pants number 77 in the episode video Game Wizards the show parody is the infamous Power Glove made by Nintendo the slogan for the glove is that it's so bad in this case bad being good fortunately the real world Power Glove was just bad bad fact number 78 morai and R definitely have a system of choice when it comes to all of their video gaming needs it is the Sega Master System it may not be called by its actual name in the show but it's uncanny how similar it looks to the actual Master System itself number 79 in an interview with the stroid quantel admits to how special video games are to him he grew up on video games and the first console was surprisingly enough the Sega Master System number 80 if morai and rig were real their favorite game would be Tow Jam and Earl which they would play together of course number 81 in the episode but I have a receipt morai and R purchased the hot new board game the realm of darthon with the way the game is played down to its extremely confusing and complex ru rules it plays a strong homage to the classic Dungeons and Dragons board game number 82 Regular Show also parodies content that isn't necessarily kid-friendly at times in the episode grave sites morai and R ran out a movie to play at the Park Cemetery that movie zombo calps 3D director cut which the main character is a homage to everyone's favorite Demon Hunter ash from the Evil Dead series the movie even takes place in a cabin number 83 a lot of the references used in the show are are not always intentional while on a panel at WonderCon in 2012 Quintel admits that sometimes they add references to the show to make characters cooler he specifically cites the unicorns who wore the Clockwork Orange outfits VY will fans number 84 in the episode lunch break there's a reference to Twin Peaks morai and rig end up going through a handful of portals and end up in a room with red curtains and a zigzag pattern on the floor which is a subtle nod to the classic serial drama number 85 While most TV shows make their own version of the Happy Birthday song to avoid copyright problems Regular Show licensed it for their episode Happy Birthday Song Contest in which morai and rig made up their own brand new birthday song and defeated the old iconic one number 86 while Benson plays drums his voice actor Sam Maron plays saxophone what a musical match number 87 in the episode Hello China Rick B's classmate in China Apple was played by rapper and comedian Aquafina back 88 Donald Glover AKA Childish Gambino appears in the episode wrap it up JG Quintel expressed interest in having him back but that's kind of difficult considering that Glover's character exploded at the end of the episode darn number 89 two celebrities that the crew would like to have make a guest appearance on Regular Show are Morgan Freeman and Jack Black Jack Black especially because Quintel thinks the feel of Tenacious D would fit well in Regular Show number 90 one scrapped episode called chocolate ude had the cast looking for a vending machine in the park and there was contest to find the right machine and Benson ate Candy that turned him into chocolate and they had to go to the factory and is it obvious the reason it was scrapped was because it was too convoluted elements of this episode were later used in one of the terrot tales of the Park episodes number 91 the episode excellent was shot down in its early version where the story revolved around Rigby attempting to eat eggs only to vomit his vomit was supposed to come to life and train rig to eat the eggs after the reworked and final version was released it went an Emmy rules are for fools number 92 in that same episode the show references Raiders of the Lost Ark in a not so subtle way at the end of the episode morai is teleported to some sort of cave and must choose the right prize in Raiders Indiana Jones must choose the true Holy Grail number 93 the episode the maximum glove heavily references the Nintendo power glove and even references the line I love the Power Glove it's so bad from the film The Wizard number 94 the episode California King features a reference to the Labrinth with villain resembling the late David Bowie's character from the film number 95 episode brilliant Century duck crisis special was a homage to Japanese Mech series its opening was the parody of the opening sequence of Evangelion in the episode itself referenced the different series such as Voltron the Power Rangers and Gundam Number 96 the episode also has callbacks to a number of different episodes including got of basketball A Bunch of Baby Ducks in the maximum glove in the form of components to The Gangs Mech number 97 for a lot of the villains quento wants them to feel very 80s as well his most common Direction he gives to the storyboard artists is to make the villains look like a combination of predator and Sylvester Stallone from Rambo number 98 Quintel made morai a blue jay because he likes Blue Jays but the name morai itself comes from the that shares the same name in Wes Anderson's the real ten of bombs number 99 the episode trashboat when Rick B legally changes his named a trash boat derives from one of the games where the writers picked random titles out of a hat number 100 skips is the only character that morai and R trust the most at the park Morris says that skips knows things intuitively and that morai and RI go to him over Benso or anyone else when they need help or advice number 101 Regular Show has has seen its fair share of edits in the UK the real Thomas had edits including changing all mentions of Russia to dreia a real place by the way removing Russian writing and changing ri's line now we're all boned to now we're all toast number 102 there was also a scene in another episode where morai and rig kept calling each other turds in the UK version turd was replaced with Plank and no not the one from Ed Ed and Eddie Number 103 when Ricky lowers the watch to The Time Machine it reads 58008 which upside down makes boobs boobs number 104 JG Quintel initially didn't think Regular Show would last more than two seasons at that point his experience was that Cartoon Network shows would get cancelled after two or three seasons 105 JG quantel said that he'll keep making Regular Show episodes as long as Cartoon Network wants them but he also went out of his way to ask the network that when they do decide to end the show they let the team know ahead of time so they can give it a proper ending number 106 the show has had a tremendous success on both the audience level and the critical level the show has been nominated for six Emmys which they won w w and averages over 2 million viewers per episode fact number 107 as of now there's been seven seasons of Regular Show with an eighth season on the way a movie and a handful of digital shorts so JG qu well it's safe to say that Regular Show isn't going away anytime soonm true facts and those are 107 more facts you should know about Regular Show hit that subscribe button and let us know if we missed any rad references or specifics in the comment section below thanks for watching and remember federator loves you
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 832,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Channel Frederator, Cartoon, Animation, Cartoons, Frederator, Frederator Studios, Regular Show, Regular, Show, Cartoon Network, CartoonNetwork, Mordecai, Rigby, Hi-5 Ghost, Muscle Man, Pops, Skips, Regular Show Cartoon Network, 107 Facts, 107 More Facts, 107, Facts, Regular Show Facts, regular show season 8
Id: YH889ZuCoa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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