12,000 Quarters Searched - What Did We Find?

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in the left corner with professional record against corner 'el hunters of 63 skunk boxes - only 13 Silver's yielded your champions quarters the Challenger with a professional corner hunting record against the quarters at only 13 Silver's found and 63 skunk boxes hey everybody its Rob and Rob finds treasure and that is right I have a hard time finding silver quarters in my quarter boxes so I decided to go ahead and go to three different banks a Wells Fargo grab two boxes Wells Fargo grab two boxes and a B of an grab two boxes in hopes of finding some silver first and foremost but I still want to look out for any W quarters and any heirs of varieties now I pop the tops on all these except for these I can see through the holes we have only circulated quarters so sorry to say the chance of me finding a San Antonio missions quarter with the W on it is slim to none that being said we can still find a war in the Pacific American Memorial Park or a low of national park W quarter as well as some silver now you heard in the intro I'm thirteen silvers found out of seventy six boxes searched thirteen silvers found seventy six boxes searched so it's always tough for me typically these hunts I do four to six to eight boxes so I figured why not just get all six right now and do a marathon let me go ahead and pull off these boxes on the top will kick it off with to be of a boxes to get the ones with the holes in them to complete it first and once I do that I'll go ahead and do the live opening of these boxes just to see it for some reason we have a silver under or something else cool let me get that done and I'll be right back all right we've got the two boxes with the hole on the table figured let's go ahead and open them live and see if we have anything to talk about you got some oldies in here nothing that screaming silver at the moment we've also got some new ones in here so maybe we'll get some chances at some W quarters prior to San Antonio missions let's check the other one next see if we have anything to talk about in this box as well alright there we go another oldie there for sure I see an AMT but that's about it nope there's a lull alright well here see how this goes two boxes 100 rolls that kick us off I'll loop you guys in when and if I get my first find well I'm excited roll number 9 I already took a look because I saw the front was a W quarter it's a war in the Pacific the first one I have found on my own without having the ones that my subscribers gave me thanks subscribers but we got one unbelievable a w Warren Pacific quarter and it's a good sign because I was watching seeker stream and he just found a silver 1968 during his stream as I found my W quarter you can't get mad at that 9 rolls in let's go unbelievable roll 11 second quarter to the end we've got another W and this one's a Lowell a w lo and a w war in the Pacific to kick us off I was keeping my p a.m. piece just because I don't see him very often but we don't need him let's keep hunting let's keep finding well box one is hitting we're on a roll 24 we've already got two W quarters I just cracked open this roll and I believe we might have something silvery right here and we do the sweet sound of silver 1961 and I believe that's gonna be a Denver it is 1961 silver quarter box one to go along with a couple of W finds let's go roll 28 we're gonna have another gold quarter I had never found one until recently and it looks like we're gonna have a second gold quarter Philadelphia minted gold plated Hawaii State quarter it's not as gold if you will as my last line this woman has done a little bit weaker it's already wearing away in some of the high points but still a cool find nonetheless it's gold baby well kind of box one is done and it was a dandy we got a W low quarter a W war in the Pacific a silver 1961 and a gold-plated Hawaii quarter top of that a couple of pretty nice quarters here eighty to eighty seven and a few nice state quarters box one down we found silver we're up one to nothing let's go to box to well this is gonna be good we're on a roll 33 of box two we've added no finds to the left I thought it was odd that we have found pretty much too full roles of uncirculated 2002 Tennessee state quarters in this box and they were in the middle of the box in about seven different roles crazy but I bring in because I just cracked open this roll and look what we got right there our favorite site in the world when you're hunting quarters and we're gonna have a silver quarter in this role and I can't wait to see it I can't tell there's a memoir there's something down there 19:54 let's put it under the scope ah that's just a filled D still ii silver quarter of just over a box and a half and more importantly that's two boxes of quarters with the silver which i don't see too often back-to-back and they both are a b of a branch box very interesting very cool let's get back to the hunt when we finish box number two the B of a second box and the B of a boxes did good I'll give you a two box wrap-up I found another pretty nice quarter that I'll be adding to my nice quarters it's 1980 again you saw the two W quarters we also got two silvers but one in that box a fifty for Denver I'll take it all day you saw the gold-plated and check it out we added even more of those uncirculated 2002 Tennessee State quarters unbelievable 137 uncirculated quarters right there looks like it was three or four rolls there are some other nice ones that were in these but they weren't as nice as though so I tossed them back I probably won't be keeping those I'll probably just cherry-pick the best ones of them maybe keep ten of them but I want to pull them aside for a later look now we've done two boxes let me get the discards put away and grab two more boxes from Wells Fargo and put them up next two boxes are up here I've already checked them they're circulated like I said you've got the top torn out for this one we're gonna kick it off with this very first row right here and see we can keep our good fortune going roll number 12 when we have our first fine of box three not silver it's not a W but somebody took the time to colorize this quarter with a sharpie and look at this yo we'll pull it aside it's something different and we'll get back to the hunt well box three was a bust all we got was that one crazy marked up coin almost a reverse proof just kidding but that's all we really got a couple of nice oldies nothing else on that box it happens that's corner oh honey well we'll get that one cleared away and we'll get on to the next Wells Fargo and pray this one has the goodies this one didn't have roll number eight a box for it's a little bit trashy but we've got another W can it be the NP so we get the trifecta law a MP and war in the Pacific it's a war in the Pacific and like I said it's pretty beat up but it's still a W quarter and I'll take it 3w quarters and the first three boxes plus eight rolls roll number 22 and we're gonna have our fourth w quarter of the hunt can it be an EMP it's another Lowell but I'll take it to from old or not to warn the Pacific's let's go we have completed box four of the six fox hunt not a bad box we did get a low W west point quarter and another war in the Pacific WS point quarter one keeper coin 1981 that's an oldie as well as a 1965 that had a little bit of crazy dye deterioration doubling just wanted to show that to you I won't be keeping it but you can clearly see how worn the dyes were because the motto definitely has a lot of dedication doubling anyway we were silver skunked for the second box in a row but I'm not mad anytime you can find a couple of W quarters in a box it's a pretty good back up prize let me get this box at the table and grab the last two boxes of this six box hunt well here they are the last two boxes the hunt of this six box hunt the first to be of a box is produced two silvers and two w's the second two boxes from Wells Fargo only produced two WS I say only that's good finds but we're hunting for this time around and now work to these last two boxes right here I'm hoping we get a silver in these I'm hoping we get some more double use and it'd be nice to score good air alright enough jibber-jabber let's get this hunt on well I'm glad that over that was a tough box because there was only a handful of 2009 teens in the entire box I think less than 10 so we couldn't even find a W quarter couldn't find any silver we did find a couple of nice older struck Washington quarters here's a 65 it has a little bit of the ring of death on it but you know what it's still nice otherwise really nice bicentennials inside of that box I pulled out three that I thought were pretty stunning and then a couple of state quarters that we're better than what I usually see that's it though not only silver skunked W skunked as well let's hope the sister box has some more 19's in it and can provide a silver this hunt rolled number fourteen it ain't silver but we found a 71 s proof it's got some damage to it but that is a proof quarter right there in the box let's get it under the scope you can see the s 1971 you know prior to 1973 there wasn't a lot of coins that were minted as proofs that had a deep cameo this may have had a little bit of a cameo finish but not a deep cameo still a beautiful strike too bad it's got some damage man that thing is fantastic though for its age and the fact that it was in circulation Wow I might need a 71 s proof in my quarter book but for now that's a good find let's get back to the hunt and find some silver roll 16 just a few rolls after that proof find and we've got a W quarter I've got two lols and to warn the Pacific's can it be the trifecta America Memorial Park it's another roll and you know what pretty dinged up but it's still a W lied to the collection I don't mind hoarding some w's for Mike elección roll 35 West Point quarter number six can this be the ANP it's a warm Pacific I'll take it three lols three war in the Pacific we like it can we squeeze out something else well we did it guys we just finished our sixth box of quarters twelve thousand quarters hunted what's the take before I show you the take I figured I'd show you this coin if you look at it under the naked eye somebody decided to try to make it look like a low leaf air but when you put it under the microscope it's just damaged nice try whoever did that you almost got me six boxes yielded two silver quarters of 54 and a sixty one as well as the 71 s proof we also got three war in the Pacific W quarters I have the reverse showing but that's a W and then two more not in bad shape we got three Lowell double use as well reverse there two other ones I'm happy with six W quarters two silvers and a proof nine good finds in six boxes we also found that gold plated one as well as the who knows what happened but I like it I'm keeping it for the collectionn hopefully you enjoyed this massive quarter search at the end of the day yeah we had four silver skunk boxes but we got six w quarters in those six boxes to go along with the other finds I think we did pretty good or at least better than I normally do I'll tell you that B of a one seemed to be better and better every time I get quarters and dimes most of my silver is in B of a which is odd because they're my worse for pennies and nickels who would have thought if you enjoyed this massive quarter hunt I'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 99,821
Rating: 4.85461 out of 5
Keywords: rare coin found, silver quarters, 2019 w quarter, coin roll hunting quarters, coin roll hunting, what years are silver quarters, coins, quarters, looking for silver coins, how to find silver coins, silver, hunting coin rolls, west point quarter 2019, coin, valuable quarters, quarters worth money, coin collecting, quarter, error quarters, silver found, silver coins, coin hunting, coin hunting quarters, coin hunt, found gold, gold found, gold coin, quarter hunting, quarter hunt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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