12 Things you Should Never do to your Shih Tzu

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raising a sheet sue is not easy even after trying our best we can unloadingly make mistakes that can lead to health or behavior problems so in this video we will go through 12 such things you should never do to a shih tzu don't pamper them too much despite being sweet and adorable shih tzus are quite stubborn and can become manipulative as they mature giving into their demands will spoil them over time they may stop listening to you it is necessary to start training them at a young age never let them feel unloved shih tzus were bred to be companions of their owners so it's just natural for them to crave attention in fact they thrive on human company without enough attention and love their personality can become timid they may even try other ways like destructive behavior and excessive barking to get your attention so make it a point to give them sufficient time do not expose them to loud noises this goes for all dog breeds whether big or small dogs get scared by the loud noises of thunder fireworks and even vacuum cleaners and dishwashers loud noises cause them to panic increase stress and may even cause them to run away leading to accidents never hit your dog hitting your sheetsu is the worst form of punishment first of all hitting will not teach your dog anything in fact it will make it worse it will not only harm your relationship with your dog but also make them fearful so instead of hitting try using positive reinforcement for teaching them something let me know in the comments if you want me to make a video on positive reinforcement training never leave them in a closed car just as the scorching heat is dangerous for humans it is terrible for furry animals as they may suffer a heat stroke this is likely to happen if you leave them in a car in the parking lot with the windows rolled up a closed car causes your dog to heat up causing organ failures leading to death besides the car exposure to intense heat without any shade is also not good for your little sheet zoo never miss vet visits do not take matters into your own hands when it comes to your shisu's health don't rely entirely on information available on the internet especially when it comes to health i agree that vet visits are expensive but nothing is more expensive than a health condition caused by sheer negligence if not quarterly do aim for bi-annual vet visits don't pull their leash while it is okay to do so once in a while do not tug at their leash frequently by doing so you could probably fracture their neck shih tzus have a hyoid bone at the base of the tongue which can break due to a harsh pull so please train your shih tzu to walk on a leash and until that use a dog harness instead of a collar do not give them bones while most of us assume that dogs are supposed to chew bones they are not bones are actually dangerous for them while chewing they may break and splinter into small sharp pieces that can cut your dog's mouth leading to injury and infections it can even injure their throat or digestive organs instead of a bone consider giving your sheetsu some good quality chew toys do not neglect their dental hygiene without brushing plaque can build up putting your shitsu at risk of infection tooth decay and bad breath so vets recommend brushing them daily with canine toothpaste while this could be difficult for you at least brush them three times a week and plan a visit to the vet regularly do not let them stick their head out of the window just like any other dog the outside world may appear more exciting to our shiitsu's while traveling in a car they may want to stick their head out of the window to see and smell everything your shitsu may see another dog or a squirrel and out of excitement may try to jump out of the car so do not allow them to stick their head out of the window and if you do keep them under supervision do not use crait as a punishment owners often use crates to give their dogs a time out after they have done something bad the crate is supposed to be a safe place where they can eat and relax and if you use it for punishing them they will start negatively associating it they may not feel relaxed inside it and could be stressed out whenever you put them in so please don't do that don't forget to scoop the poop never leave your dog's poop for someone else to find it pick it up with a scooper or a bag and throw it in a nearby garbage bin this ensures that your neighborhood remains calm and hygienic it is also important that you don't let your dog pee on someone else's yard as it can create a dead spot on their lawn i hope that this video will help you avoid doing these mistakes and take better care of your pooch don't forget to drop a like and subscribe to our channel for more shih tzu care videos see ya
Channel: Shih Tzu Care
Views: 676,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Things you Should Never do to a Shih Tzu, dont do this to your shih tzu, shih tzu care
Id: u9WuWhurk9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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