12 Things Maltese Dog Hate That Humans Do

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your maltese could hate the things you do and you may not even realize it the things that irritate maltese are different from the things that irritate humans generally maltese dislike inactivity inconsistency a lack of routine and more in this video we will share 11 things maltese hate about human behaviors so let's get started number 11 hugging the maltese it's really cute to look at photos of people hugging dogs but the reality is not so comfortable maltese do not enjoy hugs especially from strangers placing your arms around a maltese neck or body may be perceived as a threat most dogs tolerate gentle hugs from trusted humans but that doesn't mean they actually like them number 10 being left alone or ignored dogs are social creatures who generally hate being left alone some dogs are comforted by the presence of another dog but maltese only want human companionship in extreme cases maltese actually fear being left alone and experience separation anxiety the problem is that most owners have to work in order to pay for all that gourmet dog food you also need to have a life run errands take vacations etc of course your maltese doesn't understand all that so what's the solution spend as much time as possible with your maltese when you are home take the time to bond with your dog set a daily routine providing plenty of exercise and mental stimulation number nine the vacuum cleaner it's no secret that maltese really hate the vacuum cleaner this big loud scary machine seems to be their worst enemy most dogs will simply try to run away and hide whereas others will actually try and attack the vacuum cleaner number eight keeping the leash tight we probably all tighten our dog's leashes at times if you see a dog person or a squirrel passing by you may tighten the lead to keep your dog out of trouble yet dogs can recognize tension even through a leash a tight leash lets a dog know that you're feeling nervous or tense which may make them anxious as a result thus working on loose leash walking is a great way to make walks more relaxing for both of you number seven patting their head you can pat your maltese on her head but that's only because she loves you and recognizes you as the one in charge for the most part maltese really dislike being patted on the head this is doubly true for anyone who's not you to a dog a head pat is a somewhat rude and threatening gesture especially when the human stands over the dog as most do number six lack of routine and rules your maltese may not seem like it but he needs rules if your maltese is acting out it's probably because you have not taught him the rules training is an important part of providing structure in your dog's life a routine is important because your dog has an internal clock trying to feed your maltese at the same time each day establish an exercise routine too if possible after a few days of structured rules and routine you will probably notice that your dog is happier routines and rules make your dog's world more predictable and can actually boost his confidence number five being upset life has its ups and downs you can't expect to be happy all the time however maltese can sense your emotions because of the close bond you share if you are going through a period of depression stress or grief it is bound to affect your doc maltese will match your emotions becoming sad or even sick and get bored or frustrated and act out because they are not getting enough attention number four inactivity a big one for maltese particularly dogs bred for activity is not being given enough physical and mental stimulation by guardians as a behavior consultant i can say it's very normal to meet with a dog's family and find out that the maltese is never taken on walks and they consider free run-of-the-yard an appropriate amount of exercise meanwhile maltese is destroying their home and their yard due to boredom and too much excess energy number three hurrying them through a walk maltese see the world through their noses and sniffing around is how they stay connected so it's important to let your maltese meander and take in all the smells instead of forcing them to walk briskly with no breaks sniffy walks give your dog an opportunity to check their pmail catch up on all the neighborhood dog news or see what wild critter skittered by just a few hours prior number two interrupted sleep i was dreaming dude even the nicest dogs hate to be awakened suddenly older maltese especially who tend to sleep more deeply and those whose impaired hearing might not allow them to hear someone's approach can get scared by the sudden presence of a person touching them let your maltese wake up naturally without touching them or sneaking up children especially should be taught not to disturb a dog while he sleeps you wouldn't like being shocked out of a good dream why would your dog if you do need to wake your maltese do so slowly quietly and gently number two inconsistency maltese have a hard time understanding what we want from them and when a guardian or an entire household is inconsistent this makes it much harder for a maltese to figure us out if you have a maltese make sure you and anyone involved with the dog are all on the same page about hand signals voice cues and how the dog can live in your home giving mixed signals isn't fair to the dog imagine if you had one person in your household encouraging you to sit on the couch while others yelled at you when they see you sitting there a great way to keep consistent is to write everything down in a chart or use a whiteboard on your fridge and go over it with everyone in the household it's our job to make our dog's lives fulfilled and earn their trust and make our human lives less confusing to them number one changes to routine maltese depend on routine feeding and elimination schedules walks playtime your maltese engrains these into her brain and expects them to happen each day without much variation if you randomly change her dinner time take her out later than usual or even leave or arrive unpredictably it can stress your maltese and result in behavioral problems as best as you can stick to the same times the same diet the same ritual play activity whatever is working on days off try not to sleep in too late and even if you're tired take her for that walk each morning before you go to work you
Channel: Animal Guide
Views: 150,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maltese, Maltese Dog, dog videos, Maltese dog 101, maltese puppy, Maltese don't like, 12 Things Maltese Dog Hate That Humans Do
Id: 9X3xNfvv0G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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