15 Most Unusual Flying Vehicles That Will Change The World!

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we've all seen planes helicopters and jets but is the world of flying vehicles about to change are we about to witness the biggest innovation in flight since the Wright brothers be it thanks to the latest and greatest leaps in technology or due to the madcap ideas that come out of the Red Bull Flugtag people have been attempting to pioneer the art of flight these are the most unusual flying vehicles that will change the world number 15 flying armored vehicle most of us are fans of Optimus Prime and the Transformers but back in 2010 there were some hefty rumors of something very similar to the Autobots and Decepticons being constructed by the US Army rumors began circling online about a machine that looked very much like a toy but could aid the defense team in the front lines in Afghanistan designed to look like a regular army truck the machine took on helicopter-like traits at the touch of a button enabling its passengers to quickly escape danger the vehicle could be utilized to avoid all roadside bombs deploy troops into strongholds allow for rapid escape from ambushes and evacuate injured soldiers from the battlefield instead of waiting for a medical helicopter increasing survival probability tenfold although anticipated to cost a hefty 132 thousand pounds the vehicle would be a real asset with composite armor protecting all on board from gunfire and blasts it would also be fitted with Auto flight controls making pilot choices far more flexible coupled with unique rotor blades for vertical takeoff this vehicle would be both intriguing and advantageous before we go on we have a cool challenge for you all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years some amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it's time for the odd topic a lot of car companies are literally right now working on flying cars there are far closer to completion than you might expect uber are currently developing flying taxis that they're hoping to have working as soon as 2023 and Slovakia based aeromobil has been act and Slovakia based aeromobil has actively developed as many as four prototypes of a flying car obviously in reality a flying car would sadly not look like the ones from the Jetsons but this photo shows a mock-up of what many industry experts think the finished thing might look like other people actively developing flying cars include none other than Elon Musk who do you think will be the first to succeed in this all-new market as always comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number fourteen flying taxi uber air uber eats in the sky who knows it could happen especially with the rumored development of air transportation gaining traction by 2023 uber and the US Army research team are working together in an effort to hone next-generation rotor tech that could see our flying vehicles a little quieter and overall more efficient they combined $1,000,000 is expected to be spent on this project and will be a good way to test vehicles used in ubers proposed urban aviation rideshare Network uber air are planning to have their aerial vehicles fly upwards of 2,000 feet and reach 150 miles per hour for short flights with a battery charge lasting up to 60 miles the plan to launch airborne uber vehicles has been in the works for quite a while and executives have become more vocal about their intentions ovary years I guess we'll just have to watch this space number 13 flying cars for the wealthy flying cars have been discussed at length over the last two decades with a list of benefits a mile long from lack of highway traffic to distances in time taken to travel the possibilities are endless unfortunately we really haven't come close to any major developments in the last couple of decades however there might be some hope on the horizon with Porsche hinting at a design be it a pricey one if you're imagining a flying sports car then you'd be right with Porsche considering their move into a premium urban air mobility market bringing much speculation Porsche and Boeing are said to have teamed up to build luxury electric powered vertical takeoff and landing aircraft for wealthy people to fly around larger cities this may not entirely indicate that flying cars are on the agenda but it could be a step in the right direction number 12 flying motorcycle the flying motorcycle is well underway with prototypes coming out of hover surf since 2016 the tech company has had its fair share of headlines and rumors over the past few years but they certainly aren't hiding the fact that they're being considered founded by Russian entrepreneur Alex otama knov shots of riders taking to the sky in these futuristic looking machines have already been released combining a traditional motorbike with quadcopter propellers the flying machines look to be powered by gasoline but rechargeable batteries could be an option the bike weighs 114 kilograms and can reach 96 kilometers an hour with a recommended flight height of 5 meters the idea already given the green light by the FAA and even the Dubai Police Force have shown great interest in the vehicle as a result they have made a deal with hover surf which allows them to begin training officers to fly the first of the serial production units these bikes can be pre-ordered for $150,000 but with that comes a compulsory $10,000 three-day training course in California no better time than now to start saving if you want one of the first hovercrafts to take to the skies number 11 flying yacht the aviation revolution has truly begun and with thoughts of expanding into the flying yacht market who knows what they'll consider next and not a a shipyard based in the UAE have designed a 32-foot foiler flying yacht that can fly up to five feet above the waves some benefits include the elimination of seasickness and a smoother ride to that experience on the water due to its flying height passengers won't have to deal with sprays drops and choppiness from the Seas using for hydro foils like the ones used in the America's Cup the yacht is elevated as if it was on wings resulting in a smooth takeoff and landing the 2020 model apparently has joystick controls to further improve captaincy choices and with the help of an industrial-grade hybrid propulsion system the yacht has the potential to coast along the water in complete silence further improving the experience for those on board the carbon-fiber yacht is completely customizable and is powered by two v8 diesel engines that together reach a power of 740 horsepower and speeds of 40 knots number 10 flying bike fans of Luke Skywalker's landspeeder might be intrigued by the works of aero FEX a company that are making strides in developing an aero X hover bike the machine is 4.5 meters long 2.1 metres wide and has the capacity to carry at least two people hovering three metres above the ground the bike is said to reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour the carbon-fiber rotors allow the $85,000 machine to take off and land vertically with a full tank of petrol keeping it going for a good 70 minutes or so the developers have created a similar maneuverability to that of a regular motorcycle allowing you to tilt your body to change your course air effects had a weekend course set up for the vehicle and apparently completing it is all you need to do in order to be qualified to fly one with a weight limit of 140 kilograms this bike could be very useful for outdoor transportation and even scientific research it has plenty of safety features which include airbags and a redundant control system because it takes off vertically users won't need to use a runway or pick up any speed whatsoever number 9 Ark aboard hoverboards are a futuristic vehicle that have been highly coveted since the 1989 release of Back to the Future Part 2 and it seems the days of imagining their existence are well behind us plenty of companies have attempted it over the years Lexus coming close in 2015 with a hoverboard that functioned properly the ARCA space corporation however might be on to something the private aerospace company from New Mexico has built its fair share of rockets and aircrafts over the years but the ARCA board shows some real promise the rectangular flying machine can hover a foot above the ground and is said to be the lightest personal vehicle in existence with the ability to move in any direction including upwards the ARCA board can reach a maximum speed of twelve point five miles per hour using 36 battery-powered electric fans motor controllers and proximity sensors smart phones can be used to control the board if you aren't comfortable in using your own movements to control direction however with a reported flying time of just six minutes at this stage this mode of transport won't be used any time soon number a flying surfboard Kai concepts jet foiler surfboard looks to be the future for the many kings surfers out there this motorized board uses hydrofoil in order to achieve a hover which can drift across the water surface giving the user the appearance of walking on water constructed by Don Montague who was a former sail and kite surfer the jet foiler has been jokingly compared to a magic carpet the composite material on the board is the same type used on race boats in order to keep it solid whilst also rather light hydrofoil Tech has played its part in making the board riding experience a smooth one allowing the user to kite surf without the use of wings the board also includes a wireless controller that can be used to adjust to the speed with a top speed of 25 miles per hour the board sounds fun but it'll set you back upwards of 12,000 dollars if you enjoy surfing though may that's a sacrifice you're willing to make number seven private jet that lands itself with many incidents in the past where aircrafts have had to emergency land due to pilot complications developers must always ensure automatic aircraft control with landing being one of the biggest priorities following an incident in Australia where a man was forced to land an aircraft without any experience a private aircraft company called Cirrus began demonstrating a technology fittingly named Auto land this system would be configured into an airplanes control panel in order to initiate an automatic emergency landing the idea was first developed by navigation and avionics company Garmin and the current plan is to design it in a way where once initiated the system can seek out and recognize the nearest airport or suitable landing area and then follow through with the landing obviously there would be issues with control towers and security which is why a voice command that sends an emergency message to the airports would be programmed in as well giving time for both the runway and airspace to be clear the auto land system will rely on an integrated system of sensors which will include a GPS and radar it should be capable of landing at any Airport including those that don't have sophisticated landing or guiding systems number six the flying mansion if you're not a fan of flying work feel you could use a more comfortable setting in which to fly no worries because there is now a hybrid airship that is practically like flying in a mansion developed by hybrid air vehicles this aircraft has aspects of other vehicles such as airships helicopters and planes it measures three under two feet long and is said to be 60 feet longer than the Airbus a380 which is the world's largest passenger plane created in 2012 the aircraft was named the airlander 10 and cost up to 32 million dollars if you ever wanted to take a cruise in the sky this is essentially in you can stay up there for several days at a time and the interior feels very homely the designs of the airlander 10 mainly came from the idea that flying should be more of an experience than a test of time instead of trying to get somewhere quickly why not chill out relax and you know have a party in the sky equipped with 10 ensuite bedrooms bar and lounge area who wouldn't want to give this a go each airlander however must complete 200 incident free hours before being flown with passengers it has recently completed six successful test flights but has crashed on its second attempt in 2016 whilst also collapsing before takeoff in 2017 no fear however if you do board one of these vehicles you can take comfort in knowing that it's past a rather vigorous testing process and should be hazard free number five the self-folding drone researchers at the University of Zurich and Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne or EPFL that's what I'm gonna call it from now on have been making great leaps to create a drone that can change its shape and size during flight this is something that is deemed incredibly helpful in the event of emergencies as the drone could transform itself to fit into any gaps or holes researchers have looked at birds as an example to determine how some fold their wings in order to traverse narrow places our solution is quite simple from a mechanical point of view but it is very versatile and very autonomous with onboard perception and control systems says David Falana a researcher from the University of Zurich currently the drone has four propellers that each rotate independently while the drone itself fits the standard X shape with four arms stretching out it can then adjust and fold into the shape of an H oh and even a tee when faced with difficult and tight passages the camera is also mounted onto the drone in the centre to get a close enough view to whatever it is seeking the working concept is looking good but the researchers are nowhere near done in testing the limits of the folding drone new shapes and sizes are also being tested along with how well it copes within a wide range of difficult terrain options number four the solar-powered aircraft that can fly for months the Odysseus is a high-altitude pseudo satellite or H ApS developed by Aurora flight sciences this supposedly solar-powered autonomous high-altitude aircraft is said to be able to fly indefinitely able to fly at altitudes of 20 kilometers above the clouds the Odysseus contains a wingspan of two forty-three feet and a payload capacity of around 55 pounds it also contains about 250 watts of power that can be used for things such as satellites that it might be carrying according to the company's website the aircraft can fly all year round and maintain a stable position during any kind of weather or stratospheric conditions these are some very bold claims but they seem very confident and if it's producing positive results who can argue with them the Odysseus is advertised for being able to complete tasks such as vegetation measuring ice coverage and even ground moisture along with these qualities it should also be noted that the Odysseus doesn't require an operator on the ground to collect information very handy number three the reusable rockets that will take us to Mars Elon Musk's company SpaceX has found a purpose for reusable rockets which since 2015 have been regarded as impractical and unnecessary spacex flies two types of rockets the Falcon 9 and the heavy which used nine engine first-stage boosters with the heavy being much larger it ends up using three following flights the Boosters return to earth and arrive at landing sites or drone ships at sea since 2017 spacex has flown around 28 times with the new boosters and have also launched reused boosters around 22 times musk starship is considered the next generation of rockets its development revolves around fully utilizing a reused rocket the starship is an interpretation on his vision of space travel as it's capable of sending people to and from the moon and Mars though the vehicle requires some refurbishment between each launch it also brings the opportunity to make space travel more similar to that of air travel with the only exceptions coming from minor maintenance between flights and the cost of fuel the starship would cost around $900,000 per launch which is an improvement of source considering the Falcon 9 costs upwards of 62 million dollars per launch number two aerial robot that can change shape mid-flight researchers from the Etienne Jules Murray Institute of movement Sciences have set out to design a new kind of aerial robot that has the ability to change mid-flight nature seems to have been a massive inspiration as they've looked at how birds adjust during flight in terms of direction and folding of legs the quad morphing robot can apparently navigate tight spaces by repositioning and orienting its arms these arms are equipped with helicopter like propellers as researchers attempt to use its shape-shifting abilities for emergencies and rescue missions the robot can fly at a decent speed of 9 km/h and navigates using an autopilot system with the help of a 3d localization type system although recently it's been equipped with a small camera that can take around 120 pictures per second with the future in mind researchers would like the camera to allow the robot an ability to determine its own path especially in the event that it needs to fold or tighten up through smaller passages number 1 supersonic passenger airplanes it's been 16 years since the last commercial supersonic flight operated by concorde traversed the atlantic concorde took passengers from London and Paris to places like New York dakar senegal and mexico city and literally half the expected time of any other traditional plane this went on for nearly three decades but due to increasing maintenance costs it was unfortunately discontinued in 2003 this marked what we thought to be the end of supersonic airline services however over the last couple of years several companies and NASA have made an effort to find ways of reviving the supersonic aircraft for paying passengers Lockheed Martin and NASA are currently working in tandem on what is called the ex-59 which is at this stage an experimental supersonic aircraft currently under construction in Palmdale California the intention of the ex-59 is to mute the aircraft's noise by shaping its sonic boom this will ensure that people on the ground will barely hear a whisper from this beast of an aircraft as exciting as this may seem it is still years away with the first test flight pending for some time in 2021 before then strides will be made to create an aircraft that does the same job as the Concorde whilst also improving on some of the issues that the aircraft had this could take several years with aspirations of sonic booms 30 times quieter than the Concorde and 2.2 muk flight speeds with a speed like this boom says it'll fly passengers from San Francisco to Tokyo and five and a half hours while a New York to London flight would only take three hours a very exciting development however perfection mustn't be rushed and in this case neither and safety whoever it was that said cycling to school was a thing of the past got it all wrong in fact it won't be long before the kids are begging their parents for a bicycle that transported them to school there's a catch however it'll need to fly and that's not all for the surfers out there forget taken to the waves this summer try surfing the skies instead yeah flying surfboards are on the horizon also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 1,851,063
Rating: 4.7440934 out of 5
Keywords: technology, future cars, future, unusual, cars, flying car, flying cars, most, list, future vehicles, inventions, gadgets, aeromobil, future transportation, vehicle, new, new technology, transport, amazing cars, strange, vehicles, weird, airplane, strange cars, weirdest, new transportation, project, transportation, future technology, transforming vehicles, bizarre, awesome, incredible, bizarre vehicles, in the world, unusual cars, weird cars, change the world, flying vehicles, most unusual
Id: IQHmEiwZzxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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