12 Most Incredible Abandoned Planes

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there are two places you generally expect to find aircraft either in the sky or at an airport when they're not in either of those places they're generally hidden away in a hangar somewhere either waiting for their next job or enjoying their retirement not every aircraft sticks to those predictable locations sometimes they find themselves in places they're not supposed to be and in some cases they stay there for years a farmer in this Stavropol region of Russia got a shock when he went out to tend to his crops this past June there was a light aircraft standing in the middle of his field waiting for him from the state of the plane and also the battered remains of the crops around it it was evident that the plane had landed hard the pilot and crew must have survived though because they were nowhere to be seen curiously the plane didn't have any identifying markings or documents to be found anywhere the perplexed farmer called the police and they set to work trying to locate the planes pilot but so far they've had no success who would ditch a plane in the middle of a field and then never come back for it the plane wasn't too badly damaged and can still fly so somebody has abandoned a valuable asset almost 60 years ago a plane carrying the Chilean football team green cross disappeared on April 3rd 1961 prompting one of the great mysteries of that era in Chilean sport despite extensive search and rescue operations no trace of the team or their Douglas dc-3 aircraft was ever found now that mystery has finally been resolved Mountaineers crossing the Andes stumbled upon the wreckage of the plane while out exploring some 215 miles south of Santiago and 10,500 feet up in the mountains regrettably it was obvious from what was found at the scene that none of the team survived the initial impact the team were returning home from an away fixture and were split into two planes one of them landed back home safely but this one never did most of the fuselage is still clearly visible and so it could have been found at the time it's just that the plane isn't anywhere near where the rescue teams expected it to be tourists in bali routinely flocked to the beautiful pandawa beach in the Bukit penninsula unaware that there's an unresolved aviation mystery just five minutes down the road it's a whole Boeing 737 set down in the middle of a field and surrounded by shipping containers nobody knows what it's doing there and nobody knows why it's been left to the elements based on the fact that it has no livery or identifying marks it must have been in private ownership at the time it was left here some locals say that a local businessman bought it and planned to turn it into a restaurant there's no confirmation for those rumors and this would be a strange place to put such an establishment a small tourist industry has grown up around the plain since it was discovered it's been surrounded by a fence and a security guard now charges visitors a few dollars to take a closer look and snap a few pictures Boeing 747 planes seem to have a habit of getting lost or abandoned because here's another example of it happening in Hong Kong this former orient Thai Airlines plane is scheduled to be dismantled by the local Airport Authority but some of its admirers would prefer to see it put to use as a hotel or restaurant the 27 year old plane was retired from service three years ago and then left to rot given its level of rust it's unlikely it could ever fly again but aviation enthusiasts insist that it's not a good reason to simply destroy it the back story is that the plane landed in March 2016 but was unable to take off again because of a mechanical fault and the cash-strapped airline was unable to pay for repairs shortly thereafter orient Thai Airlines went bankrupt and the Boeing was left trapped at Hong Kong's Airport without an owner if anyone does want to buy it and save it from the scrap heap they're going to face a heavy bill it's now been there for so long that parking charges have almost 1 million dollars are owed against it one of the key objectives of the annual Burning Man festival in Nevada USA is to leave no trace behind when the festival is over that means picking up all your litter and definitely not leaving your Boeing 747 for someone else to deal with the 40-foot tall plane was a star attraction at this year's festival but weeks after the festival came to a close it was still standing in the desert flying it away isn't an option the plane has been partially disassembled during the festival the fuselage of the plane was used as a unique open-air nightclub for festival attendees and it's not immediately clear why it wasn't instantly moved when the festival closed it since been towed 12 miles into the Black Rock Desert and the owners have apologized for the delay in reclaiming their property they say they want to put it into a storage location but unimpressed local authorities have warned that it will soon be scrapped if they don't hurry up about it military airport is always a good bet if you want to go and find some long-forgotten planes and the military airport of coup Cove and Albania is a particularly fine example there are many old planes here in various states of disrepair the base is a favorite of urban explorers who come here in droves to take pictures of some of its hidden treasures which include a mig-15 a MIG 19 several yakovlev training planes and numerous Xianyang planes both the j5 and j6 models the airport has stood on this land since 1955 it's thought that none of the planes here have flown since 1997 at the latest when the pyramid crisis saw the Albanian civil war breakout and rebel forces stole and used several planes from here even though the models of aircraft you see here are a little old both nambia and north korea still use MIG 19 planes for military purposes a few of the planes are still in good enough condition to fly but the j5 s and J sixes are doomed nobody has manufactured parts for them since 2005 making restaurants out of disused planes is an idea we've mentioned a couple of times already and this was also the idea behind the Michelangelo da Vinci restaurant in Villa Marzano Italy the restaurant opened in 2000 but unlike the planes it used as a centerpiece it never got off the ground the business failed in 2014 leaving behind these two abandoned planes and their companion helicopter the two planes are an old Douglas dc-6 and a tupolev tu-134 a there's even a fake control tower setup to add to the theme not content with just using planes as an attraction the eccentric restaurateur also added replicas of famous works by Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo to the walls it's hard to imagine now but this was once a Grand Place there were swimming pools beneath the wings of the planes and live bands every weekend now the site is strewn with wreckage and debris the interiors of the planes are still in reasonable condition although litter left behind by urban explorers is becoming a problem in the final years of the Cold War Soviet engineers were working on an aircraft that they felt sure would give them an aerial supremacy over not only the Americans but the rest of the world that plane was the Antonov an-225 one of the largest planes ever conceived up only one working model has ever been built which was completed in 1998 and still gets the occasional outing today to delight crowds of onlookers her sister plane has been languishing in a state of near completion for 30 years and can currently be found hiding in a warehouse on the outskirts of Kiev Antonov was caught short by the collapse of the Soviet Union at which point the project was abandoned and the plane was left in its current state the story may not be over though Anthon off says that they hope to return to this plane and finally finished what they started on the 260 foot long behemoth of the skies all they need is someone to come up with the 300 million dollar they need in order to finish the job somebody had very grand plans for the gate 88 shopping mall in Bali close to kuta beach it was imagined as a Nirvana for choppers topped off by an extravagant piece of sculpture art the rear of a McDonnell Douglas dc-10 plane on the roof we imagined that shipping and installing this old plane must have cost several hundred thousand dollars that's a real shame because the plans for the gate 88 Mall fell through and the facility never did a single day's trading the plane once belonged to British Caledonian Airways who sold it to an American cargo company which in turn sold it to a Zimbabwean firm it was finally scrapped in Jakarta before the rear of the fuselage ended up suffering this undignified fate an elevator in the abandoned mall actually opens out into the middle of the plane and if you're ever in the area a security guard will let you in to take some pictures if you pay them a small fee the b-24 D Liberator a plane that was used by the US military during World War two would be a difficult thing to lose with a wingspan of 100 feet it should be fairly easy to see from above even if you do lose it on a crash landing that didn't stop lady be good arguably the most famous plane of its class vanishing for 15 years lady be good set off on a bombing mission on April 4th 1943 looking to attack Italy from a base in Libya she got lost in bad weather and couldn't see the harbor she was supposed to attack her captain radioed back to base to say the navigation systems had failed and that was the last anyone heard of her it wasn't until 1958 that a team searching for places to drill for oil came across the plane 310 miles from its Libyan base it appeared the crew had attempted to parachute out and the plane was left to crash land considering she hit the ground without anyone at the controls she doesn't look too bad we'd love to tell you why there's a tupolev tu-134 in a field near Riga Airport and skull ting but nobody knows the airport says that it isn't theirs and it's outside their land so it's not their responsibility nobody else wants to take responsibility for it either and so it's at where it's at for more than 30 years as you can imagine after 30 years it's a little more than a shell anything that might have been valuable inside the plane has long since been taken away for scrap and sale now the only thing you'll ever find inside it is a party the plane has become a focal point for young people in the area who routinely step inside it and turn it into an unconventional nightclub sometimes it even gets fitted out with special disco lights as you can see in some of these pictures we're surprised the authorities haven't put a stop to this practice but we suppose there's no harm done if nobody gets hurt at least people still come to visit this plane which is more than you can say about several of the abandoned aircraft we've talked about because it's a mostly white plane buried against a backdrop of pure white snow you might completely miss the wreck of the Pegasus if you don't know where to look for it the c-121 Lockheed Constellation plane crashed close to McMurdo Station in New Zealand October 8th 1970 it was a snowy stormy day even by Antarctic standards and visibility was close to zero as the pilot came in to land the wind was so severe that parts of the exterior paneling and landing gear were ripped away from the plane as it got closer to the ground but amazingly nobody was badly hurt by the crash landing the plane skidded across the ice and came to a crunching halt in a pile of snow salvage was impossible and so it's remained in place ever since it's become such an accepted part of the local landscape that the whole airfield has since been renamed Pegasus airfield in honor of its permanent resident subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 1,362,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Most Incredible Abandoned Planes, abandoned plane, abandoned aircraft, abandoned vehicles, amazing abandoned, abandoned, left in rust, abandoned technic, most amazing, top 12, 12 most
Id: Nt6YFCpIK0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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