12 Most Amazing Vehicles In The World

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not every vehicle that's built was designed to transport people or goods some of them have complicated and unique purposes and they've been engineered to perform just one task others have been built just because a genius engineer wanted to show the world what they're capable of this video is full of spectacular and specific machines all of which are spectacular feats of design if your waterways are clocked the Machine you want to send for is an amphibious excavator this clever piece of equipment is designed to stay afloat in shallow water and scrape the surface of the water bed clean the job used to be done by dredgers mounted on barges but the amphibious excavator is significantly more efficient at the task clearing a silted trench is no hardship for the powerful vessel which can also operate on swampland technically speaking it can even walk through the water if it needs to by making use of the sealed pontoons that's it below the chassis the adaptable frame can rotate through 360 degrees if required which means it can roll over and swing while excavating and still carry on its work as if nothing had happened the base of the chassis is reinforced to ensure it can deal with rough terrain and it's made of salt water-resistant high tension steel simply put they're built to last this fearsome looking vehicle might look a little bit like the Batmobile but it's actually the latest military innovation available to Vladimir Putin's Special Forces in Russia it's even got a superhero-style name to go along with its distinctive appearance military insiders like to call it the Punisher the thick armored plating applied to the all-black vehicle means that it can withstand attack by projectiles and even survive land mines exploding directly beneath its wheels the 10 military personnel inside the armored cars would be totally unharmed by any such attack it's not all about defensive capabilities though there are tiny gaps in the class 6a armor which allow for firearms be mounted and used against anyone or anything that gets in the vehicles way putin himself was invited to inspect the prototype of the device back in 2016 and he gave it his enthusiastic approval it's now being mass-produced for use by the army we said that some of the vehicles you'll see in this video we're built just for the sake of building them and here's a great example this gigantic spider robot is the creation of British engineer Matt Denton and is officially the world's largest writable hexapod robot the towering steel arachnid stands at nine feet and two inches and is 16 feet wide the total weight of the metal monstrosity is 2 tonnes Denton has worked for Hollywood in the past making robots for use in movies like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for which he made a small robot tortoise this latest creation despite looking like a spider goes by the name of the Mantis Denton credits his vision to the materials he worked with as a child when he was very young he spent his days building robots out of Lego he combined those skills with his fascination with Star Wars to create the record-breaking machine we see here clearing away landmines from battlefield is an intensely dangerous job you need an armored vehicle to attempt such a task and even then it's hard to completely guarantee the safety of whoever's in the driving seat of the vehicle that's why military personnel are grateful for inventions like the m1 panther ii tank which can be operated by remote control six units of the tank have been built all of which are currently owned and operated by the army of the United States of America they're built around the hull of the m1 Abrams battle tank but the turret has been removed in favor of two arms which can hold either mine plows or mine rollers the idea is that the weight of the mine rollers detonates the mines on contact and the tank is spared from taking the brunt of the explosion they've been used to excellent effect during military campaigns in Iraq Kosovo and Bosnia these Panthers aren't just thorough they're also fast you can rely on them to clear almost five square miles of minefields in a single hour making it safe for other vehicles to follow in their path chemical warfare is an unimaginable horror every civilized nation in the world refuses to engage in it but it remains a possibility that means we have to build machines capable of dealing with such an eventuality the Russian method of negating a chemical attack is the TMS 65 which is built around the chassis of the Ural 375 driven by a single operator the TMS 65 Kandee gas and disinfect areas where toxic chemicals have been released that can include buildings trenches and even open air spaces the platform turns through 360 degrees on a rotary hydraulic system powered by a vk1 turbojet engine not all of its capabilities are defensive though sometimes when deploying troops into a combat situation secrecy and shade is required the TMS 65 can roll into position alongside soldiers and provide a smoke screen allowing them to penetrate into a position without being clearly seen by their enemies milking cows used to be a task that had to be performed by hand in many locations around the world it still is we've seen automated cow milking machines before but nothing on the level of the leve astronaut robotic milking system this was a machine built to deal with a specific problem the world population is increasing and we have a finite amount of food to sustain the population with if we can't create more food then we have to increase the yield we get from what we already have this machine ensures that we get every drop of milk a cow has to offer without causing any suffering or distress to the animals in the process it's a robot with a delicate touch each unit is programmed to prepare every individual cow for milking from attaching teats beforehand to providing post treatment as soon as milking is complete each cow is treated as an individual the machine learns from each milking session and adjusts its approach accordingly the yield on farms which owned the devices has increased by up to 15% while these big red trucks look a little bit like massive mechanical lobsters they are actually specialized fire trucks and they belong to the fire service of Chelny in Russia the emergency services vehicles are derived from the MT LC crawler tractor with a company called REM diesel working on converting the armored tractors into machines that are ideally suited to coping with the demands placed on a 21st century fire service the framework of the tractor remains in place but fire monitors and pumping equipment are mounted onto the chassis as part of the conversion process the capacity of the fire trucks is so great that they could almost be considered mobile fire pump stations they're called into action whenever there's a large dangerous and rapidly spreading fire a typical example would be a fire where a flammable liquid is spreading quickly for example a blaze at an industrial Depot in the disaster scenario of a fire at an ammunition depot these trucks would be first on the scene a vehicle doesn't have to be massive in order to be remarkable but it certainly helps here's the largest wheel loader in the world to help us prove our point Komatsu limited built this big yellow beast which goes by the name of Latour no L to 350 Latour now is a surface mining loader and has been certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest earthen the face of the planet you can load up to 400 tons of trucks onto the back of this monster and it will carry them as easily as you carry a rucksack it can even pull them more than 20 feet into the air if it needs to and lift them outward from itself by 12 feet standing by a single one of the vehicles wheels would give you a sense of its immense size they're six feet wide and measure fourteen feet in diameter under the hood is a 16 cylinder diesel engine which provides 2,300 horsepower that contributes to the hydraulic lift payload which comes in at 72 tons power like this doesn't come cheaply each unit costs one and a half million dollars all ship lifts are impressive feats of engineering but the ship lifts you'll find at the crust Neuer hydroelectric complex and Russia is one of a kind built in 1976 and still in service to this day this is a behemoth in a world of giants for such a gigantic machine it's surprising to find out that it only really consists of four parts an out port an approach channel a turntable for ships and the powerful elevator calling it an elevator is doing it a disservice though it's a whole platform which moves along a rail track with the track gauge measuring 27 feet because of the size each rail on the track requires its own individual flyover when a ship needs lifting the platform sinks below the water level and then brings up both the ship and the water it sits in thus keeping it afloat for the duration of the lift the whole platform then moves on to the turntable which sets the ship in the right direction and then releases it to carry on with its journey the company responsible for this marvelous piece of technology is linga drost on this is an idea so simple that we can't believe that nobody's thought of it before planes aren't designed to travel over land they'll do so when they have to for example when they need to get into position for takeoff but it puts unnecessary strain on the aircraft and introduces the risk of foreign object damage in Israel planes aren't subjected to this risk they're pulled and pushed into place using a small but powerful vehicle known as the taxi bot the robotic aircraft tractors were designed by Israel Aerospace Industries and research has shown that using them significantly reduces the amount of fuel required by planes to take flight because the engines of the planes aren't engaged until the moment they're due to take to the air the taxi bot literally drags them from the terminal gate to the runway and then pulls them back to the gate once they've landed they don't even need a driver the pilot of the plane can control the robots from the cockpit we've seen how the American military deals with clearing minefields now it's time to look at the British method of achieving the same aim the Trojan armored vehicle Royal Engineers which is known as the AVR II for short isn't just designed to clear paths through minefields it can also clear a path through just about any other battlefield obstacles it comes across operated by a crew of three and armed with machine guns and portable anti-tank weapons this is a vehicle you wouldn't want to get in the way of on one side of the a VRE is a winch and on the opposite side is an adaptable caterpillar arm which has an extension capable of taking on multiple different attachments the vehicle can be kitted out for a variety of different functions up to three cubic feet of obstacles or earth can be scooped up and shifted out of the way by the bucket in a single scoop and the arm can lift larger objects clear of its path it can haul anything up to 7 tonnes in weight the whole machine is built around the chassis of the famous Challenger to battle tank what you see here is not an image of the Eiffel Tower lying on its side don't worry nobody's been to Paris and knocked the famous landmark over instead it's the f60 conveyor bridge which is the largest conveyor bridge ever built and has a claim to being the single largest machine ever constructed by the human race back in the 1990's it was put to use by the Colet Vitz nord coal mine in germany where it was capable of shifting over 90,000 cubed feet of earth every single hour the 1600 foot long bridge weighs more than 11,000 tonnes and can be seen for miles around sadly it was so good at its job that it's no longer required the mine is closed and the f60 is now a little more than a curiosity and a tourist attraction people still travel to see it though and we've heard plenty of good things said about the view from the top of the viewing tower which is 250 feet above ground level subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 3,000,905
Rating: 4.6333351 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Vehicles In The World, amazing vehicle, incredible cars, incredible vehicle, unusual vehicles, rare cars, in the world, most amazing, top 12, 12 most
Id: Yadzpwv10Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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