12 Most Incredible Abandoned Technology And Vehicles

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sometimes an idea looks great on paper but doesn't quite translate as well in the real world the vehicles we see on the roads on the rails and in the sky today were developed and refined over many years but not every vehicle design makes it all the way through that process we've lost out on some unique and promising vehicles because of failed prototypes and production problems and today's video contains some of the weirdest and most wonderful of them all consider this a collection of technological near misses sticking with Soviet designs for a moment the USSR was also responsible for the design and development of the bar teeny a57 an experimental bomber that was years ahead of its time when Robert Fludd of each bar teeny came up with the blueprint during the 1950s in fact it might be the fact that it was so far ahead of its time that prevented it from ever being put into mass production the innovative plane was intended to be capable of both takeoff and landing from water a common goal for many advanced military forces around the world during that era the lift jet that martini included in his design was similar to the technology you'll see in modern vertical takeoff and landing planes today and the airplane was so lightweight and maneuverable that Martini expected it to be able to refuel by docking with submarines while flying over the water incredibly it's thought that the 8:57 would be capable of a top speed of 1500 miles per hour martini never got to find out whether he was right the whole plan was cancelled in 1957 when the government decided that the tu-95 was sufficient for its purposes and the a57 would be too expensive to implement Barty knee wasn't the only innovative engineer working for the Soviet Union at the time Pavel tis bin' had his own ambitious idea of what a bomber plane of the future might look like and in his mind it looked like the tis bin' RSR a long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft capable of mach 3 his been started working on the concept of a supersonic ram jet powered bomber in 1954 he quickly realized that Ram Jets weren't suitable for a plane that needed to take off from a conventional runway so he swapped them out for turbo fans he kept the prototype as lightweight as possible using aluminum to create the fuselage and a bicycle undercarriage he aimed to build a plane that could fly at 65,000 feet with a range of more than 2,000 miles the design and testing stage mostly went well although he eventually had to forget the idea of using turbo fans and fit more conventional r11 turbo jets from a mig-21 to his plane to achieve the desired performance the first 10 units of the plane were in the middle of being built when Nikita Khrushchev cancelled the project without warning or explanation in 1961 if the m-52 had been a success it would still be considered one of the most advanced large aircraft in the world today yes this is another Soviet idea but the Soviets had some incredible technological ideas that never quite saw the light of day the m-52 was an idea from the my sous-chef design bureau and was worked on extensively in the late 1970s and the 1980s the development of the m-52 was an offshoot of the burren space program because the USSR needed an aircraft capable of getting the heavy Buran rocket to the sky so it could be launched into orbit the plane that eventually emerged from the process was the an-225 mriya but the m-52 was supposed to solve a few problems that came with an aien 225 design namely the plane could only carry loads above itself loaded on to the fuselage that limited capacity and made loading and unloading a hard task the m-52 would differ by having a large gondola on wheels that served as the underbelly of the plane goods could be loaded onto the gondola wheeled beneath the plane then docked to become part of the chassis it was a great idea but it wasn't to be the project was put on hold during the perestroika then cancelled when the USSR dissolved the Cold War was a time of great innovation in military projects and vehicles on both sides of the conflict for everything the Russians were trying to do the Americans were almost certainly attempting to come up with the similar idea the Soviet concept of the ekranoplan a ground effect vehicle capable of flying over low water was also something the USA was very interested in at one stage they wanted to go a step further and create an Akron oh plane equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles which would be a mighty leap forward in technology the closest they got to developing such a vehicle during the 1950's was the convair hydro skimmer a vehicle we'd probably describe today as a hovercraft the strange spherical vehicles 400 feet in diameter and 70 feet thick more like classic flying saucers than they did boats or planes if any American citizens ever saw them out on the lake being tested it might explain a few of the UFO and alien sightings of the era the idea was viable but a fleet of submarine missile carriers was being developed at the same time the US government ultimately decided to go with these submarines and ditched the hydro skimmers everything about this storm of each passenger hovercraft Soviet idea from the mid-1960s suggests it should have been a success with an appearance that resembled a plane flying over the water the vehicle floated one foot above the waves at a top speed of 75 miles per hour the experimental hovercraft was powered by a gas turbine and was trialed as a transport option to traverse the Volga River a 170 mile round trip between sheva scary and Gorky that would take a full day on a conventional boat there was space for up to 50 passengers in the special cabin at the bow but the storm event required a mere three crew to run efficiently during summer months have performed admirably but problems with dispensing gear and poor operation during winter months saw it decommissioned in 1974 nine years after it welcomed its first passengers the abandoned Tsarevich spent a few years going nowhere at a base in Gorky before being cut into pieces and sold as scrap metal reaching even further back into military history this bizarre-looking French design can be considered an early if impractical ancestor of the tank we often think of the British vehicle Little Willie as the world's first-ever tank but this vehicle known as the boy out machine was created and tested six months earlier because the use of the word tank wasn't even in the military vocabulary back in 1914 when the boy out machine was invented it was referred to as a land ship instead the rhomboid shape of the machine makes it unlike anything that's ever been seen in military hardware either before or since and the total absence of armor makes it look like a skeleton some people even sarcastically nicknamed it Diplodocus military's on account of its supposed resemblance to dinosaur bones the machine was born out of frustration with trench warfare during the first world war with soldiers stuck in trenches and neither side capable of making in advance a new means of crossing land was required and the boy raw machine was supposed to be the solution unfortunately it was deemed too slow too visible too loud and too hard to steer for use in combat still it was an interesting design in the here-and-now almost every car manufacturer in the world is pushing ahead with either all electric or hybrid electric cars in an attempt to be kinder to the environment the yo mobile designed in 2010 would have put Russia years ahead of the curve if it'd been a success but after four years the blueprints and prototypes were sold back to the government for the princely sum of $1 with the weakened state of the global auto market blamed for the failure of the project back in 2010 it was said that the vehicle would end the stereotype that Russia can't make good cars and also that it could double as a mobile power station in the event of a power cut or blackout in actuality it was found to have a high center of gravity making it prone to rolling after collisions an engine design that required components that didn't exist and a design that was accused of being copied from a go-kart a weak global auto market probably didn't have much to do with its failure in reality back in the 1950s people assumed that everything in the future would be powered by nuclear technology and that including cars the idea of driving around in a car powered by a nuclear reactor sounds terrifying to us in the present but Ford was so in love with the idea they came up with the Ford nucleon concept car in 1957 fusing old and new technology together the car was to have a scaled-down nuclear reactor in the rear and a steam engine under the hood powered by uranium fission that wasn't as strange an idea as it may sound a similar system is used to power nuclear submarines Ford was so optimistic about this idea they claimed it would make gasoline obsolete and that the cars of the future would never have to stop for fuel instead every 5,000 miles a mechanic would have the simple job of swapping out the nucleons old nuclear reactor for a brand new one a scale model prototype of the car was built as a demonstration but no full-size versions were ever created that's probably for the best while some of the vehicles we've looked at in this video have obvious drawbacks the Rockwell X 30 was one that deserved to be seen all the way through to completion the idea was a great one a space plane that could fly into orbit from the ground without the use of a rocket and then land safely without assistance it would be faster more efficient and more environmentally friendly than the old-fashioned method of getting into space that we use today the concept was drawn up in 1986 and the Americans sank more than five billion dollars into its development over the following eight years but they lost interest after the USSR dissolved and the space race ended by that point basic design work was completed and the team responsible for its development was ready to build a full-size prototype for testing not only would this have been a great way of getting into space but it would also have laid the foundations for passenger planes that could reach Tokyo from New York in less than two hours by hopping into orbit this is an idea that deserves a second look and the blueprints are still there for anyone who wants to use them the futuristic vehicle known as Russia one may not be designed to go into space but it certainly has a space-age appearance this is a more recent transport design first unveiled in 2014 and therefore it may still one day turn into a reality it's just hit a few snags since the idea was first floated Russia one is a three section tram with a low floor created by the atom design Bureau the strikingly modern design of the cab is said to increase driver visibility and prevent heat buildup inside the tram during warm weather there's space for 250 passengers on board and they'll be able to enjoy free Wi-Fi and music selected to match the weather and time of day while they're traveling the public's response to the design was mixed with some people comparing it to the Batmobile and others saying it looked like an iPhone on Rails the designers hope to have multiple units of the Russia one in operation by the time the 2018 football World Cup took place in Russia but sadly they couldn't find a single city willing to meet the cost of 70 million rubles for each unit as of right now plans to mass-produce the vehicle are unhold just because something can be built doesn't necessarily mean that it should that's a life lesson that should have been explained to the Russian team that came up with the revolutionary screw propelled Zil 4904 said to be the largest screw propelled vehicle in the world and capable of moving over any terrain snow dirt and icer no obstacle for the Zil 4904 and it can even be adapted as a propulsion device for amphibious vehicles when the first model was built in 1972 its designers hoped that it would have a bright future in transporting both passengers and cargo but they failed to appreciate that speed is of the essence in such duties their product was capable of only six miles per hour over water four miles per hour over and eight miles per hour Overland understandably nobody was interested in purchasing such a sluggish vehicle for commercial purposes so the Zil 4904 was abandoned for the pure and simple reason that nobody could find a purpose for it if peter Raska Sauve had lived long enough to turn his idea for a battle mole into reality it could have changed the way that trench warfare was carried out in the 20th century and might even still have an application today his visionary vehicle was a sort of armoured land-based submarine that could carve tunnels through the earth and therefore burrow below enemy lines and emerge in the middle of a base or bunker when he was working on the concept in 1904 it's unlikely that the technology available to him at the time would have been sufficient for him to make a prototype and he passed away the following year without ever getting the opportunity to take the next step forward with it 30 years later Alexander treble of picked up Razakars AUVs idea and set to work on trying to turn it into a reality what happened next is a Russian state secret the popular rumor is that the 100 foot long working prototype was built in 1964 and was armed with a nuclear weapon but exploded underground during testing after that the Russians quietly abandoned the idea and said no more about it subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 155,166
Rating: 4.7716265 out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Abandoned Technology And Vehicles, abandoned vehicles, abandoned cars, exclusive abandoned, abandoned found, abandoned technology, abandoned ship, amazing abandoned, top 12, 12 most, most amazing
Id: byinJ6YhQYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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