12 Harsh Truths It's Time to Accept

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[Music] it's time to wake up and smell the coffee [Music] although the proverbial coffee doesn't smell nearly as good as the real thing alright enough of the cliches i'm talking about harsh truths that most of us don't want to accept but if you get these right life will go much better counting down from number 12 you'll have to study your whole life making it through school and college was tough i know all that reading cramming sleepless nights ah don't remind me well it ain't over just because you got that diploma and finally found a job to be a really valuable expert in your field you have to always be ready to learn something new and continue to beef up your qualifications if you want that promotion at work you may have to sign up for some professional courses besides technology is advancing so fast that your profession might disappear in the nearest future so you better have a plan b for what to study next just in case number 11 your problems don't mean a thing to your employer no one is going to treat you differently at work just because you're taking care of a sick relative or you have three kids to work your schedule around everybody has their own problems and personal situation you're not unique in this sense the cool truth is that when you're employed your job is to bring some profit to the company your work has to be done on time even if you got to bed late because your adopted shelter dog was barking all night if you think that you have some privileges over others because of your personal circumstances then don't be surprised if you get replaced by someone who doesn't always have some excuse no matter how admirable it is as to why they were laid or didn't finish that project before the deadline number 10 your parents aren't always right as we grow up we stop treating our parents words and actions as an unquestionable truth at some point we realize that moms and dads are just ordinary people with their own flaws bad habits and thoughts that aren't always pure wisdom plus you'll probably notice they can make some mistakes too but hey let's take some pressure off the parents try to be more understanding of them they tried to do the best they could and remember if you have kids they'll eventually understand this about you too number nine body positivity doesn't mean the absence of self-care of course there's nothing wrong with the body positivity movement it teaches us to treat other peoples with respect regardless of their appearance and to feel comfortable in our own skin instead of trying to achieve those perfect and most likely photoshop bodies you see on social media and tv but letting your body positivity threaten your health is never an option i could quote all kinds of studies that link obesity with heart disease diabetes shorter life span and whatnot but a quick internet search will give you all the proof you need love yourself but also take care of yourself because your health and well-being should always be priority number one you can eat healthy nutritious meals and exercise without trying to achieve the body of an instagram model you can be the best version of yourself and that's the real truth speaking of looking your best number eight appearance does matter although they say you shouldn't the cold hard fact is that people do judge a book by its cover forbes business insider and tons of others quote the same statistic you have seven seconds to make a first impression that doesn't sound like a lot of time for people to get to know you even if you have a rich inner world and a heart of gold if you look unkempt that's the impression you'll make both in your personal and professional life so if you want to get a good job or a second date you have to accept the fact that your appearance can either make or break your chances if you have an inappropriate outfit or unkept hair this person probably won't call you back number seven friends will stop inviting you out if you keep flaking on them it's totally fine to skip a get together with friends if you prefer to enjoy the night in or if you feel too tired after a stressful work week but if you keep flaking all the time your friends will just assume that you're not interested in hanging out with them and they'll stop inviting you i mean if you have no time for them then why should they bother the good news is that you can fix this situation if your friends have already given up on you show them that you actually care and want to spend time with them by planning your own outing and inviting everyone to your get together [Music] number six no one will appreciate your sacrifices do you always take it upon yourself to rescue anyone who's in trouble or needs help well that's very noble and generous of you but if you think that people will treat you better because of this fact then i got some bad news for you you weren't obliged or asked to help others so why wait for something in return no one actually needs your sacrifices and more often than not people feel awkward and even annoyed by such obtrusiveness number five you are defined by your own personal choices it's really that simple you're the only person who's responsible for your actions or what kind of life you have if you don't know french that's because you didn't learn it if your partner takes you for granted that's because you left them it's no one's fault that you didn't move to the city you've always wanted to live in or that you didn't build the career of your dreams but hey there's still time to turn it around and start working towards your goals it's all up to you author george eliot said it's never too late to be what you might have been so decide and get to it [Music] number four there's always someone better than you yup understanding this one is one of the biggest blows to your self-esteem but it's impossible to ignore the fact that there are people who are younger smarter and better than you in this or that aspect getting old and seeing your face and body change over time might upset you but there's nothing else that can be done about that except for welcoming those changes with your head held high remember you can be the best version of yourself not other people number three guess what you're not the center of the universe hey another shocker here of course it's part of human nature to think that everything that happens around us has something to do with us your partner looks sad and doesn't feel like talking much so you immediately assume they're getting ready to leave you but slow down maybe your significant other just had a bad day at work or their favorite houseplant just died or something your boss still hasn't replied your email with some work-related ideas no it doesn't mean that those ideas are trash it's quite possible that your boss just hasn't had enough time to get to it speaking of bosses number two you won't get a special prize for overtime has your boss ever overloaded you with work that isn't exactly under your responsibility most people react with either that's not my job or wow the boss really trusts me and values my professional skills sorry to disappoint anyone in that second group but it usually just happens because your boss sees you as a workhorse [Music] and since you never say no to working extra hours your boss starts thinking that you actually enjoy these additional tasks but my bet is that you don't really so don't put yourself under such huge pressure that doesn't do your mental or physical health any good and don't expect to be praised the way your teachers did back in school and number one a relationship isn't the key to happiness now don't get me wrong relationships can be wonderful and fulfilling if you find the right person but before you decide that you're ready to find someone to share your life with you should learn to be happy on your own if you're not happy when you're single you won't be happy in a relationship healthy relationships need two assertive grown-ups who don't think that their partner has to make them feel better all the time besides there's so much more to life than being someone's other half it's totally okay if you want to focus on your career bettering yourself traveling or developing meaningful relationships so what other unpleasant truths have you met in your life sound off in the comments below don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to always stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 1,972,733
Rating: 4.7188206 out of 5
Keywords: psychology, human nature, control your emotions, human relations, how to attract people, psychology tricks, self-respect, how to make people respect you, emotional balance, behavior, parents aren’t always right, body positivity, self-care, appearance does matter, relationship
Id: wTdrYaHzSQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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