13 Unusual Facts About Females That Are Totally True

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13 amazing facts about females that are totally true There are numerous books about how to understand women But not so much information shedding light upon biological and social facts connected with the females, for example, why they live from 2 to 10 years longer than men across the world, or how much lipstick they eat during the lifetime? These and many other secrets will reveal here. By the way if you're a competitive soul, find three light bulbs in this video and be the first to write in the comments the exact time when they appear on the screen. Women see more colors. Ever argued with your female friend over those white curtains that she claimed to be either eggshell or cream? Well, that's due to women seeing on average 20% more differences in colors and shapes. What is more, their vocabulary which describes, for example, colors, is significantly more extended than that of men. One research with the name " Sex and Age-related Differences in Color Vocabulary " showed curious results. 26 women and 24 men had to name 200 color samples and females tended to use more elaborate and exquisite color names than males. The female body has a lower resistance to alcohol. Believe it or not, alcohol is even more dangerous for women, as they are more prone to liver disease like hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver and are more likely to die from liver cirrhosis ,a chronic disease. It's also more likely that women will suffer brain damaged caused by alcohol, such as loss of mental functions and reduced brain size. It turns out that females have a deficiency of a particular enzyme, but people need to Tabo lies alcohol That's why women as well as female animals experience more negative and toxic effects of alcohol. Maturity is attractive and not only because of the Oedipus complex. Various studies have shown that a woman is more attractive, the more fertile she looks. So women ,who have given birth, grow into a very feminine body or do not use birth control are way more attractive to men. Men also read it in a woman's odor and the pitch of their voice For instance, High-pitched female voices are more appealing to men, as people associate such a pitch with a high level of estrogen-- the primary female hormone. The average woman will eat four pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. When you take the average number of lipsticks bonds route a lifetime and their average wear ability, it comes down to women licking off or eating with food about four pounds of lipstick in their life That translates to 533.76 lipsticks Of course, for some women ,this number is way too big or not big enough gesture and voice tones, which makes them superior conversation artists and social leaders. Even in a group of people, all the social interactions would probably be led by an alpha type female than an alpha male. This was the conclusion of the survey that involved 2,000 people in the UK. The study estimated their ability to understand emotions observing the eyes of another person. For instance, 60.9 percent of men noticed when somebody was scared , while the number of observant women reached 70.8 percent However, men turned out to be better at detecting anger and desire. Long live women. Sometimes the life duration differences between men and women can be up to a decade, but ,on average, it's at least two to three years all over the world. And this is not only true for human female. Female orangutans and chimpanzees also outlive their male counterparts. Some researchers connect this with the fact that females are more cautious and less prone to risk their life and help. Have you spotted all the light bulbs ? Great. Then go ahead, write the time they appear on the screen. Which fact about ladies was the biggest surprise for you ? Tell us in the comments below. Share this video and remember to click the like button. If this video gets 50,000 likes , will reveal some exciting facts about men.
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Keywords: facts about women, facts about females, facts about people, unusual facts, psychological facts, psychological tricks, psychological tips, psychology, female body, man vs woman, women see more colors, male brain, female brain, bright side, brightside, boys vs girls, how to understand women, how to understand girls, fatcs abour women, facts about female
Id: -B_a7VOeKuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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