#1371 WOOHOO! Incredible Rainbow 3D Flower Resin Coasters

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back i'm gonna have um a fourth attempt i think i'm up to number four to do my rainbow um hopefully this one will work and i'm sure you're sick of bowls so i'm gonna go with the coasters now i have got my resin sitting over there i'm using the platinum ultra clear and i've got it let's see if i can bring this over i've got it sitting in this bowl here and i've got my little thermometer plugged into it so if you can see it's at 45 degrees celsius at the moment so i'm just gonna actually sip that off to the side so i can see it it's a great little thing look i love it it's got that sitting in there so i can just put her around do my work and every now and then i just check the screen and when it gets to 50 i'm going to wait till it gets to 50 degrees and then i'm going to decant into here and into here and then we'll we'll make a start because at 50 degrees it's pretty warm and then once i've decanted it should start sort of cooling down a little bitty right so these are my it's my sort of colors that i'm going to do same as that but i just drew it like that put a little drop of edge so i knew what i was doing i've got the let's resin it's almost empty that one i've got lemon yellow orange magenta purple sky blue red cerulean peach red so if you saw my other ones you'll know that when i dropped my ink into my clear it didn't really spread so this time i'm gonna i want to do the same sort of thing with the colors um different colors i'll just put that aside but this time i'm going to put a little bit of resin in each of these cups i've got eight colors i've got eight cups i'm gonna put a little bit of resin in each i don't need much um just a just a teensy bit and i'll probably just like put one or two we'll see what cup we'll see how they go one or two drops of color in each and then i can just sort of i'm gonna pour i think i'm gonna pour my clear in first and then i'll mix that up and i'll just go drop drop drop drop move on to the next color um yeah i think that'll work um i was sort of thinking maybe drop the color in first and then pour the clear in and let it spread out but i think i'll just put the clear in put the drops in got some little gold stones for my center my white what are we up to still 45 degrees give it a bit of a stir with the stir stick stir stir stir so yeah 45 degrees it's at celsius um now i'm gonna weigh [Music] probably i don't know if 30 grams will be enough i might do 40 grams of resin with six drops of cast and craft and four drops of pinata alcohol ink i'll put that in my piping bag um yeah and that'll be it so i've explained everything look we're up to 46 degrees i'll come back to you when we're at 50 degrees i just wanted to get all that done and said and then i didn't feel as if i had to rush once i got to 50 degrees so i'll be back right that didn't take long it got to 50 degrees real quick let me just get that little probe out now i'm going to just going to pour some in here just so that we can start cooling it down i made up 350 grams of resin so i did 250 grams of a and 107 grams of b i don't need much of this do i not much at all just a little drizzle so probably gonna have more than more than i need just do that all right a little bit more in these you want them almost to the top not totally to the top because you do need to leave a little bit of room for your white so a little bit now let me just pop that on the scale um i'll do 40 grams i might do 30 we'll see see how much 30 looks like that'll be fine that's 30 grams all right so we'll do 30 grams all right so now hopefully i don't have to stress anymore that we've got that decanted put a little bit more in these probably put too much in my little cups now and not enough in these i don't actually know i still have to pour my colors in don't i stop oops oh my gosh it's not just the white i have to put in i have to put my colors in as well so let me just look across the top and see if any need a bit more you're a bit fuller than the others they'll be greedy now all right that's that done um now i better get a now see now i feel as if i need to get a riddle on i need to clean this probe real quick so that it doesn't dry with resin on it okay now let's get the colors in let's i'll start up here yellow and oh it's nearly empty too i know you need a little bit of extra of the yellow it's not very strong and then we have orange i'll just leave it behind there just in case i need to put any more in and the magenta i'm just doing two drops of each and we'll see what the color looks like um purple this is the blue i should check the colors beforehand just because i have to add any more it's the red and this one's kind of a more of a turquoise i don't want green green but i didn't want it's kind of a turquoisey just i thought it would just look a bit prettier than having bright green and peach red all right let's give those a bit of a stir bear with me guys but with me i know it's going to take a little while here to stir everything up if a couple of them look like they're just a little bit pale i'll just add an extra drop that pink's a bit pale the azure looks good not as you are not as you are cerulean that one that one looks good put the lid on put it away i think the red will be fine it's quite a strong color now i hope i haven't taken too long with all of these now and you want to pick an ink that's going to you know dissolve or mix really well some brands sort of mix better than others i've found the pinata i don't like the pinata um it's fine for certain things but other things like this um it leaves a skin on top and i don't like that how about that left it too long you guys how's it going huh all right and so you wanted to wait till 50 degrees but then i've got so much to do all this work to do after 50 degrees and it gets to the temperature so i really i need someone's help i need someone to come and help me stir that's what i need a second person hey hopefully i'll be all right that's the orange and the yellow all right now one of this is going to actually drop in or not although i have to sort of push it in oh gosh now i'm running out of fuel as well okay here we go let's see if we can just do i'll just do this yellow yellow yellow yellow um what's next opposite opposite opposite blue blue blue blue magenta magenta so this is just my clock face here so when i pull my flowers through i'll be able to get a little bit of color of each one you know all right this is the cerulean it's getting a little bit um thick sort of gluggy all right now the orange in the middle of those two it's not spreading a lot i still may have the same problem that i had last time hey um magenta okay purple we should have done purple and magenta next to each other but never mind red red red red one more one more one more one more here we go pretty pink pink pink pink it's gonna be an easier way than this guys tell you what the 3d flower technique i mean it can be simple but when you're trying to do something like this like a big project um sometimes it's not as simple as one would think how are you feeling yep okay a little bit of gold in the center hopefully my center will stay in the center i'm using the little gold stones because they're they're heavier and they just kind of stay in the middle whereas um glitter you know it's really light and it tends to fly away so hopefully this will kind of stay in the middle my colors don't seem to be sort of blending too much do they gosh okay is that about equal i need a little bit more okay that'll do put the lid on real quick okay so now i ended up with 30 grams didn't i so i'm gonna do i'm gonna do three big drops one two three actually i won't oh so let's see what fall looks like and i'll do oh i can get the lid off equal amounts of alcohol ink one two three four let's have a little look and see what that's going to be it's still warm like it's not overly hot i was getting really concerned there that's the time pretty far past okay that's one hour that's exactly one hour since um i stopped stirring i stopped stirring 11 25 and now it's well two minutes almost 12 25. i'll leave it like that i don't want to make it too heavy so that was oh gosh i can't remember now what did i say that was four four four drops in 30 grams look i don't think it really matters three drops four drops five drops in 30 grams or an ounce um yeah don't think it matters too too much let's get a piece of paper towel out you just don't want to make it too heavy i i don't think otherwise you're white i mean the resin can only withstand so much weight you know otherwise it's just gonna your white white's just going to all fall through so don't make it too heavy all right now i'm going to draw that ring around it again i think there's my stick oh my gosh where's my stick i have to use this one where my other one's gone okay here we go it's gonna draw through again like i did last time start with the yellow just using the um silicone stick because it's not going to scratch my mould there we go i don't want to mix it too much because then your colors start to get a bit muddy especially if you've put yellow next to purple you're going to be careful what colors you put next to each other all right you guys well it didn't really work the way i expected i thought putting the colors in the cups there you know it would spread but it's probably because my resin you know it's been sitting for so long and it's thickened up i think really the only thing to do is do what i did with the little cups but do it earlier so i guess does that mean i have to do it again all right there we go that's probably about four millimeters i'll make it just tinty bit wider make it five millimeters four to five millimeters all right are we still taping what if we weren't taping oh my god that would be awful wouldn't it after all that work okay um i might um i might just do some blooms this time a bit tired of doing rings i don't know how many i'm doing though how many is that one two three four five six seven eight oh it's okay try and do one like per color one two three four five six seven eight oh my gosh okay here we go again one two three four five six seven the only issue with doing this is because i've come down that that line there twice it might be a little bit blobby one two three four five six oh no what happened you've only got seven i don't know what happened there okay um [Music] just gonna go actually i'm just gonna go in a circle like this otherwise i might end up with just too much resin in the middle there and then again it's too heavy so you know it'll sink so let's just do this i don't think i need any more in the center there and then i might do something that i've never done before and put some little just a little lines through here why not because there's a lot of empty space there blank space let's see what that looks like oh there's a bubble i need to pop that so we've done pretty well with only the 30 grams of resin let's see if i can get another little circle here am i saying i'm not going to do rings and then i go and do rings okay i should have just enough to do one more phew that was nerve-wracking um i don't know where my other stick is this one's a bit of a different shape i've done with it um no i don't know where it is i have no idea what i've done with it okay um now i'm gonna do a little bit of a i want to bring the colors in okay so um actually now this is what am i doing oh oh gosh now i don't know what i'm doing all right let's just go through there i'm gonna try and bring the colors into the middle a little bit and a little tiny swirl just to break up that center i don't know whether that was the right thing to do because now i have these beautiful big petals that i've created now i've gone through the middle of them all never mind let's see what it looks like it might still be pretty i'm just hoping to draw through a little bit of color and bring it into the center see those little bits of the little lines there i don't want a lot of color through but just a little bit i think will look pretty oops you're done and a bit of a swirl okay nearly done still didn't work the way i was anticipating but i guess things don't always work the way that you think might work let's fix that little blob all right now i've got a little bit of bubbles let's do some torching all right now a little bit of heat with my heat gun i'm just going to wait for it to heat up first be careful it gets hot all right is that enough won't heat it up too much shall we all right guys that's all i can do um now i just have to wait and hopefully it'll work gosh four times a mess i've made um all right let me just put you on pause i'm gonna get cleaned up and then i'll i'll bring you down for a bit of a close-up so just cleaned up and it's been five minutes or so this is what they're looking like so it's blooming beautifully by the looks of it just hope you can still see the the flowers you know on the other side i guess the white will kind of drop through all the color maybe i made the colors a bit bright maybe one drop instead of two for the colors hey you don't want to see me do it again do you i want to keep going until i get it right but um yeah they're they're the petals are moving um i don't know at this stage like if they will close up totally i actually like them to like move more than that but again that the amount that they move is also determined by how thick your line is that you've piped you know how big the hole is in your little piping bag because if you make a really really thin little line then you know the resin can only move so far whereas if you put a thick line on the resin can move more but you also risk it being heavy and dropping through so it's just practice so if you guys want to do these practice practice write down what you do for sure so that if you get it right you've got it written down so you don't go oh no what did i do how long did i wait what was the temperature so yeah just trial and error um some resins work better than others if you have a really thick resin you won't need to wait as long you might only have to get to like half an hour before you're piping other resins like this that are really thin i have to wait an hour before piping it's all different so you just just experiment all right hopefully they work and depending on how much they close over i may come back and do a little top coat because there's a little bit of room left i've got a tiny bit of room left i might do like a little bit of black top coat that would really make the the colors pop but we'll see i'll see you soon so these are looking really nice it's the same day it's later on in the evening at 7 30 pm these have set up enough i mean they're still bendy but they've set up enough for me to put a top coat on so this was the platinum ultra clear this is the platinum 360 plus so this sets up much faster so they'll both settle about the same time tomorrow morning so i didn't want to put the ultra clear on the top because then i'd have to wait another 24 hours so let's do this made up um 50 grams of a and 22 grams of bean and hopefully it will be enough i don't need a lot it's a good idea to use one of these little palette knifes actually that's got a flat bottom there that way you can just spread easily i really don't have very much room in these cavities so i've taken the resin pretty much up to the top so just have to be really careful that i don't go over but i'm happy to dome them so they'll be level with the top of the coaster and then dome up a little bit which is good then you don't have that sharp edge that you need to sand it just takes a little bit more work just to push that resin into the edges there what are you two girls doing dogs fighting down here i pulled all the little bits off that were on my mold so as you can see it just takes a little bit of time because the resin is uh thicker the 360 plus is a thicker resin it will spread but it'll take a long time and i want it to kind of hurry up a bit so i'm just going to help it out so i'll just do this one um and then yeah i'll do the others you don't need to watch me do all the others it'll be the same as this nothing terribly exciting there we go and give it a quick little touch and that's it so i'll do the rest and i'll come back to you tomorrow for the unmolding so it's the next day they're set up i'm so excited it's been ages since i did a backing on a 3d bloom all right shall we have a look i hope it's worked the only concern i have and i'll tell you before i flip it over is that my drops of color are like too dark and you can't or maybe too heavy and you can't see the the petals through them all right here we go are you ready let's do the countdown one was it count up two three oh i shut the front door look at that i've got a few micro bubbles but oh my gosh wow look at that it's been ages since i've done a really good 3d blue the bubbles are inside my colors that's a bit tricky isn't it because the the resin was quite thick already when i added the ink and then of course i stirred it so i've got bubbles yeah i guess the only thing i can do is decant add the color stir it while it's still thin and then wait oh i don't know i don't think i'll bother anymore i just wanted to do one that worked and it worked let's do this one oh so pretty i love my little flicks my little spiky flicks just adds a little bit of extra to it the centers have pretty much stayed in the center well actually they probably haven't moved i probably didn't put them quite in the middle it's tricky trying to get the middles now this one had a little bit of overflow so just a little bit of light sanding i don't really want to do it over top of my other coasters but a little bit of light sanding and that will fix that up all right i'm so excited these are beautiful love the black on them ta-da look at that one that's so pretty wow normally i don't get micro bubbles but yeah it's just that mixing after you can see there that was the blob of yellow you can see how the bubbles have sort of stuck into it because the resin was so thick when i added the ink never mind let's get this one out how'd you come chicken [Music] oh oh gosh he's sticking he's got a tiny little bit stuck on there tiny little bit stuck i must have over-torched naughty me naughty me i keep telling you guys don't over torch or they'll get stuck and then i'd go and do it oh gosh this is an old mould anyway i'll um i'll replace it now i'm just going to if you can see i will show you while i'm here i'm just going to get my little scalpel i'm just going to ever so gently just slice that little bit of silicone off now i have shown you how to resurface a silicone mold like if this happens to you what you can do to fix your mold it's probably not worth it on those really cheapy sort of translucent molds but if you've got a good quality mold and you've damaged it you can resurface it so you can check out that that video of mine um and i'll show you how to do that actually this one's probably getting a little bit old now it's a bit it's a bit matte this particular mold i may have to resurface it there we go how pretty are they you guys hey so pretty look at that wow love them let me know what you think of these i do like the black background i must say i do like that alrighty i'll take a photo of them outside um i may put some gold around the edge just to match the gold in the center there may do we'll see if i've got time do you think that'll look nice sometimes you know it's like that tray that i did the other day with the gold lacing you know sometimes the edge is just too much i think i'll just leave it you know i think it's it's got enough going on on a small piece not to overdo it with a gold edging so yeah i think i'll just leave it i love them the way they are all right thank you again for watching um i'll be doing some more 3d blooms i'm going to try piping a little bit thicker my lines thicker they did spread but um didn't spread as much as i would have liked i guess i know they're pretty good they're pretty good i mean i only did three circles all right i'm gonna go and finish my coffee it's getting cold i was so excited to come and do this that i didn't have my coffee first all right thank you all so much for watching really appreciate it let me know in the comments down below what you think of these ones and i'll see you real soon for the next video okay love you all bye for now you
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 233,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #resincoasters, #resin3dflower, #resinflowercoasters, #resinflowertechnique, #howtomakeresincoasters, #rainbowresincoasters, #3drainbowresin
Id: S98k8DdN-FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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