11:15AM Service: Thank you for joining us for our Morning Worship Service at 11:15 a.m. Be blesse...

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning welcome to the international gathering of beth rafa this is our zoom gathering on this the lord's day yes on this the lord's day we want to uh welcome everyone on all social media platforms and we're going to get excited about worshiping the lord today uh we will be hearing from the men at this time they're going to cover us in the word of prayer let's prepare our hearts and minds good morning everyone good morning good morning good morning i hope you brought your level of anticipation your level of excitement your level of enthusiasm for the lord this morning let us unite our hearts together as one man and body of christ and i'm just going to ask if you could stay muted and stretch forth your hands towards your electronic devices this morning to stretch forth your hands in a posture of covering as we go before the lord the throne of grace to cover our body this morning let us pray father we come before you now father god to give unto thee thanks to give unto thee praise to give unto thee glory to give unto the honor to lift you up lord god to exalt you to magnify your holy name for only you alone are worthy only you alone are worthy to be praised only you alone are worthy to be exalted only you alone are worthy to be lifted up this morning and we thank you we thank you not necessarily for what you have done not necessarily for what you are going to do but simply for who you are for you sit on the throne and you reign supreme and for this we give you thanks and praise father we commit this service into your hands this morning we rebuke every spirit every power every principality every ruler every wickedness every spiritual darkness in high places that we seek to come against and launch offenses against our body this morning electronically or any other way we rebuke you and we nullify these movements in jesus name father we commit this service into your hands holy spirit we pray that you would come now and cover us commission your large angels to stand around about this body summon the face of the north some of the face the south summon the face the east some to face the west that in the name of the lord jesus christ this body would be covered this morning in jesus name holy spirit come now take control of the worship surface let it be as a sweet smelling incense unto the father of lights who dwelleth in unapproachable light this morning come take control of our word segment move through our overseer let her words and your words go go forth and just accomplish that which it is supposed to accomplish this morning father god we just cannot stop thanking you we cannot stop praising you we cannot stop worshiping you take our offering this morning lay your hands on a holy one and let it be used let it be anointed to procreate the gospel of the lord jesus christ to the far reaching corners of the earth in jesus name take the offering take the altar call and just draw as we lift up the name of the lord jesus christ this morning let him draw supernaturally all men unto himself those who have a walk that is waning who is wishy-washy straighten them out holy ghost fix them don't leave the don't let them leave this service until they are walking upright before the holy one of israel this morning holy spirit come now take full control let all we do be pleasing in the father's sight and may he leave us a blessing behind this morning we pray and commit this service in jesus name amen amen amen thank you so much thank you so much we do welcome the holy spirit into the service this morning we also welcome our esteemed bishop the uh right reverend dr jacqueline e mccullough we salute you bishop and we thank god for you and we also welcome uh and salute all pastors and ordained personnel in our midst and on the social media platforms just check your devices make sure you're muted so that uh we can have a successful worship service this morning it's youth sunday so you will hear our young people you might not see them depending on their age but you will hear them in the zoom room you'll see them but on social media platforms uh for the safety we will not show them just a reminder and we want you to uh forget about yourself concentrate on him this morning and focus on the lord and be in service be with the lord in service today amen your worship leader this morning is pasadena powell good morning pasadena good morning and praise the lord to everyone ready good morning and praise the lord to everyone i do honor the lord this morning and i honor our esteemed bishop and the person of the right reverend dr jacqueline e mccullough i greet our executive pastors overseer robin edwards and pastor george hyman junior and his wife theresa to all of the beth good morning to our beth rafa family all of our alliance pastors and their congregants and last always but not least to you our streaming audience on all social medias on all social media platforms we welcome you to beth rafa and to the lord's day this morning's songs are encouraging all of us to praise and worship and lift up our father god according to psalm 103 verses 1 through 6 in the new king james version here begins the reading of god's holy word bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all of your iniquities who heals all of your diseases who redeems your life from destruction who crowns you with love and kindness and tender mercies who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles the lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed so far the reading of god's holy word this morning lift your hands open your mouths and magnify him don't be stingy with your praise on this morning speak well of him says eulogizing bless him the song says praise to the lord the almighty the king of creation let's lift that hymn this morning in jesus name praise to the lord the almighty the king of creative oh my soul praise him for he is thy help and salvation [Music] now to his temple draw near praise him in glad adoration [Music] praise to the lord who all things so wondrous [Music] shelters the under his wings yey [Music] has thou not seen how thy desire there have been granted in what he ordained praise to the lord who does prosper thy work and defend thee surely his goodness and mercy here daily [Music] ponder a [Music] what the almighty can do if with his love he be friend handy praise to the lord oh let all that is in me a door here oh that had and breath come now with praises be for him oh let the man sound from his people again gladly foreign [Music] [Laughter] let us pray o god who declares thy almighty power chiefly and showing mercy and pity mercifully grant unto us such a measure of thy grace that we running to obtain thy promises may be made partakers of thy heavenly treasure through jesus christ our lord who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy spirit one god forever and ever amen good morning beth rafa i'll be reading in your hearing the old testament scripture for instruction psalms chapter 19 7-14 that's psalm 19 7-14 please open your bible and turn to psalm chapter 19 7-14 here begins the reading of god's holy word the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple the statues of the lord are right rejoicing in the heart the commandment of the lord is pure enlighting the eyes the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they than gold yea then much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them is thy servant warm and in keeping of them there is great reward who can understand his errors cleanse down me from secret faults keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins let them not have dominion over me then shall i be upright and i shall be innocent from the great transgression let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer so far the scripture our new testament scripture for admission will come from james chapter 4 7-12 that's james chapter 4 7-12 we will read it responsibly while you remain on mute i'll read the first verse and while on you you will read the next verse and we will continue until verse 12 when we will read together again that's james chapter 4 7-12 here begins the reading of god's holy word submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you draw nigh to god and he will draw nigh to you cleanse your hands ye sinners and purify your hearts ye double minded be afflicted and more and weak let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to happiness humble yourselves in the sight of the lord and he shall lift you up not evil one or another brethren he that speaketh evil of his brother and judgeth his brother speaketh evil of the law and judgeth the law but if thou judge the law they are not a doer of the law but a judge together there is one lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy or our doubt that judges another so far the scripture then i foreign good morning good morning as you remain muted let us confess together decoration of our faith the nicene creed it will appear on the screen let us begin i believe in one god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth and all things visible and invisible and in one lord jesus christ the only begotten son of god begotten of his father before all worlds god of god light of light very god of very god begotten not made being of what substance with the father but whom all things were made who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and was incarnate by the holy ghost of the virgin mary and was made man and was crucified also for us under pontius pilate he suffered and was buried and the third day he rose again according to the scriptures and ascended into heaven and says at the right hand of the father and he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead whose kingdom shall have no end and i believe in the holy ghost the lord and giver of life who proceedeth from the father and the son who with the father and the son together is worshiped and glorified who spake by the prophets and i believe in one catholic and apostolic church i acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins i look and i look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come amen when we say one catholic and apostolic church we are not only referring to the roman catholic church for the church universal and by one baptism for the remission of sins we mean the baptism of the holy ghost for more information on the creeds please refer to our website www.bethraffa.org under the heading why we do the things we do that's all right too god bless you this morning let's put our hands together for our young people we've done everything this morning spirit of excellence and we applaud you and we're very proud of you this morning if you're just joining us we welcome you to beth rafa and the lord's day and we're encouraging everyone this morning to just praise him praise him for his goodness praise him for what he's doing in your life in the life of your family this morning we're encouraging you again not to just sit and look but to participate in the worship to speak well of him because he satisfies our mouths with good things this morning hallelujah and we're renewed like that of the eagle this morning so praise him praise him thank you lord jesus come on lift your hands lift your hands say something good about him now father we adore you we love you and we lift you and we praise you in jesus name [Music] praise him praise [Music] praise him [Music] praise him praise him praise him praise [Music] him praise him oh loving love him love [Music] him love him love him love him love [Music] him love [Music] him [Music] the [Music] so [Music] [Music] the [Music] one more time oh [Music] thee and we bless your name jesus we say hallelujah to your name we give glory and honor to your name jesus hallelujah great and worthy king hallelujah merciful father full of grace and truth hallelujah praise him oh praise him we are here to praise him oh praise him why jesus lest it save the you're old to be praised from the rising of the sun from the rising of the sun [Music] he's worthy jesus is worthy oh he's worthy to be praised it praise him oh praise him we've come to praise him oh praise him why because jesus blessed savior he's worthy to be praised give him glory say it glory hallelujah glory o in all things give him glory he is jesus my blessed savior oh he's worthy to be praise say it again give god the glory glory and honor glory in all things [Music] we give him glory oh jesus bless it bless it save your say it again jesus jesus blesses your jesus jesus blessed savior he's worthy to be praised hallelujah clap your hands and give him glory bless his holy name this morning praise god oh praise god oh praise him in the morning praise him in the noonday praise god clap your hands and praise god oh praise him when the sun goes down love god love god [Music] goes [Music] jesus is worthy oh he's worthy in the morning worthy in the noonday worthy yes he is worthy he is worthy when the sun goes down let all that all the people praise him all the people praise him let all the people praise thy name forever and forevermore let all let all the people praise him let lord the people praise him let all the people praise thy name and forever more praise god oh praise god yes praise him in the morning present in the noonday praise god praise god we've come to praise him with the sun close down now just clap your hands before i'm giving praise come on saints you remember those times when we didn't have music and we just clapped our hands and stumped our feet and those that couldn't do those they just waved their hands and opened up their mouths and gave him praise we praise you for your goodness praise you for your person praise you for your mercy praise you for salvation this morning praise you for healing us god praise you for providing for us praise you for protecting us we just give you praise hallelujah come on clap those hands this morning before him give him a worthy praise praises do his name oh praises do his name yes praises do his name oh praises do his name yes come on praises do his name-o praises do his name yes raises to his name-o praises to his name yes we come to praise god oh praise god oh praise him in the morning praise him in the noonday praise god oh praise god yes praise him when the sun goes down present when present when the sun goes down praise him when present when the sun goes down oh yes hallelujah listen thank you thank you hallelujah yes sir hallelujah thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you let us pray father god we thank you for who you are today you are wonderful glorious and we love you for being such a good good father to us we praise your holy name today god because you are worthy of all praise father we lift up bishop mccullough today asking that you will provide all her needs that you will bring comfort to her heart in such a time as this i pray you that you hug her this morning and assure her that you will never leave her or forsake her i pray you cover her in her health finances and those of her household in jesus name we pray for president joe biden that you will humble his heart and prick it i pray you give him wisdom to navigate in these last days lord i lift up every leader of this house and this morning praying that they will continue to contend for the faith i pray you give them strength because your word says in our weakness you are our strength we lift up all the new converse today i pray the zeal that they have for you will grow stronger by the day even when they are faced with the troubles of life i pray that your word will be a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their past i pray for those who have lost loved ones over the years and recently you are near to the brokenhearted and you are the great comforter comfort those who are grieving god i pray for those of us who are struggling mentally physically and emotionally comfort those who are mourning from the daily struggles of life encourage their hearts so they may know who you know you are the prince of peace let peace inside their hearts today god we pray for the souls all over the world coming from the north south east and west you are gathering your remnant and we rejoice for the one soul that will accept you today lord we know that you are the same god yesterday today and forever and you will you are still a miracle working just as part of the red sea for moses and the children of israel part the red sea for this house lord we pray that you will continue to enlarge the territory of the international gathering of bethlehem we ask for a financial breakthrough to continue carrying the torch for christ jesus in these last days we pray for the land that you've already promised and we give you all the glory for doing so in jesus name amen welcome to beth rafa there is a time to go a time to stay and a time to sit still it takes trusting and obeying god to know what time you are in you may want to go when it is time to stay you may want to stay when it is time to go or you may want to run when it is time to sit still if you want to follow god follow his time he knows just what you need right now and forever you may go when it is time to stay but you will not be fulfilled you may feel so strongly about doing something but is not the right time you may hear god saying do something now but fear has you paralyzed please trust and obey the one who has all times and seasons in his hand on behalf of our senior pastor bishop jacqueline imakallah welcome to beth rafa you can experience healing to heal by loving christ [Music] [Music] [Music] crease [Music] beth rafa please mark your calendars it's time once again for our annual men's revival commencing on this evening this year's theme is men lifting up holy hands from first timothy chapter 2 verse 8. prayer will begin each night at 7 pm and service at 8 pm the speakers are as follows for sunday evening september 26th pastor brian mckenzie senior on monday september 27th joshua thomas on tuesday september 28th deacon joseph osborne and minister stephen locke senior on wednesday september 29th reverend anthony jackson on thursday september 30th deacon mark stevenson and reverend willie littles and on friday october 1st pastor george hyman jr see you there beth rafa is 20 years old god has given us a chosen shepherd and servant in the person of her grace bishop jacqueline e mccullough one who has guided nurtured protected and invested in us as a congregation we have grown together wept together and we are still worshiping together so with great anticipation in this season of celebration we invite you to join us for our anniversary and holy convocation beginning on monday november 1st through sunday november 7th as a restored generation coming from joel chapter 2 verses 25-27 events for the week are as follows on monday november 1st registration for workshops begin on tuesday november 2nd pastor charmaine lashley of grace united methodist church saint albans new york on wednesday november 3rd bishop marvin l winans of perfecting church in detroit michigan on thursday november 4th bishop roderick caesar of bethel gospel tabernacle jamaica new york on friday november 5th bishop liston page junior of the highway church in paterson new jersey on saturday november 6 our elevation service at 11 a.m bishop daryl d woodson is the homilies of mount gilead the cathedral of el shaddai in memphis tennessee on sunday november 7th during our 7 30 a.m and 11 15 a.m services bishop julia mcmillan of new dawn restoration center in tampa florida and on sunday evening at 6 30 pm pastor stephen samuel of westbury gospel tabernacle in westbury new york we look forward to seeing you there as we prepare for our 20th year anniversary celebration and holy convocation please know we'll be offering a host of classes during the week beginning tuesday november 2nd through thursday november 4th classes will be available daily from 1 pm to 2 30 pm the following sessions are being prepared just for you on tuesday november 2nd the face of missions post pandemic instructors reverend dr pat bean and pastor michelle bannister disaster preparedness for life post pandemic instructors reverend dr patricia macleod reverend doreen bingham pastor eric brewer and pastor daenerys hamilton on wednesday november 3rd created to worship no matter what instructors pastor dana powell and pastor bryant davis training youth for future ministry instructors pastor nadine mckenzie and pastor lenny harvey the need for biblical counseling post pandemic instructors overseer robin edwards pastor joyce lynn barnett and pastor sheila benton on thursday november 4th what should the reformed church reflect post-pandemic instructors dr brian mckenzie and pastor john jameson essentials of christian education in the post-pandemic church instructors rev dr patricia macleod pastor maria seaman and judy pierce this workshop will include information on brcc and finance and compliance in the christian church post-pandemic instructors reverend katrina huffman and pastor chris miller these classes will be taught by some of our own beth rafa leaders in partnership with several of our rafa alliance pastors to register for the workshops held during church anniversary and holy convocation please go to www.bethprofit.org and click on the holy convocation church anniversary flyer this will take you to the registration site entitled classy each person may select one workshop per day for a maximum of three workshops within the three-day period a brief description of each class will be on the registration site each registrant will receive a confirmation email upon registration the zoom link will be sent prior to the event we look forward to seeing you in the sessions for further information on registration at registration bethrapha.org get excited everyone the fall quarter for bethropha christian college and theological seminary is here we are happy to announce our newest course biblical hebrew 1 which will be taught by professor andre mira of san palo brazil professor andre holds undergraduate degrees in theology religious studies and psychoanalytic psychology from birkbeck college and university in london england he has also earned master's degrees in biblical studies and jewish studies respectively from king's college and the heathrow college of the university of london professor andre has studied the torah in modern hebrew extensively around the world and with various rabbis in israel he currently leads biblical studies tours in israel turkey and greece where he graciously shares his expertise in hebrew bible jewish background of the new testament and early church history we are both honored and humbled that he has consented to joining our team as an adjunct professor on the brcc faculty please mark your calendars now this course will be offered on tuesday evenings from 6 pm to 7 pm from october 5th through december 14 2021 the following textbook will be used during the first three levels the first hebrew primer the adult beginner's path to biblical hebrew third edition purchase your book today so you'll be ready registration for this class has already begun make sure you register early you do not want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to study at the feet of this great man of god and stay tuned in the next few weeks we will begin announcing equally renowned professors coming our way for the winter and spring quarters thank you dr trish mccloud beth raffa christian college and theological seminary is ready to begin another exciting academic school year our fall quarter is from october 4th through december 17 2021 registration is already begun and a master schedule has been released to the student body and applicants as well these classes will be available online and new classes will be offered via zoom current students can go to www.brbi.populiweb.com to register you can contact reverend dr pat bean dr cynthia williams or the registration committee if you need assistance those interested in applying to brcc can go to www.bethraffaseminary.org or contact reverend pat bean regarding admissions we have exciting new classes on mondays from 8 to 10 pm biblical counseling the medical perspective taught by overseer robin edwards did you know that many of our physical and emotional ailments are fashioned in biblical truths david said in psalm 32 and 3 when i kept silent my bones grew old through my groaning all day long do you want to know more join us bring the word of god and your scalpel and watch god perform his surgery in your life on tuesdays from 6 to 7 pm hebrew 1 taught by professor andre mira and on tuesdays from 8 to 10 pm power encounter with spirits taught by reverend pat bean we look forward to seeing you the 12 verse challenge to eradicate bible poverty has begun the goal is to translate the bible in over 3 800 languages in communities throughout the world who have no bibles in their own languages bible translation organizations throughout the world have come together to achieve this phenomenal project of translating the bible and making them available all over the world the original goal was to have these translations completed by the year 2050 however the goal was readjusted and can be completed by the year 2033 with the participation of churches and christians all over the world saints can donate 35 a month to help provide the resources for this tremendous bible translation effort in addition those involved are also asked to learn one bible verse a month beth rafa is joining with pastor beverly caesar a bethel gospel tabernacle to assist in this effort if you would like to be a part of bringing the gospel to the world by helping to eradicate bible poverty please contact any one of the following persons and we will give you information on how to begin for more information please contact reverend laverne rogers the memory verse for september is saint john chapter 1 verse 1. in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god we are learning verses each month to show solidarity with the body of christ which has no bible in their own language and therefore commits verses to their memory these have been your announcements any additional announcements will come from our bishop and put your hands together it's offering time in the sanctuary good morning good morning good morning grace grace god's grace grace that will pardon and cleanse within grace grace god's grace grace that is greater than all our sin i give you greetings this lord's day welcome to the lord's day i give honor to bishop mccullough all the executive pastors ordained ministers those that are watching on social media and all of you that are with me here on zoom welcome to growing in the grace of giving that's what we're covering this month growing in the grace of giving are you growing in grace of giving what we're going to be covering is giving from the heart giving from the heart and we've been talking from the letter that paul gave to the church at corinth and we're going to be covering chapter 16 today verses 2 through 4 here begins god's holy word upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as god has prospered him that there be no gatherings when i come and when i come whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters then will i send to bring your liberality unto jerusalem and if it be meat that i go also they shall go with me so far the text now we're here in this letter that paul was reading to writing to the church at corinth and in the first 15 chapters he's giving instruction and correction in areas that were necessary for their growth and up until this point he had strong words of correction he but all of these words were given with a heart of love this letter was written because of his love for them and as we were covering these other regular other weeks that we went through we were talking about regular giving systematic giving spiritual responsibility which will heighten our sensitivity to needs are you sensitive to the needs of others that's what paul was trying to bring to their attention giving to the church at jerusalem who were poor who were going through a famine he wanted them to be sensitive he had a sensitivity and a love for those people as he had a love for the church at corinth so paul was giving us an example here he gave us an example of the churches at macedonia they gave even though they did not have he said that they had deep poverty but in second corinthians 8 3 and 4 he said they gave according to their ability and beyond sometimes we have to have sacrificial giving giving beyond we have to have a great urgency for others and we see that in this world even in america there are a lot of financial needs there are needs even in this church but the lord is including us in assisting we've assisted and we thank you so much for assisting us with the school in liberia thank you so much and it's a continuous thing helping those in jamaica but we shouldn't have anxiety when we're giving because it's part of our worship it's an opportunity to further the gospel the offering should not be viewed as a problem it's it shouldn't be a problem we should avoiding this this thing of a problem but it's an opportunity for us to further the gospel we have to remember all that we have is the lord's when it comes to your money it's all the lord's he has prospered you and now he's asking us when we're tithing and giving offering to give back he could have said i want all of it but he said give ten percent and now in our over and above giving think of others so paul in this letter at the end of this letter after he gives all the correction and all that he had to give to the church at corinth he gives us love when you're giving give in love it's about love unconditional love affection or belovedness and he's also letting us know that you will have the grace to give second corinthians 9 and 8 and god is able to make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work so we should want to pull on his grace so we can give up that mcdonald's he's given us the grace you know in this pandemic i have learned have you learned through this pandemic when everything was closed down i learned i don't need all those extras i can cook at home i can do things that are going to give to the furtherance of the gospel we're going to be going into more phases of our church we're going to be building we're going to have a lot of prop projects and it's going to take sacrifice won't you sacrifice today won't you sacrifice giving over and above what you would normally give paul ends this letter in love in verse 24 he says my love in christ jesus be with you all and after giving such severe rebukes he still had affection for those that were in this church just like our pastor sometimes there has to be some harsh rebuke but that rebuke comes out of love receive the love today so that you can move forward in christ paul had not forgotten his pastoral needs to the congregation but he also knew that they needed the love just as jesus did for us he gave sacrificially god loved us so much that he gave his son jesus who sacrificed his love his life for us we can't match that act but we certainly can follow jesus's example so as you're giving your tithes and your offerings today you can give but what you need to do in giving is do this freely seek first the kingdom we can look for things but we have to seek the kingdom second corinthians 8 and 5 let us know and they did this not as we had hoped but first they gave their own cells to the lord the church at macedonia gave themselves to the lord give over yourself to the lord when you're thinking about oh i don't have it reverend dormie i am just scrapped i cannot do it give yourself to the lord and allow him to operate his grace in your life you have to give sacrificially from the heart just as the lord gave he saved us at a great course and my prayer for you today may you continue to grow in his grace as you sacrificially give god bless you thank you so much thank you grace and peace be unto you from god our father and from the lord jesus christ thank you reverend doreen for this wonderful exhortation about grace and giving we we not only have grace to save our souls we not only have grace to have a relationship an ongoing relationship with the lord but we also have grace to extend ourselves to go beyond ourselves because that's the kind of religion we're engaged in when we're christians jesus the bible said god so loved that he so gave and jesus said no man made me do it but i lay down my life willingly so anything that we do we have to do it willingly because that's the way our father is that's the way jesus is they gave willingly and what they gave cannot be compared to the little things that we give so i want you to give today and stretch your giving even the mids of covet i am amazed to know that every time he asked me to give something i have it that that amazes me i mean you know he asked me to do something and i have it now where did it come from and then he asked me to give something else and i have it it could be that the more i give is the more he gives back to me to give again did you hear what i said to give again you understand you know you put that little something in in the back of your wallet you know because you know you just had you hide in it you hiding it from the given you hide in it so that so that you won't have it to give you know what i'm saying you know one of one of my former leaders never had never had any any loose dollars whenever we went out to eat he would always say i don't have any change you know what i'm saying because he ain't gonna spend his money that means you spend yours and many times we have things hidden from ourselves but don't be like my mother because then she can't find it when she wants it all i'm saying is all i'm saying is don't hide the money from the giving did you hear what i said don't hide the money from the giving give it and god will give it back to you in ways that you can't even imagine to the point where you can just think of something you didn't even say it yet and the lord will just provide it if you want to live like that then give like that in jesus name amen jehovah jireh my provider his grace is sufficient for me for me for me jehovah jireh my provider his grace is sufficient for me my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory he will give his angels charge over me jehovah jireh cares for me for me for me jehovah jireh cares for me my god my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory he will give his angels charge he will give his angels charge over me he will give his angels charge over me jehovah jireh cares for me for me for me jehovah gyra cares for me for me for me jehovah jairo cares for me amen i love that um i love that song jehovah gyra and i love that name jehovah jarrah it means god sees you know um you can be in a room and and people are looking at you but they don't see you so what does that mean that doesn't make sense people can look at me and don't see me what do they what don't they see the pain they don't see the inner struggle they don't see the frustration they don't see the loneliness they don't see the fear the people look at you and they see the hair and they see the clothes and they see the tie or they see the shoes or they see the smile because some of us learn how to smile through the storm but they don't see but god sees behind all of that isn't that wonderful and and and because he sees he intends to do his seeing is not just for observation his seeing is a point of contact i see you and i know what to do for you so i'm i love that that whole notion about jehovah jireh because what you see sometimes is what you want to see or what you feel like seeing but what he sees no matter what it is he can work it out i think we ought to praise him for working it out this morning thank god for seeing thank god for seeing thank god for seeing we don't serve an insensitive god who distance himself who withdraws we don't serve a god who looks as he said man looketh on the outward appearance but god what god looketh on the heart he's looking dead in your heart this morning oh my god you are under the microscope glory to god you may be putting on a face because you want me to perceive you a certain way or i might want you to perceive me a certain way but god sees my heart whatever kind of heart it is whatever kind of heart and because of that he can handle my heart now come on raise your hand for a god that can handle your heart thank you father thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you god thank you thank you father i thank you for knowing my heart you know my uprising and you know my down setting isn't that something every hair on my head is numbered my god and if you care for the sparrow i know you can care for me so we thank god that you know the whole folks who say he's a hard fixer and he's a man regular listen to me they had they know what to sing i don't know what we've been singing today but they know exactly how to hit it he's a hard fixer and a mind regulator how many of us need our minds to be regulated oh come on now come with me come with me this morning because many of us have irregulated minds you know what that means the mind is out of control it goes south it goes north and then it comes back to south and then it goes west it it ain't never stable huh we see things that are not so we hear things that are not true we believe things that oh that we feel without any facts we know it ain't true but we the mind feeling it anyway oh but he's a mind record you know listen to me listen to me i'm sorry i'm not i'm not against mental mental health providers but i do know one thing god can give you mental health because he's a mind regulator did you hear what i said you need to raise your hand because that's what's wrong in this pandemic you know how many people's minds have been affected worshipers believers church people minds are just topsy-turvy it's yellow today it's pink later on it's on the mountain it's down in the valley i'm loved i'm not loved you like me i don't like you you used to be my friend i'm not your listen to me all kinds of stuff but he's a mind regulate did you hear what i said he's a mind regulator he takes that mind and bring it right on back right on come on back here now you ain't going down south no you ain't going up no if you're not going you're not going to the east you come right here where i am i know the intents of the heart i know how to do to put it back in this right order i know how to fix it so that you can wake up this morning and the next day and the next day in your right mind thank you jesus come on and praise him come on somebody's mind is irregular is it regulated right now somebody's mind can't stay on one page not even a half a day but god said i can do it for you i i can fix it so that you won't be attorne you have a tormented mind the rest of your life come on if you're tired of having a talk every other minute is something but god said i'm a mind regular oh god you know i love him this morning i don't know why i want to stay on there but i feel help is in the house for somebody i know i'm taking that help for myself you know the enemy hates us listen to me i said the enemy well he doesn't hate you he hates me he loves you but he hates me and listen to me three o'clock in the morning when you're not there and the lights are off he comes right after your mind well you see this didn't happen yet and that happened and so and so did so and so and that should have been and this summer and this and that time if you don't get up and start praising the lord and looking to him the next morning you look like somebody beat you over your head listen to me he's a mind regulator great peace hath they which love thy law nothing shall offend them huh the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid come on when the wicked came upon me ah to eat up my flesh they stumbled and felt but what whole should encamp against me in this will i be confident come on get your mind back come on get your mind back get your mind back god the enemy is saying you ain't saved you ain't saying you're going to be right back doing what you're doing did last month two months ago you're just trying to act like you got it together no i don't have it together but i have one who keeps me together come on he's not dwelling in the secret place of the most i shall abide oh i'm talking to somebody under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he's my refuge and my fortress my god in him will i trust come on here your mind coming on back hey glory to god he was getting ready to put you in depression but the lord is the strength of my mind come on come on come on come on worship him right now you see if you don't worship him you'll be depressed right after service come on raise your hand don't let this be a waste don't let me spin that exercise in future that you make it work for you make it work for you make this moment work for you don't let this moment pass because you're getting ready to face the job tomorrow you better grab all that you can and fuel your spirit right now come on get your spirit filled up with him like you guess up your car i know some of you like to run on empty but what does that make you do you get stopped on the highway then you gotta go get a truck then you gotta pay aaa and then something else wrong with the car but you can do preventative stuff right now come on you can prevent the enemy from messing with your mind tomorrow come on praise him praise him for what saints he's a keeper of my mind come on be anxious for nothing but in everything in everything make a request known unto god i'll make a petition known unto god with supplication and thanksgiving and the very god of peace shall keep your heart and mind come on did you hear what he said he said come on tell me what you want but thank me come on thank me in between somebody ought to thank him i thank you right now i thank you i thank you i thank you i praise you for your grace i thank you for your help i thank you for the doors that's getting ready to get open shady eye glory man so i thank you for the crooked path that you're getting ready to straighten out i thank you for the spirit of opposition that you're getting ready to send in the next direction come on somebody help me right now come on come on i thank you i thank you that you're making a way that i didn't think a way was going to be made i thank you i thank you for teaching me how to have joy in the midst of sorrow i thank you for giving me confidence when i feel like i'm failing come on somebody you ought to praise him praise and praise and praise and praise and praise and praise and praise and praise him glory to god you know the enemy hates this right now make him even more mad praise and praise and praise thank you god thank you that the plots and plans of the enemy have just been turned over the table is turned and all the lies that went out the lies are going back and all the stuff that came at me the arrows that came you know arrows have a direction my god instead of going to jehoshaphat it went right to the right person come on arrows are being turned back in another direction it was intended to come after me ah but the lord turned those arrows come on you better praise the lord for taking those arrows away from you he was supposed to lock you up mess you up and tear you up but look at god help me now god help me help me to praise him help me to praise him come on help me praise him right now he's working things out on your behalf you can't afford to be cute in colby you can't afford you can't afford to be sitting back and acting like you okay i'm okay you're okay i'm cool you cool ain't no cool here this is heat this is heat the heat is on the heat is on but thanks may the god the king said behold i put in three but now i see four at the fourth man look who in the fire with you looks just like the son of god praise him one more time one more time one more time somebody fixing to get property i'm telling you i see somebody fixing to get property i just want to say you can't praise him like this and the lord doesn't speak somebody is fixing to get property ah you get ready to own your own house come on come on i think you ought to praise him i think you want to pray wherever you are you may be in zoom or out there but the holy ghost said and we ain't into no chief i see i see prophecy but you can't praise god like that and he doesn't reveal his plan for his people and the plan is for somebody to own property come on put your hands together praise him yes yes yes yes yes i hear you lord i hear you thank you jesus thank you father all right we have we have a ministry this morning oh glory glory glory thank you welcome you all welcome one and all welcome one and all everybody welcome at the same time glad to have you wherever you from wherever you are so glad you stopped by so glad you stop by to tell him that he's awesome he's wonderful he's amazing he's glorious he's glorious he's glorious he's glorious he's glorious he's glorious in his kingdom he's glorious in the universe he's glorious he sits on the circle of the earth my god he's able to do exceeding and abundant above all that we ask or think he's a wonderful god not only today but he'd be wonderful tomorrow ah my soul loved the lord my soul loves the lord my soul loves the lord my soul loves the lord listen listen you know what if you ever say even if you don't feel it if you just ever say my soul loves the lord real quiet and cute you know that would help you it's when you keep your mouth shut that you're in trouble but if you just say something my soul loves the lord you don't have to be rambunctious like i am you can just say my soul loves the lord it's all right he'll take that because the praises of god when you worship him the bible says he inhabits the praises he comes down to where you are and he calls court you know what calls court means your case came up so when you don't praise him your case is still in the docket somewhere your case is on the shelf you want your case on the shelf well don't praise him but i want my case to come up higher glory all right all right mccullough praise the lord all right all right we have a savannah soloist her name is sister crystal forest and the speaker is overseer robin edwards in in that order glory to god [Music] i must tell jesus [Music] all of my trials i cannot bear these burdens alone in my distress he kindly will help me [Music] [Music] i must tell jesus [Music] i must tell jesus [Music] i cannot bear these burdens alone [Music] i must tell jesus i must tell jesus jesus can help me jesus alone tempted and tried i need a great save you're one who can help my [Music] burdens to bear i must tell jesus [Music] i must tell jesus [Music] we'll share [Music] i must tell jesus i must tell jesus [Music] i cannot bear these burdens alone i must tell jesus i must tell jesus jesus can help me jesus alone [Music] i must tell jesus i must tell jesus i cannot bear my burdens alone i must tell jesus i must tell jesus [Music] jesus will help me [Music] jesus alone [Music] hallelujah i must tell jesus jesus can help me jesus alone thank you lord thank you lord well i do receive that word today through that beautiful hymn i do honor god uh for his goodness and his mercies his daily and daily mercies um that he has bestowed upon me i do honor him i salute you bishop this morning and again all ordained personnel thank you bishop again for your coaching your encouragement and all that you do that pleases the lord and just leading those who he has placed under your care you do an excellent job i'm going to be um speaking today from psalm 72 psalm 72 and you know the text is taken from verses 12 and 13 but i'd like to start at 11. psalm 72 will read from 11 through 13. and then psalm 72 here begins the reading of verses 11 through 13 of psalm 72 yea all kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve him for he shall deliver the needy when he crieth the poor also and him that hath no helper he shall spare the poor and needy and shall save the souls of the needy so far the text and i'd like to speak today from the topic or the theme let him reign let him reign we are in the psalms this is psalm 72 and it was penned by david when he was older or i should say when he was old and solomon was now standing fair to or for the crown and this was david's prayer for himself that his son would succeed him and so as this has happened he is this particular psalm is a prayer it's a prayer and it's entitled the psalm for solomon it's probable that david dictated it or rather that it was by the blessed spirit dictated to him when a little before he died by divine direction he settled the succession and gave orders to proclaim solomon as king we see that in first kings 1 and 30. but those solomon's name is here made use of christ's kingdom is here prophesied of under the type and figure of solomon's of solomon's david knew when the divine oracle was he knew what it was when he said um in acts well he understood acts 20 and 30 talks about uh god having sworn an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up christ to sit on his throne and david knew that what the divine oracle was that of the fruit of his loins according to uh the flesh he would raise up christ to sit on his throne and as we read this we find that it goes far beyond solomon and actually is a prophecy of that son that was promised to david even jesus christ who would sit on the throne of david and rule it and establish it in order injustice so psalms psalm psalm 272 transcends beyond just david's prayer for his son solomon and it becomes an expression of jesus christ in the kingdom age upon the throne of david and we can see some of that in verses 5 and seven when it talks about there they shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure we know that of course he's talking about christ there so that's actually a dual interpretation of 72. so the text says for he shall deliver the needy when he crieth the poor also and him that have no helper he shall spare the poor and needy and shall save the souls of the needy this text tells us what our king what our king jesus will do for us my first point and i pray that i'm not long this morning my first point is the beneficiaries who are the beneficiaries of the benefits that's in this text there are some benefits that are in this text here and we'll talk a little bit about um what those benefits are but who are the beneficiaries of these benefits well we see here the poor the needy those who have no helper and of course those who are in sin those are the sinners so needy here is said spoken of three times you know and we hear that we hear that phrase needy all the time and we take offense to it but guess what our king came for the needy he says he he came to to to uh uh uh isaiah scripture talks about the many things that he comes to do and aren't we glad that he came to do that because we are a needy people and every last one of us have needs i mean some of our needs are outrageous but we have needs you know i need to be respected i need to have you know my life a certain way i need to have this i need to have that so you know what do you believe you need this morning i want you to put it down on paper what you actually believe that you need this morning and this is just between you and god put it down okay so the meaning here is to be destitute you know those in want of something especially in feeling because we have a lot of feeling needs feeling needs i'll call it and you know many of us when we think of needy in the bible we think of beggars but it's not just beggars it's a person who is destitute of something it doesn't have to be money it could be a place to live it could be a job you know it could be a relationship some of us are lonely and just want relationship with destitute of relationships some are destitute of respect they feel like they just have to be respected what is the need uh it means to be deprived or disadvantaged in some way you know uh a lot of us you know i i like to i especially when you're talking about media i can't really talk about needy without talking about how needy i was and um sometimes you don't want to hear it and it's okay but there are so many needy people out there that this word is an offense but isn't it a beautiful thing that the lord came for the needy this morning and so growing up i was destitute i was deprived and disadvantaged not just in finances as a child coming up you know i had on a pair of shoes at least you know but i didn't have that nurturing and that affirmation that we also look for we pray for it i would be i would be i wouldn't be a good person if i didn't talk about it because it is prevalent today and people will sell everything they have just to get it it's like a drug so you could be a pro deprived of that of love maybe you didn't get love and it happens maybe you didn't get love maybe you feel you didn't get low maybe you got it and didn't know you know a lot of husbands or fathers you know they say oh i went to work i brought in the money and i provided that was love and you felt like he had he was supposed to have his arms around you that might make you feel a little better what is the need this morning what is the need some people have the need to provide you know or they need to they feel like they have to be in control of their finances they have to what is your need today the king is here for you this morning but i'm encouraging you ultimately go deep in terms of what you need this morning be honest with yourself nobody's looking at the paper but you he says he the the the beneficiaries are those who are poor and that word means to be depressed in your mind depressed in your mind if you hear poor you think of no money but sometimes you don't have money you get depressed but the bottom line is money is not the only thing that'll depress a person but the the anger turned inward and the hopelessness that is what's considered the poor here poor uh depressed in circumstances afflicted in some way i'm i'm i want you to find the areas today where you're afflicted nobody has to see that paper just put it down there so-and-so is afflicting me or this situation is afflicting me or my supervisor is wearing me out i'm constantly afflicted because you know the answer to affliction is prayer he says if you're afflicted pray yep that word afflict that doesn't necessarily mean sick okay so but the poor the afflicted in some way the lowly the lowly or the meek you know sometimes when you are meek uh people think you're weak and they feel like they have to protect you and and and do what it what's necessary to help you but but what what the king the king uh uh is here for those who are meek we don't try to protect ourselves and control our situations around us the king protects us so the needy and the poor it says and those who have no helper i don't know about you but i was looking for help i was looking for a helper someone who would protect me and cover me my parents died but when i when i was very young they died young they died in their 40s but i was only 11 my mother my father died and i was about 19 or 20 when my mother died and i was looking for a protector i needed someone to help me i needed a helper many of us you know we're way up in age and we we're still looking for a helper but the king is the helper and in this text he's letting us know that these are the these are the uh uh uh uh the beneficiaries uh uh who will receive uh the benefits those who have no helper no one to protect you all who have exposed who have been exposed to injustice you know sometimes uh because of where you can be spiritually you know sometimes if you're spiritually strong or maturing spiritually and you handle a situation not the way the world handles it but the way the bible handles it what you're saying to yourself is i know the lord has this when he says vengeance is mine i will repay but then there are some that are around you or in the vicinity and they say say to themselves and they say to you you need me to help you you need me to protect you because you're too quiet you're too meek you're too this what please and let me just shout out my brother because i can norman when he first came to beth rafa he was always trying to help he was always trying to protect me i was just his little sister and i am younger but the bottom line is i had to say to him stop it and i said it regularly the lord protects me and i have to put put you on notice my sister sharon is watching she's always wanted to be a protector but but the lord takes care of me and she has seen that the lord has taken care of me no the person who has no support or no one who surrounds you or aids you a lot of times we come into situations and we become part of of of groups and and different uh uh i want to say uh all kinds of things to be to have people surround us or aid us so they can come to our aid or people who will be there for us and that sort of thing but don't you know that god is your protector he's the one it's the scripture says those who have no helper now what's happening is we keep trying to put helpers in place everywhere this is everywhere in the bible characteristic characteristic of the reign of the messiah this is interesting because we have helpers and some of the young people they told me they call it sponsors sponsors don't call it sugar daddies anymore it's a sponsor they corrected me [Laughter] as long as you think you have help you will continue on the path of destruction and some of the reasons why god has not intervened yet some of the reasons why is because we keep putting sponsors helpers sugar daddies in place but for those who said nope nope nope i can't do it but those who have no helper that's it you're you're in good company today because the lord is even stripping some of us of our helpers because we don't even want to get rid of the helpers but he's stripping us of helpers aren't you glad he's a loving god and a loving king the lord is stripping us get rid of the helpers get rid of them put them out because they're leading us on a path of destruction and sometimes there are people that the lord has put in your life to help you wonderful wonderful and let them help but don't let them be the helper the helper the only helper we have is the lord jesus christ your husband can't be your helper not in the way that the king wants to be the helper okay and then those of course who are in need of a savior we all fit into this category in some way form or fashion of being one of the beneficiaries of this reigning king verse 13 talks about the poor and in that text by then that verse he's talking about that word poor actually means the person who's dangling you're dangling you're weak or thin you're dangling so it's a different word from the word that we see in verse 12 but that person too has a hope today that person too so the needy the weak the oppressed the endangered will benefit from such a social that i say social some such a social compassion the wishes the prayers and the gratitude of the people will support this ideal social order the result will be prosperity beyond measure and and universal blessedness and this is certainly the bible's vision of the future for mankind so although god is not mentioned in this particular uh chapter except the first verse we know that he is here he's mentioned here uh he's not he he's he's going to achieve this marvelous work and he's going to do this who would want a king like this my second point what are the benefits of our king what are the benefits what are the benefits the text tells us he will deliver he will deliver that word deliver means he will rescue he will rescue and he will spare and save the souls that were delivered means to rescue or set someone or something free from something or someone it means to rescue you remember how i talked about the last time not um rescuing a person you don't need to rescue a person because god's going to do it our king will rescue and nobody can rescue like jesus nobody can rescue like he can rescue us from situations it talks about sparing a person and that word spare means to pity them to have compassion on to look upon with compassion you know we get ourselves into situations that's so pitiful thank god that he will have pity on us and don't give us what we deserve but he shall spare the poor and the needy and shall save the souls of the needy so sometimes you know i mean granted christians go through so much that we do need the lord to deliver us we do need the lord to spare us we do need the lord to have compassion on us and mercy on us but they're all there's also sinners out there that need a savior and and you're you're you're you're right where you should be today because the savior is in the house and he wants to reign as king in our lives he's going to say so so he's going to bring salvation that's what this scripture is talking about the right of salvation was established at his first coming you see that in matthew 1 and 21 where that's he said uh his name will be jesus and he will save his people from their sins so we needed that first and foremost that's why we get into a lot of trouble because the sin is great but thank god that where sin more abounds grace doth more about as well okay in verse 14 even lets us know that he will save us from ourselves and others my third point so how do we claim these benefits how do we claim these benefits we claim these benefits what do you have to do to claim them what the lord is is saying well sometimes it's automatic because you know we we don't realize that we need help and so the lord will sometimes just pull us out of mess and deliver us and we don't even realize we've been delivered right away but here in this text it helps us just to understand those who cry it out that's what the text says it says it says let's let's go there it says he's um he he when he cries when he cries and that's what we're looking are you crying out to him this morning when the spirit you know draws us a lot of times that's when we are crying out you know when we when we're coming to him we come and we cry out yes lord i need your help this morning and that sort of thing and that thank god because the spirit is is causing us to do that why because we don't have sin enough to cry out for him we don't have sex enough to cry out for him no sense at all but it's it's it's it's him in us that brings us to that place where we want jesus and then after after we accept jesus into our life we still go into uh uh crazy and and and and crack situations or skewed situations we still go into those kind of situations um and it's always going to bring us to a place where we're going to cry out now but the question is what are we crying out for are we crying out for that need what do you know you know when are we going to get it when are we going to get it but there comes a day when we will cry out for the savior when we will say lord i try all of this mess and i recognize this is nothing but idolatry and i need you and so what does that crying out look like that word eth means cryeth which means it's a continual a continual we always need we always need him to deliver us we always need him to pity us we always need him we find ourselves in one way or another as one of the uh persons who needs him to help us thank god thank god so let me say if he's not king you will cry out for many things many times but it won't be crying out for him but when you have him in your life and you are going through stuff we go through stuff every day every day we go through things and we will always need him that's what it's called that's why you get up and meet him in the morning because we need him to go forward in the day that's why when you go to bed at night you thank him because we knew that he was with us and we need him even when we go to sleep but there comes a day when the needy will cry out if left to ourselves we would never cry out because we keep choosing sin every single time and we'll be crying for for other reasons not for him that's that's that's we'll we only choose sin we own the fl anytime you go with the flesh you'll never choose what you're supposed to have the flesh will never choose god this is sinful flesh we'll never choose god but thank god that we have the holy spirit in us that will help us when the scripture tells us even with that the scripture tells us i set before you death and life and then tells us to choose life and we still choose death i tell you this is important and this and i'm coming down home stretch here this is why it's so important that we have basic doctrinal foundational truths that are undergirding us because we all of us are going to face challenges and experiences in our lives that we will not always understand i know we have that we're going through right now that we don't always understand and these experiences in many cases will be hard and even painful i'm not going to ask you to raise your hand if you're going through something hard and painful i know that we are we do it on a regular basis we go through some of us it's because of what we've done and the lord helps us thank god and some of it is what um others have the lord has allowed us to go through some of it is because of that but the bottom line is we we're going to experience these cases and they'll be hard and even painful being lied on or even rejected these experiences can actually challenge god's goodness and his love in our minds if god is good then why did he allow this tragedy to happen to me if god loves me why would he allow me to have this experience or or this obvious heartache i just don't understand all the things that happen or are are happening to me at this time and i'm encouraging you to make it a practice whenever you're faced with a situation that you don't seem to understand you have to fall back on what you do understand what that you say you say i don't know what i understand could it be that you're missing bible study could it be that you're missing your doctrinal teachings just what do you believe about god there's we some of us make it up as we go there are certain foundational truths upon which the christian has to fall back on when faced with circumstances so you don't lose your mind and so people don't think you're crazy it's it's it's just it's just what's up what what's necessary for us we don't understand but some basic things are that we we talk god is good all the time but do we really believe that no we don't believe that because we don't know what his word says we do we believe that god really loves us one of the things when i feel like i'm alone i always say to myself this word says he'll never leave me nor forsake me and i believe that so that's how come i know he's with me because that's what his word says and i believe that so you know do you do you believe that all things do work together for your good but when you see certain things working together are you ready to just jump up and get out jump up and leave the job like i used to do i used to quit every time there was a problem you know it did you what do you believe it clearly shows what you believe about god do you believe he's sovereign do you believe in the sanctification process or do you think you can just lose your salvation like he would put something so powerful as a salvation situation experience in our hands that we can do whatever we want to do with it because our fickle minds what are you kidding we're called to be saints so trust me you don't want to do what you want to do because you're called to be saints so though we may not understand everything we accept certain things i wouldn't accept it if i were you i wouldn't accept it i accept certain things you know why because i know god has brought these circumstances about it is god who is in control of our lives he's reigning he's reigning that's why we should commit our lives to him those circumstances may seem bitter and adverse yet god is working a good and perfect plan in our lives and for now we just live and accept what he is doing in our lives and don't get anxious and antsy because he knows what he's doing and as i close i just want to talk a little bit about a familiar story that the israelites went through seeking the unsuitability of seeing the unsuitability of samuel's sons the israelites asked the asked samuel to appoint a king to them to govern them and here's the key like other nations they wanted to be like others this request displeased samuel and samuel went to the lord about it and god knew that that asking for a king wasn't a good idea because it amounts to a rejection of god himself um as king and he said you know uh uh don't you know they're not rejecting you samuel they're rejecting me as their king because god was supposed to be their king nonetheless the lord decides to allow the people to choose their form of government and he tells samuel listen to their voice and that used to bother me the bishop used to help me with that listen to what they say because technically they would have went after the king anyway they weren't going to go after god anyway so listen to the voice of the people in all that they say for they have not rejected you but they have rejected me from being their king so samuel now warns the people that kings lay heavy burdens on the nation that in fact the kings would be so greedy that eventually the people would cry out to god to save them from their kings god knew this because those kings they those kings would put in situations where they would be serving so much and see the thing about it is i want you to understand that when the king is when you have your earthly kings you're going to serve those kings so the thing is is you eat whether you pick your king or the or jesus the king you're going to serve and wouldn't you rather serve jesus that's what the christians are supposed to do we're supposed to serve jesus but they went the the the israelites went the their earthly way and they wanted a king and sure enough that king made them miserable to the point where they cried out to god to save them and just like our text tells them he delivers he delivers and and this is what i want us to uh uh to recognize today so what is the conclusion what is the the conclusion of the matter what is the plan let him reign let him have his way get off the path of destruction and cry out to god and he will deliver bishop thank you so much we've had we've had a double hitter today um um um reverend wanda talked about soul talk and making god your master or recognizing him as your master and here um um pastor robin is talking about let let him be or recognizing him as your king because you need him you need him now now let me just say this you know whenever you take or you're about to take um a medication you should look up the side effects as a matter of fact you should not be so quick to receive any medication from anybody without asking questions okay what is this going to do and and whether if i take it how is it going to benefit me or how is it going to bother me whatever that that you know my father you know for years had a doctor and the doctor to him was like you know if he spoke it's like jesus was speaking and i would say to him daddy why didn't you what what is this why didn't you ask the doctor what it is why are you taking this again and and and he said that's how someone started telling me i said listen semena you need to ask the doctor what it is and what's the side effects well let me tell you let me let me caution you about this let me tell you what you're going to do and what i'm going to do no matter what the need is we think we can fix it jesus is not the first response be honest be honest with me i'm being honest with myself because we're intelligent we're we're some of us are very educated we have a mind we have thoughts and we we want to be able to control our situation don't tell me even if we pray we're going to get up from prayer and do it our way don't tell me i'm telling you i'm going to tell you now you don't want to be honest but it's so because in our hearts of hearts we believe we know what's best for ourselves i'm the one going through this i know what i know what to do and so it takes either the the word of god or the spirit of the lord or something happened or something falling through and then the interesting thing is calm down my color the interesting in i can't calm down the interesting thing is that there will be an element of success oh it gets tricky now it's getting tricky it's getting tricky it's getting tricky he will leave you alone and you will just win you'll you'll you'll win it you know you'll get what you want you know you'll have your it's your you have your it's scratched the door will be open and you got your little your little kingdom under control you know everything is going the way you want it you know what to say to make that one move you know what to say to get everybody quiet you know how to say oh you got it you got it going on and god just steps back and and lets you know just go ahead do your little lowercase g job it's called lowercase g lowercase g o d many of us have a phd in lowercase g job i i know i know how to keep this man coming i know what to do i know what to do you know he don't he don't have to come to church i just know how i just know how to fluff the bed you you keep on fluffing the bed honey with your bad self he he don't have to he don't have to worship i i got i've got him right where i want him i've got him nice and satisfied i got him full and you you keep on thinking that that's enough you can you you so bad go ahead you got it all under control i i know how i know how my children think so i know i know what to do to block here and block beer and you must be crazy you don't even know your own heart you go ahead with your bad self how you can work this out and and set up little behavior modification and little you know a little so and so and so and so you know you know how to be these psychologists and these sexologists you you got it going on you don't say you you got your little world going until the auto clubs my mother called an auto club you know what an article mean that means something comes to disrupt the whole apple car and something comes ladies and gentlemen i said something comes i want you to hear me today because i'm talking to somebody's house something is coming to turn it upside down because you've been too arrogant you actually think that you can outsmart god you actually it ain't got nothing to do with people you use people you point to people oh you're not going to control my life you're going to stay out of my business you're not going to tell me what to do that's that's fine that's why god said to samuel thank you pastor robin it ain't about you sam sam i'm not talking about samuel edie it ain't about you sam sam it ain't about you sam sam go sit down this is about me and them get out the way cause it's me it's it's them and me me and them they they they're using you as a scapegoat don't even get in the mud remember you don't get in the mud with pigs you know why because pigs like mud so you in the mud and you wonder how you got up in that mud and they laughing because they got you right where they want you all in the mud but they like it you see and you wonder you know don't get in it don't get in it leave it you can't do anything people's needs and souls must be fixed by god only god can fix that need and they never think that that that that god can fix it so the first thing is let me do this let me do this you know god bless my mother's memory i don't have to bless her soul because her soul is already blessed so all you all could start saying god bless my mother's soul i i why am i what soul of my blessing she's in the presence of the lord bless her memory not her soul her soul is fine my soul is the one that i got to worry about but but but but my mother you know when we were in jamaica and my dad was here for about two years and she was under a lot of pressure and a lot of stress and money was very tight my mother used to used to used to whip us i mean well particularly me oh god i used to get a weapon every day every other minute you know because i wasn't rude i was just busy busy being mischievous you know hiding people's shoes and stuff you know doing all kind of crazy stuff and my mother used to what what my mother would use anything to whip me and and the thing about it is she would sit on me my face down and she would get she would get arrested for child abuse if she were here she would sit on me and my face would be down and then she would have access to the other part of my body you see because my hands couldn't be raised and whatever and she was a very strong woman even in her old age was very strong and i was sitting i couldn't breathe so it's a double whammy can't breathe and getting whipped oh god that was oh jesus have mercy with all of that i would get up the next day and be just as mischievous the whipping didn't solve it with all of that i was putting a thunderbolt over a can under can light it and put it in the middle of the street and let it blow up while the cars are flying or whatever because you know we played we we had a lot uh firecrackers we weren't prevented from using firecrackers and thunderbolts you know thunderbolts those big those big things look like big cigars that's what we played with we didn't have computers but we played with thunderbolts and firecrackers and then we would throw the firecrack and hide behind the bush you understand poor miss robinson next door she got fire cracked all the time okay and then then we got a whipping but guess what we get quiet for a while quiet for a while and two weeks later we back with the foolishness again stay out the tree jacket stay out the tree you know you you're feeble and weak no the next minute i'm at the top of the tree swinging swinging not only i'm not on the other tree but i'm swinging then i get a beating oh god i get a beating and three weeks later i'm in the other tree listen to me what is that and my mother figured it out she figured it out you know when she came to america she sat my sister and i down she said listen i used to beat you all for everything everything she said but i'm not going to do that anymore if all the stuff that i've taught you doesn't work for you beating is not going to make you any better and we often think that what we do can change people we can do everything we want to change it doesn't work god is the one that has to fix the heart and people are not going to respond to him initially oh i can fix this i can fix that i can work it out i can work it out when you need it needy needy needy you need his help why do i need his help cause he knows everything you and i know nothing when i say nothing zilch zero nothing nothing the problem is we think we know go on my mother would say gallant go on and think you know because you know what god loves you so much that he's right around the corner right on the corner and when things you know blow up he's gonna say okay i'm ready for you now you ready for me i'm ready for you he's not gonna throw you away never he's not gonna say i told you so now i probably would say that but he ain't gonna say i told you so he's gonna say come come come now let's reason together you understand though your sins being scarlet they shall be widened come you weary heavy laden come glory to god i'll give you rest learn of me learn of me that's a problem you got the wrong training learn of me my yoke is what easy and my burden is what light come on you don't have to work so hard just do it my way and it'll work out you saying that you celebrate failure more than leaning on me you would rather celebrate your failure than to trust me that's how bad it is right now you need to tell me right now you would rather fail and celebrate than to turn to me and have victory oh lord i think i'll just i think i'll just drop arms i'm going to lay my burden down down by the riverside i'm going to study war no more because he knows everything i am needy i listen to me i need him every minute of the day and i don't mind confessing it or you're you're codependent you bet your bottom dollar i'm dependent on him every second of the day every minute of the day the arm of flesh will fail me i dare not trust my own i need him more than i need life itself i got to have him i trust his wisdom i trust his word i trust what he says and even when i mess up i still believe his way works so i understand i understand we all have the same problem we want us we want a shot at it first so we could get the credit and then we turn around and find out it was already worked out i need thee oh i need thee every eye i need thee oh bless [Music] me now my sake you're [Music] i come to [Music] peace [Music] [Music] i need thee oh blessed be now my say [Music] to i just want to say this i might be speaking to someone in zoom or someone out there i don't know you may be getting ready to get married i just want you i just want you to know that the christian marriage can only be successful if you feel the need for god in the marriage he's got you got to feel the need for him in the marriage you understand somebody lied to told you that you have special parts i don't know who lied and told you that somebody lied and told you that you were gifted jesus now i feel this i feel this in my spirit i wouldn't talk like this just to be talking i wouldn't talk like this just to be talking somebody bamboozled you whether it was on social media or the the the the wives of l.a or whatever somebody something some book you read or some guru you listen to somebody to or just maybe you told yourself that your special part can keep him holy or keep him straight now you want him holy and you want him straight because you don't want adultery and you don't want any hanky-panky and you want the money to come home and you want him to treat you nice and bring your rose every now and then you don't want to call you don't want him calling you colorful names and tell you to get your blip flip so and so and so you want to talk nice and sweet to you you want all of that you want you want you want holding hands you want go on trips you want to whatever so somebody told you this is what you do baby this is what you do let me tell you this if you're gonna walk with the lord you need his help right there you need his help now before you even get in it you need his help you understand you're dealing with another heart other than yours and the bible said the heart is deceitful above all it is desperately wicked there are desires and tastes and predispositions that's in there that you know nothing about even in your own heart so don't even think that's a strength that's going to be the strength of your union so i i know what to do i know what to do i know listen listen so so does lulabelle the madam down the street on the south side she know what to do too see everybody know what to do hey it's a mass produced know what to do trust me but there is a soul in there that if god doesn't work on that soul you're in trouble i'm warning you right now you don't want him to be too saved i don't want to be too saved because if he's too safe or she's too saved then there's no excitement in the marriage i don't i don't want to be too holy and too committed i don't want him reading the bible all the time because we got other things to read oh oh is that right okay and then things that they be reading can go somewhere else see you those things that they read and feel don't have to stay with you it can it can travel because one thing about those things they don't stay in one little corner they travel see you teach them and they learn and they travel you give them the okay and it starts traveling because here comes somebody else that presents another little side to the situation maybe another look colorful you know maybe a little something something something something that's a little different something something something but it's the same something oh oh oh i don't know why the lord wants me to go there this morning you all are i've been cringing and acting like i'm crazy but you know i don't work for you know how all i'm saying to you is you better keep that man on his knees and you better keep that woman crying holy because you're in for hell in the morning oh it didn't happen yet you're too cute you got it too under control you know what to do to keep the lid on you ain't got no lid and it ain't on i'm just warning you right now you can't say you didn't get it you can't say didn't get it you can't say you didn't get it you can't get on facebook and start a ministry of abuse because nobody told you no no no i'm telling you now before you go there that this is what to expect keep christ in the center of everything well you know my child is doing very well he or she is an a student and they come straight home from school but you they can come straight straight home but on the straight home there's a little stop listen you don't know how the enemy works you're too smart but i'm here to wise you up you better keep your home and keep you're getting ready to put all this money in this wedding in the covid which i really don't understand but let me tell you right now you better make sure that you need him because when you turn over and you find out you know how you turn over in the mall and you wake up and find out this is not what i bargained for what you gonna do throw it out the window you can't unscramble eggs it's already scrambled you need him i can't say it loud enough i said you need him before you make these choices you need him before you jump and make decisions you need him before you sign a contract you need him if you run off with your mouth you need him before you write all this stuff down you need him because you're going to pay the consequences for ignoring him you better need him saints better need him i'm telling you it may not catch up with you now but it sure catches up you with you at a time when it's not affordable all i'm saying thank you pastor robin i don't want to live without him i am not smart i am not wise i am not cute i'm not glib i'm needy i don't mind telling you that i'm needy and i need him every day i ain't scared to say i'm needy i ain't needy for you like that i ain't needed for you like that i what i don't need your lap and i don't need your shoulder and don't even pat my head cause it ain't for you to pack you understand i don't need to rub my fingers and whisper in my ear that's for some other situation but i do need him every hour i feel him i listen i feel it i'm not playing you all i feel my need for him i wake up in the morning i said if it had not been for the lord on my side you know if it had not been for the lord i don't have to tell you all of that it ain't none of your business it all goes to him because you can't help me you'll only bring your neediness and my neediness and what we got foolishness i just know that just be honest and say before i start setting up my little kingdom i need you should i take this or should i take that should i travel or should i not travel should i i ain't going by popular opinion should i do this or should i do that and when he gives me the go ahead i do it when he says sit down i sit down because i'm needy i'm telling the whole world i am needy and i'm not apologizing it ain't a bad word because it depends on who you need it for ah god somebody help me pray is praising thank you pastor robin you all don't preach like this because you know it stirs me up and then you know i just have to come on in but i just wanted i just felt the holy ghost helping somebody i just felt the lord helping somebody who is getting ready to make a major decision and i want you to know you need him right now somebody told you it's going well it's doing well but you forgot that there is a soul that you know nothing about nothing you don't know you don't you don't know me that's why jesus said i know them by the spirit that's the only way you know somebody by the spirit they're laughing and grinning in your face you don't know what's under that takes god you got to know him i need you i need you so raise your hand and say god i need you i don't care if you got your palms read and you had a tarot card reading or you know you got some counsel from somebody no nothing but but god is the one did we see a covet you know and i just want to say this to and i don't know why the lord has me going this way help me jesus i'm going to be finished in two seconds you know i cannot tell you that the lord is not saying to go on line and find a husband or a wife that's i can't tell you that because some people have done that and apparently works for them but you know you have to know in your heart that's not where god wants you to go you understand you have to know that because you don't know what you're getting and i can't tell you it's a sin it'll be wrong for me to say it's a sin that's it's not a sin the lord didn't say thou shalt not go on facebook and whatever but the lord does give you his spirit to guide you and tell you what to do and many of us can't wait i don't know what it is i don't know what it that's why they have ice i don't know what it is that's why god created eyes think about that figure that out that's why he created ice it's a cooling effect ask anybody who went out there and did their own thing take counsel from them and they will tell you i didn't need the lord like i should i ne i needed something else and i thought somebody else could fix it for me but i didn't need i didn't go to him with my knee didn't go to him with my feet you ain't the only one that's lonely you ain't the only one that needs companionship you're not the only one that's going through it ain't no rare disease it's a common thing so god said come to me stop laboring and i'll tell you how to live your life differently thank you pastor robin i just thought nobody in the zoom everybody in the zoom got it together but there's somebody out there in social media that the lord was talking to talking to talking to talking to and i believe the lord helped somebody father in the name of the lord jesus this is soul talk today this is soul talk i'm bringing i'm bringing our needs to you these are your people these are your people god and and i feel the need and i feel the burden and and they're crying out to you and and many times they cry out and we cry out and then we get up and try to meet our needs even after we cry but let this be a different day let this be a different moment that after we cry we do what you say let this be a new history in our life the beginning of a new season in our lives when we continue to come to you and then follow through lord let it be let it be we can't be going around this circle forever let it be the you you are the one that we go to as a first response and see how our lives will be different thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost thank you for stopping the enemy from having free course thank you god for stopping the enemy from doing his thing and then laughing at us thank you god for holding back the continual disgrace and reproach out of our lives spirit of reproach i rebuke you now in the name of the lord jesus spirit of this grace lift it off of your people bring healing where there's some deep sorrow and disappointment cover us god so we won't keep drinking the same bitter cup because you promised to be the joy of our salvation ah god rebuke the spirit of desperation i rebuke the spirit of desperation in the mighty name of the lord jesus i quiet that spirit under the influence of the holy ghost that raging spirit that raging spirit that spirit that goes after with a vengeance see holy back god like you put bits in the horse's mouth shall they guardian soul hold it back god hold it back we're like a galloping horse going nowhere god settle us today settle us so we won't keep going from one destructive humiliating situation to the other and then going to bed in torment having dreams as tormenting us knowing that we have far removed ourselves from the help of the lord he promised to be held and we received the help now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the one who hung on the cross the one who went down in the grave and the one who rose up triumphantly and the one who is sitting on the right hand of the father interceding for our wrecked up lives thank you god that we have hope today thank you we are not in it but ever you can bring us out today bring us out today bring us out bring us out bring us out bring this up hey hey hey hey that mother with three and four children that's getting ready to make a great error bring out god help her to know that you're her provider and she doesn't have to compromise her life to take care of her children bring it out bring it out bring it out bring it out lift her up lift her up lift her up lift her up in the name of the lord jesus lift up her mind lift up your mind lift up your mind lord help us to know that you have already made a way for her god i thank you in the mighty name of jesus oh it shall be so it shall be so it shall be so in jesus name amen thank you so much those of you out there on facebook and those of you out there on social media the lord sent this word for you today receive it walk in it and live it and you will be the beneficiary of his peace his joy and his protection in jesus name amen god bless you on behalf of bishop jacqueline e mccullough and the beth rafa family thank you for joining our live stream service visit us online at bethprofit.org where you can submit your prayer requests give into the work of the ministry and connect with our church family via social media god bless you richly and we look forward to you joining us again [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Beth Rapha
Views: 493
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: IRegW8pMyQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 56sec (8516 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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