VIRAL Basketball Gadgets You Won't Believe Exist!

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today we're testing viral basketball gadgets to see which one is the best Jeff I think these ones are the best hey man I think all the judges are the best we're gonna find out today we're gonna be testing things like a glow-in-the-dark basketball all the way to Ray-Bans that cost 200 and record IRL video of your basketball gameplay the first Gadget is a shooting eight that costs 9.19 I want you guys to check it out I thought it was brass knuckles at first all right it doesn't look like what they're supposed to do is help you keep an arc and shoot with your finger take a couple shots let's see if like that feels weird all right does it help I feel weird I feel like it's like something in a way I'll try to do it it's like it slips off oh damn yeah all right I want you guys to do some free throws is it supposed to increase your shot by 15 15 it looks like decreasing it yeah we're just on my wrist the flight hasn't made a shot yet it feels like you don't have hands but you do at the same time all right challenge number one was supposed to be last to miss free throw but since you guys are missing the first to make a free throw wins this challenge oh yeah free throw routine all right Miss if Justin makes it right here Justin's going to win challenge number one oh man man Justin has one challenge number one Whoever has the most points by the end of the video would be the master of all gadgets you guys giving that a thumbs up thumbs down thumbs down you hate it I don't like it it feels weird it makes your shot worse heck yeah like bro if we had the weirdest like actually playing basketball or whatever like as a rules and I would never play basketball I see what they're trying to do but I feel like it's just such a weird thing to have on your hands right yeah I want you guys to take it off real quick maybe it makes your shot better after you use it okay nevermind we're moving on to the next Gadget the next Gadget is a skills reaction ball that costs 10.50 the gadgets are gonna get more and more expensive as we go on and apparently it's supposed to be better and better so the way this works guys Justin's gonna pass through this skills reaction ball he's gonna pass it on the ground okay and you gotta catch it yeah there you go oh try it bouncing okay yeah that was easy to me right Oh see it like it bounces weird dude your flight reacts yeah right oh flight reacts with reaction the first person to drop the skills Gadget is gonna lose okay so all right let's get it oh nice oh [Music] that was a catch oh oh yeah No One's Gonna Lose on this one and Justin has one Challenge number two Justin had a really tough one so that was a tough one too that was tough one really left you guys giving that a thumbs up a thumbs down no I like this I think that's it next yeah the next Gadget comes 12.99 these are dribble goggles go ahead try dribble the goal a bit basically it doesn't allow you to see downward so it helps you keep your eyes up first person to lose their dribble challenge cross es come on going crosses oh I feel like I look so Asian right now both of you guys are locked in left-hand dribble yeah locked in between the legs once behind the back oh I got a handle spider dribble foreign [Music] the next Gadget is a basketball shoe grip spray it helps you grip on your shoes increase by 25 damn I wonder if you have to test out your grippiness let's start off with light let's hear it I hear nothing yeah it sounds like there's a lot of dirt yeah there definitely is yeah okay and then Jay I got a little bit a little bit so the way it works is you're supposed to spray your shoes fine let me see your shoes yeah walk around [Music] I think what it does is it just wets the shoe and then takes off the dirt on the shoe and then you have so much grip that's how like brand new shoes that's probably my favorite Gadget still so far I don't even know they made stuff like this thumbs up is your favorite Gadget yeah that's my favorite one by far you need the Harry Hooper 15 bucks not bad next year the next Gadget is a skills basketball that costs 15.7 17 cents basically as a basketball with a bunch of hands on it it tells you where to put your hand and if you put your hands where the hands are supposed to be your shot percentage is supposed to increase by 12 percent let's see yeah how does that feel it feels weird to Just Adjust by it let's see how many tries it takes for flight to make the shot [Music] There You Go Justin let's see how many attempts you can take oh oh you almost had a first attempt um I could definitely see what it's like doing but I feel like people will be too caught up in trying to get like a perfect rotation maybe for like a beginner if you just starting to play like kids that's why it's the size of a kid yeah I think for kids yeah kids thumbs up for me adults I'm not too sure next Gadget the nasty object is an arthritis glove basically it was supposed to help you is if you have joint issues which we're getting there I'm pushing 30. pretty much 30 27.30 yeah put your fingers through it it's supposed to help your joints move it gives you a little bit more compression like you know like compression pants yeah so it does for your fingers oh okay yeah no I definitely feel it it feels weird I think it's good if you jam your fingers a lot try dribbling with it does it affect it no not really it's a little slippery but I got my fingers yeah on the ball so try a jump shot okay okay Justin see your flight there we go you gotta seeing me bang oh wow this is insanity at its finest bro hey it definitely did thumbs up thumbs down what do you think nah this one thumbs up thumbs down all right next Gadget the next Gadget is a shoe scrubber I have a dirty crock right here I don't know if you're supposed to dip it in water or not but it's basically like a toothbrush if you got dirty shoes [Music] oh damn that's actually pretty good Justice dude this thing is clutch all right it's taking off all the dirt at first here is the final bro wow that's actually pretty good that's no soap too no soap it's just straight water 17 that definitely does make a difference wow I'll give it a thumbs up that's a thumbs up dubs second best gadget so far right here so all right next Gadget the next Gadget is a towelette that comes in the size of a tablet for 200 of these it costs 17.98 basically if you put water on this tablet it becomes a towel let me dip it right and did it become a towel I thought this was a myth yeah I might need it I put it in the water oh that's cool and look at that it is a wet towel What scenario would you guys be using these oh definitely outside like after you play your hands be really really filthy dirty yeah like if you're hooping at the park yeah this might be my second favorite one second favorite yeah this would be something I'll just leave in the like love department or something in the car this is this is actually like a really like high quality towel yeah I would recommend it thumbs up thumbs up next schedule we're testing is a power hands dribble cover for the basketball Taste of basketball really slippery The Identical thing is dribbling with plastic bag back in the day and it really testes your handle so try it out it is slippery Justin's got a pretty good dribble wait hit the spider hey looks like a hit or miss I feel like you just dribble the ball more you're gonna have good handles regardless definitely make an improvement but like you don't like it yeah I don't like it you want to get better at jibbling just go harder when you're in your dribbling Hills thumbs up thumbs down what do you guys do uh for me okay all right next two gadgets are shooting eight gadgets light has the guide hand one and Justin has one that's supposed to help your flick right we're going back to the free throw nah feels like the whole wall is blocking like your hand makes you just want to shoot with one hand and just be like okay Justin let's see yours this one's focused on the flick you still have your off guide hand I feel like having your left hand is more important I think it's not affecting your shot okay it's uncomfortable though but you give me yours thumbs down no 100 super duty even for practice your one is also a 20 shooting Gadget actually I'll give it because like it really does its job blight has not liked any shooting gadgets but also this is the first shooting Gadget that you also liked we gotta see if it's Universal so if like this doesn't feel as bad yeah yeah you like that one out of every Gadget like shooting wise like I recommend this one next guys the next Gadget cost 23 bucks and is a microphone I can hear from my end but I can't really when I was using it I couldn't yeah I can't even that's why I like to be working I feel like that's loud yeah I think it's pretty loud it does when would I use this I got next or like if you've got your teammates ball hog well on the bench yeah or your coach both I feel like you'd get banned but there also is an option for music you got a siren that would get annoying as hell you imagine you're shooting and then you just hear a siren first to make a free throw with the sirens on wins this challenge that would drive me insane yes Gadget thumbs up thumbs down no never get this the next Gadget are basketball pumps Justin and I do know what this is if you were to choose which pump you would want to use which one would it be see I'll just keep it simple you would use this one yeah that looks too complex you don't think you'd like this one I mean I wouldn't say I would have liked it but I just know for experience let me uh display a basketball real quick and we're going to show you today this thing is revolutionary or whenever you think it's good try and dribble this ball right now you say this ball is pretty flat yep all right how long do you think it would take you to pump that probably like good 10 15 all right I want you to use this one cool thing about it is set at 7 PSI which is how inflated a basketball should be so you don't have to think yeah this is true yeah so you didn't have to do anything it fills the ball with the air yeah and then it gets to the exact PSI that you want to set it at perfect so you would want it at four so try a little bit more air cookies but it's getting it I think light actually is intrigued by these guys yeah no this is cool we're at 5.6 yeah it's good to me that's it right there Firefly I gotta ask you the question yeah would you want this one it's this one this is a game changer right here that thing is crazy yeah thumbs up the next Gadget is hand these are basically hand warmers instead of the OG where you just kind of like hit it up and snap it or whatever yeah I feel this kind of getting warm oh this one is getting warm your hand would be a clothing when we're outside yeah oh we've been outside at night you see it's not warm enough for me I see what it could do but it's not even warm at all might as well just rub your hands together yeah like you know what we'll leave this is pretty hot oh that one's getting hot yeah put it in your pocket we'll come back to that Gadget right now not too much but when we come back hopefully it's a thumbs up next you guys the next Gadget is an anti-theft backpack have you ever gotten anything jacked no yeah I haven't yeah you have I've got my phone stolen since Jay and I know how to use this gadget as well like can you look that way real quick I'm gonna put my phone in this backpack and the cool thing about this backpack is the way it's set up it's really hard to steal your stuff and the way you open up this backpack is not normal let's say you have 30 seconds to steal my phone okay three two one go 30. right here yeah okay flight yeah if you had to put your phone away do you think this will help I'm not gonna lie people just take the whole book bag you're not right you know like would you get it nah nah how's your hand yo this is feeling warm this is different yeah no this is nice if it was like winter you have hoops outside this would be very useful yeah this is a thumbs up yeah this is a thumbs down that's a thumbs up for a thumbs up next guys this next Gadget is a glow-in-the-dark basketball three two one whoa we turn off the lights and these basketballs actually look pretty safe we're gonna have you guys play in the dark is knockout go ahead guys three two one whoa oh Justin can eliminate flight right here oh Justin with the Miss as well the rim is not lit up something around is hard to see and Justin wins and Knockouts at first this ball is really cool when it pops up but I don't know if it's practical it feels like it's heavier there's batteries in yeah oh yeah right make it low yeah it's going thumbs up thumbs down you're hooping at night I think it's cool it's cool but I wouldn't do it every day I feel like you can get hurt too oh for sure exactly in the dark I'm giving it in the middle middle next Gadget the next Gadget is a 200 Ray-Ban glasses this is recording right now so I'm recording you put it on and you can hear it it's also a headphone so you can play music do you hear it this is insane even the audio quality is amazing crispy all right you hear that it's good good quality yeah yeah not bro this part is crazy let's record a little bit Yeah so we're gonna show you flights POV when he's playing 1v1 we'll play first or three whoever wins will win one point this is crazy everybody no good let's see your flight rebound hey oh for the win this is my favorite one out of everything this is a thumbs up I'm buying it nah those are thumbs up what is the best gadget out of everything this one game changer if you provide any Gadget it'll be this one a little bit pricey but worth the bang for your buck and they're pretty cool glasses as well so flight has one you are the master of all gadgets make sure you check out the guys link down in the description if you guys like this video you'll love this gadgets video right here I love you guys until next time peace
Channel: Jeffrey Bui
Views: 137,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basketball gadgets, viral basketball gadgets, testing basketball gadgets, bucketsquad, flightreacts, Jeffrey bui, jeff bui
Id: 2dB9Tuzl9jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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