Jay's World S1 E05: Jay Becomes Cheerleader | Dhar Mann

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hey what's up you want a piece of this oh come on I hear something like you for breakfast okay buddy why you tripping bro I'm a stickman cause you about to get stuck watch this oh man what the hell the heck was that all the technical I don't see a rap bro you do this all the time I can't stand you bro where's Noah oh my God you're a baby girl hey guys sorry but indoor what are you wearing well I decided the trap for the cheer team laughs what's so funny daddy you a cheerleader look look I know you live with your step sister now but come on don't you think this is taking things a little far buddy you laughed but trust me it's underestimated as a sports cheerleading a sport okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right now you gonna paint some pom-poms I'm gonna wait I might break a nail make fun of me all you wants cheerleading has its perks and send my choice yeah you you for sure tripping because there is nothing cool about foreign she's our new cheer captain she transferred from Pioneer a few weeks ago I ain't going well I kind of take back what I say because maybe there are a few perks well you know as a fellow leader I should welcome her watch and learn boys but she has to go for it's never gonna work I even tried once she turned me down well that doesn't mean anything because everyone turns you down oh really girls have you gone but Jay he got with one kiss on the cheek from a girl and now he thinks he's Rico Suave hey uh Madison right no I'm Jay so I figured I'd introduce myself seeing issue the captain of the chairs quad and I'm captain of the basketball team you fail hey best of the best guy to stick together is that right I'm just saying B at the top doesn't have to be such a lonely Place hey if you're down you know I'd love to take you out for ice cream sometime say Charles tonight uh as exciting as that offers some I'm gonna have to pass sorry um we probably didn't hear me but um you know let me start I heard you the first time I just don't date basketball players sorry come on girl well we're watching and we definitely didn't learn anything well other than saying you get rejected dog is not my fault she said she doesn't like basketball players I tried to warn you I think she only wants to date someone who actually respects cheerleading hmm for the first time in your life you may actually be right about something I just got an idea no haha buddy old pal where'd you get that uniform it's go time let's go baby here we go team here we go okay that was better but if we're gonna win regionals we need something extra special for the ending something that'll make our choreography stand out anyone have any ideas yo uh this is a closed practice for cheerleaders only you can't be here or be wearing our uniforms uh yeah I can because I just signed up to be on the squad so is this some kind of joke you can't cheer and play ball they're on the same schedules yeah but technically basketball's still in preseason so we've got like a month into our first real game so until then my schedule is wide don't you need to practice practice practice we talking about practice like I'm like Iverson I don't need to practice come on now you know it might not be a bad idea we could use another guy on the squad yeah and with another base on our team it could help us escalate a routine for regionals isn't that what you wanted fine but one wrong move and you're out got it whoa whoa whoa whoa no one gives me orders not even my mom but for a pretty girl like you I'll make an exception one more thing save the cheesy pickup lines for someone who cares all right let's try Partners done Lily I want you to do a QP J your base Oh what now just lift her above your head so she can stand on your palms a copy Cupid QP oh yeah that's a piece of cake so what do I do dip on three five six seven eight one two dip three up four no I can get you some pom poms if it's too hard for you whoa whoa whoa this is not too hard for me okay I got this try again [Music] five six seven eight one two zip three up four five oh hey this is a lot harder than it looks okay no more calves I think my arms aren't about to fall off I tried to tell you it's a sport this isn't a sport this is torture yo Jay where were you we missed you we'll practice dude are you Are you seriously wearing a cheerleading outfit I was about to say you should come to the arcade with this but maybe you should go get your nails done with my sister got him yo Mikey check out your best friend Jada excuse me guys Jay what are you wearing first Noah no you relax it's just going to be for a couple of weeks until I can get Madison to go on a date with me all right look I'll be back in time for the game against Montgomery all right chill yeah well the sooner the better because the last thing I need to be known as is the guy that hangs around with Jada and Noella hey you can do a lot worse than us all right I mean he ain't lying now uh if you'll excuse us we've got some choreography to learn come on Noella wait did you just tell me Noel [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] with that cream baby [Music] [Applause] it's almost ready we've been great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Madison I was watching YouTube last night and I think I found just where they're ending needs for regionals oh yeah started cheering at some sort of some sort but now I'm seeing so you really care I must say I'm impressed I'll see you at practice you sure okay yo Jay Where Have You Been you've missed the last three weeks of practice yeah we've got the Montgomery game coming up remember yeah I know man I've just been trying to balance that with this cheer thing then there's this important competition really so you're saying it's more important than our game or then our team no Mikey don't twist my words man you know I didn't mean it like that good because otherwise we'll need to find a new captain a lot of the guys who talk especially after that Tick Tock hey what Tick Tock you don't know wait no no no show it to me show it to me who knows about this oh I don't know maybe like everyone even my cousin Elmhurst sent it to me lifted if you want to continue being our team captain or showing your face around the school at all and you gotta decide what's more important basketball or this dear don't disappoint us Jay [Music] five six seven eight here we go yes let's go team here we go over here okay I told the girls about the ending you came up with and they're all excited to see it actually Madison I have something to tell you oh if it's about the front walkover in their team I'm sure you can figure something out no no it's not that I just came to tell you that I can't make the competition next week or any more practices I've been giving it a lot of thought and I think I need to focus my time on basketball but I don't understand I thought you said you could do both on me yeah but there's also the fact that lots of people have been making fun of me for cheering so you care more about other people's opinions than your own team Madison I'm sorry okay don't be sad sad you think I'm sad I should have known you're a basketball player all you're good for is broken promises and disappointment come on guys let's get back to cheering yo Jay come on we got a game bro your defense and call me here we go let's go see here we go [Applause] [Music] Jay come on what's the matter yeah you good man come on get it together we got a game tonight bro Montgomery's gonna wish they were never born once you're done wiping the floor with them yeah for sure I'll catch up with you later all right um hey Madison what's up hey hey Jay so I couldn't make it to school today so can you give me the notes from is everything okay yeah everything's 100 cool fun all right the truth is I messed up I had this whole plan to do cheer for a few weeks so I couldn't impress this one girl Madison after I get her to like me I'd go back to playing basketball it was supposed to be a simple plan but after a while I realized I don't just like her I mean I like Sharon too it's pretty cool okay so what's the problem here everyone's making fun of me for it even my teammates gave me a hard time so I quit cheering and went back to basketball but now Madison and all the girls are mad at me and I don't know what to do you remember when we were at the dance like Taylor Swift how nice was it when you stopped carrying what they thought and we danced to anti-hero it was the best I still think about that sometimes exactly I know it's not easy being yourself is hard but it's still better than being someone you're not so I say don't care what anyone thinks just do what makes you happy [Music] [Applause] shoot it bro to get it together that was like the 10 shots you have made I don't know come on guys take the shot take the shot rap come on bring it in bring it we're gonna yo what's going on with you Jay where's your head at I'm sorry coach look we're down two points you're gonna need to sink three to win this you hear me yeah all right we'll get some water for it [Music] my ankle what how is the squad gonna compete without you they need at least one base tonight they're packing up and dropping out no no no no no no no no we cannot drop out okay everyone's worked way too hard for this hey come on let's go Jay come on go to the Internet I'll pass through the Rock oh man I'm sorry but I gotta go what Jay what are you doing we have a game what I should have done all along hey you'll be fine though Mikey where is he going Jay time's up we got player to go lose possession what's the plan coach all right pass the ball to Mikey and you're gonna have to make the shot at the buzzer all right okay yeah sorry look inside on three looks out on three one two three let's go let's go let's go [Music] all right hey no tell me what happened so I got here as quickly as I could it isn't too late is it why do you care you left remember I know and I'm sorry okay I guess it took me quitting to see that this is something I really enjoy doing so just please give me one more chance okay I promise I'll make it up to you why should we so you can ditch us the second people start making fun of you again no I don't care about that anymore people can make fun of me all they want because this is something I enjoy doing the judges scored them [Music] 28.1 points what an incredible performance by Lincoln Middle School unfortunately our next team bookside won't be competing today they had a dancer get injured please this is our last chance even though you're mad at me don't take this out on everyone else we never even figured out an ending for a routine oh don't worry about that I got a little something up my sleeve you guys are still here do you want to compete [Music] [Applause] here we go [Music] okay okay oh let's give it up for one side [Music] you nailed it Jay yeah great job thanks hopefully it's enough for us to win all right the judges have voted bookside has a nine 9.3 and a 9.7 putting them in second place which means Lincoln Middle got first place yay you did our best yeah we tried second place what is this oh [Music] yo how'd it go second place oh man I feel like I let everyone down today first our basketball team lost another Squad what are you talking about [Music] whoa for real oh you're not looking at bookside's new basketball captain uh congrats dude thanks deserve it hey Jay you have a minute yeah I'll call you guys later all right peace [Music] look I'm sorry we didn't win I mean on hold you're probably upset are you kidding we got second place that's further than books I'd ever gotten and that ending it was really cool you did great thanks Madison that actually means a lot coming from you look I know we got off to a rough start but what you did today after how people were making fun of you for cheering that took guts and it made me think about some things so I wanted you to know I changed my mind about basketball players so you're telling me you give a ball player a shot at dating you [Music] never I mean we could finally go get milkshakes at darling Alex [Music] you're dating a Montgomery player I'm way too young to be going through all this heartbreak just a regular human being good relax our plan is foolproof possibly go wrong hey [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 10,451,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 4aEwCyoEHns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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