11 Items Christians Shouldn't Own

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so today i have a video for you guys talking about items christians shouldn't own what sparked this video idea was number one me remembering that i myself had to get rid of a lot of stuff when i came out of the new age but also i was recently watching a video from another believer her name is jessica joy i believe that's her channel name and uh she was making a video of this exact topic items christians shouldn't be having in their house or shouldn't be owning and also i will link her video and a video of another believer his name is steven bankers he as well came out of the new age and also has a video of a list that he compiled of items that you should not own in your house i myself have compiled my own list of things that i have thrown away myself or i have other family members who've thrown it away other believers or i've seen other people who wear such things and i'm like oh this is bad and i just want to encourage you guys to pray and seek christ about this of course like ask god hey lord is there anything in my house that i need to throw away is there anything lord that is getting in the in the way of my relationship with you that is opening up demonic doors that is just not of you and not good and obviously god will show you the holy spirit will convict you and will show you what you need to throw away also i just want to say this before you guys come at me in the comments saying oh god knows my heart or no the stuff isn't like bad the church has been doing this for a very long time and i recommend you reading the whole chapter of acts but i'm going to read to you just uh one verse this is acts 19 verse 19. it says a number who practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly when they calculated the value of the scrolls the total came to 50 000 drachmas and just to give you a perspective one dracuma was one day's wages and 50 000 drachmas was absolutely outrageous in amounts even if you have spent so much money on these items that i'm gonna list or that you see in the other videos that are listed throw them away they are not worth your relationship with god they are not above god and they absolutely do not amount to the love that god has for you and you should absolutely throw them away and i also want to say if you put any of these items above god if you put the power of any of these items any of these symbols above god you are sinning you are having an idol in your life you are putting this item this value of this item above god and that's a very very serious offense so please guys take this seriously and please listen to the whole list before you say something in the comments because i just want you guys to listen to the very end and let me explain a little bit as to why these items are not of god so the first item that christians shouldn't own would be jewelry with occult symbols and i'm talking about like the evil eye the hamza symbol the tree of life those are very very popular like even forever 21 has them but i want you guys to really take a look to see what are the origins of these symbols because they don't just come out of nowhere and i also want to say that these items open up demonic doorways they affect your spiritual health and your spiritual walk with christ and then all of a sudden you're wondering why you're feeling anxious all the time that you're so fearful all the time but you have to understand that these open up demonic doorways and satan likes to have an open doorway in your life do not give him that god says for us to serve him and him alone so make sure that you remove these items from your life and serve god alone let's take the evil eye for example a lot of people use this they use this as like talismans guys that is witchcraft that is sorcery people use it because it like wards off like people's evil stares or warts off or defends you from people who want to be evil towards you i just want you to understand that this item isn't going to protect you from evil it's going to invite evil into your life god is the only one who can protect you from evil he is the only one in fact he's the only one that can save you from evil impure unclean spirits he is the one who can rid them by his name alone we are saved through jesus christ and for us to have these items thinking that these items will ward off evil is wrong and is something that god condemns in the bible so the second one up is kind of tricky but it's art so any art that you have in your house take a look at it and really really ask yourself does this glorify god what was the artist's intention while making this art and does it make me feel weird and the reason that i say that is because for a long time my mom had a piece of art hung right over her bed it was this beautiful lady um this beautiful like naked lady and she had bought it i i want to say it like ikea or something and for a while like it was just there and one day she had uh i want to say it was sleep paralysis of course like it could have come from many different things in her life but later on her one of her friends one of her friends who's a believer walked by and he was like that painting i think he said like listen look the eyes moved in that painting get rid of that painting he like immediately knew she was curious as to why that painting was wrong because like obviously looking from from what just we saw it didn't seem wrong but when she searched for it it was just a cut out of part of the painting but the rest of the painting was women with other women and it was almost like an orgy almost like from what she had described to me like that's what it seemed like and it was just wrong and clearly sexually immoral and of course like she had no idea so they had to get rid of that piece of art and my mom got rid of it and make sure guys like when you get rid of these items by the way that you destroy these items you don't want somebody to dumpster dive and grab the items that you also owned like when i had some of these items i literally ripped them apart so that nobody else could partake in this because you don't want anybody else to be spiritually affected by this all right so the next item that people should not own is flower of life symbols and the lotus symbol and i think these ones are sort of similar but the flower of life symbol really stuck out to me because when i get out of the new age brian who is my husband had a sketch of it in his sketchbook when i got out of the new age i was starting to get rid of all of this stuff in my house and then the holy spirit put an image of the flower of life that sketch in my head and was like throw it away i went through his sketchbook and took out his sketch a piece of his art that that page of his art and i ripped it up and i threw it away he was upset of course but i knew that that had to go um and if you guys don't understand why the meaning of this flower of life is um today today in this day it is still widely used in religious meditation religious and meditation places and um it's the lotus symbol as well as used in like it's very like a calm serene symbol i i have seen it a lot um and it's definitely used like in more meditation and you know serene zen places if you like wanna call it that you know they definitely use that symbol as well our god who is unseen is our peace jesus is the prince of peace and we are not supposed to use other symbols to represent unity to represent peace or anything like that because our god is our peace and he is unseen and we rely on him for that and of course like we are not supposed to use any symbols that originate from other religion or other practices like other spiritual practices that people do so the fourth item that christians shouldn't own is idols and i'm talking about idols of any kind and i'm talking like buddha mary any hindu statues just any statues of any religious deity and i remember growing up as a kid and i brought home an angel like little knick-knack and my mom was like yeah no that's gotta go mind you i was like it's just an angel mom like why would that be bad and she's like well like it just is like we just don't have that in our house but when i look back and i think about that angel statue i don't know if that represented a saint like a lot of people have saint statues and pray to the saints guys do not do that god is god alone and there's one mediator between us and god and that is jesus christ so don't have any saints statues don't have any angel statues because angels don't look like what we think they look like and if you who read your bible know that angels don't look like what we think they look like so don't have that and don't like pray to any statues and remove any of these statues i know that the buddha statues are very very popular now and people are buying them just to have a decoration in their house but guys those were originally created to be an idol to be something that people worship and so please get rid of that stuff that stuff does not belong in your house the fifth one um is one that you're probably gonna get upset with me but hear me out hear me out number five is alcohol and i know what you're about to say amanda i do not drink i don't get drunk and i'm not specifically talking to those who don't i'm not specifically talking to you who are controlled in your spirit you have the self-control to you know drink a little bit like drink wine for communion or have a drink of wine at night and not get drunk i'm talking to those who have no self-control i'm talking to those who are fighting with addiction who are fighting like with everything they got to not get drunk get rid of your alcohol this is coming from somebody who i myself struggled so hard even after i repented i got saved i was getting drunk and i knew that it was wrong and god was very very patient with me and merciful but it absolutely destroyed like it felt like it destroyed me destroyed my reputation and obviously relationships so please please get rid of your alcohol it is not serving you if it is overtaking you and you run to it as a coping method when you're feeling down do not have any alcohol in your house and that goes also for any other i'm gonna say pharmaceuticals um the reason that i say that is because of the youtube guidelines um but i hope you guys understand what i'm saying you should not have any of those things and i'm talking about any certain plants as well that are get you to a certain altitude because you should not have those things in your house that are not keeping you sober of mine and obviously the bible says stay sober of mine and of course it's not just talking about you know you using substances to get you to a certain altitude but it's also talking about you know us being sober of mine being alert physically and spiritually stay sober of mine for the devil is like a prowling lion waiting for someone to devour he wants to steal kill and destroy and god wants you to be alert to stand firm and put on the full arm of god to stand firm against the devil's schemes so please guys we have to stay alert and we have to stay vigilant so number six is very popular as well and that is dream catchers and this originated from native american and first nation cultures and traditionally it is used as protection and to ward off evil dreams but guys this is not of god clearly as you can see this is a form of witchcraft and sorcery do not do this do not have this and i know that nowadays it's mostly used as decorations but you can see that the original purpose was for this purpose to use it as protection to use it to ward off evil dreams or nightmares guys get rid of this stuff from your house it is not serving you and of course it is not glorifying god even if you just use it as decoration it is still affecting you spiritually because you cannot remove the spiritual aspect from the physical item because it the original purpose wasn't for have a spiritual aspect to the item so the seventh thing that christians shouldn't own is occult books and i'm talking law of attraction books um yoga meditation books even some self-help books as well like they're full of for lack of a better word just straight evil and they're not good and i had to get rid of a lot of books myself and i tore those books up ripped out pages was so over those books and i threw them away so that no one else could read them but of course like if you have any books any any books and that's why i'm saying guys pray for the holy spirit to convict you um i'm gonna upset some people right now harry potter any books that have witchcraft witchcraft or sorcery guys those books do not glorify the lord um and that's what i'm saying for you to get rid of those books because clearly god condemns those things in the bible and you don't want to to have a book in your house that glorifies the things that god hates that god condemns number eight is yoga paraphernalia just guys throw that stuff away and the reason that i say that is because yoga is legitimately worship of another another religions gods and clearly as you know we serve one god and i'm saying this because as me as well i used to practice yoga every single day so i got rid of the mat that i used to do yoga in every single day i wanted to just get rid of that mat i got a new mat um and i strictly use that for like straight exercising like i'm talking push-ups lunges jumping jacks possibly but yeah and i would specifically like if you're looking on online to get like a new mat i would search exercise matte instead of yoga mat of course and yeah just get rid of the stuff that you used that you use for yoga um just because number one like clearly that was specifically made for you to do this practice of idol worship so get rid of that stuff so number nine is items from people who are in witchcraft or sorcery maybe they gifted it to you or you received it as a present maybe years ago who knows but at times those things can be cursed those things could be you know have some sort of spell on them and that's why i'm saying pray about it because maybe you have even forgotten about it or maybe the holy spirit has been bringing it up to your attention and you've just been kind of ignoring it make sure that you pray and find out what's going on and what you shouldn't have in your house and the reason that i say that is because i've seen the demonic doors open from other believers using those items from people who have cursed such items and they they gift it to the believer the believer will use it or have it in their house and it will open up that demonic doorway so get rid of that stuff and of course if you have used any of these things that i have listed thus far or will list guys repent and just repent and seek christ and recognize that you sinned but god is merciful and he will like help you get out of that stuff and you have the authority in christ to rebuke these evil spirits luke 10 verse 19 and yeah i just wanted to make sure that i note this because some people have been gifted stuff that they don't even realize that might be cursed or have some sort of spell on it and it might be affecting you spiritually so number 10 is clothing items with occult symbols or even clothing companies that are associated with the occult to give you an example let's say you have a band t-shirt from a certain man and they clearly do not worship christ and they have an occult symbol on there a pentagram a 666 i whatever you can think of if you look at it and it's evil get rid of it and the reason i'm also throwing in there clothing companies that are associated with your cult because let's take a recent example converse recently came out with this really evil ad that had like a pentagram in the human form of pentagram if they are brazen brazen enough to post something like it because think about this the marketing um like the marketing strategies they have to go through many different levels to actually get posted on their official instagram page so somebody along the line some higher ups were checking off all the boxes oh this is going to be good and then they post it and you can see okay you know what now they are specifically trying to serve the world i don't want to associate myself with them um but of course like i want you guys to pray about it and really seek christ about this because as somebody who as well like i love fashion i love clothes you know certain brands you know i grew up with but if they are specifically trying to serve the world if they're specifically trying to associate themselves with the occult we need to take a step back and no longer support these companies that are going against god and feeding evil to the masses so number 11 is very very very important and that is any items that the holy spirit convicts you of and the reason that i say that is because some items i may have missed some items um you have in your house but you're skeptical you're like i don't know if i should get rid of it sometimes you might have gone to the thrift store and grabbed an item maybe let's say let me just throw out an example like a guitar you grab this guitar and you're like wow i found a really good pristine guitar at the thrift store and this guitar works so well but then all of a sudden one day the holy spirit's like throw away that guitar and you're like why i there's nothing wrong with the guitar i don't see why just listen there have been many times that like the holy spirit convicts me of something and i didn't listen and then months later or like weeks later months later i found out the reason why and i was like i should have listened from the very beginning so if the holy spirit makes you throw it away throw it away it's not worth it it's not worth the spiritual attacks that you might have the demonic doors that are open in your life the just how much it weighs on you guys get rid of this stuff pray repent seek christ and anoint your home take some oil and anoint your home um and just recognize that your space your home should be like a place a resting place for not only you but of course a place where the holy spirit can dwell and obviously the holy spirit dwells within you you are a temple of the holy spirit but you also want to make sure that your surrounding is surrounded by things that glorify the lord you know take any of these items that i've listed and replace them you got like make your own items like if you have art that you have to get rid of because it is not glorifying the lord make your own art and make it to glorify the lord you know write a bible scripture on like a canvas and hang it up and then you can tell anyone that comes in yeah you know i made this i used to have this item but i threw it away because you know that doesn't go up for the lord god told me to throw it away and now i have this item here in my house and this glorifies the lord and guess what i serve one god alone and let that be a talking piece for you to share the gospel with others for you to talk about your walk with christ and how he as well had to discipline you had to sanctify you because we all came out of the world and we all had had things and we're doing things that were not of god but god continuously prunes us continuously prunes us as we abide in the vine in jesus and also we do more to bear good fruit of course but also um be good and faithful servants to him and also guys feel free to like share this video but also the videos that i've listed in the description below with other family members or people believers that follow christ but also you know even loved ones who possibly don't believe and share with them that these items are not of god and that they are affecting them spiritually and so that they can see that maybe you know what i should throw this away and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope that you guys do throw away anything if you did or if you have before in the past leave a comment down below what was it why did you throw it away and how you felt afterwards because i just want the comment section to be a an area where we can encourage each other to throw away the different things in our lives and maybe you guys will list something that i myself have missed and for those of you who stuck around to the very very end and you're still like oh well everything you said was hateful and i'm not gonna get rid of any of this stuff because i don't believe a word you're saying please just take some time to pray about it ask god if i am speaking the truth um test the spirit and i just want you guys to pray about it and see for yourself if that is the truth because i know for myself like i wasn't not listening to my convictions at first but the holy spirit was persistent with me and he let me know that i should get rid of these things and also i'm doing this out of love i am not doing this out of hate because i know that there are fellow brothers and sisters in christ who need to get rid of this stuff who are probably new believers or have just come out of the new age or just come out of whatever practices that they were in while they were in the world and they need to get rid of this stuff because they're holding that as an idol above god but yeah i'm not doing this out of a place of hate but out of a place of love because i care about your spiritual health i care about your walk with christ and i know that if i care then god cares like a million times more than me so please um don't take this as hate but as love i hope you guys enjoyed this video and um if you did like i said leave a comment down below of items that you have thrown away of items that you are throwing away why you're throwing them away and of course how you felt after you threw them away and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video and god bless bye [Music]
Channel: Ruocca
Views: 567,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ruocca, jesus, christian
Id: 9dp9UG7uxqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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