Living a Simple and Quiet Christian Life | Alex Wilson

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hey how are you doing I'm doing okay I uh all the kids are sick right now lokilani is next door helping them out and uh I'm at my in-laws house they are running errands right now and so I thought I'd just jump on here and talk to you real quick about the simple and quiet life this is something that we've been talking about a lot in the podcast on my Instagram amenpodcast on Instagram and uh you've probably even noticed I deleted like all my shorts off of this Channel and off my Instagram I did that because of the simple and quiet life and we're going to get into that more and these verses Matthew 8 1-4 really get to the heart of how Jesus lived and it's really unexpected because you wouldn't really ex you wouldn't expect to see such an important character trait of Jesus such an important secret hack to the simple life through these verses and these verses we're going to talk about more in the podcast in an episode called approach uh it's four verses Matthew 8 1 through 4 but just for today we're just going to talk about verse four um but I want to paint the picture of what's going on here because I believe it's going to change something and show you why you need the simple life why you can't have the simple life and how to live and to have the simple and quiet life here we go Matthew chapter 8 1-4 large crowds followed Jesus as he came down the hillside look a leper is approaching he kneels before him worshiping sir the leopard pleads if you want to you can heal me then Jesus touches the man I want to he says be healed and instantly the leprosy disappears then Jesus says to him don't stop and talk to anyone go right over to the priest and be examined and take with you the offering required by Moses's law for leopards who are healed a public testimony of your cure what's going on here leprosy was an incurable horrible highly contagious deathly disease and to approach someone when you have leprosy was a big big No-No but this guy has so much faith in Jesus he doesn't and Jesus heals him amazing this has never been never been seen before to be in the crowd like it says in verse one and to see this after Jesus just preached the most greatest sermon to ever live Sermon on the Mount and then to see him back up those words by doing this this was Heavy the witness but what Jesus does next was almost just as insurmountable just as miraculous and crazy as healing the guy he says to him don't tell anyone I healed you what Jesus this could blow your clout out of the water I mean your followers Jesus your Fame would explode what do you mean don't tell anyone Jesus was rejecting popularity why to choose the simple and quiet life and in so doing he's showing us why we need the simple and quiet life peace I thought for sure my life would be better once I got 1.6 million followers on Tick Tock once I got over a hundred thousand followers on Instagram my life got worse I got more stressed I got less peaceful it was hectic I hated it I hadn't become more free with the fame I'd become more of a slave with the fame Jesus rejects popularity here because he knows how fickle it is he's saying don't tell anyone what I did yes I know no one else can heal leprosy yes I know this is the first time you've ever experienced this yes I know this was miraculous but don't tell anyone I don't need the popularity I don't need the fame I don't need the clout I'm free Jesus was what the pilots tell us when we're on planes you're free to move about the cabin the seat belt sign is off Jesus was free to move about the kingdom Freedom with pride with not with pride with peace he was confident in who he was I want that don't you want that here's why we can't have it Pride we were too prideful we want recognition we want Atta boys when I was uh thinking about deleting all my social media and starting over and deleting my shorts I did that because I realized that shorts are used for promotion shorts are sound bites I would film a long video a sermon a Bible study and I would take an extra two hours just to cut up shorts out of it because I wanted to promote myself and then I said what's wrong with this picture the Bible tells us in the Book of Psalms in the Book of Proverbs that God is the one that gives promotion so if we try to promote ourselves we're not actually giving ourselves promotion we're just inflating our pride we're just sinking deeper and deeper into depression slavery and sin so I deleted it I was like God I don't want this I don't want this I want you to promote me I'm tired of it God I've become a slave to trying to promote myself I'm a slave to the popularity because of my pride pride is the part of me that reaches out for recognition pride is the part of me that wants so badly to be praised by others pride is a part of me that has no problem praising myself I don't want that if I'm going to live simply and quietly and free and peacefully with joy with happiness waking up excited to have less on my plate instead of excited to be busy I had to realize something that flying all over the world getting Applause preaching here teaching there was not going to make me happy and that's not what simple that's not what the simple and quiet life that God is calling us to be looks like that's Pride uh Living For all that stuff The Tick Tock and the views and the clout and all this stuff that was killing me and so I had to get rid of it it was killing me to the point where like when I it was time to wash toilets and to wash dishes and the mop floors I would have a bad mood because I would look at the men in my life and I would see that they didn't do this kind of stuff I don't need to do this stuff it was Pride that was making me angry when my kid wakes up in the middle of the night and I have to get out of bed to go help him what is that just a woman's job is is only lokilani supposed to do that of course not my pride had uh darkened my heart and my vision so much that things around the home became lower to me like that's below me I don't need to do that what was happening I the other day I saw uh laundry that was clean it was in the dryer and I put it in a basket and I brought it inside and I did it because my clothes were in it um and lokilani was busy but as I was walking inside I realized like this is like enjoyable I'd never felt that before like I had a lot of Peace doing it and lokilani was like hey thanks for bringing the clothes in and I was like oh yeah no worries and I walked away and I had not done it for the atta boy I had not done it to seem like a good husband I did it really just to bring my clothes in but that little simple thing that household home activity was so joyful to me this is happening to me not because I read a cool book about it this is happening to me as I look at Jesus's life as I look at him rejecting popularity and as I try to walk in obedience to that there's a transformation in me that's happening where I'm realizing the most masculine thing I can do is not surf 20-foot waves is not hunt down the biggest pig or deer the most masculine thing I can do is change diapers is be with my family be a family man show them what it means to love God to love others to live like Christ because would Christ choose popularity over washing a toilet why should I seek something that Jesus didn't seek he had the simple and quiet life because he had no Pride he was so humble listen to this verse first Peter 5 6. this describes Jesus so well and shows us how how we are going to live this simple and quiet life first Peter 5 6 it says if you humble yourself under the mighty hand of God in his good time he will lift you up isn't that Jesus's life he humbled himself how did he humble himself under the mighty hand of God and then be lifted up in God's good time Philippians 2 8 says this he humbled himself even further going as far to actually die a criminal's death on the cross What's Happening Here Jesus was so obedient he was willing to Die For What God was telling him to do that's how obedient he was to God and unless you're that obedient to the point of death you will never be lifted up in God's good time when you humble yourself under God's Mighty hand to the point of death where things in your life start to die things inside of your heart start to die unless you're that obedient you'll never be lifted up by God so because we're not that obedient because we don't choose a simple and quiet life Jesus was obedient to the point of death and then lifted up in God's good time three days later from the grave so that you and I who chose the proud fool life the big the bad the boisterous the wide Road the loud life we chose that he did it and he was lifted up and he was crucified so we crucify our flesh and be lifted up by God the Bible tells us in Psalms in Proverbs God will promote us there's no need to chase after what the world is chasing after the societal Norms you're killing yourself you're not free you have no peace because you're chasing after the promotion and the act of the um the uh recognition of other accolades you're chasing after that and you're not free you have no peace you're constantly running these things in your head and don't you see Jesus rejected that and he was obedient to the point of death how can you be obedient to a point of death so that you can be lifted up by him so you can be promoted by him so that you could experience the freedom I had to let I had to let my desire for surfing and being a big uh being known as a great Surfer I had to let that die and it wasn't like I had to say no I can't surf I can't serve no I still serve it was that I the Holy Spirit continued to show me the character of Jesus and the silliness of what Society pursues how empty what the world promises is and how cool and awesome and upside down and different Jesus lived the more I saw that the more it changed me he was willing to be obedient to the point of death to the point of losing everything there's this great song right now and I'll end with this it's called sweet Ever After by Ellie Holcomb and bear Reinhardt bear Reinhardt from Needtobreathe and he says or she says the real life lesson in a life well lived is you lose what don't matter before that she says there's a lot of hard days coming our way but a sweet Ever After the resurrection God raising Jesus in his good time three days later from the cross after being obedient to the point of death after rejecting popularity to the point of death after rejecting the recognition in the attaboys of people to the point of death after choosing the simple and quiet life so much so he died alone he was Rose he was risen why so we could experience the sweet Ever After the resurrection means there's a sweet happily ever after that we are going to experience for all of eternity with God and we get there by letting things die in our life losing things that don't matter that's what I want that's what God promises that's what he gives us with the simple and quiet life let us live that together amen father God thank you so much for the beauty of Jesus's life help us to look at it and stare at it and to see how different he was so that it changes and transforms something in us and it breaks the things in us that need to be broken kills the things that need to die in us we love you in Jesus name we pray amen how is God asking you to live the simple and quiet life that's the question I'll throw it up in the comments I want to hear what you guys have to say let's get a good conversation going and uh I love you I'll see you in the next one amen
Channel: Alex Wilson
Views: 634,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex wilson, christian, inspiration, inspirational, motivational, motivation, encouragement, encouraging, motivate, inspire, jesus, god, bible verse, scripture, healing, uplifting, video, videos, family vlog, vlog, sermon for, youth, TikTok, daily, shorts, alex dion wilson, analogy, illustration, preacher, podcast, teaching, bible project, understanding, holy spirit, how to get closer to god, repentance, recovery, lust, addiction, clips, bible study, reading the bible, how to ask God for forgiveness
Id: xmZ4QFQ7neM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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