Ex-Kundalini Yoga Teacher Explains Why Christians Should Not Practice Yoga | Mike Shreve | EP. 99

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[Music] okay [Music] well i definitely encourage people urge people i'm very vehement about it not to do yoga it's very dangerous i get phone calls from all over the world of people who have attended yoga classes and had a spontaneous kundalini awakening that gets out of control and of course it's just a demonic oppression or possession that they're going through and they need prayer for deliverance but uh it's not it it's not a simple matter that can be dismissed by oh i'm just i'm i'm just tuning up my physical body there's some there's some factors that are very important like i've been on some of the websites of supposed christian yoga groups where they have pictures of someone sitting in a lotus position with their hand like this well most people don't realize that's what's called a mudra and a mudra is a symbolic representation with your hands or with your body of a mystical idea or concept and that particular that particular form let me try and get it in the camera yeah the the forefinger represents your individual soul which hindus call atman and the thumb represents the oversoul which hindus call brahman and brahman incidentally is an impersonal force not a personal god and and so you're connecting with a false idea just by making that symbol with your hand and what that is is an actual invocation that brahman will manifest in your life where you will have this awakening into god consciousness and once again that term sounds really desirable well i want to be conscious of god but within the hindu framework god consciousness means a conscious awareness that you are god which is the absolute opposite of the truth amen and it's absolutely satanically inspired and so that's just one example i've also uh i've also known people that claimed to be involved in christian yoga that believed in the chakras and they meditated on the chakras and of course that's not common knowledge probably to a lot of your listeners so i might need to explain the term within most new age circles or hindu circles they believe in seven energy centers that are like uh whirling disc so to speak uh positioned down your spine all the way through the circles in the body is that why you see the circles on people like that's showing the right third eye the third eye is the one most people are familiar with which is supposed to be one of the seven chakras and if you each one of those chakras is assigned to a different hindu deity and and they have different functions and if you supposedly meditate on that chakra you can enhance your spiritual maturity in a certain area there's a lot of application but the scary thing about it is if you believe in chakras it's inextricable from a belief in the kundalini and the kundalini is that latent uh presence of divinity and and i'm not talking about my beliefs now i'm talking about what i believed as a yoga teacher it was the dormant divinity within every human being that i was taught by yogi bhajan was coiled like a serpent at the base of the spine that's why it's called the kundalini because kundalini means serpent power isn't serpent in the bible a bad thing i think so i think something had a whole lot to do with the fall of humanity and uh the serpent grows into the great red dragon of revelation chapter 12. he's called that old serpent the devil and so he uh the serpent is representative of the highest force of evil in the universe how frightening is that and you're doing yoga trying to awaken that the word the word yoga means union with god it literally means yok but the implication symbolically is being yoked with god being in union with god and so uh if a person believes in the chakras then they believe in uh the kundalini whether they realize it or not and at a certain point during your pranayama and asanas and all the other exercises you do in yoga and most people are very familiar with that terminology if they're involved in yoga class at all then there's supposed to be this moment of awakening where the serpent strikes and when the serpent strikes this serpent power goes up through the spine to the forehead and and either merges with the crown chakra or the third eye and a person goes off into god consciousness well that's nothing more than demon possession i have known incidents where people experience what's called shaktipat and shaktipat is uh where a guru or a swami touches you in some way sometimes they use different means different methods they may touch a disciple with a feather or with their hand or breathe on them or whatever to impart an awakening of the kundalini and and so at times there are manifestations like shaking or uncontrolled physical movements um and at times even uh speaking in tongues and yet it's a demonic tongue i personally have experience being baptized in the holy spirit as a christian i did a year after i was saved and i spoke in tongues and it is a language of worship but the enemy can even mimic and counterfeit that and a counterfeit is not good unless it looks almost exactly like the real amen and and so there's there there's a lot of people that swear by yoga and i don't mean that in the sense of swear words but they say there's nothing wrong with it i've had people tell me that i go to yoga class i've never been defiled i've never been uh mixed up or messed up in false demon demonic manifestation and when they chant om when they chant the word om i just say the word jesus and i look at him with shock i say and you don't offer an explanation of the falsehood of what's going on around you i said because the word om is well actually in the hindu culture in the hindu religion it's stretched out in pronunciation where you've got three sounds a-u-m and a represents bish brahma rather the creator god and uh the you represents uh uh vishnu the preserver god and the m represents sheba the destroyer god and when you quote when you say that in mantra-like fashion over and over again uh you're again invoking those three deities to manifest in your body i had a friend who was going for yoga certification she wanted to be a yoga teacher she was a christian she thought there was nothing wrong with it and they told her that it would not conflict with their faith to become a yoga teacher and so she's going through all these initiation classes and she got to one where they were teaching on channing mantras and this guy tried to lead the whole class in the chaining of a mantra it was words in sanskrit and she didn't know what they meant so she didn't participate and she went up to the guy after the class and said i can't chance something unless i know what it means and he said well those words mean i give my soul to sheba which is the destroyer in hinduism and we know who the destroyer is and it's a different concept it's not a deity the destroyer is satan so she said i'm out of here i'm never going to come back again amen and so if you are to participate in a yoga class where things like that happen and you don't oppose it or you don't reveal the falsehood of it that is compromise on a major level and that's like that that's similar to walking in an idle temple and worshiping jesus while other people bow down to a false idol and you're accepting that as something legitimate or at least you're not confronting it i've tried to explain to people not to do yoga it's not because oh we're trying to take your fun out of it and we don't want you to lose weight and burn these calories during hot yoga we don't want your back to be okay it's like what you've said there's other ways without having to give in to these spirits and this demonic basically presence and so i think that's what's hot cycling i think these people want to hear this is that we're not like got like god he doesn't tell us not to do these things because he hates us and he's trying to suck all the fun out he's doing it because he's a jealous god and he's protecting us and that's why i love in this pamphlet that you have the seven reasons i no longer practice yoga like this is something i'm thankful for now i can like instead of arguing with someone like hey here's this like because hopefully they see that it's truly that if you want a deeper relationship with god you can't serve two masters like i think it's in matthew 6 24 like you can't serve god and money it's the same thing you can't serve a hindu thing right because that's what yoga it's like hindu and god and so i'm that's why i'm just thankful for that you made this little mini book because it makes it so much easier for people like me so many people contacted me and they would ask and i'd have to go through the whole spiel over and over again and i thought i need to get this out to people in a way that's easier for them to absorb and my seventh uh point that i make in the mini book is this and i think it's a very important one just suppose that everything is benign or seemingly benign in a yoga class the teacher is a committed christian worship music is played no one chance no one uh gives any kind of acknowledgement to hindu deities that is purely a physical exercise regimen is it still wrong and i tell people yes amen because you're calling it yoga and by calling it yoga you are endorsing something that is very dark at its core and even if you've stripped it of all the negative influences that you think you need to strip it up is still making a statement and someone who is weak in the faith will see oh pastor craig goes to a yoga class well you might go to a hot yoga class where they never mention meditation they never mention some spiritual aspect well then yoga must be right if pastor craig goes there and then they go headlong into the philosophy behind it and that's why i believe it's very important for people not to be supportive of yoga in any way and one way i explain it is this when i pray or let me take it a different direction when i meditate there is a biblical form of meditation and i believe it's not emptying your mind to have mystical experiences but rather slowing your mind down and then focusing on the word of god very prayerfully and worshipfully reading the word pondering its meaning inviting the holy spirit to give you interpretation and so when i meditate within a biblical christian framework i hope to transcend uh this physical world and have an encounter with god but i'm not going to call it transcendental meditation amen amen even though i'm meditating and i want to transcend because just the use of that term identifies it with something that's very anti-christian very anti-cross the founder of transcendental meditation was very strong in saying that the cross was the tragic death of a good man but it had no power to forgive anyone of their sin so by using that terminology i'm identifying with someone very non-christian non-biblical and i would derail somebody this week spiritually so there are christian alternatives i have friends in fact i have one friend who has her testimony on my website thetruelight.net i post a lot of testimonies there and we just opened that website up a couple months ago and i'm really really excited we've gotten over uh we've gotten downloads uh from over 40 nations people have gone there and downloaded my story i've got my my story that i'm sharing here on this uh interview in this booklet here uh the highest adventure encountering god and it's absolutely free it's totally free all you got to do is come to the true light down uh the true lot excuse me the true light dot net and download it and it's yours and share it with anybody you want to and so anyway uh i mentioned um in in my uh sharing of that particular book i mentioned uh some christian alternatives like uh the friend i mentioned that uh left the yoga certification course she started a group called holy fit w-h-o-l-y-f-i-t holy fit and it's all christians that didn't want to be contaminated by the yoga thing and then uh on the website this is why i mentioned the website i also have the testimony of lorette willis and lorette willis was a hatha yoga teacher hatha is the simplest form of yoga physical exercises but it is the third yama is the fourth step toward enlightenment uh taught by patanjali in hinduism and so the physical yoga and the breathing exercises are steps you take toward this experience of being liberated spiritually according to them but anyway she was a hatha yoga teacher and then got saved and knew she couldn't teach hatha yoga anymore she had to give it up and and so for two years she didn't do anything and then she started something called praised moods so that christians would have an alternative and so there are some groups out there for people that think well i just want a low impact regimen so that i can tune up my body you don't have to compromise your faith and have that approach physically you can do some things that are free from all the contamination
Channel: Calvary Oro Valley
Views: 14,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, jesus christ, pastor, craig roters, pastor craig, pastor craig roters, jeremiah, bible, Holy, Spirit, Arizona, Gospel, calvary, calvary chapel, calvary oro valley, oro valley, calvary chapel oro valley, tucson, Praise, Hurts, Bless, Lord, Ministry, Holy Spirit (Deity), Word, Salvation, Truth, Preaching, Ministries, Sermon (Literature Subject), America, Youtube, Prophecy, Prophet, Grace, Study, Popular, Jacob, Hebrew, Revival, Messiah, God (Deity)
Id: _0UU8a2Rbd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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