The Gagging of a Shaman Woke Me Up to the Truth | New Age to Jesus Testimony

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I do not normally make videos like this so this video is probably going to be super out there for you and I just really hope that you will stay and listen because it's a story that's super close to my heart and I'm currently right now in Nashville Tennessee uh in Bon Aqua with one of my oldest my oldest childhood friend Lindy so we can cut to Lindy um Lindy and I grew up in Wheaton Illinois um where we I spent so much time in our house climbing trees catching frogs we were little tomboys and we both grew up in really Christian households um so I grew up grew up as a Christian and I at one point I really was like had this passion for Jesus as a kid I used to say I wanted to be a missionary and I would go around and put on these weird clothes and I would like preach to people and I just I yeah I was really grateful to have a great childhood and grow up knowing Jesus and that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and um but over time my heart really hardened towards Jesus and mostly Christianity it's something I hear a lot people say like oh I'm not religious anymore I'm not a Christian anymore and there's this ick to it that I myself felt for like a really long time um I made people in the church my God and I don't know if you've experienced that if you grew up in a church but for me I think just when you associate people with God then people are always going to let you down and so I felt like love was something that I had I had to do things for it to be earned and when I didn't do the right things and I didn't earn the love it meant that I wasn't worthy of God and so I thought you know like I'm all out I'm either all in or I'm all out and so I was all out and I thought I just want to experience everything I want to experience all religions and that's that's what I did and so I really strayed far away from the Fate that I was brought up in and I thought that I had found actually the truth and I thought people that believe in Christianity and in Jesus you're ignorant God is love God's in everything there's truth in all religions and that's that's where I was for a lot of my time in college and then graduating and um and then the new age sort of found me um I didn't even really know what the term new age was do you know what the term New Age really is Lindy what it means yeah what does it mean yeah we will put up what new age but essentially you know they just like kind of this whole deal of manifestation and breath work and really crystals astrology all these things where I found really fascinating where I felt like oh these are other ways that you can heal yourself and so I got really really into especially during covid into like this new age ideologies where I read books like The Alchemist um different authors that were really into more spiritualism and I thought it was fascinating and um foreign I didn't realize that I was slowly making myself God all of these things were really pushing for me to um you know like discover your highest self and and it there wasn't this like loving others Factor it was if you do these things you can build the life of your dreams do you want to make a million dollars you need to manifest that Envision it you can have all these things it was like this this power and even in people that I met that were healers it was like um even it was all power based and ego based and I just I didn't really see it in all came started coming to a head um just in the last couple years here I had a friend then it was my birthday party in April this past April it's almost been a year and she came to me and she'd had a dream of a book and she came to my birthday party she drove all the way from Arizona to this birthday party and she had dreamed of this book and she came to my party she sat me down I could tell she was like really hyped up to talk to me and she says Danny I just have to tell you I had this dream about this book about Jesus and I woke up and I googled it it's a real book and uh it was called in the name of Jesus and I thought that's cool Julia but that is not for me that's not my life anymore like Christianity all of that that's ignorant that's not that's not for me and little did I know that was the start of Jesus chasing me down and telling me like you've gone astray and uh so I went to Vietnam I've been if you know anything about me I've traveled a lot so I've been living overseas a ton and I was going back to Vietnam after I had coveted and I had a friend who'd met with the shaman and she had had all these really good things to say about it oh I had so much healing so many of her other friends had met with this Shaman and for me growing up in the church that was something like oh you know all these this breath works of it like seems not so bad right it feels like it's okay Shaman seems like a little bit more out there but I'm open right I'm open to all things and there's truth in all religions and so I called up this Shaman and I was a little apprehensive but it ended up needing her and she came to my apartment in Vietnam and um I think the the big thing that I should have known I sort of even knew right away is when we were in my room and I lied in my bed and she closed the blinds and we were in darkness and I just remember laying in that bed and being so scared and realizing oh I've made a really big mistake and it was like my eyes were uncovered to how this this the dark world that I'd been in that had labeled itself as something empowering and uh but you know good and of light when I realized like it was really dark and uh after you know I I kind of was praying during the ceremony the healing ceremonies what it was called and um and afterwards about 30 45 minutes passed and the shaman uh you know stops this ritual she'd been doing where I really believe a demon came into her body and you know she's gagging and all these these things and so I was just I was too afraid to make it stop I just I let it pass and and then at the end she was so shaken up I was like don't you girl don't you do this all the time like why are you so shaken up and I could tell she was really rattled like mascara was coming down her face and I'd ask my friend if that had been her experience and she's like oh no like she's totally fine after ours and I thought that was really strange and she didn't tell me anything so I didn't already know about myself but told me that I had the same gifts that she had and that if I wanted to heal people in the same way or hear the voices that she heard I was special I was unique I could do these things too she senses healing power in me we were meant to meet sooner we're soul family all of these things try pulling me in and I just thought oh there is like there's a fight for my soul and up until before that point too I've been having a lot of women tell me like you're special there's something about you all these women that were new age it's something I was told over and over and over again I was meant to to feel like I could heal people and and that's one thing that Shaman said she said you know I asked my Spirit guides if you were meant to heal people the way I do and she said no you're meant to heal they tell me you're meant to heal people and and always not just in the way that I do it well praise be to God I know the truth now we're just like I I know I'm meant to kill people and always but through the blood of Jesus Christ and I am yeah after that after that moment it was like my wake up of um I just knew like I'd open the door into something my eyes had uncovered being like I've made myself God in my life and um I've made it all about me and I just thought back to like growing up knowing Jesus Jesus was all about people you know he he loved you no matter where you run in life um you know the first person that he told to uh go share about that the truth when he finally decided to reveal himself was a woman who'd had like you know five husbands nobody in the town would talk to her those are the type of people that Jesus went and reached out to and you have to pay for it it was free right Jesus was all about no you gave up your life for other peoples and I found that in none of the religions that I had been searching for and I'm just I just knew I said the only way that I'm gonna get myself out of this Darkness because I've opened a door that I don't want to be open is through Jesus and I just remember laying on the floor of my apartment in Vietnam the same I choose Jesus and I just knew like that there was so much power in that and it's so cool last night um Lindy and her husband Kyle and I were sitting down and we were writing a song that I was super excited to share soon and uh and Kyle was saying like wow the holy spirit in that in that meeting with the shaman was was fighting for you like the light in you that you that you had as a child when you've given your life to Jesus was fighting that fight for you and you didn't even know you know the show it's like I'm getting out of the steering we're like what even thought of it like that like even that whole time of me going astray like Jesus was with me and God is so good and from there I I it's not like I just like felt like my life was really good like I figured it all out once I said I choose Jesus now I uh end up going to Indonesia I got Dengue Fever thought I was dying was in the hospital for like five days and I feel like it was just kind of like shedding of myself where uh I just prayed the whole time to God I was alone in a hospital room by myself absolutely miserable just praying to God and uh and then from there I went home then I had this deep conviction like I need somebody I need people to pray over me and I had this Vision actually in my mind like this repeating Vision you know that people pray over you you need that people pray over you and so I uh so I said that's super weird I'm not doing that if you grew up in a like in a really conservative town like witchcraft challenge all that stuff that's super weird and to lay hands on people is like that's that's what people do in other countries not in America not in like you know our church where everybody just claps like this so I was like that's too weird I'm not gonna ask my parents but I've seen actually in the vision of my parents Bible study praying over me I'm like no no we're not gonna do that the day I I say I'm not gonna do that the day I say that uh my mom had been talking in the kitchen I hadn't told her anything about this they're Christian I thought it's too much for for them to know and I had a friend who's also um gone into the new age and my mom was talking about how she had thought that one of her roommates in New Orleans had put a curse on her and the shaman that I'd met with was from New Orleans and got like got into Voodoo in New Orleans and um so my mom said that her friend said oh well you need to tell people to lay hands on her I I never hear that right and the day I decide I'm not gonna have them lay hands on me my mom doesn't realize she's speaking the truth to me of God saying like oh girl no you need to have people lay hands on you um and so I said okay yep immediately I'm like okay this month is what I did I'm sorry you know and I need your Bibles to come pray over me and so uh that next day they decide they're gonna come pray for me and that morning was Sunday so they were going to come that night and one of the people in her Bible study was um I had thought about this woman Okay so this woman I've never met before her name is Isabel and she's headed to her car at my parents church and God all of a sudden says go find Katrina this woman and uh these are people I don't know any of these people right at this point right and she just hears the voice of God say like you can't go home right now you need to go to this room and so she goes to go find her friend and the guy in my parents Bible study intercedes and and he goes oh Isabel I was looking for you and she's like oh okay I know why God you know told me to leave my car and he goes um your dad was a shaman right and she says oh yeah he was and and okay that's also like my friends are a small town um the fact that God had had this woman stop and like no she had to be there for this moment she came actually that night and um was there and my parents Bible study and Isabelle who's not like her really dear friend of mine who also left the new age um prayed over me and I recommitted my life to Christ and it was just the most beautiful thing and that God knew like it would be really nice to have somebody that understood where I was um that knew the darkness that I'd seen because I knew a lot of people that REM hadn't it was like this extra gift of being like this is how much I love you and like I didn't have to show you Isabella or have her stop and and you know know that she had to walk this way to to meet John but um but he didn't I was just like the extra icing on the cake knowing that God was looking out for me that whole time and um I'm just at peace now and I've stopped trying to be my own God and I'm just so grateful for um friends who prayed for me even though I'm with Lindy right now and she she'd been praying for me and didn't even know um like what I'd been going through and the fact that I'm here now it's I'm just I'm so grateful and um Jesus has really transformed my life and didn't give up on me when I wanted nothing to do with him and wanted to be my own God and so if you are into witchcraft or even just like the things where you feel like it took crystals or tarot or any of these things I just I would love for you to take a look deeper at it and say where where are the roots of this and and you know what am I searching for if it's healing then Jesus is healing my friend if it's love there's no love greater and the more unconditional than the love of Jesus and I can attest like he's life isn't easy when you get your life to Jesus but it's peaceful and um so this channel now I've like the last months have been just me being like I give up these things that I helped so dearly to to you God and to you Jesus because I know your plans for me are better and even the Bible says like God has really good plans for you and they're they're far better than the plans that I could have ever thought of for myself so I have absolutely no clue what's going to happen to this YouTube channel but I know it's gonna be good right and so um yeah I just I just really felt it on my heart to share this and I even prayed like this feeling about how to share about it on my channel and I had I've been wondering God what's the right way to share it and I felt actually God telling me to do it with Lindy and I called up Lindy I'm like yo I bought a ticket to Tennessee I'm coming and I pray to God like if I'm supposed to film it with Lindy make it super obvious because I felt like that call but I said like you gotta make it obvious God and then I'll do it with her call her up and bought the ticket Lindy by the way I've been feeling like God maybe wants me to film my testimony with you and she goes oh girl I didn't tell you I just started a project filming people's testimonies so anyway that's why we're here now and God is so good so if you got all the way to the end of this I so appreciate you and if anything really hit you and you want to talk about it I would love to talk with you about it feel free to hit me up on Instagram if you are following Jesus like definitely be sure to encourage others in your life of the new age don't be afraid to reach out to them because we're seeking something we we're seeking God we're seeking healing it's just we don't realize we're seeking a fraction of the truth right the devil loves to just take the truth and sort of flip it a little bit so it seems like it's right because it these things work they just don't last so if you want to love the last man gotta find Jesus all right thanks [Music] for the darkness try it can never overcome the life cause he's mine cause he's mine cause he's mine [Music]
Channel: Danie Jay
Views: 333,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey danie jay, new age to jesus, new age to jesus testimony, new age testimony, my testimony, born again christian, new age religion testimony, new age movement, new age vs jesus, new age to jesus my testimony, christian testimony of a transformed life, new age to jesus destiny, christian testimony videos, are shamans good, christianity vs new age, new age vs, new age vs christianity, spiritualism vs christianity, new age testimony jesus, new age to jesus 2023
Id: Uku7vItQkUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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