The Weight of your Life | Troy Brewer | 21

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church will you join me in welcoming the whole planet earth to big time burleson texas y'all this is the open door experience boom yay i welcome everybody and call you guys bless guys welcome to our part of the world and we bless you in jesus name i want to welcome everybody that's here inside the house and just it's been a great privilege having you guys with us this week during this time of conference and i also want to say this too that as i get ready to wrap up this this teaching series that's called 21 i'm actually gonna do a little bit of rehash from week one two and three before i get into this new teaching today i wanna encourage you guys to be teachable i wanna encourage you guys to let the spirit of the lord give you an uplifted heart obviously humble before king jesus but not one that's just sitting there beat up amen this is a great day to be alive it really truly is it's a it's it's an incredible day to be alive all right friends i want to i want to just tell you that today i'm going to be preaching a message that's called the weight and the measure of your life but before i get into part 4 of 21 let's just kind of go back and let's look at some of the things that we discussed in the first week we're actually talking about the number 21. and friends i know that i know that a lot of people don't understand prophetic things they don't understand prophetic type and shadow they don't look up names they don't pay attention to numbers or weights or distances but as i'm going to show you today that those things are supposed to glorify king jesus in an extraordinary way so we know that prophetically speaking that there are different layers to the meanings of of numbers and there are actually redeemed versions and there are also non-redeemed versions like a good like a good example of that would be i don't know like the number 13 that 13 represents rebellion all the way through the word of god as a matter of fact matthew 13 13 has 13 words in it okay and it says and the men of sodom were evil continually and it goes on to talk about that like oh wow okay wait what are you talking about i'm talking about the order of the word of god actually glorifies king jesus and what happens is once you begin to see this thing then you can't unsee it and it becomes a part of your intimate walk with god in an extraordinary way and it's just like okay me and leanna we're about to have our 32nd wedding anniversary hallelujah and and for for 32 years there have been stuff that we had developed as part of our language and stuff that just belongs to us that doesn't belong to anybody else certain restaurants certain things on the menu like i know for a fact if i see fried pickles i'm gonna order it because because leanna loves that okay well just exactly like that the lord knows that there's certain things that i love and there are certain ways that i see him and go man it's cool to know the lord that he throws in my field of view all the time that's called your firmament by the way your field of view and god almighty places things in your field of view that knowing that you have a lens that nobody else does have and that's why you see some things that nobody else sees and that's why a lot of times it's so obvious and so real and it's so cool and then you go to share it with everybody else and you got nothing but crickets and they're looking at you going uh okay whatever right but that's okay listen there's there's a loneliness that goes with that but it's not just it's not just loneliness that's that's not what it is it's actually exclusiveness there's stuff in that the lord has for you to see that he doesn't have for anybody else because those things belong to you do you know that when you get to heaven and when you stand before the king of kings and the lord of lords one of the things that's going to happen is he's going to give you a name that nobody else knows except for you and him do you know that like well say well what's going to happen nobody else is going to understand it they're not going to understand it it's not for them to understand that's between the two of you yeah that's the power of intimacy well the number 21 represents intimacy and it represents the light that you find in the midst of intimacy it represents manifest spirit or light exposing guys we know that the bible says in ephesians chapter 5 verse 3 that light maketh manifest like what are you talking about manifest i'm talking about it's one thing to know that it's there it's another thing for it to fully develop and for you to be able to see it for what it actually is now look we know that god is present everywhere correct but why would we ask the lord lord we ask you sir to fill up this house i mean do we not believe that he's already in this house yes we do but that's not the same as being made manifest see there's the omni presence there's the omni presence of god and then there's what my good friend dan mccollum calls the on me presence of god the weighty tangible real presence of god where you say lord i have touched the hem of your garment and i am forever changed well the lord is inviting us to press into that place this year in a whole new way i'm talking about next level kind of way see seven times three or seven seven seven doesn't just mean shreveport i'm not judging anybody i just know that you know that language you bunch of hillbillies for everybody that's watching everywhere i'm talking about vegas terms that's what i'm talking about and you know again i'm not judging anybody i've seen leanna anoint those machines with oh and go come on jesus that's not true that's not true oh i'm starting to get off track i'm starting to get off track i got to get back no no 777 means manifest presence that's what it means it means manifest presence it actually means that so in this year this is a year for a suppressed into the manifest presence of jesus because he has a healing for us he has a touch for us in that place and that's exactly what the 2021st verse of the new testament says the 2000 and 21st verse of the new testament is luke chapter 6 verse 19 and the whole multitude sought to touch him for power went out from him and he healed them all man hang on to that verse that's a 2021 verse and it's and if 21 is all about the manifest presence of jesus it's all about no no i have to actually touch jesus i can't just imagine he's there i can't just hope that he's there i can't just trust that he's there those are all good things they are but sometimes man you got to see him and you got to hear him and you got to know him in your relationship with your spouse it just can't be about phone calls sometimes you got to see each other as painful as that is for some of y'all's marriages well the picture the prophetic picture of intimacy all the way through the word of god is the picture of frankincense gold frankincense and myrrh are the three different prophetic symbols of things that was brought to king jesus now did they literally bring him go frankincense myrrh yes but it speaks of the gift that you and i can give king jesus today gold treat him like like he's your king two frankincense press in and be intimate with him and three myrrh lay down your life those are the gifts that jesus wants out of you those are the gifts that jesus needs out of you like what is frankincense it's it's it's the atmosphere changer okay there's this room over here and it's got bright white lights in it and it's got a television on and there's all kinds of living going on but then you go through this door and this is a place of intimacy and there's candlelight going on and it's a different mood and barry white is playing okay the picture of that biblically and in the kingdom is frankincense okay are you guys tracking with me okay well the word frankincense is in the bible 21 times how about them apples my favorite 2021 scripture it on this subject it just all fits together in such an extraordinary way is exodus 20 21. so the people well they stood far off but moses drew nearer into thick darkness where god was there it is and that's a 2021 scripture but there are those people that the lord has given an invitation and he's invited and said come in come in here with me i want to show you something man it's going to blow your mind i want to i i listen there is something i am going to give to you that i don't give to anybody else and they're like that's a little bit too scary for me no no no as a matter of fact i'm not comfortable with that sadly most of the body of king jesus is not compatible with this next move of god and with the environment that hell is throwing at the church today because we are led according to our comfort not according to the spirit and by the way guys the spirit of the lord is supposed to be your comforter not your environment amen but that's a sign of maturity and that's what the problem is and that was what i preached in part two in part two of 21 i preached a message called totally legal and it was all about the coming of age it was all about being grown up and the need for real maturity within the body of king jesus today in first corinthians 13 he said brother paul said when i was a child i spoke as a child and i understood as a child i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things and friends this is my word to just to i want to encourage you i want to implore you i want to beg you please grow up every single person that is watching this listen you have to own the responsibility of being grown up well pastor roy i look exactly the way i did 30 or 40 years ago my hair is exactly the way i dress exactly the way i did okay here's the deal you are fighting for what is no longer no longer relevant and also what what no longer matters grow up you are not 20 anymore you're 50 or you're 60 or you're 70 or you're 80. and i'm just tell you something man you you are needed in the body of jesus your family needs you to be the dad that god almighty has called you to be or the mama that god almighty has called you to be and friends we desperately need leadership in the body of king jesus that is not just teachers but fathers [Applause] that is exactly what brother paul said in 1st corinthians chapter 4 verse 15 he says he says you have many teachers among you even 10 000 instructors yet you don't have many fathers we can tell today why our growth has been stunted in such a tremendous way it's because we don't have dads present in the body of jesus sometime about true fathers people that have a fatherly heart people that will see the best in people and see them and see their development and actually walk them through but i want to just tell you something i am i am a super super super super super good friend to all my kids and i am so grateful to be the best friend to all my kids but i'm first and foremost their daddy and i'm going to continue to be their daddy which means i have to guard them in every single phase that i possibly can and there's a lot of times i tell them say man i i don't like listen i mean you have to go through this weird transition when your kids move up out of the house and they got their own houses to constantly look and go okay what should i be involved in and what should i not be involved in what what is my business and then what is no longer my business and friends i want to just tell you this mama especially you mamas let your kids grow up and get married and leave your house you're i'm i'm sorry to be ugly but i want to just tell you please please let me speak to every mom and say this to you whoever it is that your child marries does not have to answer to you i know you think they do because you're the mama but no they do not the bible says that for this cause a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife you're gonna have to let them have their own family and you're gonna have to let them make their own mistakes and you're going to have to learn how to be the patriarch and the matriarch in that house and it's going to be hard but i want to tell you you don't want to just teach them a lesson you want to be a parent to them you want that lasting relationship of actually being apparent to them and see i think that so many of us in the body of jesus have actually settled for rock star teachers instead of true fathers in jesus that actually don't want anything out of their kids just want to bless them and want to love them i want to nurture them i want to want to be an example to want to be there for them want to be stable for them right well when that doesn't happen there's a gross immaturity that actually takes place and i want to tell you that stupidity in the pulpit lands in the pews and when the preachers are incredibly immature then so are the churches and when it's all about you know feel good and it's all about hey we just want to you know we just want uh some kind of uh some kind of a lesson that just you know confirms and brings assurance to me and let's go about all that or i need a three-step this or need that or whatever i'm not i'm not against those things i'm against that being the only thing because because i want to just tell you you will not make it through the time to come if that's the only way you know jesus and you know the word of god you better grow up and i'm hearing it over and over and over again and friends i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna i'm gonna i deal with you with how jesus deals with me and this is what i'm hearing god says speak to me all the time troy you're 54. you know that right you're not 24 you're 54. do you know troy's been 30 years since you were 24 do you know that yes sir well then why why are you feeling that and why are you putting any stock into feeling that why do you still have an opinion about that why do you care why would you worry about that did you not learn the lesson when you remember that lesson i taught you when you were 31 and then i talked to you again in 36 and then i talked to you again at 40 and then i talked to do i need to teach you a lesson again no sir because see there comes a time where you're you hit a certain age and it's just plain awkward if you're still getting a spanking and the lord's like no you want to go there we'll go there because i don't give a rip no no we'll go there but i would much rather be dealing with you at a different level as being your father than dealing with you as if you were a little bitty tiny child yes guys friends we need to approach jesus as children but we need to live in this earth as grown-ups the 2020 first verse in the old testament remember i gave you the 2020 first verse which is luke 6 19 in the new testament the 2021st verse in the old testament is exodus 18 21 moreover you shall provide out of all the people able men such as fear of god men of truth place such over them to be rulers of thousands and hundreds and fifties and tens i wonder if you'll step up and be a leader this year i wonder if you will be one of those people that the lord can count on in the midst of such a great falling away to be a leader for the next great move of god the tsunami that is about to take place the tsunami that is about to take place i wonder if the lord can count on you for that or do you just have too much trauma friends i i'm i if there's anything in me that sounds pious or arrogant i want to tell you this is this is what god is talking to me about and and i humbly come to you guys and just tell you this we have to get this right we have to get this right we are the body of king jesus that's who we are and we have the same resurrection power within us that raised jesus from the dead let's let's own up to that and let's live that in part three last week i preached a message called for those about to rock and there's a message on being prepared for the year to come i'm so grateful for patricia king she got up here and preached on the importance of being prepared prepare yourselves and that was my message last sunday make straight the way of the lord be prepared the principle of the word of king jesus the principle of the bible all the way beginning from genesis chapter 1 all the way to revelation chapter 21 is this jesus shows up and is made manifest to people who have prepared a place for him now he has gone to prepare a place for us that he might come again and receive us and if you're not sure what his agenda is i don't know about all this i don't know about all this jesus coming back stuff it's just too scary well hey here's the grown-up version of what jesus said of that i'll tell you what it's all about so that where i am you can also be and friends that's not asking too much out of us would you please want to be with me that's his agenda that's it so that there is nothing that separates us from him man i love jesus i just absolutely love jesus well it's just too scary i don't i don't like the book of revelation i just want to just tell you this again you are you are the end time church jesus christ is coming back soon you do not have the option to not be a prophetic people looking for the coming of king jesus you have no other option so i preached this message on the importance of of being prepared and the bible says in proverbs 21 31 that the horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety or victory belongs to the lord that verse is a really big deal to me because it tells us listen i can guarantee your victory if you can give me a horse to ride on this partnership of how the battle was won it talks about you know in the early days of the revolutionary war in 1776 whenever that happened they had a saying among all of the colonists and it was this say your prayers and keep your powder dry that was what they said my daddy used to say that all the time well keep your powder dried everybody be like what the heck is he talking about it means be prepared that's what it means it means to be prepared they would say this the revolutionaries would say as they took on the super world power of britain and they were a bunch of hillbillies they would say this okay we have a responsibility to pray and be people who are humble before god but we also have a responsibility to make sure that our own gun powder does not get wet we have to if we're going to ask god god make me aim straight i got to know how to fire a weapon well that mentality is gone now it's gone and i want to tell you i want to tell you when it left it left in the 80s is when it left where there was a great move of god and the great move of god transformed into something that was carnal that said listen we believe in the grace of god but now we turn it into something carnal that says we have no responsibility of walking with god and having any form of mastery within our life whatsoever baloney so how it works is it works like this pastor troy god's told me that i'm going to go on a missions trip and i believe it when did he tell you that 30 years ago did you ever get a passport no you didn't believe him as a matter of fact you have blamed him for not being a good daddy because he didn't send you on a trip when you would not even get a passport see history will prove if you believed god or not do you see how grown up this stuff is and do you see how uncompatible most of the american church is to the true word of god and guys i want to just tell you this man i i i want to i i love being the nice guy i love being the good guy as a matter of fact i have a book that's called good overcomes evil and it's the return of the churches the good guys i sow and want to be a voice and a face for the goodness of god i want to be a fearless demonstration of freedom and redemption in the goodness of god i i want to do that and i believe that i'm going to be able to do that and i believe with all my heart that in spite of how rugged i am that people will be able to see that i have a heart that just loves god and loves people but i tell you this there are so many of us as christians that have to be spoon-fed and hand-held that we are not compatible in a day where we are being attacked and if you don't think that you're going to be attacked you don't understand like well god loves me so i won't be attacked man that is a religion and that is a bunch of mess that is not what jesus said that is not what jesus lived that's not what his disciples lived that is not what the early church has lived that has never been a fact it has never been a promise of god ever like why i i you know what i'm going to play it safe i'm not going to be political oh listen no no no no no see here's here's what you need to know we're not getting in their lane they're getting in our lane and they're coming to us and they're telling us you cannot call your boy a boy and you cannot call your girl a girl you cannot preach romans chapter 1 in any way what so what so form or ever and here's the deal you're not allowed to gather you're not allowed to worship you're not even allowed to gather with your family because that doesn't go along with our narrative either you're not allowed to do this you're not allowed to do that and here's the deal we didn't become political they made a religion out of their politics that's what they did and if you don't think they're coming after you if you do not think that they're gonna if you do not think that this socialist bunch is going to step in your part of the woods and say we're here and there's nothing you could do about it um you're wrong because they will because they hate your guts and they hate everything you stand for everything you stand for they hate it and they hate the testimony of jesus so i look at most of the church and i just go bye because you ain't gonna make it like well that's a terrible thing to say hear me say this i love believes all things hopes all things right love never fails so i'm going to thank the best about everybody i'm bound and determined to do that but but i do want to just say this you better get your horse ready and you better be bound and determined to have peace and stability and actually to prosper this year you and you better do your homework and you better press in to find the intimacy of jesus and you better have a very real walk with king jesus because you walking me walk the walk ain't going to get you through it you got to have your own walk you got to hear god speak however it is that you hear god speak and you got to do that well i have my feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace what's that your feet are covered in being prepared to have peace have y'all have y'all put your boots on yet your beat like what are you talking about put your boots on i'm talking about get prepared to have peace where does that come from it comes from the presence of jesus he's the prince of peace when he rules and reigns in your life it manifests as peace when the devil rules and reigns in your life it manifests as anxiety okay yeah nobody like that word thank you here's part four i got 12 minutes now to actually preach my message no i wanted to i wanted to hash through all this because it all goes together so here's part four and there's the final part of 21. this is called the weight of your life the weight and the measure of your life so getting back to what i said at the very beginning of all this is that numbers are important in god's economy and he uses him to speak in so many different ways so true in fact numbers are so crucial to his messages to us that he even has a special angel whose job is to number everything in heaven and that angel can be found doing this very thing in daniel chapter 8 verses 13 through 14. have you ever heard the name of an angel in the bible if i was to ask you can you name all the angels that are named because there's only a couple of them right but there's actually an angel that is named in the word of god and his name is palmini and pow or or maybe it's palmoni and palmoni which i'm about to show this scripture to you literally means the wonderful number of secrets that's his name now back in 1611 whenever the king james boys got together and they put together their masterpiece that is the king james bible and it is a masterpiece now for those of you guys that say that you have a 16-11 you don't you don't have a 16-11 you there might be somebody that has one but you don't and if that's the way that you talk you cannot communicate the gospel of jesus to the rest of us so quit it but with that said the 1611 translation of the word of god into english was so spirit breathed and so spirit led it was so special and it was so it was what the world what the english-speaking world had been waiting for like now the common person can actually receive the word of god and this crazy crazy maniac by the name of gutenberg begin to press it up and just go and crank it out and suddenly the word of god changed everything it is amazing but it's not perfect in the sense of a translation and that is blasphemy in the bible belt if you don't believe that the king james is perfect as far as the translation goes you're going to hell and you are sending the whole world to hell well let me tell you why people are so into the king james because they don't want to be held responsible for actually knowing what it means they want to be held responsible for how they say it because it sounds like king james but they're too lazy to look up the word of god themselves i don't care what translation you use you better bust out something that you have that's called the internet it has never been a day that is so easy for people to look up what the words actually mean as it is in this day i mean you look up everything else i stopped at ihop this morning on the way in i woke up at 2 i woke up at 2 2 2 this morning and i couldn't go back to sleep so i decided at 4 4 4 that i'd get up and leave the house and i'd be out by 5 5 5 and i'd be eating because i'm i'm psychotic and i went to ihop and i was the only person in in ihop at five o'clock this morning and i thought there i hadn't been ihop in probably five years maybe maybe longer than that and our dadgum link sausage was so good i started looking it up what what is the brand of sausage of ihop and i found it and i got right on amazon and i ordered me a couple of boxes of it because i want that in my house i need that in my life well dude if that's if you can do that on a phone and and if you can quote the king james that says i don't know you know the invisible things of him from the creation of the world even his eternal power and godhead are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made or if you can i don't know you quote some famous king james you know the kingdom of heaven suffers violent but the violent taken by force and if you can say that but if you don't know what that means shut up do not tell me that i don't want to hear your king james it does not impress me one single bit what does it mean and help me walk that walk and help me live that life oh no i'm not going to actually look anything up i'm going to rely on the king james don't do that that is insanity and i know that makes people mad any time if you speak against the king james people will get mad and leave your church and call you a devil go don't let the door hit you where the good lord splits you i want to know jesus and i want to walk in the power of the holy spirit and i got off track didn't i you you were supposed to help me so in daniel chapter 8 he says that i heard a holy one speaking and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking how long will the vision will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot and he said to me for 2 300 days then the sanctuary shall be cleansed like what the heck and it's this there's a scene going on in heaven and there's this vision and there's this plan of god and these angels are talking and then these angels say to this other angel hey you're the guy that counts stuff tell us exactly how long this is going to be now the king james boy when they came across this they had a hebrew word and the hebrew word was palmoni p-a-l-m-o-n-i but they didn't want to name it why because they were pulling the bible away from the catholic church and the catholic church loved to name and have people worship angels so they didn't include it in the bible like it's a perfect translation it's it's the perfect word of god but it is still a translation and you need to understand that well these are the ones here are not literal well the literal word here is not the certain one it is palmani which means the wonderful number of secrets i c anyway i don't want to argue that with any more of the galactically stupid who don't want to know jesus and they just want to argue over stuff that doesn't matter i'm telling you i understand why they didn't put the name of another angel inside it but the word of god gave us that name and if you're not too lazy to get past the king james you can look it up for yourself palmoni which means the wonderful number of secrets friends there is at least one angel in heaven that that is the only job he has is to count and to weigh and to measure everything and to glorify king jesus with it and i love that well the bible says in proverbs 11 verse 1 that dishonest skills are an abomination to the lord but a just wait is his delight you need to know how to weigh and how to measure your own life and you need to know how to weigh and how to measure things according to the lens of the word of god and not according to how you feel you need to know the difference between your soul and between your spirit and you need to know whenever the spirit of the lord is being quickened within you or when it's your or when it's your when it's your soul like some of you guys will spin off for a month because you have a bad dream well that's just your soul it's just your soul and and you can you can literally bishop your soul with your spirit i actually had a bad dream last night and i woke up at 222 and i looked at the clock went okay spirit of the lord is with me and i immediately got over it just immediately it wasn't anything prophetic i mean it had dinosaurs in it so i don't think it was prophetic did yeah i mean i live in glen rose man i'll tell you i'm fighting me some dinosaurs last night with all i said i woke up and i was exhausted from this fight that i was going through and actually in the dream i realized i was having a bad dream and i went okay i'm done with this dream wake up wake up wake up and i woke up and the lord has given me a gift to wake myself up in bad dreams you need to ask god for that for that dream for that ability for that grace where i go oh this stream is going on way too long and i'm done wake up wake up wake up and i woke up that's a cool gift to have and you need that but i want to just tell you i didn't sit around all morning long going ooh hope i'm shaped oh i hope i'm still annoyed dude it's just your soul and your whack the bible says that the word of god divides soul and spirit that we need to know the difference between soul and spirit there's a guide i'm going to be reading from discover magazine now way back in 1907 a massachusetts doctor by the name of duncan mcdougall and he performed an unusual series of experiments intrigued by the idea that the human soul had mass and could therefore be weighed dr mcdougall put together a bed fitted with a sensitive set of beam skills and in all these other kinds of stuff and he asked all these terminally ill patients to lie on it during their final moments of their lives mcdougall was so detail-oriented that he recorded not only each patient's exact time of death his or her total time upon the bed as well as any changes in weight that occurred around the moment of expiration he even factored losses of all kinds of other things his conclusion was that the human soul weighed three-fourths of an ounce or 21 grams now it's hard to imagine this is discover magazine it's hard to imagine that these experiments would get any serious attention from the scientific community today but the lines of thinking that led to them and the reactions that they generated will they remain with the scientific community to this day that is from discover magazine now i don't know if it's legit or if it's not legit that you're that your human soul which i think is actually your spirit here because by the way they've done the same he did the same exact experiment on dogs and cats and it didn't work with animals and only worked with humans that everybody would lose exactly 21 21 grams i was like okay so i don't i don't know if that's legit or if it's not legit it's fun to look into and by the way you can pick up your phone and you can do your own research you can get it done you can actually do that if you can look up sausages at ihop i promise you you can look up the word of god and you don't even have to dial anything you can talk into it come on let's let's let's study the word of god let's do that amen now he talks about the measure the measure or the weight i want to just i want to close here and just say this that you need to be able to weigh things and measure things according to the lens of heaven and not according to the lies of this world you know there's a there's a huge thing that's going to happen right before the return of king jesus which is happening right now because we are right before the return of king jesus and it is the rise of false prophets false prophets is not just something religious it's the media it's a media mouthpiece that proclaims righteousness it says this is truth when it's a lie and this is good whenever it's bad that's what a false prophet does flashy people with incredible gifts but they live like the devil and they produce hell blind entertainers who count on you to be stupid and immature so that they can get away with their agenda so here's the true measure jesus says you will know them by their fruits i just want to just encourage you that you need to learn what that means and you need to know what it means that you can tell what a tree is by the fruit that it produces not by what kind of tree it says it is hello this is so important for you and i to learn this matthew chapter 7 he says beware of false prophets who come to you and sheeps clothe them but inwardly they are actually ravenous wolves you will know them by their fruits do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles even so every good tree bears good fruit but a bad tree bears bad fruit a good tree cannot bear bad fruit nor can a bad tree bear good fruit every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down thrown into the fire therefore by their fruits you will know them that's the lens that's the measure not how many clicks they have not how good they look on camera not if every other media base says that what they're saying is true it's their fruit that's how you judge them if they say they are full of peace but they're bringing anarchy judge them according to their fruit if they say that they're calling for unity while they are dividing up everybody judge them according to their fruit if they say you are for your family but everybody they put into any position whatsoever is going to attack your family in every kind of way there is judge them by their fruit if they say that they stand for women but you know what for 40 years while they've been in the news business they have they they have a line from here to there of women that they have molested that they have harassed that they have judged them by their fruits what about the true followers of jesus jesus said this by this you will know that you are my disciples if you love one another that's it that's the true measure the true measure is not if you know the bible the true measure is has there been a breakthrough in your life and have you decided that you're going to love the people of jesus and the people that are not of jesus by the way are you going to call the enemies of god the friends of jesus because that's what the bible does there's one thing cindy mcgill says all the time like why would you go to a porno convention and share jesus with them because those are his friends the bible says he's the friend to the center amen she calls them the friends of jesus like you know why do you have so much mercy on this group of people or why do you and so what happens is people accuse her of being a part of all that this just like it's just like everybody accusing jesus said he was a drunkard it's the same thing if you hang around those people and if you love them and if you're willing to pour into their lives then you are going to be accused by the people that are too lazy to do anything that you're a part of that problem i want to just tell you this guys love one another john the revelator was one of the most genius human beings he had more revelation you could possibly imagine i'm telling you he was something else he saw it all he was literally transformed literally transported out of the earth realm into the eternal realm out of time transported at least 2 000 years into the future to where he saw the rapture of the church and the return of king jesus and the great tribulation then he was pulled out and then he was then he was transformed and transported a thousand years into the future after that where he saw the great white throne judgment and then he saw the new heaven and the new earth then he was pulled back up take it back three thousand years and dropped back on the island of patmos where god said write that down that brother knew some things and you know what his message was at the end of his life they would bring that old man in and he was way over 100 years old and he was last of the disciples and it was it and they'd bring him in and everybody's like get ready get ready to get ready my god they're not telling what he's going to say he's seen it i mean he's seen it get ready get ready he had one message and it was this little children love one another little children what love one another and he would repeat that over and over and over and over and over until there was nobody left standing that was his entire message i'll tell you what guys that is the measure is do we love each other and then finally the last one is this how what is what is the measure of jesus towards the church what is it i want to tell you all you got to do is read revelation chapter 2 revelation chapter 3. jesus says this i know your works he says in revelation 2 2 i know your works i know your labor i know your patience revelation 2 9 i know your works your tribulation and your poverty he says in revelation 2 13 i know your works and where you dwell where satan's throne is revelation 2 19 i know your works your love your sacrifice your faith and your patience revelation 2 23 uh he says i will give i will give to each one of you according to your works revelation 3 1 and unto the angel the church of sardis write this these things who says he who walks among the seven spirits of god and the seven stars i know your works that you have a name and that you are alive but in fact you are dead revelation 3 8 i know your works revelation 3 13 i know your works see this is what jesus says i know that you think it's really important that you believe that's good but see what you do proves what you believe and she's like you can tell me you believe whatever it is but i know what you actually do i know how you actually live i know what you do and what you refuse to do good and righteous and unholy and carnal i know those things and friends i want to tell you he first and foremost judges you according to his righteousness because of the blood of the lamb and i'm grateful for that but know this there's a separate judgment beside that where he says what'd you do what what'd you do you didn't think your church belonged to you did you because it didn't it belonged to me i told you that you act like it belongs to you why didn't you get up and why don't you do something why do you take on racial messes when nobody else would do that why wouldn't you say boys and girls out of sexual trafficking when nobody else would do that why wouldn't you feed people when nobody else would feed them why wouldn't you clothe them when nobody else would why wouldn't you receive people that the church had never received before what what were you thinking exactly because i know your works read it and i'm going to tell you the true measure of a church as far as king jesus is is what do you do friends i close on this and i say this it we all need to have a a tremendous mountain of trophies of grace that we can easily point to and say the kingdom of heaven looks just like that yes yes we preached the gospel yes yes we did we were faithful to do that as a matter of fact we were maniacs about preaching it we preached it on television every single day on radio four times a day on five five services a week and conferences all over the world we preached and preached and preached and preached and preached but know this we demonstrated we we did what we what we actually read we lived it out the best that we could possibly do it and we took that seriously we didn't take ourselves very seriously because we were all a bunch of knuckleheads and we were all amazed we were even saved to begin with but the lord told us that we could actually be world changers that we could turn the world upside down and we had the audacity to believe him so we actually tried to do that [Music] and and we wouldn't take no for an answer when everybody made fun of us we just kept right on going and whenever we were criticized we just kept on going and when we didn't have the money we did it anyway and god showed up and and we didn't know about logistics all over the world and we didn't know about laws all over the world we didn't know about television or radio we didn't know about feeding people and how do you move six to eight million pounds of food a year we didn't know about either i mean we didn't grow up with any of that we didn't have anybody teaching teach us that but we did it we just did it and we did it in spite of the world we did it in spite of us we did it in spite of our own finances in spite of our own education we did it in spite of the condition of the church in the day that we lived in we did it we we just did it and the reason why we did it is because we did it unto jesus because he knows our works let's give the lord a great big praise hallelujah [Applause] let's all stand up [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,122
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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