Packet Tracer - Skills Integration Challenge

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet race or activity a skills integration challenge before that a friends if in order to subscribe this channel you can subscribe so that you will get latest uploading video info into our mail well coming to our packet tracer here we can see our a crossing table and sure we can see this by eye this addressing table is incomplete right we will go through the scenario in this challenge activity you will finish the etre sync scheme configure routing and implement name the access control list coming to the requirements a divided 1 7 2.16 dot 128 dot 0 / 19 into two equal subnets for use on branch here we can see our device branch and to the interfaces gigabit the third + 0 / 0 and to give up the third 0 / 1 right i say in the last useable ipv4 address of the second subnet to the gigabit ethernet 0/0 interface i say in the last useable ipv4 address of the first subnet to the gigabit ethernet su 0 / 1 interface then document to the ipv4 acrossing in that crossing table then configure a branch with the appropriate ipv4 addressing right so we will do this first coming to subnetting here we can see this is the actress were they given 172 dot 16.1 28.0 / 19 so here i given the range from 128 dot zeros last 19 it goes till 150 9.25 5/19 so this network we have two equally divided I mean equal we have to divide into two equal subnets and here we can see the first is subnet 1 7 2 dot 16 2 or 2 1 28.0 / 22 till we have to go 1 7 2.16 202 140 3.25 5 then here we can see the second subnet after 143 we have 144 dots till I won 7-2 dot 16.2 150 9.25 5/20 and here we can see the subject to mask for this last 20 snart's euro interface here we can see our second subnet and here the broadcast address is 1:7 2.16 door two one five 9.25 five so here are the last two usable IP address will be one five 9.25 four so this we are going to assign to our Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 for this device branch to five four and you know we have to get us up into mask a deterrent 0/1 interface here we can see the first subnet and here we can see the broadcast address that is one seven 2.16 go to one for 3.2 five five hence so here the last usable IP address will be one seven two dots 16.1 for 3.25 for this address we are going to assign to the interface a gigabit a third on 0 / 1 in this device a branch 2 5 4 and here is the same something to mask next is our document the ipv4 acrossing in that trussing table yes sir we added this anthracene tower into our spreadsheet now configure a branch with appropriate ipv4 actressy well we will do that coming to the router branch CLI enable here we will see all the interface status show IP interface brief and - here we can see only this a serial zeros now 0/0 said the IP address and is interface is up we have to configure our these two interfaces if you got with the Turin 0 star 0 and the 0 / 1 first of all we will go to configure terminal and in the interface gigabit authority Rozlyn 0 and we will set the IP our treasure here is the address and the subnet mask need to give this North shut command because these interfaces are up in this a show command here we can see the status and the protocol are up only we have to set the IP address anyway no probes now we will come to the next interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we will set the IP address here is that and to the subject to mask 0 0 1 : DB 8 : a CA d : b 1 double : 1/64 and 2 2001 : DB 8 : a CA d : b 2 double : 1/64 2 branches a gigabit Authority Rosen R 0 and 2 Giga with the thorin 0 / 1 respectively first of all we will assign appropriate ipv4 actress authority certifies B 1 here we can see coming to the topology this B 1 is connected to this around a router branch to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 here we can see that two gigabit utterance Rosner 0 and these actresses took from our second subnet subnet 2 so we can use any IP address from this range here I am going to use the first usable IP address here for this PC coming to be one IP configuration one 44.1 and to be how to change that the subject to mask its a then we have to give the default gateway is the IP address of this interface a Gigabit Ethernet zeros not zero right also we will update our crossing table in the spreadsheet b1 IP address then the submit to mask slash twenty prefix length and here the default gateway this is the IP address of this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 slash 0 in this router or branch because this network is connected to this interface in this router right next is ipv6 our trusts here we can see this actress I will copy this and we have to assign for the interface city capital third zeros now 0 for the device sub branch so I will update our addressing table then for the gigabit the Turan 0/1 this is the actress right next is a configure branch with the appropriate ipv6 addressing yes so we documented that we will get the gigabit the third + 0 / 0 a truss coming to branch we have to go to the interface gigabit the third 0 / 0 and we will set the ipv6 address we already copied that so given your short command now we will go to the interface gigabit a third 0 / 1 and we will set the ipv6 address you will get the actress from more addressing table yes coming to the router ipv6 our Oscar is that truss and you know should command right next is the configure b1 and b2 with appropriate ipv6 addresses using the first available actress of the network to which it is attached right so coming to a rock dressing table here we can see we will get to b1 and b2 both I'm going to copy this B - right so for the b1 disconnected two gigabit the third 0/0 here we can see the UH truss I am going to copy this and the next address we are going to use okay it is b1 double : 2 and here we have to do the default gateway there's IP address of this interface so gigabit authority rows are 0 and coming to be 2 you will come to our topology and here we can see it is connected to the interface you gotta be the third 0 / 1 so here we can see that a truss you will use the next Archer sir that is b2 double : - I know we have to give the default gateway that is the ipv6 address of this interface gigabit the third 0 / 1 in this branch alright we will configure this ipv6 our trust into this a b1 and to be - first of all we will get the IEP atras ipv6 address of B 1 coming to be one IP configuration here we can see ipv6 address and prefixes large 64 also we have to give ipv6 so gateway it's a b1 double colon one coming to be 2 we will get the ipv6 address be to desktop IEP configuration ipv6 address and prefix 64 coming to ipv6 gate to a it's a b2 double colon 1 coming to e document that trusting in the addressing table yes we have done that already here next is a configure heq and the branch with OSPF for version 2 routing for ipv4 according to the following criteria as see in the process ie d1 advertised all attached ipv4 networks do not advertise the link to the internet configure appropriate interface as passive first of all we will do it on the router branch here we can see three connected networks here we can see when a CDL connection that is the network is also we have a Gigabit Ethernet 0 star 0 and D Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 here the networks we have seen that the first is subnet to be given to this interface I mean this network a Gigabit Ethernet 0 star 0 that is 1 7 2.16 the second one we given that is the sunnat' - 1 7 2 dot 16.1 for 4.0 and for this network that is a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 which is connected to this interface now we given this address subnet 21.72 dot 16.2 1 28.0 also here the prefix is 20 so here we have to find the while the car to bits you have to subscribe to 5 5.2 40.0 so we will get 0 dot 0 dot yes we will give some module in here so it should be more easy Cheers so we get 0 dot 0 dot to 40 to 55 minus 240 that's a 15.2 5 5 coming to the configuration branch enable configure terminal here we are going to give a router OSPF finally process ID 1 here we are going to give the network 172 dotter 16.1 28.0 and now we have to give the wild Accardo bits already we have seen 0 dot 0 dot 15.2 5 5 also we have to give the area 0 and the next network + up arrow and 1 7 2.16 tort we have a 1 4 4.0 with the same Wilding adder bits and area and coming to the next two network serial connection one ninety two dot one six eight dot 0 dot 0 and the wild-card bit so there we have seen the prefixes last 30 so the vial Tecate bits will be 0 dot 0 dot 0 dot 3 and the area 0 also we have to set the passive interface gigabit authority rosen r0 v how and to be how will gigabit a third at 0 / 1 coming to the router heq here we can see 4 interfaces but one interface we can see it goes to the internet so no need to set this interface or this network other networks we can see 170 2.2 16 dot 0 dot 0 / 18 and here we can see 1 7 2.16 dot 64.0 / 18 and the serial connection / 30 so we will configure OSPF in this router or heq also we have to set the passive interface here we can see Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and gigabit earther and zeros are 0 right coming to the configuration on this router or a cheek you enable configure terminal router OSB of process ID 1 we will give the different network 172 dot 16 or 64 dot 0 then we have to give the vial de kado bits that is 0 dot 0 dot 60 3.25 5 and the area 0 no we will give the next 2 network that is 1 7 2 dot the 16 dot 0 dot 0 with the same while they got the bits and the area and we have network one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 0 dot 0 with the viola got bits 0 dot 0 dot oops space 0.0 0.3 with the area 0 correct now we will set the passive interfaces so Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 and 2 Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 coming to G set a ipv4 default route on heq which directs traffic to serial zeros now 0 / 1 interface redistribute the to a root 2 branch right so we will come to our router heq here before going out of the router here we can give a default information originated and here we have to give an IP route space space serial 0 / 0 / 1 now we will come to H design an ipv4 and name the access list hgq server to prevent any computers attached to the Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 interface of the branch router from accessing htq server dot PKA all other traffic is permitted configure the access list on the appropriate router applied to the appropriate interface and in the appropriate direction yes so here as per the instruction we are going to create an ipv4 name the access list here we are going to prevent any computers attached due to this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 so any device hence we are going to create this access list in this router branch and we are going to apply a to this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 as in powered process coming to the configuration on this router branch enable configure terminal IP access list we are going to create extended access list now we have to specify the name as specified hgq server here we are going to deny IP any source to the host so we have to get the IP address of the server hgq a server dot pka or in our crossing table here we can see that a truss I'm going to copy this one 7 2.16 dot 0 to 1 and here we are going to paste that yes and now we are going to a permit IP any any that means we may be permitted all other traffic now we have to apply these accessories to to the correct interface so we have to apply to the gigabit a torrent 0/0 IP access group but then we have to give the name heq server in coming to I design an ipv4 a named access list branches server to prevent any computers attach it to the gigabit the torrent zeros not zero interface of that edge secure alter from accessing the HTTP and HTTPS service of the branch server all other traffic is permitted configure the access list on the appropriate router applied to the appropriate interface and in the appropriate direction here we are going to create an ipv4 name the access list name the branch server to prevent any computers attached to the Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 here we can see that network in this router hgq from accessing this HTTP and HTTPS service or from this branch server or PKA so we have to get the IP address of this branch server dot PKA coming to our acrossing table here we can see that I am going to copy this actress we are going to design this ipv4 access list in this router heq and we will apply this accessories to this interface gigabit authority rows now 0 as in coming to HQ enable configure terminal IP access list extended and here we are to give the name as specified brand server here we are going to deny TCP any the destination host our trust that is our branch server atras here is that so here we are going to deny this HTTP and HTTP yes so either we can give a www or the port number 80 also we are going to deny HTTP that is a 443 and we have to permit the other traffic permit IP any source host to any destination host now we will apply to the correct interface interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 so R 0 IP access group Bruns server in bone packets coming to the last one design and ipv6 access list and named n OH - b1 to prevent any ipv6 traffic holton ating on be one to reach the bronx or overload pka no traffic should be permitted from b1 to branch server dot pka apply the ipv6 access to the most appropriate location interface interaction here we are going to design an ipv6 and named access list to prevent any ipv6 traffic from this device beeban only from this device b1 to this server that is a branch server dot PKA so we can create this access a list in this router branch and we can to up we can apply to this interface 0/1 as out coming to the configuration in this router branch enable configure terminal we are going to create the ipv6 access list and we are to give the name in Oh - b1 under here we are going to deny ipv6 and here we are going to give the single source host we have to give a host then we have to specify ipv6 atras we have to get the ipv6 address of this device b1 here we can see that I am going to copy this address right now we are going to give a single destination host we have to get the ipv6 address of this prime server dot PKA here is that we will paste it you're right and we are going to permit ipv6 any-to-any now we will apply this access list to the correct interface coming to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 here we are going to give IP v6 we have a traffic filter on then we have to give an access list name that is in or - be one as outbound packet we will verify the access list the first access list we had given we are denying to access this hgq server dot PK from this network so we will get the IP address of his HQ server sure we can see that and we will try to access from this network no we are not getting of a page here CL is working right so we will try from this B - yes we are getting the web page also we will try from this heq one yes we are getting the web page next access will list what we created is we denied that this network to access this branch server dot pka we will try that we will get the IP address of this prank server dot PKA purées that and we will try to access this server from this network no we are not getting the web page your CL is working we will try to access from a thorough network so we should get the web page yes we are getting the web page we will try from B - yes we are getting also will try from b1 yes we are getting well that's all in this packet tracer activity skills integration challenge fronts if you have any doubt in this packet resolve activity please comment below also if you like my video give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into our mail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 14,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -eoCg0E42T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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