Packet Tracer - Pinging and Tracing to Test the Path

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hi firms welcome to this video on packet tracer activity pinking and tracing to test the path we will come to this packet race or objectives in pattern will test and restore ipv4 connectivity in party to test under restore ipv6 connectivity also we will go through the scenario here there are connectivity issues in this activity in addition to gathering and documenting information about the network we will locate the problems and implement acceptable solutions to restore can activity also the given a node here the user exit password is Cisco and to privilege the exit password is class right now we will come to path to one test and restore ipv4 connectivity in that step one I use IP config and to ping to verify connectivity click p7 and to click the desktop tab command prompt enter the IP config space slash all command to collect the ipv4 information right we have to get the informations from pc1 complete the addressing table with the ipv4 address subject to mask and default gateway yes if you observe this addressing table here we can see we have to complete all these informations you have to collect information from pc-1 pc2 pc 3 and PC 4 and we have to update this table right also we have to collect the information click PC 3 and 2 click the desktop tab command prompt to enter the IP config slash all command to collect the ipv4 information complete the adjusting table with the ipv4 address subnet mask and default gateway then finally we had to test connectivity between PC 1 & 2 PC through the ping should fail right we will do this now here is our PC 1 you go to the stop command prompt - here we are going to give ipconfig/all and here we can see the details IP address here we can see the sub two masks and two here is the default gateway right also we will verify on pc3 the stop command prompt to here we are going to give IP config space all here we can see that shows IP address subnet mask also we can see the default gateway right here we can see a reducing table and to be updated the details of a PC one and PC three here we can see the IP address up to mask and the default gateway now we are going to ping from this pc1 to pc2 so coming to PC one command prompt to here we are going to ping to PC 3 IP or trust you are getting under cost destination host unreachable now we will come to step to locate the source of connectivity failure from pc1 enter the necessary command to trace the route to pc 3 what is the last successful ipv4 address that was reached all right we will verify that we will come to pc 1 command prompt and here we are going to give the command try cert and pc 3 IP a trusts and we are going to press enter now we go to enter 10.1 or 97 then we are waiting 10 to 10 dot one dot 97 don't request timed out so this is the how again same IP address we are getting this might be the last a successful ipv4 arches right here we can see the last successful ipv4 actress that was reached least a tender 10.2 1.97 next is her the trays will eventually enter floor 30 attempts I enter ctrl C to stop the trays before a 30 attempts right then the next ease from PC 3 enter the necessary command to trace the road to PC 1 what is the last successful ipv4 a trust that was reached right we will try that a enter ctrl C to stop the trace right we will try this now before going to that the in the previous a tray said we have seen the last two successful ipv4 address was reached 10.10 dot one dot 97 and here we can see that IP address is is the address of this interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 on this device are one no we will give the tray set commands from PC 3 to PC one before that we will get the IP address of PC one here is that I'm going to copy these archers right now we will come to PC 3 command prompt to here we are going to give tray cert and the PC 1 IP address right so here we get the IEP at just enter 10.1 dot T so this will be the last successful ipv4 actress reached it is 10.10 dot one dot 17 here we can see this IP Archers is of a gigabit authority one or interfere a me another device are three yes so when we trace from pc1 to pc2 we have seen the package reached from pc1 till this one interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and from PC to PC 1 the packet to reach it from till this interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 on r3 now we will come to the next click r1 and then to CLI tab press ENTER and login to the router enter the show IP interface brief command to list the interfaces and their status there are two ipv4 addresses on the router one should have been a record in step 2 a what is the other right we will verify that coming to our run CLI right we will press Enter enable now you are going to give the command show IP interface brief and - here we can see two ipv4 addresses 10 to 10 dot one dot 97 yes these arches we have been recorded in our spreadsheet as a PC one a default gateway and this is address yes attender 10 dot one dot enter the show IP route command to list the networks to which the router is connected note that there are two networks connected to the serial 0 / 0 / 1 interface what are they write we will verify that coming to r1 so here we are going to key you so IP route and here we can see here we can see there are two networks connected to the serial 0 / 0 / 1 interface we can see that 10.10 dot one dot 4/30 and 10.10 dot one dot six large 32 now we will come to it repeat the step to e 2 to G with our 3 and 2 record the answers here notice how the serial interfaces for our three changes run more tests if it helps visualize the problem simulation mode is available right so we will do it on our three now coming to us three CL I write enable first we are going to give a show IP interface brief and here we can see that just enter 10 dot one dot 17 this is that just been ordered in our spreadsheet this is the default as a default gateway of a PC 3 and here we can see the utter utter Stentor 10 dot a 1 or 10 next we will give the command show IP route and to here we can see the two addresses which is connected to serial 0 / 0 / 1 that is a tender tender to 1.8 / 30 and a tender 10 dot one dot ten / 32 no we will come to a step 3 proposed a solution to solve the problem compare your answers in step 2 to the documentation you have available for the network what is the error and what solution would you propose to correct the problem right we will check this now okay we will let check from the topology so it will be more easier here here we can see the the network in between the router r1 and r2 here they used a network is a 10.10 dot one dot 4/30 that here the CIDR is 30 that means here we have two usable IP atras that is a tender 10.2 1.5 and 10 dot n dot one dot 6 so this is the two it just can be used so here on r1 for this interface so that is 0 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see the IP address that is - 10 - 10 dot 1.6 okay it is correct so obviously the IP address for this interface that is serial 0 / 0 salar 0 on our - should be tender 10.1 dot 5 so we have to verify that coming to CL I enable show IP interface brief here we can see that yes so here the IP address of this interface serial co-star 0/0 on r2 they given wrongly so this entrust belongs to some other networks 10.10 dot one dot two so this address should be tender ten dot one dot so we have to change this actress we had to change this actress of this interface serious 0/0 star zero no we will come to step four implement the plan implement the solution you proposed in step three be right here the solution is that we must change the IP address of this interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 or R - right we will change that coming to CL I configure terminal we had to go to the interface serial 0/0 so now 0 and we are going to set the IP at just 10 dot 10.1 dot 5 and 2 here we have to specify the sub to mask that is 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 255 sake to show IP oops show IP interface brief and here we can see that now we will come to step 5 verify that connectivity is restored from pc1 test connectivity to pc 3 from pc 3 test connectivity to pc 1 is the problem resolved we have to verify that coming to pc 1 command prompt - no we will ping to pc 3 yes sir it is yes we are getting the replay now we will go to pc 3 yes command prompt you're going to ping too right so we will get the IP address of a PC one command prohm 2 here we can see I'm going to copy that coming to PC 3 command prompt here we will give a ping yes we are getting the replay now we will come to step 6 here or document the solution and we implement the solution here now we will come to party - let's turn to restore ipv6 connectivity use ipv6 config and epping to verify connectivity click pc - and they click the desktop tab command prompt to be here to give the command ipv6 config slash all come on to collect the ipv6 information complete the accessing table with the ipv6 address subnet prefix and default gateway also we have to get the information from pc for you ipv6 config space slash all command to collect the ipv6 information complete the addressing table with the ipv6 address prefix and a default gateway test connectivity between pc 2 and a pc for the ping should fail right we will do this now coming to pc 2 command prompt here we are going to give IP v6 config all and to here we can see the Archos ipv6 address then default gateway right and we will come to pc for the stop command prompt and here we are going to give ipv6 config space all and here we can see the details ok we will update this information into a dressing table yes here we can see the details updated in auto sync table pc 2 and pc for ipv6 such as and a default gateway now we will Epping from PC to to this PC for so coming to PC to come on prom to here we are going to give the ipv6 address of PC for we are waiting for the replay because timed out here we can see the ping is unsuccessful now we will come to a step to locate the source of connectivity failure from PC to enter the necessary command to trace the route to PC for what is the last successful ipv6 address that was reached and the trace will eventually enter for 30 attempts enter ctrl C to stop the tracer before a 30 attempts right we will a trace from this PC to PC for we will give the tray cert command on a PC to coming to PC to command prompt here we are going to give a tray cert and the IP address of PC 4 and 2 here we are waiting here we go to 2001 : DB 8 : 1 : 3 w : - so we are waiting for the free Sartori Coast timed out right okay it goes time toad so here we can see the last successful ipv6 archers reached is a 2001 : DB 8 : 1 : 3 double colon 2 right yes so this allows two successful ipv6 v6 access the 2001 : DB 8 : 1 : 3 w : 2 is the IP address of this interface that you see really rosalyn 0/1 on our tree yes here we can see that yes we will come to a see from pc 4 and tour the necessary command to trace the row to pc 2 what is the last successful ipv6 address that was reached yes we will verify that enter control C to stop the trace right first of all we will get I P v6 address of PC - yes your it is we will copy this coming to PC for command prompt - here we are going to give tray cert then ipv6 address of a PC - here we can see that oh here we can see no ipv6 address was reached next is click artery and then the CLI tab press ENTER and login to the router enter the show ipv6 interface brief command to list the interfaces and their status there are two ipv6 addresses on the router one should match the gateway are just recorded in a step one D is there a discrepancy we will see that and more tests if it helps you visualize the problem simulation means mode is available right we will verify this now coming to our three write enable we will give the show command show IP v6 interface brief and here we can see the details okay now we will compare with our addressing table here we can see the interface seriously Rosenau 0/1 here we can see fe80 double colon 3 but be given the default gateway as fe80 double colon 2 so that should be double colon 3 so the PC for default a gateway we must change so here is the problem now we will come to a step 3 propose a solution to solve the problem compare your answers in step 2 to the documentation you have available for the network what is the error yes just now we have seen that the PC 4 is using the wrong default the Gateway configuration so we must change that yes what solution would you propose to correct the problem obviously we must do change and we must configure PC for with the correct default gateway address that is fe80 double colon 3 now we will come to a step 4 implemented the plan implement the solution you proposed in step 3 B right we must change this our PCB ipv6 default gateway here we have to give fe80 double colon 3 yes now we will come to step 5 verify that the connectivity is restored from PC to test connectivity to PC for also from PC for test connectivity to PC 2 is the problem resolved we will verify that now first of all we will ping from PC to to PC 4 so here is that thing yes we are getting a replay now we be lapping from a PC for to PC to before that we will get the IP address of a PC - yes here it is we will copy this address right coming to PC for command prompt here we are going to give I P v6 address of PC - yes we are getting the replay and - here is our last step a'dope him in the solution right so we implemented the solution well first that's all in this a packet tracer activity pinking and tracing to test the path and train this activity we have seen how to gather the information also we have seen ping and the trace using ipv4 and ipv6 atras friends if you have a need now - please comment below also if you like my video give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 39,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ping, Trace
Id: XBLzgPrMrJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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