Solving my Friend's Impossible Minecraft Puzzle...

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my friend made me a scavenger hunt with one rule if i can't solve the puzzle in one week he gets to choose the title for my next video the first clue being left at spawn was quite strange go to the rec center 2.0 it said and there you should find your next clue but the server spawn is covered in lava and infested with withers if i die at any point i would immediately be set back a few days and with no other choice it seems like i'm gonna have to go i don't have a totem dude this is gonna be so tough to find all right i'm going in i'm gonna guess where is the rec center dude okay okay another rack netherrack oh there it is clue two slay a wither and bring the nether star to mapic space although i already had another star there's a slight issue this guy mapik has had a lot of bases in the past all i can do now is search for the right one so if we head to the nether we should be able to get there pretty easily that's the thing this is literally the fastest way to travel in the nether i'm not even gonna lie oh we are close i've seen this portal before is that it yeah that has to be it right yup okay i found it i found it after 15 minutes of searching at that base i found absolutely nothing so next i went to go and check out another base 10 000 blocks from where i was this was taking a lot longer than i expected what in the world what is going on this place is just filled with withers i spent another 10 minutes just looking around and the clue seems like it wasn't there but just as i was about to leave something caught my eye what oh oh what something's actually here collect three obsidian and go to the end it said and since there was an end portal right at that base that's exactly what i did i want to put on my totem in case there's a trap here which there is a very decent possibility all right we are going in ready oh we're going in why are there withers here as well go to subspace dude i can't do this this is like the sketchiest thing i've ever seen with the end dimension completely destroyed one small mistake would drop me into the void i couldn't mess up who spawned all of these okay you know what i actually have a plan subs base is out that way that is subspace starts from over there what if instead of just traveling there on the bridge because i guarantee you that is wrecked we start going there from above i think that's our plan that's the only way we are ever going to get to his base like there are just so many withers dude that is where we need that leaf path is where we need to go dude this is like escaping a prison this is quite possibly one of the scariest things i've ever done in minecraft if only i had in this box i don't have that many blocks what do i do with this i'm like holding on to my shift key with like dear life i am not letting go of my no way i hit the side right i'm doing it oh my gosh although i had successfully made it onto the bridge my journey wasn't over i was not ready for what was about to come i literally have to parkour across the grass leaves [Music] oh my gosh we are parkouring above the void right now because we also need blocks to get back up that's the issue uh oh that's a wither oh my gosh okay i see the clue oh my goodness how did we pull that off [Music] all right find the note that is written on paper in the space station then return to new spawn alright this space is huge and there's probably a million different places i could look for that one singular piece of paper but i couldn't give up right here so all i could do was search and i'm gonna have to look dude the problem is why did subs have to make this so big like it is gonna be near impossible to find this there's a map of like whoa this is sick dude subs did a really good job building this oh i found it l this isn't it bro i looked around and i simply couldn't find this thing but luckily my friend actually knew the location of the note since vortex had told him earlier when i looked at the sky i saw all of the possibilities of my thousand withers but when i looked at the ground i saw your no okay spoke what but what he actually means is that the end base has a basement so i should probably look there all right so it's clearly not up there um is it possible that it is in this furnace no it's not dude this place is just huge like it could literally be anywhere it's like playing hide and seek in like new york city that's what this feels like question is where is the thing [Music] ah [Music] dude i'm telling you oh written on the piece of paper was a four digit number confused i headed back to spawn like the previous clue told me to new day new goals we are going to look okay yep there is something so yesterday we got this clue that said oh 392. hopefully this should tell us all right so we have to go to the crater there's a huge crater out in this direction i think it is and sure enough the crater led me to a room no breaking or placing blocks wait do i have to take this and then i do have to put this code in here oh three nine two is that gonna open up no if you want to access this code bring me breakfast because i'm hungry you have until noon tomorrow bring him a cake or something where's his base little did i know that when vortex said bring me breakfast he genuinely meant for me to bring him breakfast like in real life problem is i'm not very good at cooking so i decided to go with pancakes they're simple they're easy to make and if i watch some basic cooking tutorials this clue should be a breeze you know if i went back a year ago i never would have thought i would be delivering a pancake for a youtube video when it's 40 degrees outside even though vortex said the pancakes were awful i still got the clue and it's just a bunch of letters on a piece of paper oh my gosh you have to okay i got it you have to you have to check how many of each are in this entire thing what i mean by this is i'm supposed to count how many of each letter are on this entire piece of paper for example there's two y's here and here so i slowly began dissecting this entire letter no w is on the fourth line okay there's a w on the sixth line but then after that one two three four c's on unless no there's five dude i literally don't understand what i'm missing i think oh my gosh there's another c that's it it's 9382 i'm putting it in nine three eight two oh what the what and inside was a note telling me to go to my second base why would they give me totems dude oh spy okay so whisper i made a lot of signs up here i'm not gonna lie oh yeah i found it all right perfect i'm just gonna try to uh but the next clue was interesting forcing me to search a hundred imposters yeah like from among us is it is that why there was obsidian here is it in here oh my gosh long story short i spent an hour looking through all of these statues and i had finally found the clue and where it brought me next was where i would potentially fail once you start your five minutes is this just like a huge escape room so i built this mini escape room right yeah so if you can complete this in five minutes then i will let you let make a post on my community tab in my youtube channel then it starts but i gotta i gotta tell you something yeah you could kill me right now and just leave with the heart or you can accept and if you lose though this time i get to plan out your next video and what you have to do okay what i swear vortex didn't tell me this beforehand now the stakes are even higher than before all right i'm gonna be your little tour guide request question oh my gosh dude chill out chill out chill out wilson the minute you step on the drip leaf just a little touch you'll either completely fall into the void or you'll pass has the timer started yet oh um once i start saying the first question okay okay so as you can see there is a right and left option what makes my left a right what makes my left a right a left and then if you turn right two times where are you now you're to the right of your original and then if you go straight where are you going forward you're going to the right you're going to the right you're going to the right i know pick it's up to you you think you got that right then oh my gosh dude wait what you said you're supposed to walk across okay are these awesome he's dropping to the void yeah so um there is some snow down there some powdered snow three of them are good and one of them is bad so what my guess is is that these have to do with your time oh yeah yeah okay i'm going to the right oh my gosh dude i quickly go go go why why am i going downhill oh yo you gotta go oh no you can break cobwebs at home you can break cobwebs yo go run run bro is this a maze go okay what this is this is on europe oh what is this your color quickly and and then the door will open up behind you streamer technology is there a right answer yeah there's only one right answer pick go why didn't it work oh it worked oh my god it worked oh oh i'm so good at redstone okay now you um you don't have that much time left you got to make this triple neo thank you you might need it yeah i know i think i'm gonna just not put on my armor for this because this is quite we are quite literally near the end of the server how much time do i have left oh like a minute a minute vortex i have one question for you yeah what's up you better make it snappy is this a triple yeah it's a triple okay um what are you gonna do when i make the funniest community post nah bro no you're not no no no no no you're gonna miss like i've made sure you're gonna miss if you're not that much i have i have no how much time do i have left like probably like 17 seconds have fun making a harambe video all right i just want to let you know in my entire life i have made two triple neos and as they say oh third try is the charm no shot no shot god oh [Music] oh we only take dubs on this channel we only take dogs on this channel also i just want to let you know that i'm currently in a race to 1 million subscribers against my friend rekrab and although we were ahead this guy all of a sudden just skyrocketed out of nowhere so if you do enjoy my content make sure to subscribe let's be rec to a million [Music]
Channel: Parrot
Views: 1,742,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, LastLife, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, Can I solve this Minecraft Puzzle in 24 Hours?, Minecraft Challenge
Id: n_3YkTqa_wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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