I Made 100 Players Simulate 1000 Days of Civilization in Minecraft...

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you know we really won't be where we are today without civilization from the day we first discovered fire to the day we stepped on the moon that was all possible because of civilization but even today in 2021 war and violence still plagues this world the desire for power and chaos is what keeps us away from a world of peace but what would civilization look like in minecraft would a hundred players be able to create civilization in a thousand days now get yourself comfortable because i'm about to tell you the history of 1 000 days of minecraft civilization so a couple months ago i announced a new spoke event the original goal was just to let hundred players join to create a functional society in a normal survival world within a hundred minecraft days but if the players died in this world they'd be kicked for one minute i also made the world border about 500 by 500 blocks to keep the players together and then finally i opened the server and the players joined the players began to spread out around the world to gather resources and as the god of this world i decided to have a bit of fun with the players i'm gonna give myself five diamonds oh geez there's someone already killing me i was about to say whoever kills me is gonna get the five diamonds just it's gonna try to jump down let's see what's happening down here look ah there were no pre-existing civilization or groups so it was up to the players to create the first civilizations oh hey thank you thank you hey guys what's up got a little faction right here this is pretty cool pretty neat oh we got a little little something going on up here sky nation snugs you leader of the sky nation there we go we got a got a cool sky nation going we got cave nation mountain nation let's go check on mountain nation over here look at these beautiful civilizations oh then i found mountainia was a peaceful nation a nation open to all the leader astralix and the members sinister apollo a.b nico and mega nova stella the civilization began to thrive and i decided to give the nation a monument sky nation world monument well i got a different monument for you guys boom sky nation monument so oh yeah look at mount oh they have like a wall going on but look at that they're building a wall around here this is like an actual functioning civilization the players are having a great time working together to create beautiful civilizations but as we will learn throughout this video peace and harmony cannot live without anarchy and chaos let me introduce to you the chaos nation people are trying to invade this place oh my what is happening is this chaos nation chaos nation has taken it over the chaos nation was destroying any civilization they would come across and since all of these nations were destroyed by chaos none of these players had a home so they decided to fight back against chaos by joining meltania with the influx of refugees from other fallen civilizations coming to mountainia the civilization quickly became the strongest and most popular nation on the server all right take this take that place it where you would like to let's see if anyone who will take down mountain let's see if anyone will take them down you know what i think as i'm gonna give them a crowd i'm gonna give them a crowd as the leader of the of mountainia there you go you are you are now officially the leader of mountainia this is a beautiful moment beautiful moment beautiful moment congratulations mountainia so far on top no one i don't know if anyone else will be able to be able to take over this take over this nation but mountainia knew they needed to prepare for battle it was only a matter of time before chaos would strike and once they did they struck pretty hard [Music] uh uh uh yeah mountainy is under attack oh my god oh my god oh my god oh chaos nation the beacon has been stolen chaos nation oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god mountainia who mountain is under attack mount tania is about to fall but who has the who has the crowd wait oh my god it's aj live is the i think they're i think they're the leader of the chaos nation i'm gonna say chaos nation is probably the strongest now i'm gonna give them a try chaos [Music] take that that is yours there was a queen but now there is a king [Music] mr alex your kingdom has fallen [Music] and now it has been it's been overrun by the chaos nation chaos nation now rules over it with an iron fist anyone who opposes them will die they're trying to take it back but it's not enough will they ever fall will they ever die i don't know i don't know a new time a new era has come mount tania used to be here chaos supreme all hail aj how how the world has changed but then a new group of players came to bring down the chaos nation um the leader of chaos nation has fallen yup and now these players have the two artifacts the mountainia crown and the chaos trident but these players do not strive for peace no instead they were part of the anarchy legion and with the downfall of the chaos nation a new era began any nation could become the most powerful but it's just a matter of who would do it first so let me tell you about the great chaos in anarchy war the first nation to grow after the chaos nation was the pirate nation with the leader that tyy the pirate nation had a lot of wealth and citizens both wealth comes greed and players began to rob the nation one of these players was i wished and they were banned from the nation forever but after this wave of robbers a wave of hackers came while i was eating these hackers killed everyone in the pirate nation but i was able to get back and ban them sadly as they were regrouping and collecting their items the anarchy legion attacked and that was the end of the pirate nation but do you remember the small farming post next to the mountain of mountainia well they moved to the plains next to the border and created the farming nation with their leader strife the farming nation had three values peace protection and of course farming the nation grew but the chaos nation was growing as well and the chaos nation went to war with the farming nation and the farming nation actually won the war and the chaos nation left them alone the farming nation's leader was given the farmer's judgment for winning the war but soon the news of the third artifact came to the anarchy legion once they realized the farming nation was the most prosperous nation on the server they raided the base destroying everything and killing everyone refugees of the first farming nations such as s bup and bacteria logic went on to create the second farming nation but it was destroyed as well but at the end of this mess no one had possession of the farmer's judgment the third artifact was lost or now but when the war of the farming nation in the anarchy legion raged on a secret small organization was created the player plagued dr 42 who was the leader of the swag misters nation and sinister apollo who was one of the first members of mountainia met in the caves below spawn these players had one thing in common their beloved nations were destroyed by the chaos nation and the global reconstruction coalition was created with one goal to get revenge on the chaos nation in the anarchy legion but they needed to have time to prepare but while the chaos and anarchy war raged on a solo player named cookies250 grinded gear and quickly became a menace they would slay any players that would get in their way and they only believed in anarchy meanwhile the last member of the original farming nation s-bup went on to create the third farming nation in the sky another civilization called peaceburger which would later be known as burgaria created a settlement in the far corner of the world ah oh this used to be spoke nation oh let's bring life to our dead earth a beacon of hope so um spoke nation's kind of um not doing too well at this point all the civilizations were preparing for battle because the final days of the server were coming and that meant war was on the horizon so i decided to give grc and chaos a gift before the final war take this take that now i need you all to understand your everyone who has received an artifact so far has lost their artifact i have hope for you all i have hoped that maybe these artifacts of the grc will survive but for now i wish you best of luck anarchy and chaos are coming here is your crown and then cookies here is your crown oh they're exiting looks like they're exiting their their base they're going off it looks like chaos says they need to find them they're going to go kill them everyone is ready for battle chaos versus grc grc let me let me give a little pep talk right let me give a little pep talk grc you guys are strong in numbers you have many items you have many talented fighters grc i believe you can do this chaos you have killed every other nation in this world so far you've killed every other nation that has ever tried to oppose you chaos me may take over grc and bring anarchy to the server okay let's see what happens all right oh jeez already over here they're killing off everyone a lot of stuff is happening let's see if any members will die oh geez it is just a mess in here it is just a mess oh oh play doctor just died oh geez cookies cookies cookies 2-5-0 oh sinister said sinister is dead sinister is dead cookies just killed them cookies is killing off everyone he uses end crystals will anarchy win oh my god all right it's i think it's cookies left it is only cookies left the most powerful anarchist in this server he just killed another one oh this is way too close this is way too close he's in the corner he's trying to eat he's getting critted out just getting critted out oh he's but he's going back in he's going back in geez is can he oh there goes another one there goes another one this cookie's running cookies is running cookies is running oh no who's gonna win [Music] who is gonna win this is so close oh oh oh oh oh my god i think grc just won oh my god grc one oh my that was so close i gotta say good job to both of you the king's crown let me give both of you these items boom what there you go grc is now the winning civilization the chaos nation was defeated but while grc was celebrating the anarchy legion was preparing for one last battle to bring the world to a place of fire and of course anarchy in the overworld grc was the strongest nation and they already began to fix up the land and bring peace but something very unexpected happened in the third farming nation the player esbap found the long-lost artifact the farmer's judgment in the rubble of the first farming nation this player was determined to bring the farming nation back to its original glory and wrote this speech here i stand before my great nation what was once a nation falling apart and trying to rebuild we together have made it so much more we help travelers and a few rivals as the dawn of the end of the world approaches i thank you all for keeping farming nation now the third alive by your king s bub with the farmer's judgment and help of bacteria logic the third farming nation began to grow grc tried to ally with peaceburger but peaceberger decided not to join grc and to stay independent what these three nations didn't know was that the anarchy legion was still alive in preparing for the final war to take down civilization argus fritz and nubble's first target was peace burger's co-leader hamburger they knew if peace burger lost their leaders the nation would fall apart on their own so they hunted down hamburger and began the final war hamburger was in full netherite and was a pretty good fighter so the two anarchists struggled in defeating them and when hamburger tried to escape the king of the farming nation attacked the anarchy legion with the power of the farmer's judgment they were able to scare off the anarchy legion before they realized s-bup had the artifact they chased down espop and slayed them burning all of their items they had no intention of keeping the artifact alive all it was to them was the legacy of a nation opposing them so they tried to destroy it but what they didn't realize was that the farmer's judgment was never right so espa managed to take the artifact and hide with it in the farming nation but hamburger wasn't so lucky they chased hamburger down and killed him stealing the netherite and burning the rest of his items now it was only grc standing in their way of an anarchy-filled world but grc heard the news of war and was prepared for the anarchy legion but before anarchy could attack they also realized that the farmer's judgment was still alive in the base of the farming nation he attempted to assassinate s bub but the members of the farming nation protected espa and allowed them to escape the farmer's judgment was safe then the time came day 97 only three days away from the end it was that day when the anarchy legion was ready to attack grc grc's guards were in full netherey in diamond and they were very talented fighters but they didn't expect what the anarchy legion had are just written nubbles dropped down into their base and attacked but before the guards could attack the anarchy legion they splashed instant damage tube potions on them and they charged in with strength too the guards were dead and the leaders had no way out one of the crowns was stolen for themselves and one was burned the anarchy legion defeated grc grc had no choice but to retreat to the mountains where the swagmisters originally started the war was over and the end was here day 100 there we go goodbye everyone but that wasn't the end of it in fact this was only the beginning of the civilization series now there are a couple things i need to explain so first of all every 100 days the world will reset but as you can see in the time stamps the worlds get pretty crazy but let's check out the next hundred days of minecraft civilization we may have lost the battle but we have not lost the war oh they're all here they're all ready the second event was insane grc wanted their vengeance and anarchy wanted to stay on top so both sides were training furiously after the first hundred days but they weren't the only civilizations preparing border nation the pioneers and the pioneers were actually allied with the up-and-coming peace civilization bulgaria and another nation called the wing dings was created oh it looks like anarchy is attacking attacking the border nation oh god oh my god he's breaking all the sugarcane border nation you guys you guys gotta guys gotta try to protect your sugarcane oh they killed them okay are just ritz is dead so but yeah that's that's exactly what could happen so you need to make sure you can uh protect your nation are you guys doing so far yeah burglaria leader hamburger border nation is very growing very fast because this is such a growing fast-growing nation i think it's finally time to give away the first the first portal frame stuff you do have the monument so yeah you can place anywhere you want and it cannot be broken oh geez border nation is getting a heavy attacks from the anarchy legion but if they can keep them if they can keep them off while they while they prepare then they're gonna do well all right are just ritz felt nibbles fell okay what oh my god they're they're done with the anarchy is just running away right now i guess they're going over to their second biggest nation uh the pioneers i think they just came through and just killed everyone in the pioneer nation oh they got enchantment tables as well i think of this of the first 10 days i really think border nation has left the so far the biggest impact you know what i think it's time for the new crown hello everyone guys this is this is this is a lot border crown as the as the as the leader of this nation as the leader of this beautiful nation let me give you your crown the first artifact of the 100 days this is such a beautiful moment congratulations grc has grc returned i i hope border nation teams with grc or something because grc was one of my favorite nations but i'm hoping that they don't attack them i'm hoping that they like team because honestly collaboration is the biggest thing on the server if you want to defeat anarchy you're gonna want you're gonna want to team up this is this is one of the biggest negotiations so far the alliance between bergeria and the border very good stuff that is a good decision allying with grc very good decision anarchy knew if they wanted to win they needed to make the first move so they attacked burgaria uh they are they have already slained a couple people but oh there goes one nobles is left oh oh oh oh they missed the water they're dead they're dead oh my god they're dead neville's is dead oh my god anarchy is not doing good this time all right it looks like wingdings is team up with the border nation and bulgaria dude there's such a big alliance between all of them during this time anarchy began preparing for an attack on the border nation jeez it looks like they're starting to love everything they're placing lava everywhere i know the wingdings are doing extremely good right now yeah look at the wingdings wingdings have a big defense a lot of powerful players i know a lot of players are actually over here grc is another big base that is growing right now but i think border nation oh no no one is here to save it i think they're traveling oh no [Music] i'm gonna find grc oh no am i about to see the downfall no sinister sinister no oh no oh no oh my god oh my god i think they realized what they just found i think they just realized oh no they need to block up the tunnels oh they have all of their diamond armor people down here oh they're placing lava down the stairs oh no we're under attack prep for battle yeah repair looks like their guards are on top they're looking for the they're looking for the anarchists i think they left though yeah it looks like they're in their base they might be preparing as well okay looks like they're heading down oh plague doctor seize them plague doctor get out of there oh they're all here they're all ready oh no okay oh my god all right they're trying to get some crits that's what they're trying to do oh all right they're blocked they know there's a lot of people down there they might be able to kill him if he gets stuck down here he might be able to he might die all right oh he's just breaking all the chest oh no oh he's getting attacked zayd him is going in oh god he's adam oh god yeah they know no they're burning everything they're searching for them oh they're running after nubbles oh s buff is here the queen of the farming kingdom is here they're going after anarchy this player is on the edge right now oh god they're building up he's gonna try to knock them off oh geez oh s pups going in s webs trying to knock them off oh no oh no so close no that was so close s bub left they're trying to oh okay oh that was a good crit that was a good if they fall off they're gonna die oh my god oh that players off all right oh geez trying to get a good shot oh okay oh no oh that player is dead oh no i think i think anarchy is going to win nobles is gonna win they're trying to they're trying to they're got they're getting blocked off oh no they're heading oh no oh knuckles died noble died the battle of the cliff oh my god oh plague doctor got it or just ritz they're burning everything they're trying to get rid of the oh no okay our just ritz came back to defend the stuff i think they picked up the nether right they should just run yeah they're getting out of there oh god this player is not going to be able to take oh s bub is coming s-bop is coming to save him oh was killed oh no they're going in this is a this is a big battle right now grc is trying to escape they're dying though another player has died another player has died the leader had nothing left and grc was left in despair but i still had hope for the nation so i gave them the second artifact the crossbow of vengeance it looks like they're all getting ready at the bergeria place now a lot of important speeches from the leaders of bulgaria and grc happened but let's just say that the anarchist came to the speeches and nubbles said this we may have lost the battle but we have not lost the war the speech was a trap they were planning this the entire time this was a massive blow to grc in burgaria but this only fueled their determination to wipe out anarchy yeah numbers and are just ritz they have they have been causing so much anarchy and i gotta say i think i think it's time to give away another artifact i'm so sorry to everyone but regardia definitely yeah they definitely deserve an artifact there you go there's your fireworks all right so plague doctor i did not forget about you don't worry i wanted to save a totem for a special player right the only totem on the server the last fight like doctor take this use it in the final battle then on the final day of this world the final battle between peace and anarchy began oh geez all right we're already getting some deaths we're already people are already dying oh geez i want to i want to tp to nubbles oh they're shooting from up here there's bowen people that is a good strategy they have the elytra now they're going in they're trying to they're just trying to bow them as they f as they fly around oh khan bramble they're trying to go after are just ritz oh plague doctor as well arches first you need to get out of there oh rascal is going in to save them i think they're i think they know they're going to die though they're going to die there's distracting everyone as our just ritz can escape oh tommy and if okay nobles is here numbers is here they're going after calm bramble oh sinister apollo is here they need to back off they need to back off oh okay there goes one oh nobles just hit the ground i don't think are just ritz is gonna win they gotta run they're pulling out the ant crystals they're pulling out the end crystals okay that's all they have left oh they killed himself with it zadom is still alive saturn's one okay wait this is the final okay wait this is the final player of anarchy saturn is just running they just need to get out of there all right they're bridging up i'm not sure what they're gonna do i'm gonna try to survive zetum oh zaydem just died it looks like peace as one so here is your crown and this one give this to hamburger that is for hamburger and gg gg to you guys gg the peacemakers the anarchist gigi to all of you so we are 200 days into the civilization events and the peace nations were able to pull a massive victory against anarchy but everything would change in the next event welcome to the apocalypse there are barely any trees basically no water and food is very scarce there are some supplies in the abandoned buildings around the map but this was going to be a challenge elections for the name oh they're doing this is so cool to do any election i i like the stick nation sick nation's funnier oh we got the cloak nation going on this is pretty cool the cloak the cloak nation oh my god is everyone at like one heart what is happening they're having their own difficulties you know oh my god oh the election is running i don't know i kinda like cs all right yay cs is the leader that's great uh um what are they doing cloak nation is attacking the stick nation yo stick nation you gotta watch out you got you got some attackers up here oh yo oh oh is this player oh yo oh the leader the leader's dead oh the cloak nation has been defeated i think it's finally time to give away the first artifact and for the stick nation there you go oh my god what is this player doing we are just ritz or just ritz oh my god oh my god they just went through and just destroyed the cloak nation the anarchists are back anarchy is attacking the stick nation oh are just riches of saying hello like oh oh oh okay they're attacking they're attacking oh my god stick nations under attack no way there no way anarchy is just gonna go through and kill everybody anarchy oh my god oh my god did they just go through and kill everybody they're destroying everything the anarchists are back the stick nation was so strong but no one knew that they were being attacked until they were killed grc you need to prepare your people the anarchists have returned they're burning the trees they don't want to see this world flourish they want to see this world to burn oh my god the anarchists are here the anarchists are here oh my god oh my god they're killing off everybody the anarchists are killing off grc they're they're too powerful it's the end they're burning everything they're killing off everyone they're escaping they're trying to escape they're chasing after them though stick nation has died grc's base is under control because anarchy has killed off many great nations the the second artifact of this world the second artifact or the anarchist it's great to see that grc has recovered from the anarchy attack but i feel like anarchy is definitely preparing for the next the next war oh oh my god they're dropping tnt they're dropping tnt oh my god oh that player's dead you're dropping lava no calm bramble oh no yeah they're just fishing up the players oh are just ritz is going in they're just dropping in tnt combo watch out oh oh there goes squealies okay all right yeah they just got a gap up there's got to heal you fight off the anarchist oh nubbles is dying to sinister sinister sinister apollo killed nibbles they're dead there's nothing they can do will the artifact be lost is anarchy anarchy is dead epic blob is now in possession of the artifact grc proves again to be one of the strongest nations oh whoa whoa whoa we got some new we got some people invading a new duo that is trying to kill off all of these players well i think we have another fallen nation all of their saplings have been destroyed oh clown pierce is going in clown pierce is going in clown pierce they're trying to kill off grc i don't know if they can though oh my god that was not a good idea oh they're bowing at clown pierce i don't think clown pierce realizes that they they can easily die oh oh no there's just so many there's so many players clown pierce oh they yeah they gotta run oh clown pierce they caught up to you man oh god clown pierce oh this is a 3v1 if he somehow makes it he's a legend i don't think i don't think so though look at this oh dang he's getting knocked around oh sinister just died all right clown pierce has two left all right oh oh there goes another one calm bramble no way he's about to he's oh no no no no no no no calm bramble tom bramble's dead oh my god clown pierce grc you just lost like three of your full diamond players oh my god guys you're just getting picked off right now you need to you need to all come in as one group oh clown pierce clown pierce is going in no way they're just gonna go in and kill everybody no way no plague doctor plague doctor oh oh my god there is no grc no what just happened they're burning everything they just took down grc clown pierce quickly became one of the most feared and notorious players of the civilization series all right clown pierce is back they're going for skye what happened here what happened to skye what's happening to skyland kill clown pierce i wonder how he feels about that what happened to grc oh my god what is happening to grc they're blowing up grc then i went to sleep but while i was asleep clown pierce attacked the ranchers and successfully killed the leader then clown pierce went after grc's strongest ally bulgaria and fought the king hamburger [Music] now if the power of the bulgaria acts in the stick crown clown pierce became the strongest player on the server pier seemed to be an unstoppable force but hamburger had a plan the tare of the world was defeated but meanwhile what i don't think i'm so confused right now oh wait what i just missed it oh my god they seriously got blown up oh get wrecked clown pierce clown pierce has died was anyone was anybody recording that because i want to see that clown pierce was and if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be able to see his epic death so make sure go check out his channel and thank you again but anyways hamburger is a legend that is the third artifact i'm hoping that these these players are preparing for battle all right but what's the plan the end of the war is coming day 98 all right oh in the meantime i'm going to mess around but all right i wish you guys best of luck all right a big battle is about to happen on the night of day 97 coming up burgheria is up here now okay oh travis the miner is just going in they're just going in our just ritz is an extremely powerful bow they're going to be taking a lot of damage ooh that was a big hit oh they landed in water though oh they're heading out oh oh hamburger misses the water bucket that's a rip nightmare oh nightmare and connor missed the water buckets as well anarchy has won the battle that is a big rip they are preparing for a final push against anarchy but clown joining joining anarchy for the final battle the final battle between anarchy and peace in this civilization world it always comes down to the final battle let the final battle begin this looks like the end of peace these are the last players alive oh looks like they're trying to escape they're trying to escape there's so many players after them yeah they're just they're just trying to run this is all that's left of peace this is the last player of peace and they're being chased by all of anarchy they're finally dead yeah anarchy has won this event good job to all of you gg but it didn't seem like an end was near for the peace and anarchy war but maybe if a new civilization came a civilization that only had one purpose to take down every other civilization one civilization to rule them all let me tell you the story of the fourth civilization event so we are 300 days into minecraft civilization but the next hundred days are going to be very difficult until day 400 water will rise three blocks every day that means the entire world will be flooded by day 400. welcome to the water rising event yo this person has a dog this is pretty cool you don't you're not gonna be able to see this every day ah this is beautiful this is beautiful you know what i'm gonna give them i'm gonna give them a name tag reggie all right all right that's a good name there we go look at look at that that's beautiful that is beautiful this is this is a this is one of my favorite nations by far and oh we can already see the water the water is already starting to get a little high i killed no way you killed reggie no no no no no you did not kill reggie no reggie no oh my god guys i i don't like i don't like you guys you killed you've killed reggie at the time i didn't know which civilization killed reggie but then i soon found out that it wasn't any of the original civilizations it was a new civilization let me introduce to you the watchers oh oh my god the water though there's so much soon the village is gonna be submerged oh people are drowning they drowned right here they're stuck in the caves this used to be a place but now it's gone this is where the world used to be i think grc is still good i mean they kind of have like a little water thing right here i'm not sure if this that's intentional but so yeah are just ritz is at the anarchy sky base right now and they have a lot of stuff after that i went to sleep but while i was asleep tensions between the civilizations rose and war was coming and they knew that only one civilization would come out victorious when i last left the water was like right up here it increased so much but also while i was asleep clown pierce returned and decided to join the watchers the civilization which wanted to destroy anarchy and peace wait oh clown pierce is like dying to these other people wait hold on wait big fight is going on clown pierce is getting attacked by all of burgaria hamburger has death strider oh they're going in oh clown priest is going down but burgario's also going down bulgaria versus clown pierce they're chasing down they're chasing oh they're so low they're gonna die if they don't escape they're gonna die pick them up pick them up go oh no the boat it's just a 1v1 at this point where's hamburger where are they they can kill hamburgers here oh oh oh here they come all the bulgaria is here for all of burgaria is here clown pierce oh my god it's it's a war they got back up clown pierce run look how low he is he's gonna die he's so low clown pierce this is oh clown pierce got so low there he ate a gapple oh he's getting away he's getting away looks like they've got they're going back to their base but the watchers decided to attack the anarchy base oh they're all get they're all preparing they're all preparing oh oh jeez arches ritz is having his own battle right now uh oh no he's dead there's no way you're gonna survive this they have death strider oh no are just ritz get out of there get out of there they are hunting them uh oh they're drowning oh no they're they're oh this is the end are just fritz is dead or just ritz is dead this is gg there we go they're drowning though they might die oh no oh they drowned oh my god z died what oh no the anarchy legion's being attacked but oh my god they killed arjus ritz but then they drowned oh my god all right so it looks like the anarchist legion are like heading oh they might be heading down they're heading down to get the stuff oh the base was overrun though i think the watchers are in control right now the watcher artifact there we go our right here is the watcher artifact and this is for you for your nation for the watcher nation with the downfall of anarchy in bulgaria a new civilization took over the era of the watchers has begun oh grc is under attack wait what okay so oh oh no the watchers are attacking grc no not no grc oh no they're all coming all of the all of the watchers are coming to take down grc in bulgaria what is this battle oh no conor is getting out of there conor is getting out of there oh jeez okay blitzen is getting oh no there's too many watchers there's too many of them connor is low no no come on connor you can no oh no there's too many they logged out that's that's it for connor there's nothing conor's going to be able to do the end of the world was near but also meant the end of the war was coming and it was only a matter of time before the final battle would begin in previous events the final battle was always between peace and anarchy but this time peace and anarchy must join together to take down the watchers but the time has come the most deadly battle throughout these civilization events is ready to begin let the final battle of the war rage on oh geez anarchy is attacking them right now most of the watchers are taking the high ground up here oh my god there's like a big battle right here big battle on the side of this they're all building up honey punches trying to knock them off oh they're using fishing rods and stuff oh dang it looks like they were able to defend off their high ground okay well done oh they're going in they're they're up they are up oh they knocked one off nightmare is just knocking off people left and right i think nightmare fell off almost is still here almost fell off oh ours just rips us up wait oh they're up here oh no oh no nobles is getting noble's getting attacked by a lot of players are just fritz just got knocked off nightmare's going in no there are two hearts oh nightmare travis is trying to get down travis is getting out of there oh no travis is getting critted out oh they're coming back up oh oh oh sinister apollo is down oh they're still fighting though they are still our just fritz is down the anarchists are still putting up a fight even though they have died multiple multiple times they're still surviving arjus hurts and luminoid are going in they're trying to swim down there's not there's nowhere to go largest threats it's just the void oh they found a door well look who's here look who's here shadow's back is ready to kill oh honey puns is here oh they're going down they're going down three hearts two argis ritz has fallen luminous trying to head down luminoi oh god they're at five hearts no luminoid gg gg anarchy has fallen you all of you have won in this event alright the peace in anarchy nations had a new major threat to deal with the watchers only wanted domination but this greed for power was the biggest weakness of the watchers let's move on to the amplified world event looks like clown pierce is doing some mining hey pirate nation definitely go recommend oh my clown pierce clown pierce all right clown pierce is that necessary let's say is that necessary oh yo bro okay this nation the true nation this looks cool they're building a little fortress over here uh yeah looks like the watchers have just taken taking this over as their base this is too cool a watchtower for the watchers uh oh no guys the they're coming they they're they're right there clown pierce is here clown pierce is here guys get out oh no no oh they're dead well they just took over this place pretty easily all right well we'll rage the first the first artifact of this event goes to the watchers there you go my rage oh god bro looks like arches ritz finally got into the event but they really don't have a lot of stuff i'ma be honest they don't they really don't have a lot of stuff the watchers on the other hand are popping off right now jesus but right after i said that the player carrying the watcher artifact was assassinated oh my god they just killed hd pal wait hd power had all of my rage's stuff all right so it looks like the watchers took over the black legion base travis is trying to do his um rotting strap but it's not really working out oh oh oh my god they just killed gorilla oh yeah are just ritz is getting out of there i mean they were able to kill gorilla oh no he's dead he's dead oh jeez bro um so they're just gonna let our just rich just come in oh yeah they're getting raided right now i think i'm going to help them so here this is the crown of vengeance this is the third artifact of this world all right but the artifact was given to the anarchist nightmare because sinister believed that they deserved it way more than they do and then i fell asleep but luckily clown pierce was nice enough to record what happened my own pierce's first target was his biggest enemy bulgaria [Music] [Music] [Music] with burgaria gone clown pierce had all the power he needed to take down every single civilization [Music] [Music] but clown pierce's desire for power took the best of him with a few of his original friends he turned on his ally the watchers [Music] the nation broke into two the watchers with the leader scarecrow and lunaris with the leader clown pierce everybody died cop top died wait cop died he died they all died everybody died what happened yeah look all the watchers are just hiding in this hole just grinding spiders and stuff looks like lunaris has taken down the watchers i mean at least scared them off should i give them an artifact i mean i guess for taking down the watchers that's definitely something something insane lunaris for taking down the watchers for for posing a threat to their giant reign of terror this is this is my present to you all right false damage take this mergaria has just taken over this island as well wait wait hold on the watchers just attacked or what the watchers just attacked oh my god what cop top is here oh wait no this isn't no this isn't the watchers this is lunaris oh my god yeah so the watchers split up into two these two watchers are getting chased right now oh they split up that's not a good idea they're trying to escape right now i don't know if they can though oh no they're dead they're dead they're getting ambushed right now oh no oh they fell down and they're dead they're on the hillside now it's over it's over this is the end of the watchers is the watcher era already over this island this used to be the true nation then it became the the blindness which was the nation against the watchers then it became the grc base and now it's the lunera space like before the end the war between the watchers and lunaris must end so the leader of the watchers scarecrow the leader of lunaris clown pierce prepared for the final 1v1 these leaders once allies must fight to the death to get the crown of the amplified world but the final battle of lunaris and the watchers begin they're going in they're going at it up they're getting credit out he's got clown pierced in a corner right now oh all right [Music] i don't know how much healthier oh that means clown pierce has won the first match if clown pierce wins again they're done for looks like clown pierce is trying to use his axe right now but scarecrow is getting a lot of crits in oh scarecrow is being very aggressive this time now chris is going back in the corner oh he's trying he's trying to he's trying to hit him away he's trying to get him away oh oh looks like it's one to one now it's one to one dang they're both being really aggressive right now they're both being very aggressive the true test of pvp the true test of skill he's critting him out i'm not sure who's winning looks like it's pretty equal right now they're both running away to eat oh scarecrow hasn't wait scarecrow's not eating oh clown pierce has won the event luneris defeated the watchers but clown pierce and scarecrow realized that if they stayed at war they wouldn't be able to defeat the other growing civilizations so clown pierce and lunaris joined back with the watchers apart from a couple individuals of linares but let's not worry about that for now the other civilizations knew that with the watcher civil war over and the watchers being stronger than ever they needed a way to take them down but hope was coming in the arctic civilization event is this your bro no it's a boat no way it's a bridge guys it's it's a bridge oh my god oh my god it's an actual bridge yeah it looks like they got a little like fort right here oh a bridge they have a bridge i i i love i love bridges i love bridges bridges are very poggers pretty nice but they they they are oh my god here i'll give them an end portal frame you know an original monument there we go watchers what do you mean watchers no no no no bunker nation oh my god dude dude whoa there is so many players here what is this place awesome oh this is the peace coalition oh yo the peace coalition is so strong yeah def i think i think the peace coalition is probably the best the best civilization here and i think minions as the as the as the leader of the peace coalition i shall give you this that is the elven bow first of all hamburger has joined and he is still allied with the anarchist the peace coalition has been doing a lot of renovations on their base and the watchers have uh what has happened oh no oh my god yep peace coalition's dead holy lord they were they were oh my god they were lava casted watchers are oh my god bro look at the watchers pound pierce isn't here yet so i'm curious of how that's gonna go so the anarchy legion kind of retreated into into a little cave right here you guys guys have once again come back and proven that you can take down all of the civilizations once again and that means i have to give you guys an artifact i think i think the wax stick would will be appropriate for you guys so uh here you go [Music] there is the watcher artifact now you guys you guys are like the second best nation in this world right now in this arctic world so okay i think for you guys i'm i'm gonna give them the village in a box i'm gonna see what they're gonna do with that i i have no idea what they're gonna do with that but yeah third artifact but little did i know i gave the anarchists the one artifact that could destroy the watchers bro bulgaria has so many players watchers are extremely strong but look at look at bulgaria right now bulgaria is also strong oh my burger is attacking the watchers oh my god burger is actually tacking the watchers who's gonna win oh they fell down here oh hamburg's going in i don't know oh no hamburg's getting double-teamed oh help is here i'm not sure who's gonna win this i have no idea who's gonna win this this is kind of close oh oh shadows is running away the watchers have fallen to bulgaria amber is just so overpowered his gear just just out matches all of them the watchers were preparing but they weren't fast enough bulgaria was quick and was able to take them down they the base though was raided by bulgaria and i gotta say i think i think this is artifact worthy all right as the leader of bulgaria the the leader that was able to take down the watchers and you guys even got the villager in the box you guys were able to get it oh that makes sense now because anarchy is teamed with bulgaria and i gave the box to anarchy able to they were able to all use it and that's how hamburger is so overpowered how about we give respawn anchors to the leader of bulgaria the leader of the watchers i know things are looking i know i know things are not looking good i know things are not looking good but as leader of the watchers it's time for you to get your revenge right that is the sixth artifact there you go oh my god whoa what just happened there's a lot of battles going on the watchers have the watchers have attacked again oh they're pulling out the respawn anchors oh honey puns is dead they're trying to escape they're trying to escape oh my god dude bulgaria is too strong burgaria has won again now i know the watchers are kind of in a pickle right now all right they it is not looking good right now so i'm gonna help them it's gonna be with a little something called tnt minecarts all right boom boom that is your only hope all right i'm back and the watchers have made a base up in this uh sky base up here didn't really expect it to be that powerful but i have an idea all right i have an idea i am gonna be walking around the map all right i'm gonna be walking randomly around the map in survival mode and i'm gonna wait until they find me i'm gonna make an announcement in the chat that i'm walking around with the village in the in the box looks like we're going to the top of this lava cast oh honey puns is following me oh here's honey puns [Music] there it is it's right there see if they pick it up honey puns has the village in a box oh oh oh hamburger's here he is searching for them oh no honey puns they they know that they're here gregario's just waiting down here right now oh the watchers got it oh okay the watchers got it all right the watchers were able to secure it oh burger is attacking oh my god oh no they're attacking oh and krypt is getting out of there oh no bulgaria's attacked wait what just happened oh they're dropping minecarts they're dropping them oh they're trying they're trying to bow him they're trying to bow him oh dang oh he was able to knock him out scarecrow's all that's left he has tnt minecarts though oh he's trying to blow them up right now he's trying to blow them up and scarecrow do it i don't oh oh no he's getting bowed at he he is he is stuck right now oh no nightmare is coming oh this is not looking good this is not looking good right now oh they're going in no scarecrow no [Music] no the end of the watchers is here look at the watchers right now they're hiding in this like little hole down here there's they have nothing they have lost everything i think i'm gonna help them out i think it's time for a second villager in the box all right i i don't know if this will help them because last time they they got kind of spotted because of the achievement and they got hunted down but hey they found a pretty secure place i think it's time to help them out all right i think it's time to help them out here we go all right take that that's the that's the ninth artifact and another civilization called the rpu led by destroyed tracinist suuv and alex bite was formed to help gregaria fight the watchers yeah everyone choose your side this is bulgaria oh my god and this is the watchers all right all right the final battle has started the final battle has started everybody is dying i oh clown pierce is here clown pierce is here oh my god there's a lot of players here i don't know there's not really a clear winner winner right now the watchers oh wait clown purse died oh no gold rush is all that's left of the watchers oh and they died holy bro that's a lot of deaths that's that's a lot of dead people but you guys have led you guys have led bulgaria to victory in this arctic world hamburger nightmare and figglement gg to all of you gg bulgaria anarchy and the peace nations were able to defeat the watchers but they were not happy with their loss and they didn't want to lose again and with almost every civilization against them it was going to be difficult so in the floating islands event they had to dominate if they wanted to be the most powerful like seriously this is a pretty dangerous world you could lose everything and never get it back oh wow they already have full iron which is a pretty good place to be in right now yeah burgario also has full iron oh wingdings will return oh snorlax yeah the wingdings they they were doing really good in the second event like there's like we have like three like very powerful nations right now it's kind of hard to decide which one's like most powerful well i think i think i think it's time to do some artifacts so i'm gonna let you guys choose the most powerful civilization so so far we have bulgaria we have the watchers then we have the um wingdings but yeah looking at the boat bulgaria has been chosen as the most powerful nation for the floating islands event for this for the civilization event i think the first the first artifact shall be the wings of the sky please do not burn this this is very uh precious so here you go that is the first artifact oh my god the entire rpu is here dude anarchy you're in some trouble right now yeah we have two leaders right here suuv and destroid oh yeah they gotta prepare wait coldspare what's coldspare doing here well yeah look at all the anarchy is not doing oh oh oh and the watchers are coming from behind anarchy is just on top of this tree now because the watchers are over here and then the rpu is right here wait are they part of i wait what are they teaming to take down the rpu oh oh oh they're attacking they're attacking oh god oh god the rpu versus the watchers in anarchy oh god okay looks like the rpu is retreating back to their base if they can get behind their base and protection they should be good they're defending the gate oh god oh they're breaking in they're go they're getting in oh they're invading oh geez the rpu is being oh god looks like they're retreating up to their sky base right now the watchers and anarchy teaming up that was uh that was a surprise alright so it looks like they were able to escape up here and oh my god this bridge this is the biggest bridge here yeah it looks like they're staying up here for the meantime the watchers and anarchy are so powerful all right looks like they're leaving to regroup right now but i think eventually they're gonna push the sky base the final resting place of the rpu all right so it looks like the watchers are actually starting their own base right now i think you know what i think the watchers deserve an artifact so i think i think the third artifact should be the throwable bridge that is the third artifact oh oh oh oh my god the anarchist just died oh yeah that's nightmares oh my god that's nightmares potion oh they just took them down what's the name of this group the anti-nation oh dang bro the anti-nation yeah look at that nightmares was slain by the tappers part of the allied nations all right wow well then i want to give them an artifact now all right there you go all right the fourth the fourth artifact oh god people gotta watch out that's gonna be very powerful in a world like this bro are you kidding me so i just forgot to hit record but let's just say the anarchist and the watchers have officially teamed up and they came in and wiped out they wiped out the wingdings then on the other side of this portal was the anti-nation which had nightmare stuff the anti-nation tried to try to push and attack them but let's just say it did not go so well and now osu has the fourth artifact this is the first time i missed the battle because about to hit record okay so i just woke up and bulgaria has come back apparently there was a huge war against anarchy and the watchers versus bulgaria and burgaria one the watcher base is just it's not looking good yeah the watchers only have iron gear gary on the other hand has like people of like full diamond so hamburger for leading bulgaria once again to their biggest major victory against anarchy and the watchers i think it's time for your artifact this is for you that is the soul bridge alright so it looks like the watchers are advancing to the new bulgaria base oh geez one of the bugarians saw the watchers and oh gold oh gold rush got the elytra gold rush has the elytra he does oh my god oh my god oh they have fireworks as well okay the watchers are ready to fight back i don't think they know that the watchers have the artifact all right the watchers are ready for their invasion they have arrived the watchers have arrived oh my god oh he's got strength though he's got strength oh oh my god oh my god hamburger is going after gold rush right now oh oh gold rush is getting out of there well they know where hamburger is and gold rush is just trying to boom right now okay gold rush is just trying to bow them right now gold rush needs the rest of the watchers to come help them out they're at their base right now oh geez oh dang oh looks like oh the watchers yeah the watchers are here now oh hamburger's going in hamburger is going in hey if he can pick off some of the watchers before the final battle it'll be very useful but okay he drank his strength pot he's eating oh god oh he's in a corner right now this is not looking good this is not looking very good all right he's gonna oh he's gonna go in though he's gonna go in he does have strength too so oh oh oh oh oh geez oh my god oh he just end crystal dumb okay they're going in now oh my god oh oh hamburger oh my god oh he's getting credit out though he's getting credit out oh the watchers are here okay gorilla died oh he has to oh he just killed his own teammate oh my god he just killed his own teammate oh my god no the watchers oh my god oh dang scarecrow needs to run scarecrow needs to run oh he has a pearl oh no scarecrow is down oh my god oh my god oh geez gold rush is going in oh wait gold rush is going in oh gold rush just took down figelman okay okay they're they're going at it right now they're going at it hamburger's taking some damage right now hamburger's taking some damage right now let's see which nation will be the most powerful so looks like okay watchers are taking the high ground right now they're making a sky base and oh hamburgers out here just trying to kill some people but it looks like most of the people of burgary are taking the low ground right now okay oh they're trying to pull them down right now they're trying to pull him down oh dang the watchers are pushing hamburger oh my god okay oh oh gold rush is here gold rush is here oh dang oh dang hamburger needs to run he needs to run oh my god oh hamburger's just falling he's just going down what is he doing down here what is he doing what i gotta go oh my god hamburger couldn't stay on much longer he had to go that was like the last that was like the last hope of bulgaria the anarchists are trying to run right now oh dag oh dang oh there goes osu oh he's just going there he goes there goes luminoi yeah that is it the watchers have won the floating islands event the watchers got their revenge but what happened with anarchy well apparently the anarchist nightmare decided to help the watchers in a couple battles but they were still with anarchy i wonder if they would betray anarchy in the near future but anyways the war between the watchers and the allied nations was getting close there was 300 days left but let's move on to the cave only event oh this person has a bridge all right oh oh we got okay okay we got like a four away bridge over here oh yo look at this place look how cool this nation is oh this is the wingdings they they always make the coolest spaces bro yeah i think we're gonna do a vote of what civilizations are the best the the anarchist it looks like they will be getting the first artifact yeah you guys have won you guys have won the vote and congratulations this is the first artifact all right the first artifact of this cave world event this cave only world so here you go this is for the anarchist all right so it's about an hour later and the watchers have been doing a lot of work bro jesus dude they already got enchants and diamond armor the watchers have been grinding in the nether bro and it looks like clown pierce has finally arrived yeah they've just been going around killing off nations yeah the app leaders died it's insane bro it's actually insane no the wingdings have been invaded the watchers have taken down the wingdings oh no they're not letting any civilization stand in their way all right i think i'm gonna give them stonk here's the second artifact all right take care all right take care look at that bro that is a very powerful artifact oh my god the original leader of the farming nation is here espop has returned all right i'm going to help them out all right i'm going to help them espop take this all right take this that is the third artifact enjoy enjoy but currently looks like the watchers are now in power there's so many people of the watchers now the watchers are currently dominating okay so major update the watchers got villagers now i was so confused when they got villagers i i was like what in the world then i realized zombie cured villagers bro these guys are geniuses if they can actually get these guys to breed they can become seriously the most powerful nation you know what i think the peace coalition needs some help you know what i'm gonna give them the philosopher's pickaxe you know what minions i want to see the peace coalition i want to see the peace coalition live on to become a great nation so here you go all right here you go but this player right here this is a player of bulgaria and they currently own 132 diamonds and they are waiting for bulgaria to join and i think this artifact should help out bulgaria just enough now from an outside perspective the watcher base it's a pretty cool base then we go in here bro dude they have a trading hall they've been able to collect all of the zombie villagers who've come into this place and turn them into normal village villagers it's an a it's actually insane of how powerful the watchers are this event literally monkey leader is bulgaria's last hope oh my god bro holy dude dude the wingdings have been working on their new base look at this place bro this place looks insane they got farms and stuff they got these halls in here oh my god bro holy dude this place is insane dude i would love to be in this place bro wingding's coming in again with like the best nation okay snorlax i'm giving you an artifact i don't even care bro i'm giving you a philosopher's pickaxe bro this is an artifact for the for the wingdings my guy take this bro this place looks insane all right so i just woke up and the watchers are still dominating bro i i mean it was it was pretty obvious the villagers wait where where are the villagers uh okay something happened i mean currently this is like their only villager because i think i think bulgaria attacked while i was sleeping and wait wait a minute wait wait a minute wait a minute what where gary just attacked again they just came in and just started burning down stuff you know what i i need to help burgaria bro i need to help them out i need at least i need to give them at least a very chance of defeating the watchers i think it's time for the most powerful artifact of this server the god sword take this all right take that all right good luck monkey good luck all right so i'm back and clown pierce has returned so far it looks like the watchers are going to dominate this event alright so it looks like the rpu has come back but the watchers just took down the peace coalition nations are falling every day now well looks like the watchers are the most powerful nation if not the only nation the peace nations are scattered around the world throughout the nether in the overworld small crevices and secret bases i think i have to step in i think it's time for the god of this world to bless the players to give them a chance against the watchers i think i have a good selection of items and if you think this is normal think again all right here we go it is time for four diamond blocks and one charge creeper spawn egg may the best civilization win now yeah as you can see yeah the watchers they have they have a pretty cool base over here they have a pretty cool base they have some bridges over here which i do love bridges bridges are very nice look at this bridge for example this is a very nice bridge oh my god dude the watchers just snagged the uh the wink the wingding bass guys they just saw a nice base and just took it i mean hey at least they're not griefing it that's all it's all i really care about at least they're not griefing it looks too nice to be grieved well looks like a resistance has come the rpu is here and they have a lot of members people of anarchy people of bulgaria people from all around the other nations are here to stop the watchers you know what i think suuv also deserves the god sword all right i think it's time for the final artifact right the final artifact for the rpu so here is the god sword i wish you all best of luck all right i wish you all best of luck destroyed and uuv i hope you guys can lead the rpu to victory here comes everybody server lag surfer lag everybody choose your team all right choose your team all right so the red is the rpu looks like blue is the watchers green green is the best team here yellow is the second best team here alright let's go let's go everybody let's go there they all go there they all go there we go people are fighting everybody people are killing each other of creepers oh my god yeah they're spawning in the they're spawning in the creepers oh god bro dang people are like dying left and right there is so many players out right now wait a minute is it already over did they already win the watchers defeated the rpu in battle the watchers from the beginning desired power and that's what they achieved but i knew it wasn't enough for them and that's why i turned the watchers against themselves it is time to see which player is truly the most powerful we are turning the watchers against each other let's see which player is worthy of the crown oh he's got n crystals oh gold rush is getting credited out he's getting credit oh dude they're just all killing each other all they want is the crown oh my god dude dude clown piercing shadow i think they're teaming together i i mean they if they really wanted if they really wanted to they could team up with each other but i mean this is the battle for the crown this is the battle for the crown all right so are you guys just not going to fight each other because absolutely sure you're not going to fight each other i guess they're not going to fight each other so i guess that's it i guess we have oh well no no they are going to fight each other never mind yep that's what i want to see all right wait what are they doing what are they doing it's between [Music] well clown pierce you just won the event the watchers were victorious once again the end was coming and the ninth event was here but the next hundred days would be the biggest challenge any civilization has ever faced welcome to the shrinking world event the world border was set to ten thousand by ten thousand blocks but it would slowly get smaller and smaller every second but because the world was so big at the beginning it also introduced a new quest it is time to find out which civilization will be the first to kill the ender dragon and in the end there is no world border but hey this player has made a bridge yo oh yo very cool bridge very cool bridge oh wow we have a speed runner group right here all right well we have the cracked nation here cool i i can't wait to see you guys in the end actually should we help them out heard they need pearls so hey you know what here i'll give you guys some pearls i'll help you guys out yeah that is all for you guys yeah oh they are okay okay there we go i found them i found them stronghold oh it's right there oh wait wait they they're here well the the things right here that oh i just linked the cords of it um all right we're about to watch them go to the end all right they're in now look at that all of them got i spy all right there they go the end portal has been lit the cracked nation is go they're gonna go to the end oh god they're gonna be the first ones to kill the ender dragon they're going for the ender dragon artifact people can respawn the ender dragon i just realized that going back down oh god enter dragon just went right below you bro oh he's purling in imagine if he hits it and just dies this is pretty insane this might be just this might just be the first artifact oh oh they died they just died one end crystal left oh they missed oh they clutched oh that was the last one that's it the ender dragon can now be killed all right oh wait wait a minute the watchers are here the watchers are here oh no oh no the watchers have arrived what do you guys who do you guys think is gonna win who do you guys think is gonna win the watchers or the cracked nation oh shadow he's getting this is a 3v1 right now oh god shadow shadow's getting low dude they need they need to come back together they're not organized they're not organized anymore this is intense oh oh there goes oh there goes bagsy i think this is all yours you can kill the ender dragon shadow the ender dragon is getting low and oh more player more players are getting eyes spy you might be able to kill it it's so low he could kill it he did it shadow did it shadow has done it shadow oh my god shadow has done it he has killed the ender dragon you are the first you're the first player to ever kill the ender dragon in the civilization the civilization series i guess this is all for you that is all for you shadow the watchers one of the greatest civilizations throughout the throughout the civilization series has come back they have taken down the ender dragon hey that was close i thought the cracked nation the crack nation was so close to doing it and shadow almost died it was a 1v3 they had beds shadows still did it shadow is off on his journey to get the first elytra now it looks like the leader of bulgaria is currently raiding a bastion right now for some reason i'm guessing they're trying to get some gold and the peace coalition is doing a lot of work as well nightmare has gotten a lot of materials as well and i think in this event they're officially part of the watchers now the rest of anarchy is so far just mining right now just trying to get just trying to get some diamonds oh and it looks like shadow is about to get his own elytra this is really big for the watchers all right so it looks like the world border has consumed 2 000 blocks of this world so far that is already a pretty big amount but in the meantime players are going to prepare for when all the civilizations are all together and they're forced to battle and it looks like the watchers have taken over a village and they're setting up villagers to trade with but i have some news looks like the alliance between the anarchist bulgaria the rpu is still alive when i come back this morning there's going to be a lot of civilizations that have been lost to the world border i mean the players are enjoying the world that they have but they're not gonna have it for long oh yeah it looks like the peace coalition has also joined the rpu but you know i'm gonna help out the rpu i'll give them the full mithril sets you know what i think this is a good set for you guys that is a it's a good set i'm not sure if it's better than diamond but it does give extra health so i think i'm going to give them forced in a box i think they'll i think that'll be that's very nice to them all right i was gonna give nightmare the same thing just if he needs any wood just if he needs any wood and yeah i can give those to an r effect as well so uh take oh wait not that many but i'm telling you right now the rpu is probably the most powerful nation right now oh my god look at shadow shadow has so much on them right now yeah that's some that's a lot of stuff you take a force in a box i just came in like two hours later and this place looks crazy all of them have like full diamond armor they have netherright like it's actually insane how powerful the rpu is now now the anti-nation has also been growing very fast they have a lot of berries and they have a pretty cool sky base i definitely think they're a cool nation so uh yeah keep it up all right so i've returned and the watchers have been grinding they got an enchant table and i think they're working on their villagers right now all right so it's like 2 a.m right now and shadow has been grinding and he has enough for three withers that's gonna be insane bro not to mention he has so many end crystals bro oh my god dude shadow is probably the most powerful player on the server wait a minute the rpu's taking over this village oh my god yeah the rpu is working hard it's all just ritz the og anarchists in the rpu are making the village bro the rpu has a very strong chance of winning i mean shadow is very powerful oh wait a minute the watchers ran into the world border very soon nobody's going to have access to the nether oh my god look at this the anti-nation is so powerful you know what for the anti-nation i'm giving them a i'm giving them an artifact i think i'm gonna give them end portal in a box and the potion artifact but yeah the watchers are gonna have a lot of competition this event but hey we'll see if the watchers can win we will see wait a minute wait a minute was this the rpu village i think the rpu village was attacked by the watchers i just came over here and i was and i was just like wait a minute this looks familiar oh my god this was oh this is a major hit for the rpu the watchers have taken down the rpu village the rest of the rpu probably heard the news and they probably know how powerful the watchers really are the watchers are ready to show the world their full power alright so it's the next day and a lot of stuff has happened and the watchers have come out on top the old rpu base has been destroyed but their new one is doing very good suuv i want to give you this all right this is for this is for the rpu now travis one of the leaders of the anarchy nation i know nightmare left you to go to the watchers so i want to give you this that is the backstab artifact and then minions leader of the peace coalition i need to give you this that is for the peace coalition and now shadow one of the strongest players of the watchers i think i'm gonna give you these two items so here's an artifact for you as well enjoy your artifacts leaders oh wait a minute i can't go to the old peace coalition base anymore because the world border is here and i gotta say it is coming currently it's at 1.3 k soon enough the world border will be so small that every single player will be able to see each other and it looks like bulgaria has returned so far the watchers are against the rpu the peace coalition anarchy bulgaria grc and the wings of rebellion how many nations is that against the watchers like six nations are allying to defeat the watchers the real question is is that enough to defeat the watchers oh the peace nations are attacking the watchers right now but shadow is here oh my god they're creating them out with shadow here they're so strong oh no travis is gonna die one shadow came they got the upper hand and now with travis is dead and scarecrow has arrived yeah this doesn't look good this this doesn't look good juicy is getting critted out right now oh there oh oh they're end crystalling him he's trying to run right now he has the ins he has all of the watchers on him oh god oh god oh oh he just killed his teammate oh juicy's helmet broke oh god oh god he's getting credit out and he has died oh man bro oh man the watchers have won they suffered some defeat but they have won the world border so you know how it wasn't really an issue last stream yeah yeah it's uh it's a pretty big issue now like if you're outside of the world border when you log out you will die and that's many nations have come together to stop the watchers even with all the artifacts i gave to the allied nations the watchers have managed to come out on top but does it does pvp really define a nation how do we really choose a great nation now that's hard to say that's really hard to say because it takes a long time to really decide how great a nation really was so for this event instead of having a war decide how powerful a nation is we are allowing you all to vote for the greatest civilization of this event we will choose the best civilization at the end of the stream alright shadow you are by far probably one of the most powerful players of this event you have completely dominated from the very beginning you were the first player to kill the ender dragon in these events and you're definitely by far one of the most powerful players you have some withers you're gonna spawn this in if i let you attack your teammates no shadow i i i believe you're the most powerful player here but i think there's only one way to prove it you know i think i think there is only one way to prove it i think i think there is only one way to prove it so how about you go ahead and show me that you're the most powerful how about you go over there you see nightmare over there yeah i want you i want you i want you to kill him i want you to go over there and kill nightmare wait where'd you just go wait shadow where are you going wait a minute what are they doing wait a minute they're spawning in the ender dragon again oh my god wait they're spot wait what are they doing what is happening now we have the ender dragon and the wither okay wait okay they are attacking each other now i want to see them i want to see which which watcher is truly the most powerful only one watcher will get the war artifact or forcing the watchers to kill each other what i really want to see i want to see shadow and nightmare fight they're bowing each other they're having a bridge battle oh they're creating out shadow shadows getting critted out right now all right elty mattis has killed scarecrow scarecrow has finally died oh god okay he's killing he's killing his teammates now he's finally killing his teammates to prove his power oh god he has died shadow is not the most powerful watcher instead it is between these two always nightmare's chasing him but he got n crystals he's got n crystals he's playing it safe right now oh god critted them out creating him out oh lt ultimates is low he's getting oh nightmare is the most powerful watcher no other watcher is as powerful as nightmare for doing so well for killing killing killing your teammates here you go that is for you for being the most powerful watcher but they are not the winner of the event no instead a another nation has been chosen by you in third place we have anarchy in second place we have the watchers but in first chosen by all of you chosen by democracy chosen by the community we have bulgaria while we were gone the world border has finally finished it is finally at its smallest form all right figgleman this is a pretty strange way to um crown you as one of the leaders of burgaria um you have led with your partner hamburger burger to victory because of democracy burgaria has won this event so so this is the crown of the world border event so here you go all right here you go bulgaria won because of democracy but in the final 100 days it won't be that easy instead the civilizations have to achieve the most artifacts and there are nine specific artifacts such as war building wealth the dragon the wither democracy diplomacy peace and the secret artifact that the players will have to figure out on their own this is how the civilizations will truly prove which one is more powerful let the finale begin so after the last event a new civilization was formed all of the allied nations came together to create the biggest civilization in the entire minecraft civilization series this civilization was called the united peace unification coalition in short the upuc and a mysterious civilization called eclipse was formed right before the finale and they were allied with the wingdings and the upuc i wonder how they're going to drastically change to the course of history in this event but hey we'll find out the upuc and the watchers were already in the nether because they knew that only one civilization would get the enderdragon artifact yeah spoke do it when i tried it oh whoa dude holy oh my god teddy thank you for the hundred dollars my guy anti-nation is a very very popular nation looks like you have a pretty cool base as well wait what's this place oh yeah this is eclipse this is another eclipse base who who do you think is the closest to um beating the enter dragon right now clown pierce clown pierce trying to uh oh oh he he's he's one away he's got to get it then i decided to give bluebold leader of eclipse and mr yeat leader of the anti-nation the wealth artifact looks like clown pierce and shadow are in the overworld dry now looks like the watchers have found the end portal they're lighting it oh dang oh no need to get up they need to get up no scarecrow straight away into breaking the end crystals wait you can't even he's having a tough time hitting it right now watch this all right ender dragon is about to be killed there we go they killed it ggs the watchers have taken down the enter dragon first and that means they shall receive the first artifact well the first standard dragon artifact so yeah there's only one of these being being given given out so uh yeah that is the dragon artifact there you go ggs ggs i i i have to give this to the watchers i'm probably gonna give the wealth artifact to a lot of civilizations but first of all watchers here here you go all right there you go that's the welfare effect as well wow okay this is a very nice bridge oh my god yeah up you see very nice bridge i think this bridge is nice enough for the secret artifact and yes the secret artifact is the bridge artifact i i i think it was pretty obvious i mean i love bridges i decided i decided we needed a bridge artifact so for you guys this is the bridge artifact let me rename it um yeah very nice bridge i think i think we already knew that the uh upuc was gonna get an artifact um well in particular the uh the diplomacy artifact because okay think about they have so many so many allies i think i think it's pretty obvious that they were gonna get this one so uh yeah this is for you guys the the diplomacy artifact let me give you guys a building artifact so you know this is a pretty new unique place so i think you guys deserve this so uh here you guys go whoa look at what snorlax is doing snorlax has made the wingding tower once again i already knew you're going to get it eventually snorlax so here you go the upuc is doing very good right now i think they deserve the wealth artifact though so uh suuv uh here take this all right now the watchers on the other hand are taking over the end right now oh and it looks like shadow got an elytra all right i just joined it looks like the watchers have invaded the the upuc base but there also appears to be a wither nearby looks like the watchers are having a hard time of killing it right now oh wow the upuc is here looks like they're trying to find the wither right now it looks like the upuc has found it alright it's super low it's super low and they did it they killed it the nether star is right here there we go cyan berries has done it and because the weather has been killed i will be i will now be giving you the wither artifact here you guys go all right all right but back to the watchers it looks like they have a small little farm over here and it looks like they also have an end bridge now if they finish the entire bridge i'm for sure giving them an artifact but we just have to wait and see all right and i came back and they actually made their bridge this time no they don't really have too many railings but i mean you gotta admit it looks pretty cool around the end pillars alright and here you go nightmare that is the bridge artifact just for you dang it this bridge is long oh my god wait how long is this bridge oh looks like it's part of the anti-nation dang this is a pretty insane bridge looks like they're going to continue it as well all right because of that i'm giving you enough i'm giving you a bridge artifact so uh here you go continue the bridge right continue it wait it looks like a lot of the watchers are grinding the end cities right now just trying to get as much materials as possible by the way the players of the anti-nation expanded this bridge all the way from this side of the world to the other which is actually insane but yeah this is the watcher base it looks like they finished their pyramid they got a little fishing pond right here but also looks like they built an enderman farm so that's probably how they got almost maxed out in chance on their gear well looks like the watchers are ready for battle they're heading straight for the upuc looks like the upuc sees them they're running in right now they're bowing and then they collide oh dang there goes rebel oh they're chasing down multi they're chasing down multi right now he's getting attacked by phantoms it's being chased right now oh god this is this isn't really looking good for the watchers all right nightmare and gucci are still alive oh gucci is going in oh but look nugget and poncel is here their ends are pearling in oh nugget got one i think they've overrun the base oh fickleman is being chased right now they're trying to run they're trying to escape oh there goes figgleman gru needs to run oh crew is fighting back crew is trying to fight back but nightmare is here oh oh there goes guru and it looks like their base has been invaded they have won the battle against the upuc i think because of this i shall give them an artifact so here you go this is the war artifact then clown pierce out of nowhere requested to speak to me so i accepted [Music] hello hello hello and if you appear over that way i don't know if the chunks are allowing you to either oh but right there is uh i call it i call it the spoke after a certain somebody who is strangely obsessed with i mean i gotta say i gotta say this bridge this bridge is looking very nice i mean first of all first of all the uh the support beams under here i i love i love that and also has a very big functionality of you uh traveling to one island to another so that honestly honestly this this is probably probably a 10 out of 10 bridge this is mike this is this is solid this is it's actually amazing i i i think it's actually so amazing oh wait hold on i don't have the bridge artifact give me one second here you go that's the that's the bridge artifact oh secret artifact even yeah yeah the secret artifact so this is like a present to me or yeah it's yours i'm gonna have it but wow you know there's a little something i need there's something i need you know and then i call it uh was a present you know oh there's this there's a certain certain trophy that is rather rare all right all right i mean i gotta say this is a pretty solid house i mean overall overall i think the watchers have done a lot of made a lot of structures in the end so i think just to just for the watchers i think i think the building art effect is uh all right because i'm feeling extra generous i have so much spare stuff that i don't even know what to do with it so why don't we go on and uh and see who wants it yeah how many kills do you have uh two actually two oh all right only two this event yeah no no self-defense yeah only self-defense skills i'm very kind this event oh very kind very peaceful would you say maybe even if you insist you insist hopefully they don't run when they see me that's that's usually the first response no don't no come back just stop i'm right here if i wanted to oh maybe he's stopping there we go there we go oh all right get away there we go there we go look at him another satisfied customer yeah all another another player let me just uh here we go there we go hey a little oh he's got a little settlement hello uh let's see is this uh yeah this is it let's go it's like slowly backing away right now no no no no no how about this huh let this get kicked but you're not running away with me in the start look at that hey add a boy there we go oh there we go there we go oh hey i think i think i think i'm out after that no i think i think honestly after that you've helped out a lot of players giving them a lot of gear giving them a lot of items to start out you've actually i think you've actually changed for the better so i think in that case i think in that case i think i think another artifact is uh my goodness they're just for you here you go probably probably pretty controversial i don't think the other the other players are going to be about you getting a peace artifact so uh you know here i i need to visit the leader of the peace coalition i think they they've i think they also deserve one yeah maybe maybe maybe the leader of the peace coalition deserves one so um minions as the leader of the piece as the peace coalition i think uh i think yeah this is for you all right the final days were coming in the end of the war if civilizations was on the horizon but the upuc and the watchers were tied they both had the same amount of artifacts the watchers had to get the diplomacy artifact and the upuc had to get the war artifact but both nations had a chance of winning the anticipated election for the democracy artifact and by the way the upuc has been working on their base and they've created a pretty cool area it looks like this tower was made by magical mat so good job to them because this place looks really nice but what i didn't realize at the time was that the upuc took control over the wingding tower made by snorlax and you're about to find out why that was the biggest mistake the upuc ever made but all of a sudden wait what happened here bro wait what what happened here bro this was the upuc base at a really nice space i loved it a lot and uh yeah looks like the watchers have found it there's a reason why we have a democracy artifact right i think you all know what's about to happen the three biggest civilizations of these events and you guys can vote for them you guys can vote for your favorite nation you can vote for who deserves this this artifact it's either the watchers the upuc or the eclipse nation so at the time the upuc was winning the vote so the watchers had no chance of winning but they could still leave this series with a tie all they had to do was get the diplomacy artifact no civilizations wanted to ally with them but because snorlax's tower was stolen an eclipse wasn't too happy about it either the watchers had a chance of allying with eclipse but the upu-c could still get the war artifact right the only issue was was that the upuc was just attacked and lost all of their items but then but oh looks like looks like bun dad is getting 2v1 now up 3v1 and they're dead bun dad has died it looks like eclipse will not be teeming with the watchers anytime soon but the unexpected happened the watchers offered to give back bundes items to eclipse only if they allied with them and eventually eclipse told the watchers to meet them at a specific location to negotiate you guys agree wait i want a booking quill all right i want a booking quill all right in this book sign here all right so i want both of you sign your name give this back to me all right all right clown pierce has wrote his name blue bold once he signs it and he'll give it back to me blue bold and clown pierce diplomacy signing close congratulations congratulations to eclipse and the watchers let me now give you the diplomacy artifact clown pierce here you go congratulations to both both civilizations now now this is interesting all right this is interesting because the watchers have seven artifacts and the in the upuc has six but but looking at looking at the poll right now it does look like up uc also has will prob most likely be getting the uh the democracy artifact i mean look at it 91 to 41 i think but then right after the alliance some of the watchers went rogue and attacked by spawning a wither and blowing them up the rogue watchers were hunted and killed one of the leaders of the upuc this is for you for winning the vote now this now the watchers and the upuc are tied they both have seven seven artifacts each the real question is do you want a final battle because a final battle would be the only way the upuc could finally defeat the watchers once and for all to be honest i expected them to accept the tie and finally end the civilization series but no the players wanted war the players wanted violence so that they can gain more power then snorlax the leader of the wingdings gave me a book to read to all of you these are the final words of the wingdings what does this world come to fighting war violence to prove what you're the best civilization you're the best player all of these things that you want to prove are just foolish sure you want to assert your dominance but at what cost the items the time the people you lost just to say i'm better than you during the last thousand days i've watched nations fall people killed for this one reason i've been here since day one and it's all gone downhill since do you ever want to have a world that people can remember a world that people can look up to you can't no one here is perfect we all want war chaos and dominance even the upuc i trusted them i helped them with all i could because i wanted one world that could have peace in it but it's all in vain now i have been stabbed in the back by everyone i've trusted even my own nation they all betrayed me war is pointless war is foolish wanting this will always lead to a chaotic world there will be no peace when there is war i started the wingdings as a peaceful nation we never killed people i always let people join who are looking for help i spend time wanting to make these worlds meaningful but it's all in vain these are my last words snorlax leader of the wingdings the war was never won nor was the war lost the war hasn't ended the battle for power continues i started these events with just one simple goal now it's just to create civilization now i look back in despair at the glory days of this world but even then anarchy and chaos was still there everywhere i look i still see death there was never any peace in this world only war only violence was there anything i can do was there anything i could do to stop this madness it's too late now the war for peace will last forever and we're all fighting in it no one can stop it and no one will well that's it that's 1 000 days of minecraft civilization first let me give a big thanks to the players that participated in these events this wouldn't be possible without them so if you see any of them in the discord or in a minecraft server go say something nice to them but i also want to give a big thanks to my staff team for helping me put this together and help moderate it again wouldn't be possible without them and of course you the viewer big thank you for watching to the very end that honestly means so much to me and i hope you enjoyed it and this video took me weeks to make so i'd appreciate any support on the video anyways goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Spoke
Views: 3,092,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, and this happened, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft, spoke, spokeishere, 1000 days minecraft civilizaiton, 1000 days in minecraft, 1000 days, 100 days in minecraft, magicgum, simulating civilization, 100 people simulate civilization, recreating civilization in minecraft, 100 players
Id: fpGoNLQ6Ums
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 30sec (6750 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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