Sunday Worship

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[Music] i love you lord for your mercy never fails [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] oh i love your voice [Music] i of the goodness [Music] with every breath that i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all my [Music] of the goodness [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] how's everybody doing this morning welcome to wfr i'm so glad that you're here uh we want you to know that you're loved and we're just uh we're just so excited for the day uh lynn flowers is with us this is her debut on the camera how's it feeling i'm just a little bit freaked out if you want to really know the truth that's okay that's okay lynn is typically behind the camera working hard um and and doing great uh with the sound and making sure that we all sound and look pretty so uh we are so appreciative that you do that for us i'm i'm used to singing yeah not talking i mean you asked me to sing something i mean that's fine but talking about it it's it's kind of freaking damn yeah well i mean we get you to sing i'm sure the live stream audience would love to hear it if y'all don't know she sings a lot for cr on friday nights and do you do you sing something for saturday night as well i do yeah so she has a beautiful voice um and she does uh it's a manly voice it's low it's low but it it doesn't mean it's any less beautiful i love it and uh anytime i get to hear her sing it is such a blessing and so if you have an opportunity to ever go to cr on friday nights or uh do you live streaming at all no no so if you can make it out here uh cr on friday nights or saturday nights you have a chance to hear lindsay eight o'clock sharp on friday nights yes 6 30 on saturday night there we go and uh man it is such a blessing beyond her singing there's just so much uh just beauty and grace to be found at cr so if you have a local cr i pray that you get involved with that because it's not just uh for addicts and things like that i mean i mean once you realize that we're all broken um that we all need something like that it's anybody with habits hurts and hangouts that's exactly right lynn how's the week been the week yeah how's your weekend hot as blue blazes it has been really hot here in louisiana i recently got back from west virginia yes um and i have a brand new grandbaby and he is okay he is the most beautiful precious i'm not prejudiced or anything like that right is his name and but it was like spring not spring fall yeah over there and no humidity oh it was it was awesome and i looked this morning at the weather and go through that it was like well 10 o'clock yeah and it's already 86 degrees and a thousand percent humidity oh man i am so jealous uh yeah i mean for those of you in different parts of the world i know you're tuning in i know that you're from like california and canada and just all these great places where the humidity is basically zero um just realize uh how blessed you are um and uh please pray for us as we sweat um i mean we're in an air-conditioned building and i'm still sweating um that might be because of nerves but i i think it's more because of the humidity and heat well and we speaking of prayer we need to think about all of our all of our people in south louisiana who don't have electricity don't have air conditioning and they're recovering from the hurricane that came through and i'm just really really thinking about them sweating and trying to find food and and just the basic needs so be thinking about them and if you can help in any way prayers yes or monetarily just do whatever god puts on your heart my wife had uh the opportunity to drive down there with uh ryan lee uh to drop off supplies uh friday and man she was that for one kingdom yeah one kingdom our one kingdom ministry that uh operates out of the church here they went uh to deliver water and to generators and different things as well uh for the people down there that were hurting and that have been impacted by this hurricane and man she left and uh one of the things she said is we partnered with churches down there that we are connected to and she said man through all of this they just had such a good spirit and i mean she was crying just telling me about it but they just have such a heart and uh just to see them go through these things but they stay committed to the lord even through trials and tribulations uh so i mean just role models of faith for us there and i'm just it impacted my wife greatly and to see how she was impacted it meant a lot to me as well it means a lot to me that we're even able to do that through one kingdom there's so many different areas in the world that we're able to impact but for us to be able to do something for our people in our home state it's it's just um i don't know it just blesses me to be able to see that well i think it's a big story of speaking speaking of uh we uh mentioned one kingdom and uh this is uh the new one kingdom t-shirt speak jesus um and they are raising money it looks great it looks really good they have different colors uh it's gonna be on their one kingdom website this is a little plug so uh please go and support them the money that you spend on the one kingdom website uh helps uh go to uh any of those things that happen for disaster relief and raising money to help ministries and other parts of the world that need it so please go the one kingdom i believe dot org or dot com and uh purchase the t-shirt they have different colors different sizes and different things as well so please support and that's just the wonderful thing about one kingdom and about this church and about the live stream community group is that we're able to get connected to people all around the world people from tennessee missouri alabama uh south florida nebraska uh susan we see you and we're so glad that you're tuned in from nebraska to watch us um into worship with us um but through this live stream community group we've been able to connect with people and to be there for them when they're in need and for them to be here with us and to be a family uh we're not trying to put on a show here uh what we're here for is to build a family um and to worship our father and and when we do that we're here for each other through thick and thin through the pains and through the good times and i pray that when you join this community group you feel that and you know that to be true and uh the if you're not um you can join it uh at the wfr livestream community group on facebook and for your prayer requests you can send them in at info he's not in the room right now or one of them's in the room but we have a team that is dedicated to looking at those emails to answering those questions to praying for y'all and to being in contact right it's not a passive thing like this is an interaction and we love to hear from you so please send your questions and concerns and your prayers to info at and we will be in contact with you for sure i promise another another way that we can i love to be able to see all the comments that are going on right now and seeing where everybody's from and the interactions that everybody has with each other um it just it's like family you know it's like a little family reunion and and i i love it i love it in an age where social media can be such a distraction and it could be something so detrimental to use that to glorify our father and to connect us in the ways that god calls us to i think that's a big win you know the world is trying to take us away from this whole thing but here is god saying no i can use it right so i can i can do uh good through this thing that uh you know sometimes we get kind of uh callous to it and we're like ah like i got off a lot of my social media and i was just like i'm done with it i'm tired of it but i have to realize you know no god can move through those things as well and i shouldn't ever discount that i should never say oh god can't move through that um and so i've learned a lot through this live stream community group that god moves and and if we let him he can move through those things that even we doubt sometimes um the uh the cool thing is that we also uh we also have an app uh that that we would hope that you uh download it's the wfr app wfr church um this is where you can get uh sermon uh uh i'm sorry i'm laughing at you that's okay you're flipping your hair uh i mean your hair your hair is great it's pretty it's prettier than mine yeah you know you need to keep your hands out of your hair that's your wife's job it gets in my face and then i'm like i'm like man the camera see like it gets like this and then like oh the camera people can't see my eyes and so well i do constantly touch okay next time i'll bring you a ponytail i'll put my hands behind my back i'm just trying to show you i'm sorry i'm just picking on you i'm picking i'm distracting the audience with all my hand motions and i apologize uh please download our wfr church app and through that you can see sermon powerpoints you can know the events that are going on and you can give is so much easier to get involved and to get plugged in when you download our app so please please download it i'm sorry it's just the mama that come out in me it just blurted out she is a great mama i know i know your daughter really well josie and i love her uh like a little sister to me josie outlaw the nail that's exactly right but she's got two big brothers that have taught her well she does i hey i know writer as well i don't know marshall as much but i know writer and uh man he's a blast to be around so well that's that's that jury's still out on that one oh man but uh man i just love uh i love interacting with y'all and uh i just we have such a good time here i hope you know that we enjoy doing this and that we have people that are uh dedicated to you know doing the sound and doing the camera work and to putting this on and to being up here not because like we getting any glory from it we don't want anything like that uh but we just love to be with y'all and i pray that you know that and i love to see everybody chatting back and forth and i want to make sure that everybody knows that we um go to the new chat platform you go to there we go and y'all be able to talk to each other see where y'all are all from i know we got people from philadelphia heather from philadelphia is in here um jennifer from pennsylvania um [Music] what is mn okay so i'm the worst at geography um minnesota i barely know my states and where they're located uh so yes and uh that can be the place where you connect where you talk to other people and uh you really get to interact with this family uh so uh while we're interacting with this family please uh join us while we worship and while we sing [Music] joy down deep in my soul down deep in my soul down deep in my soul you give me joy down deep in my soul but i'm deep in my soul down deep in my soul there's beauty in my broken ass [Applause] i've got true love instead of pain there's [Music] you give me joy down deep in my soul down deep in my soul down deep in my soul you give me joy down deep in my soul but i'm deep in my soul down deep in my soul [Music] [Music] never been more secure knowing your [Music] never been more secure knowing that you give me joy down deep in my soul down deep in my soul down deep in my soul you give me joy down deep in my soul down deep in my soul down deep in my soul you give me joy down deep in my soul down deep in my soul now deep in my soul you give me joy down deep in my soul down deep in my soul down deep in my soul you give me joy amen good morning white sherry road and welcome to this beautiful sunday morning some of our favorite seasons are getting cranked up here for one here in north louisiana it's football season and so we're really glad to have football back so this morning half of us are happy and half of us aren't talking about it you know who i'm talking to all right so another season that we really like here is we have started our blue line mission season and it's one of the best things that we do here so we are actually raising money for the philippines uh this year and so you'll start to see you'll see blue buckets around in the lobby you'll see a blue line just randomly appear and start snaking its way from the children's department all the way around to the church and it'll come down to right here and we're hoping for a quarter of a mile of blue tape feel free to give in any denomination any way that you want you can jump on the app for those of you out in internet land and you can give there or you can come down here and get involved be sure to send money with your kids it's nothing like putting that giving heart into the minds of our children already and man do they love to give we are so glad you came to join us tomorrow to help us complete the mission of this church which is loving god loving one another and sharing the message of jesus christ in every language to every person on this planet we love you welcome home all right let's worship him today these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness being restored and though these are days of great trials of famine and darkness still we are the voice in the desert crying we pray the way of the lord behold he comes riding on [Music] salvation comes these are the days of ezekiel the dry bones becoming flesh and these are the days of your servant david rebuilding the temple of grace and these are the days of the harvest the filter is [Music] shining like a sun at the tropical storm it's here on jupiter [Music] there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah no church there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's nobody like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like jehovah there's no god like [Music] behold he comes riding on the clouds [Music] salvation comes [Music] is [Music] [Music] you call me out upon the waters [Music] and there i find you in the mystery in shines deep my faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] for i am yours [Music] your grace abounds in deepest waters [Music] [Music] you've boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] for i am [Music] let me walk upon the waters [Music] and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my savior spirit lead me where my trust is [Music] and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my savior [Music] [Music] [Applause] your embrace [Music] yours and you are mine i am yours and you are my [Music] she [Music] you're my glory you're the lifter of my [Music] you're my glory you're the litter can help you hallelujah [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you above me you're my glory you're the lifter of my [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] sing the course one more time [Music] what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood nothing but some luck come on waste what can make me hold again nothing but the blood nothing but the blood our god is [Music] is [Music] though my heart is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is [Music] where i am [Music] without borders let me walk upon the water wherever you would call me and take me deeper than i be could ever wonder and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my savior [Music] [Music] and you are my i am [Music] [Music] but for me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] to read my soul [Music] to thee [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] and i will go [Applause] [Music] just as i am would be lost [Music] by [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] and i will [Music] to [Music] empty [Music] and [Music] is [Music] is [Music] have you ever felt like you have a stone wall around your heart i know it's kind of a difficult question or a weird question but if you find yourself saying no then you probably have a stone wall around your heart i found myself uh i go to school i go to uh harding and i go for bible and theology and and the craziest thing you know when i first started i was like man i'm gonna dive into this thing and it's just gonna be so enriching and so powerful and it is but i can't tell you how many times i've found myself eight hours deep into translating greek and and and writing and reading the word of god and i've felt absolutely nothing that i've gotten so caught up in the words right this just them being words in the assignment that i've missed the power that i miss this opportunity that i have to glorify my god in my in my schoolwork but also just to worship him i've become so calloused and so hard to it and it's taken moments like coming together in this church building and worshipping for me to realize man i've been just so caught up in myself and in the numbness that i haven't taken the time to remember my father that i let it become about the process that i let it become about the work that i forgot the enriching spirit of the lord and how powerful he is and he wants to be for my life and it took me coming here and breaking down and hearing the worship for god to tear down those walls similar to the story of jericho when god said worship around this building you don't have to go and attack it you don't have to do anything like that but worship around it and the walls will come down but the worship means nothing if we do not remember our father they're just words and as a family we should call each other higher and we should keep each other accountable and we should know that we don't sing just to sing and to sound good because we sound good i was in the uh i was in the live stream booth and listening to y'all y'all sound fantastic singing this acapella music and i love it but if they're just words and we don't remember the power behind those words and if we don't remember the father then what are they for they're just cold numb words but when we come to the father in communion when we remember who he is and we take of his blood and we take of the flesh and we say god i remember you this day what you're saying is that the words that i use the actions that i that i do the things that are in my life they're there for a purpose and they're there to remember you always so when we take communion remember your god so throughout the week your actions can reflect your love for him and your worship can reflect your love for him let's pray father god i love you so much and thank you for this family and i pray god that through our worship and through our communion and through everything that we do in our lives that we do it to glorify you god i pray that for our hearts the walls come falling down and i thank you that we can come today and worship your name it's in jesus name i pray amen when the night comes when you're all alone when there's trouble stirring in your soul and if your world is falling apart well just hold on for the morning break to dawn [Music] come and lay your burdens [Music] of jesus [Music] come and lay your burdens down when the deepest sorrow weighs on yours when you pray for answers but the answers never come for every tear that you cry there's [Music] at the feet at the feet of jesus [Music] to the place [Music] at the feet at the feet of jesus [Music] when we see him face to face all our worries will surely fade away [Music] and in the presence of his glorious [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] at the feet [Music] down hi i'm adam hi i'm christy we are part of your live stream community all the way from dover tennessee and we came to bring your announcements for the week today we begin our new sunday classes there are wednesday night classes new small groups to check out whether you're online or in person make sure that you check out our small groups and our sunday classes small groups are a great way to get plugged in check your app for further details it's that time again hey y'all please help us help our kids reach our mission goal we all need to reconnect hey y'all we've got new small groups starting right now now's the time to get plugged in if you haven't checked them out make sure that you get connected small groups are a great way for small groups of people to do life with each other check the app for more details y'all we are so happy to be here and be able to be with you all in person we've come a long way to get here and your church says a couple words that really stick with people and i know for me stuck with me personally during my time in kabul afghanistan here very recently welcome home [Music] guess what time it is the blue line this year our children's ministry is going to help raise money for the people in the philippines you mean we're going to help the people and philippians the ones in the bible no the people in the philippines [Music] no the people in the philippines we are going to help them make a radio program so they can listen to the gospel hey where's the flow [Music] no the philippines let's look for it hey we look from all over here and the philippians philippines are all the way over here these are the people we are going to help build a radio program help us reach our goals one quarter equals one inch help us help one kingdom hey church family october 3rd is one kingdom sunday that day all donations and proceeds will go to fund one kingdom's ministries all over the world starting today we will be selling these t-shirts on sundays in the wfr church lobby but behold we have these shirts in four colors we have four colors four colors theme this year is speak jesus the main thing that we and our partners around the globe have in common is that we proclaim the name and the power of christ in every nation and in every language although people and places may look different our message is the same all sales from these t-shirts will go directly to support our partner arnold zaw and his ministry in the west african nation of senegal senegal is 96 muslim and the funds from these t-shirts will go a long way to help arnold and his mission to spread the gospel to his community these shirts will be on sale in the lobby for the next five weeks and also on our website thanks and god bless morning church what a blessing to be together today welcome the those of you in the fellowship center that are watching in that you guys are here and live stream uh always wasn't it great to hear the announcements from some of our live stream family and what a blessing especially after the last couple of weeks to hear one of our veterans giving praise to god because of what we've meant to him and a lot going on in the world right so i'm glad that the lord is our savior and no matter what happens in this world we're a part of the eternal kingdom of god amen and so we're always going to win manny canal has had it right we win and we know that and it's a great blessing lisa and i have been traveling across the fruited plains sharing our story your story the story of christ in us we were in new jersey in michigan last week and i have to tell you it's a blessing to me to continue to go to blue states and find red hearts all across god's got his people out there right i made a joke about jersey shore and they were quick to tell me there we were in south jersey not up there in north jersey so i didn't even know what that meant but apparently that meant something to them so it was really great a lot of people listen to our podcast which is still making a big difference in a lot of people's lives and just thank you guys for that and spreading the word what a blessing and opportunities that we have i have to tell you last sunday i was speaking in new jersey about the time the hurricane was hitting louisiana and we had a monsoon there and flash flooding and then of course we're getting ready to get out of there from philadelphia and here comes ada and i started feeling a little bit like jonah you know like i'm trying to get out of the path of a storm and we i just want to mention that we really need to to continue to pray for our brothers and sisters down south a lot of devastation this is the second year in a row obviously we've had a lot of people impacted so i'm going to take just a moment and pray for those guys father we um we're humbled and that we have the opportunity to gather anytime we do we want your name to be glorified and i know you know just as part of our church family i mean i think about larry king and so many of my dear brothers and sisters that are struggling today whether it be from covet or different illnesses or different problems so i pray a great blessing on our forever family i also want to pray for our state and especially those down south still without power today just you know trying to to live and survive in this sweltering louisiana heat so i pray a great blessing that power and lives can be restored as quickly as possible thank you for all the efforts of so many that pour their hearts into helping including our own our own people here and i pray we can continue to bring that help to those who need it i pray for mike today he's just got over cove and now he's battling some kidney stones so be with be with him uh and others father that we love so much we pray all this in jesus name amen so lindley loveland would you come up the ever talented and lovely lindy lindley loveland she um she's out at ocs and of course she's an artist i wonder where she got that from uh and also a great athlete but she's going to read our scripture today yes sir so i'm reading from matthew 9 9-13 as jesus went on from there he saw a man named matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth follow me he told him and matthew got up and followed him while jesus was having dinner at matthew's house many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples when the pharisees saw this they asked his disciples why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners on hearing this jesus said it is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick but go and learn what this means i desire mercy not sacrifice for i have not come to call the righteous but sinners thank you thank you lanley very good [Applause] so um we're starting a new book today super excited about the book of matthew and mike and i will be uh preaching through this and some others uh across the course of this fall through the end of the year and i've always thought that you really get a sense of the book by understanding a little bit more about the author and i have to be honest with you i hadn't thought as much about matthew as i have this girl round of study in him personally and i think the chosen is one of the reasons why that's helped me to understand that those of you that watch the chosen you know that the actor that's been portraying matthew has played him in a certain way that really made me zero in that you know matthew he had a lot of issues in his walk and in his life and i think out of that backdrop it helps us understand so much more i loved brandon's community talk today and by the way speaking of first century brother with that hair and beard you could be for your first century-esque i mean you put some sandals on that guy in a robe right he's got a dad would say he has a look about him but what i loved about the the humility of his heart was exactly what this book is about it's about here's where the law is and here's where the requirements are and here's where all the things that you've been told to do are but down deep is what god wants he wants that heart he wants that worship and so you enter a guy like matthew into the mix and i think that lindley's reading the description of of his calling says a lot about who this man is and was the other gospel is referred to him by his sort of given name of levi and you know in the bible they had more than one name as do we and but he didn't call himself levi now that meant that he was from the tribe of levi which meant that he was set apart to be a priest i mean that's that was the levites job and it was a very important job and they were seen in a very high spiritual regard and yet he didn't call himself that he called himself matthew because he was a dreaded tax collector probably that meant that he was excommunicado by his family they had probably cut him out in other words this guy who had so much promise so much ability within the jewish setup was now a tax collector was now working for the enemy and they were both reviled and despised by everyone they were seen as thieves and traitors that they would work with occupying rome or even take money for herod because they worked for everybody he had status he had money he definitely didn't seem to fit into the narrative of a person who would be a part of this collective of disciples more than likely he was probably the only literate disciple out of the 12. he would have had to have spoken four languages to do his job to be able to communicate with the romans and the greeks but also with the hebrews and aramaic so he didn't quite fit the narrative at all and yet jesus comes to his booth and says follow me and so you learn a lot more about moses in his response first thing he does is it simply says he got up and he followed him now that's a simple statement but i want you to think about what went into that he got up and walked away from wealth from status from everything that had led his life to this point which was a lot but he also walked away from guilt shame people who were violent he was walking away from that as well so there was a lot in that moment you know somewhere deep in his heart there was a stirring of restoration and the reason i know that is because the nature of the gospel that he wrote matthew's gospel is the most jewish of the four i mean it has more old testament references more old testament quotes so he was really trying to make the case to the jewish people why i mean part of it had to be that he was this cut out set apart guy who had made a decision to live his life that went against everything that he had believed growing up and now he has an opportunity because he met jesus to show his people who the messiah really is maybe he understood finally what his destiny was all about it was sort of like our last study when paul wrote romans he was making the case right that jesus really is the way it's the same with matthew i love what he does immediately and that is he throws a party for jesus after all when you find salvation it's time for a party right so the first thing he does is has a party and he invites all his degenerate friends to be a part of it why he wants them to meet jesus i mean it's changed him and he wants them to know whenever jason and i graduated from school here back in 1990 you believe that a long time ago well i had long hair too brandon back in those days it was more of a mullet but it was you know it was there gary myers inspired right most of you old-timers and when we got out of school we were interns here and jason i never forget he made a list of because he was just a little bit rude from high school he made a list of everyone he knew in high school that he wanted to share jesus with and it was a long list and then he just went out and he started sharing and lining up opportunities you know blake aston was the first one to come on board and that opened doors for the next guy the next girl and the next group of people and all of a sudden a lot of people off that list became sons and daughters of the almighty many of them are still here as a part of our church family older grayer fatter but here because that's what we do with the kingdom right we want to share that what's interesting is this also started a three-year battle with the pharisees because did you catch their question they asked the disciples why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners i mean what kind of religious man is he and jesus's answer back is very powerful and it really is the heart of the theme of the book which is why i want to share with you today it is not the healthy who need a doctor he said but the sick and in that truth how many of you don't like to go to the doctor even when you're sick let me let me see some hands yeah that's me right i sure don't want to go when i'm healthy we don't we stay away right but jesus said that's why i came now this is an indictment to this religious hierarchy because what he's saying in that statement is you don't care about the sick all you care about is your own number looking right self-righteousness you don't care about the sick that's an indictment even though he didn't say those words then he says and i found this statement even more fascinating i desire mercy not sacrifice what an odd thing to say unless of course you were jesus who is the same yesterday today and forever unless you were the jesus that said before abraham was born i am meaning that jesus had been there all along watching the sacrifices watching the doves watching the goats watching the lambs everybody doing their part exactly what they're told to do and yet having no mercy for anyone else no love no compassion no willingness to help someone up no willingness to share and that's why he said i desire mercy not more of your sacrifices he was making a divine statement to those pharisees i didn't like it then and i don't like it now the last thing he said was i have not come to call the righteous but sinners again what does that mean well we know it meant that it wasn't them because paul would later say there is no one righteous so again it's an indictment of their view of themselves they stood in the places of power they stood in the places of honor and glory and they looked at everybody else and said you poor people if you could only be like me and so much of this book this book of matthew is an indictment of that mindset now while we can look back at the first century and say oh yeah these people man they just missed it don't look too far back because i believe that's exactly what's happened with the church across our culture we have too many people worry too much about looking in right in status in circles instead of looking to the sick who need a doctor and the doctor's name is jesus that is who our heart and compassion has to be towards not just our ourselves not just how my family looks it's easy to fall into the trap it's easy to not want to crash the party it's easy to not want to throw the party it's difficult for us to continue to humble ourselves that's why i loved your words this morning brandon powerful so matthew's an insider because he was a levite but he was turned into an outsider because he became a tax collector now he's turned back to being an insider because he was the follower of the messiah which really then makes him an outsider because nobody believed jesus you got that that's the man that wrote this gospel in other words he was a party crasher and i like that matthew chapter 1. we're going to look at the first 17 verses today and i'm going to spare you a lot of begats you know the king james version there was like 42 begats i'm going to spare you those and i'm just going to read the first and the last verse of our segment then i'm going to talk about what's in between matthew chapter 1 and verse 1 this is the genealogy of jesus the messiah the son of david the son of abraham he said genealogy okay that's important especially for the royals because we're talking about a king verse 17 says thus were 14 generations in all from abraham to david 14 generations from david to the exile in babylon and 14 from the exile to now to the messiah now these are 14 selective because there were actually a few more in there but he picked out 14 14 14 42 generations of jesus's physical lineage and it wasn't by accident that he picked out the son of abraham and the son of david abraham of course the first covenant was made with him that people would come to god as abraham did by faith and we know that was more than just the jews because abraham wasn't a jew he was a son of god because he believed him and and god told him he said look this is the way it's going to be for all generations faith in me is what will save you therefore the covenant of abraham the covenant of david represents kingdom because david was really the last legitimate king you could argue for solomon but the kingdom split right after solomon but david established a covenant with god that someone from his lineage would be an eternal king forever he would be the king of kings and we know that would be the messiah therefore david is why he mentioned this is why he mentioned david that's why and then the last section was really interesting because he said when they went into exile in babylon you know there was from that point forward it was hard to track the kings it was tough and everybody was looking for the messiah until we come to the first century and guess who he is jesus and so he he lays out this genealogy and again he's making his case to jews and they would probably think more of this than we do in all honesty but there was a pattern to why he did it what's interesting is this lineage was linked to joseph who wasn't really jesus's father not in the physical sense and yet god in his infinite wisdom said i'm going to dot every eye and across every t because you won't be able to say that my son is not the king and he is the king in a sense jesus christ was a party crasher to his own party he came here and they didn't believe him and yet he came for us he said why is lineage important well i was reading just this last week that the current brits you know they still look back they go back about 35 generations to william the conqueror to make sure that they've got the right person on the throne i don't know what difference it much makes now i guess it determines which tabloids you get in right in terms of their power but it's important to them but i got to think about it's important to all of us i'm kind of the historian in my family so i can i still i know who my great great grandfather i know their names because i search that out and i look for it but you know this last year we found a sister actually she found us you know how she did it genealogy dna lineage all of a sudden names popped up and nobody knew who they were and so they started researching it took them two years to find us but they found us you know we did we had a party still having it because that's what adding family means and that's the point of matthew's gospel it's a party it's a party book because it shows us what's the most important now when you look at the lineage of verse 3 5 6 and 16 there's something interesting and the only reason that i can think of that it's in this text is because matthew was trying to convey something for us to understand and the people of his generation he mentions five women in this genealogy now most genealogies you would see done by any people from this era would not include any women no offense ladies but you just weren't that highly thought of back in these days of course you are today but they wouldn't mention them and yet he did but not only did he mention five women he mentioned five women who were surrounded by scandal i mean a lot of scandal the first one was tamar i call her the black widow turned prostitute genesis 38 if you want to read the story it's quite the story her husband's kept dying no one provided her with a son and so finally she slept with her father-in-law and got pregnant posing as a prostitute she's in the lineage of jesus that's scandalous then there's rahab was the prostitute turned spy she was in jericho spies came she's got her brothel she lied on their behalf i've heard people try to defend that you know so well she didn't really lie no she lied and she was a prostitute you can try to clean her up all you want but it was what it was she's in the lineage of jesus scandalous her uh turned out to be her daughter-in-law ruth she was a moabite woman if you know anything about israelite history moab and ammon were the two children that were born to lot by his daughters an incestuous relationship and god said don't ever have anything to do with these people well guess what rahab was an ammonite and ruth was moabite scandalous she's in the lineage of jesus there's bathsheba she's an adulteress turned mother of a king she was a part of a plot to murder her husband i mean i don't know how much she knew about it but david had her husband killed terrible it was a blot on israel in fact it changed the trajectory of david's reign for the rest of his life ruined his relationship with his kids scandalous and yet she's in the lineage of jesus and then there's mary who's mentioned at the end you say yeah but mary was top-notch and she was she was blessed by god but she was a teenager and she was sort of married because she was betrothed but she wasn't all the way married and she was pregnant and she was saying she had never slept with a man no one believed her including her betrothed husband joseph he said he was going to put her away quietly and that says a lot about him because he loved her but he didn't believe her and who would would we believe that today nope and yet she's in the lineage because she's the mother of jesus once joseph found out the truth we know of course that he understood but i can guarantee you nobody else believed that story for a long time until jesus made himself known the only reason that i can think of that matthew would put these women in this text and in this lineage is to show us the grace of god must always be at the core of what we do why else would it be in there i mean scandal after this is scandalous grace and so we can come along now in the 21st century and say you know our lives can be a complete and total mess and yet jesus can save us because if we relent to him all things are possible what a beauty the king of kings is about bringing everyone to the party he wants us all there i think one of the my favorite passages is luke 15 because luke sort of summarizes exactly what the entire book of matthew is about by telling three parables you remember the three parables come after the question was asked why does this whatever the lost thing was was found there was a what there was a party and the only person that didn't want to go to the party was the older brother who was jealous and self-righteous and representative of the pharisee mindset i want to be at the party but to do that i've got to check my self-righteousness at the door along with my jealousy i have to leave it to come to the party that's the point of the entire book of matthew and it's told in a lot of different ways and jesus is going to do some amazing preaching and teaching that we're going to look at but at the essence if you boil it all down it's that i want to be at the party and i want as many people to be here as possible at its core that's what it is that's why he ends with the great commission i mean all nations in every language we want everybody to be a part of the party is salvation paul would say in philippians chapter 2 verse 5 we are to have the same mindset as christ jesus who being in very nature god did not consider equality with god something to be held onto rather he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness he became one of us and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross jesus unbound by time and space crashed his own party his own creation he came to earth full of humans that he created all the deity now living in bodily form in him and what did he do he surrendered he surrendered to death on a cross he surrendered to a hole in the ground so that we might have victory that's what this book is about what jesus did for each and every one of us victory over sin god made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of god not righteous by our own works by own hands righteous by jesus because of what he did hebrews 2 we no longer have a fear of the slavery of death why kofi can't stop us we're eternal i mean we're going no disease no murder no death no fear of it that's the power of what jesus did for us he surrendered so that we might have victory and what happened paul in philippians chapter 2 therefore god exalted him to the highest place and gave in the name that is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue acknowledge that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father he went back and he said i got work to do i'm waiting there's going to be a number and when we hit the number then the party really starts because he said i'm coming back to get you those of you that have died if it's a thousand years from now you'll be resurrected and you're going to meet us in the air you know what that means we'll be able to fly yes it's going to happen you look at superman and iron man and whatever man whatever woman flying around with the help of whatever gets them there we're going to be doing it for real not marvel but we will be marveled and then of course the party starts the real party this is just a warm-up i mean i like the party it's a good party i love seeing people come to christ i love seeing lives changed i love seeing people go from someplace where it's awful and terrible to some place where it's great and that only happens by the grace of god not by our righteousness god created us to work but they're his works not ours to understand what we're going to be studying you have to reset at that base level which is what brandon was talking about earlier by going deeper and saying what what does my heart say about this there's a very chilling passage in matthew 7 that we'll get to where jesus said a lot of people are going to say lord didn't we do this didn't we do that didn't we jump through this hoop didn't we attend this when we were supposed to didn't we do that and he'll say i don't know who you are you don't want to miss jesus you want to know him and more importantly you want him to know you so when that moment comes there's no wonder but to do that is not about your acts in your works and how good you think you are it's about how much have you relied on jesus christ because he is it and that's what the book of matthew is about if you don't know him today is a day to get to know him that's the beautiful thing about it as long as we draw a breath we have an opportunity to say jesus is lord to follow him to obey him to say i want to surrender my life to you because you surrendered for me so that i could have eternal life today you have that opportunity to embrace that gospel story that i mentioned earlier what he did for us to say i'm going to follow him no matter what to surrender to him in baptism we got water back here it's ready and to say i want to live my life for jesus that's what gets you ready if you have that need or any other knee why don't you come while we stand and while we sing amen wow was that a sermon we learned something about matthew the man and something about jesus from the book of matthew and it was powerful when i think about what jesus did for us i i'm so sorry that he had to die on the cross be buried like that because of our sin but i'm so grateful that he arose and that we can be with him for eternity uh because of our acceptance of him and uh we're just grateful for that we're great for all of you who are watching let's pray father we're so grateful for your love and uh for those all those that are out there watching father we ask you to be with them um we just we know their struggles we know there's problem people having problems and we get requests online and we want to just want you to we know that you know who they're all their names are father and we know there are others who haven't told us about their struggles but are also struggling just be with them uh regardless of their their needs whether they're financial or they're having problems within their families or health issues be with those that are struggling because of the problems they've had in south louisiana with the hurricanes and mississippi and the northeast father we know there's so many uh problems just as bad or worse even some of it in the northeast with the floods and everything we ask you to be with all of them who need that comfort and the prayers of the saints father we're just grateful thank you father for this day uh that we're able to know you and serve you and have friends and family that do the same father thank you thank you thank you in christ's time we pray amen all right here we go come on brandon there we go all right hello hello yeah i think we're good uh man what a great lesson today i know i know i always enjoy uh hearing i'll speak and uh man just what a uh crazy story with uh him them finding their sister uh and and going through that whole thing uh i mean just what an incredible uh her name is phyllis by the way i don't know where that came from though right there i always thought that was really funny um but yeah i just i just love this idea of just digging deeper diving in and uh just discovering more about what the story of jesus and why it is so special and why is it and so important for us to to know well i me being a woman if you didn't know uh i am just it makes me feel so uh special and strong and uh like i can be a warrior for christ because he used women in a time where women were like oh that's incredible you know they were they were not held in high esteem at all and jesus lifted women up to bring us up and to give us a purpose and so i think about you know okay this morning i woke up and i was like okay just breathe deep i want everybody out there just take a breath just breathe deep and just thank god he gave you life today so find your purpose today um whether you're male or female or whether you feel like you don't you know you know you're broken or uh you have scandal in your in your life or in your heart god has a purpose for you amen and through christ you can do that amen thank you so much lynn that is just so true and man it's so easy to miss even when you read the gospels you can just treat it like it's nothing special you can go through and see what these women are doing and what they did and you could just read it and it's just like oh that's that's interesting but you mis you can miss the power but when you listen to the holy spirit when you dive in it because you want to love god more man those things start to really pop out to you like wait a second wait a second this is old school rome you know and it was real life it's not just a story exactly i mean people what did they eat what did they yes what smells were there what you know where did they sleep they had like a real life um uh they had chores and they had kids and they they had sickness and they had insecurities and just like we do now and i i like i always think about the story of that uh the woman um where she uh went and poured out her perfume and washed jesus his feet with her hair like i mean that's just a powerful story and and to to use it to for it to be a woman i mean it makes it even more powerful and god includes sinners brokenness broken people men women everybody god wants to use everybody to show his love for the world and he can use you uh he can really use you and i i want you to know that so bad this church wants you to know that so bad that that if you are alive if you are breathing no matter what you're going through god wants to use you and he wants you to know that he loves you and we are having a baptism today they're getting ready for that which is always uh i mean did you know that every time somebody is baptized the landscape of what heaven looks like changes that's awesome yeah yeah so in a few minutes heaven's going to look just a little bit different yes because there's one more person one more soul one more spirit that's gonna be there yes you know that is awesome and we never want to take for granted baptism no i mean we're introducing somebody else into our family and they're becoming a brother and a sister and we mean that here i know for our churches is that that that when you come to christ uh whatever you're going through we'll help you carry it uh we're we're a family here we fight for each other um and sometimes we may fight each other a little bit we're broken people we're brothers and sisters that's right brothers and sisters we may disagree but we're here for each other and that man this is a church of love and i'm just i'm just so blessed to be a part of it i mean i'm so glad uh that that i'm here that y'all are here and i hope uh that you can feel that love and i pray uh that if if this message spoke to you uh that that that you feel the calling on your heart to get baptized as well uh because the holy spirit wants you and he wants to dwell inside of you uh so that you can understand and begin to walk with christ and to see his love for you and you're not alone yes you're not alone and if you have any questions uh feel free to contact the church um we have lots of folks who would be loving to show you what you need to to be looking up in black and white in the bible it's not just a story but it's backed up with scripture exactly and um that's that's that's the main crust of it all yeah one of the things i love the most is uh coming to the office and i'll be in my office and shaq is across the hall from me and he'll be doing his uh tech stuff and uh you know he works on the computers and the cameras and all these things well all of a sudden he'll get a phone call and all of a sudden he's counseling somebody about jesus and about being loved and things like that and i'm like wow you know what what an amazing thing is that that we are and uh that we have people in this building that are willing to drop it all you know and say you know what what's more important is christ uh so let's tune in and watch somebody just dedicate their lives uh-oh we gotta enjoy this all right jason come here let me talk to you all right uh the reason why it took a little bit we you know i love it when they want to submit to the lord and want to just give it all to him and really not no understanding the gospel so what it did was i shared the gospel with him back there and now he understands what he's doing so what you're about to do is you're about to reenact the death burial resurrection of jesus yeah all right jason we got we it's going to be great son i'm going to tell you that so i want to ask you that question from this day forward who's going to be lord of your life in jesus amen amen all right well would you confess in that i'm going to baptize your name the father and the son and the holy spirit for the remission that he sins and son all the things that you have done in your past will be gone in that great news and you know what it's that way every day from now on out are you ready for this hold your hand hold your nose bend your knees all right here we go man that is awesome that's beautiful oh my goodness got a brother right there that's awesome i new friend it's a new love it all right how exciting is that yeah i mean what's cool is that it doesn't i mean it doesn't matter the age it doesn't matter the gender that you can come to christ um and it i mean he can impact you uh when you're young and when you're old um and he he can save i love that so much and you don't have to wait for a sunday to do it that's exactly right that's right you don't need the uh the uh the baptism water here there's a there's a lake or a pond all right danielle uh you're feeding reenactment death burn resurrection jesus you understand all that yes sir all right well from this day forward who's gonna be the lord eli jesus and god amen amen amen well uh i'm gonna baptize the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit for the mission that he sins and from this day forward you'll be a brand new person good every day good all right you ready for that yes sir all right hold your nose okay then you need a little bit all right oh my goodness thank you oh man awesome sister that is that is some great diversity too and age and gender just i mean and i love how excited that she was that is awesome there we go that is beautiful man i love how excited she was i know i know there is freedom in the name of jesus yes the uh well i'm we're just so happy uh that you uh came to join us today we're so happy that we got to uh be with you as we witness people coming to christ and coming to jesus uh god just uh works in in in fantastic ways and it could be through a lesson uh it could be through a relationship it could just be through prayer it can be through so many things but uh be it tuned in and uh be searching for what god is trying to say to you because he loves you and he wants you to be a part of a family that's right lynn thank you so much uh for doing this you did fantastic for your first time the uh and uh man we just had a lot of fun being here with y'all today and we hope y'all have a great week uh we love you so much y'all love y'all [Music] i was buried beneath my shin who could carry [Music] till i met you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i try [Music] [Applause] out of the darkness into your glorious day [Music] you call my name [Applause] into your glorious day [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] out of the darkness into your glorious day [Music] [Applause] into your glorious day [Music] a little louder [Music] [Music] hope will arise death is defeated the king is alive [Music] [Applause] hope will the king arise alive [Applause] in the presence of my enemies [Applause] come on now [Applause] [Music] [Music] louder and louder you're gonna hear my praises roar up from the ashes hope will arise [Music] you call me a citizen of heaven when i was broken you were my healing but your love is the air that i'm breathing i have a future my eyes are [Music] [Applause] out of the darkness into your glorious day you call my name [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] yes [Applause]
Channel: Whites Ferry Road Church
Views: 1,789
Rating: 4.9157896 out of 5
Id: SEAozTc8jkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 7sec (5947 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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