101 Spooky Facts!

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greetings [ __ ] and welcome to this spooky edition of one-on-one facts my name is sam except this time i'm spooky can you guess what the theme of this week's episode is don't look at the title that's cheating but yes it's spooky facts this time so basically like our random anything and everything episodes but everything's a bit creepy and the different shades of creepy too you'll see but what was the frankly horrifying first intended usage of a chainsaw which gruesome location has a pretty sweet name and you think i could go and claim berta wheel and call it 101 ownier what do you mean you have no idea what i'm talking about it's that piece of land that no one wants as a country just up for the taking 283 descriptions are going to be answered so sit down don't get too frightened and watch in horror as we go through some mouthwash no sorry as we go through 101 terrifying spooky scary and otherwise tremblesome facts always get those too confused number one kicking off the spooky goings-on russia has a supposedly haunted radio station uvb 76 is a low frequency radio station that didn't stop broadcasting from 1982 onwards but nobody knew where it was coming from or even what it was number two the broadcast coming from this thing range mostly from monotonous buzzes to weird voices until in 2010 it stopped and started again russian explorers found the military location it was coming from and it was completely abandoned except for a vile chemical smell and a woman in her mid-40s walking around with an empty stroller military number station or haunted you decide number three if you could find out when you were going to die would you want to know perhaps you'd want a cat to tell you well at a hospice in providence there was a cat who did exactly that named oscar if he turned up by your bed chances are your end was near he did this with frankly terrifying accuracy with almost 20 to 30 deaths in a row successfully predicted before he himself eventually died did he look in the mirror or something number four the scariest things often come from real life so here's something more horrifying rather than spooky or supernatural we'll get to that later don't worry former journalist turned homicide archivist thomas hargrove predicts that there are 2 000 serial killers active right now and that's just in the us by the way not worldwide sleep tight number five while we're on the subject of sleeping should you rent a hotel for the evening within which to sleep you may want to check you don't smell anything too funky in pattaya thailand in the year 2016 for instance two visitors found a strange pong in their room but slept through it anyway turns out though they've been sleeping on top of a rotting body found under the mattress and that's happened more than just once number six halloween is of course a time for decoration but don't you think some of them look eerily realistic well they can be more real than they first appear for example at a halloween hayride in chicago in the year 1990 17 year old brian jewell became a decoration by pretending to hang himself from the gallows thing is though the trick malfunctioned and it transpires what everybody saw during that exhibit that night was actually his dead body number seven a similar fate befell wild west outlaw elmer mccurdy who died when he was young but his time after death was far weirder than his actual life after he was shot in a drunk shootout in 1911 he was embalmed at a funeral parlor and kept on display there for years number eight after this two men visited claiming to be his brothers there to pick him up and lay him to rest except they weren't his bros at all they were entrepreneurial carnies who took him and toured with his body as a sideshow after this the corpse because just to remind you this is an actual dead body we're talking about here would be porn from owner to owner for promotion and attraction purposes for decades to come eventually he found his way into the laugh in the dark fun house in california at a fairground number nine by this time though people had forgotten mccurdy was an actual ex-person which was rediscovered in the most macabre and odd of circumstances in december of 1976 the hit tv show the six million dollar man was shooting at the laugh in the dark fun house and during a sequence one of the props had an arm snap off a production crew member was horrified when he noticed the inside of the arm looked rather human turns out that's right it was mccurdy so just be careful of fake bodies okay number 10 hey by the way if you're scared of cannibals might be nice to know you are one in a way sort of or you will be that's because after someone's died it only takes three days for the enzymes in your digestive system to begin to digest your own body so it seems like everyone has their own inner hannibal number 11 oh and you're kind of a little bit cannibalistic while alive too while you're walking around in the subway fifteen percent of the air you breathe is actually human skin this has been proven by biologists from the university of colorado who analyzed air samples from new york subway platforms 15 of it included skin from heels and the heads of the riders and 12 came from armpits belly buttons ear canals and bottoms number 12 talking of death by the way out of all the five senses when you die it's actually a sense of hearing that goes last just in case you really want to imagine it number 13 some bodies decay a lot slower than others the reason for that is because of adiposia also known as corpse wax which can form over the body as long as the cadaver is kept in an environment where moisture is present the development of this corpse wax can take place which sometimes can make the body not even look human anymore yum number 14. once someone's died their body begins to build up gases and liquids that have nowhere to go and forces the person to bloat if you happen to die in water this in turn makes the corpse buoyant and therefore it begins to float to the surface lovely hmm number 15 something else more worrying than anything supernatural or things that happen once we die it's what our bodies and brains can do while we're alive for instance the horrific locked in syndrome this is a medical condition where you're awake and conscious but you can only move your eyes you're basically locked inside your body like it's some kind of flesh prison number 16. oh yes and then there's sudden arrhythmic death syndrome this is when someone suddenly dies from cardiac arrest for absolutely no apparent reason whatsoever a thought that genuinely haunts me for a lot of my life this takes place in healthy people all over the world and the solution well there isn't one currently number 17 nature can often be the most horrifying and let's be honest metal thing of all take the horned lizard for example a species that when they feel threatened can squirt blood from its eyes spit over the top hardly in a helper situation is it number 18. let me tell you a story about a chicken called mike the headless chicken can you guess what his deal is yes he was headless and survived being headless for 18 months imagine the shock for the owners who wanted him for dinner number 19. your parents probably told you there's no need to be afraid of you know moths and the like but turns out they could have been wrong there because there are such things as vampire moths that suck human blood so sleep well or you could find yourself you know turning into a moth vampire unlikely but who knows number 20. speaking of which by the way vampire mythology's been around for literally ages so it may surprise you to learn there are many different versions and variations within it in romania for instance it was believed in the middle ages you needed a seven-year-old boy dressed in white atop a white horse to find a vampire's grave in the daytime and that's how you killed them number 21. similarly different cultures believed you could identify a vampire from birth if they had specific abnormalities if a child was born with teeth for instance or an extra nipple even children with a split lip were considered potential vampires in russia and it's best not to think about what they did with them number 22 archaeologists have found the actual graves of those who were suspected to be vampires in bulgaria in 2013 for instance archaeologists discovered a grave containing two corpses with iron rods pierced through their chests which is basically a physical way of saying and stay out number 23 speaking of the gone the french catacombs in paris are filled with the remains of nearly 6 million people and there's still room for more you can spend the night down there during halloween via airbnb an absolutely gigantic no thank you from me number 24 if that's too many dead people to be in the company of in the czech republic you can visit a roman catholic chapel called the sedlec ossuary there are decorations in the church that are made up of 40 to 70 000 skeletons not sure you can sleep there though number 25 anyway spooky movies fit this list and 1982's poltergeist is a problematic fave but some consider it cursed actress dominique dunn was murdered not so long after the film came out at just 22 years old similarly when filming pods guys 3 after appearing in the first two movies heather o'rourke sadly died at the age of just 12 from a bowel obstruction number 26 a further reason that those who believe think this is a curse is because of the props in the movies specifically in this part here with the skeletons in that pool that's because these skeletons are or were i guess real human beings this is because real skeletons are apparently cheaper than fake ones number 27 in 1912 a four-year-old boy named bobby dunbar wandered away from his family and was never seen again this is despite the fact the authorities seemingly found him in 1913 with a man named william cantwell walters almost a hundred years later dna analysis found out this child was not the real bobby dunbar at all and nobody knows exactly what happened to the true missing four-year-old boy number 28 the lemp mansion in st louis has been the grounds for tragedy it was built in the 1860s by william limp and has 33 rooms after william lemp's youngest son died the rest of the family killed themselves in the same house one after the other over the decades then after the house was sold and transformed into a boarding house many people reported it being haunted witnessing doors slamming by themselves number 29 on june the 10th 1912 on a home in villisca iowa josiah and sarah moore were bludgeoned to death along with their four children and two friends that were spending the night there the crime remains unsolved however people now pay to visit and even stay the night in the house although many tours have been cut short by people being troubled by hearing voices and seeing flying objects in 2014 a paranormal investigator stabbed themselves after spending the night there number 30 there are more than 250 000 deaths every year due to some kind of medical error whether it's the wrong dose that was given or complications during surgery medical errors is the third main cause of death in america alone number 31 a shocking example is based on a report from the national academies of sciences institute of medicine poorly written doctors notes killed more than 7 000 people annually in america and injured more than 1.5 million due to unclear dosages i guess we need the technological advancements more than ever to eradicate the use of paper and pen number 32 there is a brain eating organism that will travel up your nose and eat your brain if it gets the chance too sounding like a zombie you need of a body it's known as the brain-eating amoeba and it can be found in australia and some rivers in the southern united states number 33 your everyday cockroach that you find in houses or by dirty bins are omnivores some of the meat they like eating is actually human flesh both dead and alive so before you think is looking for some of your tasty leftovers in the bin you may actually be the one on the menu number 34 a botfly finds ways to place its egg in people sometimes through attaching it to a mosquito then once this is done the new botfly will hatch in your skin and you'll visibly be able to see it wriggling around oh god number 35 approximately 6.5 million people in america alone have a brain aneurysm that hasn't ruptured yet that's the equivalent of 1 in 50. number 36 if the 150 people having a brain aneurysm doesn't scare you you should know that every 18 minutes an aneurysm ruptures number 37 in the olden days we know that many people died from decapitation using swords or even the infamous guillotine although a lot of them weren't aware that a human head stays conscious for almost 20 seconds after it's been cut off number 38 the parsy community in india dispose of their dead by feeding them to vultures i guess that's not really spooky it's more you know a community tradition but still it can't be a pleasant sight number 39 when in the womb all babies grow mustaches called lenugo although this mustache spreads around their whole body and is reabsorbed into the baby while the baby's still in the womb number fourteen often when thinking of spooky places we think of haunted houses and forget a range of facilities that experience death and pain pretty regularly for example charleston's old city jail is known as being the grounds for the first female serial killer in america her soul is one of the many spirits that allegedly haunt the old charleston jail number 41 over 20 percent of young children have reported that they've experienced a hallucination or heard voices some struggle to work out whether they are experiencing hallucination or real life based on how easily they blend together sounds a lot like the matrix to me the meaning of life i know your parents probably tried to scare you into thinking oh don't eat that because a tree might grow inside you and you probably thought well that can't possibly be real can it well there have actually been trees that have grown in people for example a patient in russia was suspected to have a tumor growing within him but it turns out it was actually a 5 centimeter fur tree number 43 if climbing mount everest is on your bucket list here's some key info for you over 200 dead bodies are found on the top of mount everest and they act as markers for other hitchhikers to know where they are on route the bodies aren't left there for indicators alone but they remain there because it's simply too risky to retrieve them number 44 it's believed that cute little puppers like squeaky toys because they mimic the sound of their prey screaming so just before you label your dog as cute and innocent just try not to think about what the squeaky toy actually represents okay number 45 even when you're sleeping alone you aren't really because most mattresses have around 100 000 to 10 million dust mites inside of them so when you next go to bed don't forget to say good night to the dust mites you're sleeping with number 46 this isn't so much spooky as gross although it will terrify some people but if someone's making you a cup of tea do you take two sugars and a scoop of poop well you do with the latter even if you didn't know it 20 of work mugs have traces of poop in them and 90 of them have harmful bacteria so if you avoided fecal bacteria today in the office you could pick up some other weird bacteria tomorrow number 47 a lot of use in the conjuring right well yeah that is kind of a true story-ish some bits were definitely fabricated but ed and raine warren did investigate the parents family house which they deemed as haunted due to the parent family kids receiving good night kisses from a spirit each night as well as the whole house smelling like rotting flesh number 48 another popular story is the winchester mystery house sarah winchester whose family received its fortune from developing the winchester rifle experienced a lot of grief in her late years and believed it was the result of blood money her family made of the winchester rifles in order to combat the evil spirit she built the winchester house with several trap doors secret passages and staircases leading to nowhere number 40 9. in 1844 a large case of hysteria took place in a french convent a large group of nuns began meowing at the same time every day so naturally their neighbours were terrified fortunately after a group of soldiers threatening to give them a good spanking they then came back to their senses are we sure this happened this sounds like a like a naughty film number fifty there's an illness known as cotard syndrome which is also called walking corp syndrome due to this condition people believe they're either dead don't exist are missing body parts or are dying due to this people who have cotard syndrome could stop speaking or eating because they believe they're dead after all how can you heal a man who already thinks he's dead number 51. in 1938 a real-life slasher was believed to be going around halifax in england cutting different women however when the police began to go deeper into the investigation they realized that even though the community had grown to believe it was one man going around doing it it could have been multiple a number of victims also confessed they'd harm themselves when they'd heard about the halifax slasher another case of mass hysteria number 52 have you ever wondered what death tastes like well ask 17 year old willy francis he was sentenced to the death penalty by electric chair however he survived the experience he says and i quote he felt a burning in his head and his mouth tastes like cold peanut butter so that's what death tastes like hope you're not allergic to pete oh it doesn't matter does it if you anyway number 53 there are approximately 4 400 unidentified bodies found each year in america by the following year a thousand of those are still unidentified are they from the existing population or from another dimension probably the former number 54. scafism that's something horrible let's talk about it it was an execution method used by the ancient persians in which they bound their victims to a boat and then covered them with milk and honey to attract flies and vermin the boats then left out on the water until the victim dies from being chewed up by the various beasties enjoying milk canyon flesh number 55 in mexico city there's a small island called isla de la municas a.k.a island of dolls the legend goes the island caretaker found a little girl who drowned there was a doll near her which he hung on the tree out of a son of respect unfortunately he believed the girl began to haunt him so he hung more dolls to repeat her but then those dolls supposedly became possessed so bit of a mess now isn't it legend has it the caretaker died in the exact same spot he found the little girl number 56 are you afraid of pigs well pigs are another breed of animals that are omnivorous terry garner for example went to feed his pigs one day and never came back once authorities and family members investigated the scene they found pieces of his body in the pig enclosure but the rest of his remains have been consumed number 57 since 1950 whenever the u.s has lost accidentally launched fire detonator or had a nuclear bomb stolen it was referred to as a broken arrow so far there have been 32 broken arrows and six of them have been confirmed as lost there's just six missing nuclear weapons out there how reassuring number 58 okay slight pallet cleanser butterflies are beautiful aren't they well yes but they do like drinking urine and sucking blood so not a great look number 59 the anglerfish mates through parasitism which is when the male anglerfish bites the female one in order to fuse his mouth to her body this then makes the male dependent on the female to blood transported nutrients and the female becomes a host not spooky in the traditional sense but still horrifying to think about number 16 for several decades up until the 1980s some surgeons do not believe that newborn babies could feel pain how they came to that conclusion is unknown and horrible but it led them to conducting life-saving operations on babies without anesthesia so the babies crying weren't just crying because they're babies but it's because they were in extreme pain number 61 based on a swiss study that looked at 2.5 million deaths it's been proven you're 14 more likely to die on your birthday like shakespeare for example i guess there is some truth to that happy death day movie that said hope you have a wonderful birthday this year and you know you remain alive number 62 the monster of the andes is sadly not a mythical creature but the name given to pedro alonso lopez a murderer thought to be responsible for the deaths of around 350 people in parts of south america this makes him one of the most prolific serial killers in history but he was caught in 1980. number 63 what's just as scary as that story is that the monster of the andes was sentenced to only 16 years in prison which was the maximum sentence in ecuador at the time he was freed after 14 years on the basis of good behavior and after a further four years in psychiatric facility in colombia it was released completely his current whereabouts are unknown nintendo 64. arachnophobes look away now because this is going to scare the bleep out of you this is the theraphosa blondie a tarantula otherwise known as a goliath bird eater and yet it can although quite rarely eat an entire bird these beasts hold the world record for the world's largest spider hitting up to 170 grams in weight and have legs spanning 38 centimeters number 65 sure bird killing spiders look scary but what about human killing ones there's quite a few out there but it's probably worth mentioning the sydney funnel web spider which can kill a human in as little as 15 minutes and is listed in the guinness book of world records as the most venomous spider in the world number 66 okay arachnophobes you can come back now here's some nice calming facts instead about snakes hey you clicked on the video you should have known what you're going in for it's possible for some species of snake to eat a human being whole in 2018 the bbc reported on an indonesian woman who was swallowed whole by 7 meter long radiculated python number 67 if that literally did scare the poo out of you maybe check the inside of the loo before you sit down in 2021 a man in austria that's austria not australia went to the toilet in his own home and felt a nip in his genital area he then discovered he'd been bitten by albino reticulated python lovely number 68 in 1587 some english settlers found the colony of roanoke off the eastern coast of north america life was tough on the island settlement and so the mayor john white left for england that same year in the hopes of bringing over more people when he returned three years later his family and all the other settlers had completely vanished roanoke was empty the only clue was the word croatoan carved onto a wooden post everyone's fate is still unknown number 69. in 1955 the merchant vessel mv droiter sent sail for tokulau from samoa it should have been a two-day trip for the 25 passengers and crew on board it never reached its destination though and went missing for more than a month during which time no distress signal was received eventually the boat was found driving the pacific a thousand kilometers of course the 25 passengers and crew had vanished without a trace however number 17 ghost ships aren't a thing of the past though for years they've been washing up on the shores of japan in 2019 for example 158 ghost ships reached the japanese coast some of them containing the corpses of the unfortunate crew on board where are they coming from north korea it's thought the unfortunate fishermen are taking more risks in ill-equipped boats number 71. frederick valentich was a 21 year old pilot who went flying on the 21st of october in 1978. while in the year he reported to air traffic control that there was another aircraft in the sky which was metallic had a flashing light and was behaving weirdly his final transmission was that strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again it's hovering and it's not an aircraft he was never seen or heard from again and his plane was never found number 72 every year more than eight million tons of plastics end up in the ocean okay i know that's not as like gripping as a plane or boat disappearing but it's kind of philosophically horrifying to see what that's actually doing to the world number 73 regarding the earth's rainforest since the 1960s over half the world's entire tropical forest have been destroyed wouldn't surprise me if most of the animals we know now we can only get to see through augmented reality or something number 74. to give you an idea of how you're contributing to the destruction of the rainforest around 27 000 trees are destroyed daily around the world in order for us to have toilet paper and that's good is it shame on you i simply don't wipe saving the planet number 75. you may have heard this one before but it's good to keep in mind every time you put your mouth to your phone most mobile phones are between 10 to 20 times dirtier than a toilet seat so yes that includes you your mucky pup number 76 as we're moving deeper and deeper into the digital age it's probably good to know that there is a cyber attack every 39 seconds every day on the web so despite the increase of ai and things like alexa taking over our home hey what's the worst that could happen number 77 female black widow spiders are known for eating their male counterparts after mating with them yep that's right the arachnophobia section's back maybe that's why mickey mouse had that big fight with skyja hansen recently number 78 most of you would have seen the texas chainsaw massacre and so most of you know about the legendary leatherface who used the chainsaw as a weapon well what if i told you that chain tools were originally meant to assist in childbirth therefore they were actually meant to sustain life rather than take it for example in 1780 a chainsaw was used to remove the pelvic bone of a patient in order to make childbirth easier number 79 the golden poison darts frog is no bigger than a paper clip in size but because its skin is covered in toxins it can kill a human being with a single touch number eighty based on medical reports of a lot of blood being found inside the liver of gladiators it's believed that several gladiators would drink the blood of others who have died this is due to the belief that they would think they would absorb all their power and strength number 81 count dracula is probably the most you know legendary vampire out there and he was actually based on a real person the romanian rule of vlad the impaler or vlad iii dracula he became known as this due to his cruel torturing techniques which then in turn inspired the creation of bram stoker's dracula number 82 even though the stone age took place between 30 000 bce and 3000 bce pictures of werewolves and vampires have been uncovered in some of the inscriptions from the time so hey maybe before we were you know apes we were beowulfs number 83 a mysterious island near venice called perveglia was used as a quarantine station from 1793 to 1814. people there suffered from abnormal diseases and the island has been home to several other sketchy stories too for this reason it's been the inspiration for and a key location within several horror movies to date number 84. we've already learned that bodies become buoyant around four days after death another interesting effect that takes place around a week after death is that the skin blisters to the point that if you were to touch it it could fall off that's enough information to make you a better detective if you come across a corpse you're welcome number 85 during the 19th century dentures were made with the use of dead people's teeth so they could have had you know celebrity teeth oh look i'm munching with the teeth of abraham lincoln although probably unlikely number 86 if you're anything like me you fear the sun because you can burn in cloudy weather but that big ball of flaming hot in the sky could destroy civilization on earth as we know it when it releases a solar flare that would knock out satellites take down power grids and shut down the internet number 87 scientists have calculated a solar storm strong enough to pretty much ruin everything has a 12 chance of occurring in the next decade and is even more likely in the next century the last big solar storm that hit earth took place in 1859 if we were hit with a similar event now it would cost 10 trillion dollars in damage number 88 since 1973 over 1 500 death row inmates had been executed during the same time period over 180 death row prisoners in the usa were exonerated for their crimes this means statistically that for every eight people sentenced to death one death row prisoner was innocent number 89 botulinum toxin otherwise known as botox is the most poisonous substance known to man just a couple of kilograms of it would be enough to kill every single human being on the planet to kill a 70 kilogram man requires 0.00007 milligrams of botox which isn't very much it also costs almost 140 trillion dollars per kilo to make so scary for your wallet too number 19 you are not holy human none of us are only 43 of our bodies are made up of human cells the rest are microscopic creatures that live in or on our bodies but they ain't human the non-human bits are made up of things like viruses fungi bacteria and single-celled organisms called archaea number 91 if you're a cat owner you probably love them and hey they're fine with you living in their house too but if you were to tragically die would the cat eat you yes probably in 2008 for example a romanian woman was reportedly eaten by her 20 cats just after she died they tend to go for the face first too cheers puss number 92 if you're a dog owner and think they're not like cats and they wouldn't eat you after you've popped your clogs think again in 2010 a woman died and was found the next day with most of her face missing it was inside her pet dog's stomach and her cats hadn't even touched her number 93 this next fact is mostly scared of your vegan some fruit isn't always suitable to eat like lemons for example this isn't because the lemons have suddenly become sentient fleshy critters but it's because they're sometimes waxed in shellac a resin made by bugs which makes the lemons look fresh and shiny number 94 toxoplasma gondly is a parasite that can infect cats but it can transfer to humans via felines it can cause flu-like symptoms within humans and affect mental health it's been linked to impulsivity bipolar disorder and even suicide estimates put global infections in between 16 to 80 percent of the global population number 95 when king alfonso the fourth of portugal found out his son don pedro was in love with an illegitimate woman the king had her sent to a monastery to end their relationship the king then ordered the poor woman in his purist castro murdered understandably don petrov was heartbroken and when he became the king he had the two murderous hearts ripped out and then he allegedly had innis body exhumed dressed her as a queen and had people bowed down to the corpse totally normal behavior number 96 the man eater of champa what was a bengal tiger that lived in western nepal and northern india at the turn of the 20th century the tiger got a taste for eating humans and is said to have killed 436 men women and children before it was killed the big cat holds the world record for being the most deadly tiger in history one that i hope is never beaten number 97 reports of candy being tampered with on halloween have been pretty common for years now but it's surprisingly rare with about 200 cases in canada and the usa since 1958. it does happen though like in 1974 when a texas man gave out treats laced with cyanide to five children including his own son who was the only one of the children who died by eating it the dad in question was then subsequently found guilty and was himself sentenced to death number 98 ever felt like you've had water stuck in your ear well might not be water in 2020 a kansas city resident went to a doctor thinking she had some h2o in her ear that just wouldn't go away but the medics found a spider living in there not just any spider either it was a brown recluse which are highly venomous and can even cause death on admittedly rare occasions with their bite number 99 i don't want to alarm anyone but 95 of the universe is missing i say missing it's there we just can't observe it this is what's known as dark matter and dark energy aside from knowing that this 95 is 68 dark energy the other 27 of dark matter is a mystery number a hundred in any given year according to the cdc you have a one in five hundred thousand chance of being struck by lightning statistically men are five times more likely to be struck than women and 85 percent of lightning strike fatalities are men watch out fellas number 101 fear of friday the 13th is better known as oh god paris could veda catriophobia or frigatress kaidekaphobia to end on a more positive note mr rogers made king friday the 13th the ruler of calendar land in the neighborhood and gave him a birthday on you guest hit friday the 13th so that children would look forward to it rather than develop a fear of the superstitious day ah so those were 101 spooky facts spooky for different reasons valid sure but still there's enough in there to give someone a little bit of a fright did we scare you let us know in the comments down below or you're down there please do give us a like and subscribe to one of our fans if you haven't done so already we really do appreciate it and hey why not give one of these other videos a click it might just scare you too probably not though but i'll see you there goodbye [Music]
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 31,376
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Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, 101 facts about, spooky facts, spooky, spooky video, scary facts, halloween, halloween facts, facts about halloween, random facts, facts about anything and everything, spiders, snakes, scary, 2021, halloween 2021, horror movies, horror, horror games, scariest video ever, ghosts, creepy, creepypasta, creepy stories
Id: lHrMevGcXFg
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Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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