101 Facts About Greek Mythology

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greetings mother factors and welcome to this especially mythological episode of 101 facts are these episodes so i'm not sure but it doesn't matter i'm chris the editor and i'm filling in for sam because he went to the zoo and got taken by monkeys so i'm here today to talk about greek mythology but what did uranus do to gaia who was the god of horses and why is it the one time sam gets taken by monkeys and i have to do the voice over it's the one time we have all the complicated names two out of these three questions are gonna be answers so get ready for your lispy boy to ramble on about a mental family tree zeus getting his jollies off with anything that moves and hercules he's involved somewhere right anyway these are 101 facts about greek mythology number one let's start right at the beginning greek mythology is based around the mythological stories about the ancient grecian deities now before we get into the juicy bits i'm just going to throw this out there greek mythology is absolute insanity there are opposing accounts and views and translations so the things that i'm telling you from here on out are the bits that are the most widely accepted versions of events okay okay number two greek myths evolve from stories told orally in the minoan civilization of crete sometime between 3000 to 1100 bc this makes them over 4 000 years old and there is no single text like the bible which tells the stories so begin to listen in and learn all there is to know about greek mythology a lot of what we'll be using though is hestia's poems homa's iliad and odyssey number three the most famous gods of these myths are the olympians we're talking like zeus poseidon aphrodite athena and all their pals but whilst they're often the most popular gods greek mythology actually stretches back much further than these mountain dwelling deities number four so right at the beginning of greek mythology the only thing that existed was chaos stories tell us that chaos was the primal feature of our universe and presented herself because she's personified as a cool lady deity as the dark majesty and mystery of creation which sounds pretty sick number five chaos then is the beginning of everything from her sprung her first three children gaia who is the personification of earth tartarus a personification of the underworld and eros who personifies love chaos would later become the space between earth and tartarus but not the underworld which is a whole new thing number six tartarus while also a primordial deity is the place below hades and the underworld where the gods would be imprisoned which will come up at length later so don't you worry number seven here's where it all starts to get a bit complicated so just take it at face value okay so chaos then birth of rebus darkness and nyx knight while gaia also bear three children uranus the sky urea the mountains and pontus the sea they're all likely miraculous conception though some sources say that uranus's father could have been akmon or aether the upper heir or even chaos somehow number eight aribus and nyx then had some lovely sibling relations and thus aether who could have been uranus's father somehow was born as well as hemera who represented the day nyx also produced a whole family of terrifying deities including morris fate cur doom tharatos death hypnos sleep or neroy dreams garrus old age oysters pain nemesis revenge eris strife apate deceit filities sexual pleasure momos blame and the hesperidus the nymphs of the sunset oh and karen is kind of important number nine tartarus also bought some children with his kinder sister gaia just go with it just go with it their offspring were typhus and echidna the mother and father of all monsters typhius is famously the deadliest creature in greek mythology and is described as a dragon with a hundred snakes growing from his shoulders he also probably had wings but i like to imagine that they were also snakes number 10 echidna literally translates to she viper so it's not wholly surprising that she's half woman and half snake being the parents of all monsters it's not surprising they made monsters who included cerberus the three-headed canine guard of the underworld hydra the many headed sea serpent sphinx chimera cruelty and dragon and authoris number 11 [Music] so then gaia got on with her son uranus and produced 18 children the first 12 become titan gods then three cyclopses and three hecaton shares which were some kind of weird giant creatures that had 100 hands and 50 heads really strong look really cool i like them look neat number 12 guy is not only the personification of earth and the mother of a zoo full of kids but she is also considered the mother of everything beautiful in the world which is pretty lovely person uranus though not so lovely in fact when he fathered children with his mother he despised them so much that as soon as they were born he'd push them back into a womb number 13 i'm sure you can imagine having one kid stuffed up there would be quite painful let alone 18. so gaia came up with a plan to overthrow the incredibly powerful uranus who couldn't die because he was immortal gaia gave their younger son cronus a sickle and when uranus went to lie with his mother that day cronus castrated his father and threw both the sickle and his daddy's pickle into the sea sorry that line always gets me number 14 it's not clear what happened to eunice after this but it's widely accepted that he took up his place as the sky and remain there held up by his grandson atlas but we're getting way ahead of ourselves the blood from uranus's little slippy snip produced the arenas the giants and the malay number 15. the arenas were three goddesses of vengeance and retribution also known as the furies they were named alecto despony and megura their names meant unceasing in anger avenger of murder and jealousy respectively they were catholic deities which means of the underworld and they take vengeance on those who committed crimes it's number 16 baby take me the giants were a race of fearsome warriors who were famous for their immense strength they were described as having long unruly hair and beards and arm themselves with long spears and sturdy shields despite being born of gods the giants were immortal unlike their siblings number 17 the malay or ash tree nymphs would become the wives of the silver race of man and the mothers of the bronze age according to the ages of men which we'll explain properly in a bit they are often said to be the same as the honey nymphs because ash tree sap is honey-like and sweet and if true these nymphs would be the ones that nursed and raised the god zeus number 18 from the old dangly ball sack of uranus once discarded into the ocean came forth the goddess of love beauty pleasure passion and procreation herself aphrodite in homer's iliad though he says that aphrodite is actually the daughter of zeus and dion i much prefer the testicle version though so number 19. remember i mentioned that gaia also produced children called oria and pontus while she also made some kids with pontus or the sea and out of those relations with both thalamus and foresees the sea gods and europia and seto the sea goddesses and nerius who was the old man of the sea number 20 thou almost became wed to elektra the goddess of the clouds and they created iris who was the personification of the rainbow and the harpies who were birds with human faces they were kind of like wind spirits that created storms with their wings number 21 narius the old man of the sea was the father of the water nymphs ordinary edds who are important because they'd eventually go on to be the mothers of two very famous greek figures triton the god of the sea and achilles the hero of the trojan war number 22 nerius's siblings four seas and seto wed and created the gorgons the grey and cilla and possibly the sirens although they could have been fathered by a keyless the river god instead i know man who even knows anymore this is hard number 23 the gorgons are probably best known because of medusa however there are two more sisters called thano i think and yuri yale unfortunately for medusa she was the only one of the three who was mortal although all of them were winged and had snakes for hair they were apparently so awful to look at that just one glance would turn you into stone number 24 the grey were similarly as awful as their gorgon sisters sisters dino enyo and pemfredo were also known as the old grey ones and only had one eye and one tooth between the three of them they were said to be very wise but also very unhelpful number 25 their sister cilla was born a beautiful sea nymph however after upsetting glaucus the god of fishing amphitrites one of the ocean goddesses and cersei a powerful enchantress who were all involved in some complicated love triangles the latter cursed or poisoned cilla giving her six long necks with extra heads and lots of gross teeth so that no one would ever love her again number 26 jumping back a bit to gaia remember we said that guy's first 12 children were the titan gods well let's talk about them there were six males oceanus coast creos hyperion iopetus and cronus and six females thea rhea themis pneumosyn phoebe antithus number 27 the titans were the second generation of gods led by cronus after he castrated and overthrew their father uranus and released his siblings from his mother's womb on his victory he proclaimed himself the king of all gods and men number 28 let's have a quick rundown of the other titans on the male side you've got oceanus god of the ocean curious the celestial axis chris god of the constellations hyperion god of light and iopetus the god of mankind or morality the females are thea the goddess of sight and light of the blue sky rear the goddess of fertility and the mother of the gods themis goddess of law and order pneumosyn the goddess of memory phoebe the goddess of prophecy and possibly the moon and thetis the goddess of the rivers number 29 oceanas and tethis created the oceanides including metis the first wife of zeus and the goddess of wisdom and most importantly styx goddess of the river sticks which was the boundary between earth and the underworld kriyas produced palace the titan god of war alongside europea who i think was basically his aunt palace is important though because he marries styx and they created nike zealous kratos and beer number 30 iapetus marries one of his nieces climbing or asia one of the oceanids and their children are atlas prometheus minorities and epimetheus epimetheus would marry the first mortal woman pandora who you might know from the story of pandora's box number 31 well the box is actually a jar in the myths but the story is the same when creating the race of man prometheus stole the secret of fire from the olympic gods which made zeus pretty furious he ordered that the first woman be made and blessed her with beauty before gifting her to prometheus's brother epimetheus as his bride number 32 when epimetheus wedded pandora they were gifted a jar and told not to open it pandora couldn't contain a curiosity and open the box or jar unbeknownst to her that she would be releasing all evils and diseases into the world she tried to close the jar but everything had escaped except hope hope is said to have either stayed in the box explaining why human hope is always the last thing to die though other versions say that hope was released and did its best to heal the damage caused by the other evils number 33 probably not a huge shock that epimetheus was the god of hindsight not realizing that the gift from zeus was a trick his brother prometheus though who actually warned him not to take zeus's gift was the god of foresight and 5 because of the whole fire drama number 34 their brother atlas is famous for holding the statue where he's holding the world on his back this is a bit of a modern misconception because he's actually the god who bore the sky or heavens aloft and was the personification of endurance the final brother menoritius is a bit more elusive but his name means doomed might and was described as prideful and impulsive making it likely that he was the god of violent anger and rash action number 35 let's just go back up this is insane family tree for a sec though and take a quick look at the titan siblings phoebe and corius together they created their daughter leto who had become one of the first lovers of zeus bearing his children artemis and apollo leto's cousin atlas would also have a child called meyer who would then bang zeus and create hermes the messenger god number 36 okay so let's talk about the olympian gods as we're basically there now cronus who defended his father uranus during the end of the reign of the primordial gods was now the king of the gods and leader of the first generation of titan gods he married his sister raya the mother of gods number 37 the mother of the gods then became the mother of the gods and had six children by cronus hestia hades poseidon hera and the little lightning lad zeus number 38 hestia was the goddess of the hearth and the first born children of cronus and rhea she didn't feature much in the mythology but she was always given the first offering at every household sacrifice as the hearth or fireplace that she embodied as it was essential for warmth food preparation and sacrificial offerings all pretty vital for survival or at least the first two are anyway number 39 poseidon was the god of the sea known for his poor temper and his power over earthquakes floods storms and the creation of horses apparently he went the nereid amphitriti granddaughter of the titan god oceanus and tethys and together poseidon and aphatriti had their first child triton who was half man half fish and god of the waves and calm seas number 40 triton is sometimes depicted with a trident something which she likely inherited from his father poseidon who was also shown with the fancy fork more commonly though triton was shown with a conch shell which should blow like a trumpet in order to control the waves of the sea number 41 hades was the god of the underworld and the ruler of the dead he's usually seen alongside cerberus remember the three-headed dog we talked about earlier and seen wielding a two-pronged fork kind of like poseidon's trident but with two pokey bits hades was the first born son of cronus and rhea but fourth in total being born after his three sisters the meaning of life demeter was the goddess of the harvest who at some point had an intimate relationship with her younger brother zeus and they had the child called persephone who would marry her lovely uncle hades and become queen of the underworld with him which is actually a dual deity because not only had she had the power of the underworld but as a child of two olympians she was also the goddess of fertility number 43 hades actually kind of stole persephone from earth much of demeter's dismay as the goddess of the harvest her devastation at the loss of her daughter created a barren earth and the start of a huge famine that would wipe out humanity that sounds pretty bad number 44 zeus would eventually send his son hermes to the underworld to bargain with hades and retrieve persephone and hades relented however before allowing her to leave hades feeds persephone a pomegranate seed having eaten the food of the dead persephone has been tricked and tied to the underworld forever number 45 upon her return to mount olympus and to her mother demeter she admits her mistake zeus and hades then reached an agreement that persephone would spend three months of the year in the underworld with her husband these three months would become the earth's winter and with it would bring sadness and mourning so basically if you have seasonal affective disorder just blame on hades number 46 if you've played the game hades you'll have some idea about this stuff but persephone had two children zagreus and melanie not much is known about her apart from the fact that she was responsible for nightmares and madness but it's likely that zeus is her father after he succeeds persephone when disguised as his brother hades number 47 zagreus identity is confusing to say the least but in most versions he's said to be the son of persephone and zeus after zeus has an affair zeus pins zagreus as a potential heir to the throne of the gods but his wife hera is furious about his infidelity and asks the titan gods to kill zagreus number 48 they do and go as far as to eat them but zeus is not very happy about this and so smites the titans responsible turning them into ash from the ashes persephone manages to find zagreus's beating heart and places it into the body of a mortal woman called semilly she then gives birth to zagreus 2.0 but as a mortal being ergo he can't be the king of the gods anymore number 49 hera was the goddess of women who would eventually become the queen of the gods sorry spoilers she also married her brother zeus and they had three children aerys the god of war hephaestus the god of fire and [ __ ] the goddess of youth and the cupbearer of the gods number 50 and then there's daddy zeus god of the sky and thunder and later the king of the gods now we could probably go on for 101 facts alone about all his offspring but we'll have a quick rundown of the most important ones before we get really stuck into the king of the gods and how he's gained such a title number 51 so first off zeus marries metis daughter of titans oceanas and tethys they have a daughter named athena goddess of wisdom however when zeus is warned that his child may be a threat to him he decides to swallow the pregnant metis later athena is born from zeus's forehead hence her wisdom what did i just read number 52 zeus's second wife was themis the goddess of law and order together they have three children referred to as the horay now because nothing can be simple in greek mythology there are actually two sets of horae the first set which we'll just consider as canon are these three named daiki unomiya and irene who represents more justice legislation and peace respectively number 53 the other set of horay are said to be born of zeus and aphrodite and represent the seasons these three are called thalo the goddess of the springtime and the protector of youth and innocence awkso the goddess of summer and growth and fertility and carpo the goddess of wisdom and the harvest and was the guardian of the road to olympus winter i guess just didn't really exist in this number 54 back to zeus again his third wife was yurinom another daughter of oceanus and tethys and together they produced another three daughters called the graces or charis they were named aglair splendor sign murph and thalia joyous there are differing accounts with these goddesses too sometimes they have different names but we're sticking to this version number 55 onto wife number four for zeus and this time it was his sister demeter with whom he had persephone then wife number five was nemesis daughter of gaia and uranus and the goddess of memory with zeus she birthed the nine amuses after sleeping together for nine days in a row number 56 wife number six was leto daughter of phoebe and curius and mother of artemis and apollo finally wife number seven was hera who zeus tricked into relations by appealing to her love of animals by pretending to be an injured cuckoo before sleeping with her and shaming her into marriage wow that's uh that's a really good guy move zeus as i said earlier they had the children aerys hephaestus and [ __ ] and the less spoken of alethia the goddess of childbirth and enyo the goddess of war and destruction number 57 you think that was it but nope ul zeus boy got around he has so many other children the few probably worth mentioning here though are dionysus perseus and heracles oh and helen of troy which is quite important number 58 dionysus the god of wine was born to semilly and fathered by zeus similarly if you'll cast him memory back a few facts was the mortal woman who gave birth to the reincarnated zagreus another of zeus's thousand offspring basically to cut a long and confusing story short zagreus and dionysus are often confused in myths and could well have been the same person but again for the purposes of this video they're separate i see you commenting please stop this is confusing number 59 perseus was also born of a mortal mother called danai after zeus impregnated her when she was locked away to stop her having a child by her father king acrysius of argos because a prophecy said that his grandson would kill him he was furious about the baby but didn't want to murder perseus because he was scared of the wrath of the gods and more specifically the furies number 60 so accrecius locked his daughter and grandson in a box and threw them out to sea as any slightly demented father would they were rescued by the polydectes the king of the island of cerephos and he fell in love with danai it wasn't reciprocated though and basically perseus told him to back off number 61 polydex was annoyed by this and agreed to stop harassing his mother but only if he slayed the gorgon medusa and brought back her head which polydectus or ascending percies to his certain death perseus survived and came back with medusa's head which doubled as a badass weapon that turned people to stone when enemies looked into her dead eyes number 62 eventually perseus went back to his homeland and ended up accidentally murdering his grandfather during a discus throwing event perseus didn't even know that accretius was here but lobbed the disc so hard he hit his granddaddy in the head and killed him instantly thus fulfilling his prophecy number 63 finally heracles or as you might know him as hercules heracles was born to a mortal woman named alkamine after zeus disguised himself as her husband amphitryon and slept with her confused her real husband sought a seer named tyresius and he told them what actually happened it's the nintendo reference okay so fun fact alchemine is actually the granddaughter of perseus that other hero child of zeus it does mean almost nothing because the entire family tree is incestuous beyond belief but it is a cool fact number 65 fast forward nine months and alchemine gave birth to heracles and zeus's wife at the time hera was again furious about her husband's infidelity and sent two snakes to kill the baby heracles in his cradle heracles strangled both of them and continued to develop this immense strength until adulthood number 66 before he was even born hera had it out for heracles she made zeus promise that the next born child of the perseus lineage would become a high king as heracles was the next scheduled baby but then hera had a word with her daughter ilithia the goddess of fertility and forced another baby named eurystheus to be born and more importantly before heracles number 67 heracles went on to train his strength chariot skills archery and basically everything that would make him awesome to the ancient greeks apparently by the time he was 19 years old he already had more than 50 kids at some point though he settled down and married princess megura of thebus having several children together number 68 then along comes hera again deciding she still wants to punish heracles as she curses him sending him into a madness that causes him to kill his and mega his children and then depending on which source you believe possibly meguro herself number 69 i can't say any of these names they're so difficult either way this sin caused heracles to flee to the oracle of delphi to work out to pay for this horrible sin he was then told to serve king eurestheus the premature child that beat heracles to the throne euresius would then give him 12 tasks that would be later known as the 12 labors of heracles number 70 completing these labors granted heracles immortality and heracles spent the rest of his life having even more kids and fighting monsters cementing his status as one of the most famous greek heroes in history when he died he also married [ __ ] his half-sister and became a fully-fledged god number 71 let's go back a bit again some of you are probably wondering what happened to cronus the king of the titan gods and why we said zeus was the king of the gods when cronus castrated his father uranus and took his throne yeah no that feels like a lifetime ago jonas made a prophecy that cronus would meet the same fate as him having a son that overthrew him number 72 that scared cronus and he ended up becoming the same tyrannical ruler as his father banishing his brothers to the prison of tartarus and literally eating his own children to stop the prophecy from happening as depicted in this absolutely haunting painting by francisco it's called saturn devouring his son but saturn is just the roman name of cronus number 73 but when his wife reya gives birth to their final child zeus she hides him from cronus and instead gives him a swaddled rock which he swallows none the wiser as you do over the next few years zeus grew up in a cave in crete and was raised by a goat called amalthea number 74 not only did amalthia supply zeus with milk to nourish him but when zeus got a bit rough with the goat when playing he broke her horn which zeus blessed and this became the cornucopia everything a person could desire could be found inside the horn then when amalthya died zeus used her hide to create aegis his number 75 but anyway we're getting off topic zeus grew up and became cronus's cupbearer but unbeknownst to cronus that said cupbearer was actually his son one day zeus and his first wife metis poisoned his wine and cronus vomited out each one of his swallowed children number 76 upon the release of his godly brothers and sisters as well as the gods that cronus imprisoned in tartarus zeus convinced them to join him in his rebellion against their father though i can't imagine they took much convincing to fight the guy who swallowed them but either way this event was called the titanomachy or the war of the titans number 77 skipping to the end because the war is like 10 years long the olympian gods won and zeus became the king of the gods all of the titan gods were imprisoned in tartarus except themis and prometheus who sided with zeus number 78 zeus and his brothers poseidon and hades all drew straws to decide who would rule what parts of the universe zeus won and got king of the sky and ruler of mortals and gods poseidon got rule of the seas hades got the short straw becoming ruler of the underworld so just in case you were wondering how they got their roles it was straws this was also the start of a new age number 79 speaking of ages according to greek mythology and more specifically the poems of hesiod there are five main ages of man these are the golden age when cronus ruled the silver age when zeus ruled the bronze age which ended with the flood of deucalion the heroic age literally the time of greek heroes and the iron age where human guide were awful and most of the gods abandoned earth either humans would destroy themselves or zeus would return to destroy them number 80 zeus decided that the bronze stage would come to an end when he got fed up with the awfulness of humans and flooded the earth for nine days warning only deucalion the son of prometheus ducalium built a chest for him and his wife pira the daughter of epithemus and pandora and they survived the flood becoming the only two surviving humans it's basically ancient greece's noah's ark number 81 have you ever heard of someone been likened to an adonis well adonis is actually a figure from greek mythology adolesce was conceived when mortal woman meera was cursed by aphrodite to lust over her father king theos of cyprus he's also called king cineras in some places but they're the same person number 82 basically mira tricked her father into sleeping with her and she felt pregnant but when ching daddy realized he tried to kill her so she fled and after nine months of pleading with the gods to help her they did by turning her into a tree number 83 adonis was born of the tree bark and aphrodite fell in love with him she put persephone in charge of raising him and when he grew up to be super hot persephone also fell in love with him the goddesses had a dispute over who could have him and eventually they agreed to take a third of the year each with adonis choosing who he wanted to spend the other third with he chose aphrodite and subsequently had a couple of kids with her number 84 aphrodite actually got into a fair few issues because as the goddess of love beauty pleasure and fertility she was basically irresistible to everyone except the three virgin goddesses artemis athena and hestia zeus tried to avoid inevitable fights over aphrodite by marrying her to his son hephaestus but aphrodite had no intention of being faithful in that marriage i mean zeus gone exactly getting mad about that can he number 85. after numerous affairs which we won't go into aphrodite actually ended up causing the trojan war paris the prince of troy was allowed to see aphrodite naked which was apparently a blessing when he was judging a beauty contest between her hera and athena aphrodite said that if he chose her as the fairest she'd give him the most beautiful girl in the world number 86 paris obviously chose aphrodite and in return she gave him said beautiful woman this just happened to be helen the spartan queen whether she went willingly or was abducted is a bit patchy but either way her husband monaelus was pretty angry and assembled an army of all the greek leaders to fight for her return number 87 this group of leaders also sought out achilles son of water nymph thetis when he was born thetas took him to the river's sticks in the underworld and dipped him in it to grant him immortality knowing that he was destined for a dangerous life number 88 she held him by the heel when she dunked him though and so that heel was never submerged and therefore not immortalized this would later become achilles downfall and is where the phrase achilles heel comes from meaning a small but pretty glaring weakness number 89 but anyway achilles joined their fight and they all headed over to troy the war lasted for an entire decade and at some point in that decade achilles killed the king of tinnitus a son of the god apollo and apollo was not happy number 90 when achilles came to fight paris paris shot him with an arrow paris was not a fighter and did not have good aim so apollo aided the arrow sending it straight into the heel of achilles killing him number 91 the trojan war is also where the story of the trojan horse comes from to finally infiltrate troy the greek soldiers created a hollow horse which they climbed in it was presented as a gift and accepted then when night fell the soldiers exited open the gates and troy fell number 92 it's not overly clear what happened after the greeks won the war the gods seemed to punish most of the self-proclaimed heroes because not many of them made it home afterwards but helen herself it differs between stories some say she returned to sparta and her husband tried to kill her some say she went to mount olympus and another account said she went to the underworld to be with achilles number 93 athena might have lost the beauty contest and started the trojan war but she won an arguably more important argument with poseidon the pair fought over who would be the possessor of athens and they had a contest judged by the first king of athens king secrets number 94 it took place in the acropolis and poseidon thrusters tried it into a rock to create a salt water spring very useful athena however simply planted an olive tree the tree would provide olives to eat and make oil and wood for fire and building if it wasn't obvious from the name athens athena won number 95. interestingly posadan also had children with the gorgon medusa she was once a beautiful woman who poseidon took her liking to and he impregnated her in the temple of athena athena was very unhappy about this cursing medusa with her famous serpentine locks and monstrous appearance number 96 she was beheaded by perseus before giving birth to her children and from her seventh neck came chrysial and pegasus pegasus was an immortal winged horse remember when we said posada was creative horses well there you go chrysial was just a human-esque warrior so the less interesting sibling number 97 one of the other most famous monsters in greek mythology was the minotaur who had the body of a man and the head of a bull poseidon created a sea bull for king minos when he prayed for proof of his divine right to the throne of crete manas promised to sacrifice it afterwards but believed it too beautiful and chose to slaughter a different bull number 98 poseidon wasn't very happy about this and made manus wife fall in love with the bull producing the minotaur instead of killing it miners got daedalus to create a huge labyrinth that was so intricate the monitor couldn't leave and anyone that went in wouldn't come back out number 99 daedalus was kept locked away in a tower with his son icarus so they couldn't tell the secrets of the labyrinth while in captivity daedalus created two sets of wings made out of feathers and wax and taught his son to fly with them so that they could escape number 100 daedalus warned icarus to not fly too close to the sun as the wax would melt and not to get too close to the sea because the feathers would get wet icarus didn't listen and in his excitement he flew too close to the sun causing his wings to melt and he fell into the sea and drowned the story serves as a cautionary tale about carelessness number 101 the bees remained there and demanded sacrifices to satiate him until thesis one of the heroes of athens decided he'd had enough of that using a ball of thread given to him by daedalus he found his way to the center of the labyrinth slaughtered the minotaur and saved the greeks from the sacrifices okay cool that was 101 facts about greek mythology did you have a good time i certainly had a good time i mean i didn't say any of the names right i'm absolutely sure i don't even think i said persephone right and that's the one that i'm pretty certain i know the name of is there anything that we missed did you like this video are you this video let me know in the comments down below while you're down there why don't you go ahead and give us a like and a subscribe if you're not subscribed already there's many subscribers and you could be one of them they're all really cool and we have dance parties on every alternating tuesday do it in our houses because look at this on the screen right now oh it's so cool it's another video just for you just for your face that you could enjoy and there's another one too also for your face you're gonna have a great time with it like wow aren't you lucky i think you're lucky i'm gonna go see if i can find the monkeys that took sam
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 66,102
Rating: 4.8805695 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, greek mythology, greek mythology stories, greek myth, greek mythology facts, facts about greek mythology, ancient greece, zeus, chaos, cronus, titan gods, olympian gods, trojan war, hercules, poseidon, athena, athens, aphrodite, apollo, atlas, hades, demeter, hera, rhea, greek gods, greek goddess, greek mythology documentary, underworld, tartarus, medusa, pegasus, pandoras box, heracles, persephone, hermes, achilles, interesting, history, ancient history
Id: zGawUD55Irs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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