101 Facts About The Sims

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readings not the factors on your honeymoon iron heel no having a hard morning where were you at I wa ah just kidding I'm Sal and that was Simlish but why why was that Simlish well that's because today we're here to talk about one of the biggest video game franchises of all time like ever yes it's that wish-fulfillment simulator the sims it's been a big part of our millennial little lives so hey let's deep dive right into it like a ball with no ladders to get out with but what's the hidden conspiracy at the center of the sims Howard guinea pigs responsible for a sim massacre and where can i buy that vibrating hotbed in real life not for whoohoo or anything it just looks like it'd be great for my back to enter through those questions are gonna be answered so filly respiration meter typing rosebud keep pressing enter and watch the money roll in baby as we go through 101 facts about the sims galley gulag number one the sims is a series of highly entertaining life simulation video games developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts most of the games in the sim series are sandbox games that doesn't mean they're certain a sand pit silly it means they lack any defined goals and the player creates virtual people called Sims who are then placed in houses which players can either construct themselves or choose from a number of pre constructed homes number two players of the games and direct their sims by controlling their behavior and choosing how to satisfy their needs and desires Sims do possess some degree of free will and will move and engage in certain activities by themselves when left alone but they are ultimately under the control of the player much like we are makes you think huh number three the similar series was created by American video game designer Will Wright who not only has the name of a supervillain but also co-founded the former game development company Maxis and first rose to prominence after creating the 1989 video games Sim City number four Wright was inspired to create the Sims as a virtual dollhouse in the aftermath of the Oakland firestorm in 1991 in which his house burned down and all his possessions were destroyed weirdin spoke short ride was forced to replace everything he had lost and in the months that followed he began to ponder the possibility of a game that had players created life from scratch requiring a new house and completely new household items ranging from socks to furniture number five rights earliest conceptions of what would eventually become as sermons were significantly different to the game we all know and love today indeed the game was originally going to be an architecture simulator that allowed players the ability to build houses while the Sims were added to simply interact with and respond to the various objects created for the game it would have just been build mode but forever number six however it quickly became obvious that these Sims were one of the more interesting aspects of the game and the direction was changed to make these characters the focus of the project what a crazy idea I bet that would never work number seven Wright's first prototype of the Sims was created in 1993 seven years before the first game was eventually released initially involved a single sim navigating their environment and interacting with objects this was an important start to producing a workable game and in these subsequent months Wright became convinced of the project's viability number eight remember the less when right initially took his ideas to the maxis board of directors his early plans for the Sims were met with skepticism and drew little support or financing so Wright gave up and The Sims never got made good night number nine Oh psyche mantis was bought by Electronic Arts in 1997 and the new powers-that-be who replaced the old powers-that-be were far more receptive to Wright's idea SimCity after all had been a great success and the possibility of creating a strong franchise out of the sim games was clearly a tantalizing prospect and money yummy-yummy money number turn Wright had commented that the initially envisioned the Sims as a satire of US consumer culture noting how people became so obsessed with the acquisition of more and more expensive things so apparently were meant to feel bad while playing The Sims great thanks Obama number 11 Wright has also stated that while designing the Sims he took inspo from three main sources the first of which was the 1977 architecture and urban design book a pattern language which to this day remains one of the best-selling books in architecture wow what a cultural fella one intelligence point for him number twelve right second source of Sims duration yet it was a theory of human motivation a highly influential 1943 paper written by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow in his paper Maslow conceived of a hierarchy of needs which is traditionally represented as a pyramid with a person's most fundamental physiological requirements at the base beneath safety love and esteem with self-actualization at the apex the sims ain't dumb yo number 13 the third source was Charles Hampton Turner's 1982 book maps of the mind which compares numerous influential theories on how the mind works right use these three works who develop a model for the games artificial intelligence and how players would succeed by providing for their sims number 14 however these highfalutin academic works weren't the only things that influenced the Sims when initially designing the game Wright spent considerable time researching the found community of the highly successful quake games within which players invested impressive amounts of time and effort constructing their own custom levels this in turn fueled Wright aim to make the Sims as customizable as possible number 15 you might be somewhat surprised to know that the first object ever implemented into the Sims was in fact the humble toilette this is because of its versatile as a single object that offers many different potential interactions and possible variables giving the same is the option to use a toilet either standing up or sitting down as well as the ability to flush and clean it Sims were even given the option to leave the seat up or down it really was revolutionary number 618 Wright has stated that throughout the design process the game's user interface was redesigned from scratch a total of 11 times 11 that's a lot of clicking and designing number 17 oh yeah yeah getting people to understand how directing a bunch of individuals in fairly ordinary and regular activities could be a fun video game was a challenge in and of itself in fact the Sims came across as so mundane too early tester groups that Wright had feared the game would never happen oh I wonder what's gonna happen next number 18 eventually all of Wright's hard work paid off and it wasn't mundane Hirai in February of the year 2000 Electronic Arts released The Sims the very first video game in The Sims franchise and its base title for Microsoft Windows and lo the world did rejoice for onto them had been given one of the most addictive video games of all creation and they looked upon it and saw that it was good I am available for voice work number 19 the first Sims game was supplemented by no less than seven expansion packs and two deluxe editions with exclusive content together these titles represent the first generation of the series on the PC I just also wanted to say that this included the ingenious item a teleport is instead of stairs that I desperately want someone to invent in real life it's hard on the knees number 20 right and originally wanted to call the game dollhouse believing that his game was essentially a high-tech customizable video game version of the traditional dollhouse so the app's name was act up but I tell you however the name was predictably scrapped because you can't sell a video game called dollhouse to young males especially one with virtually no gun violence damn you patriarchy number 21 one of the game's most recognizable features is the massive crystal that levitates ominously above your selected sim which has itself become a symbol of the Sims series in general however even some of those seasoned Sims players don't actually know the name of this curious hovering gem which is in fact known as a plumb bob good to know number 22 oh yeah me or oh yeah the currency used in the world of sims is the Somalian a word that believe it or not actually existed already before the Sims it derives from Simon's an 18th century British slang for six months number twenty-three samolians represented in the game by the section symbol a typographical glyph used a reference individual numbered sections of text most commonly in legal documents so they didn't even create their own currency symbol lazy number 24 when is only in the game right feared that one sim to speak existing languages hearing them say the same phrases over and over again would quickly become repetitive and robotic in addition he was also not exactly thrilled with the prospect of translating and marketing the game in several different languages upon its worldwide distribution number 95 right even toyed with the idea of having sim speak rare languages like Navajo and Estonian but felt that even non speakers would be able to identify common phrases over time tom sims were almost speaking navajo number 26 in order to avoid these results right decided that a unique fictional language made up mostly by garbled yet very endearing jibberish would work best for the sims the result was Simlish the official language of the sims which allows players to discern a sims feelings and emotional states based on their tone and tempo without the pesky repetitive sound of dialogue formed using real languages number 27 curiously it's been stated by numerous sources that Simlish does actually draw from various real-life languages including ukrainian French Latin Finnish English Fujian cebuano and Tagalog although this has not been confirmed it just sounds like Swedish to me number 28 there is a pinball machine available to find the Sims called the see me feel me pinball machine the description of which ends with by who by Toriko of course this is a sly of reference to the song see me feel me a song by the celebrated British rock band the who from their 1969 album Tommy number 29 the non playable character Mortimer Goff the patriarch of the Goff family is slightly based on the iconic American horror actor Vincent Price Mortimer's appearance in the Sims is proof you can fit a Vincent Price reference into anything and sometimes you should number 30 in order to launch the sims in China the team behind the same as were forced to remove the criminal career option which was always weird anyway because how could you find that in a paper anyway which the Chinese authorities felt didn't send the right message to their younger citizens as a result in Chinese versions of the game the criminal career track is replaced with the possibility to pursue a career as mime because if you're not criminal you're a mime number 31 if you click on the Maxis symbol on the autoplay window that appears when the Sims is loading you'll be shown a cartoon image of the game's creator will write riding a scooter with a number of tiny people believably Sims I guess climbing on his arm shoulders and head or it's a disturbing cross over into the borrowers as well the borrowers scare me that's scary number 32 as we all know the sim as quickly became a huge success otherwise why would we be doing a video on it hey by the 22nd of March 2002 the Sims had sold more than 6.3 million copies worldwide and by February 2005 the game had shipped a staggering 16 million copies worldwide number 33 the success of the game was such that it eventually surpassed the 1993 graphic adventure puzzle video game Myst to become the best-selling PC video game in history a record it's held until it's eclipsed by the success of the sims 2 but let's not spoil that bit yet number 34 speaking of landmarks the Sims was the first video game to appear on the cover of Newsweek we'll get there soon one on one pack steam and you mother factors someday number 35 The Sims was featured in the first and third episode of the fourth season of the American drama TV series Six Feet Under in which the game was played by the character of Arthur who is in turn played by Dwight himself Rainn Wilson who isn't landing played as a sim by a twelve-year-old boy called Duncan and he's been played by an 80 year old called Janet and so the cycle continues on number 36 on the 27th of August 2000 several months after the release of The Sims the game was given its very first expansion pack in the form of The Sims livin large however you may know it by a slightly different name because in the UK Ireland and Portugal it was for some reason changed to the Sims living it up no idea why number 37 one of the most bizarre and intriguing mysteries from the world of The Sims has to do with a particular virus introduced into the game with the living large expansion which caused many sims to fall ill seemingly without explanation the mystifying plague course seems to sneeze and cough frequently and without appropriate rest the sickness could be fatal number 38 eventually players figured out the cause of the illness it was in fact guinea pigs okay specifically the Sims were getting sick after being bitten by the pet guinea pigs that were introduced in living large and even more specifically it was by those living in dirty cages that had not been cleaned by their lazy sim owners so they had it coming it's what I'm saying number 39 naturally the inclusion of the guinea pig illness irritated huge numbers of Sims players who bombarded Maxis with angry messages about their beloved Sims who died at the hands of inscrutable disease that had never been announced for the game's creators in response Maxis eventually updated the game so that Sims can only contract a mild illness from their neglected guinea pigs rather than the life-threatening condition that developed before the update maybe you guys just look after your virtual pets POI stop blaming others for your bad luck okay just saying number 40 on the 2nd of April 2001 the house party expansion pack was released which allowed you to put on the hippest most happening soiree in all the party history indeed if your sims for a cool enough party they could be honoured by surprise appearance from the one and only drew Carey who will arrive in a limo to congratulate you and hang the fudge out number 41 Drew Carey is in fact a fan of The Sims himself and even parodied them in an episode of his creatively titled sitcom The Drew Carey Show the reading of life god only 20th of March 2002 the vacation expansion pack was released in which you were able to take your sins on a much-needed break from guinea pig disease and being tormented by malevolent creator he forces them into large swimming pools and then removes the stairs you know who you are like livin large vacation also got renamed outside the US and in the UK Ireland Portugal and China the game was known as the sins on holiday number 43 released on the 28th of March 2002 the game's fifth expansion back titled The Sims Unleashed contains I'd echo music that was written and performed by the said echo flames a real life side echo band what is I'd echo musica who you ask frankly it's better you don't know number 44 after supplementing the first Sims game with extra content for three years Electronic Arts released The Sims 2 on the 14th of September 2004 hilariously in some countries where this was the first Sims game released The Sims 2 was just called The Sims which is bafflingly confusing number 45 here's something weird the Sims games actually kind of have a narrative for instance even though it was released only for real life years after the Sims 1 the Sims 2 was set some 25 years after the original number 46 if you didn't realize this then frankly you haven't been paying attention the goth family from the first game who are you know a bit gothy have aged quite significantly and Bella actually mysteriously disappeared at one point during the break yeah get on that all-time conspiracies number 47 strangely though the disappearance of Bella goth is actually quite a big in universe mystery there are several books in The Sims 3 the reference Bella's disappearance leading to some Inspector Morse types to determine she was kidnapped or even murdered either that or she was abducted by aliens and taken to strange town every soft for a gain about controlling an AI family number 48 the difference in visuals between the sequel and its predecessor it's quite obvious but I'll let you know the specifics anyway The Sims 2 takes place in a fully 3d environment with fully 3d sprites this is in contrast of the first one which instead had 2d & dimetric projection hell yeah Vaughn words number 49 and that's all very well and good and nice and good and great and nice and good however it caused some major headaches for Sims fans because of this evolution from 2 to 3d it meant the sims 2 had to be recreated from a scorched Sims earth it also meant that any Content from the first generation would not be able to be used in the game at all Bart objects and features from the original were remade for the sequel so that's nice but only some of them nice number 50 in The Sims 2 Sims age through seven life stages from England see to old age to death within which they can hope to get to the next one before wishing they truly enjoyed the early ones instead and have a horrible crisis about it sorry I'm going through a few things as well as this there are days of the week to complete with weekends yeah The Sims 2 took it up a level number 51 another step the sims 2 took to make the Sims similar to real-life peeps was to give them an aspiration system now this means they have needs and meters according to what they want in life which can be filled by completing certain tasks which can then purchase aspiration Awards you know just like in real life number 52 aspirations in the base game include grow up although that's exclusively for children family fortune knowledge popularity and romance there was however an aspiration called power it's actually still in the game it's just unfinished it's a combination of popularity and fortune and it's now only available through cheating which weirdly it's also like power in real life number 53 ea kind of went crazy with additional content but the Sims 2 there were eight expansion packs University nightlife open for business pets seasons bombard free time and apartment life there were also nine stuff packs and over 400 individual items were released via The Sims 2 storm number 54 here's the thing though many features introduced in the expansion packs like weather from seasons and driving cars in nightlife were going to be in the base game however a big old fire in the server room a Maxis ruin that as the data for these games was then lost number 55 that being said though rain seems to be a problem from the get-go rendering errors kept making it rain indoors and not in a cool stripclub way either so they just left it to an expansion pack later down the line number 56 players extra realistic as possible the develops of the game somehow got real musical artists who Reaver cored their songs in Simlish for the second installment this includes artists like Depeche Mode Lily Allen and the Pussycat Dolls vaudeville later games even Katy Perry got in on the act yeah it's it's weird number 57 the music track art of the Sims from the sims 2 university expansion pack may sound familiar to some of you that's because for some reason in 2012 it was used soundtrack to the Seaton ball gag reel for Breaking Bad again I have no idea what that happened either whoever I wanna bang number 58 marketing for the sims 2 took a bit of a weird turn in the Netherlands for four days actors lived in an apartment with glass walls as the Sturken boobs they could be viewed viral website as well as through glass walls and would be in character the whole time taking suggestions about what to do from email this was before the internet became a troll pool so luckily the suggestions weren't that bad number 59 in The Sims 2 there's a village called Verona Ville now try to remember your high school learnings here what's done a reference to hey yes that's right as Romeo and Juliet its title refers to Verona where the player sets and all of its residents and their relationships are similar to the play - with the caps and the Monte's instead of Capulets and Montague's number 60 the creator of The Sims will write appears a couple of times within the game itself like the big head he is I say that because one of those appearances is literally a big head in strange town you can see a giant rock shaped like his head as well as this in the university expansionpak students with over eight logic can get the will rights genius grant for teens what a nice guy number 61 safe to say that the sims 2 was sure heck and popular in fact in its first 10 days it sold over 1 million copies a record at the time number 62 one expansion pack called The Sims 2 : pets was basically The Sims 2 but with pits like dogs and cats and stuff if you've ever thought they sound a bit well weird it's because the developers didn't use real animal sounds but humans performing them yeah think about that they're not so cute now ha number 63 speaking of which the sims 2 : Pet is the most successful expansion pack ever selling well over 6 million copies Nintendo 64 The Sims 2 also made it to the Game Boy Advance like all great things did hooray the strange town zoo in this game has a portrait of Lloyd from the spin-off the herbs sims in the city on the wall near its entrance oh yes that was also a spin-off called the herbs Simmons in the city it wasn't really like The Sims it was weird like RPG it was strange not a 65 if you thought your Sims looked too human the Gameboy Advance version of the game had you covered well okay nearly that's because the game had unused red and green skin tones for that intergalactic feel one number 66 do with this information what you will but the Gameboy Advance version also had an unused minigame called Yeti labs cake I have no idea what it is and frankly I don't want to know either number 67 The Game Boy Advance version of the game had an unused cutscene of dusty hog riding his motorcycle to jump over a shark pool I have no idea why they cut it but it's a reference to the phrase jumping the shark which means when a fictional property has run out of ideas Wow at the sims 2 as well number 68 the strange thing about the sims is that it's unbelievably successful but weirdly it has no do very little in the way of clones or competitors will Wright himself has said that disappointed him as he thought it would grow the genre so make will happy and get copying people number 69 and flirts heart bed woo woo in 2009 on the 2nd of June to be exact came the sims 3 weirdly somehow the game is set 25 years before the first Sims I'm not sure how this affects gameplay but if you're into the sims universe law you're welcome number 17 the sims 3 had a whole litany of new features including improved sim creation tools better building tools and oodles more wishes and goals there were also opportunities that the player could accept or deny on behalf of the sim which is nice because we all love free will right number 71 people seem to like these features too at the time it was the largest release in the history of the PC with 1.4 million copies sold within the first week Rosebud baby number 72 much like other versions of the game because companies love money 11 expansion packs and 9 stuff packs were released for the sims 3 to grab even more of that money money money many individual items were available at the sims 3 store again for real mo mo mo number seventy-three some Easter eggs are wholesome but some are just outrageously rude here's one the latter in the DLC expansion pack roaring Heights the school has some frankly awful language on it that is if you mirror the text on the entrance I can't say what it merely says here for obvious reasons but it it made me Koch my pearls that's for sure number 74 there's also an expansion pack called into the future which is weird given the sims 3 - pretty cool but anyway in it there's a pre-made household could the formerly the Plains Express household with characters within it called Fryderyk rama lyle attorney and aplomb BOTS named Ben Doe this is a reference to the show Futurama specifically Planet Express fry Leela and Bender no Zoidberg though number 75 private investigator simmers well sometime is mention in the case of Bella goth the sim at the center of a massive conspiracy in which she disappeared which we mentioned earlier remember thing is though this is a plot hole because it's meant to be way before the Sims which is before she disappeared confused scared me too number 76 if you like your references you were referees is that what fans of references are called here's another one when using the time machine and the ambitions expansion your sim appears in a crowd who were all going on about how some Shepards save the galaxy from a huge ancient god machine threat this here is a reference to Little Bo Peep no wait sorry no it isn't it's a reference to the Mass Effect series number 77 also in this expansion pack is a beard for boys that looks similar to that of Seneca Crane that weird guy from the first Hunger Games film which is in the future I guess number 78 some lovely native marketing is hiding within the sims 3 if the Sims choose to play a video game like a bloody nerd because who does that the symbols eclipse on the TV from other EA games namely Madden NFL 10 burnout paradise and skate number 79 pets came back again in another expansion fact that the sim is three but this time with a realistic twist baby yes this time the animal noises were a mix of real animals and creepily humans as well the humans were added by the way to help convey emotion a bit better but still it's weird number 80 the TARDIS Ian well sonic shower is a reference to the TV series Doctor Who in to count two ways the doctors time machine is called the TARDIS and the doctors tend to use a sonic screwdriver number 81 speaking of time machines there is a time portal in the game because remember it's a simulation of real life which is called the well Z and time portal this is a reference to HD well sci-fi novel The Time Machine number 82 in the into the future expansion pack should you stumble upon the dystopian future a fish with 3 eyes can be found in the waters there this is a clear reference to blinky the three-eyed fish from the same person Simpsons Simpsons never heard of it number 83 after the sims 3 came of course the Sims thought that the Sims Medieval this was not an expansion pack for the sims 3 but rather its own standalone woman that don't need no man medieval actually had a few new features and wasn't just a redesign of the environment it had armed combat in the spiciest of all topics religion number 84 then though after the Sims Medieval came the Sims the Dark Ages that Lola just kidding as the kids say it's The Sims 4 the Sims 4 was announced back in 2013 and came out in 2014 lovely stuff number 85 if he thought the Sims game having a timeline was weird than think about this there's a multiverse that because apparently the sims 4 takes place in an alternate universe stood the rest of the Sims games not sure why but these things happen I suppose number 86 as you'd expect a whole bunch of new stuff that wasn't as exciting as armed combat or religion was added to the sims 4 in fact as of April 2019 6 its function packs 7 game packs and 14 stuff packs have been released there's also new updates and include new careers basements ghosts pools toddlers and terrain tools six things that should never ever go together number 87 predictably the sims 4 is more stuff than an Easter Bunny's sack don't with Easter eggs for instance there's a poster of Henry pufta an obvious allegory for Harry Potter there's Mapple kitchen appliances that sound very similar to Apple and perhaps most stupid of all there's a gnome called the guardian of the know Malik C I mean they didn't even try with that one number 88 when doing some business in the business career you could stumble upon another cheeky breath while at work you may be told that someone has incased your state plate in jello as a prank just like Jim did to do it that one time in the US office there's no option to fire a gun in the workplace though number 89 ever sinned gets up the digital Duff that sort of British for pregnant by the way the player can influence what gender the baby will be if the pregnancy meets strawberries and listens to pop music on the radio it's more likely to be a girl the same is true for carrots and alternative music for boys because remember the game is exactly like real-life number 90 weirdly you can enter a tree in this game and no don't worry Groot it's not you ever sim interacts with the tree at the creek cabana in Willow Creek you can de Meyer the tree then talk to the tree then enter a secret area called the Sylvan glades where there are rare plants and fish lovely number 91 in a frankly tingling bout of sim ception within the sims 4 there's a game called sims forever which shows footage from the first Sims game make you think doesn't it I mean what if you're a sim being told to play the sims by telling the sim in the sims to play thus and unbroken number 92 one of the sims 4 was expansion packs cats and dogs actually had a nice milestone in it it was the first one to include a pre-made same-sex couple living in it's bundled world lovely stuff number 93 some youtubers really really love playing The Sims and their loyalty was rewarded in the trailers for the sims 4 get famous the sim supply della Gracie X Mira Mira Claire Sherborne and Joey Graceffa all appear in various trailers for this pack maybe one day will appear in a promo no not even a simulated version of us could tell anything Oh number 94 there is going to be a spin-off called Sims Ville based heavily around the Sims allowing you to control lots of different houses at once because it wasn't stressful enough already max has canceled this those they wanted more start to work on the main series sad times number 95 they didn't just delete every odd thing for Sims Phil though the communal downtown area that appears in the sims hot date was originally from Sims Ville for instance the sims 2 also used 3d neighbourhoods which were Sims Ville feature as well number 96 it's safe to say that the sims has been a ballbusting success it's had numerous World Records in that guinea book of them for instance the most expansion packs for a video game series although if you've watched this video you could have definitely guessed that was coming number 97 it also got the record for best-selling PC game series with an estimated count of 36 to 50 million units as a franchise it's at number eight in the top best-selling video game franchises of all time with 200 million copies sold number 98 something that I suppose helped us along is the fact that The Sims has been made available in 22 languages across 66 countries worldwide which helps with the big numbers I wonder if one of those languages is Simlish I'm sorry number 99 love horse the French Postal Service got all nerdy in 2005 and printed three million stamps in unlimited heroes of video games collection it featured ten different stamps including Mario and Link but also got two sim is fighting over a plumb bob thus why I even mentioned this in the first place number 100 fans of The Sims are called simmers there you go that's the fact you're welcome I mean it's big ridiculous who gives their own fan base in name a number 101 in 2007 a live-action film based on the Sims was announced 20th Century Fox have the rights and Brian Lynch a man responsible for a lot of a Minion's films was set to write it that's given that it's pretty much over a decade since we heard anything and the fact is a pretty bad idea let's not hold our breath on it happening yeah unless Jennifer Lawrence plays Bella goth ah now I'm interested so that was 101 fact about the Sims what was your favorite Sims game up with your favorite expansion pack have we missed any Sims fax outs let me know in the comments down below also let us know you want to see in the next one on one fact installment because we cater to you my friends and to you we want to please anyway look at this car 2 videos on screen now one of which you can click go on then I had to be dare you and I'll see you over there probably unless it's Chris doing it but it might be me so we're both good so go for one of them bye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 126,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, the sims, the sims 2, the sims 3, the sims 4, island living, get famous, trailer, review, the sims 5, the sims supply, gallery, strangerville, mobile, mods, mods sims 4, traits, hair, mario, link, unleashed, sims pets, the sims cheats, cheat codes, plum bob, sims community, deligracy, gameplay, plumbella, vixella, clare siobhan, bella goth, world record, xmiramira, joey graceffa, maxis, EA, easter eggs, secrets, crick cabana, facts about the sims, the sims facts
Id: WM7uW0UA0t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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