101 Facts About God of War

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greetings for the fact is my name is Sam and today I'm going to be cowering in fear in the face of some truly egregious but nonetheless extremely entertaining ultraviolent that we probably can't show as we learn all there is to know about god of war it's got everything shredded beef cakes with tattoos cool ancient mythology and more Easter eggs than a rich kid on a parole but which beloved heroic fantasy film inspired the God of War series how did it go to war to lied to us all about the goddess of love and what are we going to get a long-running video game series about the god of beekeeping and cheese-making the gaming industry has been sleeping on my boy of Risty us for far too long shaking my damn head anyway 203 that's chris is gonna be answered so sit down get comfy then immediately stand back up again because going to assassinate some deities cuz this boy is a hunter on facts about God of War number one God of War is a series of third-person action-adventure video games created by American video game designer David Jaffe which follows the whimsical mythology based hijinks of the little kooky character named Kratos a sprightly Sparta to enjoys working out body art and brutally slaughtering those who have wronged him quite the catch number two the numerous installments of the God of War series are so far split into two main eras the first of which is Kratos engaged in glorious battle with numerous figures from Greek mythology giving it the informal label of the Greek era more recently the series transitioned to Norse mythology grizzled Mishima be because Kratos was getting sick of the blistering Greek climate and fighting himself a nice Nordic change of scenery number 3 so who is this rabble-rousing Kratos fellow anyway well we first met the murderous muscle man in the very first game in the series named simply God of War which was first released in March 2005 the game allows players to take control of Kratos so Spartan warrior who seeks revenge against the god Ares who only went in tricked Kratos into killing his wife and child what a plonker number 4 Jaffe has stated that inspiration for the game came in part from the 1981 heroic fantasy adventure film Clash of the Titans which tells the Greek mythological story of Perseus and incidentally contains some of the most terrifying plasticine you will ever encounter worth of watch number 5 Jaffe also drew inspiration from the highly characteristic work of Paul Verhoeven the Dutch filmmaker known for movies like Basic Instinct Starship Troopers and total call number fix the games developers once described the gameplay I've got a war as merging the action of Devil May Cry with the puzzle solving of eco which I imagine makes more sense to people who have played both those games number seven the name Kratos literally means strength or power and in Greek mythology refers to the son of the Titan Pallas and the underworld dirty Styx Kratos is often characterized as brutal and merciless which matches the god of war protagonist fairly well however the two Kratos is differ greatly in their allegiances as he mythological Kratos is completely loyal to Zeus while the in-game Kratos makes his dislike for God's pretty clear given that he's constantly trying to murder all of them number eight as you can probably imagine the game's creators went through a number of different versions of Kratos before settling on this uber butch final look some early designs the picked Kratos with long hair or a baby strapped to his back but these were cut in favor of a more overtly masculine and baby less aesthetic number 9 the signature tattoos that Kratos sports also took various forms during development in early screenshots the God of War protagonist had a tattoo on his head in the shape of the Omega symbol the last letter in the Greek alphabet number 10 not only that in some early Kratos designs two large tats to cover his body were in fact blue rather than the fetching red color that appears in the final game additionally Kratos was initially designed with far more body armour as one would reasonably expect from a Spartan sociopathic goes around shanking deities as the character's development continued however the designer started to feel that Kratos looked more brutal and menacing with less and less armor resulting in Kratos wearing the skimpy little number that appears in the final game number 12 according to Jaffe Kratos was originally going to be accompanied by a little helper fairy similar to those found in numerous other games though perhaps most famously in form of Navi in the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time said fairy companion would have accompanied Kratos only at the start of the game as Joffrey's original plan was to have craters get increasingly irritated by his fairy friend before losing his cool and killing it this idea was ultimately scrapped which is a shame because it sounds absolutely hilarious number 13 Jessie it's not mince words when it comes to describing and task of actually creating God of War and undertaking he referred to his exhausting jothee further noted that he gained 40 pounds in the several years it took to produce the game and even admitted that his education - the project resulted in irrevocable damage to his marriage number 14 the original voice actor for Kratos was the American singer and actor Terrence C Carson who's also known for lending his voice to the Jedi legend makes Windu in the Star Wars Clone Wars series as well as several other Star Wars video games number 15 the Cyclops enemies that Kratos encountered in God of War were originally designed with visible male just evidence I'm a male shall we say as Jaffe wanted the creatures to appear wild and animalistic sadly the appearance of visible Cyclops Wang was ultimately removed number 16 somewhat similarly the Gorgons were were designed with feet but they were eventually removed because it became clear that ps2 was not powerful enough to animate all the Gorgons body parts together whether their feet right what I mean why number 17 the game originally featured a level that was intended to be part of Pandora's temple in which Kratos would ride in a magical elevator through an outdoor environment as a huge sandstorm prepares to hit but the sandstorm effects proved to be too much for the ps2 leading to the whole sequence being cut from the finished game number 18 there's a fairly well-known glitch to be found during the talent of Atlantis in which Kratos pushes a harpy up against the ladder while killing it if done correctly the harpy is trapped and begins to produce an obscene amount of delicious red orbs for Kratos to soak up a stick number 19 while at the Temple of the Oracle players can unlock a juice eat at least a rag by hitting r2 in a number of places specifically up next to the red chest atop the gravediggers pile of dirt and between the two pillars of fire at the entrance if this is done correctly players can watch the words surrender Kratos appear in the sky written out in an attractive cursive handwriting style you just don't see anymore do you number 20 n one well-known moment from God of War during the Challenger Poseidon Kratos is forced to sacrifice an Athenian soldier by incinerating him inside the cage in which he's trapped however in the PL version of the game that was sold in Europe the soldier was for some reason replaced with an undead Legionnaire sparking a small amount of controversy and allegations of censorship apparently we Europeans can't handle a little human sacrifices nobody understands us number 21 when Kratos kills the Athenian soldier who was guarding the bridge switch towards the end of the games rooftops of Athens section he lets out two familiar Yelp you'll have definitely heard before yes that's right it's the ever you Bick witch's Wilhelm scream the iconic movie sound effect first huge in the 1951 film distant drums those sings appeared in hundreds of films TV shows and games as a sort of pop culture globulin joke and several times and there is one on tax videos for this exact reason number 22 who after completing the game players can enter the throne room containing the statues of Ares and Pandora's Guardian which will eventually shatter if hit enough times doing so will reveal a scrambled code within which is hidden a secret phone number this one calling this number will play a recorded message from Kratos it begins and congratulate the player before really being interrupted by the game's creator David Jaffe after Jaffe makes a number of less than flattering comments about Kratos you'll live the sound of the prickly protagonist brutally murdering him followed by the end of the call soon afterwards number 23 additionally beating the game on god mode will reveal yet another phone number this time prompting a different message from Kratos in which he rewards the player for giving them a private tour of a secret room containing the soul of Ares trapped forever in agony incredibly both of these phone numbers are actually still operational as a time of making this video though you may have to Google how to correctly call these numbers if you're outside of North America number 24 even more incredibly in late December of 2017 technology entrepreneur and potential international supervillain Elon Musk appeared to accidentally tweet his own phone number however those who call the number were not met with a bewildered musk confused as to how so many people have figured out how to call him but with the Athlon god of war secret message featuring the sound of david jaffe being hacked to death by fictional videogame antihero bizarrely some smartypants did some sleuthing and figured out that the number must tweeted was indeed still associated with musk making the situation somehow even stranger number 25 in the remastered ps3 version of the game released as part of the God of War Collection in 2009 there is a trophy entitled speed of Jason McDonald which is awarded for beating the game in under five hours this trophy is an affectionate reference to Jason McDonald we all love Jason McDonald don't wait now you don't know who he is okay well he's a designer on the God of War series who held the office record for the fastest God of War speedrun number 26 in 2008 the French video game publisher Gameloft released a game called hero of Sparta for Nintendo DSPs P iOS and Android hero of Sparta notoriously borrowed much of its gameplay from God of War so much so that it was even she was a shameless god of war ripoff number 27 the year of our law 2007 toward the release of the second game in the God of War series do to be titled god of war to the game standard sequential title wasn't originally what David Jaffe and his co-director Corey Borlaug a great follow on Twitter by the way had in mind as they did not view the game as a sequel rather as a continuation and from the simply adding to did the title would give the wrong impression however the peril 20 decided to go with the basic title of God of War 2 as they didn't want to give the impression that the game was a mere expansion pack number 28 the game's working title was God of War divine retribution which is incidentally the name of an l1 triangle attack of the Blade of Olympus most compact total factory they're easily digestable number 29 God of War 2 features the vocal talents of American voice actor Corey Burton in the role of Zeus which constitutes a delightful coincidence as Bert and also played the admittedly far more whimsical version of Zeus in Disney's 1998 animated classic Hercules but hey hey hey what's used to prefer the angry god of War's you saw the animated Disney deity that you're feeling that we know in an arsonist tastic youtube poll number 30 interestingly Burton wasn't actually first choice for the role of Zeus in God of War 2 that honor goes to the legendary English actor Christopher Lee who was originally attached the role but was eventually replaced due to the frequent use excuse of creative differences number 31 the voice actors who plays integral character of bathhouse girl - during the absurd but I guess entertaining minigame Tom mention is Lee Alan Baker who incidentally plays the role of the mom in the digital family sitcom good luck charlie not so innocent now mrs. Duncan number 32 the character of Perseus is voiced by Harry Hamlin who also happened to have previously portrayed the same character in the aforementioned 1981 Clash of the Titans film than inspired Jeffrey to create the original god of war game small world [Music] number 33 bizarrely Aphrodite is labeling the games instruction manual is one of the date he appears in the game which is weird because well she doesn't advertise he showed up in the first god of war game and later and got a 4/3 but not in God of War to hate being lied to what betrayal number 34 at one point in the game kratos released the Titan Prometheus who in case you didn't know did mankind a huge solid by giving them fire which really steams uses clams in response and angry Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock and sentence him to having his liver clawed out and eaten by an eagle only for his wounds to heal overnight before the whole idea was repeated again the next day for eternity funnily enough in Greek mythology it was our original protagonist namesake Kratos and his sister bier who acted upon the orders of Zeus to chained Prometheus to a rock and it's actually the hero Heracles that freed Prometheus not Kratos number 35 after the battle with Perseus players who stepped on the three white stars before heading back to the tree directly behind the reign of chaos will be treated to a cheery little Easter Egg in which the words now I am become death the destroyer of worlds appear in the sky this line comes from a piece of hindu scripture known as the bhagavad-gita and was made famous in the west by the american theoretical physicist J robert Oppenheimer who quoted the line after witnessing the detonation of the first nuclear weapon in 1945 number 36 the wings that Kratos obtains after fighting Icarus and by obtain I of course mean that Kratos literally rips a carissa swings off as they fall through the air were originally going to be included in the first god of war game but were left out due to technological limitations and time constraints number 37 the next game in the God of War series arrived in 2007 in the form of God of War betrayal firm mobile phones despite eliciting some generally positive reviews from critics even bagging is have some minor awards we literally couldn't find a single interesting fact about betrayal so we're just gonna go ahead and get 4G 2008 which all the release we've got of war Chains of Olympus the game constitutes the very first God of War game to be released for PlayStation Portable an underrated little handheld that is sorely missed number 38 art of the game has completed the director Roux whoeverís areia stated the Chains of Olympus was originally gonna include more puzzles characters and dialogue because what does the multiplayer feature but as much of these Bayern dexter's had to be removed due to time constraints wow we really are scraping the bottom the barrel huh number 39 with the dawn of 2010 came the arrival of a third informant in the main series have got a wargame sent to be titled God of War 3 in which Kratos goes out to the gods of Olympus and finally Zeus himself jothee was not at the helm during the creation of God of War 3 and he since stated that had he made it the story would have been considerably different with Kratos defeating Zeus as soon as the game begins number 40 additionally Jaffe also planned to include Leno one of the three Gorgons and sister producer whom Kratos would decapitate in order to use a heavy weapon because if you're already murdering God's a little corpse this equation is no biggie however the idea was ultimately abandoned and her encounter was replaced with that of Helios number 41 another figure from Greek mythology who ended up on the cutting room floor is Oceanus who is originally conceptualized as being composed entirely of good old h2o despite being cuts this concept was recycled for Poseidon who bore a similar liquidy form at the beginning of the game the meaning of life boy incidentally the games developers were very much against giving Poseidon tentacles owing to the obvious similarities with the Hydra battle at beginning of the first game to avoid this the game's designers opted to endow Poseidon with a lovely set of crab legs instead number 43 the voice of Hercules was provided by American actor Kevin Sorbo who also coincidentally has also portrayed Hercules in numerous TV shows and TV movies number 44 the voice of Hades is provided by a fellow named Clancy Brown now if that name doesn't ring a bell his voice definitely will because one of Browns other voices is that - mr. krabs for the Spongebob Squarepants bit of a leap there between a money-hungry crustacean and the ancient Greek god of the underworld but hey that's those crazy actors for you number 45 during the cutscene which plays during the first few seconds of the game a soldier falls from the brute and springs as you probably would if you fell off a bridge to that screaming question yes that's right another one of those Wilhelm screwless someone working on the scenes have got a wall cleared you immense pleasure from flogging that stock sound effect like the dead horse it is I'm just kidding number 46 as players of the God of War Games will know the series is littered with a number of mini games in which Kratos gets his freak on with a bunch of apparently very easily entertained women God of War 3 is no exception to that in this case it's with the goddess of love herself Aphrodite the game's director Stig Eggman has revealed it was originally planned that if players attempt to Boff Aphrodite a second time the camera would have plan to the bed to show Aphrodite attempted to kill kratos to which kratos would respond by killing her weird body was cut out number 47 God of War 3 features the nemesis whip which is the only weapon in the entire series that crate was holding reverse stance with the blade pointed at the floor but even landed yet number 48 players have thought of war free will remember the fight against Helios which concludes with Kratos literally ripping the Sun God's head clean off his shoulders with its bare hands what is that Kratos like anyway the dismembered head of Helios has an attack called solar flare which has the same name and effect of the technique used in the Japanese anime and manga series Dragon Ball Z number 49 according to a God of War 3 special feature Kratos stands at a whopping 8 feet tall ok good for him I guess not the 50 it's worth noting that the tattoo that Kratos has covering much of his body actually changes between games between God of War and God of War 3 the band of red that have reduced stretch across much of his chest gets progressively thinner and the parts of the tattoo that appear on his left arm change in design must be one of those cool ancient Greek tattoos that moves around and I must be it number 51 in the Japanese version of God of War 3 certain part of the game was censored to prevent players from being exposed to the sickening and depraved content featured within despite the fact this sickening interpret content is half the reason people play God for in the first place the graphic facial wounds that Kratos inflicts on Hercules were removed as well as the protruding leg bones that can be seen when Kratos chops off homies legs additionally the aforementioned moment in which Kratos decapitate Helios takes place off screen in the Japanese version number 52 but it's not just the game's characteristic extreme violence of the Japanese center sort fit to cut the usually visible chesticles of Poseidon's princess Aphrodite and Aphrodite's handmaidens not euphemism were also covered up in the Japanese version of the game number 53 in order to promote God of War 7-eleven featured a Slurpee drink called kratos fury which was flavored with the barbaric sweetness of blue breeze and the savage tang of lime your thought that did coconut and strawberry made anyway the drink was also served an exclusive God of War free Slurpee cups which came in four ruthless designs okay look I tried to make that sound as badass as possible but there's only so much you can do with the blueberry and lime flavored frozen beverage company some dance slack guys fifty-four not only was God of War three promoted with a range of special edition frozen carbonated drinks kratos also ended up with his face plastered across a NASCAR race car driven by Joey Logano on the 20th of March 2010 number 55 when the remastered version of God of War 3 was released in July of 2015 several of the trophies available in the game of renamed owing to the explicit titles that apparently ruffled a sufficient number of feathers the trophy argue me to win awarded for collecting all the monitor horns was changed to horn of plenty while the hooker trophy awarded for killing Hades was renamed to depths below number 56 additionally the trophy I didn't do it but I wish I did awarded for killing the beside and Princess was removed entirely apparently to avoid the tasteless implications of her giving a reward for killing an enslaved woman number 57 the next god of war game God of War : goes to Sparta was released for the PSP in November of 2010 several months after the release of God of War 3 much of what appears in the game was originally set to appear in previous God of War games for instance Atlantis an entire environment in the game was a rigid design for God of War 2 but ended up being cut and subsequently recycled for Ghost of Sparta number 58 when Kratos first meets a cyclops in Ghost of Sparta the lumbering one-eyed creature smashes a soldier into the ground before picking up the corpse and launching it to one of his comrades who then lets out a oh yeah you guessed it another Wilhelm scream honestly I'd be mad about it if it wasn't so goddamn funny number 59 March of 2013 for the release have got a war ascension the only main series god of war games get its very own subtitle crazy right I know truly mind-blowing onwards number 60 like numerous other god of war games before interception also felt the icy chill of censorship following the battle with conjoined twins Pollux and castor Kratos walked up to Pollux and kills him by brutally stamping on his head in non-american versions of game this moment is emitted by having the camera tilt upwards which seems a bit pointless considering the sensors were happy to show Kratos separating the twins by forcibly ripping the feeble body of Pollux from that of his stronger brother number 61 what are the most controversial moment from the God of War series occurs in Ascension when Kratos stamps on the heads to Siffin II one of the theories before impaling her on a spike now originally players were rewarded for this slaying with a trophy called bro hoes immediately prompting accusations of sexism and misogyny in response a patch for the game was released - which changed the name of the trophy to bros before foes not a 60 - happily not all of ascension trophies have led to backlash from fans indeed some of them are downright lovely for instance players who managed to collect all the artifacts in the game bag themselves a trophy called node right cue cards have these constituting an affectionate nod to Nathan Drake the protagonist from Naughty Dog - claimed Uncharted series number 63 just before the cistern in chapters 14 craters encountered a painting that bears a message on screen which I mean Jason and Chris and Jacob I'm not saying that put on screen there we go some line Stein figured out that had to be a cipher which translates to son bird bull lions son if you direct Kratos to walk over the nearby symbols in order pressing r1 over each of them upon returning to the painting you will see it change to show an image of Earth and the message will instead read when the earth stops the journey begin Nintendo 64 ascension is one of the only entries in the whole series that doesn't feature one of the traditional God of War love minigames how players cope with the loss of their usual off-screen video game character bonking I'm not certain those poor poor souls number 65 in 2018 five years after the reefs have got a war ascension the next installment in the main God of War series relief play Section two entitled God of War in the game Kratos is now companied by Sunnat Reyes born to him by a second wife Fay both of whom Kratos crucially did not murder in a divinely inspired fit of rage important to remember that the father and son duo journey through the world of Norse mythology in order to fulfill phase final wish to have a rashes spread at the highest peak at the nine realms but have an ask but hey I guess they did love her number 66 you may have noticed that the game's title is literally the exact same as the original game in 2005 this apparently wasn't mistake it was a deliberate decision on the part of the game's creators who stated that although the 2018 god of war is a continuation series in making it they reimagined everything except for the title apparently number 67 interestingly enough much of the story of God of War was inspired by the script for the cancelled Star Wars live-action TV series which director Corey Barlow was able to read while working at LucasArts bar log was impressed by how much the story made him care about its principal antagonist Palpatine which provided inspiration for Kratos in the game execute order 6102 other ancient cultures were also considered for the game's environment ancient egyptian mythology was a close runner-up but apparently the god of war creators just couldn't deny their desire to see kratos caused some chaos in scandinavia number 16 shockingly during the game's early development it was discussed as to whether or not to replace Kratos with a different protagonist though sense did eventually prevail and Kratos remained in his rightful position as god of War's lead character dialogue stated that just like the iconic eponymous protagonist for the Mario games Kratos is intrinsically tied to the God of War series who would win in a fight their way Hey number 17 conversely it was apparently a challenge to get everyone on board with the Tres having such a prominent role in the game as many people try to advise bar log against his plans for crater two surviving child luckily at Reyes eventually got to stay and aren't we all glad he did because he's actually quite helpful number 71 certain aspects of the game were inspired by bar logs own experiences for parenting his young son for instance at Reyes having to translate Old Norse to Kratos came about as a result of the actual language gap that exists between borrowed and his Swedish wife and the experience of raising a bilingual child number 72 Internet League God of War is the first in the series not to feature Terrence C Carson as the boys of Kratos instead utilizing the voice of American actor Christopher judge who you may know as a character Teal'c in the American Canadian military sci-fi adventure TV show Stargate sg-1 number 73 Barlow has stated that God of War is open but not open world in that the game utilizes fast travel vacuum is odd open-world games do but in a more restricted and directional manner number 74 in the run-up to release God of War the game's creators partnered with Facebook to produce a short text-based prequel called God of War a call from the wild which follows the trace on his first outing into the North wilds released on the 1st of every 2018 completing the game unlocks 8 concept artwork to download and who doesn't love downloadable concept art there's so much you can do with it you can look at it yeah number 75 the characters of Magnum OD half-brothers who assists her uncle Boulder in their quest to find and kill kratos i respectively voiced by Troy Baker and Nolan North this makes code avoid the second game in which the pair have betrayed brothers as they previously acted as Nathan and Samuel Drake in Naughty Dog's uncharted for a thief's end they also work together in the celebrate survival game The Last of Us also made by naughty dog with Baker voicing protagonist Joel and North voicing antagonist David number 76 with the exception of when players actually start the game up God of all free to 0 loading screens or camera carts through its entirety the idea to do this came from bar logs time working on 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider when he suggested the one-shot technique only to have his idea reject it Barlow glaze over purpose this plan took God of War and there was much rejoicing and I imagine from the animation team a little bit of annoyance number 77 the funerary prayer that a tries recites the beginning of the game is based on that of fuller wife from the notorious 1999 film the 13th warrior which the bottomless around 137 million dollars at the box office making it one of the biggest box-office bombs in history that's nothing to do with God of War I just thought it was you know funny you'd want to know number 78 during e3 2016 game spots mistakenly reported that the character Petraeus was actually named Charlie ok which frankly they should have known wasn't the case just because he's the son of messed up Greek murder machine Kratos frado's and Charlie doesn't really work does it upon hearing about this though bar lore gleefully responded that he would work the name Charlie into the game somewhere number 79 and that's exactly what he did in the game there's a character called Charlie who was in fact a massive tortoise that lives above phrase home pretty standard number 80 according to bar log the visual language of the game was specifically designed to suggest that they left markings and clues throughout the world to guide her husband and son on their journey because she foresaw their future fame marked the path for kratos in a triose with the yellow markings that identified points in the game with which kratos can interact right number 81 in what appeared to be a little more than some good old pot-stirring bar longer stated that north kratos would beat the crap out of greek kratos sam smith good idea for a sitcom number 82 upon release god of war was met with near universal critical acclaim particularly for its story art direction slick graphics combat system use of music engaging characters and cinematic tone the game bag itself 10 out of 10 scores from Destructoid polygons and IGN as well as numerous full 5-star ratings from game revolution game trader plus giant bomb us gamer and the guardian number 83 along with these glowing reviews god of war was also awarded game of the year by numerous media outlets in Time magazine Nerdist Entertainment Weekly The Game Awards and the game developers Choice Awards oh and also one 5-bath ders v15 Baptist didn't think so number 84 with a Metacritic score of 94 out of 100 God of War is also the second highest rated ps4 game after GTA 5 and the highest rated ps4 exclusive number 85 as you can imagine God of War also performed well commercially selling over 5 million copies with an multiplets release and over 10 million by May of 2019 making it one of the best-selling ps4 games ever number 86 in total the God of War franchise has sold over 32 million games worldwide that's and I've got of all games for every person in Malaysia or two games for every person in Chad or 4 games to everyone in Sierra Leone I could keep going like this or I could just get to the next fact what you reckon yeah number 87 unsurprisingly strong sales and copious critical success for God of War has prompted the franchise its expansion into other media as such the first you got of war games and the 2018 installment and will receive novelizations just in case you are such a nerd that you have to actually read the books in order to get your God of War fix number 88 interestingly enough the novelization of the latest game was written by none other than Corey bollocks Arthur James and bar log who is himself an accomplished novelist number 89 not only that the God of all games have inspired not one but two separate comic book series the first of which was a six-issue limited series set in the Greek era of the early god of war games published between March of 2010 and January 2011 by DC with the release of God of War in 2018 Dark Horse Comics produced a four-issue prequel comic series set in the Norse era that was published between November 2018 and February 20 1990 film adaptation of God of War has been in development since all the way back in 2005 but with little progress being made on the film in the year since to the point that series creator David Jaffe as previously stated it's doubtful it will ever be made number 91 however the prospect of a God of War movie has never fully disappeared and has been energized with the success of the latest game stops stampin all over the place a script for the film has been written and the project bounty has a staggering budget of 150 million dollars I mean sure number 92 given the slightly increased likelihood of a God of War film actually happening now American filmmaker Stephen s tonight known for his work on TV shows like Buffy Vampire Slayer Angel and Smallville and for directing the 2018 film Pacific Rim uprising has thrown his hat in the ring as potential director for the movie adaptation tonight his expressed desire to make the film r-rated I mean literally how could it not be and wants to see Marvel actor Dave Bautista in the role of Kratos number 93 however Jaffe has previously expressed his desire to see Beninese American actor Djimon Honsou in the lead role I mean my pick would obviously be the towering obelisk of divine feminine beauty that is Jennifer Lawrence I know she doesn't really seem like she's good for fill Kratos but she really so talented she could do anything she won't wait number 94 other God of War merch include toys aren't work clothing and prop replicas as well as official soundtracks from the games in addition the God of War franchise also includes a heavy metal album released in 2010 entitled blood and metal the album features original music inspired by the God of War series performance by a number of successful metal bands including the lights of Killswitch Engage Trivium and opec number 95 at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards which were held at the Los Angeles Convention Center and hosted by Neil Patrick Harris Kratos won the award for biggest badass number 96 not content to cause chaos in his own universe Kratos has also appeared in a number of other games since his debut in the original God of War in 2009 Kratos turned up in the PSP fighting game Soul Calibur broken destiny in which he dukes it out with the blade of chaos blade of Olympus Icarus wings and Poseidon's rage it's even featured prominently on the game's front cover various look number 97 Kratos is also one of the playable characters in the multi franchise fighting title PlayStation all-stars battle royale along with God of War franchise members Zeus and Hades although Hades is just a background character and players him once again going to be his dead center on the game's front cover right at the center of attention where he's supposed to be number 98 Kratos also appeared in the ps3 version of the 2011 game Mortal Kombat's with a k' remember with his very own set of moves and a personalized gotta for battle arena some have even suggested that his appearance in the game may have been foreshadowed in God of War 3 owing to the two-dimensional camera style that adopted during the battle of Zeus number 99 in Chapter 3 of the 2007 hack-and-slash game Heavenly Sword the character Kai Anderson armory in order to portray the heavenly sword for the game's main character Noriko one of these sets of armor that can be seen in the game it's clearly from God of War especially since it displayed the blades of chaos underneath number two horn booyah Kratos also makes a guest appearance in the ps3 golf game everybody's golf well tour the some reason Kratos plays with the clumps of Olympus a set of clubs with club head to the bizarrely attached handles with loose chains seems a little impractical to me but I'm not going to argue with Kratos I don't know nothing about golf unless it's crazy so I don't know maybe he's onto something there good shot number 101 yes finally in the 2007 Simpsons game beat Diddley titled The Simpsons game a parody of Kratos can be seen on a billboard eating a bowl of chowder with the words God of Wharf written next to him being parodied by The Simpsons Anana extended only to the Giants of pop culture securing the God of War legacy figures to come so that one-to-one facts about God of War which god of war is your favorite let me know in the comments down below what other video games would you like to see us do let us know in the comments down below - also be sure to give this video a like I'm subscribed to one on one fact if you done so already there's lots of you now and I only want more baby and then meantime though on-screen now two videos just for you ah yeah we do treat you you're right you're right whatup repay the favor by going and watch one of them now yeah okay I'll see you there bye bye
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 66,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, god of war, god of war 2, god of war 3, god of war ascension, god of war facts, easter eggs, soundtrack, boss battle, theme, thor, loki, zeus, aphrodite, gameplay, review, playstation 5, kratos vs baldur, kratos vs zeus, blades of chaos, trophy, kratos boy, atreus, spartan rage, athena, helios, nathan drake, troy baker, nolan north, playstation, making of, behind the scenes, cory barlog, david jaffe, god of war 2018, god of war 4, facts about god of war
Id: yYCqQfE9B5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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