Agents of Shield COMPLETE Story Explained! (Seasons 1-5 Recap)

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Chief, this isnโ€™t it. Iโ€™m not wasting 1 hour of my time ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thank you, I was looking for something like this.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/The_Red_Maple_Leaf ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 11 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
all right see you just finished endgame you've cried your tears and now you're thirsty for more MCU luckily agents of shield is coming back in a snap but chances are you're gonna need a refresher for the show as it's been on hiatus for about a year I went even Laningham and this is your crash course two agents of shield before we start this massive agents of shield recap I want to give a special thanks to our super nerd sponsor of the day some assembly required 75 with the help of donators like SAR 75 we're able to do the research and work necessary to bring videos like this to your little smartphones and computer screens for free if you want to help the cause do your girls sweet and check out the patreon link in the description to donate today also be sure to share this video with your fellow Marvel fans and click the subscription bell if you like what you see now under the super-powered spy biz spoilers Assemble season 1 Marvel's agents of shield starts up after the events of the first Avengers film and follows around a ragtag group of super spies who are tasked with neutralizing super-powered threats before they escalate to feature film levels of bat-ball Tony Stark is busy sipping mai tais in Malibu these guys are stopping d-list baddies like absorbing man evil Human Torch evil Iceman blind Nightcrawler and dollar tree Wolverine the initial team is led by Phil Coulson who has fresh out of the resurrection chamber and won't shut up about his vacation to Tahiti it's a magical place it's a magical place magical place it's a magical place I mentioned that films joined by agent Melinda may aka the cavalry ok how is this woman in her 50s also there's the white bread mr. perfect grant Ward I'm everyone's time the science department is run by the esteemed Fitzsimmons the in universe ship name of engineer Leopold Fitz and biochemist Jemma Simmons these two are destined to be spun in a never-ending revolving door of will they won't say until one of them is inevitably crushed to death because this is a Whedon show finally round me out the team is the street urchin Skye a cyber hacker with a checkered past that Coulson takes under his wing not exactly a team player we're not exactly a team but we're in a position to do some good you'd be a great help the first season is mostly team-building filler as Skye learns the ropes of shield falls for her superior officer Ward who's also banging agent May on the side the show waits patiently for Winter Soldier to premiere so that they can introduce the big bad Hydra into the mix and really kick the plot into overdrive but we're getting ahead of ourselves the first arc puts the special ops team on the trail of cybertek's project centipede an operation run by the mysterious clairvoyant who's rumored to be an omniscient psychic seer using a super serum project centipedes goal is to create an army of super powered soldiers that can resurrect themselves from death but in order to perfect their steroid cocktail they need to uncover how Coulson was resurrected by shield so they capture him Pradas brain was an evil cat scan machine and discover that Tahiti wasn't a vacation but a top-secret project where shield rewrote Coulson's memories after pumping magic alien blood you weren't dead for eight seconds or 40 seconds or whatever they put in your file you were dead for days thanks to the help of the high-ranking shield operative Victoria hand Coulson's team is able to rescue him and the race is on to weed out the clairvoyant before he can locate cool sins Jesus juice this brings Coulson's team across the billionaire scientist Ian Quinn who had previously escaped them after an incident involving the unstable element gravitonium that Quinn plan to exploit for financial gain that incident concluded the Quinn's lead gravitonium expert Franklin Hall getting sucked into a pool of the element put a pin in this we'll be coming back to it like way later anyways shield hunts down Quinn and Skye discovers that centipede has turned an old ally Mike Peterson into an unwilling cyborg bodyguard for Quinn Peterson now known as Deathlok refuses to kill Skye so dirtbag Tony Stark takes matters into his own hands and schuster himself I'm sorry I have my orders to just Dave Skye Coulson has to break out that regenerative blood so he goes rogue and Jessica's mop to the top secret underground bunker where he was resurrected shield sends another team led by Ward's old mentor Garrett to extract Ian Quinn from Coulson's jet Coulson refuses to turn over Quinn until Skye is safe so Garrett his team agree to help break into the bunker in exchange for Quinn the buckler technically isn't a shield facility so Karen Ward have no qualms killing the two security guards Manning the abandoned compound after they refuse to back down this sets off a Deadman switch that explodes the base just as the shield agents escape with the miracle alien serum Skye is saved and the team regroups with Garrett's squad and agent hands to hunt down the clairvoyant and put an end to project centipede a shootout with death block reads shield straight to the clairvoyant a paralyzed man who speaks through a monitor he taunts them threatening to have Skye killed so Ward caps him right there wait what just happened good mortis oh my lord better clairvoyant doesn't see that coming as it turns out this is all the diversion to throw the team off the scent of the true clairvoyant Garrett this is one Captain America Winter Soldier gets released and we learned that Shield has been infiltrated by Hydra Garrett is amongst the insurgents and while Coulson's team struggles to uncover the mole in their own ranks Garrett uses shields implosion freak win and steal top-secret tech including the Kree blood to finish projects enemies as it turns out not only is Garrett's you really look clairvoyant but he's also the first iteration of deadlock who is beholden to Hydra in order to keep his cybernetic life-support maintained the big betrayal however isn't Garrett but Ward who has a complete allegiance to his mentor and by proxy Hydra Ward kills agent hand and works undercover to manipulate Skye is to decrypting files for Hydra centipede serum Skye uncovers the truth when she comes across a dead agent killed by Ward's hands sidequest this agent is the first of many caning brothers played by Patton Oswalt in the series and then tentacle quadruplets bones scrolls the world may never know using her newly acquired spying abilities Skye is able to play Ward briefly but he's the best in the world so that doesn't last long lucky for her trader Nick sexy admits to actually being in love with her so hooray she gets to live you're saying that your feelings for me they're real sky they always happen it also gets to have a sociopath obsessing over her for the foreseeable future but hey Coulson is able to rescue Skye and the team reunites to put an end to Garrett ward and project centipede it's not a flawless operation however Fitzsimmons and the meeting with Ward to have him switch back to shield and instead of taking the path of redemption he drops him into the ocean to die as they run out of air fist admits to Simmons that he's been in love with her for years but never had the courage to tell her he gives her the only tank of oxygen they have so she can escape she pulls him with her to the surface and Nick Fury appears like a mother guardian angel and plucks him out of the drink rain without oxygen for a long time but you saved it it was the other way around they both survived but Fitz receives brain damage that he has to slowly overcome throughout future seasons meanwhile in this one Garrett has been injected with the Finnish centipede formula and has been driven mad by the Kree blood claiming that he can see the meaning of the universe Coulson teams up with fury to face down Garrett and Dethklok while Mei disarms Ward and Skye works to free Deathlok she successfully saves his son allowing him to turn on Garrett the centipede formula does happen to resurrect Garrett but Coulson atomizes him almost instantly in the aftermath gary promotes Coulson a director of shield and tasks him with rebuilding the organization and eliminating Hydra once and for all you want me to start over rebuild shield from scratch take your time and do it right season 2 season 2 expands the size of Coulson's team to include agent Triplett a former member of Garrett's squad Alphonse McKenzie a mechanic with a love for shotgun axes and Lance hunter a mercenary who keeps on bringing up his crazy ass that crazy ex happens to be the one and only Bobby Moore's aka Mockingbird who joins a team after extracting agent Simmons from an undercover mission inside of Hydra the first part of the season focuses on the team racing against Hydra to uncover the secrets of a dangerous artifact known as the diviner when touched by normal humans the diviner causes instant painful death so it's no wonder why Hydra has an interest in it and those who can hold it safely the diviner is stolen by Raina a former associate of a clairvoyant with an agenda of her own Kareena hunts down Skye's biological father Calvin zabo and enlists them and helping her uncover the secrets of the diviner they both however get roped into doing this research under hydras watchful eye the diviner is just one ball in the air for shield though with shield publicly disbanding after the Hydra uprising and Winter Soldier u.s. general Talbot leads a crusade against any operatives that haven't turned themselves over his desire to arrest Coulson and ko only grows after Ward escapes murders his high-profile family Henry joined Hydra we thought shield was protecting us but in truth they took advantage of our good faith and they still are Coulson is also plagued by alien symbols that he can't stop writing after confiscating Garrett's equipment these symbols turn out to be a side effect of the alien blood transfusion and when decoded they reveal a map to an ancient alien city built by the crease thousands of years prior this city is home to the diviner so naturally the mid-season finale builds two Hydra and shield breaks into its center Coulson's team drops down into the underground city and it's magical alien defense's turn Mac into a super-powered temple Guardian Mac fights off shield but escorts Raina and her to find her into the temple he also allows Skye to follow her agent Triplett discovers that Skye is in the temple and rushes to save her inside the temple Raina activates the diviner which unleashes a wave of mists that cocoons her in Skye in stones trip around houses the diviner to stay Skye exploding pieces of diviner shrapnel into his skin that toasts him nano style Skye and Raina however aren't dead but are merely undergoing metamorphose into super-powered beings sky breaks out of her cocoon with a massive sonic boom revealing her newly unlocked vibration powers marina isn't as lucky as she mutates into a porcupine monster with precognition in the aftermath of this metamorphosis officially known as terrigenesis the girls discovered they're descendants of an ancient bloodline of humans known as the Inhumans the Inhumans were experimented on by the Kree and given powers to be used as living weapons in their intergalactic Wars at some point the Korea band in the Inhumans leaving them to hide on earth in their own tight-knit societies Skye's biological mother Ziyang leaves one such society called afterlife the girls are recruited by the teleporting inhuman Gordon to master their powers they're in secret here Skye reconnects with her unstable father and flirts with her next mentor a doctor with electric aneesa's named Lincoln outside of afterlife Coulson faces a coup from another faction of shield agents under instruction of commander Gonzales Mack and mockingbirds were moles for Gonzales and help him overthrow Coulson but may help some escaped Coulson meets up with agent hunter and Deathlok to take down Hydra and clear their names Coulson also enlist the help of Ward and his girlfriend agent 33 offering them a second chance at a life outside of Hydra mr. freedom that says something says that maybe they're still good left in you maybe Garrett your family didn't destroy all that this string of missions results in Coulson discovering the location of Loki's scepter leading to the raid on Hydra in Avengers age of Ultron with this information Olsen is able to prove to Gonzales that his allegiance is to shield and the greater good both factions merge together to form a unified field with Wilson as the director and Gonzales as his adviser their first order of business is to deal with afterlife after Gordon and Raina break into their base to verify one of Rita's visions in humans discover that shield is in possession of a giant stone monolith an artifact that in human folklore warns will bring extinction to their species shield is able to track Corey's teleportation signature to afterlife and sends Gonzales to negotiate with Jiang Jiang murders him and pins the altercation as an attack on the Inhumans Gordon steals a Quinn jet and attacks after life to further frame shield for starting a war with the Indians skyy initially sites with her mother but witnesses her true colors when Rana died standing up against her manipulations she's promptly captured on Jang's orders the Inhumans hijacked a shield aircraft carrier and plan to use it to unleash Terrigen crystals mixed with diviner metal to kill me and kind and lead him in human uprising not available to rescue side who she convinces Lincoln to help fight against dying guys father is also recruited for the battle like Wilson after he takes an unstable super-strength serum that turns him into Marvel Comics dr. Hyde somehow in all this season two finale chaos there's a completely unrelated beep law reward in agent 33 kidnap and torture Mockingbird this doesn't have much bearing on the overarching plot of the series other than cementing Ward as he redeemable but it does lead to one of the best hand-to-hand fight scenes in the entirety of the MCU Danny ways instead of fighting a legion of superpower terrorists hunter and may fly off to rescue Bobby they succeed and ward accidentally kills agent 33 thinking she's made this sends him off the edge and leads him to form his own chapter of Hydra for season 3 back on the aircraft carriers Poulsen Mack and Fitz use a power dampener to defeat for it but in the process Wilson loses his arm don't worry though he gets a cool high-tech replacement atop the ship flying nearly murder sky doctors Avvo steps in to save sky and kills giant Skye and Coulson thank dr. Zab oh by using project Tahiti to wipe away his painful memories so you can live peacefully as a veterinarian and his honor Skye officially adopts her birth name Daisy Johnson so yeah after two years everyone's just gonna start crown or Daisy you need to get used to it I'm sorry you are Daisy for lovely name back at shield headquarters agent Simmons continues her research on the monolith when suddenly it liquefies and absorbs her yup it was the most out of left field anxiety inducing WTF cliffhanger I've ever seen and you're lucky you'll only have to wait seconds to find out what happened to her instead of months like everyone did in 2015 season 3 with Simmons son Fitz will stop at nothing to find her he grows balls of steel and single-handedly takes on a terrorist cell to get a lead on the monolith this takes him to a 19th century Hydra castle with a hidden chamber that can turn the monolith into a portal with the help of Daisy's powers Fitz drops to the monolith and pops out light-years away from Earth on a planet called mavin on mavet Simmons has survived the wilderness for six months in part due to the help of will Daniels another earthling has been trapped there well is the last survivor of an exploratory NASA program called Project distant star returns as we learned throughout the season mammoth was used as an interdimensional prison to banish a powerful inhuman from Earth but the Inhumans followers were able to send blood sacrifices through the monolith to keep him alive for millennia these followers would go on to form the original version of Hydra Project distant star return was a part of this Hydra scheme unbeknownst a whale who had been dodging the Hydra God for 14 years when Simmons was absorbed by the monolith the to fall in love and decide to science the hell out of the portal and return to Earth their attempts fail but a flicker of hope appears when Fitz fires a flare to alert Simmons of the portal reopening will distract the Hydra God so that Simmons can reunite with Fitz and escape madness back on earth several fish oil capsules have been laced with Terrigen mist thanks to Daisy pushing our creative Terrigen crystals into the ocean during her battle with Shia this causes random citizens just looking to get in their own mega freeze to unlock their inner inhuman powers luckily the fragments of diviner metal weren't absorbed by the fish so no unsuspecting consumers were turned a cold we're just talking about powers here Coulson has made it shields mission to safely the new inhumans will they get control of their powers but the helps to assemble a super powered special ops team the MC use US president Ellis has also created a program to collect in humans called the atcu or advanced threat containment unit led by Rosalind price the atcu aims to suspend Inhumans in a coma inducing gel until they can work out a cure that sounds extreme but remember this is after the events of a droll Tron and public opinion superpower persons is at an all-time low yes they can be dangerous I've seen that but it doesn't begin adjusting is like an illness but we're working on a cure and we're close not only are both shield and the atcu in search of Inhumans but they're also hunting down a serial killer that's targeting them Wilson strikes a deal if price to keep Daisy off her hit list in exchange for his help with the ATC's investigation into the serial killer not long after that they learn that the killer is another inhuman by the name of lash who's essentially a blue spiky Hulk with an insatiable lust for killing Inhumans their first lead comes by the name of white fry a new inhuman who has the ability to sense other Inhumans via allergic reaction just gonna say that's probably the worst superpower ever created just you and me get around here he's having some kind of reaction to a special friend here yes think Dwight admits to helping lash located targets and is then killed by lash at the end of the same episode daisy witnesses lash fleeing and turning into a normal man like i said blue spiky Hulk while all this is going down Ward begins to build a new group of Hydra with the help of Gideon Malick now it might be familiar to you as a member of the world security council that advised Nick Fury not only is he essentially the most influential member of modern Hydra but he's also the mastermind behind project distanced our return Ward kidnaps annex towards Baron von strucker's son into joining their Hydra cell and tasks the Nazi frat row with killing agent Mays ex-husband Andrew when may interrogate spawn Strucker he tells her that Andrews survived the assassination attempt not through luck but because he is last May then has to overcome her unresolved love for Andrew and neutralize him to stop us schools and strikes to deal with price to have the atcu hold lash until the cure could be found as it turns out the atcu is actually another front for Gideon Malick Hydra instead of curing Inhumans their goal is to make more and build an army to overthrow the planet Malick orders Ward to assassinate price to keep shield in the dark which blows because she gets off during a date with Coulson and the two of great chemistry together seriously they had some top-notch spy flirting the season but none of that matters now because she is dead and Coulson's out for blood Hydra also kidnaps Fitz and Simmons and uses their knowledge to reopen a portal to mammoths sending Ward and Fitz to recover the Hydra God Coulson airdrops himself into their portal just as it's closing a mammoth Hydra finds will and a sandstorm allows for Fitz and will to make their escape just as they're nearing the portal Fitz offers to fix whales wounded leg and discovers that he's a walking corpse hosting the parasitic inhuman Hydra has been seeking Fitz fights off zombie will as Coulson faces down Ward fits uses a flare gun to defeat will and Coulson crushes Ward to death with his new robotic hand [Music] meanwhile on earth Simmons escapes hydras clutches by releasing laughing she takes the Hydra face and rescues Coulson and Fitz while May takes down Tigers castle however the inhuman Hydra thought was able to make it back to earth by possessing grant Ward's dead body Hydra shelters inhuman while he slowly regains his strength we learned that he goes by the name hive and has the remarkable ability to mind-control other Inhumans and possess the dead can also regenerate and dissolve organic matter luckily hive doesn't have a fully brainwashed inhuman army because president Ellis gets word of Malik's ties to Hydra and appoints Coulson as the behind-the-scenes head of the atcu which will act as a front for shield Ellis also plays his general Talbot as the public figure head of the atcu much to the chagrin of the Coulson Hayden Calvin the two of them attend a World Council meeting to negotiate a solution to the growing Reisman genus in the meeting Talbot turns on Coulson revealing himself to be a stooge for Malick it's revealed that Malick is holding Talbots inhuman son hostage so Coulson gets Talbot a past and shield save the kid the damage is already done at the world council meeting however and Malik's Russian partner has agreed to build a sanctuary for the Inhumans to live in peace obviously this is the lie and the end game is to acquire the Inhumans for hives are me in return Hydra has agreed to help representative Petrov take control of Russia from the Prime Minister agents hunter and more stuck man in assassinate Petrov and Russia's inhuman defense minister shield is forced to cut ties with the agents to prevent an inhuman cold war between the US and Russia now shield this team is in the crosshairs and the right thing for us to do take the bullet this was supposed to spend the characters off for their own show called Marvel's most wanted but never have half the pilots page back at hydrates q5 has made a full recovery Hill's Malik's daughter and swiftly takes control of Hydra under Hives leadership Hydra takes over an agro chemical tech corporation when the majority of shield is taken hostage while investigating hives play Daisy is left to assemble a team of Inhumans to rescue them these secret warriors not only extract Coulson's team but take a willing malikan for interrogation mouth' reveals hypes mind-control voodoo to Coulson who has no choice but to put the base on lockdown and screen the secret warriors for hives parasite amongst the chaos and infighting Daisy's revealed to be hives newest recruit she murders Malick then destroys the base in the search for clues to how hives mind control works Fitz and Simmons discover that his parasites produce a wave of serotonin that overwhelms the host with an addiction to his commands they go undercover to recruit the mad scientist Holden Radcliffe and let's just say things yeah damn yeah we should stop thinking all together and just do yeah of course while the shippers can celebrate this episode things don't go well for shield I Eve and Daisy take Radcliffe and nearly kill the lovebirds but will and Ward's residual love for Fitzsimmons convinces hive to let them off with a warning with Radcliffe's expertise hive plans to create a virus that will turn the entirety of the human race into Inhumans that he can control using the free blood inside of Daisy from her season 1 transfusions Radcliffe makes imperfect inhuman abomination when Daisy isn't succumbing to hives will she's just freely communicating with boyfriend Lincoln in an attempt to get him hooked on Hydra with her with her help he agrees to escape shields custody and join hi Bernie this is just a ruse by field and they swap Lincoln with lash to infiltrate hive space it's revealed that lashes powers can counteract hives and dr. garner is evoked control lashes killer instincts to sever Daisy from the inhuman parasite however lash is unable to finish his mission to defeat hive because he gets impaled with a multi-chain for me and human Hellfire back at shield de xira gills at hives plan is to launch a missile Phil above Radcliffe absolution virus into the atmosphere with the help of general Talbot the team is able to secure the missiles Phil codes and disarm the warhead well Mack captures hive in a tweaked version of the memory eraser this device temporarily disorient hive with the memories and thoughts of all of his previous hosts in true supervillain fashion hive escapes takes the warhead onto a hijacked jet and plans to detonate the payload once it's at the correct atmosphere Daisy like a drunken withdrawal pleads with him to infect her again but lash has given her immunity to his powers she retaliates out of rejection but high of chaos her with a sucker punch and uses her as leverage to prevent shield from shooting him down Coulson Squad uses the Quinjet to dock with hives aircraft and Coulson distracts hives true form with a hologram as the team moves the warhead onto these secondary Winningham battles with Hellfire and is fatally wounded knowing the days he plans to sacrifice herself to detonate the bomb in space blinken sneaks onto the jet and Fries the manual controls as hive docks the Quinn jet Lincoln blasts Daisy out and activates the ship's autopilot once in space bomb detonates taking out hive with it in the wake of losing Lincoln Daisy quits shield goes goth and starts working as a vigilante to atone for her sins season 4 with Hydra officially dismantled president Ellis restores shield as a public-facing agency but to keep Coulson's revivalist secret geoffrey mace is placed as the new director mace aka the patriot publicly identifies as an inhuman despite using a serum based after doctors abbas to grant him super-strength this lie is in hopes that the public opinion on Inhumans will improve if they know that one is diligently working to get others to find the suppo beer cords it's an uphill battle however as the anti inhuman terrorist organization the watchdogs is actively framing Inhumans as a dangerous threat the m.i.a Daisy isn't helping matters for field because she's hunting down and dismantling their terrorist cells in a one-woman war her alias quake has become well known due to her destroying whole banks and bridges in her quest to snuff out the watchdogs and their friends because having a dangerous ex agent is bad for PR mace has placed her apprehension as a high priority but after she slips through Coulson's hands he forbids Coulson's team from being the ones to bring her in obviously this doesn't sit well with them and our favorite agents work to recruit her in secret Daisy's more focused on intercepting a watchdog weapons deal and during her recon she's interrupted by a Dodge Charger driving ghostwriters ghostwriter incinerates the criminals and thinking that he may be inhuman quake puts her spy skills to use and tracks down his secret identity this version of ghost Raider turns out to be the mechanic Robbie Reyes who made a pact with the original ghost writer Johnny Blaze after a gang attempted to murder him and his brother Gabe Daisy approaches Reyes and after a skirmish or two the pair team up to investigate the connections between the weapons deal and momentum labs Frances uncle Eli Morrow once worked for momentum but a mysterious incident killed his research team and sin tomorrow on a Ben West against the head scientist Mara will go to jail for placing that scientist into a coma like Rhea's the weapon in question ends up being more supernatural than Shield has ever seen as it isn't so much a weapon as a box of scope dosa Morrow's old research team to be exact agent May stops the weapons deal but the damage has been done and the ghosts are set loose because one of the ghosts made contact with me she's infected with a dementia inducing virus that leads the infected to complete madness to cure Mae Simmons brings her to the semi redeemed Radcliffe Radcliffe solution is to essentially reboot Mays brain by letting her die than reviving her immediately after its successful and from this they're able to develop a cure for the viral curse while in recovery Radcliffe uses his latest project an Android named data to monitor Mae Radcliffe has been developing ADA in breach of his contract with shield the radcliffe's engineering earns Fitz his respect and the two Perfector code in secret hey does an LM D or life model decoy and Radcliffe's goal is to have these lifelike agents draw fire as human targets but the real agents can escape on missions go south back in the ghostwriter story thread the frame group of ghastly scientists work to locate a dark magic book known as the dark hole the dark cold is a highly sought after artifact filled with forbidden knowledge it's evaded the likes of Nick Fury in the red skull but somehow had fallen is the hands of scientists at momentum labs two years ago with the help of Eli Morrow the scientists use the dark hole to build a machine that could Forge matter out of thin air by pulling energy from other dimensions this is similar to how dr. Strange's magic works the ghost of Lucy Bauer finds the dark hole by awakening her husband from his coma he tells her the location with the ghostly contact leads him to die of madness despite the book being able to translate itself into the native language of the reader the ghosts are unable to read the contents of the dark hole so they set out to kidnap tomorrow with his expertise alongside the dark cold they hope to find a way to return to their mortal bodies Coulson strikes to deal with Morrow's prison to have him transferred into shield custody but Bower and her ghosts turned the whole prison against them thanks to the help of Daisy andreas' they're able to fight through the prison those traitors thirst for vengeance gets to be too much for Robbie and he leaves his uncle to eliminate the last member of the gang that attacked him and Gabe while he's off spooking all the prisoners back into their cells Morrow is kidnapped by Bower and brought to an abandoned Roxxon lab where she forces him to use the dark hole to return her fully to the mortal plane to save Morrow Coulson's team follows them to the Roxxon facility Coulson and May discover the dark hold and Mei is tasked with keeping the book safe while Colson finds an extract tomorrow Fitz works to power down Bauer's experiment while Reyes goes off to eliminate when he finds her he reveals that her husband hired the gang that attacked him and his brother but that the hit was intended for their uncle Morrow was driven mad by his obsession with the Darkhold and was the reason the ghosts were created in the first place he put joseph bauer in a coma not in a fit of vengeance but because he wouldn't tell him where the dark hole was hid ghostwriter eliminates the ghost but it becomes clear that his uncle is the real villain Morrow then uses the secrets of the dark hole to jump into an experimental chamber that empowers him with the ability to summon matter this experiment sets off an explosion that phases Coulson Reyes and Fitz out of sync with reality essentially turning them into ghosts that can witness the real world but not interact with it the spirit of Ghost Writer isn't feeling the whole trap between dimensions thing so it ejects itself from Rhea's and binds to mak ghost writer Matt goes off to shake down a gang and find leads for morrow well the rest of shield tries to find a way to bring back Coulson infants may takes the dark holder Radcliffe who refuses to read it knowing how dangerous it can be it's able to subtly influence ADA into reading it using her advanced processor to blast through it in a speed read Coulson and Fitz have a brief fight over Fitz and Radcliffe's pet project but ADA is able to use the knowledge she gained from the Darkhold to build a portal that pulls the tube back before they can be swallowed into the Hell dimension meanwhile Reyes is able to renegotiate his terms with ghostwriter to save Mac and himself using a leads from Ghost Rider's field trip the team finds Morrow building a quantum battery that will boost his powers to godlike levels as a fail-safe Morrow also has built a nuclear core that will detonate if his project is stopped by shield Ghost Rider confronts morrow as Ada and the science department install her portal underneath his nuclear weapon Raya settles the score with maro and the weapon is pulled into a parallel dimension along with them the press is alerted to the scene and Mace appears to clear quake as a high-level SHIELD agent who is working in undercover case to save the world with the ghostwriter storyline tied up the second part of season 4 transitions to an LM d centric storyline thanks so the dark hold giving ADA the ability to craft quantum brains which allow the LM DS to think and feel like real humans we learned that after Radcliffe briefly scans dark holes he had become corrupted much like its other readers with a goal to uncover the secrets of immortality he ordered aided kidnap and replace me with an LM d before the raid against morrow this LM d machlin believes she is the real May but has a subconscious background code that directs her to find and steal the dark hold for Radcliffe ADA is able to get her hands on the dark holes but Mac gets here with a clean cut of a shotgun axe this forces Radcliffe at eight a 2.0 to plan out a long con to get their hands on the book the real may is placed into a virtual reality by Radcliffe this is his endgame to use the dark hole to perfect a digital world of the framework where the human race can live together in immortality Radcliffe hopes to use the framework to save the life of the woman he loves Agnes an art collector with terminal cancer and the inspiration for ADA for the safety of his research Radcliffe replaces himself with another lmd and uses it to leak classified information to the inhuman hating senator nadir we've seen senator nadir a few times throughout the season but her main narrative role is to give legitimacy and power to the fanatical watchdogs nadir hooks Radcliffe and ADA up with a superior the Russian leader of the watchdog's that has a conspiracy theory that Coulson is at the center of all the super-powered evil in the world Radcliffe agrees to help the superior get to Coulson in exchange for letting him continue his research inside of the watchdog submarine base LMD Mei discovers that she is a replica but unable to break from her code and stop Radcliffe's machinations she steals the dark wool from Coulson and hands it off to Radcliffe luckily for shield Radcliffe abandons her giving Fitz an LMG that he can use to triangulate the location of the real Mei meanwhile the watchdog's defeat and capture mace who's used the last of his strength and the shield agents go to recover him and Daisy finally gets to face off with the leader of the watchdogs she collapses a pillar on top of him as Fitz and Coulson rescue mace after the team has regrouped at shield headquarters Fitzsimmons notices that the LMD detection alarms have been disabled by Coulson a little Dicky reveals that mace was bait used by ADA to replace four members of shield with LM T's this leads into arguably the greatest episode of shield self-control the base is completely compromised by LM d body-snatchers trying to replace the rest of shield round up their end human allies and eliminate Fitzsimmons is able to safely make their way back to the laboratory in the West Wing of the face when Jemma discovers that another LM d alarm has been paid according to the alarm either her or Fitz is secretly a decoy that's unaware of their programming Simmons pulls a gun on Fitz and orders him to slit his arrest in order to prove that he isn't a robot he reluctantly agrees and starts bleeding profusely when she rushes to his aid he attacks her because surprise shippers can't have nice things and he is an LM D she awakens to LMD Fitz mapping her brain while telling her that an ADA's upgraded framework the two of them can be together forever and discloses dreams of marriage that the real Fitz has yet to share with her she gets a lucky drop on him and has to stab the perfect replica of her boyfriend to death while he grumbles for his way to talk about a total mine screw Simmons isn't alone Daisy's also the real deal and she discovers a room filled with lmd clones of herself waiting for her brain patterns to be mapped she eventually finds Simmons and uses her quake powers to prove her legitimacy with the help of shield see team the girls are able to escape the base with a framework prototype before a completely autonomous L MDMA sacrifices herself to destroy the base and the other LM diesel army using the prototype Daisy and Simmons gear at the mentor Radcliffe virtual reality in order to free the rest of their team back inside Radcliffe submarine base he awakens from the faux reality to find that ada has drastically altered the code the Darkhold has given her the power to simulate a physically identical reality that's modified to remove the single deepest regret of those inside simulation heydo informs Radcliffe that she's run into a paradox stating that she can't protect both the framework and the doctor's life if he has the potential of regretting the creation of the framework he informs her that he could never regret the framework because it allows its inhabitants to live old happy lives this solves her paradox so she slits his wrists and plugs and men as he bleeds out because dayz and Simmons enter the framework without it being rebooted they simply replace their counterparts Daisy finds herself in a relationship with a digital Lord and Simmons has to drag herself out of a shallow grave it turns out that ADA's reality has monkeys pawed the entire team Hydra rule supreme in sight this matrix ADA and a corrupted Fitz running the organization and Mae serving as a high-ranking officer Coulson gets to live the simple life as a schoolteacher but his favorite pastime is spreading anti inhuman propaganda I'm here to wake you by the way before we both get arrested what is this is this a test because it's not gonna work I'm loyal to Hydra he just gets to spend some time with his dead daughter even in a simulation ward turns out to be a traitor but as cool this time because it's a Hydra agent that's secretly good instead of the reverse it recruits Daisy and Simmons to a resistance movement that goal is to topple Hydra there they reunite with me who has real inhuman powers and it's actually a fairly competent leader outside of this dynamic duel the whole shield team fully believes that the framework is their true reality that said all the poking around done to Coulson's brain by project Tahiti does allow for some strange memories to get through he basically remembers Daisy but he's also got some nutty theories a long time ago if it wasn't for the mind-control soap yeah wait what the resistance pinpoints hydras top brass Fitz Edythe who's made a transition to being Madame Hydra and Fitz a sole romantic focus ada has Fitz put Radcliffe and Agnes at gunpoint Simmons pleads with Ward to hold off on sniping Fitz knowing that fits his true nature will prevent him from actually killing the last vestiges of Magnus and Radcliffe but this is bad boy fence and he kills Agnes Daisy tries to infiltrate Hydra to rescue Mack who's being held in interrogation after his daughter repurposes a Hydra drone as a science May has Mac wear a wire and he gets Daisy to admit that she's a SHIELD agent earning him and his daughter their freedom but dooming Daisy to be tortured at the hands of bad boy pips luckily her cell is next to Radcliffe's and he shares with her a back door that they can use to enter the framework out of deep regret Mac finds shield and joins their cause this newly formed team sets off to extract frame work trip from an undercover mission where he's retrieving specs 2:8 a secret weapon but things go off the rails when Coulson decides to take a detour to rescue a student and several other children hydras keeping in a concentration fits orders the whole place to be bombed and mace dies protecting the lives that the prisoners because of matrix rules the real mace dies as well seeing how Fitz is willing to murder children May has a change of heart and gives Daisy a Terrigen crystal so that her powers can be restored and they can join the resistance they also defenestrate ADA so Negus it's orders her to go berserk lamode on shield agent Simmons is able to decode the information framework trip recovered and pieces together that ADA is using Fitz in the dark cold to build a machine that will give her a human body in the real world this uses the prospect of a machine that creates new bodies to sway Radcliffe into helping him complete the project meanwhile Simmons is on a mission to save this so she kills his abusive Hydra loving father and hopes that it will snap him back to his old self it doesn't any horses Radcliffe to expose the location of the back door so that he can personally kill Simmons at the backdoor Hydra moves in on shield Coulson and may take a leap of faith together and return to the real world Fitz ambushes Simmons but before he gets his revenge Radcliffe knocks him into the portal Simmons and Daisy then jump through max stays behind in the framework to be with his daughter back in the real world ada has succeeded in building herself an organic body with multiple inhuman powers she's also turned the superior into a series of robotic fighting machines man Coulson fight off the superior while Simmons and Daisy bring backup to the submarine base pit struggles with reconciling his two vastly different personas including his love for Ada he is able to briefly sway her personal life when he tells her that she loves the pain of a broken heart sends her into a frenzy matters are made worse when Talbot tries to get to the bottom of the destruction of shields face at an international meeting superior offers to share the dark cold with the council to stop the perceived inhuman threat this is a setup as a LMD Daisy clone walks in and shoots Talbot into a coma with Daisy and Inhumans labeled as a threat ada hopes to rebuild the fascist state she ruled in the frame the real Daisy meets up with Reyes to thin out ADA's lmd army and steal back the dark holes also yoyo an inhuman speedster and Mac's girlfriend jumps into the framework to convince him to return to reality look around you Mac this is the end you know that in your heart you know the truth about this world about your daughter what are you saying they've been flirting for like two seasons now so sorry I'm just bringing her up just trying to cover a lot of ground as succinctly as possible she's dope and gets her own web series spin-off and you'll see more of her in the next season yo-yo stays with Mac is the framework shuts down and he mourns the death of his daughter once more ultimately Mac decides to return to reality with her grateful that he got more time with his daughter elsewhere Fitz attempts to reason with ADA she's too far gone and electrocute Simmons to death she vows to brutally murder everyone Fitz has ever loved and teleports to Coulson who now has the dark hole this is all trapped by shield and the real Simmons appears to distract her while Coulson gets up close to Ada and surprises her with Hellfire yeah kill me maybe not but I'm pretty sure he can yeah Austrian Coulson makes a deal with Reyes to temporarily house ghostwriter spirit of vengeance in order to incinerate the unkillable a doe with magic Coulson returns the dark holding ghostwriter to Reyes and the team goes to a diner to have one last breakfast before the US government arrests them for the damage died on shields name the plot twist instead of the US government showing up a mysterious agent appears and activates a device that freezes them in place he orders his agents to grab them and the next thing we know Coulson's wakin up on a spaceship websites here get back to work season five season five picks up right as the mysterious group ceases Coulson may Daisy Jemma Mac and yoyo has the team unfreezes they notice a white monolith that transports them to a Space Station when they arrive they meet Virgil he tells the team that they've been brought here to save humanity Virgil is a true believer and has always believed that one day Coulson and Coe would come to save humanity before he can offer any more information now he's killed by a rel next and rel next fans our four-legged space monsters that are ferocious highly agitated and able to survive extreme conditions else around the ship may has to free herself from a pole she teleported into a shady dude named deke shows up and forces a tracking chip called a metric into her deke was supposed to fit the whole team out with these metrics but with Virgil dead he simply can't afford to finish the job for free he still saves Coulson's team after they're captured by Kree soldiers our heroes learned that they're on a space station known as the lighthouse apparently the courier run on this bish by intimidating and killing Earthlings a fun little business practice of the Kree to keep the human population down is to routinely hold renewables a process were the adult residents of the lighthouse are ordered to line up and present their metrics to be scanned those with low metrics will have to fight each other to the death polite houses built 90 years prior and all the wreckage around them in space is actually bits of blown up earth the team starts figuring out that this is not shield business as usual that monolith that transported them didn't just make them travel through space they also traveled in time to a future where Sun cataclysmic event had occurred years prior Matt finds a postcard from Fitz that says working on it Virgil's co-worker test takes Coulson to look through Virgil's things he finds a notebook and some old artifacts meanwhile Simmons and may witness one of the kree's human servants gets stabbed in a fight Simmons took the Hippocratic oath so obviously she's gonna attend to this person's wounds and not let them bleed out this is a big no-no and Kree guards take Simmons to Cassies the head Korean charge kasia's calls for a renal bill Mack and yoyo are metric list and figure out that this is gonna be a dead giveaway to the Kree guards so Coulson goes to a guy named grill and asks him to put metric implants in them in exchange for a free tablet he'd stolen earlier girl is more impressed with Coulson's thievery so he says we'll help them out in exchange for working with them meanwhile Casius is super smitten with Simmons as she's scarlet no implant remember Cassie has pores of liquid into Simmons is ear which causes her to lose her hearing except for when he talks gross right well that's going down Daisy confronts shifty deep reveals to her that she's the reason earth was torn to pieces Wake is responsible for the apocalypse some bigwigs are on their way to the space station so to impress them Cassie has tasked Simmons with teaching a fresh inhuman to control her new abilities for an exhibition ceremony he graciously allows her to hear while working with the girl what a mensch Simmons is a supportive wonderful super tutor and gets this gals powers up and running which ends up bumming her out because one of the guests lady Basha buys the inhuman meanwhile the others are working for grill here's a little specious and sends one of his goons to spy on them during a space expedition Coulson may Mac and Tess are struggling to make heads or tails of Virgil's notebook and discover a radio transmission supposedly originating from the Earth's surface grill Spy reports back is framed as a traitor and exiled to die on earth well that's happening yo-yo helps Daisy snag free tablet so they can save Simmons from Kree slavery however that bag of dips deep snitches by reporting Daisy to Casius Daisy's captured and is taken to be his new inhuman champion in each of these inhuman champs is a power dampener so Casius is able to control them and not be overpowered one of these champions Ben is a telepath and definitely was being set up to be Daisy's new love interest Ben corroborates Daisy and Simmons a story about coming to the lighthouse alone yeah doesn't buy it during the interrogation Ben learns the kasia's plans to destroy the entire space station and everyone on it once he acquires enough profits to leave deke recognizes his father's voice on the radio transmission and agrees to help our heroes gain access to level 35 a mysterious restricted floor there they learned that Casillas is attempting to breed Inhumans may also learns that deke is a dirty liar and lied about Daisy before they can get into it though Cassius's favorite killing machine in Sana'a shows up Wilson leaves with deke and Mei stays to fight Cynara back at the exhibition Fitz is revealed to be one of the bidders what this revelation brings us to honestly one of my favorite episodes of the season rewind we finally get to see what happened to Fitz when all of his shield buddies disappeared apparently Fitz was taken into military custody and interrogated by General Hale about where everyone went and their involvement on the assassination attempt on Talbot for the next six months Fitz has given special privileges to allow him to locate the team in exchange he just keeps asking to have letters printed about rugby is turn out to be coded messages to get the attention of Lance hunter with hunters help Fitz escapes the military facility and tracks down Enoch the guy who took the outers Enoch explains to Fitz that a prophecy foretold these events and takes Fitz and Hunter to meet Robin who is prophetic abilities that she shares through drawings Enoch tells Fitz that he was left behind intentionally so that he could save the team Fitz and Hunter break into Hales military facility and steal a cryogenic pod using the pod Fitz is put into cryo sleep I love you I know decades later he's a welcomed by Enoch as they arrived at the lighthouse over at the station the pre have gathered some teens for an unscheduled terrigenesis ceremony flamed a friend of Tess has a successful terrigenesis and is hidden by the team with yoyo Tess is killed by the Kree over one's disappearance and her body is displayed for the humans to take note of its those fool Laurence Olivier and proves to be a fantastic actor he's so convincing he immediately earns cafรฉ's his respect we also have a beautiful sweet proposal from Fitz to Simmons but alas she doesn't hear a word you've got lost galaxies will you've traveled through time we've survived the bottom of the Atlantic just so we can be together in our love like that - stronger than any curse you and I we are unstoppable together the first inhuman exhibition is between Ben and May which results in May being sent to the Earth's surface just when we think Daisy's gonna get to French this hot mind-reader then is killed for lying kasia's during Daisy and Simmons interrogation elsewhere gorillas holding the rest of the team captive but little Flint is able to save them using his geo Kinesis powers and kills bro which is fine girl sucked good job kid back at the exhibition Cassius's brother arrives with no worrying prompting Casius to have Cynara and Daisy battle we get an awesome escape scene or Fitz Daisy and Simmons subdue their captors during the escape Simmons proposes to Fitz as Stacey Fitz and Simmons are being hunted through the space station they discover that the station is running on gravitonium remember that from season 1 told you come back as this is happening Casius kills his brother and decides he'll win his father's acceptance by capturing Daisy and giving her to him dick finds the trio and takes them to the rest of the team together once more they plan an escape to earth and save me after learning about Tessa's death Flynn decides to stay on the station to protect the other humans Mack and yoyo agreed to stay behind in hell so Coulson Daisy Fitzsimmons and deep fly to the surface but get caught in a gravity storm Enoch finds me though and the two are taken to safety and they meet early Robin Coulson's team survives the crash and reunites with me there they meet Samuel Voss a friend of Deeks death the team tries to get answers from Robin and they find a machine built into the Zephyr as Fitz and Simmons try to remove Daisy's power inhibitor maeรญn Coulson find a shard of the time monolith in boss's locker deep questions boss about the shard which belonged to his parents and is knocked out by boss boss then tries to kill Daisy and impales Robin to prevent them from giving the team the answers they so desperately need as she's dying in May's arms it reveals their history and how they're gonna save the world it's gonna require Flint well all this is going down Casius is punishing the humans by cutting off all their resources as Flint Mack and yoyo go off in search of weapons Fitz hid for them they learned that blue bastard has released those nasty rollnick scenes onto the lower levels these three are able to exterminate those roaches and rescue the remaining inhabitants Casius resurrects tests and sensor to relay has des managed the humans and threatens to detonate explosives and kill everyone if he doesn't get what he wants Mac and yoyo are off we see your explosives will match it and place explosives on level 35 which would prevent Casius from breeding more Inhumans blankets the inhabitants to the upper levels and uses the remaining bombs to separate them from the lower levels where Cassie's can't get them male lets everyone know what Robin told her that with the shard Flint can recreate the monolith and get the team back to their timeline thanks to that gravity storm may is able to get the Zephyr into space while that's happening sinara shows up again for round two with Daisy but this time DJ kills her he knocks days on the Zephyr and the agents work on retrieving Flint and the other Inhumans from captivity still reeling from saneras death kasia's infects the Inhumans trainer tie with odium a substance that incites manic behavior enraged and has him go after the team during their fight it appears that Coulson gets infected our shield agents aren't the only folks with the benefit of having a seer on their side we learn the Casius has been using a future version of yo-yo that's lived through their time loop this yo-yo doesn't have arms and has been tortured an assload we have to fight the more we fought the closer it came when an interviewer asks you where do you see yourself in ten years future Yaya says the team's ultimate return is what brings about the end of the world and that the only way to fix things is to let Coulson die from his infection Flynn recreates the monolith and Mack witnesses yoyos future self get murdered by Casius Matt kills Casius and is reunited with still alive yo-yo dick gets to the Zephyr in time to help he knock and fix the machine assumingly costing both of them their lives as the team travels back to the present Coulson Fitz Simmons may yoyo and Mack look into a beacon that supposedly was one of the first signs at the end of days Daisy chooses to stay behind and learns the deep survived and came to the Past with them she has to go bust him out of jail to keep him from exposing the team remember they're wanted criminals the team finds the beacon but are ambushed by general Hales robotic soldiers were led by a mysterious assassin during the fight the assassin tries to kill Mack but yo-yo steps in the way and loses both of her arms dressed like future her general heals assassin turns out to be her daughter Ruby and the two don't have a particularly gilmoregirls style relationship more of a you're a danger to yourself in the force sort of one karakurt's absorbing man to join her team and he agrees I'll be reluctantly the destruction of the mana lists caused by the beacon exploding creates a dimensional rift that manifests fears using gravitonium Fitz is able to make a device to conceal the rift but placing the device is basically a suicide mission so cool some volunteers he tells the team about his infection it Tess is brought back from the dead I don't want to go through all that again so you just give up go straighter basically burnt off the alien blood he was given it's just a matter of time until he dies Coulson encounters a manifestation of Mike Peterson Deathlok who tells Coulson that all of this has been a dream and he's dying on an operating table after the Battle of New York the real Pearson shows up Coulson shakes off his fears and the to contain the rift and then it finally happens Fitzsimmons gets married although I gotta say the fact that she found that gorgeous wedding dress at a thrift shop is bananas honestly probably the most unbelievable thing to happen on the show we joined this team for adventures and got more than we had hoped I can't wait for a next adventure when the wrist starts to reopen Fitz asked the team to gather more gravitonium they hunt down elite in Baton Rouge where Mack runs into his old bud Tony Cain Tony has been helping scientists who were forced to work for Hydra and believes that the gravitonium is aboard a cyber tech ship that went missing deep realizes the graviton ium could have been activated by a lightning storm so the team follows this theory and searches the sky for boats sure enough the ship is suspended in the atmosphere and most of the gravitonium has been used up keeping the vessel airborne Mack is able to collect the remaining gravitonium and get out before the ship crashes back to her after this geek over here Simmons chatting with yo-yo and hears her say one of his mother's old adages and then realizes that Fitz and Simmons are his grandparents meanwhile parrots more trash to her team of baddies now she's brought on we're nirvan Strucker whose mind and memory have been enhanced thanks to shield reviving him from a vegetative state but Warner isn't there because of half its Ruby that convinces him to stay it struggles to permanently seal the fear dimension and under this pressure experiences a psychic split that allows the dark personality of his framework version to manifest this sinister side of him captures Daisy and removes the inhuman control device that was implanted in her by Casius finished we started no face this enables Flake to regain her powers and compress the gravitonium feeling the fear dimension it also makes jay-z obviously wary of fifth who she locks up in order to comfort Simmons fresh off her wedding to this lunatic deke reveals to her that he's her grandson so clearly as she and Fitz will work things out eventually meanwhile Mae and Colson try to capture Hale creel intervenes and Coulson has taken prisoner by Hale once they arrive at Hales base they discover that Hales on Hydra side and has been for years Hale demands Coulson help her fulfill her plan to infuse quake with gravitonium to help earth deal with an extraterrestrial alliance known as the Confederacy Coulson refuses as he knows that this could be the catalyst to earth destruction he learns that Glenn Talbot is also being held at this facility by Hale and clearly has been put through the wringer Hale has Crale play around with the graft own ium she's reclaimed but creel begins to hear voices fighting in his head in the midst of this confusion real attacks Coulson who convinces him to help him and Talbots blend and Phil make it out while creel remain in hydras custody Talbot is taken to the lay house to recover however Hale has utilized the fastest method on him intent on using Talbot as a sleeper cell agent once the lighthouse may admit that she has feelings for Coulson you don't get to make that decision alone that decision is made with the people who love you May and that's me I love you while this is all happening Simmons convinces yo-yo to help her free Fitz and pursue possible leads on hydras gravitonium weapon they tricked Mack into releasing Fitz and lock Mack and Fitz's sell these three travel to a Hydra facility in England and find the particle and fusion chamber Fitz damages one of the components to render it useless but then those darn robot soldiers show up and surround them yo-yo fights off Ivanov and discovers his body is linked to all the other robots so she takes him out and all the boss Ruby instructor arrived and captured Fitzsimmons and forced them to repair the infusion chamber meanwhile Daisy helps Talbot get ahold of his family but unknowingly helps turn on his Winter Soldier as brainwashing by his wife who has turned Hydra Glenn are you ready to comply I'm happy to mayonnaise you're able to locate Hydra prep and the scale now surprisingly surrenders her daughter Ruby has betrayed her and is following a dangerous plan all of her own she takes the agents to help stop her daughter was attempting to infuse her body with the gravitonium although they're able to stop the process Ruby is driven insane precious struck her skull kills him and ends up being murdered by yo-yo still pissed that she has double Bucky arms and believes she's just saved the world while this is going down sleeper cell Talbot attempts to kidnap Robin but is subdued by Coulson and Mac tensions are high amidst the team in light of yo-yos actions they've got bigger fish to fry Hale gave the location of the lighthouse to the Confederacy who initiate a siege of Bremer activators to go reclaim all of the gravitonium in an attempt to make up for his past mistakes in a recent foray into child abduction Talbot infuses himself with all the gravitonium granting him the ability to fly and literally crushed the remm around we saw how crazy Ruby went with just 8% gravitonium in her body so the already mentally compromised Talbot is not a great vessel for all that power he goes off his rocker and takes Coulson with him to the Confederacy's spaceship Talbot demands the Rama wrath kneel before him before joining Confederacy meeting and establishing dominance by murdering one of the members Talbot meets Cassius's dad Terry and convinces the general to find more gravitonium to continue powering that hailing Coulson tried to stop him but Talbot murders Hale and imprisons Phil Daisy and may attempt to rescue their leaders but are also taken prisoner with Talbot gone cool send Daisy and may managed to escape their alien captors and Cole's on an Meg hiss meanwhile Mack and yoyo track Talbot back to his home how that son George is able to talk about of doing any more harm but elder takes off to prove his family at the remember how cool sin has that nasty infection what gets worse geo can either save him by using the last known dose of centipede serum or use the serum to create a weapon against Talbott and save the world as the team fights about what to do mace mash as the odium which could have been used to make said weapon forcing the team to fix Coulson Coulson has given the syringe but reluctant to use it Daisy tells Phil that she can't lead shield and Mack is appointed as the new director shield takes on Talbot in Chicago where he's attempting to mine more gravitonium Blake is merely absorbed by Talbot which would have led to the destruction of Earth's but she discovers that bull sin has hidden a centipede syringe in one of her gauntlets quick injects herself to power up and is able to launch Talbot into space killing him and changing the timeline but the battle still caused so much damage to the city with buildings toppling over and falling debris this is buried under some rubble while trying to help people evacuate and dies from his wounds I think to verse Simmons decides you must find the other version of Fitz who still lies in cryostasis aboard Enochs ship and so the team sets off with Simmons to find her husband but man Coulson's spend Phil's final days in Tahiti anything else on your bucket list just one thing parasail yeah pair salmon always wanted to try that and that my friends is everything you need to know about marvel's agents of shield did I miss anything let me know in the comments and if you want some more deep dive crash courses be sure to click to the left of my face for more videos [Music]
Channel: NerdWire
Views: 215,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Agents of Shield crash course, Agents of Shield seasons 1-5, Agents of Shield recap, Agents of Shield complete history, whitney van laningham, marvel Agents of Shield, marvel studios, Agents of Shield netflix, crash course, explained, mcu, endgame, avengers, easter eggs, agents of shield season 5, agents of shield, avengers infinity war
Id: aSWz_W3jY10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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