World's Largest Oreo!

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- This is an Oreo that's a hundred times bigger than normal. - Thick. - And this rubber duck is the size of a skyscraper. - It's coming for us. - We're going to be reacting to normal things made way bigger. We're going to kick things off with an egg, right? - Oh yeah. - No. It's the largest Dorito ever made. - Of course. Where else would you put the world's largest Dorito? - That's a one foot Dorito. - He's like, mm, it's Dorito, but big. - These are the world's largest chicken nuggets, they are seven pounds a pop. - Why? How do you do that? Do you have to find like a 20 pound chicken or do you take a lot of chickens and put them together? - I'm just going to act like it's not real chicken. One of these nuggies could feed the whole family. - I think if the whole family ate one of those nuggies, they would probably be very sick afterwards. I've just never understood why people like watching people eat. - Mr. Beast. Mr. Bust. - Agreed. Honestly, if you make a video about you eating things, you're an idiot. Don't put that there. This is the world's biggest paddle. I wonder though, if that gives you an advantage or a disadvantage? What we need to figure out is, does size matter? - In ping pong? - Just in general. Also, guys with these paddles, if you want to ship them to my house- - Yeah, I'll take one of those paddles. - I would too. The world's largest tablet. - Wait a minute, isn't that just basically a TV? - The slab that's streamlined, aggressively accessible, and uncooperative user friendly. - It's like jumbo shrimp. None of this makes sense, the world is scary and dark. I want to go home. It's just a touch screen TV. - World's largest hamburger. - Hamburgasa. It looks like it's currently getting rained on. Are we going to talk about that? This looks gross. There's nothing about this that ever would make me say I want to eat that right now. - Well. - No. Dude, I almost threw up with pizza. Pizza. I will throw up with cheeseburger. - If this video gets 20 million views, I'll attempt to make a burger two times bigger than that. - You know what? 2.5. - 2.1. - 2.3. - 1.9. - Okay, 2.1 - Deal. We'll try, no guarantee. This is the world's largest mouse trap. - Let's go. - Just so you guys know, this person helped us with Squid Game. - They did. - Shout out to him. Comment you love him. - Oh! Wait, so did he build this because he has the world's largest rat? Or is he preparing for the world's largest rat to come along one day? - Like if there's a nuclear meltdown? - Yeah. - And rat's 10 times in size. - Of course. - He's ahead of the competition. If you thought that was crazy, watch to the end, because these objects get insane. - I will, because I'm skeptical. - World's largest Game Boy! - Hey, I'm a big Game Boy. That's bigger than a truck. - Wow. - Wait a minute. - That's just a computer with a TV. - You're telling me you didn't solder a PCB board. Send it to us. We'll take it. - $500. - All right. A thousand. - Deal. - You're going to make me talk about Mark Rober? - I don't want to react to Mark Rober. - Why? - This guy hates the environment. - Whoa. - He does. He only planted 20 million trees and helped remove 30 million pounds of trash from the ocean. - To be fair, he didn't even do it, he hired robots to do it. - All I'm saying is- - Mark Rober. - Hey, I'm yelling. Pay attention to me. - Mark Rober- - I'm speaking louder! If he cared about the environment, he would've planted a hundred million trees. Cancel him. - Oh no. This is what would happen if you're weenie got in front of it. - Oh my God. - It would would cut your weenie in half. Look at that. - World's biggest flashlight. That's the one we opened in the Amazon video. - Hey. - This is the world's brightest flashlight. - Okay, so this was the world's brightest flashlight commercial. That's like a truck times like 10. - Holy. - Oh my God. I bet people thought literally like, the world was ending when they turned that- - Literally, it looks like the sun is crashing into earth. The guys who made this giant flashlight are called Hacksmith, and funny enough, they're in town and they said they have a gift for us. - Wow! - So we're going to go get it. - I'm sure I'll be wearing the same shirt. - All right, Jimmy, so you remember in December you featured my Iron Man repulsor? - What? - And the audience picked it, and you gave me 10 grand. We took that 10 grand- - I just noticed you're pretty Bob, have you guys noticed that? Anyways, keep going. - We took that 10 grand and we made something even better. - This looks like some Tony Stark stuff. - It does. Hacksmith Industries. - Oh! - Oh. - What the frick is this? That's a Hulk Buster, man. - Yeah. Holy crap. I need to punch something right now. Oh, this is fun. I'm not dumb enough to wield this how it should be wielded. Chris, you need to put it on. - All right, we're hot. Oh, freak! - You have to stay solid because otherwise, you're the one- - We get to keep this, right? - I'm going to keep it far away from him. It was an investment. We give him 10 grand. He gives us a much more expensive toy. - Hey, world's largest toilet. Don't worry, I got the world's largest poop coming. - Oh, snap. - I don't know when this was uploaded, but it feels like 2018 YouTube. That's just gross. Like I know it's clean but like, they made it brown, gross. - Bro, honestly, maybe the world would be better off without YouTube. That's so cool. You want to know what's even cooler, we have a Rubik's cube bigger than that, in a coming up video. - He's pretty good. - He's killing it. This is the world's biggest PlayStation five. - And this is ZHC. ZHC, come on. You didn't paint a cool design on it? He's slacking. - These controllers actually control everything you see on the screen. - That's cool. So this is a 15 foot tall violin that needs three people to play it. - That's so cool. But you know what's way cooler? Me playing the saddest song in the world's smallest violin. - We get it, you watch SpongeBob. - How do you play this instrument and just not feel so silly the entire time? This is what I studied in college for, mom. I'm doing it. - World's biggest air hockey table. - Wouldn't that just be a hockey rink? I'm pretty sure the next thing is going to be the world's biggest, smallest car and it's just going to be a Toyota Camry or something. - It gets pretty crazy towards the end, trust me. - Okay. I guess I'll watch to the- - You have to watch the video! - Ah. I don't like that the hand things were big. What are those called? - Walt? - Striker or mallet. - Striker? I hardly know her. This is a drivable shopping cart that is a world record. - Jimmy, fun fact, this came to the state fair when I was 12 and I got to ride in it. - Wow. I'm just glad you actually said something useful. I thought you were going to be like, every shopping cart is drivable, so- - If you're brave enough. I swear, I think it's the same guy because you know anybody who does this, this becomes their whole like personality. - Existence. - Yeah, exactly. He's going around everywhere. All I got to say is, if your big shopping cart makes you happy, good. Live that life, bro. - That's the world's largest potato. - It's a real potato? - Yeah. Ryan Trahan spent a day in it. - But is it a real potato? - Yeah. - No, it's not. - Yeah, it is. They carved it out. - I need that fact check right now. If it's real, that's the coolest thing in the world. If it's not, I'm going to burn it. - Walt! - Wait, that potato's fake. - Everything's a lie, there's no pointing going on. I don't want to do this anymore. - I agree. I don't blame you for leaving. This is the world's biggest- Oh wait. - Okay. Here we go. This is an actual world's biggest functioning thing. Yo, I got hit by this in Elden Ring. I can't wait to hear it. Uh. - Awe. Uh? - I was expecting that thing to go like a hundred. - Yeah. - And thousand miles an hour. - They shouldn't have tighten it a little bit. This is the world's biggest scooter, no one was hurt. - Oh, it's the Oliver Tree video, that's why - Is that Oliver Tree? - Onion, onion, onion. We should get Oliver Tree to do something with us. I love him. - It looks like he's falling over. - Bro, you can literally tell that's a mannequin arm. - That's the whole point of it. That's why I love him so much. - So why don't you date him? - Oliver, we both have kind of bowl cuts, hit me up. - World's biggest Minecraft statue. Is that Sapnap? - No, no, that's George Not Found. Oh wait, no, it's not. - It's Ranboo. - Yeah, it is Ranboo. Okay. - Ooh. - Whoa. Now he's making a Dream statue. - Oh, nice. Dream looks very handsome in this statue. Yeah, it's the guy that won that a hundred thousand dollar Minecraft duel. - Dream. No wait, Dream lost. - No, it's Sapnap. - The bit's getting confusing. - This is the world's biggest Oreo. - Holy crap. This is that picture that was on the start of the video when we clicked it. So what you do is, you take a bunch of mud and then you take lumpy mashed potatoes. - It does look like mashed potatoes. - Even the sound, oh my God. - Imagine if the white stuff in the middle was actually real Oreo white stuff, that would probably worth a million bucks. - Yeah, true. Are we counting this as a Oreo man? You got to be able to pick it up and dip it in a glass of milk. - Literally no one does that. - It's on the commercials! What do you mean, no one does that? Stop gas lighting me. Everybody dips cookies in milk. - I don't think it adds flavor. - It's not about flavor, it's about the process. - This is the world's tallest Hummer - Hummer? I hardly know her. What? No way. - Is that street legal? - Who's going to stop it? - The military. - Stop! You violated the law. - This is the world's biggest rocking chair. - Good job, Illinois. Some people have cool stuff and then you guys got this. - That's the thing that keeps the town in business. You want to know what's cooler than the world's largest rocking chair? - What? - The world's largest rubber ducky. - Infinitely more cooler. That's a big duck. - Wow! Wait a minute. Which came first, the world's largest rubber duck or the world's largest bathtub? - I think the ocean is technically the world's largest bathtub, so we got our first official answer. - Yay! - Yeah. We figured this one out. We're scientists. If you put scary music over this and make it a little dark, it becomes- - Let's do it. Tell me that doesn't look like a titan from Attack on Titan. - I've come eat your children. - Comment below, if this duck ruled the world, would you have a problem with it? - Not only would I not have a problem to it, I'd pray to it. Sue me. Duck butt! - Oh, you have to crawl in his butt hole? - You got to go in his butt to get inside of it, of course you do. It's more terrifying on the inside. - Now he looks like an omnipotent being staring down at its peasants. - I will feast upon the souls of the damned. - That's an Elden Ring boss, if I've ever seen one. How are we supposed to know how tall Zane's mom is? Americans will find anything other than the metric system. This is Zane's mom, our new type of measuring system. - Chris, before I show you this, I want you to mentally picture it. 90 foot long limousine. - Long car. - Three wheels at the front, four wheels in the middle. - That is so long. That's what she said. Me and Jimmy will tell all of you this, limousines are not worth it. - Yeah. - They're gross. They're always very low quality. It is a literal gimmick. - Someone's always getting car sick. Dude, they're always way hotter than they need to be. - If some old guy comes to your school and tells you to sell candy, so that way you can go to Pizza Villa in a limousine, don't waste your time. It's not worth it. - Unless it's Feastables, then do it. Go to and buy our candy right now, it tastes amazing. - A hot tub, of course. Oh yeah. Well, I mean, what if you have to take off in your helicopter while your limo's going down the road, go do something real quick and come back. Everything about this car is a gimmick and it angers me. They can't even turn it, you can't even drive it. How is this a world record? Get it off my screen right now. - Your Karen's showing. - I'm just Karen about our viewers. - I hope you guys enjoyed this video. If you haven't already, subscribe or I'll punch Chris. - Please subscribe.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 68,900,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: GjMmsEwIcl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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