100,000 CALORIES in 24 HOURS Challenge

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this is what 100 000 calories looks like and in this video we're going to be eating all of this food in under 24 hours we all know that after eating 100 000 calories we're all gonna gain a lot of weight so right now we're all gonna weigh ourselves to see how much weight we'll gain after eating the one hundred thousand calories here we go 183 all right okay 172.2 10.8 pounds lighter to me wow eleven pounds all right 195.6 all right how's your turn oh okay cat we're about to be 150 you're going to be alan's weight after this video the 100 000 calorie challenge officially begins now like a tanner tanner's already going to work let me get that i'm going to eat this and some tacos oh oh cat oh cat cooked the first calorie this is what i'm gonna eat right now look at this one thing you guys don't know is we're actually only gonna be eating about half this for lunch and then me and alan are gonna take the rest of his food to brent and some of our friends to eat for dinner that's in this video i'm gonna be 200 pounds i'm recalling it me too they don't call it pound cake for no reason you eat this you're gaining at least a pound give me that oh wow this is not bad guys we are literally so stupid for this how could we do this challenge without our dad who naturally eats a hundred thousand calories in a day anyway you can literally get whatever you want because we need all the help we can get so grab whatever dad i'll have a little bit of this just a little bit of this since i'm on a diet oh good and then maybe a little bit of this chicken wait look a little bit of chicken that's all the chicken he just did a 10 000 calorie challenge by himself yeah try to drink real quick oh no spit it out i didn't expect a finger in my mouth hey hey don't drink that don't drink that i need to finish this try this drink this instead oh you're nasty there you are tanner i can't finish this drink can you help me finish it so catch us in a restroom right now and we're reading the comments and one comment that really stood out to us was you guys are known for farting on your friends faces we're gonna show you guys how good we are at that [Music] that was actually one of the dares cat and uh now that we did one of your dares we dare you guys to like this video it's like a thousand chicken nuggets here you're gonna eat all that yeah i'm gonna eat all the chicken nuggets wow i'm gonna move some fries i'm just gonna take all these guys whoa do you want all of it look how many fries i got okay all [Music] got pet shop right including the refrigerator dude where the names are at yeah well talk about names here are the names on our fridge for this week and if you want your name on our fridge for entire week all you have to do is like this video subscribe if you haven't already and then comment down done when you're done good news is the ketchup problem that we were having with the fries that's fixed now dude oh my god we spent the last 30 minutes cleaning to mess up and tanner a very important question to ask you you're not still mad are you no no no okay good that's in the past that's good but i i do have a question for you guys uh do you guys like to eat your burgers with or without the pill peel yeah i think that's our cue to get our other friends to help us eat the 100 000 calories because that was the last straw right there [Music] all right so as you know today we're eating 100 000 calories and that should be hard for you hey what we're going to do here is we're going to have you spin the wheel and what it lands on you're going to help us eat okay okay spin it three two one oh wow i hope i get pizza pizza all right bring on the pizza all right let's go oh my gosh let's try a step no i don't wanna try try one set don't even i have my own water try a step what is that there's nothing wrong with drinking i already told you you can't prank me it was a stuff yeah it's a stuffed crust oh my god it's really good mm-hmm so hot eat that woah it kind of tastes a little plain really mm-hmm let me help you out with that what are you going to do oh my god are you kidding me take a bite no i can't tell it doesn't taste good this pizza is making noise yeah i'll slap you that's what you get for farting in my face i'm kind of getting full really i am yeah one come on finish that oh my god oh my god my stomach i can't eat anymore i literally can't it's like i have a really good joke how does a t-rex feel after a good workout um dinosaur oh my gosh yes a little dinosaur okay well okay since you know everything what's my uh favorite um tea um sweet tea no it's you shoddy okay you know okay you know what i was just cutting a video so lexi as you know we're doing no i'm still in shock as you know we're doing uh 100 000 calories in 24 hours and i decided to get you chocolate covered strawberries because i oh my god know that you're on your period are you serious is this a literal prank you're not used to us doing nice things so okay how many calories is this 2 000 calories oh wow yeah i'm gonna go go for a run it was your birthday right oh yeah well we got you a birthday cake too did you really yes you did an ice cream oreo cake okay i'll take this off your hands all right well happy birthday well thank you guys so much no i'm i'm gonna get fatter just spin the wheel and then we'll figure out what you're gonna eat for us [Music] oh where is it y'all have it oh right here right here right here oh wait wait from your app right here we have you never know what's in there let's dig right in [Music] so we read a lot of our youtube comments and one of these comments said i dare you to go through sean's search history no that's not happening let me see that photo of the car you don't have my phone one of these also says reveal what happened between pearson and brent and vegas oh my god oh my god so this is what happened brent and pearson were nowhere to be found but we saw sean and derp taking turns massage and lexi that is all that happened to vegas they asked andrew i wanted to show you something real quick what is he doing [Music] [Applause] that's me do you know that that's me that is you i voiced that character that's me boomerang chocolate oh what yeah holy i was like why does it sound so similar to much well we can't leave without giving you dessert so you want chocolate thank you so we're down to the last 20 000 calories we were actually supposed to have even less food than this but uh one of our friends fell on us this went ghost mode i'm guessing he's just busy good news is we have more food to eat the bad news is we have a friend that ghosted us oh wait are we out of pepperoni pizza um i can bake some uh pepperoni pizza you know how to bake yeah it says uh bake at 120 degrees for 20 minutes yeah i can do that [Music] oh the pizza's ready oh um i don't think you baked this right huh said 120 degrees for 20 minutes wait is it not ready wrong yeah i don't think we're having pepperoni pizza anymore so this is the last remaining bits of the 100 000 calories we have left and we honestly can't finish it but we have a really creative idea and you know what let's show you guys so we're gonna take the remaining amount of food blend it and drink it that way it's easier for us to finish it and uh here we go all right donut first nuggets got some coke right here we know this is really nasty but it's really effective the chicken the taco taco who thought this was a good idea man it's just so nasty all right three two one oh we still have one final thing to do we have to weigh ourselves here we go moment of truth right here i don't think we should be celebrating i'm seven pounds heavy all right here we go one seventy seven point eight that's what like six something almost six pounds six six pounds all right cat you're the only one left step one so eating 100 000 calories has really made us want to lose 100 000 calories so if this video gets 250 000 likes then we will do a video where we lose 100 000 calories so like it up with that being said thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 1,894,140
Rating: 4.9653893 out of 5
Keywords: 100000 calories in 24 hours challenge, 100000 calories challenge, eating 100000 calories in 24 hours, eating 100000 calories, 24 hour challenge, eating food challenge, food, stokes twins, Brent rivera, lexi rivera, ben azelart, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, pierson, sofie dossi, sidemen, faze rug, a4, amp, amp world, faze
Id: 9Q3meQJioLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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