DONT Push the Wrong Mystery Button!! (TRAP DOOR CHALLENGE)

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oh it's a great freaking day good morning let's go follow me my gosh dude i don't know why i'm so excited today it's just a good freaking day all right keep going follow me yo where you going okay i think i know why today is such a great day but first whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing oh my god what are you doing bro that's how good of a day today is but finally let me explain why today is so good the reason why i'm acting so crazy and i keep saying it's a great day is because i just came out with my new stay wild whoa let's freaking go this is my favorite merch i've ever made it's so freaking fire probably see me wearing it the past few months and it's finally available for you guys to get at obviously this is the first piece of merch it says stay wild this is another hoodie we have new fonts super cool colors and a little sleeve patch for you this is my all-time favorite right here the stay wild tie-dye it's so freaking comfortable it feels like a freaking clown and last but not least the lips hoodie with wild on the sleeves so guys go to get your merch before it's sold out this is my favorite merch i've ever made so get some for yourself twin with me baby peace all right so as a lot of you guys know i moved into a new house a few months ago and i'm always trying to add cool stuff to the house so recently i added a freaking aquarium in my living room oh is it breaking what it's breaking oh my god oil why is there a shark in the aquarium oh my god all right so obviously i'm just kidding but pretty much i set up this prank on my friends i told them that i got this giant aquarium in my living room they're going to come over to check it out in the little do they know this giant shark is going to pop out and scare the living crap out of them just like it did to me this is terrifying let's see how they react all right lexie the reveal of my new living room aquarium in three two one oh my god i love it isn't it sick what just happened why is there a shark in my aquarium i give my friends a heart attack at least twice a week well congrats on the aquarium thank you am i a great friend away from me all right jeremy my aquarium reveal in three two one oh wow the new addition to my house yeah i could touch her right here oh wait wait he was broken all right how did that just happen dude that just gave me a heart attack bro they might have punched a hole through that oh my god all right eyes closed my new living room reveal you got an aquarium i got an aquarium shot isn't it oh you're afraid oh my god [Applause] all right so we have an entire fresh wall full of subscribers literally hundreds of you guys just got added so let's see who gets a shout out good luck to anyone on the board here we go shout out number two and the final shout outs shout out to glenn kirkwood shout out to sophia the first and shout out to sabine hoaxer guys i am constantly adding names to the board if you want a chance to be added to the board all you have to do is like this video subscribe to my channel and comment down below when you are done i will print your name out put it on this board and give you a shout out all right so today my friends and i are playing don't press the wrong mystery button challenge so behind us i have this giant trapdoor structure built inside there are three buttons two of those buttons are good and one of the buttons activates the trapdoor sitting right above me that drops a terrible punishment on top of your head so here's how the contraption works shout out to the dangerous with this idea craziest contraption ever obviously two are good one is bad so right now it's rigged to the middle one when someone presses the middle one the washer will release and then activate the trapdoor up there dumping whatever on their head this is gonna be one of the craziest challenges ever we have some terrible terrible punishments plans but first let's meet the contestants what's up guys i'm dom and i should have known not to reply to ben's text today because i don't want to do this video hey guys i'm brent i hope i have some good luck today and don't press the wrong button hey guys it's ben i don't know why i'm doing this this video is going to be a freaking mess but you know that's what we do on this channel all right boys are you ready oh my god so the first punishment that we were putting up in the trap door is drum roll please toilet water oh my gosh why that's literally so gross okay why not regular water wasn't it it has to be crazier and a little gross disgusting okay let's get it over with but we have a gallon of toilet water that we were putting up in the trap door i'm just praying it's you it's probably gonna be me all right so we have all our toilet water right here oh that's just so gross let's hold the water's in let's go it's dripping that's so nasty but it's my video i'll go first all right let me go with this one get me out of here dom's turn all right no me too me first all right here we go i'm going for the middle one all right the buttons are reset dom here we go going for the far left one i don't want to go close to you oh my god i brought this toilet i'm gonna throw up hey you know jeremy used that toilet like yeah oh my god i just got my mouth it's actually just going up yeah we have a lot more to go it's gonna get worse i'm not gonna lie okay so the next one is jello it's not that bad it's not bad but it's just like it'll make them very very sticky and gross all right in goes the jello oh and a little bit more oh all right so i went first last time someone else needs to go first i'll go first you know i'll get it over with all right all right we're gonna reset it all right brent is inside the box so dom went for the middle one but derek behind the camera did switch so every time it gets swinging i am going for the middle two safe wow my turn we're gonna switch the buttons back wish me luck three two one okay well that one's covered in nasty freaking jell-o yeah oh okay okay here i'm gonna slap him with jello watch this all right so currently dom has toilet water i have jello and brent i have nothing brent's clean i need this guy to get freaking something dumped on his head i got lucky in these things the next thing going up in the trap door is a whole bunch of flour number two oh my god this is so much holy crap so since brent hasn't gotten anything on him how about you go first yeah that seems fair let's go which one i think i'm gonna go for number three are you ready three two one all right who's next this guy has the best luck i've ever seen in my life i'm gonna go for this far left one right here one two ah three here we go safe get me out of here now it's dom's turn toilet water and flower would not be a good combination i'm just gonna head straight into this ready just three two one we're on the third go no one has got it that means we go back to brent no i don't think you understand i am the luckiest person in this room right now okay i will not get the flower i'm going for number one here we go three two one oh my god that was like a cloud he looks 90 years old his hair is grey that was probably the worst one out of all of them you know what i take that back maybe i'm not the luckiest person alive yeah clearly not guys look at us we're only three in we're disgusting we're really disgusting i think it's a perfect time to do another trapdoor i have gathered a bunch of expired beans what expired beans yeah so it's not good why you don't want that on your heads these beans smell so freaking bad and we have this many more expired beans oh i feel like the first person always has the best luck so i'm just gonna go first good luck expired beans there's no way it smells so bad in here dude i can literally smell it from here [Music] i think sophie likes guys that smell like babies no i literally have to hang out with sophie after this three two one push it yeah oh my god they kind of missed on but there's a few more right here oh my god i bet i hate you bro gum has toilet water and expired beans on his head he smells terrible i gotta take like seven showers after this it smells like jeremy's like cologne what oh my god we are destroyed it's a mixture of everything in our toes all right so i didn't want to do this one and i figured we might as well just do it we're already here now we're doing another one what what's another one i have a few gallons of paint nope nope nope hey it's orange paint does that help it's orange it's kidding me it's orange paint doesn't even come off it's permanent whoever this lands on might be orange in the next few weeks so just let's fill the trap door with a few gallons of orange paint oh squeeze it all in there all right that's it that's all the paint we're doing psych we have a lot more orange paint oh okay here we go hey i'll go first i just want to get mine overlapped okay here we go we're going for the right one we got three two one ah no no you guys go go go go go i'll go next i'll go now i don't wanna do this all right so we just switched them up i feel like they're not going to do the same one twice right so i'm going for the same one brenton come on three two one ben's turn all right they both pressed the same one i feel like third time's a charm they wouldn't do it three times i don't know there's no way yeah i would never know they switch it every time i sleep in i'm gonna go with the first one too three two one i'm so confident [Music] oh my god you're joking i blame it on you guys this is your fault no it's our fault i'm covered in freaking orange paint dude this guy looks crazy yo um honestly guys these challenges are freaking brutal we need to clean up but first thanks for being in my video guys do not touch me thanks for doing the challenge with me no no no no no no one wants to give me a hug so go down below and drop a thumbs up to give me a hug all right so i am here with friends we're about to play a little challenge actually not a little challenge it's going to be a pretty big challenge because this challenge can either make one of us go broke or the other person rich pretty much how this challenge works we are playing the who can click the space bar the most amount of times in one minute challenge every time i click the space bar it counts it on screen whoever clicks the most in one minute wins say i click the space bar a thousand times and you click it 900 times you owe me a thousand dollars and if i click it a thousand times you owe me a thousand dollars yes so that's that's what's going to happen all right we'll see we'll see we'll see okay i'm trying to rob brent here no in three two one go come on oh my god they're going so fast as fast as i my can is going to fall off you guys have 30 seconds my fingers are like literally going down keep going guys how many seconds 17 seconds 10 9 3 2 1 finish don't look yo i'm gonna let you guys see our screams first i have no idea how many times brent clicked it bruh all right so this is my number that's brent's number i think i won really no way i was going crazy we got three two one my god let's go all right so that means that brent owes me 440 dollars yo this sucks all right so we got 440 dollars let's go hey if anyone in the group is watching this and wants to challenge me in the space bar clicker let me know i would gladly take your guys's money you know what brandon you can just take it back she got the perfect face
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 4,416,880
Rating: 4.9528952 out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, DONT Push the Wrong Mystery Button!!, mystery button, 100 mystery buttons, dangle bros, don't press, challenge, mrbeast, Logan paul, faze rug, trap door
Id: qgTusj8nVLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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