FUN TikTok Life Hacks To Do When You're Bored at Home!

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for oh my gosh five since at work what this is how you actually frozen so you probably clicked on this video because you're bored and there's only so much you can do besides picking up trash and cleaning your room but today oh wait now what do you mind picking up trash out but today we're gonna be showing you guys some really cool and fun stuff you can do when you're bored out okay so this is actually a really cool pot that you can do when you're bored you can actually watch YouTube videos which one of us do you think is cuter okay [Music] okay our YouTube videos Bonnaroo know here's actually cool package you can try with your TV alright so for this hack right here all you're gonna need is a straw a TV and you search up on YouTube solitaire invisible mouse and we're going to show you guys a really cool illusion tray okay here we go so you want to put it to about 11 seconds and then you click play and here we go [Music] and just with a little bit of practice you can make it perfect like that okay so basically for this how are you gonna need is just your phone your phone case and a penny but let's check it out right here oh and apparently it spins really smoothly if you spin it around like that that's actually cool and you can go to snapchat apparently and if you spin it around it makes really busy tomorrow that's so cool we should make a cool story like that let's write up alright so I have my phone right here and the phone case without the penny in it and this is how it's gonna look when it's spinning right here like this see you like it like it doesn't like you know it's a hole so now we're gonna try the spinny by putting it in this phone case or we're gonna see if it actually works or not okay so put the penny inside needs to be in the middle yeah there we go okay all right moment of truth regular guys three two one look at this look at the difference three two one look at that look at what's on your mind goes for okay now let's try it with the snapped at this so here we go with black stay on snapchat let's try to spar old trick on snapchat oh you got to do it lightly yellow lightly here we go here we go try this out the plain amount of pressure right but if I was doing a lot lighter I feel like it would come out a lot cooler so whoa okay so that my pack was honestly a lot of fun to do I would definitely recommend trying it like honestly it's simple all you need is a penny of phone in a phone case and yeah and you can have a lot of fun doing it alright so another fun thing you can do when you're bored is FaceTime of your friend okay so we're gonna go ahead and FaceTime Andrew and I see what he's up to you know hopefully fix on wait Andrew you know we can hear you right Andrew we heard that okay yeah I can yeah we heard that it's like Andrew you're just like that wait what that okay you know what at least we can call our other best friend hey Mark boy okay here we go hey hey how's it going shut up I haven't seen you in forever where you at okay all right Sean all right aback all right now I'm gonna face them one last person right here actually I'm okay wait let me call them back it's been a few days wait okay that's how okay okay all right one more time [Music] I'll actually do realize so you can make it lamp perfectly every single time they're actually away yeah let me show you this video real quick so you should just have that much amount of water in it put some saw inside of it and then it should land perfectly every time yeah I don't really yeah so basically all you need is this amount of water right here if you need a water bottle and you want to empty it to about this much and then we take your saw and then you just pour to sport a lot oh whoa whoa Alex you're missing it you're missing the water bottle on it no I'm not you are you are missing the water bottle oh okay okay all right so that's pretty much all the salt we can add to it so now we're just gonna shake it up and see if it actually wear it during those okay one two oh my gosh okay wait I'm gonna get four in a row right here four oh my god five six in a row I can no I can only get about two in a row before that let me know okay wait I'm gonna do it five times let's see how many have to get in a row okay I thought this entire video and see how fun this is and addicting too much this is too much fun but we need to move on I would highly recommend it and this is a lot of fun it definitely is perfectly every single time but it doesn't raise your chances I would say about three times so try and comment down below if it works for you look at that every time all right so this hack is for everyone out there who doesn't have a treadmill but still wants to work out and get some cardio in all you're gonna need for this hat is just some water and some liquids so basically what we're gonna be doing it we're gonna go to turn our floor into a treadmill yes and this only works on it can't be on carpet obviously because it went where you like hardwood wood floor any type of like hard surface floor and we had the perfect spot right here and we're going to show you guys how it works okay so we're gonna be pouring the water on the floor right here that's too much that's not too much water that way there we go and now we're just gonna pour some liquid soap on it right here like this and let's let the magic happen here we go Alan you got it all right correct one foot fall here we go actually so cool I just burned like what like a hundred calories you see some weight loss so as you guys know pretty much every gym is closed and if you want to work out you're gonna have to do a home workout but lucky for you guys we wanted to show you guys this really cool video that we found where you can do a workout at homes by yourself with just a towel okay so in three easy stubs get a towel you roll it halfway fold it across the center and then wedge it on the door close it and then you can do your thing you can do pull-ups okay that's actually kind of cool actually that's right interesting I'm gonna see if it actually work alright so we have our towel right here and the first step is you want to roll the towel up halfway so let's try that do you not roll it towing it okay is that like half weight right here this is halfway way and then you do that oh yeah okay if you do want to do some homework ups we would definitely recommend doing this okay so this next hack is actually a very very cool hat we're very excited to show you guys this and we're actually super excited to try it out ourselves cause if it actually works and this is probably one of the coolest facts I've ever sold in Internet hands down exactly so let's test and see if this actually works right here so basically you just put like a hashtag you poke a hole in the middle of a water balloon and apparently the water looks like this for old Rosen there's no way this works okay so basically their party equipment here oh wait hand sanitizer pocket if you guys watch the last node you would understand why we're bringing up the hand sanitizer if we mentioned we were going to give these away autographed by a hundred to enter was subscribe for our post notifications and comment down I'm done and we're gonna be picking out the winner next week YouTube video but so all you need for this one is some balloons a bowl some pan a pair of scissors a toothpick the pokemons you're not so first app you put the water balloon over to sink turn on and then you let it fill up alright so we just got them time to water blur together and we're gonna put it in this bowl right now alright so I have four pieces of tape right here dad says cut out and I'm gonna be placing them on the balloon but basically what we want to do you start with us and there's the last piece of tape okay so after you put the tape on the balloon you want to angle is where when it shoots out it goes towards the sink pick a toothpick right here and then you stab it right in the middle I hope this works oh wait do you guys see it it's frozen look at this that's actually crazy and it's like dripping but then it's frozen right oh my gosh it's actually laughing that's crazy oh my goodness this is so cool oh that's so cool oh my goodness still frozen my really gonna take oh it's gonna work that's wait a second that was actually so cool wait I have never seen or tested anything just cool my life before this actually works I think it's called like the laminar is state of flow so that's why it appears frozen but this is definitely worth trying out and yeah let's move on to the next one okay so for this hawk not a lot of people know how to do this but we're gonna be showing you guys how to do it really quick basically right here you want to click on then you want to click on all notifications so what that does is you actually get a notification from all of our videos so you never miss another one of our videos never be bored and you'll always have something interesting to watch like look at all of these videos anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you want to find out if 20 lefties real or not click right here and if you want to watch another one of our videos click right here and with that being said you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 8,598,834
Rating: 4.9152861 out of 5
Keywords: easy tiktoks life hacks to do when you're bored, fun life hacks, fun tiktok life hacks, easy tiktok life hacks, easy life hacks, things to do when you're bored, things to try when you're bored, easy life hacks to do when you're bored, tiktoks to do when you're bored, stokes twins, Brent rivera, ben azelart, lexi rivera, lexi hensler, faze rug, Andrew davila, sssniperwolf
Id: QfsviWpOGno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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