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three two one [Applause] all right so right now we are playing sing or slime so it's a game of finish the lyric and we have a lot of slime i'm a savage sassy moody ratchet is that right that is wrong it's nasty no no i take it back the correct word is nasty tastes like strawberries on a summer evening that is correct i got my driver's license last week oh and i know you're not perfect that is so wrong oh no slime slime three two one go i can't even see right now oh my god jeremy this feels horrible so jeremy and pierson you are the only ones that got no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no today we're gonna prank ben into thinking dom ran over caleb with his car so ben is gonna come over thinking we're pranking dog caleb is gonna be hiding in this box and when dom gets here he's gonna pop out and pie him okay but here's what's actually gonna happen when everything is set me and ben are gonna go to our hiding spot where we can see the prank unfold while we're hiding caleb will be getting out of the box and hiding behind the corner on top of that we put a speaker inside the box of caleb's voice so ben is going to think caleb is still in there this is evil brad yeah seriously here we go going in all right caleb i'm ready all right so ben we're gonna head upstairs okay okay let's go all right let's do it all right so me and ben are sneaking upstairs to watch all the action there we go here we go no no no no what the no you freaking hit him we're gonna hit him where's caleb [Music] what was that all about you got pranked oh yeah i thought you killed caleb you gave me a heart attack okay guys i'm alive i wish he was in the box man so i surprised my friends with a lot of celebrities and celebrity look-alikes and they always have really good reactions but today i'm surprising them with a celebrity that isn't a celebrity this is christina wilde hi guys she is our fake celebrity and things are about to get really awkward what's going on okay so there is this person that i dm'd and i said how much you loved her christina can we come out hi wait what wait hold up how are you wait how did you manage to do this brett are you a big fan yes i am yeah wow what's your favorite from roses i don't think i've heard that one yet like i've heard like a few of your songs you know which ones oh there's just so many you know like what all right she's not a real celebrity i looked back you just like looked very expensive so i was like oh my god wow so was it awkward that was awkward christina you want to come out hi hi how are you i'm good how are you so our new album roses just came out oh she's just yeah she's trying to like spread the word yeah have you heard it um not yet you don't know that song do you are you a fake fan yeah she's not actually a real celebrity thank god christina yeah it's uh just like shake it shake it i'm pretty sure i'll remember once i hear it but you're a big fan right yeah because she's not actually a real celebrity it is that she's nice this is awkward so my friend allen has been feeling pretty down lately so i decided to get to the bottom of it what's going on this past week it's been really rough like alex has just been super distant i don't even think he wants to be my 20 anymore it's i want to help you and that's when it hit me i knew i had to hold auditions to get allen a new twin brother because without a twin he'd feel lost and without purpose so i put this flyer all over town it's gonna work yeah it's gonna work so i rented out a full blown studio and had the actors come to audition alan are you ready all right yeah bring in the first contestant hey i'm shawn i'm here to audition to be your twin brother we know each other next emily well you look at that this is like one of the pictures we've taken we can't even tell hey guys my name is mark how does your body look like that's not gonna work no you're too in shape who's next hi what's your name i'm stephen and i'm auditioning to be alan's new twin brother alex hey alex who's out just take off the mustache i know it's you no it's not what are you doing here alex why are you doing this i just want to be twins again alan i'll stop clogging your toilet i'll stop eating your food let's just stop all of this you came all the way here to tell me that yes oh i drove all the way down here for nothing hey lexie come downstairs what is going on happy birthday thank you your first gift some balloons oh wow all right so today i'm gonna be surprising you with 20 gifts for your 20th birthday oh god so the balloons were number one number two is your own personalized breakfast lexi our next surprise is here oh great oh my god what oh my gosh these are so pretty all right so lexi for your next gift we got you your own personal massage inside of the house in that case i don't need a massage [Laughter] all right so let's see after that long massage i bet you're hungry yeah i am [Music] caleb yeah i made these myself oh my god the surprises just keep coming [Music] [Applause] all right so the next surprise is kind of big who thought i would enjoy this i bet you're wondering what this is no i'm not it's my car what is it yep it's my car happy birthday to me i get to clean all this up all right lexi free prank pass okay this is the best one yet i kind of regret it now yeah are you sure you want to do this i'm ready to use this please all right that works all right one prank you got me a party bus oh yeah hey in the world okay where are we going you're going on a shopping spree with my credit card at the mall okay oh you better buy me something all right guys don't break the bank yeah we'll see oh my god you got stuff too oh no this is all lexi's all right so now that all the friends are here the next gift is throwing her a surprise party and then we're going to surprise her with even more gifts throughout the night hey lexie hey lexie blindfold oh wow three two one i got you your very own private chef to cook in front of you i love you guys so much and i wouldn't want to spend my actual birthday with anyone else here we go come out oh my god really come on oh my god huh there's cops here we're being loud really yeah you guys know some [Applause] i would rather be arrested than have this happy birthday lexi lexi i know one of your favorite songs is tonight tonight yeah by hot shelly red it's been a really really messed up week [Applause] again oh my god it's raining money all right lexi that wraps up your 20th birthday happy birthday again thank you how did you like your birthday this was the best birthday yet really yeah all thanks to you best brother ever oh you guys smash that like button if you want to see brent be nice me more often hey i'm always nice to you what do you mean all right guys to wish lexie a happy birthday smash the like button down below this shout out goes to chloe if you want to be next week shout out just like this video comment down below done as many times as you can i will see you guys next week [Music] adios
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 7,042,131
Rating: 4.97294 out of 5
Id: UGqtLRoxoCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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