1000 Days - [Hardcore Minecraft In Ten Minutes]

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what's going on minecraft fans my name is luke the notable and in this video we're going to be going through 1000 days in 10 minutes if you haven't heard i'm about to release a video of me surviving 2 000 days in hardcore minecraft 2 000 days will premiere live on youtube december 19th 2020 at 12 pm central standard time if you like 2000 days if you really enjoy this series make sure you show up to the live premiere it's going to be a lot of fun i will be there chatting watching and just having a great time while we all watch 2000 days live for the first time ever really you don't want to miss it now of course i'm going to recommend that you go and watch the original videos you can click the card on screen now to do that but if you don't have time or you know someone that doesn't necessarily want to invest three hours into the greatest minecraft series of all time this video is for them in this video i'll be briefly going over some of the notable moments that happened in the first thousand days obviously i can't get all of them because it's just so much footage and this is only 10 minutes but this video should get you at least somewhat caught up you won't get all the fine details but of course you should just watch the full videos to get those i want to stress this one more time please show up on premiere day december 19th 2020 at 12 p.m central standard time it's gonna be just so great but now it's time to start recapping 1000 days and we're going to start with the first hundred my first hundred days were all about survival no fancy objectives just don't die for a hundred days i've played minecraft for a very long time but like a lot of people i had put the game down for a while so my first hundred days was sort of like my introduction back into minecraft i didn't do anything too crazy mostly just found a way to keep my base as safe as possible you may have seen the video where i talk about all my failed attempts to get to 100 days in hardcore minecraft there were probably about 10 tries where i died early on just getting used to the game again so these first hundred days is basically that me getting used to minecraft and trying to survive in hardcore for example around day 40 i kept myself busy by building a large birch road to basically nowhere i also tried to set up some basic infrastructure with some nearby villagers this was right near when the village and pillage update came out so that was new and fresh there were a lot of ways i tried to keep myself busy whenever i would die in my previous attempts it's because i would do something risky and ultimately get killed catching a creeper underneath your house is obviously pretty risky but nowhere near as risky as something like fighting the ender dragon or the wither anyway i think one of the main reasons people love the first 100 days so much is it's so vanilla i'm playing vanilla minecraft and you can definitely tell that i know the game somewhat i know what i'm doing i know to punch trees but i'm not an expert i think it's just got a special unique charm that can really only exist when you have my story and i think one of my favorite aspects about this entire series is how i treated this world when i spawn when i spawned instead of going and trying to find a better spawn with a cool overlook or trying to find a village to speed run to another portal to get the ender dragon done i just said you know what this is fine i'll start punching some trees i'll build my life here and my original spawn in 100 days is still my main camp all the way into 2000 days just built up to an insane level not that i'm the first person to ever do that but i think people can appreciate seeing all the change that happens to my main camp anyway 100 days has a chilled laid-back vibe just don't die that's your only objective and i think there's something nice about that sentiment now 200 days was the follow-up to 100 days by this point the series had already become wildly popular now at this point there weren't bootleg 100 days everywhere you looked on youtube but it did get me a lot more views than i'd ever gotten before and this time i actually came back with an objective not only did i have to survive for another 100 days but at the end i was gonna fight the ender dragon i've already said that i've played minecraft for an incredibly long time but at this point i had never killed the ender dragon and you might be surprised about just how many people share that same story so from day 101 to day 200 i was prepping to fight the ender dragon because if i died well then the series would be over and i didn't want that to happen my goal was to get absolutely as prepared as possible to fight the ender dragon so i wouldn't die and i didn't have perfect stuff but my stuff was pretty great in 200 days i do a lot more with the villagers especially l town that really saved me here i don't think it would have been possible without these towns i put a lot of love into these villagers even though i locked them inside of their houses their entire lives if it weren't for him there's a good chance i could have died when i fought the ender dragon on day 200 but i didn't die and the series continued how great and hey you got to watch me kill the ender dragon for the first time that's some sweet memories so now we move on to 300 days and after killing the ender dragon you sort of beat minecraft sorta there's other things to do most notably there's a lot of achievements in minecraft and during 300 days i wanted to get those my goal was to get all of them i didn't think it would be possible but at least i was going to try and no matter what happened my plan on day 300 was to fight the wither which i had also never done before you know i did a lot of different stuff in 300 days i conquered an ocean monument which i hadn't done yet and that's a pretty good theme of the first 300 days they're really all about me getting back into minecraft getting back up to speed and understanding the game and if you look at my progress by the end of 300 days i've definitely come a long way compared to some of my failed attempts before this series ever existed by the time i fought the wither on day 300 i was very powerful and the fight was very easy seriously i way over prepared for that fight but i think that's part of the reason i became so powerful as i just truly did not want to die and i still don't want to die but you know if i do die you'll get to see it and that's a fun thought so now we're into the 400 days but this is part of a thousand days a thousand days is from 301 to 1 000. this is essentially the start of my run to a thousand days and there was just so much time my goal was to kind of do everything of course though throughout the whole process i'm also trying not to die one thing i learn almost immediately is i really don't want to afk too much in this series and i basically don't there's a period at the start of 300 days where i needed a mending book i just really needed that mending book and i did some afk fish farming and it just felt dirty i really prefer to play the days out in this series it can make gathering tons of resources a little tough but i think every day becomes a little more special at the start of 1000 days is also where you see my addiction to the raids and emerald making it really was a lot of fun and kept me very busy the great glass town was found during 300 days but over the course of a thousand days was transformed into something amazing well not amazing pretty sad actually but very profitable and you know a little spoiler alert it gets nice in 2000 days so basically the first thing i do on my run to 1000 days is start doing tons of raids yes for the profits but also for the totems the overarching theme on this whole series is never dying and i wanted to secure that with tons and tons of totems of undying it took almost 100 days of raiding but i got a full double chest full of totems and that's a good start to never dying i also learned a lot more about villager breeding so i could essentially make my own towns that were super profitable and this is where you get the atrocities that lie in glass town now of course there were also seemingly useless projects like this large spruce road i guess it's not useless i used it but even when i built it i was already pretty much flying all the time i did a lot more exploring in 1000 days i was powerful enough to venture out day 4 26 i went through a mansion luckily most minecraft achievements involved exploring in some way and it made for some interesting gameplay and i felt more comfortable exploring at this point my gear was better i could fly and i had tons of totems and once i had a little more of that security i started changing up my base making it look nicer getting rid of those cobblestone walls 1 000 days definitely opened me up to do a lot more grinding than the previous episodes i killed a lot of weathers in 1 000 days 24 yeah 24 23 whatever because the video's so long i could really control the pacing of these sections so they're pretty short and other more interesting things are emphasized the sky was the limit in 1000 days i had so much time i could do anything and i kind of did one of the things i really focused on is making my main camp where i first spawned not only nicer to look at but also incredibly safe i know i'm kind of jumping ahead a bit here but by day 870 i had four sex tuple beacons around my compound making me virtually unkillable i'm not saying that i couldn't die on my main camp but with all that beacon power all my armor it'd be very difficult to kill me and even if a charged creeper somehow got on my camp and i wasn't paying attention i still wouldn't die because i have totems anyway when you watch this series just remember it's about not dying and looking a little cool along the way i just did whatever i could do really even if it wasn't necessarily an achievement like getting a creeper head there's no achievement associated with that it's just nice the series tries to answer the question what do you do when you've beaten minecraft and the answer is anything it's an infinite game yeah i spent my time doing the achievements but i also spent my time building a big emerald house that looks like it was made in creative mode and can i just say like you know this is cool but it's way cooler in 2k the new nether update also came out near the end of 1000 days and i got to play on the new snapshots i made it a little hard on myself because i didn't want to reset my nether with the new update it just didn't feel honorable but for the limited amount of time that i had access to the nether update i did pretty well for myself i made a sword and a pickaxe i think most of us probably would also to combat people skipping to the end of the video just to see how i did i went camping near the end i left my house with nothing and lived off the land for a few days it was refreshing and you know another little spoiler i do something similar in 2000 but by the end of 1000 days i was looking very powerful and i bet everyone was wondering what i do next i was already doing so much frivolous nonsense there was a fireworks show on day 1000 at the end of the day it's not about the destination it's about the journey i do so much in a thousand days you gotta understand it's such a dense video when you watch a thousand days you get to see roughly 200 hours of minecraft condensed down to an hour and a half and 2 000 days is even denser over 300 hours of minecraft in 2 hours so again if you haven't watched 1 000 days yet i really recommend that you do it'll take you three hours to get through the whole thing and you'll get way more than i gave you in these 10 minutes i mean think about it what other minecraft series can you watch for three hours and get this much progress please please please make sure to set a reminder in your phone tattoo it on your forehead make sure to come to the 2000 days live premiere that's happening again december 19th 2020 12 p.m central time me i'll be there we get to watch it together i'm so excited you're gonna love it now of course if you can't be there exactly on december 19th at 12 p.m central time you can always watch the video it just goes live at that time too the run time will be two hours two hours exactly on the dot not a second longer i am a professional i have standards anyway i think i've told you to watch 2 000 days enough times now and hopefully you have a little bit of a recap on 1000 days but again you should probably just go watch it's great thanks for all the support over the last couple months i know waiting for this stuff hasn't been easy but it's almost here and it's gonna be awesome so i'll see you on premiere day make sure to show up early to have a better chance of chatting with me and stay notable bye
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 3,214,026
Rating: 4.9473996 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, minecraft, 100 Days, 1000 Days, 200 Days, 300 Days, Hardcore Minecraft, 1000 Days in 10 Minutes, luke thenotable minecraft, 100, 1000, 100 days hardcore, and this is what happened, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore survival mode, hardcore mode, lets play minecraft
Id: UanirBaG0-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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