$100 VS $900 DIGICAM - Can You Tell The Difference?

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[Music] thank you sold the gr would you ever buy it again all right you guys what is going on man welcome back to yet another King James episode not today we have a very special guest here on the channel you guys have seen them in the past a brother from another mother this is Ash right here guys it's my cousin but you guys we are in San Francisco today because we have a very fun episode we are gonna try to film we're gonna be doing the 100 Canon s95 digicam versus the Ricoh gr3 now here are both of the cameras side by side as you guys can see the real reason why we're doing this is because the RICO gr3 this one right here on the right it's a point and shoot right point and shoot yeah basically old new one old and new yeah but the only difference is the price the in between the two there's an 800 variant so the goal today is to shoot both cameras come compare the images we are going to be shooting a ton of street photography today and just overall do a stream photography challenge with both of these cameras so without further Ado guys let's go [Music] oh the street photographers today all right so what we're going to do really quickly guys is try to configure both cameras to have maybe not the same settings but very similar alright so we have pretty much the same settings going on we both have one bar of battery 800 ISO at F 2.8 and the only difference is the positive film preset so that one in camera is going to be the RICO version and then I have the Canon s95 set to the Canon's positive film preset right here so and which one is Gonna Last which one's gonna last longer battery lighter than like one bar right now thank you because I have a touchscreen no it doesn't have a touchscreen but you can you can move it you can toggle it you can toggle it yeah we should go over there I like the light [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you sold the gr would you ever buy it again yeah yeah I mean if you're ever gonna sell it it's gonna sell quick right right what's in right now that's true I I love the New York yeah yeah I most of my my gr on Facebook market like in a day so [Music] close [Music] all right so according to Siri this s95 has 10 megapixels [Music] foreign [Music] we're open foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they got it that one was different though [Music] all right so we've been shooting now for like the last maybe what 30 minutes so we're gonna do free form challenge you're just gonna take photos of anything you want and you can open all right because our batteries are gonna die soon and what I like too is like there's a lot of really interesting buildings here thank you [Music] that's too cool [Music] how was that one battery life on both cameras are good still good it's been it's been a bread [Music] thank you [Music] in circular hit demand for Mobile payment all right you guys so right now we are done shooting in downtown area because well it's dark outside so we're headed now to Japan Town we're gonna get some Ramen and then just do a little lap over there see what we can take photos of but so far what do you think of the Ricoh gr3 versus the Canon s95 [Music] um for the for the Canon I feel like you have to use that in a certain time can't really use it at night time everything you can just solve the gr is like you could use that anytime the thing is the the tree doesn't have the flash the cannon you can use it too with the flash especially for party for sure but not like street photography [Music] they start closing all right here's something with the Canon s95 can't do that is Double Exposure so I'm gonna start off with the open sign good Ash can I take a portrait of you yeah maybe right here yes sir that's cool bro [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so were you guys able to correctly guess which one was which again folks we have the 100 Canon s95 versus the 900 Ricoh gr3 now before I reveal the answer here I want you guys to leave me a comment down below and try to guess which one was which before I revealed the answer here okay perfect let's go so if you guessed that the Canon s95 was letter B you were incorrect the Canon s95 was actually a throughout the entire episode what I found interest interesting was when you compare the two results side by side sometimes it's really hard to tell which one is which just because the image size is a little bit smaller the difference in megapixels and 10 and 24 don't really show too much but I believe it's when you blow the photos up and you kind of zoom in on these smaller details throughout the image you can really see the difference in megapixel count the Ricoh gr3 definitely had much more detail in the photographs as you guys can see here even cropping in 100 it is extremely extremely sharp compared to the Canon s95 where once you zoom in though it looks good kind of zoomed out when you zoom in you will start to see the age of the sensor that is a 10 megapixel sensor and the detail is not as good as in the Ricoh gr3 also another dead giveaway in my opinion was the contrast there's a lot of great micro contrast going on with the Ricoh gr3's image and this is why we kind of explained it in the episode here as the Canon s95 felt a little bit more soft it didn't really look as sharp as what the gr3 images look like straight out of the camera and so that's why we would consider it to be a little bit more contrasty seems like the Dr is like so sharp you know yeah I think overall the gr3 just has a much sharper lens as well as just a higher megapixel count resulting in a lot higher image quality and at the end of the day you guys there is an 800 price Gap and so in my opinion that is to be expected but the real question here is folks is this worth it is the 800 difference worth it between the two images that you can get from either of these cameras and this is where I need you guys to come into play leave me a comment down below what are your thoughts is the price Justified between the two or would you rather go for the 100 digicam and get similar looking results now my final verdict is it really depends on what you're going to be doing with these cameras if you want something that's going to be fun light-hearted as well as just something that's not very serious the 100 Canon as the 95 is a great choice you can take this camera out to parties to concerts use that on camera flash to get some really nice and fun results not saying you can't make good work from this 100 digicam but if you were to try to use a camera to make more serious work let's say for a Zine a collective of some sort obviously the Ricoh gr3 is top tier it has a ton of Premium features including snap Focus highlight weighted metering that's super sharp 28 millimeter lens 24 megapixel sensor overall the Ricoh gr3 is the more serious camera out of the two and I feel like the gr3 is geared more towards serious photographers that's going to wrap it up from you guys I hope you enjoyed this episode leave me a comment down below what you guys think between the two cameras I would love to hear what you guys have to say but I'm gonna wrap it up here I'll see you guys in the next one as always Minolta gang
Channel: KingJvpes
Views: 66,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pCs3H5gKEkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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