RICOH GRIII - MY SETTINGS & Beginner's Guide!

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click-click hi everyone this is big hair taka from I mean Samuel from Samuel Street life welcome back to another video now in this video I'm going to show you how to set up the Ricoh GR version 3 I'm also going to share my own personal settings or how I use my camera or my secrets before I do that I want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes covering dozens of creative and entrepreneurial skills so check it out and let's continue alright so I'm going to start with an overview of the Ricoh GR version 3 this will be for all of you who are new to the gr and you never used one before you might be wondering like how do I change ISO and what does this button do and stuff like that so this is for you guys and if you're already familiar with the camera and you just want to see my settings you can skip this part and I'm going to post timestamps here so you know where to go ok let's have a look at the body first now when you look at the back you will see that all the buttons on the right side and that is perfect because you want to be able to use this camera one-handed because this is so compact you don't want to use both hands all the time on the front we have the lens itself and this year this is a little ring that you can detach now you might ask yourself why do I want to do that let's say you want to use a filter you need something like that which is an adapter and you can put it on and then put a filter on it and then your lenses also protected and you can also put the lens suit on it so like that and I use that for events for example or I don't know just if I want to protect my lens I might want to use that let's look at the top of the camera now here where the hot shoe is I attached a little viewfinder this is not very necessary because this is just an optical viewfinders just some glass with 28 millimeter frame lines you won't get any informations shown here so when critical framing is important better used LCD but if you want to use a viewfinder there are options then we have this front tire here and this is to change the shutter speed you can also set it to be the aperture dial by going menu and I'm going to cover that later then we have this pill-shaped shutter button here down below is the on and off button and next to it is the mode dial now this is very important for anyone who is using this camera for the first time you might be wondering why can't I use it and that's because it's locked you have to press this and hold it down and then you can change your mode like so so we have manual mode shutter priority a picture priority and program and then we have the user modes now this user modes are I think the most important modes for you because you can assign them to be the program mode or the aperture priority mode anything really I also have to mention that everything you change inside the camera will be saved automatically unless you're using the user modes for the user modes you have to go into the menu and save your settings manually it's very important let's look at the back of the camera here on the top we have the adjustment button you can press it but it's also a lever so you can you know push it to the left and to the right and you also use that for the exposure compensation so next to it here on the side we have the playback button here is an F end button F n stands for function and this is a button you can assign to be whatever you want we will get to it it's also the delete button in the playback mode then we have this dial here this is new and it's also a d-pad down below we have display and menu so last but not least here on the side we have the movie record button and it's also the Wi-Fi button if you hold this button down it will activate the Wi-Fi if you press it once it will go into movie mode okay I'm going to turn on the camera now and I'm going to set my Motel to M for manual exposure let's look at the screen on the top right corner we have the SD card sign we also see how many shots are left and we also get the formations about the J five sites which is L in my case which stands for a large if you should raw or raw plus it will show here as well on the upper left corner we have informations about the image control or the picture profile white balance metering mode the Shake Reduction is on here on my camera and we have single shot drive mode on the bottom right corner we see an information about the battery next to it is the exposure compensation then we have ISO and then we have aperture and shutter speed now when you look at shutter speed and aperture you see a little icon which shows you how to set your shutter speed in this case in my manual mode it says I should use the front die so if I do that my shutter speed changes and to change my aperture I have to use the adjustment toggle here on the back to go right or left and change my aperture that way so how do I change the ISO if you press on the eyes or button on your camera you will see that the FN icon pops up this gives you the option to switch between authorized or manual ISO and to change the ISO we have to turn the wheel on the back so that way you can change the ISO if you want to shoot auto ISO we press the FN button once and it will switch to auto so what do we have next oh very important and very handy is this little quick menu here if you press the adjustment button you get this little quick menu and here you have options to for example change your image control or your picture profiles next to it we have focus modes next to it is metering on default it's set on multi segment this means the camera will measure everything in the frame and decides what is the best exposure if you want to have a little bit more control you can use center-weighted for example then the camera will only look at the middle portion of the frame you can also use spot metering then the camera will only look at the the middle of the frame and then we have something that is unique to the gr which is high light weight metering if you select that the camera will never over expose any highlights so if that's important to you you could use that and next to it we have a file format so you can switch between JPEG raw or raw plus JPEG and on the right side we have auto of view settings and you can change the brightness of the LCD very nice very fast then we have four more buttons here on the wheel on the d-pad if you press up you go into the macro mode make sure that you go out of the macro mode if you don't need it and on the right side you have the drive mode where you can select you know continuous shooting or there are many other options as well and you can also set a timer so by pressing down you go to the white balance menu and there you can change your white balance so that leaves us with the movie record button if you press that the camera will go into movie record mode if you press it again get back into photo mode if you hold down the movie record button and then the Wi-Fi icon will pop up and if you connect to your camera or smartphone this will turn white and by the way if you want to know how to use the Wi-Fi or the app check out my last livestream I did with the reco product manager here free code Germany we made a little demo how to use it I will link it below so check it out and here's another quick tip if you want to review um I just real quick and don't want to turn on your camera you can hold down the playback button and if you do that the camera turns on but it will go immediately into the playback view mode and then you can review your photos and by pressing it again you can turn off the camera let us actually go into the playback mode and I want to show you how to navigate through your images now you can do that by just swiping like you do on your phone and if you want to zoom in you can do a pinch to zoom and you can also double tap to get a hundred percent view you can also zoom by using the front dial by pressing the adjustment button one you will also get a hundred-percent view and then here's something that I discovered yesterday just by accident if you are in playback mode press the movie record button once then you get this little extra menu here which gives you options for for deleting images protecting images rotating images copying images you can transfer files you can go right into the raw developer you can resize it drop it do level adjustments change the white balance and to go out of that menu just press menu once if you want to see more informations about the image you took just press the Display button to get more detailed informations now there are many options to edit your photos inside the camera you can go into the menu go down to raw development and if you press on that you will go right into the raw developer and here you can edit your raw file so the first option you get is resolution down below we have aspect ratio then you can change the color space white balance you can change that as well if you go all the way down you can also change it manually and also by the way any time you see this little FN icon that means you can change even more so press on that FN button when you are on manual white balance mode and then you can see you can really dial in the right Kelvin if you want you can also change the color tint if you want to go back just press menu again until you are back into the raw developer so under white balance we have image control all the picture profiles here you can you know set it to black and white live it mode or standard if you want to change them in more detail again just press the FN button and then you can change the saturation you make it bright add more contrast also change the color channels if you are in like a white mode so let's see what else we have I would go to sensitivity for example here you can change the overall brightness which I would always do first when I start my editing then you can apply noise reduction if you want and you also have options recovering the shadows now if you're happy with your edit and you want to save it to become a JPEG you just press ok and then it will save it to be a JPEG now what if you want to do edits on your JPEG files you can do it as well I would say try to edit your RAW files if possible because if you edit JPEG files they are already finished products you know if you change the brightness you will destroy the image a little bit but you can do that still so go back to the playback settings and below raw development you will find level adjustment for example and here you can change the whites the blacks and the mid-tones so below level adjustment we have white balance adjustment you can change your white balance here again if you shoot JPEG it will be hard to correct the white balance unless you only do a little bit of Correction so if you want to do heavy editing try to shoot in law okay so below we have more a correction you can set it to low medium or high then we have base parameter adjustments which means brightness saturation hue contrast and sharpness so the basics okay so that was a quick overview of the Ricoh GR version 3 now I'm going to go into more detail now by showing you my personal settings and how I set up my gr 3 so from top to bottom you will see all the changes I made so you can follow along and copy my settings I will say though you have to start using the user modes now because if you don't do that and decide to use them later you have to do it all over again so I'm going to start with showing you my user setting user mode sorry user mode number one so what I want to kill first is the little AF assist light here this is the light here on the front that flashes when you focus so go into the menu under still image settings and then AF assist light so turn that off and we are at peace I'm also not a fan of noise reduction I always turn it off completely I don't even leave it on a little bit because I prefer details over a clean image I don't care if it's noisy I just want to see the details and don't get this mushy soft image you know so I turn it off and I go into the menu under still image settings and then all the way down to noise reduction and then turn slow shutter speed noise reduction of high ISO noise reduction off if you're a fan of noise reduction is it is actually quite nice on this camera because you have custom options to even decide how much noise reductions apply it on each ISO value so kind of cool that I don't I don't need it [Music] the touchscreen of the GS v is actually various responsive and if you like to select your focus point by touching the screen you can do that me personally I only use the middle EF point because I always focus and recompose later so I turn that off so let's go into the menu again and now we go down to the C icon which stands for customized settings and then if you go down we will have touch AF and then I will turn it off but you could use it sometimes I find it handy to use the AF point selection but I would really like Rico to give us a touch to release the shutter option that way I can shoot by touching the screen that would be something that I would use a lot I want this camera to be as fast as possible and I don't need to see my image after taking it I want to be in the moment and be fast so I turn instant review off next I turn off a guy display now guide this way can be useful for any of your beginners who are starting to learn this camera what it means is every time you turn on your camera you get this little information here which shows you what the buttons are doing you will get used to it someday so you can turn it off you know if you want to be really ninja you can go into the menu and actually turn off the on-off light which lights up green if you turn on the camera you can do so by going into the menu under setup and then power button lamp [Music] last step to make this camera a fit for the street is to turn down all the sound effects and you can do so by going to the menu setup and then down to NAT sound effects but volume and then go down to zero okay now we covered what I eliminated in my camera what I don't need next I'm going to show you all the settings I need or want and I'm going to start by going to the top of the menu and go down step-by-step so you can follow me and if you want to save the settings later make sure you are still in the user mode because I'm also going to save my settings later so you can see how to save the settings inside your camera okay let's start the first one is focus I use select AF and also only use the middle AF point that is because I'd like to point at my subject first focus and then we compose and also my users user mode number one is my I call it the master mode I setup my user mode number one to give me the most control and I use the back button focus technique which means I assigned my FN button to be my focus button and I disabled my focus on my shutter button I will show it to you later in more detail but that's why I use the middle point AF because I can do back button focusing first on my subject and then recompose hold my exposure and then release the shutter so next we have face detection I have it on for all my focus modes because the face detection is actually very good on the gr3 as I said I focus on the middle and point to my subject first but sometimes the face detection will be faster so I can already see that my subject is has this frame around her face or his face and then I can focus and I know the faces and focus snap focus distance I set it to one meter you can set it up to any distance you want maybe I should explain how to use the snap you can go into the quick menu and select snap focus by going into the quick menu but the downside is you lose the ability to have auto focus the snap mode is really beneficial if you also are going to use the auto focus and I'm going to show it to you why but first if you are in snap mode or snap focus you get the distance scale on the left and this is basically like zone focusing because now if you hold down the macro button and then use the front tire you can change the distance and it you can also see on the top right corner what meter you are on like one meter one and a half to two and a half five and infinity but you also get to see how much is in focus what is your focus area and if you close down your aperture to f/8 or F the green bow on the Left will get wider so that means you have more in focus so how can you use snap focus why also having a AF enabled for that you have to go let me quickly turn it back to select AF so when you go into the menu one below snap focus distance is full press snap and make sure that that is turned on and if so then you don't need to go into the quick menu and select snap focus you already get the distance indication you on the top right corner which in my case is 1 meter and now I have AF and then let's say I use 1 meter like I always use and then I focus to infinity well I see something in the distance and I focus to it take a shot and then let's say suddenly some guy comes up and I don't know it dances in front of me and I see it's around 1 meter in front of me I can quickly do a quick snap and I know that the snap focus latches onto the 1 meter distance so that's how I use snap focus I hope that explains it if not maybe check out my first impression video I showed it there as well ok let's continue so in the menu when we go down we will find the exposure mode now you can set your user modes to be you know aperture priority or shutter priority even P mode in my case I like to set it to manual exposure so I set it to M now let's go out of the menu because now I'm going to set up my base exposure values for shutter speed I choose 1 250th of a second my aperture is F 4.5 and I saw I set to auto and I chose to use these values because most of the time they gave me the best baseline so I can quickly change them if I want to let's say if I'm indoors I can really quickly change my aperture to become an F 2.8 for example or change my shutter speed and when I'm outside I'm can also quickly close my aperture so it's a really fast way for me to change my exposure on the fly so for metering I use center-weighted metering and that is because because I should auto ISO the camera chooses the exposure for me but when I should center-weighted metering I can manipulate the exposure by pointing to areas inside the frame that changes the exposure so let's say I have a bright sky and I really want this guy to be exposed properly I will just hold it to the sky hold down my shutter button to hold the exposure and then I can reframe my image and take a shot and have the the exposure that I want the same goes for a dark area let's say I want to really want to see what's up in the shadows I will point to a shadow area and then the exposure will raise up and then I hold it again recompose and then take the shot so that's why you sent a weighted metering next we have ISO settings because I should auto I have my order upper limit - ISO 6400 and my lower limit to 100 and my minimum shutter speed is 125th of a second next we have flash mode now the GRE has no built-in flash so you need to use an external flash but you need to turn your flash mode on for the camera to recognize any external flash and you know what let me show you some of the flashes I use so I already showed this in my first impression video I got this little flashy from light picks labs the cool thing about this is you can also detach it and use it as an external flash which is fun the downside is that this is fully manual so you need to get the exposure right and guess your distance to your subject otherwise you will be overexposed if you want to have TTL with your flash you might want to look into something like this this is the Pentax AF 201 FG this is not made for the GR but I think it fits perfectly to the gr system so this is a TTL flash so you can turn it on and use auto and then you know it doesn't matter what settings I have or what distance I am to the subject the camera will automatically know what's up and so that can be very useful if you shoot events but you have to be fast so this flash can tilt up or forward this is all I need basically you also have this filter here so you can spread the flash if you use the white angle conversion lens for example so let's go back into the menu file format is set to raw then in the past I was always shooting raw plus JPEG but now I try I'm trying to edit more on the computer and let my images sit for a while so I should roll only to not be able to send my images straight to my phone yet to quickly publish them Instagram because I want to take more time now and really decide what I'm going to publish so I should raw and if I need a JPEG I can just go into the playback mode to my raw developer and then I would edit my RAW files inside the camera next is image control or picture profile of FEM simulation or whatever you want to call it I set it to positive firm that's because positive film is my all-time favorite film simulation since I got my first original jeah in 2013 I fell in love with this specific look I loved it so much that I even created a Lightroom preset pack based on this look [Music] also because I wanted to be able to color match my cameras because I'm also using Fuji film by the way and you know you also cannot use the effects on your RAW files so if you have fan of the positive film look like I am you might want to check out my preset pack it's on my website I have a link in the description I also use the monotone black and white effect quite a lot I really like how the mid-tones are rendered really enjoy that so I'm sure you want to see my film simulation settings here so let's see positive firm saturation plus one here to default a high low key adjustment plus one contrast [Music] okay we are back in the still image settings menu if we go down below image control there is the range correction which stands for dynamic range correction here if you go inside that you can correct the highlights I set it to auto and for shadow I just turned it off because usually the shadows are fine you can always pull up the shadows later so noise reduction as I said in the beginning all set to zero or off so that's it for still image settings let's go down to movie settings now this I won't touch on movie settings because I don't use this camera for video if you want to go check it out yourself and find what works best for you for me it's it's not good enough so playback settings we already discussed it in the beginning if you missed that just go back to my first part of this video so customized settings here's where the fun starts so let's go all the way up first one is safe settings I'm not going to do that now because I want to save my settings at the end you might want to do that as well so I'm going to skip the first few parts here in the menu and let's go to M mode dial settings so click on that and here you can set your front dial to be you know shutter speed or aperture it's up to you and what this only works for the exposure manual exposure mode next we have adjust mode setting let's go into it that is this button on the back which gives you the quick menu and you basically here set up your quick menu so if you don't want to have the image control of the film simulations first you can set it up to be you know your drive mode or your aspect ratio you can set it to change your resolution all kinds of options here for me I just set it to the default settings I don't need to change it now we finally arrived at F and button settings now here you can customize the buttons of your camera mainly this and button here but also other buttons as well so let's go into it the first one is the FN button on the back and because I use it for back button focusing I enabled DAF here so if I go inside I clicked on enable AF the ISO button is just the ISO but for me my Drive button is also still the drive button but my movie and Wi-Fi button I set it to crop because I actually like to use the 35-millimeter crop mode on this camera because I think it's still 16 megapixel you can also use the crop mode for your RAW files they will automatically crop to 35 millimeter or 50 and for me this is a really nice way to quickly change my crop modes okay next we have focus settings I am not quite sure what they are doing I just leave it at shutter keep a E lock its turn off one push a E in M mode is set to aperture priority now we arrived at shutter button setting and this is important if you want to use the back button focus method here you have to set it to AE lock not AF + AE lock because if you set it to AF + AE lock it will focus and at the same time lock the exposure but all you want is to only lock the exposure so I set it to AE lock LCD touch operation I left it on because I like to use the touch screen sometimes especially in playback mode to switch between my images but touch AF is turned off below that we have shooting info display yeah I'm going to show you my display settings I didn't change much yeah I think playback info display I didn't do anything here it's nothing is selected but you could if you want quick zoom is set to 100% because I want to see when i zoom in I want to see the full 100% crop and also if you are going to shoot with face detection on and you focus on the face if you zoom in 100 it will jump to this person's face so it's really nice to quickly check if you've got the focus right so last but not least we have set up and the first setting here is to format your SD card now this camera also has internal memory I think 2 gigabytes so in case you miss your SD card you can still shoot copyright information of course you can type in you know like I don't know comes most amazing photographer oh and here we have a CD setting the only change I made here is to turn down the brightness a little bit like three steps to the left and also I want to mention that the Ricoh GR is not a finished product yet reco will always update the camera with firmware updates and then no features like the film grain that is not available yet but you can see it inside the raw developer they will be activated later and also the Bluetooth for example is still not available but this is something that will come with firmware updates so this is something to consider if you get the gr ok now I set up my user mode number one and now I'm going to save my settings and under customized settings all the way on the top we now have six different slots where we can save our settings so and you see here on my screen I already have three custom user modes or settings user mode number one this one I call it master because I have the full control user mode number two for me is the snap mode and it's basically the same as user mode number one but only without back button focusing just the usual shutter button for focusing then I have user mode number three which for me is for flash photography and what I change here is I usually shoot JPEG and menu ISO and I think the rest is pretty much the same I also close the aperture quite a bit to f/8 and the ISO s around 3200 but it's not final yet I always change user mode number three let's say you want to save your settings now and then you can enter a name then you press ok or touch the enter button yeah and now you can assign this setting to one of your user modes now what if you want to copy all the changes you made all the settings you're already saved on your user mode number one to your other user modes you can do that by going to the customize settings under recall and then you click on that and then you select the the slot of the user mode you want to assign the settings to and then it says recall so now this means I'm going to copy my user mode number one settings to my user mode number three I press ok and now you see that my user mode number three has the same settings as my user mode number one it even has the same name so I think that's enough I think we covered a lot so these are my settings this is how I set up my gr3 I hope this was useful to you and you learned something and if not let me know in the comment section I'm happy to answer some of your questions also if you use your camera differently let us know as well I would love to see how you use your camera yea maybe others can learn from that as well and if you feel like going to the next level and improve your skills as a photographer you might want to check out today's sponsor skill share the class that I recently watched and very much enjoyed was from National Geographic photographer Amy Vitali she teaches you how to capture places and people especially lesson number five I found that very interesting because she talks about how to find this story and we had to look for and for me I saw many similarities to street photography so I can highly recommend her class if you want to see more the premium membership gives you unlimited access to all classes from experts working in their fields and OSHA is also incredible affordable and annual subscription is less than ten dollars a month and the Costco she are sponsoring this video they give you the opportunity to try out their premium membership for free for two months all you need to do is click on the link below or here on the screen this will only be active for the first 500 of you who click on that link after that there's no chance to getting it back so try it out and learn some new skills Thank You skill sha for supporting my channel so that's final yet I can't wait to edit this mess I hope you enjoyed it and hope to see you in the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: Samuel Streetlife
Views: 466,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ricoh gr 3, ricoh gr iii, ricoh imaging, ambassador, review, first impression, photography, streetshooter, straßenfotografie, hands on, film simulations, snap focus, street photography, positive film, how to set up ricoh gr iii, beginners guide, my settings for street photography, tutorial, ricoh gr iii settings, ricoh gr iii tips, how to use ricoh gr, how I shoot ricoh gr, product review, customize, quick menu, fn button, ISO, image control settings, user mode
Id: Biu8hDc4R7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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