Come on.. $2,000 X100V.. you have options.

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how's it going good morning good afternoon one of those Wherever You Are today I want to talk about kind of talk about the x100v the X100 line the X100 like cameras hell not even from Fuji there's a lot of options so I've said in the past that the x100v is a camera that I will always own like I made a video on that and I gave all the reasons why it's a camera that I will always on on I need to caveat that and say I will always own an x100b like camera and by that I mean I will own a camera that is very functional Swiss Army and its capabilities great lens um pocketable and I guess we should also Define pocketable I'll start by saying I personally am not a tight jeans person so pocketable for me will not include tight jeans it will not include these jogger things that I wear pocketable to me means that you could throw it in like a vest pocket or a jacket pocket maybe a pair of shorts I wear hybrid shorts and I can say that the x100b will fit in a pair of hybrid shorts I mean it's gonna pull them down but it's workable it's doable so the number thing I wanted to talk about today is always having a camera like the x100b and I'm bringing this up just because of there's a lot of hype around the x100v right now you're seeing people pay up to 2 000 or over two thousand dollars for an x100v and unless you just have gobs of money don't spend two thousand dollars on an x100b you do not spend 1900 1800 on an X100 V there's too many other good options ask yourself why am I buying the x100v you know if you're on the edge like I got the money got the budget this x100v looks awesome I've spent you know 36 hours on Tick Tock over the last two and a half days I'm convinced I have to have it ask yourself what is it like what about that video what about Tick Tock said that made you say Gotta Have It was it that it makes it look like you're in your images look like film was it that it has film simulations was it that it was pocketable was it that it was like super cool hanging around your neck I say that as a real example was walking down the street in Santa Monica recently and I did see and hey maybe this guy is like a pro or whatever but I literally saw a person with the X1 interview just hanging on the neck like Flavor Flav style for anyone who remembers that yes I'm old so we've covered that I will always own an x100b type camera um so what is it that is so great about the x100v and it's those things that I said it is a pocketable Swiss Army knife I've already explained pocketable so let's explain Swiss army Swiss Army means that it's just got a lot of stuff that it can do right like you know there's instant cameras that they take a picture may have a flash and then they're very basic right the x100v um when I say Swiss Army it has a built-in flash it has a built-in ND filter it has an F2 lens what else it has an ovf an optical viewfinder it has an Evia an electronic viewfinder it has like a hybrid ovf which allows you to see information within the ovf viewfinder it is an amazing camera with amazing amazing functionality the question is what boxes do you need to check on the x100b do you need an ovf do you need an ND filter do you need a leaf shutter you know because those questions are expensive questions those are 200 400 600 000 dollar questions relative to the X1 or V and other options so let's dive in what is great by the Swiss Army we say I'm sorry about the um the X100 feet we've said its size it's Swiss Army it has film simulations it has image quality it has you know it's a beautiful camera let's just among these cameras there's your x100b and I should fully admit that I recently sold my x100v with our camera let's pull but this is the X1 enter V I'm not going to lie like beautiful camera absolutely beautiful camera I can't decide whether the the silver or the black looks better you want to drive some comments black hands down is the better color for the x100b if you excuse me if you disagree leave a comment below that's not bait so um what is great about the x100v that applies to other Fuji bodies the image quality applies to basically every Fuji body over the last 10 plus years um there are other Fuji bodies that are pocketable so you know what let's dive into that when I said that I wanted to try another camera that wasn't the x100v what camera did I choose because I like pocketable I like ovfs evfs I like Fuji film simulations I like the ability to create recipes um I chose this guy it's a I don't know how old is this camera this is the X pro 2. and I'm not gonna lie I think this camera is gorgeous it is heavier it is beefier than the x100v let's see if I can do this so here are your two bodies side by side I don't know how if I can that gives you an idea of their thickness right the x-pro 2 is a meteor camera it is so let's go back I don't want to drop these on a granite countertop so I'm trying my best just holding there's there for a minute for you to check them out there you go so X Pro 2 7 millimeter lens pocketable yes it goes in a coat pocket it goes maybe in my hybrid short pockets fits in a cup holder well one of little holders in my truck um is it an option for the x100v 1000 does it have an ovf yes does it have an evf yes does it have an ND filter no I rarely use the ND filter and when I use the ND filter I forget to turn it off and then my ISO shoots up when I go back indoors I just didn't use it that much um are either one of those cameras known for their amazing eye autofocus and continuous autofocus and tracking nope they both are another comment date horrible they're absolutely horrible at eye autofocus and tracking if you're looking for a camera with amazing eye autofocus amazing amazing tracking and you want a Fuji you need the camera that I'm using it's the xh2s I recommend one of the new 1.4 weather resistant lenses one of the news the 18 the 23 the 35. stunning lenses another comment bait the 23 1.4 new 23 1.4 the new 33 1.4 I can't speak to the other one because I don't have it but those lenses are much much better than their older counterparts the old 23 1.4 the old 35 1.4 that's my opinion they're better lenses they're sharper better contrast faster autofocus weather resistant I want the others are stunning lenses I digress so we've talked about the x100v boom there it is notice that it doesn't grip in the hand as well we've talked about the export too boom boom boom boom this has I don't know if you can see the little thing on the back It's gotta I mean it's very it's not that big it's just this little thing I cannot express how much that helps curing and cheating this body what that does bring up is when we talk about the size of the x100v the question is are you the person who adds a hood are you the person who adds a thumb grip are you the person who adds an L bracket because if you do same size but you can use different lenses and 99 of the people including yourself are not going to be able to tell the difference in the images between those two cameras the autofocus is just as good because the AFC is worthless tracking worthless yeah it's worthless you're not going to shoot pictures of your dogs running and jumping and track them with the x100v or the X pro 2. I'll just say it you're not going to and if you do chef's kiss you know what you're doing and you're amazing so anyway those are two options and we'll dive into like price points and stuff like later there's another option and again what are we looking for do you not need an ovf okay let's say you don't need an OVA do you need a ND filter oh you don't need an ND filter you want a small camera you know easy to carry around I submit to you one of my favorite cameras of all time the xc2 look at this guy all right let's break up break out these two so now we're talking right lighter smaller that's pretty damn close if I can say that YouTube this is possibly one of the best cameras ever made by Fuji is it the best camera no it's one of the best cameras in fact I like the xc1 and the xc2 so much that I put up with horrible autofocus I put up with with one slow right times of images over the xe3 and the xe4 is that more comment bait I just don't like the xc3 and the xc4 I don't want to have to use the screen for my settings I you know I don't like that the flash is gone look at this where let me grab the right body see this is my xc2 look at this I use it I do I'm indoors and you pull it up you can Aim It Up load it up let's see if it'll focus oh I don't think I have a card in here do I there we go I love this camera again that's one that I want to resell and the way that I don't sell it is I give it to my kid and say that it's his and it's you know it's for him to learn that's the way I'm not selling the xc2 so let's just dive into a comparison as far as price I think I've got some notes here that I was supposed to follow so we now know if you're like in the mood to spend up to two thousand dollars on an x100v you have options X Pro 2 with a 27 millimeter xe2 or the 27 millimeter OG 27 millimeter in the house so what are we talking in price the X Pro 2 this camera will set you back just the body 800 to a thousand bucks roughly for in good condition you can find it photo um Reddit Photo Market for like 800 to 1000 bucks if you buy it from like a dealer you'll get 180 day warranty on it just breaking and stuff but you will pay several hundred dollars more for those 180 days and then um the xc2 you can find for like three to four hundred bucks which is crazy because I think I paid like under 300 years ago fujihai is contagious and it applies to all the bodies so let's Dive In a 27 millimeter on this camera will cost you 200 to 400 let's just say 200 400 so the export to let's just go bare bottoms 800 bear bare bottoms I don't know that that's the best option Bare Bones 800 for the body of the expert two 300 for the lens so now you're at 1100 bucks you have nine hundred dollars for another lens for lens filters for a bag whatever you have 900 bucks spin it how you want I don't care it's not summer money xc2 27 millimeter so let's say 300 for the lens 300 for the camera six hundred dollars my math tells me you have one thousand four hundred dollars the crazy thing is you buy this and you can almost afford this at its regular price I mean if there's not a case to be made to not buy this for two thousand dollars I don't know that there ever was one so let's look at I'm gonna do it to hell with it let's look at the people buying the x100b you have the people who have always wanted an x100v they understand what it is they're Fuji fans they know what they're getting they know what blades and scissors and bottle openers are included on that Swiss Army knife then you've got people who have spent too many hours on Tick Tock and they see a beautiful camera and they see images that have been posted that honestly could have been taken with any of these cameras and no one would know the difference and they say they've got to go spend eighteen hundred to two thousand dollars on an x100b out of those two groups if you know exactly what you're getting and you want to spend two thousand dollars again your money your dime go do it but for the people that are watching videos and have to have a Fuji have to have film simulations have to have film recipes have to have that that look that feel a beauty I mean I love Fuji's obviously the look of an awesome Fuji body I mean it just I don't know the x100b is the wrong camera I'm not gonna lie I bought the first X100 and I love the images out of it but the OK button was half the size of like the tip of my pinky my thumbs I have sausage fingers I just do it is what it is hitting the OK button on the original X100 is like it my butt thumb covered the entire thing gone x100s knocked it out the X1 or t was the first one that I could use like you know with the OK button so I digress um I don't want to make this video too long so we'll go into a quick comparison again here's your X100 V and the xe2 here is the x100v and the X pro 2. see if I can hold this a little bit ask yourself what you want if you need an ovf you need an ND filter you need the x100v you're going to pay for it Leaf shutter if you need the leaf shutter ask yourself why you need the leaf shutter I don't need a leaf shutter are they cool yep are they quiet yep are they pretty you know do I use them for the flash sync nope um are they supposedly actually bad at high shutter speeds so if you want to shoot F2 super high shutter speeds supposedly the leaf shutter is not the best at that so if you're going to be shooting Outdoors bright light F2 the you know there might be a law diminishing returns on your x100v so anyway um I guess my cap my my whole point here is don't spend two thousand dollars on an x 100 V either weight or try a different option so um finally what is different as far as the images out of these cameras again 99 of the people out there will not be able to tell a difference if I don't shoot in a film simulation that doesn't exist in the other body 99 of people will not know the difference in a classic Chrome image out of any of these bodies they will not know the difference in a pro via standard image out of these bodies then you're taking the take into account that you know you can create recipes you make a vintage analog Endless Summer whatever the the recipe is out the window no one will know your photos are from a three hundred dollar Fuji I'm not saying go lie and buy the xe2 and tell everybody you are shooting with the X100 V but you could yes you could and I would not be able to tell the difference so you know do with that as you will um to summarize every single one of these bodies have Fuji science old science nude science are there people like me who say oh I like the look of the colors out of the xc2 better than the xc3 or the colors out of the x100t versus the x100f yes can I justify it probably not I just look at older images in my you know Lightroom library and I see some of the pinks coming out of the older bodies some of the Light blues the baby blues the skies and I just like oh I remember that camera is some of it subjective I would say all of it subjective it's unlikely that I can truly tell a difference in the colors and the tones out of one camera or the other but I do swear that there is something about the xe2 colors so anyway um finally buy something you will take with you take it to the park take it on a walk um my wife and kids are now used to us going out to eat and me sitting down and plopping a camera on the table they're just used to it you know or I can say hey I'll just you know hey babe can you toss this in your purse that's unlikely that's truly truly unlikely I'm not going to toss it in person um but buy something that you will take out and shoot and if you see the X Pro 2 and you're thinking oh my goodness gracious it's absolutely beautiful I just want to get up and take it with me I want to throw it in the car um I'll literally have it in the seat next to me and driving down the street some of my favorite things to do in LA as far as taking pictures is when I'm driving around La is having a camera in the seat next to me with a 27 35 something with a little bit of reach but not too much reach and literally at red lights taking pictures because there's always something going on in L.A you know whether it's you know Fairfax and Seneca like a cool shot of somebody walking down the street with all those shops or I think there's a place called little Somalia or something like that I forgot with these awesome looking restaurants that I want to go try there's just always stuff so it with you buy a camera that you will take with you that's the takeaway and any of these boom boom boom boom will do the job and no one will be able to tell the difference in your images between these cameras assuming you don't shoot in a film some that one doesn't exist one of the others do I have to have disclaimers on these videos I don't know so that's the video I did want to share that you know out of these cameras I will say the X E2 is going nowhere um I bought this literally this week because someone posted it they were local I could drive to meet them and I was like I just want to give it another shot I've been shooting with the X Pro 2 for weeks and weeks and weeks and I love it I love taking it with me but you know do I want to go back to the x100v and maybe I will later but it's very likely that I'm just going to list this one for sale I will be able to get exactly what I paid for it maybe 50 bucks so it's like a rental I'm not really going to lose any money on that camera I didn't overpay I did not pay 16 17 18 or greater for that X100 V I paid a very fair price for the camera so anyway um that's the takeaway get a camera that you'll use and if it's a Fuji um enjoy have fun so that's it have a good one take care
Channel: TCinSoCal
Views: 16,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: X100V, X-H2S, X-Pro2, X100V or, X100V vs, Fuji X100V, Fuji, Unicorns, Rainbows, Camera
Id: dDRWzbb3hfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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