This $200 camera shoots infinite film like photos

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film prices today have gone completely out of hand both film stocks and the film cameras on the other hand the digital cameras today are Practically Perfect they have perfect autofocus they have perfect white balance they have a hundred percent true to the eye color and pixels and pixels and pixels of perfection but film is about the imperfections the grain the grit the color palette provides how the highlights Bloom and Sparkle but what if we had a good mixture of both worlds enter the Canon g7x Mark II [Music] the Canon g7x Mark II was quite a phenomenon when it came out in 2016. it was right when exactly kind of the vlogging World in YouTube was booming and everyone wanted a quick solution to their blogging or YouTube problems so this camera actually had quite a cult following in terms of video capabilities not much in terms of photo capabilities in my relationship with this camera has been quite an odd one I actually bought it second hand for about two hundred dollars with the intention of shooting mainly video on it until I finally realized after a few weeks of using it that well this camera also takes photographs so why not use it for photography as time went on I started to use it less and less as a video camera and more just as a pocket zoom camera the form factor and kind of the looks of this camera make it seem as if the user is a mere tourist of course there's nothing that looks more like film than using film and there's nothing more satisfying about the photography process than using a film camera but the more and more I study about film photograph characteristics I noticed that a lot of the time we identify film photographs with these characteristics and these characteristics have a lot to do with imperfections imperfections that the Canon g7x Mark II provides the first one being the blooming the photographs taken with the Canon gf7x Mark II have this specific way of blooming that at least to me identifies very similarly with highlights of a film photograph so goes with the flaring flaring has more to do with the lens than the film itself most of the lenses used back in those days had a lot of imperfections with them and the one being flaring or ghosting thank you [Music] [Music] the next one has to do with grit and grain the iso performance on this camera isn't perfect but that's exactly what it makes it feel almost like a film camera noise on this camera at least to me looks quite synonymous with film grain and it's really hard to pinpoint but it does look quite satisfying another important factor about film that this camera provides quite well is color the color of the photographs taken with the Canon g7x Mark II have a certain richness to them as well as this kind of level of desaturation and the thing about film and the colors they possess is that they aren't that highly or densely saturated but they have a nice pop to them that is something I recognize that the Canon g7x Mark II provides [Music] [Music] the camera surprisingly provides high performance it has very quick autofocus it somehow just knows what to do in most circumstances and I'm quite surprised because it is a six to seven year old camera to me the beauty of this camera especially comes from its Simplicity and how kind of Carefree you can be with it open disclosure I've dropped it many many many times on concrete and it still runs very well it turns on and starts very quickly you can just quickly take a photo the autofocus is fast but again to me it's these imperfections that make the camera very carefree and simple to use and makes it feel like I'm using a very antique film camera I've had many instances where I post photos that I've taken with a Canon g7x Mark II on Instagram or Twitter and people think I've been shooting those photographs on film and I don't do very heavy editing on my photographs so I think so I think that kind of speaks for itself people just can't really tell especially on a little phone screen [Music] okay we have that part of the video out of the way I've been using uh this camera for about two years now and I don't know time just kind of creeps keeps on creeping uh by and I don't know it's it's funny that now I have other cameras to use but the g7x Mark II ends up sitting in my pocket most of the time I just love having a pocket of old Zoom these days um especially with covid uh kind of society interacts with or people interact with environment very differently now and having an option to zoom in and out is very very helpful I've taken award-winning photos with this Photograph strangely enough and I guess that's also a reason why I keep on going back to it is because I know that it has that potential I know that it can deliver uh images that people love and now that we're kind of at the end I wanted to talk about well maybe not exactly like film cameras versus digital cameras but I wanted to talk about kind of the interesting timeline we're in right now where you know the earlier digital cameras these days no the earlier digital cameras of our of the era I think are now starting to inch closer to you know vintage territory and they are starting to look very different a good example being I think the Leica M9 is like a cult classic now because the colors are very rich uh the first Leica cell is also amazing and uh people are making videos on cameras with ovs ovfs or like the early dslrs right and there's a certain Beauty to the image I have to admit it's it's different um and again going back to what I mentioned the very beginning of this video all the cameras these days are um just amazing but everything is so so perfect that we have to kind of noisy up the image or the photograph and post because the white balance is perfect everything is so neutral because the image quality is so high because the stabilization size stabilization is amazing you don't get blurry images maybe and maybe that's also that can also be a problem and the iso performance is so high that the grit there's less and less grit to the images and I guess the proposal of this video was that hey maybe try to use older cheaper dirtier digital cameras because they have quite nice and Rich colors and they have imperfections it just happens to be I think that my Canon g7x Mark II is old enough and it has it's a total package because it come it's a point and shoot it comes with the lens it's getting old I'm beating it up a lot so that's also creating imperfections I think and yeah that was the gist of the video uh thank you very much for watching thanks for supporting the channel I'll see you guys in the next one uh goodbye sanaro bye
Channel: Ulysses Aoki
Views: 1,297,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photography, Tokyo, Japan, Leica, Street Photography
Id: Vk9PsOGLnvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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