The Ricoh GR3x is kinda boring

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foreign [Music] X I've been using this camera for a little over a year now haven't made any videos about it because I didn't know what to make of it [Music] Enrico announced gr-3x I was excited but also confused the gr line of cameras have always been fitted with wide angle lenses it's a perfect recipe that is loved by all of its users understand why they needed to make a 40 millimeter version of it a 40 millimeter is almost a 50. and 50 if I'm honest is not a focal length that I enjoy using very much foreign was a very simple reason and that is the fact that I no longer shoot in tightly packed and overpopulated cities now [Music] Toronto is very different I struggle a lot with the 28 year I mean it's still my favorite focal length but sometimes I just can't help but Wonder maybe there's a better way in theory with everything here being spread so far apart the 40 millimeters should help me bring things closer together I can take 10 steps instead of 20. I can bring in more background detail and it'll also be a lot easier to fill the frame and the thing is I remember getting the gr3 at a time when I was feeling down and frustrated with my photography foreign managed to make me love the process again so maybe the gr3x can do the same for me here I crafted a perfect scenario in my head bought the camera and I didn't like it [Music] the gr3x is the exact same camera as a gr3 only with a 40 millimeter lens [Music] I mix these cameras up all the time the subtle differences are only noticeable if you look hard enough a different lens and front ring a slightly thicker body and a tiny bit more weight I could actually make this entire video using my gr3 review everything I said about that camera applies to this one as well [Music] the overall image quality and sharpness of the photos taken with the gr3x is just as impressive or maybe even better than gr3 but the photos feel flat the gr3x will render really normal looking images [Music] sometimes can mean boring [Music] boring like a traditional 50 millimeter lens these photos lack the same kind of drama and fun that the 28 and gr3 gives you as a long time gr User it's also an incredibly strange feeling shooting with the gr camera that is not equipped with a wide angle lens if you've ever owned a gr camera shooting with the X will throw you all these cameras are made to be wide [Music] I've built a lot of muscle memory shooting with the gr3 so to have a lens that is so different but in the exact same body [Music] it's confusing [Music] even after a year of shooting with it I still have trouble adjusting sometimes this new lens also doesn't feel as quick the autofocus on this camera is definitely slower and that again will throw you off if you're used to the snappiness from a gr3 [Music] so we weren't off to a great start the thought of selling it crossed my mind a lot of times but I had this trip to Hong Kong in Japan so I thought one last shot after this trip if I'm still not feeling it I'm getting rid of it this video is sponsored by skillshare [Music] are you looking for new ways to level up your career or maybe even turn a hobby into a new side business [Music] check out skillshare [Music] from practical skills on photography and filmmaking so important theory on freelancing and productivity [Music] skillshare has it all covered with a wide variety of classes to help you elevate your creative career for example I learned a lot from this lesson with Tabitha Park on Advanced Lighting in product photography [Music] she shared a lot of useful techniques that helped me create some of the visuals in this video if you're interested in joining skillshare the first 1000 viewers to use the sign up link in my description can get a one month free trial get inspired learn new skills and explore your creativity with skillshare today thank you [Music] I forced myself to bring both cameras out every day during this trip these gr cameras weigh nothing so carrying both was effortless I was thinking about it I was thinking about shooting film today but I changed my mind the Dr because I might I might actually shoot tonight as well okay I like to shoot digital at night yeah it's just you could do more yeah yeah it was filmed during the daytime it's nice but ninety percent of the time I use the gr3 but every once in a while there would be a scene where I needed more reach either something was stopping me from getting closer or the composition just didn't work with 28. where the gr3x came into play I'd quickly take that one shot and switch back to the gr3 [Music] switching between the cameras this entire trip help me realize what role the gr3x plays in my setup [Music] this camera isn't the star player it's the bench player that's always ready and shows up when asked to perform [Music] as soon as that clicked for me I found a purpose for the gr-3x and I fell in love with this dual gr setup [Music] this is what a lot of Event Photographers do to carry two bodies with different lenses it offers speed and keeps them ready for every situation with HDR cameras you can do that in a very compact way [Music] one in each pocket or one around the wrist and the other strapped over the shoulder [Music] this 28 and 40 combo quickly became the ultimate Street setup for me no [Music] thank you I'm glad I gave the gr3x enough time for it to make an impression on me these point-and-shoot cameras really are special like I said in my gr3 review that camera inspired me to shoot every day and because of that I improved a lot as a photographer very few cameras that I've owned in the past have been able to do that even though the gr3x will not get the same amount of action as my gr3 I still think it has an important role in my setup [Music] in fact I've recently found a new purpose for it it's now the camera that I leave around the house for family moments I've been documenting the Journey of our new dog she's a shelter dog from Korea that's had a rough past and is extremely fearful of everything and this many personal project of mine I'm trying to capture all the ups and downs of her new life with us the gr3x is always in my pocket or right next to me when I'm spending time with her it's a great camera to use to document your life [Music] it's lightweight and it takes amazing portraits [Music] I can also hand this camera over to my wife or whoever is with me and they'll automatically know how to use it there's no explanation needed just point and shoot [Music] anyway there you have it these are some of my thoughts on the Ricoh gr3x both of these cameras without a doubt are the favorites in my collection they continue to keep photography fun for me and has helped me produce many of my favorite photos [Music] so if you're considering a gr camera I would still recommend getting the regular gr3 as it offers a bit more character and versatility but the gr3x it's also an amazing camera you really can't go wrong with either one of them [Music] you know what just get both they might be the only cameras that you'll need [Music] foreign
Channel: Ivan Chow
Views: 13,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camera, review, ricoh, pentax, ricoh gr3, ricoh gr3x, leica, leica sl2, leica camera, street photography, documentary photography, cinematography, filmmaking, filmvision, film
Id: 973wN2G812M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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