100 Players VS Impossible Base

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so i had 100 players try to break into my level 100 base within a hundred days basically the first player to break the dragon egg hidden inside of our massive fortress wins but wait there's a catch each day a random event would happen and there's a chance that even hardcore mode could be turned on but i didn't expect how hard this event would actually be even with my partner italk if you want to join me in any of these events make sure to join the discord to be alerted and i'm actually streaming another event this sunday at 4 pm est but anyway let's see if 100 players can break into my level 100 base in under 100 days okay i don't want to waste your time but youtube has been deleting subs for my channel left and right so i need you to go down there and make sure it's not red and while you're down there you might as well leave a like alright let's continue so on day one the defenders actually get creative mode and the attackers are able to join now i know what you're thinking spoke creative mode is op you can get enchanted golden apples bedrock but what you don't realize is that itak and i are really dumb and not to mention that there are 100 players versus us too so creative mode was basically a necessity of survival until um day three then you can actually enter our base i forgot to mention that we only had three days to prepare but only one day in creative mode so we had to use our time wisely i talk we actually got to get started bro though one step all right well um yeah get that set up we got to use these chests all right we gotta we gotta get some time we there's a hundred players i don't think we can do this yeah let me start enchanting i guess dude yeah we have to get a trident all right yeah i'm just enchanting armor first yeah we gotta get multiple sets gotta get multiple sets but oh my god they're already getting stone age look at all of them all right let me start enchanting all right what what do you need oh you've ripped tied that's a big one all right boom riptide on the trident okay let me enchant this what else do we need on this um oh yeah mending's mending is important no i'm enchanting the trident right now oh look at that that is op easy okay everyone's like i need food i need food all right well i got my armor set here i'm going to put that up there i got my crossbow shield need a sword i'm going to get a totem we'll we'll get some shulkers of totems oh geez oh yeah by the way if you die you actually do get kicked so um you'll have a you have more chances to join um let me grab some steak actually oh yeah we can just use yeah i'm just gonna yeah golden apples actually oh yeah look at that see i'm just gonna get like a shulker full of that it's gonna be great look at all the people getting stone age geez oh my god yeah we there's for sure hundred players on right now then everyone received a stack of carrots which i guess solved the famine oh dude it's already night okay we actually need to start getting stuff though because we're not going to be in creative for long i'm going to get i'm just i'm only going to get a stack of n crystals i'm i'm pretty good with that but i i'm not gonna abuse them to be honest i wish i abused them oh yeah start filling up the chest with like potions and gear and stuff so check this out in this chest down here that's all that's that's quite a bit that is quite a bit grab one of these what's this oh invisible oh looks like they got some invisibility going and i didn't realize how opie those potions would be yeah all of you um yeah you guys can't kill each other thankfully that would be chaos but yeah hopefully at the hopefully after someone breaks the dragon egg oh yeah by the way whoever breaks the dragon egg actually gets a prize so probably want to do that dude it's gonna because right now we have we have like endless items right now but once once the next like once day two happens all of this is gone yeah that's why i'm like multiplying these shulkers of like items oh oh day two is about happen multiply your armor get your get multiple sets quick that is true that is true uh okay i'm gonna start oh it's already happened [Music] well guys it is day two defenders get survival mode and attackers get fortune pig oh god i mean you should probably do what this pickaxe says i mean okay well i have a lot of chest full of stuff thankfully what they're building a skype look at them they're trying to survive he just jumped up i got i got oh i only have a stack of obsidian [Music] gosh that's not that good that's not good i mean we could use shulker yeah we we completely forgot about that we have arrived yeah look at them hello i'm wait do we have feather falling we do there's just some chilling watches yeah i i landed a baked a baby friend you know what i feel about these people i am scared too we're we're so dead there's it's gonna they're not even gonna like kill us there's they're not even gonna break the dragon egg they're just gonna when is hardcore um day seven that's like oh gosh um day three so that's like 20 minutes from now i just missed my you guys having a water bucket yep no you don't have a water bucket good luck yeah wait how many oh my god i keep missing it now at least i'm like flexing my water bucket stuff here i need to get up here there we go let's place oh my god why did i make it look so cool oh there we go and easy oh you know what i'm just gonna kill them i'm just gonna kill them got one there goes a dog named turtle i got look at all of them over there there's hiding behind this little this dude i just h a guy that made a sign that said i love spoke aw where did who's this so we just put a sign all right oh wait he's making a sign i want to see loved it i love spoke sub just spoke what to say i love spoke all right i won't kill him i i won't kill him dude there i can't 100 players jesus bro how is this server not dying right what in the dude someone may or may have not uh given me a few water buckets i i got i got cookies you're not gonna want to look in this chest i i got cookies yo smoke look at this just we're just getting free stuff if you couldn't already tell my mods were getting very bored the border is removed the border is removed the border is removed all right we we gotta protect the no no no go to the second we oh dude we gotta protect the dragon egg here i'll stay up here you get down there all right i'm gonna stay up here and make sure i'm gonna just bow everyone they're bowing me i'm getting bowed at right now dude there's so many people a full diamond yeah oh my god we're gonna oh this is gonna be tough dude it's gonna be tough oh oh i sniped him off i stepped a full diamond guy no he survived oh there's like a giant water thing down there so they can't even oh i'm getting bowed up there's one player right here he's he has a little sapling over here that's cute oh dude they're building a oh wait look at the side look they're building like a thing around our base that's not good if they get multiple angles oh i got this guy i mean yeah it's gonna happen if we have 100 players on oh jeez look there's a full diamond guy with po his potions wait no no wait how do you oh everyone got i think like slow fall potions um watch out all right wait there's someone up here kill them get them out of here oh i saw that i saw that oh there's someone wait what the oh they're jump boosts they got the jump boost motions ah they got the jump boost potions they got the jump boost potions it's one of the events oh god i forgot about the event okay yeah we we've ah there's someone right down here i'm so bad at pvp dude i don't know what to do did i stay up here i'm pvping someone right now i don't know who it is i got him yes oh we can i can get those stuff i can get there yeah yeah i need to make some room in my inventory jesus bro xxx yo milano milano dude milano just came in with the 69. sheesh milano get out of here man get out of here oh god there's another guy they're going in they're going in i should have got a shield oh it's lagging hard [Music] got him someone just drank something i'm gonna get my potions oh oh it might be in biz pots there might be invisible people that's not good yeah yeah big time big time like oh wait there's someone here someone's invest someone's invis on me i have no idea where they are i'm trying to get them oh someone just died oh there's gonna be some i'm watching the someone of a yes there's there's definitely h invis raid what is this bro i need to get this out of here ah who is this get out of here man oh my god yo watch the ariel watch the area bro milano bro don't kill me man no oh who's this person who's this person oh oh oh oh oh it's a mod it's a mod that that scared me that i just defend the dragon egg make sure there's someone up there there's someone up there i'm breaking this there's someone up here there's someone like almost below the dragon egg he's right below me he got down on the bottom get to the bottom there get to the bottom area they're down here they're down here on the bottom area yeah there's there's a guy down here who is this kid get out of here i'm looking around the area i'm making sure no one [Music] yes same i should have got flint and steel i'm looking down here i'm making sure no one who is this this guy's a water bucket but i can't hit him oh my god i need to empty out my i empty out some stuff in my inventory they did i want i wonder who has like the actual like op stuff oh there's someone there yeah there's like people bridging jesus why is there a boat oh oh it's the next oh geez attackers giving oh jeez bro wait who's here who's here no so yeah zippo was able to sneak into our level 100 base and break the dragon egg gigi to zippo anyways i hope you enjoyed it if you want to join me in the next event make sure to join the discord and remember the next event is this sunday at 4pm est so don't miss it well that's it for today [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Spoke
Views: 905,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, this minecraft smp wants me dead, i joined the deadliest minecraft smp to exist, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, SpokeIsHere, Creating 1000 Iron Golems To Kill 1 Minecraft Player, how I ended an entire minecraft smp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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