100 Players Try to Survive a DEADLY Nuclear Apocalypse

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foreign just went on can these 100 players save civilization to find out I've split 100 survivors into three vaults across the harsh nuclear Wasteland however saving civilization is going to be insanely difficult as the players are in hardcore mode so if they die they'll be dead forever as winter sets in the Wasteland will get even more dangerous over time bringing new threats that the players will have to beat to bring back civilization will the players choose a peaceful democracy or a violent dictatorship and the teams work together to survive or they descended to all-out war prepare yourself and pick a team to root for as I present to you Minecraft civilization nuclear winter Edition we start our story in the blue Vault where the players had a huge problem we quite desperately need food as it stands so that they don't starve the players will need to leave the safety of the Vault and scavenge the canned food out in the dangerous Wasteland full of aggressive monsters and lethal radiation the only way to protect yourself from radiation is to wear a hazmat suit but unfortunately there aren't enough suits for everyone a player named mindless and his followers had selfishly taken all the hazmat suits for themselves leaving everyone else exposed to the radiation this isn't fair right I haven't got anything at all before leaving the Vault the players wisely decided to hold an election to establish order they had to pick carefully as picking a bad leader would mean certain death out on the wasteland out there it's a it's an unforgiving unfathomable Wasteland under my leadership I promise you that maybe we won't win maybe we'll struggle but we'll have a bloody good time doing it come on chaps let's go together for victory was given the voting commenced I think we I think we may have a winner not everyone was happy that Henry had been elected leader though minus his group deserted everyone else and left the ball early like we're like our own team I will follow mine taking most of the valuable hazmat suits and weapons with them this was bad news for Henry and the rest of the team as without hazmat suits they would have no protection against the dangerous radiation outside well uh we'll head out and we'll see if we can head into the City and so they all charged out into the Wasteland follow onwards be careful of that precipice over here we'll all go together into this grave um what that's terrifying so many people died Henry was Furious and helped mindless as Rebels accountable right it's those bloody guys who stole all the loot right ladies and gentlemen mindless group are now enemies of the state if you see them kill the buggers [Music] they are the residents of the yellow votes are getting along okay so this one's just pure chaos everyone's just stealing all the food and weapons for themselves where's all the armor at oh I got a fire ax I got nothing to make matters worse they had to worry about one of their teammates bebag is a player who craves power at all costs and as we've seen in my previous civilization videos he'll murder overthrow government and even sell out his own teammates to get it so the other team will need to watch their backs unlike the blue team though they didn't elect the leader which meant they were going out into the Wasteland with no clear Direction this is led to a nearby Factory to find Shelter From The Monsters once inside they barricaded all the entrances but now they were safe however quickly a different problem emerged they were starving anyone has something to eat a plane named Tamer did his best to formulate a plan all right everyone we need to leave this battery if we spread out we have a better chance of finding more food everyone made a break for the doorway where a few unlucky monster with their hunger getting incredibly low the players scattered and searched every house for as much canned food as they could find there wasn't enough for everyone though I'm almost dead I need some food feedback however lucked out and found a basement full of loot there was plenty of food in there for most of his teammates however be back had no intention of sharing his food instead he took it all for himself went up the ladder then blocked it off so no one else could find it it was certainly a cruel move and because of his choice many of b-back's teammates needlessly starved Tamer thinking that there would be more supplies in the city LED his teammates across a huge suspension bridge with the limited food they had found quickly dwindling it wasn't clear if all of them would make it there in time now let's go to the mountains in the east of the map to see how the red team is getting along [Applause] greetings comrades as you all know our glorious civilization is Friday we have plenty of food within the Vault and morale has never been higher it appears a player named sale is Bounty a set of a Communist Regime with himself as its dictator rights organize a single file cue where we are going to be handing out weapons here and food all of this is being provided to you by the state I got food sailor is regularly taking random people into an interrogation room to purge them of any treasonous thoughts for you my fellow capitalists but for now they had bigger problems to deal with um I don't mean to alarm everyone but we've run out of food to go and find food sailor ordered everyone to leave the Vault boys [Music] everyone race down the mountain away from the monsters we just need to keep pushing down once they reach the bottom of the mountain they put sailor's emergency plan into action which is to split the team into two groups the Recon team and the home team the Recon team consists of Sailor himself and is in a circle of friends whilst the home team is everyone else led by Marco Sailors Deputy leader sailor or DeMarco to keep the home team at the base of the mountain until told otherwise meanwhile he would lead the Recon team south or towards a luxury Mansion I'm not even joking that sailor's plan he effectively wants to abandon his people and go wait out in the Apocalypse in a mansion with his friends and so the Recon team began their Journey South finding lots of loot along the way oh my God we found so much loot meanwhile back at the base of the mountain Marco's home team were having a hard time um it's killed literally everyone well free stuff I guess um this isn't going so well to make things even worse they completely ran out of food as you might expect some players were starting to get fed up with sailor's neglectful leadership one of these players perspective attempted to take charge by encouraging his teammates to plant crops to fix their desperate food situation we need people to be on tools Duty we need people to be on food Duty okay take a bunch of seeds and start putting the seeds in however Marco who sailor had put in charge disagreed and wanted to move the home team South instead don't plant anything yet why despite everyone being dangerously low on Hunger Marco wouldn't listen stole following the plan we might still move but we'll run out of food eventually if things didn't improve soon perspective knew he might have to Stage a violent overthrow of sailor's government to save his people thank you [Music] hello survivors I regret to inform you to cleanse the city of all the mutated monsters we the military will be nuking your area in five hours from now but don't worry just before we set it off we'll send a helicopter to evacuate you to our military base one problem though the helicopter only has 15 seats to prove that your team is worthy of being saved from a fiery nuclear death you'll have to complete a series of tasks I'll be in touch very soon with more information let's go see how Henry's blue team are getting along Gentlemen let's regroup up together there's building that looks like some sort of Observatory there's some people up here yes there is hello chaps how are we doing they had completely run out of food and they in desperate need of food there is no food I need to get one and the only place with enough canned food to save them is the city but not everyone has enough hunger left to make the journey with night nearly upon them time is running out yeah it's getting dark Henry has to make an impossible decision he can either tell everyone to stay in the observatory and risk them starving or he can abandon those that can't make the journey and March everyone else all the way to the city before nightfall well I keep his group United and risk everyone starving all the abandon half his team to save the other half their decision has to be made right now gentlemen I think we need to head more into the City and we chose option two to abandon Harvest team to save the other half I literally can't do anything without food let's make our way let's make our way to the city please don't worry it's so hard to find food stay together follow the person in front of you ASAP let's stick together as a group uh I think we've just hit it I'm about to die they had made it to the city and after running into some trouble they decided to find shelter for the night we'll let Rendezvous on the Hamilton that will be our main sort of go-to points however they still didn't have any food uh here's human flesh oh thank you then in the morning things got even worse oh behind you oh my gosh there's a there's a tank here there's a tank tank yeah it's just out back behind the Hamilton and the deaths began to stack up Henry started to realize just how desperate the situation was but what Henry didn't know was that not everyone he had left behind his start instead feeling betrayed by his decision they had joined mindless's Auntie Henry Rebellion group it looked like a blue team Civil War was on the horizon over in the city b-back was alone Scavenging for resources when suddenly yo be big do you have any spare items for me I would need a military helmets I really don't care right now if you want to follow me then go ahead but I'm not giving you anything if you die then it's your fault all right if you're fine I'll check the Empire Floors foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you suddenly out of nowhere a deadly blizzard descended on the Wasteland the players must get near a campfire before they freeze to death oh guys quicker who's got get to the get to the Hamilton right now get to the Hamilton Hamilton inside oh my God okay get in getting get him put down the campfire we're next to it I need a place oh dear I'm dead I'm dead oh no no it can't outright kill you it can't outright kill you just get to the Hamilton that was actually so close is everyone all right is everyone okay yeah yeah we are all fine we are all fine oh my God that was so close the blizzard really called The Players off guard many were sadly weakened enough to be killed by radiation a lot of people have died people below me there's a campfire there's a campfire oh is there what on the rooftop did you say yeah sorry I'm being silly then let's get to the rooftop sorry about that I didn't realize you have to be right on yeah see wait is the chill over wait is it over it's over it's over it's over it's over Henry made a worrying realization uh yes it does look like it's over there right uh there's not that many of us who love it [Music] hang on uh Jay Robin get out now quick get out get out now out to the front the city be backtrack down and rejoin the yellow team then having been warned by beberg that there were enemy players lurking nearby they decided to leave the city however it wasn't long before they ran into trouble to trap [Music] back up after getting revenge on the monster they held a funeral for their fallen teammate tecolo he was a good guy and he'll be missed yeah having paid their respects the team made their way across the frozen ocean but they found something truly special survivors you have four hours remaining until you get obliterated by our nuke you're at the base I need people who are capable of rebuilding a civilization and one of the most fundamental aspects of any successful Society is democracy hold an election you'll need to choose carefully as whoever you pick will receive a powerful golden gas mask from the flying orange man this will go a long way in proving that your team is worthy of being rescued good luck since Henry had already been elected the leader of the blue team he was the first to receive a golden gas mask thank you very much which grants you 10 extra hearts and makes you resistant to all forms of radiation over at the Cathedral mindless Rebellion had become worshiping an axolotl which they had named or seiden after the Axolotl from my tiny civilization video with the world of wasteland many lost help but Josiah would always be there to offer them in this Darkness but first faithful followers he lives a single message of help acts a lot of splashes oh wow now it's also important to note that this group didn't recognize Henry as their leader mostly because of that time when he left them all to die because of this they wanted to be their own independent team with their own leader so they held an election whoever wants to act to go for a leader get on top of here hot buns you know what you go first yo everyone vote me because I've done so much British accent for way too long therefore you shouldn't like me but I have been leader before and it went great didn't you blow half the team up [Music] then it was mindless's turn I'm going to keep it extremely simple fellas we are better we are just better than the others I know we all don't like the general Vault six and we all want Henry dead so I think we have a common goal and in any case all I'm saying is keep it very simple be mindful vote mindless now it's time for all the players to vote for their leader having managed to unite his people onto their shared dislike of Henry mindless was elected leader of the door siding group that was going to be the right way but there's people calling for violence against Henry's team minders began to strategize an attack red team's election wasn't really an election I think we need Marco as one of the leaders and then myself as the other so we have a Recon team leader and then a like a main base leader but I mean if anyone has any kind of objections I guess to me and Marco say now now is perspectives moment of finally voices complaints how about this Marco cannot lead this bunch of people by himself this is simply not possible guys we need to move sailor and Marco didn't even let perspective finish his sentence before disbanding the election having simply declared themselves as the leaders of the team yay perspective of course was Furious it was after their sham election that he began recruiting like-minded players to begin plotting a violent overthrow of sailor's corrupt government okay Murphy I'm gonna explain the plan to you our government is completely horrible and irresponsible letting innocent people die we want to stand up for them okay people taking power out of complete nowhere come thin air they didn't we didn't get to vote they just said hey we're now in power this is a bit unfair don't you think that is these people I don't want to trust these people these people don't care about me they don't care about soldiers they don't care about murphs they only care about themselves what I'm proposing here okay I need you to help me okay I needed to help you kill the leaders of all three are you in Dynamite sure are you in Soldier yep are you in murfs yes sir guys there's a tank there's a tank it is uh can can we kill this tank I can add so that I can [Applause] Marco sales puppet leader was dead Marco's dead you know we need to run we've just said he literally just killed Marco what our team did yeah whoever killed him I suggest running hearing that Marco's death was in fact an assassination sailor became very worried and broke off all contact with them completely trust them yeah yeah they're gonna kill us that night though because all forms of leadership at home had been lost chaos broke out that's a lot why would you go back inside perspective may have toppled the government of the home team but in doing so he got him four of his innocent teammates killed that's the thing about revolutions they tend to leave a lot of people dead in their wake the yellow team had found a massive prison in the middle of the frozen ocean it's a prison there's so many watchtowers you can use let's set up our camp at the very top it was that that they decided to officially hold an election in every single one of my civilization videos be back is clawed his way to leadership in pursuit of power and he didn't intend for anything to change this time however he wasn't the only person trying to become a leader I will protect you I've been protecting you guys and I will risk my life to fight for you guys we will win this event it doesn't we're not caught up with my mom has my mom's calling me real quick all right CRP why should you be leaving the reason why I think I should be leader is mostly because I do believe in the long game we are going to need someone who is strategic we've already lost our very good bud Taylor and I do not want that to happen again and I will not let that happen again if I'm elected leader CRP speech got a lot of support from the audience which of course worried be back then it was time for be back speech why do you want to be okay everyone why do you want to be a leader okay uh CRP you mentioned the tank earlier that killed one of our friends who actually killed the tank you guys were watching our friend die who actually came up with the idea to put the water bucket down and poison him it wasn't any of you it was me so if you don't want us to repeat then vote for me but there was still one speech to be given uh Tamer why do you want to be leader I would firstly like to address one person in particular be check now how can you all be too sure that you can trust him he's always been in the spotlight before gaining the victory for himself and using his own teammates in any way possible he doesn't care about your lies earlier this revenge bebag and I were chased by Walt tree place and you know what he did he left me to die and escaped with his own life I barely escaped how can you be sure that he won't do the same to you something you can be sure of is that if you vote me as your leader I will do my absolute best to lead this team into victory as the sun rose it was time for the people to vote Tamer won the election by a massive majority just then they received the plea for help from their teammate 1991 who has been chased through the city where the hell are you I'm instructed by Blue People Help taking advantage of this be back and boarding attempted to distract everyone from the election results however this trick didn't work Tamer was crowned the leader of the yellow team yeah Tamer let's go Tamer may have been elected leader but he now had to look over his shoulder as he knew if given the opportunity bebag may attempt to kill him to seize power for himself let me quickly tell you the next event I'm gonna hold is a 1 000 players extreme Battle Royale so if you want to take part in that and all the other events I've got planned click the link in the description to join my Discord server there are often thousands of people signing up for these events though so if you want to get to the front of the queue you can get Priority Access to all my upcoming events custom posters and much more by becoming a VIP through the link in the description there's a limited number of VIP spots available though so be quick before they're all gone thank you on with the video [Music] survivors our nuke will barbecue you in three hours from now it is time for your second task to prove that your team deserves the spot on the helicopter the Wasteland is a dangerous place and any great post-apocalyptic civilization requires expert construction to ensure its people are kept safe hold a building competition whichever one of your teams impresses the flying orange man the most will greatly increase their chances of being evacuated good luck in the north of the city Henry was afraid that his team would be punished if they didn't build something gray so he came up with an unconventional plan to win the competition what we're doing is we're putting uh heads on poles outside on the on the pathway outside just to make it look nice intimidation tactic absolutely this is going to be our Fortress so heads on a link you've planning on overboard you're psychopath I love it right come on carry on with the heads on spikes it was then that one of Henry's Scouts having discovered the door side in rebellion's base return home Henry I think I find the rabble grip you were talking about yes that a group of other blue people they're rebelled and fortified in that old church oh crucky that must be dull sounded really in that church that's still side and then this worried Henry a lot and it wasn't even the only problem they were facing oh bloody there's a big gaping hole in the side of our compound love it has someone just hoarded all the food suddenly come on chess oh right that was one of us oh my goodness so many people are dying because everything was starting to go wrong Henry gave some new orders right pack up all the things you need uh chaps I think we're going to move to this big hotel building don't worry they didn't forget the heads on spikes here's all the heads-on spikes gather them if you can once they arrived at the hotel Henry instructed his people to begin Renovations burying nearby the cathedral mindless's door signed in Rebellion had been working hard on their own constructions having built a massive defensive wall you guys got to walk fast oh my God as well as a mural dedicated to their Axolotl dorsiden it was around this time that mindless received word that Henry's team had moved into the hotel just around the corner and since mindless had a bit of a vendetta against Henry he came up with an idea to ensure Henry's team lost the building competition yo yo yellow yeah what's up um apparently Henry's team are in the big hotel nearby you know another one like we passed in front of it you know what you're talking about reckon you could go and sabotage them oh [Music] [Music] so second I personally think that our post-apocalyptic Art Gallery is going to make Headway I I think we're really going to bring artistic nature into this enough skull paintings yes everything is gone I'm sorry lurk in the battles everything's gone no you're joking no you're joking I'm not where's it it's a practice door-sided right kill is a vacant example of it we're going towards it [Music] over in the city the yellow team had failed to save 1991. and so their focus shifted to the building competition we need a temple we will build a temple right here [Music] and I have to say it looked pretty good the base looks significantly more menacing with walls that night things got really interesting two patrolling yellow players was the Rogue red player named Oregon set be back saw what was happening and joined the chase ready we have the biggest team said Oregon said red team is right here the rest of the yellow team wanted to help but they didn't know where to go Oregon set ran for his life with bebag quickly closing in behind him when out of nowhere they ran into something they weren't expecting yes this is somebody else it turns out that mindless's door signing group and tamer's yellow team had built their bases right next to each other without either of them knowing despite not being on the same team the doors Island players kindly rescued Oregon set from the pursuing yellow players somehow while attempting to throw a grenade be back accidentally dropped it where he stood resulting in the death of his teammate Fuego wave b-back tried to hurl the grenade again this time successfully they're attacking us this unprovoked attack on the cathedral prompted mindless to retaliate let's kick some b-bag ass come on let's go boys seeing the incoming army people welding on the other yellow team players quickly retreated back to the radiation Temple unwittingly leading mindless zombie right there then the attack on the radiation Temple began [Music] thank you [Music] seeing yellow team retreating mindless attempted to chase them down [Music] with their leader mindless dead the door side and players panicked and retreated back to the cathedral it was there that Von glamor was picked as mindless as replacement leader hello I'm your new leader good luck is our new leader now the yellow team member treated from the rubble of their Temple come on and most of them were still shocked and Confused over what happened wait can I ask what the actual hell happened Dennis the sun rose things got even worse engines among the teammates were high in the span of one Minecraft day the yellow team had lost half their players it was after these deaths that wording began to call into question team's leadership we're dying what do we do in an attempt to restart the shorter Tamer ordered everyone to retreat back to the prison this was definitely the yellow team's darkest hour and it wasn't clear if they would be able to recover from these massive losses [Music] over in east of the map perspective was worried that his assassination of Marco will result in a retaliatory attack from Sailor so he sent an ally of his Dreadful to go and spy on Sailor for him and gay Dreadful gold but then came back in like five minutes if you can it was all going fine until Dreadful accidentally lets lit the perspectives team knew that they were at the carnival so they're looking for the carnival that we're at right now and this immediately raised suspicion from Sailor as Dreadful was the only person who could have told perspective their location you obviously told them desperately tried to plead his innocence now I told them no I told them that I'm at a carnival and it was sailor that's it no shut up shut up there's a reason they know we're at the carnival having realized Radford was an enemy spy that conspired to kill him when they got the chance I think we need to kill Dreadful Trail the reason they know we're at the carnival yeah it's because of tragedy guys I think we need to take him out I think we need to take him yeah I I think you're right of course now that they have realized perspective knew where they were they had to leave so they evacuated the carnival and ventured up the road then suddenly a siren rang out it was deadly acid rain they were forced to find shelter in a nearby buildings all stuck in the house together it was the perfect opportunity to get rid of the Spy I agree with Sailors argument that that Dreadful has been telling people where we want cold what is pineapple Coke what is pineapple attack okay they back Dreadful into a corner why are you shielding up like I'm scared what are you scared what are you scared but we are literally your teammate look at the numbers we need to band together okay it would be stupid to kill someone on our own team at this point look how many have died okay Marco has died everyone's side all right oh crap if the thing is it's almost the same before like we're in one stupid ass pineapple what the hell yeah yeah oh yeah perspective was shocked no wow it's our entire plan it was clear that a civil war between Sailors communist government and perspective Rebellion have begun but Taylor didn't know though it was that perspective's rebellion was on their way to meet up with their new allies the yellow team it was now time to give the different teams their rewards and punishments for the building competition first to be given their reward was famous yellow team now I realized that their radiation Temple is currently a mess but I really appreciated the effort they put into it congratulations you guys came in first place next I went to the cathedral it seemed the door side and team were having some explosive problems you guys came in second place which also means you get a barrel it's suspicious you know it can't be that bad [Music] then it was sailor's team's turn who had finally taken up residence in their original destination the luxury Mansion they clearly hadn't done much building of their own having spent most of their time doing karaoke gotta make a move to a town and playing with the neighbor's dog that's the family dog hi spot how you doing spot I didn't see your award for build competition be ready everyone be ready everyone be ready everybody all right I'm happy to see how you guys amen third place wow that's good [Music] it's important for me to mention I couldn't give a reward to perspectives team since they had abandoned their base which meant the last team to receive a reward was Henry's team thank you Henry's Hotel is an absolute nightmare I'm here to give you your reward for the build competition see what's up what's up okay uh are you ready Shield's up come on congratulations you guys came in oh hang on let's Loot drop the last place red red [Music] yes please we're not that bad there we are right we've made it with their Courtyard now a large crater Henry began plotting an attack against the door side and Rebels we're in a precarious situation if we've played the defensive we're going to lose so we might as well try and catch him off guard do we do we do we know where door side now they're in like a church do we know where the church is should we join them if join them no we're not joining them should we join them yeah you can you can if you want every small thinking should we go on the offensive right okay we'll we'll go out and Scout together I think having made a plan of attack Henry and all of his surviving teammates left their hotel for the last time however on the way to the cathedral it became clear not all of Henry's teammates supported starting a war yeah but there are teams should we very well there are team on paper the reality of this situation yeah but like they're our team maybe we should team up together no I I yeah okay we should ask them to join us we should ask them to join us it seemed Henry and his team weren't in total agreement on whether to join with or wage war against dorsider because he had failed to convince Henry to pursue peace TNT went behind Henry's back and ventured over to the cathedral and obtained a peace deal with dorsaiden however the thing is TNT never told Henry they had made peace hello remaining survivors you have one hour left until we drop the nuke unfortunately there are still too many of you to board the helicopter to safety you'll have to figure out who gets survive between yourselves to help you choose here's 20 valuable supply drops full of weapons okay you know what you know what if nobody if nobody's going to supply drop I'm doing it myself wait actually we'll fight blue there we don't want to fight blue though we'll die let's just not let's just know let's just not yeah let's just not let's not whiskey yeah oh my God we're basically here go go go over here let's go oh my God crazy okay right only one person go out and loot only one person difficult sake right go and lose find what you can oh my word bloody hell that's a lot I have so many medkits but I say we just go now stay here people will be coming to it I say we wait yeah it's good idea actually good idea with Henry ready to Ambush incoming teams it was then that door side and arrived at the stadium and Henry had no idea that a peace treaty had been made they're blue it's Jay it's Jayden arrest oh yeah yeah yeah that's us that's us and then all hell broke loose look at these guys these are enemies the blues all of these Blues in front of us grenades all the grenades trying to kill us if they're trying to kill us we just kill him it's Auntie pleaded with both sides to stop the violence stop killing the other teams were allies I made an agreement did you that would have been nice to death early just make an agreement well could you tell us when you make an agreements cease fire ceasefire we're all the same no no you guys tried to kill us though then bebag arrived at the stadium supply drop blue team has the supply drops TNT had calmed down the situation however after a door side and player hold a grenade Henry wanted War they throw grenades they thrown grenades right just take them out all right all right take them out TNT again plead it for the end of the chaos Henry stop stop attacking them but Henry wasn't having any of it too late they attacked us what what I'm being killed right now let's warm this bugger look at this one careful TNT TNT and restart no he just they just attacked us he's not getting away with that absolutely not come on everyone run Everybody Run okay we're finishing them we're finishing them here and now no don't finish them stuff they shouldn't have attacked us then it's simple as sorry this chap in the center chaps take it out your blue team they're fighting each other yeah they are actually fighting each other Luna's did and so is Jay okay they're completely split everybody come here right now why are you so slow rights things were starting to look bad for Henry's team I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead he tried to retrieve from the stadium but Hopland spotted Henry the elected leader of all six was dead may have killed Henry but his team was still really far away all the way we're all the way we're on the way we're coming and with loading as his only Ally we were desperately outnumbered they weren't going to let that stop the moon fight against two people at the same time oh my God another one I'm the current leader was dead yellow tiger fled the stadium before they too met the same fate be back at single-handedly wiped out half of 06 and secured the supply drops for his team here blue team is dead look into how many players they have wait I got in shape in Medicaid holy boys there's so much right here we are living baby let's go not everyone was celebrating though sake severely weakened and without a leader didn't know what to do okay so where do we go now over at the prisons back wasn't sure what to do either there appears to be an issue now now that blue got completely obliterated by yellow somehow I really don't know what what they're gonna do now so how about we go to the mainland we just take one skyscraper we give everybody who wants to come over coordinates and we give them shelter sound good [Music] survivors I'm pleased to see that those 20 supply drops helped you reduce your numbers however I must remind you that the helicopter only has 15 seats which means there are still far too many of you here's another 50 supply drops full of weapons to help you settle who gets to survive the fast you only have 30 minutes until we release the nuke everybody get there right now 50 supply drops but the promises 50 valuable supply drops both the yellow team and sailors team Rush towards the loot alright remember if you see someone that's on our team but you don't recognize use them kill them immediately the first to arrive was the yellow team might huge on the lot was fighting off the monsters and looting the supply drops Sailors team arrived we're here we're here in the middle of the supply drops like in the other side they're next to our old base it's a trap withdraw thinking it was a trap seeing this group retreated back then circled round to a rooftop to scout out what the other team were doing however they were immediately spotted by Wild Eggs Wilding gnomes were up here realizing that they've been spotted sailor's team retreated back they're coming they're coming everyone and the yellow team gave Chase right now I'm saying this team threw grenades on the roof to buy themselves enough time to flee across a dirt Bridge Run Run quickly then to stop the yellow team from pursuing they blew up the bridge behind them both sides hold grenades with each other while this was happening be back who had drank an invisibility soda and flying sailor's team it was then that be back came up with a tactical plan yeah well I think I want you to actually just ignore all logic and Rush with zombie seeing the incoming players sailor's team got scared and retreated back even further go quick now now quicker quick they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming right into bebags trap please overwhelmed by the yellow players Sailors team scattered one one go nice oh come on oh I'm going out I'm going down with many of them hiding in come on I scattered e-bag wasn't going to let sailor get away though the Monday morning sailor they do a lot of damage I die I die here no I die I die I'm dead I killed Taylor no let's go with sailor dead the yellow team now possess two powerful leaders crowns as well as 50 supply drops it didn't look like anyone else study charts winners POV winner however what the yellow team didn't know was that on the other side of the map an unlikely Alliance had formed incredibly despite going through a Civil War what remained of Henry's team and or seiden had joined forces under hot buns's leadership things had gotten even more interesting though since Hot Buns knew his army wasn't big enough to take on the yellow team he made an alliance with perspectives teams handshake handshake handshake handshake we're now together okay amazingly the surviving members of sailor's team had managed to escape and were on their way to join the massive Coalition against the yellow team yeah guys come over to help the rest of the red is coming back red and blue versus yellow now yes red and blue versus the rest of yellow I'd like to take a moment to highlight how crazy and amazing this is this Army is made up of four teams that used to despise and even murder each other but now they will put aside their differences to fight a greater common enemy I know we had our differences now but listen now that our leader is dead there's nothing remaining it's time we finally throw the way the tyrants goddammits yeah yeah yeah with the huge Coalition Brewery to go they marched through the city in search of battle as they got closer they decided to try and get the element of surprise I feel like we should be stealthier everyone group up everyone group up okay okay who the hell is just looting stuff well okay guys get ready get ready get ready potion's ready okay the yellow team had absolutely no idea that literally everyone else alive was right around the corner and ready to Ambush them that's their baits we don't care two one go ahead fellas it's time wait what oh my God many of the stunned yellow players tried to flee the battle in random directions perspective was the first to claim a kill oh I got mine go go go fellas keep going keep going keep going be back with soon identified as the main target by the Coalition of 1v7 with a lot of players after him be back ran for his life I got one more over here I died I got one some box 11 players attempted to put up a fight but after realizing there aren't numbers they turned them around we need to regroup seeing the Retreats perspective ordered the coalition to chase them down they're fleeing they're fleeing they're fleeing we gotta go follow them don't get as many of them as you can oh be back as the crown be back had five players closely pursuing it he did all he could to lose them I'm charging me back I'm charging me back with half of the Coalition on b-bag the rest of box 11 had a chance to regroup on the hill zombie warlord unfortunately found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time yo zombies killed by Harper good job nice good job using the long fall into the crater to his Advantage he back lured his pursuers into the waiting arms of tamer down punch them down oh I'm gonna die no this can't be how I go no no no despite This brilliant play the yellow team still found themselves vastly outnumbered having only half the players of the Coalition did the Coalition was canceled all over the place though the yellow team took full advantage of this by singling them out then taking them on one by one I see a long guy I'm gonna kill him we got the steering just run away just run away realizing their mistake of being so scattered to speculate everyone to regroup up on the hill regroup we go again we're going waves okay then out of nowhere vault 11 charge the larger Coalition Army head on people around me I'm killing well yeah wolf inside no I died balding having been spotted and the chaos was hunted down by hobbins and eventually was killed good job Darwin having also kill power Rooney tip the scale drastically in the coalition's favor with the tally standing at 10 players to only four gamer camera knowing that they had effectively won the battle and victory was inside spec was very pleased to remember when we shake hands God damn it remember that buddy I remember that bro it was all for this it was then that a group of Coalition players spotted a fleeing Tamer a chasing suit I'm getting chased Tamer pleaded for help from his remaining teammates minus 800 1500 try to get you try to get come on but they were too far away to help him I I really can't help you I hit him hard get him get him get him get him get him he's so low he's solo Come on coming back nice nice he's literally one head I'm trying to get here I can't I can't install him I can't stole them trying to get here oh my God I don't know I was on his own and he knew he can now run them forever again he pleaded to his team is for help guys guys on my way bro I need to run 800 blocks I have no food left I have no food left come on his situation was looking desperate and it seemed like all hope was lost until let's go the boat gamer I am so glad to see you buddy this is this is great this is great awesome yeah everybody everybody everyone will be detonated in 10 minutes you'll need to settle who gets to live then you must make your way to the roof of the tallest skyscraper where I will be in the helicopter waiting for you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] survivors you have five minutes I repeat five minutes until the nuke is dropped if you want to live it gets to the roof of the skyscraper immediately [Music] together now I know I said I can say 15 of you and I could but I'm not going to instead I want to see which one of you truly deserves to survive here's some revolvers you get a single bullet each only one of you is getting on this helicopter you have 60 seconds until the nuke detonates [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MARCUSK
Views: 1,652,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft civilization, marcusk, ish, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, 100 players, 100 players simulate
Id: gBz5UDSyDg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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