100 Players Simulate Medieval Civilization in Ark

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I split 100 Arc players between four medieval Empires and let them battle to the death to see which civilization is the strongest however in this experiment all tame dinosaurs are banned winning players can only travel on foot throughout the entire Island just like the medieval times will they make peace this is 100 players simulate medieval civilizations in Ark survival evolved thank you the first group of 25 players spawned in a calm beachfront area towards the south of the map they had a very easy start as conditions of this area were not harsh in the least what I didn't tell any of the teams however was that I had placed a small Outpost near each of their sports that contained very valuable medieval loo to help them get started in their civilizations this group was the first team to stumble across the Outpost so they went inside and began looting they found some cannibals some smoke bombs and some materials such as high to make clothing but they started to get angry as this was on their territory so they began breaking it now we head to the second group of 25 who had spawned in the west of the map their area was a little cold but mostly calm so they had yet another relaxed dog nearly all of the players in the civilization were now into the jungle to farm for materials such as wood Stone and food while there was a select view that began building the base on a large Hill and stuck out from the rest of the land from what I gathered this civilization's aim was pretty much to play defensive and build a large Ward base our next civilization of 25 encountered some other problems the cold they spawned in the north of the map and it was absolutely freezing to help them out a little bit I put some Fur clothing in their Outpost so they sent a small team went out and began suiting up the rest of their players have started building some boats and a little crafting area with a fire the fourth and final team of 25 had made some incredible progress they spawn near a peaceful Island that was resource Rich this civilization was also the first to name themselves and they called their team the Great Wall they had started construction on a large defensive wall as well as surrounding the entire island with wooden spikes a dock was also built to allow easy access for loot to be imported by their players that were out farming for large quantities of materials this efficient method of Transport meant the players of the Great Wall could supercharge production we now go back to our first team who had built a small base now instead of using the smoke grenades I supplied for something useful one of the players decided to fill the entire base up with smoke and like the whole server but you'll be very surprised to see what they found inside it's raid Shadow Legends they have just released a limited series called raid cool of arbiter which is an absolutely insane animation series plus it's available to watch right now for free if you're a fan of awesome animation you're going to love this this series by Ray drops new episodes every Thursday at 10 AM EST from now until 20th now I want to take a moment to share my honest impressions of the series firstly the animation is Top Notch the current Arc in the first few episodes have not failed to impress and if you want to explore the captivating world this is 100 the series for you and that's not all raid is also releasing lore videos and behind the scenes content on YouTube expanding the world of raid Shadow Legends you can discover the backstories of Champions you see in game at last now let's talk about some more features and activities related to raid call of arbiter it is celebrating the series with new Champions more law connected to the show and a bunch of events for players to participate in just like my videos whereas even right now an open opportunity for all players to get Air Attack One of the five new characters from the show as a playable legendary champion for completely free all you have to do is log into raid for seven days between now and July 24th trust me you don't want to miss out on this and if you haven't started playing raid yet I got a special Off of You by using my link in the description or scanning my QR code you're going to get the insane bonuses we're taking an epic champion your name Drake from the lizard manufacturing and other useful items to Kickstart your journey in raid Shadow Legends don't forget to use my link in the description or scan the QR code to get the insane bonuses for completely free the civilization on the west of the map had named their team the monkey Club but in the middle of doing this a rude player from another team had found their base and attacked some players but the root player soon realized the monkey club would decently geared and ready to defend so he had no other option than to run eventually this root player managed to get far enough away from the monkey club to go into the jungle and Escape but I wanted to make things more interesting as everyone seemed way to relax so I added a group of three mythical traders who would go around the map and trade items that can't be collected by normal players first the Traders headed over to the Great Wall civilization base and the players inside had no idea what in the world was approaching them it actually turned out the Great Wall had a mysterious leader that ordered some players to go and inspect these Traders when these players arrived on boats negotiations between the Traders and the Great Wall began and the players soon informed the leader of the Great Wall that these Traders were indeed friendly and looking to exchange goods this leader the Great War was so secretive about turned out to be Donald Trump who is taking this whole thing very seriously as you'll see he decided that before he was to leave the base he needed a makeover so the Great Wall special operations team prepared some scissors and performed the haircut then it was time to head out they began first by staring down the trailers and then they moved to boats where they would travel to meet them but while Donald and the Great Wall were advancing to meet the mythical Traders it seemed the goopers from South one of the map had discovered the great Wall's base and they were on their way to Rey their three boats all carrying multiple people and they were fully ready for an all-out War they began their journey and the estimated time of arrival was 10 minutes from now back over at the Great Wall Donald Trump had arrived he had began negotiating with the mythical Traders he then learned that they had a rideable animal which is completely impossible for any other player in the event to get Donald said to the Traders he wanted to do a deal and he offered 5 000 pieces of hide the Traders surprisingly accepted the Great Wall now made a deal that made them own something more powerful than ever it was a grizzly bear this was beyond powerful as no medieval armor or Weapon by itself could stop the power of a bear there would have to be an entire Army to attack and kill this thing to take it down as the Traders left with their goods Donald ordered for the bear to be taken back to the base and used as an offense for any oncoming attackers the Great Wall was by far the most offended civilization on the entire Island they had something that could kill anything that stood in its path only an army could take this thing down and so Donald ordered for everyone to get back to work but it wasn't the best time as the goopers were soon to arrive and now we go back to the civilization in the north they'd been busy constructing multiple attack boats and their aim was to fight on the water their boats had spikes for defense plus ballista and catapult man-ridden turrets that could be used at rage this civilization called themselves the big Empire and it was actually looking really good we go back to the Great Walls base and there was silence in the air the entire of the goopers team had grouped up onto one boat and they were going in for an ambitious all-out War they began by moving around the outskirts of the base and then heading straight for the main entrance of the Great Walls Port just as they were moving in people of the Great Wall didn't really realize until something happened one of the members of the goopers secretly swam into the base to the spiked wall and placed some Gunpowder they blocked the front spikes and all charge into the courtyard of the Castle's entrance then the grouparian Army charged up the side of the hill and headed to the top of the great Wall's base when they began searching for an easy way into the castle instead they found the great Wall's metal smelting rig and so they began to loot in the distance however the goopers heard a roaring sound and it came with an offense they did not expect it was an Almighty grizzly bear with a soldier riding it the goopers ran for mercy and begun screaming as the bear killed one of their players as the bear began turning around for another charge it managed to trap another of the Cooper's players but the groupers had strength and they decided to group up and try and scare the bear off they managed to throw multiple arrows multiple Spears into the bear and this made it go back to base the goopers were recharged and ready to attack so they began moving into the courtyard of the castle and you wouldn't guess what they did next they packed grappling hooks with crossbows and so the goopers were able to scale the Great Wall by managing to take over one of the towers the Great Wall people had no choice but to retreat many of them were getting slaughtered by the goopers then the goopers managed to trap the bear inside this foundation and they managed to kill it the groupers were completely obliterating the great Wars tribe at this point and they really had no other option but to retreat by retreating the groupers managed to kill Donald Trump the leader of the Great Wall now all that was left of the Great Wall people was the Special Operations team who had ended up hiding inside one of the towers just as the groupers were leaving to go and try find more players to kill the Special Operations team saw their chance and they decided to close the gate securing the base once again but the groupers weren't going to let the Great Wall get off this easy and so they began finding a way to get back into this base first they tried gunpowder then they realized that wasn't effective enough so they started using axes trying to tear down the Walls made out of wood but there was one more gate so the goopers used their special option a cannon by shooting the cannon they managed to blow a hole in the gate but there was no one to be seen the Special Operations team wasn't in the base anymore the Great Wall special ops team managed to escape on boats around the back of the base as well as some refugees they found along the way while the goopers enjoyed looting and getting all the valuable loot from the great Wall's base all of the Great Wall members had to retreat onto the island where they sat on a rock and thought about what they do they decided their best bet was to just try and stay grouped up and go into the jungle to regroup and hide but they weren't happy and they were going to get revenge on the goopers one day [Music] the goopers got in their boats and continued back to their old base over at the monkey Club civilization it seemed the Traders had arrived one of the monkey club members spotted the trailers so he told the group to walk up and approach peacefully then they asked what the Traders had to trade the Traders responded with horses and magical poison potions which the monkey Club got surprised by they then exchanged nearly all of their hide supplies for two horses and 10 magical poison spells which was a pretty good trade these horses could be used to outrun soldiers as well as using a lance to kill oncoming attackers poison potions on the other hand could be used as a throwable grenade and they would knock entire armies unconscious if used correctly the problem is I don't know if horses are going to even help the monkey Club because there were two members from the Great rule civilization and they were coming in by parachutes even though it was raining these two players were going straight in for the monkey club's base and I really don't know how they found it in the first place but they were on the way but now it was time for the great big Empire to shine their leader General big Frank Was preparing a speech and he was getting ready to go and attack the Great Wall space what they didn't really know was the Great Wall was already completely raided but they lined up what they called their SS destroyers and they began heading for the Great Wall civilization the big Empire was incredibly organized plus they had spikes ballistas and catapult turrets on their boats they were pretty powerful but back to the two soldiers from the Great Wall that were going in for the monkey Club Space these guys were just arriving with their parachutes and they decided to go straight in for the monkey club's main Defense Tower I'm not sure why but they were pretty obvious and the monkey Club saw this really easily and began shooting arrows towards them however there's no way the monkey Club were gonna go up there so the monkey members decided they were going to make these guys come down to them they decided to destroy one of the towers pillars and this was the exact one that the player was standing on this meant both of them had to come down luckily they survived with parachutes but as soon as they reached the floor they had to run run there were way too many of these monkey members and they were going to get killed if they stayed in there they managed to escape out into the woods however the multi-club members were now on four-wheeler and they began preparing their large base for another raid now we go back to the big Empire themselves General big Frank knew the base location of the great wall and so they moved in to start with these guys were very careful however the members started to realize this base was completely deserted and no one was in it there was not even any loot anywhere any animals of any kind it was just an empty desolate base and so the general had only one option either take the space or go back to their boats and stay safe they decided to head back onto their boats and start looking for more bases to attack General Big Frank's Almighty plan for the big Empire was to stay on their boats and travel around the entire side of the island hoping they could find some sort of coastal civilization like the monkey Club back over at the monkey Club it seemed more people were parachuting but it wasn't the Great Wall it was the goopers and they were here for a full raid now the goopers were here monkey Club was here and the great Wars here the only civilization on the island that wasn't at the monkey club's base was the big Empire but as you know they're going around right now searching the coast for bases as all of this was going on the goopers managed to trap multiple members of the monkey club and they ended up killing this guy right here there was a lot of Loot on this one particular man and the Coopers use it to their advantage they went round killing nearly all of the monkey club members and in the meanwhile the Great Wall team started killing the monkey club's horses meaning any of the remaining monkey Club players had no means of Escape in the slightest and this right here is the second last monkey Club member dying now the goopers knew there was one more and they really tried searching the entire basement but they couldn't find him however this one member made the biggest mistake of his life he decided to throw some magical potions off the side of his face throwing these poison grenades meant that the goopers could find out where he was and two groupers went up behind him forcing him to parachute off the cliff he was then forced to go into the water where the goopers had special ops seal members waiting to attack him with Spears this monkey Club member was a one versus army there was no way he would survive he ended up swimming for so long that he ran out of stamina and the members of the goopers managed to end his life and that was the end of the monkey Club civilization but even though the monkey Club civilization was gone the goopers weren't going to be let off that easy the big Empire had found the base and led by General big Frank they were going to intimidate the goopers they decided instead of going with all their SS destroyers they would use the king's flag boat to intimidate these goopers and get them to try and be followed and so it worked exactly how they planned the grouper's tank boat went straight for the big Empire however these groupers didn't know what they were in for as they weren't following any armed bow they were just about to run into them the big Empire's SS destroyers were going straight for the goopers and they began shooting ballistas and catapults into the goopers boats these guys had no other option than to completely drive away from the scene and so the goopers ended up being chased by gentle big Frank this meant the players inside the grouper's boat had no other option but to literally go to Shore and run away so that's what they did the groupers broke the wall run as fast as they possibly could and went into the jungle the big Empire's plan was to stay on their boats and guard the water and they did it pretty well as no one was going to mess with these guys on the water that's for sure now you might be wondering where the hell were the Great Wall instead of staying at the monkey Club Space their players went back to their base and began rebuilding bigger than ever these guys had a fully specced out Castle completely rebuilt completely refurbished and more defensive than ever their Builder Ace was one of the best guys I'd ever seen and he was working 24 7 to make this base as good as possible but the Great Wall wanted revenge on these goopers and so they formulated a plan and I was involved in it they wanted me to negotiate with the goopers to make a meeting at green orb so I did it and it turns out these guys's plan was to use delivery balloons to go up into the air use grappling hooks and surprise the goopers with a grenade attack and so this is exactly what the Great Wall did they got their grappling hooks latched onto these delivery balloons and set the destination to the green Obelisk all three of these dudes were ready to Reign Hellfire on the goopers two of the grouper's members and these were their best pvps arrived at Green Obelisk and they saw the Great War members coming in with parachutes now these guys had swords Shields and crossbows so they were ready for anything the Great Wall parachuting soldiers came in on top of the Rocks as well as above the goopers and they threw grenades this caused one of the groupas to completely stress out and jump off the cliff meaning the other one had to follow these guys were now both trapped in a little ring below green on and they started pvping the Great Wall because they were so prepared they actually managed to kill both of the great Wars PVP members though because they only killed two and not three this meant there was one member that could head back to the Great Walls civilization base and informed the tribe of what's happened but before we do go to that it turned out the big Empire had arrived at the great wall and this was actually a planned meeting because the big Empire wanted to do an alliance with the great wall and so the king of the Great Wall decided to sit in his throne and talk to the big Empire's leader General big Frank when the big Empire sat down they were faced with the King the king of the big Empire was actually kind of fond of the idea as he had lost a lot of his members to the goopers Frank then said to the king that he could offer him soldiers but they weren't really too sure if they wanted to live in the same base together because each wanted to be the leader now Frank's intentions weren't exactly true as the door behind them was closed he did what he was meaning to do to this king of the Great Wall what Frank really did was throw gunpowder grenades at the king and then one of Frank's members managed to get him with a grapple the King was completely trapped next to Frank's Army and he was getting set on fire and damaged by the minute now the king just managed to make it out alive but one of Frank's members set him on fire and this meant as he was burning to death he ended up dying out in his Courtyard and this meant the Great Wall was taken over by the big Empire meaning all of the members within the group were now led by the general himself General big Frank but just as the big Empire began celebrating they were caught off guard the goopers had already made their way into the base broken the spike walls and instead of targeting members to kill from the Star they used grapples and crossbows to scale to the roof of the base where they had access to catapult and ballistators however the newly refound big Empire had access to something these guys would have never expected they had access to a catapult and jars of oil and so the general himself big Frank ordered for oil to be fired straight at the castle even though it was his own base he wanted to kill these goobers as fast as possible the goobers ended up having to leave and go into a lower levels of this castle one goober however did not want to go as far down as the courtyard he decided to stay on the roof and try and kill some more big facts people but this one single group of Bravery didn't turn out too good for him he ended up being completely trapped because oil was surrounded and he was on a wood platform this Brave goober had no other option than to wield his shield and hope for the best but it wasn't just the kubas who were doing bad a lot of General Big Frank's people were also dying some Luck came in and the big empire did manage to secure the top of the base however there were goobers scattered in the bottom of the base hiding in bushes and hiding in the castle but another Brave goober wanted to kill some more of the General's people his luck didn't enter good room a Jarvis flung straight at him and he ended up unfortunately dying in the midst of battle General big Frank seemed to be setting his entire base on fire but it was working really effectively as he managed to kill multiple multiple goobers using this tactic but still there were many goobers that kept trying to get The High Ground of this Castle so they could deplete General Big Frank's Army some of the big Empire's most skilled soldiers managed to get up to the very very top of the base where they filled the Catapult with a jar of oil and the next thing they did was go straight for these goobers inside the bushes they managed to kill one with a single shot as others scaled the walls of the castle General big Frank himself started fighting with a sword Frank ordered for more men to be put up on top of these walls so they could start outnumbering the groupers but these people were too slow and many of them were dead the goopers also kept using gunpowder which kept killing so many of the big Empire's soldiers you wouldn't believe Frank had no other option than to go with his special ops team and try and kill the goobers he was face to face with the Enemy and he was not going to give up unfortunately after grenades were thrown there was only a few goobers left Frank and one PVP this PVP had taken control of the king's old armor and he'd started killing a lot of people already he was down in the courtyard he was using a flame crossbow to try and kill as many goobers as physically possible Frank and this Soldier were talking on the mice and they were saying how they should make a trap as these groupers were inside the bottom area of the castle and the only way they could Escape was through two entrances Frank was on the other side and this PVP was here so he set up a cannon if anyone entered this entrance he's gonna kill them Frank set up a booby trap which was gonna blow anyone up the trip past the while the goobers were now stuck inside the bottom layer of the castle with no means of escape and this PVP around Frank were looking like they were about to win one of the goobers set off the Trap meaning they died this meant there was only one left so Frank went inside threw a smoke grenade and at the perfect time the pvpr shot the cannon this meant that the big Empire had won led by General big Frank himself they managed to go from the coldest place on the map to having the most powerful navy to comment during the Great Walls Base by killing the king the big Empire will go down as the most devious Army in Ark event history don't forget to install raid Shadow Legends by scanning this QR code thank you
Channel: Mr Smart Guy
Views: 284,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: civilization, ark war, ark simulate civilization, ark rp, ark 100 players, ark society, ark nations, ark 100 days, 100 players, 100 people, mr smart guy, 100 players simulate, ark survival evolved, ark civilization 100 players, ark, 100 days ark, arc, medieval civilization in ark, medieval times, ark the island, ark pvp, ark pve, peace or war, society or war, rich vs poor, funny, battle, 200 days, modded, 100 players simulate MASSIVE civilization, minecraft civilization
Id: 5Z34WbjvAGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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