100 Players Simulate Civilization in ARK!

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I split 100 Art players I've got four primitive Empires and let them battle to the death to see which civilization is the strongest of all will they make peace or will they wage war this is a hundred art players simulates primitive civilization in Ark survival evolved [Music] first up we have the wooden tribe after sporting in some of them went and saved some hyenas they also had set up some Stone foundations and sent most of their players out to get resources however there were the odd few that set up their own Camp to try and stay away from the team over at the Alpine tribe they spawned in and they started building some nice foundations as well as a small crafting station they needed to seriously stay warm so in order they also had a mammoth run into base and attack however they all grouped up as a good team and killed it with some crossbows and bows [Music] over at the chalk Hills they were not the most productive team but some of their members did run out and they made a small crafting station with some fires however there were dangerous dinosaurs roaming nearby the other few of their members as they spawn a ditch decided to build a louder up to get out for some reason there was actually a cave to escape but instead they decided to go for the parachute and Ladder approach to escape there's no reason behind this but I guess they did what they did the Redwood team was severely productive they managed to tame some pts they started farming resources and they made a big group and decided where they moved their base to they decided to move to this large castle where there was Wars to defend to move their players over to the castle as the Redwoods are so dangerous yet to move their players by one on a terrible some building with a gun and it was pretty productive at this point back over at the Alpine their best bet was to tame a bunch of animals they started taming wolves and they were pretty successful with this they had a few members die but all was going well bang was getting pretty strong at this point as they had a lot more teams than anyone else one of their members had also tamed the mammoth they also tamed argies and started setting up spikes and Gates around their base to give it some fortification some individual players also started taming rhinos over at the wooden space they were making some solid progress they tape a bunch of hyenas as well as bread them and then a large Stone base setup there was a few issues and one of them was they kept getting attacked by dinosaurs first dinosaur the kid to attack them the Conor was waiting outside their base trying to kill them and ended up killing one player but they were all right a bronzo then moved into their base and started attacking as well however they were organized from the first attack and decided to move it into the water they then surrounded the Bronto and started shooting at arrows after some great communication they then ended it [Music] the Redwood players went to building and resource collection as their main option half their players went out to collect resources the other half stayed in building they were doing pretty well at this point and they had some good stuff set up their main Builder ghost added errors in the walls in which they could shoot to defend the Redwood team had set up some refining forages so they could get metal they also started farming wood to fuel them their building was going very good however the one issue they had was dinos they kept getting their pts killed by various diners like carnos and terabytes over the truck Hills they had set up their first base however they quickly abandoned it and decided to make their second base I don't know what was going through their mind at this point but their players had nearly all died due to various natural hazards and they then decided to start parachuting off the cliff don't know what was going through their mind but they had one thing good and that was their PT Army completely useless they had nothing going for the battle but I guess it's talking awesome over at The Woodlands akano ran into base and started killing their members they were seriously struggling at this point in the meantime some of their other members killed an alpha Rex which is great A worse thing happened a Rex came into base luckily they had their gates up it was all right but the Rex is getting angry and they decided on a plan they try and trap the rights with Gates and knock it out so they got their members organized on top of the building and tried to trapping it with pts and some gates the PT's led the Rex over to the side of the base and they tried trapping it he killed it oh hyena has got one is to get the wrecks in the Trap and finally knock it out with trunks over at the Alpine they were doing pretty well they had a lot of metal smelting and they had a hell of a lot of teams they had a bunch of orgies hankies wolves and they even had some members going out together some of their players were doing various things this guy for example just decided to go AFK for half an hour but then he got straight back to work and started flying for no reason the Redwood tribe was doing very well there are good base setup they continued building and one of their members decided to ride a monkey but apart from that the building was going great it started setting up Gates [Music] next up is the election stage each team would be asked to elect a leader to lead their future civilization I'm letting you know that now leaders you can stand on the Smithy when you want to do your speech who's gone first me I want to be leader because I want power power and win the whole thing that's why I want to be leader what's your policies gonna be [Music] and work hard and win the thing ladies and gentlemen of the Rebel tribe we are in but we need someone who can lead us into battle we need a full thinking team anyone that doesn't linger always there's a lot of stuff to be done and I believe that I may be able to do that as a leader but before I get all sorts on my agenda top thing on there remove friends okay who's next [Music] leader bro hey I can be leader I can be all right I want to be leader because I'm probably the best in here I want to organize this tribe yeah I want to like everything everyone's own storage book so no one's going to steal his [ __ ] no no Dyers getting stealed I'm going to organize everything we are going to win because um we're gonna organize it understand it yeah I love it I'm already elected didn't seem like organization convinced the people however next up was Arc a previous player yeah wait where's my water bottle I'm gonna have a quick sip of water God I have a nice liquidated throat here brothers and sisters of Arc Today We Gather here to elect a leader for our tribe under my rule odds tribe will flourish for we fight tooth and nail uphill and down we'll all have highs we will have lows but we will conquer all who oppose us whether that be one man or a whole Army under my rule We Will Conquer but not only will we conquer we will Thrive the Redwoods is a tough place but we are here we are alive because we are the grittiest toughest bastards out there if we get knocked down I know we'll get back up we will rise above and if they want to fight let them try if anyone who can go beyond our Despair and if they succeed they will face me my name is Val haznak I am the eldest son of the empress Black Veil azak don't be elected we learned because when we will even walk the most powerful and scary people in the server and that [ __ ] hate us because he's gonna win okay so I know I'm pretty sure which one is something like a dick kind of thing I'm not like a control freak like I don't really care like something honest but I take everyone's opinion and everything huh shush I take everyone's opinion in I'm pretty smart like I know what I'm doing I'm pretty realistic if you've heard me I have pretty good ideas and everything good at building bases and good defense I'm not like I just said I'm not a control freak I'm not gonna get mad or anything if someone wants to do something I'm like over suggestions of course and I can't someone still that might like concern a thing I'm not gonna get mad or anything so I'm pretty sure yeah it's gonna be the most fire speech ever oh God oh God that's probably about we will win this we will destroy every tribe we will come out Victorious for this event we will kill everyone [Music] what I think of that is lamb gets bullet uh the other guy you should start now perfect perfect each of the Redwood leaders stood in different places and the people that moved to who they wanted to be elected clearly it was about he had loads of foes thank you everyone thank you for your faith in me [Music] I choose the last one yeah last one is best who's the last one is the Aztec he's Dutch as well sir um next stop was the building stage each team would have to build the best looking base they can and the winner would get a big prize the Redwood team seemed to be doing very well with this as the castle was looking absolutely amazing they'd set up a huge wall as well as their players going out and Gathering plant angles to defend the Redwoods were looking absolutely amazing oh and I don't know if you noticed the Woodland players became very disorganized and moved their base location so they had no leader they didn't even have an election but they had a new base and they did have a lot of planets set up to defend so they might be disorganized but they're doing pretty well some other Alpine members started setting up a new base location they had Gates around and a lot of spikes this was a wyvern breeding center they'd also set their base up in a cave they had a bunch of Wyvern eggs they gathered and loads of metal floating they were doing very well at this point and they had completely refurbished everything they had once before the Redwood team space was looking absolutely amazing that spikes up their plantex their Gates they had a large wall and they blocked off the entire entrance to their base and they also had a little baby monkey foreign ERS have dropped a player from Woodlands HBK decided to go over to alpines with a silence and long neck and started shooting the wyverns they had little did they know HBK was hiding in the snow and they had no idea where he was [Music] he annoyed them for about half an hour straight he kept doing damage they were getting seriously confused at this point and really annoyed HBK was doing his job to annoy people you also pulled out a few Nets and started netting their wyverns I honestly do not know how they didn't find him but they were seriously struggling yeah I'm going around looking for people to kill especially like by themselves the road to school but HBK nearly got assault on one of their members [Music] it goes in for a nap and kills one of their players that's the end of it he's dead the wyverns even after going straight past him do not know where he was he got a little bit scared and ran off After PT chased him he ended up hiding inside a bush he lost him once again over at the Redwood base it was looking great their build was immense they had loads of spikes loads of gates loads of Defense loads of contacts and a large wall also the Redwoods went out and got their first wyvern which was a good thing for them over at The Woodlands base they'd set up some defense they had bunch of spikes plantex Gates and even more plantex as well as a wall they had a lot of times and a lot of Indy forges they were pretty productive at this point however a lot of their players were out doing resource so now if I'm playing manager sneaking but he was killed the chalk kills team was down to five players and they decided to go into Redwood territory and set camp in the oil Cape they were down to five players as nearly all of their players had died from natural cause and a few woodlanders attacking they'd set up a small Stone base but for the next two hours I saw little to no progress within their team the war stage was getting close and the Alpine players were ready they had a bunch of wyverns gate set up and they were in full defense mode after that scare from hpk they were not happy at all thank you [Applause] we go back to HBK he was able to free Alpine but he needed to go back to his base resources for his plan to return back to the Alpine base with quick trip back he was ready to return to Alpine for a final attack now Frieza come on bro you got him okay dude at the base hey yeah oh he's running out he's running out we need to go back to this we need to go back to base [Music] foreign [Music] player moved in and tried attacking some Redwood members they were not happy about this and tried starting to pick him with a PT but the Alpine players knew where the redwood's base was this is not good at all the next stop was coming was a full-blown raid the alpines had wyverns ready to go and they were preparing that was it the Alpine players moved in with their wife and started attacking the Reverend players the Redwood players only had one wyvern versus an army oh yeah it actually hit most of them were outside on PTS and they then decided it was their best bet to let the one guy outside on the wyvern fight and the rest of them run inside the basement yeah they also had to struggle to close all the gates so no ground attack could be launched this was a big fight started getting very low and it even got netting Alpine players then use C4 to blow up into the redwood's main gate this was nice killing some of them nice nice it was not looking at all good for the Redwood tribe the Alpine players started ganging up at the main entrance ready to breach in on foot as the wyverns were distracting players on foot tried to breach the battle continued there was some wyvern PVP one versus four however something happened at the Alpine base the woodlanders were attacking all the Alpine players fled from the Redwood base this was not good in the slightest of Alpine they got raided once and we're now getting raided again all of their members moved their wyverns in and tried killing the Skinner the Giga got froze stuck and they managed to do what they needed to do this was an intense battle but the Alpine seemed to be taking the lead even though the wooden players had a gigger just [ __ ] white I'm coming down after some serious fighting the Giga was eventually killed and the woodlands no longer had their raid from the outline players it seemed that now as Woodlands had lost their gigger and redwoods were seriously injured the Alpine players were in the lead with their massive Army of wyverns they were ready for a comeback they started rebuilding their main entrances this beginning of a serious fight the wooden planes literally did they realize Alpine members were going on top of their base with wyverns wooden players saw outside and got seriously scared at this point there was only five wooden players left and they had to go out on defense they managed to net enough on wyvern but it wasn't enough their wrecks also couldn't fight the wyvern as the cliff was in the way the Rex managed to kill one wyvern but they still were not looking the best as Alpine had more and more wyverns they kept bringing in the Woodland player moved on his wrecks tried killing as many as he can they managed to make a small combo where the wyverns kept moving in and moving out wasn't really much The Woodlands can do the greatest man on the server Val hazak from the previous video flew on an RG with his Redwood members and they tried making a comeback on Woodlands he knew their base location as an inside man working for the woodlands gave it away without his art was ready to attack he didn't have much but he did have a rocket launcher that was up moving solo get a ghillie suit first went up to the Woodlands base and started hiding ready to launch his Rockets so I crawled up had no idea all they could hear was Rockets exploding they did not know where they did not know who but they were robbers are managed to shoot the plantex and take a significant amount we tried reaching the main entrance but the metal gates were very strong balthazov moved out on his ID it was quite stressed at this point as you think they might have found him Mozart moved over to the main entrance and started hiding bush then decided you'd try to make a run for it he ran with his dropper however a woodland player saw he tried to rpj in the context and the wooden player was on him he then got followed without his art panicked he turned around and just fired a rocket [Music] Alpine players then moved in with wyverns it was now a 5v1 an Alpine player moved to the entrance and the one Woodland player was getting really stressed at this point he tried moving out to pick but it was unsuccessful the Alpine player on the wyvern started breath attacking and the woodlander had to go back inside the base he moved out again to try and get another pick completely unsuccessful he managed to pick one of them though and he brought him inside the base attempting to get his animals to kill him it didn't work the two Alpine players were outside just camping the wooden gun moved out managed to pick but he got whipped the Woodland and netted the wyven and both Alpine players were getting stressed as he just spawned in a Rex and killed the wyvern they both fell down the waterfall and the woodlander was following them this was not looking good for the Alpine players one of them moved inside the tunnel while the other one hit in the waterfall the wooden player chased them down and killed the Alpine player hiding inside the tunnel the Woodland had then turned around and realized one of the Alpine players was hidden inside the waterfall it's the wife I'll get the waterfall I'll see it he managed to move in there bowl at him whip out a pistol and kill him now it was a 2V1 there was some more PVP the wooden player was getting shot by the Alpine player with a shotgun he started dodging but he then pulled out the wrecks the Alpine player got scared and ran off into the jungle to hide he's actually looking pretty promising for the wooden player as he still had a wrecks and all they had was a few wyverns the Woodland player then moved back into his base as he saw the Alpine player run in and tried to hide this was a stupid move by the Alpine player as the woodlander had all of his teams inside the base ready to be on aggressive that was it he said his team's on aggressive and they went running after the Alpine player they instantly killed his wyvern which was unconscious on the floor with Crow sickness the Alpine player started running around the base but the diners were doing so much damage and they have Dynamics The Wooden Duck managed to close the gates and the Alpine player was completely stuck there was dinosaurs inside the base and there was no Escape for this player he was guaranteed dead this was a standoff they were ready to fight each other one on one they both had Bowlers and it was up to some ground PVP after a few messes from each of them the Alpine player managed to land Ebola and he had a shotgun on hand the woman dodged all of the bullets and managed to make a comeback the Alpine player was then stormed by a bunch of aggressive dinos that the woodlander owned and his death was coming near after five minutes of constant chastening the Alpine player then moved over to the Rocks but a hyenas managed to catch up to him and completely kill him it was now a 2V1 the woodlander managed to kill three Alpine players and he wasn't even that much damaged he then started pvping another Alpine player at the front of the base there was a shotgun and some folders managed to borrow the Alpine player the Alpine player ran inside the base and this was a mistake they should have learned from before the Alpine player was inside the base and yet again the woodlander had closed the gate he was completely stuck there was no Escape for him he calls them over towards him and all his deinonychuses are ready waiting however the last Alpine player moves in with an army of wyverns they're ready to go in for the last final attack they sit outside the base camping and waiting for the woodlander to come outside and fight the wooden door does a special move he tricks the Alpine players into thinking the gate is open in reality he's placed C4 on the front entrance ready for one of them to walk in they fall right into the Trap the Alpine player Waits there trying to shoot Bowlers and he then does the stupid decision to walk inside the base the wyverns are now crashing against the door there's no Escape for the Wonder but there's also an Alpine player trapped inside the woodlander has C4 placed and he initiates his plan to blow up these Alpine players for good he runs back for cover and the Alpine player takes the beat it's now a 1v1 after five Alpine players this woodlander has killed four of them he then runs out with aggressive dinonicuses and tries killing the wyverns that he's just netted the last Alpine player is on top breath attacking he's safe but the other weapons are not the Alpine player moves in and gets ready to breath attack he then starts biting and the wood under is completely stuck there's no escape room the Alpine player keeps attacking and attacking and attacking and the woodlander is dead this is it the Alpine players have won after six hours of grueling work and a 5v1 the last Alpine player managed to take back the Victory and win this event if you'd like to join this event join the Discord and bio and thank you to all the 100 players that participated in this six hour event see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mr Smart Guy
Views: 888,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc, 100 players in arc, arc civilization, 100 player civilization, civilizations in arc, 100 players, 100 players arc, mr smart guy, arc experiment, arc ragnarok, arc valguero, arc hardcore, 100 player civilizations, peace or war, society or war, arc pvp, arc pve, arc battle, factions, funny, videos, happy, arc videos, arc survival island, rich vs poor, civilization, 100 days, 200 days, modded, discord, event, civilization event, arc war, minecraft, primitive simulation, simulate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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